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+# OPNFV and CNTT in Orange RFP
+[Cédric Ollivier](mailto:cedric.ollivier@orange.com)
+## Vision and contributions
+### Our guidelines
+- **automate** to bring determinism and to meet the new
+ software release rate
+- test all software layers **independently** (OpenStack, Kubernetes and VNFs)
+- run all deployment and verification jobs in **our** continous integration
+ chains
+- leverage best **opensource** tools and practices
+**Integrate smoothly and deploy everywhere fastly**
+### How OpenSource helps?
+- **Functest** offers a collection of state-of-the-art virtual infrastructure
+ test suites
+- **Xtesting** helps assembling sparse test cases and accelerating the adoption
+ of CI/CD best practices
+- **XtestingCI** eases deploying anywhere plug-and-play CI/CD toolchains in a
+ few commands
+- **CNTT** defines conformance suites and its playbooks leveraging this 3
+ softwares
+**Any contribution is more than welcome!
+## CNTT/OPNFV in Orange
+### A couple of RFP requirements
+- the **full** CNTT reference conformance for OpenStack results and outputs
+ (Orange CNTT Field Trial is in a very good shape
+ [[1]](http://testresults.opnfv.org/functest/field_trial/)
+ [[2]](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/cntt-field-trials-c%C3%A9dric-ollivier/))
+- the **success** of the Functest Kubernetes test suites (now released as
+ part of CNTT RC2 Baraque)
+- **first** VNF test cases running in **our** continuous integration chain
+ thanks to Xtesting and XtestingCI
+**It's implementing Orange and CNTT targets**
+### Orange CNTT RC1 Field Trial
+- helped detecting a couple of issues in CNTT RC1
+- integrated cinder backup and nova instance_password in Orange IaaS
+- to fix 10 remaining single test failures (out 2000+ functional tests, 3 hours
+ benchmarking and 3 VNFs automatically onboarded and tested)
+- to enhance Functest juju_epc to pass proxies
+### Wish list
+- to integrate **more benchmarks** in CNTT conformance (e.g. disk benchmarking)
+- to switch from the current Kubernetes interoperability testing to a **true**
+ CNTT conformance suite
+- to build the first **VNF and CNF** conformance suites (**high priority**)
+**We need your contribution helps!
+## Conclusion
+### Take aways
+- Orange leverages OPNFV and CNTT in RFP
+- we keep contributing in both specification and implementation streams for
+ the success of Network Function Virtualization
+- we expect more OPNFV and CNTT contributions especially for VNF and CNF
+ conformance suites, our initial CNTT target
+**Try CNTT reference suites, you will love them!**
+## Thank you!