path: root/docker
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2019-04-21Update all OpenStack refs to opendev.orgCédric Ollivier7-33/+27
2019-04-14Speed up lxml buildCédric Ollivier1-0/+1
2019-04-02Remove 1 Patrole test with a hardcoded vxlan idCédric Ollivier1-0/+1
2019-03-28Update ujson (Alpine 3.9)Cédric Ollivier1-0/+2
2019-03-24Update rest-client for IMS testingCédric Ollivier1-1/+1
2019-03-24Update to Apine 3.9Cédric Ollivier1-2/+2
2019-03-22Remove hardcoded tempos in heat_imsCédric Ollivier1-103/+126
2019-03-21Update RefStack list to 2018.11Cédric Ollivier2-428/+3
2019-03-19Do not allow testcase skipping in refstackJuha Kosonen1-0/+1
2019-03-18Avoid killing create_number.pyCédric Ollivier1-48/+59
2019-03-17Print monit summary before running IMS testingCédric Ollivier1-2/+2
2019-03-17Add sleeps and debugs in heat_imsCédric Ollivier1-52/+114
2019-03-13Boot Cassandra at the end of heat_ims stackCédric Ollivier1-16/+25
2019-03-13Remove Snaps-based testcasesCédric Ollivier2-43/+0
2019-03-12Add deps in clearwater.yamlCédric Ollivier1-8/+50
2019-03-11Allow building containers when refstack.openstack.org is downCédric Ollivier2-3/+428
2019-03-10Add dependencies in heat_imsCédric Ollivier1-72/+142
2019-03-08Remove SDNVPN as it doesn't participate to hunterCédric Ollivier2-14/+0
2019-03-07Modify the upstream Clearwater Heat filesCédric Ollivier3-129/+1603
2019-02-27Ensure boot order in heat_imsCédric Ollivier2-2/+131
2019-02-18Only run bgpvpn tempest api testsCédric Ollivier1-1/+1
2019-02-15Harden upper-constraints.txt operationsCédric Ollivier7-36/+33
2019-02-15Update rally to support one global htmlCédric Ollivier1-1/+1
2019-02-13Fix smoke testcase listCédric Ollivier1-14/+0
2019-02-12Set gnocchi as optional in Rally testcasesCédric Ollivier1-0/+6
2019-02-12Move rally_full in benchmarkingCédric Ollivier5-66/+12
2019-02-12Remove go cache dirCédric Ollivier1-1/+1
2019-02-12Select last git commit id from vyos blueprintCédric Ollivier1-1/+1
2019-02-11Update and enable Cloudify-based testcasesCédric Ollivier2-4/+3
2019-02-11Remove tempest_smoke from smokeCédric Ollivier1-18/+0
2019-02-07Move testcases in the right tiersCédric Ollivier6-11/+72
2019-02-03Update Cloudify imagesCédric Ollivier1-0/+2
2019-02-02Override tempest upper-contraintsCédric Ollivier3-9/+6
2019-01-31Update tempest to fix interfaces_by_fixed_ipCédric Ollivier1-2/+8
2019-01-27Set Gnocchi scenario as optional in rally testsJuha Kosonen2-0/+9
2019-01-14Remove fds in all branchesCédric Ollivier2-23/+1
2018-12-18Allow pulling Neutron reviews or tagsCédric Ollivier1-2/+4
2018-12-16Fix NEUTRON_RALLY_TAG in smokeCédric Ollivier1-1/+1
2018-11-16Fix cherry-pick mistakesCédric Ollivier1-6/+0
2018-11-15Switch to Clearwater Zamin (heat_ims)Cédric Ollivier1-1/+7
2018-11-06Run vnfs in all scenariosCédric Ollivier1-10/+0
2018-10-27Update rally and rally-openstack tagsCédric Ollivier1-3/+3
2018-10-25Revert "Temporarily switch to collivier/abot_charm"Cédric Ollivier1-1/+1
2018-10-25Temporarily switch to collivier/abot_charmCédric Ollivier1-1/+1
2018-10-06Read thirdparty-requirements.txt if py3Cédric Ollivier2-9/+10
2018-10-06Enable sfc and doctor in hunterCédric Ollivier2-4/+2
2018-09-24Update Juju to 2.3.9Cédric Ollivier1-1/+1
2018-09-20Add support for Rally OpenStack CI test casesJuha Kosonen2-0/+17
2018-09-15Disable test_auto_allocated_topology_rbac in patroleCédric Ollivier1-0/+1
2018-09-13Disable all OPNFV FeaturesCédric Ollivier2-5/+11