path: root/testcases/VIM/OpenStack/CI/libraries/run_tempest.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'testcases/VIM/OpenStack/CI/libraries/run_tempest.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 347 deletions
diff --git a/testcases/VIM/OpenStack/CI/libraries/run_tempest.py b/testcases/VIM/OpenStack/CI/libraries/run_tempest.py
deleted file mode 100644
index bf62ce306..000000000
--- a/testcases/VIM/OpenStack/CI/libraries/run_tempest.py
+++ /dev/null
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-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Description:
-# Runs tempest and pushes the results to the DB
-# Authors:
-# morgan.richomme@orange.com
-# jose.lausuch@ericsson.com
-# viktor.tikkanen@nokia.com
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-import argparse
-import json
-import os
-import re
-import requests
-import shutil
-import subprocess
-import time
-import yaml
-import ConfigParser
-import keystoneclient.v2_0.client as ksclient
-from neutronclient.v2_0 import client as neutronclient
-import functest.utils.functest_logger as ft_logger
-import functest.utils.functest_utils as ft_utils
-import functest.utils.openstack_utils as os_utils
-modes = ['full', 'smoke', 'baremetal', 'compute', 'data_processing',
- 'identity', 'image', 'network', 'object_storage', 'orchestration',
- 'telemetry', 'volume', 'custom', 'defcore']
-""" tests configuration """
-parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
-parser.add_argument("-d", "--debug",
- help="Debug mode",
- action="store_true")
-parser.add_argument("-s", "--serial",
- help="Run tests in one thread",
- action="store_true")
-parser.add_argument("-m", "--mode",
- help="Tempest test mode [smoke, all]",
- default="smoke")
-parser.add_argument("-r", "--report",
- help="Create json result file",
- action="store_true")
-parser.add_argument("-n", "--noclean",
- help="Don't clean the created resources for this test.",
- action="store_true")
-args = parser.parse_args()
-""" logging configuration """
-logger = ft_logger.Logger("run_tempest").getLogger()
-REPO_PATH = os.environ['repos_dir'] + '/functest/'
-with open(os.environ["CONFIG_FUNCTEST_YAML"]) as f:
- functest_yaml = yaml.safe_load(f)
-TEST_DB = functest_yaml.get("results").get("test_db_url")
-MODE = "smoke"
-PRIVATE_NET_NAME = functest_yaml.get("tempest").get("private_net_name")
-PRIVATE_SUBNET_NAME = functest_yaml.get("tempest").get("private_subnet_name")
-PRIVATE_SUBNET_CIDR = functest_yaml.get("tempest").get("private_subnet_cidr")
-ROUTER_NAME = functest_yaml.get("tempest").get("router_name")
-TENANT_NAME = functest_yaml.get("tempest").get("identity").get("tenant_name")
-TENANT_DESCRIPTION = functest_yaml.get("tempest").get("identity").get(
- "tenant_description")
-USER_NAME = functest_yaml.get("tempest").get("identity").get("user_name")
-USER_PASSWORD = functest_yaml.get("tempest").get("identity").get(
- "user_password")
-DEPLOYMENT_MAME = functest_yaml.get("rally").get("deployment_name")
-RALLY_INSTALLATION_DIR = functest_yaml.get("general").get("directories").get(
- "dir_rally_inst")
-RESULTS_DIR = functest_yaml.get("general").get("directories").get(
- "dir_results")
-TEST_LIST_DIR = functest_yaml.get("general").get("directories").get(
- "dir_tempest_cases")
-TEMPEST_RAW_LIST = TEMPEST_RESULTS_DIR + '/test_raw_list.txt'
-def get_info(file_result):
- test_run = ""
- duration = ""
- test_failed = ""
- p = subprocess.Popen('cat tempest.log',
- shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
- stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
- for line in p.stdout.readlines():
- # print line,
- if (len(test_run) < 1):
- test_run = re.findall("[0-9]*\.[0-9]*s", line)
- if (len(duration) < 1):
- duration = re.findall("[0-9]*\ tests", line)
