path: root/docs/internship/unit_tests
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2016-12-14Create internship dir in docsMorgan Richomme1-0/+70
to be used for internship documentation Change-Id: Iad0be6025344ae19fcd218ee46794f090943b32e Signed-off-by: Morgan Richomme <morgan.richomme@orange.com>
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# Copyright 2015-2016 Intel Corporation.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

# This file describes a list of testcases.  Each testcase is described as a
# dictionary in a list of dictionaries.
# The dictionary keys, their meanings and available values are:
# "Name": "phy2phy_burst",         # A human-readable string identifying the
#                                  # test.
# "Traffic Type": "rfc2544",       # One of the supported traffic types.
#                                  # It can be overridden by cli option traffic_type.
#                                  # Default value is "rfc2544".
# "Deployment": "p2p",             # One of the supported deployment scenarios.
# "Description": "Lorem ipsum..."  # Optional. A human-readable string
#                                  # describing the test.
# "Frame Modification": "vlan"     # One of the supported frame modifications:
#                                  # vlan, mpls, mac, dscp, ttl, ip_addr,
#                                  # ip_port.
# "biDirectional": [true|false],   # Specifies if generated traffic will be
#                                  # full-duplex (true) or half-duplex (false)
#                                  # It can be overridden by cli option bidirectional.
#                                  # Default value is "false".
# "MultiStream": 0-65535           # Optional. Defines number of flows simulated
#                                  # by traffic generator. Value 0 disables
#                                  # MultiStream feature
#                                  # It can be overridden by cli option multistream.
# "Stream Type": ["L2"|"L3"|"L4"]  # Optional. Stream Type is an extension
#                                  # of the "MultiStream" feature. If MultiStream
#                                  # is disabled, then Stream Type will be ignored.
#                                  # Stream Type defines ISO OSI network layer
#                                  # used for simulation of multiple streams.
#                                  # It can be overridden by cli option stream_type.
#                                  # Values:
#                                  #    "L2" - iteration of destination MAC address
#                                  #    "L3" - iteration of destination IP address
#                                  #    "L4" - iteration of destination port
#                                  #           of selected transport protocol
#                                  # Default value is "L4".
# "Pre-installed Flows": ["Yes"|"No"]
#                                  # Optional. Pre-installed Flows is an extension
#                                  # of the "MultiStream" feature. If MultiStream
#                                  # is disabled, then Pre-installed Flows will be
#                                  # ignored. It defines if stream specific flows
#                                  # will be inserted into OVS or not.
#                                  # It can be overridden by cli option
#                                  # pre-installed_flows
#                                  # Values:
#                                  #    "Yes" - flows will be inserted into OVS
#                                  #    "No"  - flows won't be inserted into OVS
#                                  # Default value is "No".
# "Flow Type": ["port"|"IP"]       # Optional. Defines flows complexity. In case
#                                  # it isn't specified, then "port" will be used.
#                                  # Values:
#                                  #    "port" - flow is defined by ingress ports
#                                  #    "IP"   - flow is defined by ingress ports
#                                  #             and src and dst IP addresses
# "iLoad": 0-100                   # Optional. Defines desired percentage
#                                  # of frame rate used during continuous stream
#                                  # tests. Can be overridden by cli option
#                                  # iload.
#                                  # Default value is 100.
# "Load": dictionary               # Optional. Configures background load
#                                  # during testcase execution.
#   Description of "Load" dictionary keys, their meanings and available values:
#   "tool": "stress"               # One of the supported load generators.
