# Copyright (c) 2016 Ericsson AB and others.
# Author: George Paraskevopoulos <geopar@intracom-telecom.com>
# Wrappers for trozet's python-tackerclient v1.0
# (https://github.com/trozet/python-tackerclient)
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
from tackerclient.v1_0 import client as tackerclient
import functest.utils.functest_logger as ft_logger
import functest.utils.openstack_utils as os_utils
import time
logger = ft_logger.Logger("tacker_utils").getLogger()
def get_tacker_client(other_creds={}):
sess = os_utils.get_session(other_creds)
return tackerclient.Client(session=sess)
# *********************************************
# *********************************************
def get_id_from_name(tacker_client, resource_type, resource_name):
req_params = {'fields': 'id', 'name': resource_name}
endpoint = '/{0}s'.format(resource_type)
resp = tacker_client.get(endpoint, params=req_params)
endpoint = endpoint.replace('-', '_')
return resp[endpoint[1:]][0]['id']
except Exception, e:
logger.error("Error [get_id_from_name(tacker_client, "
"resource_type, resource_name)]: %s" % e)
return None
def get_vnfd_id(tacker_client, vnfd_name):
return get_id_from_name(tacker_client, 'vnfd', vnfd_name)
def get_vnf_id(tacker_client, vnf_name, timeout=5):
vnf_id = None
while vnf_id is None and timeout >= 0:
vnf_id = get_id_from_name(tacker_client, 'vnf', vnf_name)
if vnf_id is None:
logger.info("Could not retrieve ID for vnf with name [%s]."
" Retrying." % vnf_name)
timeout -= 1
return vnf_id
def get_sfc_id(tacker_client, sfc_name):
return get_id_from_name(tacker_client, 'sfc', sfc_name)
def get_sfc_classifier_id(tacker_client, sfc_clf_name):
return get_id_from_name(tacker_client, 'sfc-classifier', sfc_clf_name)
def list_vnfds(tacker_client, verbose=False):
vnfds = tacker_client.list_vnfds(retrieve_all=True)
if not verbose:
vnfds = [vnfd['id'] for vnfd in vnfds['vnfds']]
return vnfds
except Exception, e:
logger.error("Error [list_vnfds(tacker_client)]: %s" % e)
return None
def create_vnfd(tacker_client, tosca_file=None):
vnfd_body = {}
if tosca_file is not None:
with open(tosca_file) as tosca_fd:
vnfd_body = tosca_fd.read()
logger.info('VNFD template:\n{0}'.format(vnfd_body))
return tacker_client.create_vnfd(
body={"vnfd": {"attributes": {"vnfd": vnfd_body}}})
except Exception, e:
logger.error("Error [create_vnfd(tacker_client, '%s')]: %s"
% (tosca_file, e))
return None
def delete_vnfd(tacker_client, vnfd_id=None, vnfd_name=None):
vnfd = vnfd_id
if vnfd is None:
if vnfd_name is None:
raise Exception('You need to provide VNFD id or VNFD name')
vnfd = get_vnfd_id(tacker_client, vnfd_name)
return tacker_client.delete_vnfd(vnfd)
except Exception, e:
logger.error("Error [delete_vnfd(tacker_client, '%s', '%s')]: %s"
% (vnfd_id, vnfd_name, e))
return None
def list_vnfs(tacker_client, verbose=False):
vnfs = tacker_client.list_vnfs(retrieve_all=True)
if not verbose:
vnfs = [vnf['id'] for vnf in vnfs['vnfs']]
return vnfs
except Exception, e:
logger.error("Error [list_vnfs(tacker_client)]: %s" % e)
return None
def create_vnf(tacker_client, vnf_name, vnfd_id=None,
vnfd_name=None, param_file=None):
vnf_body = {
'vnf': {
'attributes': {},
'name': vnf_name
if param_file is not None:
params = None
with open(param_file) as f:
params = f.read()
vnf_body['vnf']['attributes']['param_values'] = params
if vnfd_id is not None:
vnf_body['vnf']['vnfd_id'] = vnfd_id
if vnfd_name is None:
raise Exception('vnfd id or vnfd name is required')
vnf_body['vnf']['vnfd_id'] = get_vnfd_id(tacker_client, vnfd_name)
return tacker_client.create_vnf(body=vnf_body)
except Exception, e:
logger.error("error [create_vnf(tacker_client,"
" '%s', '%s', '%s')]: %s"
% (vnf_name, vnfd_id, vnfd_name, e))
return None
def get_vnf(tacker_client, vnf_id=None, vnf_name=None):
if vnf_id is None and vnf_name is None:
raise Exception('You must specify vnf_id or vnf_name')
_id = get_vnf_id(tacker_client, vnf_name) if vnf_id is None else vnf_id
if _id is not None:
all_vnfs = list_vnfs(tacker_client, verbose=True)['vnfs']
return next((vnf for vnf in all_vnfs if vnf['id'] == _id), None)