- regexp = r"(failures=[0-9]+)"
- if (len(test_failed) < 1):
- test_failed = re.findall(regexp, line)
- logger.debug("test_run:" + test_run)
- logger.debug("duration:" + duration)
-def push_results_to_db(case, payload, criteria):
- # TODO move DB creds into config file
- url = TEST_DB + "/results"
- installer = ft_utils.get_installer_type(logger)
- scenario = ft_utils.get_scenario(logger)
- version = ft_utils.get_version(logger)
- pod_name = ft_utils.get_pod_name(logger)
- logger.info("Pushing results to DB: '%s'." % url)
- params = {"project_name": "functest", "case_name": case,
- "pod_name": str(pod_name), 'installer': installer,
- "version": version, "scenario": scenario, "criteria": criteria,
- 'details': payload}
- headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
- r = requests.post(url, data=json.dumps(params), headers=headers)
- logger.debug(r)
-def create_tempest_resources():
- ks_creds = os_utils.get_credentials("keystone")
- logger.debug("Creating tenant and user for Tempest suite")
- keystone = ksclient.Client(**ks_creds)
- tenant_id = os_utils.create_tenant(keystone,
- if tenant_id == '':
- logger.error("Error : Failed to create %s tenant" % TENANT_NAME)
- user_id = os_utils.create_user(keystone, USER_NAME, USER_PASSWORD,
- None, tenant_id)
- if user_id == '':
- logger.error("Error : Failed to create %s user" % USER_NAME)
- logger.debug("Creating private network for Tempest suite")
- creds_neutron = os_utils.get_credentials("neutron")
- neutron_client = neutronclient.Client(**creds_neutron)
- network_dic = os_utils.create_network_full(logger,
- neutron_client,
- if network_dic:
- if not os_utils.update_neutron_net(neutron_client,
- network_dic['net_id'],
- shared=True):
- logger.error("Failed to update private network...")
- exit(-1)
- else:
- logger.debug("Network '%s' is available..." % PRIVATE_NET_NAME)
- else:
- logger.error("Private network creation failed")
- exit(-1)
-def configure_tempest(deployment_dir):
- """
- Add/update needed parameters into tempest.conf file generated by Rally
- """
- logger.debug("Generating tempest.conf file...")
- cmd = "rally verify genconfig"
- ft_utils.execute_command(cmd, logger)
- logger.debug("Finding tempest.conf file...")
- tempest_conf_file = deployment_dir + "/tempest.conf"
- if not os.path.isfile(tempest_conf_file):
- logger.error("Tempest configuration file %s NOT found."
- % tempest_conf_file)
- exit(-1)
- logger.debug("Updating selected tempest.conf parameters...")
- config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
- config.read(tempest_conf_file)
- config.set('compute', 'fixed_network_name', PRIVATE_NET_NAME)
- config.set('identity', 'tenant_name', TENANT_NAME)
- config.set('identity', 'username', USER_NAME)
- config.set('identity', 'password', USER_PASSWORD)
- with open(tempest_conf_file, 'wb') as config_file:
- config.write(config_file)
- # Copy tempest.conf to /home/opnfv/functest/results/tempest/
- shutil.copyfile(tempest_conf_file, TEMPEST_RESULTS_DIR + '/tempest.conf')
- return True
-def read_file(filename):
- with open(filename) as src:
- return [line.strip() for line in src.readlines()]
-def generate_test_list(deployment_dir, mode):
- logger.debug("Generating test case list...")
- if mode == 'defcore':
- elif mode == 'custom':
- if os.path.isfile(TEMPEST_CUSTOM):
- else:
- logger.error("Tempest test list file %s NOT found."
- exit(-1)
- else:
- if mode == 'smoke':
- testr_mode = "smoke"
- elif mode == 'full':
- testr_mode = ""
- else:
- testr_mode = 'tempest.api.' + mode
- cmd = ("cd " + deployment_dir + ";" + "testr list-tests " +
- testr_mode + ">" + TEMPEST_RAW_LIST + ";cd")
- ft_utils.execute_command(cmd, logger)
-def apply_tempest_blacklist():
- logger.debug("Applying tempest blacklist...")