#   "load": 0-100                  # percentage of cores which should be
#                                  # utilized by load generator
#                                  # e.g. load = 70%, detected cpu cores = 14 =>
#                                  # round(14*0.7)=10, i.e. 10 instances of load
#                                  # generator will be executed
#   "reserved": 0- (Default 0)     # Optional. Defines number of cores reserved
#                                  # for vsperf
#                                  # e.g. load = 80%, detected cpu cores = 14,
#                                  # reserved = 4 => round((14-4)*0.8)=8,
#                                  # i.e. 8 load gen. instances will be executed
#   "pattern" : "c"                # stress/stress-ng specific; Number of 'c',
#                                  # 'm' and 'i' defines ratio between cpu, mem
#                                  # and io workers respectively
#                                  # e.g. "ccccmmi" => ratio among workers types
#                                  # will be 3:2:1, so in case that 12 stress
#                                  # instances should be executed, then 6 cpu,
#                                  # 4 memory and 2 io workers will be executed
#   "load_memory": 0-100           # Optional. Defines percentage of the system
#                                  # memory, which should be utilized by memory
#                                  # workers (if they are part of "pattern").
#                                  # if not specified then default stress(-ng)
#                                  # value will be used
#   "options": ""                  # Optional. Additional command line options
#                                  # to be passed to the load generator.
# "vSwitch" : "OvsVanilla"         # Defines vSwitch to be used for test execution.
#                                  # It will override any VSWITCH option stated
#                                  # in configuration files or value specified
#                                  # on command line through --vswitch parameter.
# "VNF" : "QemuVirtioNet"          # Defines VNF to be used for test execution.
#                                  # It will override any VNF option stated
#                                  # in configuration files or value specified
#                                  # on command line through --vnf parameter.
# "Trafficgen" : "Dummy"           # Defines traffic generator to be used for test
#                                  # execution. It will override any VNF option
#                                  # stated in configuration files or value
#                                  # specified on command line through --trafficgen
#                                  # parameter.
# "Parameters" : "pkt_sizes=512"   # Defines list of test parameters used for test
#                                  # execution. It will override any values defined
#                                  # by TEST_PARAMS option stated in configuration
#                                  # files or values specified on command line through
#                                  # --test-params parameter.
# "Test Modifier": [FrameMod|Other],
# "Dependency": [Test_Case_Name |None],

        "Name": "phy2phy_tput",
        "Traffic Type": "rfc2544",
        "Deployment": "p2p",
        "biDirectional": "True",
        "Description": "LTD.Throughput.RFC2544.PacketLossRatio",
        "Name": "back2back",
        "Traffic Type": "back2back",
        "Deployment": "p2p",
        "biDirectional": "True",
        "Description": "LTD.Throughput.RFC2544.BackToBackFrames",
        "Name": "phy2phy_tput_mod_vlan",
        "Traffic Type": "rfc2544",
        "Deployment": "p2p",
        "Frame Modification": "vlan",
        "biDirectional": "False",
        "Description": "LTD.Throughput.RFC2544.PacketLossRatioFrameModification"
        "Name": "phy2phy_cont",
        "Traffic Type": "continuous",
        "Deployment": "p2p",
        "Description": "Phy2Phy Continuous Stream",
        "biDirectional": "True",
        "iLoad": "100",
        "Name": "pvp_cont",
        "Traffic Type": "continuous",
        "Deployment": "pvp",
        "Description": "PVP Continuous Stream",
        "biDirectional": "True",
        "iLoad": "100",
        "Name": "pvvp_cont",
        "Traffic Type": "continuous",
        "Deployment": "pvvp",
        "Description": "PVVP Continuous Stream",
        "biDirectional": "True",
        "iLoad": "100",
        "Name": "phy2phy_scalability",
        "Traffic Type": "rfc2544",
        "Deployment": "p2p",
        "biDirectional": "True",
        "Description": "LTD.Scalability.Flows.RFC2544.0PacketLoss",
        "MultiStream": "8000",
        "Name": "pvp_tput",
        "Traffic Type": "rfc2544",
        "Deployment": "pvp",
        "Description": "LTD.Throughput.RFC2544.PacketLossRatio",
        "biDirectional": "True",
        "Name": "pvp_back2back",
        "Traffic Type": "back2back",
        "Deployment": "pvp",
        "Description": "LTD.Throughput.RFC2544.BackToBackFrames",
        "biDirectional": "True",
        "Name": "pvvp_tput",
        "Traffic Type": "rfc2544",
        "Collector": "cpu",
        "Deployment": "pvvp",
        "Description": "LTD.Throughput.RFC2544.PacketLossRatio",
        "biDirectional": "True",
        "Name": "pvvp_back2back",
        "Traffic Type": "back2back",
        "Collector": "cpu",
        "Deployment": "pvvp",
        "Description": "LTD.Throughput.RFC2544.BackToBackFrames",
        "biDirectional": "True",
        "Name": "phy2phy_cpu_load",
        "Traffic Type": "rfc2544",
        "Deployment": "p2p",
        "biDirectional": "True",
        "Description": "LTD.CPU.RFC2544.0PacketLoss",
        "Load" : {
            "tool" : "stress-ng",
            "load" : 100,
            "reserved" : 4,
            "pattern" : "c",
        "Name": "phy2phy_mem_load",
        "Traffic Type": "rfc2544",
        "Deployment": "p2p",
        "biDirectional": "True",
        "Description": "LTD.Memory.RFC2544.0PacketLoss",
        "Load" : {
            "tool" : "stress-ng",
            "load" : 50,
            "pattern" : "m",
            "load_memory" : 80,
