path: root/testcases/vPing/CI/libraries/vPing_ssh.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'testcases/vPing/CI/libraries/vPing_ssh.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 453 deletions
diff --git a/testcases/vPing/CI/libraries/vPing_ssh.py b/testcases/vPing/CI/libraries/vPing_ssh.py
deleted file mode 100644
index fa9770ba8..000000000
--- a/testcases/vPing/CI/libraries/vPing_ssh.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,453 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2015 All rights reserved
-# This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# 0.1: This script boots the VM1 and allocates IP address from Nova
-# Later, the VM2 boots then execute cloud-init to ping VM1.
-# After successful ping, both the VMs are deleted.
-# 0.2: measure test duration and publish results under json format
-import argparse
-import datetime
-import os
-import paramiko
-import pprint
-import re
-import time
-import yaml
-from scp import SCPClient
-from novaclient import client as novaclient
-from neutronclient.v2_0 import client as neutronclient
-from keystoneclient.v2_0 import client as keystoneclient
-from glanceclient import client as glanceclient
-import functest.utils.functest_logger as ft_logger
-import functest.utils.functest_utils as functest_utils
-import functest.utils.openstack_utils as openstack_utils
-pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
-parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
-image_exists = False
-parser.add_argument("-d", "--debug", help="Debug mode", action="store_true")
-parser.add_argument("-r", "--report",
- help="Create json result file",
- action="store_true")
-args = parser.parse_args()
-""" logging configuration """
-logger = ft_logger.Logger("vping_ssh").getLogger()
-REPO_PATH = os.environ['repos_dir'] + '/functest/'
-if not os.path.exists(REPO_PATH):
- logger.error("Functest repository directory not found '%s'" % REPO_PATH)
- exit(-1)
-with open(os.environ["CONFIG_FUNCTEST_YAML"]) as f:
- functest_yaml = yaml.safe_load(f)
-HOME = os.environ['HOME'] + "/"
-# vPing parameters
-PING_TIMEOUT = functest_yaml.get("vping").get("ping_timeout")
-TEST_DB = functest_yaml.get("results").get("test_db_url")
-NAME_VM_1 = functest_yaml.get("vping").get("vm_name_1")
-NAME_VM_2 = functest_yaml.get("vping").get("vm_name_2")
-GLANCE_IMAGE_NAME = functest_yaml.get("vping").get("image_name")
-GLANCE_IMAGE_FILENAME = functest_yaml.get("general").get("openstack").get(
- "image_file_name")
-GLANCE_IMAGE_FORMAT = functest_yaml.get("general").get("openstack").get(
- "image_disk_format")
-GLANCE_IMAGE_PATH = functest_yaml.get("general").get("directories").get(
- "dir_functest_data") + "/" + GLANCE_IMAGE_FILENAME
-FLAVOR = functest_yaml.get("vping").get("vm_flavor")
-# NEUTRON Private Network parameters
-PRIVATE_NET_NAME = functest_yaml.get("vping").get(
- "vping_private_net_name")
-PRIVATE_SUBNET_NAME = functest_yaml.get("vping").get(
- "vping_private_subnet_name")
-PRIVATE_SUBNET_CIDR = functest_yaml.get("vping").get(
- "vping_private_subnet_cidr")
-ROUTER_NAME = functest_yaml.get("vping").get(
- "vping_router_name")
-SECGROUP_NAME = functest_yaml.get("vping").get("vping_sg_name")
-SECGROUP_DESCR = functest_yaml.get("vping").get("vping_sg_descr")
-def pMsg(value):
- """pretty printing"""
- pp.pprint(value)
-def waitVmActive(nova, vm):
- # sleep and wait for VM status change
- sleep_time = 3
- count = VM_BOOT_TIMEOUT / sleep_time
- while True:
- status = openstack_utils.get_instance_status(nova, vm)
- logger.debug("Status: %s" % status)
- if status == "ACTIVE":
- return True
- if status == "ERROR" or status == "error":
- return False
- if count == 0:
- logger.debug("Booting a VM timed out...")
- return False
- count -= 1
- time.sleep(sleep_time)
- return False
-def waitVmDeleted(nova, vm):
- # sleep and wait for VM status change
- sleep_time = 3
- count = VM_DELETE_TIMEOUT / sleep_time
- while True:
- status = openstack_utils.get_instance_status(nova, vm)
- if not status:
- return True
- elif count == 0:
- logger.debug("Timeout")
- return False
- else:
- # return False
- count -= 1
- time.sleep(sleep_time)
- return False
-def create_security_group(neutron_client):
- sg_id = openstack_utils.get_security_group_id(neutron_client,
- if sg_id != '':
- logger.info("Using existing security group '%s'..." % SECGROUP_NAME)
- else:
- logger.info("Creating security group '%s'..." % SECGROUP_NAME)
- SECGROUP = openstack_utils.create_security_group(neutron_client,
- if not SECGROUP:
- logger.error("Failed to create the security group...")
- return False
- sg_id = SECGROUP['id']
- logger.debug("Security group '%s' with ID=%s created successfully."
