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--- a/docker/Dockerfile
+++ b/docker/Dockerfile
@@ -156,6 +156,7 @@ RUN cd ${REPOS_DIR}/bgpvpn && pip install -e .
# Kingbird integration
RUN cd ${REPOS_DIR}/kingbird && pip install -e .
+RUN cd ${FUNCTEST_REPO_DIR} && pip install -r kingbird_requirements.txt
# refstack-client integration
RUN cd ${REPOS_DIR}/refstack-client && ./setup_env -t ${REFSTACK_TAG}
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new file mode 160000
+Subproject a349ff43c58c23f9c837b8ea9b5fc7d4761b8de
diff --git a/functest/ci/ b/functest/ci/
index 2c5c021c7..3920b7ac6 100755
--- a/functest/ci/
+++ b/functest/ci/
@@ -26,6 +26,11 @@ verify_connectivity() {
return 1
+verify_SSL_connectivity() {
+ openssl s_client -connect $1:$2 &>/dev/null
+ return $?
check_service() {
local service cmd
@@ -63,10 +68,16 @@ fi
echo "Checking OpenStack endpoints:"
publicURL=$(openstack catalog show identity |awk '/public/ {print $4}')
-publicIP=$(echo $publicURL|sed 's/^.*http\:\/\///'|sed 's/.[^:]*$//')
+publicIP=$(echo $publicURL|sed 's/^.*http.*\:\/\///'|sed 's/.[^:]*$//')
publicPort=$(echo $publicURL|sed 's/^.*://'|sed 's/\/.*$//')
-echo ">>Verifying connectivity to the public endpoint $publicIP:$publicPort..."
-verify_connectivity $publicIP $publicPort
+https_enabled=$(echo $publicURL | grep 'https')
+if [[ -n $https_enabled ]]; then
+ echo ">>Verifying SSL connectivity to the public endpoint $publicIP:$publicPort..."
+ verify_SSL_connectivity $publicIP $publicPort
+ echo ">>Verifying connectivity to the public endpoint $publicIP:$publicPort..."
+ verify_connectivity $publicIP $publicPort
if [ $RETVAL -ne 0 ]; then
echo "ERROR: Cannot talk to the public endpoint $publicIP:$publicPort ."
@@ -81,10 +92,16 @@ if [ -z ${adminURL} ]; then
openstack catalog show identity
exit 1
-adminIP=$(echo $adminURL|sed 's/^.*http\:\/\///'|sed 's/.[^:]*$//')
+adminIP=$(echo $adminURL|sed 's/^.*http.*\:\/\///'|sed 's/.[^:]*$//')
adminPort=$(echo $adminURL|sed 's/^.*://'|sed 's/.[^\/]*$//')
-echo ">>Verifying connectivity to the admin endpoint $adminIP:$adminPort..."
-verify_connectivity $adminIP $adminPort
+https_enabled=$(echo $adminURL | grep 'https')
+if [[ -n $https_enabled ]]; then
+ echo ">>Verifying SSL connectivity to the admin endpoint $adminIP:$adminPort..."
+ verify_SSL_connectivity $adminIP $adminPort
+ echo ">>Verifying connectivity to the admin endpoint $adminIP:$adminPort..."
+ verify_connectivity $adminIP $adminPort
if [ $RETVAL -ne 0 ]; then
echo "ERROR: Cannot talk to the admin endpoint $adminIP:$adminPort ."
diff --git a/functest/ci/config_functest.yaml b/functest/ci/config_functest.yaml
index 4d5a62175..78f6257c8 100755
--- a/functest/ci/config_functest.yaml
+++ b/functest/ci/config_functest.yaml
@@ -200,4 +200,6 @@ example:
sg_desc: Example Security group
+ # you can also set a dir (e.g. /home/opnfv/db) to dump results
+ # test_db_url: file:///home/opnfv/db
diff --git a/functest/ci/ b/functest/ci/
index 724ea14df..e9a470f9c 100755
--- a/functest/ci/
+++ b/functest/ci/
@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ def install_tempest():
logger.debug("Tempest %s does not exist" %
cmd = ("rally verify create-verifier --source {0} "
- "--name {1} --type tempest"
+ "--name {1} --type tempest --system-wide"
error_msg = "Problem while installing Tempest."