- cases_file = read_file(TEMPEST_RAW_LIST)
- result_file = open(TEMPEST_LIST, 'w')
- try:
- black_file = read_file(TEMPEST_BLACKLIST)
- except:
- black_file = ''
- logger.debug("Tempest blacklist file does not exist.")
- for line in cases_file:
- if line not in black_file:
- result_file.write(str(line) + '\n')
- result_file.close()
-def run_tempest(OPTION):
- #
- # the "main" function of the script which launches Rally to run Tempest
- # :param option: tempest option (smoke, ..)
- # :return: void
- #
- logger.info("Starting Tempest test suite: '%s'." % OPTION)
- cmd_line = "rally verify start " + OPTION + " --system-wide"
- CI_DEBUG = os.environ.get("CI_DEBUG")
- if CI_DEBUG == "true" or CI_DEBUG == "True":
- ft_utils.execute_command(cmd_line, logger, exit_on_error=True)
- else:
- header = ("Tempest environment:\n"
- " Installer: %s\n Scenario: %s\n Node: %s\n Date: %s\n" %
- (os.getenv('INSTALLER_TYPE', 'Unknown'),
- os.getenv('DEPLOY_SCENARIO', 'Unknown'),
- os.getenv('NODE_NAME', 'Unknown'),
- time.strftime("%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Z %Y")))
- f_stdout = open(TEMPEST_RESULTS_DIR + "/tempest.log", 'w+')
- f_stderr = open(TEMPEST_RESULTS_DIR + "/tempest-error.log", 'w+')
- f_env = open(TEMPEST_RESULTS_DIR + "/environment.log", 'w+')
- f_env.write(header)
- subprocess.call(cmd_line, shell=True, stdout=f_stdout, stderr=f_stderr)
- f_stdout.close()
- f_stderr.close()
- f_env.close()
- cmd_line = "rally verify show"
- ft_utils.execute_command(cmd_line, logger,
- exit_on_error=True, info=True)
- cmd_line = "rally verify list"
- logger.debug('Executing command : {}'.format(cmd_line))
- cmd = os.popen(cmd_line)
- output = (((cmd.read()).splitlines()[-2]).replace(" ", "")).split("|")
- # Format:
- # | UUID | Deployment UUID | smoke | tests | failures | Created at |
- # Duration | Status |
- num_tests = output[4]
- num_failures = output[5]
- time_start = output[6]
- duration = output[7]
- # Compute duration (lets assume it does not take more than 60 min)
- dur_min = int(duration.split(':')[1])
- dur_sec_float = float(duration.split(':')[2])
- dur_sec_int = int(round(dur_sec_float, 0))
- dur_sec_int = dur_sec_int + 60 * dur_min
- # Generate json results for DB
- json_results = {"timestart": time_start, "duration": dur_sec_int,
- "tests": int(num_tests), "failures": int(num_failures)}
- logger.info("Results: " + str(json_results))
- status = "failed"
- try:
- diff = (int(num_tests) - int(num_failures))
- success_rate = 100 * diff / int(num_tests)
- except:
- success_rate = 0
- # For Tempest we assume that teh success rate is above 90%
- if success_rate >= 90:
- status = "passed"
- # Push results in payload of testcase
- if args.report:
- logger.debug("Push result into DB")
- push_results_to_db("Tempest", json_results, status)
-def main():
- global MODE
- if not (args.mode in modes):
- logger.error("Tempest mode not valid. "
- "Possible values are:\n" + str(modes))
- exit(-1)
- if not os.path.exists(TEMPEST_RESULTS_DIR):
- os.makedirs(TEMPEST_RESULTS_DIR)
- deployment_dir = ft_utils.get_deployment_dir(logger)
- configure_tempest(deployment_dir)
- create_tempest_resources()
- generate_test_list(deployment_dir, args.mode)
- apply_tempest_blacklist()
- MODE = "--tests-file " + TEMPEST_LIST
- if args.serial:
- MODE += " --concur 1"
- run_tempest(MODE)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()