- % (SECGROUP['name'], sg_id))
- logger.debug("Adding ICMP rules in security group '%s'..."
- if not openstack_utils.create_secgroup_rule(neutron_client, sg_id,
- 'ingress', 'icmp'):
- logger.error("Failed to create the security group rule...")
- return False
- logger.debug("Adding SSH rules in security group '%s'..."
- if not openstack_utils.create_secgroup_rule(
- neutron_client, sg_id, 'ingress', 'tcp', '22', '22'):
- logger.error("Failed to create the security group rule...")
- return False
- if not openstack_utils.create_secgroup_rule(
- neutron_client, sg_id, 'egress', 'tcp', '22', '22'):
- logger.error("Failed to create the security group rule...")
- return False
- return sg_id
-def push_results(start_time_ts, duration, test_status):
- try:
- logger.debug("Pushing result into DB...")
- scenario = functest_utils.get_scenario(logger)
- version = functest_utils.get_version(logger)
- criteria = "failed"
- if test_status == "OK":
- criteria = "passed"
- pod_name = functest_utils.get_pod_name(logger)
- build_tag = functest_utils.get_build_tag(logger)
- functest_utils.push_results_to_db(TEST_DB,
- "functest",
- "vPing",
- logger, pod_name, version, scenario,
- criteria, build_tag,
- payload={'timestart': start_time_ts,
- 'duration': duration,
- 'status': test_status})
- except:
- logger.error("Error pushing results into Database '%s'"
- % sys.exc_info()[0])
-def main():
- creds_nova = openstack_utils.get_credentials("nova")
- nova_client = novaclient.Client('2', **creds_nova)
- creds_neutron = openstack_utils.get_credentials("neutron")
- neutron_client = neutronclient.Client(**creds_neutron)
- creds_keystone = openstack_utils.get_credentials("keystone")
- keystone_client = keystoneclient.Client(**creds_keystone)
- glance_endpoint = keystone_client.service_catalog.url_for(
- service_type='image', endpoint_type='publicURL')
- glance_client = glanceclient.Client(1, glance_endpoint,
- token=keystone_client.auth_token)
- EXIT_CODE = -1
- image_id = None
- flavor = None
- # Check if the given image exists
- image_id = openstack_utils.get_image_id(glance_client, GLANCE_IMAGE_NAME)
- if image_id != '':
- logger.info("Using existing image '%s'..." % GLANCE_IMAGE_NAME)
- global image_exists
- image_exists = True
- else:
- logger.info("Creating image '%s' from '%s'..." % (GLANCE_IMAGE_NAME,
- image_id = openstack_utils.create_glance_image(glance_client,
- if not image_id:
- logger.error("Failed to create a Glance image...")
- return(EXIT_CODE)
- logger.debug("Image '%s' with ID=%s created successfully."
- % (GLANCE_IMAGE_NAME, image_id))
- network_dic = openstack_utils.create_network_full(logger,
- neutron_client,
- if not network_dic:
- logger.error(
- "There has been a problem when creating the neutron network")
- return(EXIT_CODE)
- network_id = network_dic["net_id"]
- sg_id = create_security_group(neutron_client)
- # Check if the given flavor exists
- try:
- flavor = nova_client.flavors.find(name=FLAVOR)
- logger.info("Using existing Flavor '%s'..." % FLAVOR)
- except:
- logger.error("Flavor '%s' not found." % FLAVOR)
- logger.info("Available flavors are: ")
- pMsg(nova_client.flavor.list())
- return(EXIT_CODE)
- # Deleting instances if they exist
- servers = nova_client.servers.list()
- for server in servers:
- if server.name == NAME_VM_1 or server.name == NAME_VM_2:
- logger.info("Instance %s found. Deleting..." % server.name)
- server.delete()
- # boot VM 1
- start_time_ts = time.time()
- end_time_ts = start_time_ts
- logger.info("vPing Start Time:'%s'" % (
- datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(start_time_ts).strftime(
- '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')))
- logger.info("Creating instance '%s'..." % NAME_VM_1)
- logger.debug(
- "Configuration:\n name=%s \n flavor=%s \n image=%s \n "
- "network=%s \n" % (NAME_VM_1, flavor, image_id, network_id))
- vm1 = nova_client.servers.create(
- name=NAME_VM_1,
- flavor=flavor,
- image=image_id,
- nics=[{"net-id": network_id}]
- )
- # wait until VM status is active
- if not waitVmActive(nova_client, vm1):
- logger.error("Instance '%s' cannot be booted. Status is '%s'" % (
- NAME_VM_1, openstack_utils.get_instance_status(nova_client, vm1)))
- return (EXIT_CODE)
- else:
- logger.info("Instance '%s' is ACTIVE." % NAME_VM_1)
- # Retrieve IP of first VM
- test_ip = vm1.networks.get(PRIVATE_NET_NAME)[0]
- logger.debug("Instance '%s' got private ip '%s'." % (NAME_VM_1, test_ip))
- logger.info("Adding '%s' to security group '%s'..."