raise Exception('Could not retrieve ID from name [%s]' % vnf_name)
except Exception, e:
logger.error("Could not retrieve VNF [vnf_id=%s, vnf_name=%s] - %s"
% (vnf_id, vnf_name, e))
return None
def wait_for_vnf(tacker_client, vnf_id=None, vnf_name=None, timeout=60):
vnf = get_vnf(tacker_client, vnf_id, vnf_name)
if vnf is None:
raise Exception("Could not retrieve VNF - id='%s', name='%s'"
% vnf_id, vnf_name)
logger.info('Waiting for vnf {0}'.format(str(vnf)))
while vnf['status'] != 'ACTIVE' and timeout >= 0:
if vnf['status'] == 'ERROR':
raise Exception('Error when booting vnf %s' % vnf['id'])
elif vnf['status'] == 'PENDING_CREATE':
timeout -= 3
vnf = get_vnf(tacker_client, vnf_id, vnf_name)
if (timeout < 0):
raise Exception('Timeout when booting vnf %s' % vnf['id'])
return vnf['id']
except Exception, e:
logger.error("error [wait_for_vnf(tacker_client, '%s', '%s')]: %s"
% (vnf_id, vnf_name, e))
return None
def delete_vnf(tacker_client, vnf_id=None, vnf_name=None):
vnf = vnf_id
if vnf is None:
if vnf_name is None:
raise Exception('You need to provide a VNF id or name')
vnf = get_vnf_id(tacker_client, vnf_name)
return tacker_client.delete_vnf(vnf)
except Exception, e:
logger.error("Error [delete_vnf(tacker_client, '%s', '%s')]: %s"
% (vnf_id, vnf_name, e))
return None
def list_sfcs(tacker_client, verbose=False):
sfcs = tacker_client.list_sfcs(retrieve_all=True)
if not verbose:
sfcs = [sfc['id'] for sfc in sfcs['sfcs']]
return sfcs
except Exception, e:
logger.error("Error [list_sfcs(tacker_client)]: %s" % e)
return None
def create_sfc(tacker_client, sfc_name,
sfc_body = {
'sfc': {
'attributes': {},
'name': sfc_name,
'chain': []
if symmetrical:
sfc_body['sfc']['symmetrical'] = True
if chain_vnf_ids is not None:
sfc_body['sfc']['chain'] = chain_vnf_ids
if chain_vnf_names is None:
raise Exception('You need to provide a chain of VNFs')
sfc_body['sfc']['chain'] = [get_vnf_id(tacker_client, name)
for name in chain_vnf_names]
return tacker_client.create_sfc(body=sfc_body)
except Exception, e:
logger.error("error [create_sfc(tacker_client,"
" '%s', '%s', '%s')]: %s"
% (sfc_name, chain_vnf_ids, chain_vnf_names, e))
return None
def delete_sfc(tacker_client, sfc_id=None, sfc_name=None):
sfc = sfc_id
if sfc is None:
if sfc_name is None:
raise Exception('You need to provide an SFC id or name')
sfc = get_sfc_id(tacker_client, sfc_name)
return tacker_client.delete_sfc(sfc)
except Exception, e:
logger.error("Error [delete_sfc(tacker_client, '%s', '%s')]: %s"
% (sfc_id, sfc_name, e))
return None
def list_sfc_classifiers(tacker_client, verbose=False):
sfc_clfs = tacker_client.list_sfc_classifiers(retrieve_all=True)
if not verbose:
sfc_clfs = [sfc_clf['id']
for sfc_clf in sfc_clfs['sfc_classifiers']]
return sfc_clfs
except Exception, e:
logger.error("Error [list_sfc_classifiers(tacker_client)]: %s" % e)
return None
def create_sfc_classifier(tacker_client, sfc_clf_name, sfc_id=None,
sfc_name=None, match={}):
# Example match:
# match: {
# "source_port": "0",
# "protocol": "6",
# "dest_port": "80"
# }
sfc_clf_body = {
'sfc_classifier': {
'attributes': {},
'name': sfc_clf_name,
'match': match,
'chain': ''
if sfc_id is not None:
sfc_clf_body['sfc_classifier']['chain'] = sfc_id
if sfc_name is None:
raise Exception('You need to provide an SFC id or name')
sfc_clf_body['sfc_classifier']['chain'] = get_sfc_id(
tacker_client, sfc_name)
return tacker_client.create_sfc_classifier(body=sfc_clf_body)
except Exception, e:
logger.error("error [create_sfc_classifier(tacker_client,"
" '%s', '%s','%s', '%s')]: '%s'"
% (sfc_clf_name, sfc_id, sfc_name, str(match), e))
return None
def delete_sfc_classifier(tacker_client,
sfc_clf = sfc_clf_id
if sfc_clf is None:
if sfc_clf_name is None:
raise Exception('You need to provide an SFC'
'classifier id or name')
sfc_clf = get_sfc_classifier_id(tacker_client, sfc_clf_name)
return tacker_client.delete_sfc_classifier(sfc_clf)
except Exception, e:
logger.error("Error [delete_sfc_classifier(tacker_client, '%s', "
"'%s')]: %s" % (sfc_clf_id, sfc_clf_name, e))
return None