diff --git a/functest/opnfv_tests/features/ b/functest/opnfv_tests/features/
index 1956c9c8e..431cd47e4 100644
--- a/functest/opnfv_tests/features/
+++ b/functest/opnfv_tests/features/
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
import functest.core.feature_base as base
+from sfc.tests.functest import run_tests
class OpenDaylightSFC(base.FeatureBase):
@@ -16,5 +17,6 @@ class OpenDaylightSFC(base.FeatureBase):
super(OpenDaylightSFC, self).__init__(project='sfc',
- dir_sfc_functest = '{}/sfc/tests/functest'.format(self.repo)
- self.cmd = 'cd %s && python ./' % dir_sfc_functest
+ def execute(self):
+ return run_tests.main()
diff --git a/functest/opnfv_tests/openstack/tempest/custom_tests/blacklist.txt b/functest/opnfv_tests/openstack/tempest/custom_tests/blacklist.txt
index fcdfe225b..43edabc10 100644
--- a/functest/opnfv_tests/openstack/tempest/custom_tests/blacklist.txt
+++ b/functest/opnfv_tests/openstack/tempest/custom_tests/blacklist.txt
@@ -55,3 +55,19 @@
- tempest.scenario.test_server_basic_ops.TestServerBasicOps.test_server_basic_ops
- tempest.scenario.test_volume_boot_pattern.TestVolumeBootPattern.test_volume_boot_pattern
- tempest.scenario.test_volume_boot_pattern.TestVolumeBootPatternV2.test_volume_boot_pattern
+ #
+ scenarios:
+ - os-odl_l2-nofeature-ha
+ - os-odl_l2-nofeature-noha
+ - os-odl_l2-sfc-ha
+ - os-odl_l2-sfc-noha
+ - os-odl_l2-bgpvpn-ha
+ - os-odl_l2-bgpvpn-noha
+ - os-odl_l3-nofeature-ha
+ - os-odl_l3-nofeature-noha
+ installers:
+ - fuel
+ tests:
+ - tempest.scenario.test_server_basic_ops.TestServerBasicOps.test_server_basic_ops
diff --git a/functest/tests/unit/utils/ b/functest/tests/unit/utils/
index ef3764cc5..f51a4991c 100644
--- a/functest/tests/unit/utils/
+++ b/functest/tests/unit/utils/
@@ -28,7 +28,8 @@ class OSUtilsTesting(unittest.TestCase):
'OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME': os_prefix + 'project_domain_name',
'OS_PROJECT_NAME': os_prefix + 'project_name',
'OS_ENDPOINT_TYPE': os_prefix + 'endpoint_type',
- 'OS_REGION_NAME': os_prefix + 'region_name'}
+ 'OS_REGION_NAME': os_prefix + 'region_name',
+ 'OS_CACERT': os_prefix + 'https_cacert'}
def _get_os_env_vars(self):
return {'username': 'test_username', 'password': 'test_password',
@@ -37,7 +38,8 @@ class OSUtilsTesting(unittest.TestCase):
'project_domain_name': 'test_project_domain_name',
'project_name': 'test_project_name',
'endpoint_type': 'test_endpoint_type',
- 'region_name': 'test_region_name'}
+ 'region_name': 'test_region_name',
+ 'https_cacert': 'test_https_cacert'}
def setUp(self):
self.env_vars = ['OS_AUTH_URL', 'OS_USERNAME', 'OS_PASSWORD']
@@ -299,7 +301,7 @@ class OSUtilsTesting(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(openstack_utils.get_rc_env_vars(), exp_resp)
- @mock.patch('functest.utils.openstack_utils.get_rc_env_vars')
+ @mock.patch('functest.utils.openstack_utils')
def test_check_credentials_missing_env(self, mock_get_rc_env):
exp_resp = self.env_vars
diff --git a/functest/utils/ b/functest/utils/
index 99bcef3e6..276235d96 100644
--- a/functest/utils/
+++ b/functest/utils/
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
+import errno
import mock
+import os
import requests.sessions
import urlparse
@@ -10,7 +12,12 @@ def can_dump_request_to_file(method):
def dump_preparedrequest(request, **kwargs):
parseresult = urlparse.urlparse(request.url)
if parseresult.scheme == "file":
- with open(parseresult.path.replace('/results', ''), 'a') as f:
+ try:
+ os.makedirs(parseresult.path)
+ except OSError as e:
+ if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
+ raise
+ with open(os.path.join(parseresult.path, 'dump.txt'), 'a') as f:
headers = ""
for key in request.headers:
headers += key + " " + request.headers[key] + "\n"
diff --git a/functest/utils/ b/functest/utils/
index 022211cb7..555e9c28c 100644
--- a/functest/utils/
+++ b/functest/utils/
@@ -28,13 +28,24 @@ import json
from functest.utils.constants import CONST
+ignore = ["paramiko",
+ "stevedore.extension",
+ "keystoneauth.session",
+ "keystoneauth.identity.v3.base",
+ "novaclient.v2.client",
+ "neutronclient.v2_0.client",
+ "glanceclient.common.http",
+ "cinderclient.v2.client",
+ "cinderclient.client"]
class Logger(object):
def __init__(self, logger_name):
self.logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name)
- logging.getLogger("paramiko").setLevel(logging.WARNING)
+ for module_name in ignore:
+ logging.getLogger(module_name).setLevel(logging.WARNING)
def getLogger(self):
return self.logger
diff --git a/functest/utils/ b/functest/utils/
index e33af63b4..ffc870f62 100644
--- a/functest/utils/
+++ b/functest/utils/
@@ -82,7 +82,8 @@ def get_env_cred_dict():
'OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME': 'project_domain_name',
'OS_PROJECT_NAME': 'project_name',
'OS_ENDPOINT_TYPE': 'endpoint_type',
- 'OS_REGION_NAME': 'region_name'
+ 'OS_REGION_NAME': 'region_name',
+ 'OS_CACERT': 'https_cacert'
return env_cred_dict
@@ -149,6 +150,11 @@ def get_credentials_for_rally():
if region_name is not None:
cred_key = env_cred_dict.get('OS_REGION_NAME')
rally_conf[cred_key] = region_name
+ cacert = os.getenv('OS_CACERT')
+ if cacert is not None:
+ cred_key = env_cred_dict.get('OS_CACERT')
+ rally_conf[cred_key] = cacert
return rally_conf
@@ -168,7 +174,14 @@ def get_endpoint(service_type, endpoint_type='publicURL'):
def get_session(other_creds={}):
auth = get_session_auth(other_creds)
- return session.Session(auth=auth)
+ cacert = os.getenv('OS_CACERT')
+ if cacert is not None:
+ if not os.path.isfile(cacert):
+ raise Exception("The 'OS_CACERT' environment"
+ "variable is set to %s but the file"
+ "does not exist.", cacert)
+ return session.Session(auth=auth, verify=cacert)
# *********************************************
diff --git a/kingbird_requirements.txt b/kingbird_requirements.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..adf1082cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kingbird_requirements.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at