- openstack_utils.add_secgroup_to_instance(nova_client, vm1.id, sg_id)
- # boot VM 2
- logger.info("Creating instance '%s'..." % NAME_VM_2)
- logger.debug(
- "Configuration:\n name=%s \n flavor=%s \n image=%s \n "
- "network=%s \n" % (NAME_VM_2, flavor, image_id, network_id))
- vm2 = nova_client.servers.create(
- name=NAME_VM_2,
- flavor=flavor,
- image=image_id,
- nics=[{"net-id": network_id}]
- )
- if not waitVmActive(nova_client, vm2):
- logger.error("Instance '%s' cannot be booted. Status is '%s'" % (
- NAME_VM_2, openstack_utils.get_instance_status(nova_client, vm2)))
- return (EXIT_CODE)
- else:
- logger.info("Instance '%s' is ACTIVE." % NAME_VM_2)
- logger.info("Adding '%s' to security group '%s'..." % (NAME_VM_2,
- openstack_utils.add_secgroup_to_instance(nova_client, vm2.id, sg_id)
- logger.info("Creating floating IP for VM '%s'..." % NAME_VM_2)
- floatip_dic = openstack_utils.create_floating_ip(neutron_client)
- floatip = floatip_dic['fip_addr']
- # floatip_id = floatip_dic['fip_id']
- if floatip is None:
- logger.error("Cannot create floating IP.")
- return (EXIT_CODE)
- logger.info("Floating IP created: '%s'" % floatip)
- logger.info("Associating floating ip: '%s' to VM '%s' "
- % (floatip, NAME_VM_2))
- if not openstack_utils.add_floating_ip(nova_client, vm2.id, floatip):
- logger.error("Cannot associate floating IP to VM.")
- return (EXIT_CODE)
- logger.info("Trying to establish SSH connection to %s..." % floatip)
- username = 'cirros'
- password = 'cubswin:)'
- ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
- ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy())
- timeout = 50
- nolease = False
- got_ip = False
- discover_count = 0
- cidr_first_octet = PRIVATE_SUBNET_CIDR.split('.')[0]
- while timeout > 0:
- try:
- ssh.connect(floatip, username=username,
- password=password, timeout=2)
- logger.debug("SSH connection established to %s." % floatip)
- break
- except:
- logger.debug("Waiting for %s..." % floatip)
- time.sleep(6)
- timeout -= 1
- console_log = vm2.get_console_output()
- # print each "Sending discover" captured on the console log
- if (len(re.findall("Sending discover", console_log)) >
- discover_count and not got_ip):
- discover_count += 1
- logger.debug("Console-log '%s': Sending discover..."
- % NAME_VM_2)
- # check if eth0 got an ip,the line looks like this:
- # "inet addr:192.168."....
- # if the dhcp agent fails to assing ip, this line will not appear
- if "inet addr:" + cidr_first_octet in console_log and not got_ip:
- got_ip = True
- logger.debug("The instance '%s' succeeded to get the IP "
- "from the dhcp agent.")
- # if dhcp doesnt work,it shows "No lease, failing".The test will fail
- if "No lease, failing" in console_log and not nolease and not got_ip:
- nolease = True
- logger.debug("Console-log '%s': No lease, failing..."
- % NAME_VM_2)
- logger.info("The instance failed to get an IP from the "
- "DHCP agent. The test will probably timeout...")
- if timeout == 0: # 300 sec timeout (5 min)
- logger.error("Cannot establish connection to IP '%s'. Aborting"
- % floatip)
- return (EXIT_CODE)
- scp = SCPClient(ssh.get_transport())
- ping_script = REPO_PATH + "testcases/vPing/CI/libraries/ping.sh"
- try:
- scp.put(ping_script, "~/")
- except:
- logger.error("Cannot SCP the file '%s' to VM '%s'"
- % (ping_script, floatip))
- cmd = 'chmod 755 ~/ping.sh'
- (stdin, stdout, stderr) = ssh.exec_command(cmd)
- for line in stdout.readlines():
- print line
- logger.info("Waiting for ping...")
- sec = 0
- duration = 0
- cmd = '~/ping.sh ' + test_ip
- flag = False
- while True:
- time.sleep(1)
- (stdin, stdout, stderr) = ssh.exec_command(cmd)
- output = stdout.readlines()
- for line in output:
- if "vPing OK" in line:
- logger.info("vPing detected!")
- # we consider start time at VM1 booting
- end_time_ts = time.time()
- duration = round(end_time_ts - start_time_ts, 1)
- logger.info("vPing duration:'%s' s." % duration)
- flag = True
- break
- elif sec == PING_TIMEOUT:
- logger.info("Timeout reached.")
- flag = True
- break
- if flag:
- break
- logger.debug("Pinging %s. Waiting for response..." % test_ip)
- sec += 1
- test_status = "NOK"
- if EXIT_CODE == 0:
- logger.info("vPing OK")
- test_status = "OK"
- else:
- duration = 0
- logger.error("vPing FAILED")
- if args.report:
- push_results(start_time_ts, duration, test_status)
- exit(EXIT_CODE)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()