path: root/functest/opnfv_tests/openstack
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'functest/opnfv_tests/openstack')
8 files changed, 631 insertions, 65 deletions
diff --git a/functest/opnfv_tests/openstack/healthcheck/healthcheck.sh b/functest/opnfv_tests/openstack/healthcheck/healthcheck.sh
index 7fa957c0..7fa957c0 100755..100644
--- a/functest/opnfv_tests/openstack/healthcheck/healthcheck.sh
+++ b/functest/opnfv_tests/openstack/healthcheck/healthcheck.sh
diff --git a/functest/opnfv_tests/openstack/refstack_client/__init__.py b/functest/opnfv_tests/openstack/refstack_client/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/functest/opnfv_tests/openstack/refstack_client/__init__.py
diff --git a/functest/opnfv_tests/openstack/refstack_client/defcore.txt b/functest/opnfv_tests/openstack/refstack_client/defcore.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..be8fd899
--- /dev/null
+++ b/functest/opnfv_tests/openstack/refstack_client/defcore.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+# Set of DefCore tempest test cases not flagged and required. It only contains OpenStack core (no object storage)
+# The approved guidelines (2016.08) are valid for Kilo, Liberty, Mitaka and Newton releases of OpenStack
+# The list can be generated using the Rest API from RefStack project:
+# https://refstack.openstack.org/api/v1/guidelines/2016.08/tests?target=compute&type=required&alias=true&flag=false
+# tempest.api.compute.volumes.test_attach_volume.AttachVolumeTestJSON.test_attach_detach_volume[id-52e9045a-e90d-4c0d-9087-79d657faffff]
diff --git a/functest/opnfv_tests/openstack/refstack_client/refstack_client.py b/functest/opnfv_tests/openstack/refstack_client/refstack_client.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..7d4c568a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/functest/opnfv_tests/openstack/refstack_client/refstack_client.py
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# matthew.lijun@huawei.com wangwulin@huawei.com
+# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+import argparse
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+import subprocess
+import time
+from functest.core import testcase_base
+from functest.opnfv_tests.openstack.tempest import conf_utils
+from functest.utils import openstack_utils
+from functest.utils.constants import CONST
+import functest.utils.functest_logger as ft_logger
+import functest.utils.functest_utils as ft_utils
+""" logging configuration """
+logger = ft_logger.Logger("refstack_defcore").getLogger()
+class RefstackClient(testcase_base.TestcaseBase):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(RefstackClient, self).__init__()
+ self.case_name = "refstack_defcore"
+ self.FUNCTEST_TEST = CONST.dir_functest_test
+ self.CONF_PATH = CONST.refstack_tempest_conf_path
+ self.DEFCORE_LIST = CONST.refstack_defcore_list
+ self.confpath = os.path.join(self.FUNCTEST_TEST,
+ self.CONF_PATH)
+ self.defcorelist = os.path.join(self.FUNCTEST_TEST,
+ self.VERIFIER_ID = conf_utils.get_verifier_id()
+ self.VERIFIER_REPO_DIR = conf_utils.get_verifier_repo_dir(
+ self.DEPLOYMENT_ID = conf_utils.get_verifier_deployment_id()
+ self.DEPLOYMENT_DIR = conf_utils.get_verifier_deployment_dir(
+ def source_venv(self):
+ cmd = ("cd {0};"
+ ". .venv/bin/activate;"
+ "cd -;".format(CONST.dir_refstack_client))
+ ft_utils.execute_command(cmd)
+ def run_defcore(self, conf, testlist):
+ logger.debug("Generating test case list...")
+ cmd = ("cd {0};"
+ "./refstack-client test -c {1} -v --test-list {2};"
+ "cd -;".format(CONST.dir_refstack_client,
+ conf,
+ testlist))
+ ft_utils.execute_command(cmd)
+ def run_defcore_default(self):
+ logger.debug("Generating test case list...")
+ cmd = ("cd {0};"
+ "./refstack-client test -c {1} -v --test-list {2};"
+ "cd -;".format(CONST.dir_refstack_client,
+ self.confpath,
+ self.defcorelist))
+ logger.info("Starting Refstack_defcore test case: '%s'." % cmd)
+ header = ("Tempest environment:\n"
+ " Installer: %s\n Scenario: %s\n Node: %s\n Date: %s\n" %
+ time.strftime("%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Z %Y")))
+ f_stdout = open(
+ os.path.join(conf_utils.REFSTACK_RESULTS_DIR,
+ "refstack.log"), 'w+')
+ f_stderr = open(
+ os.path.join(conf_utils.REFSTACK_RESULTS_DIR,
+ "refstack-error.log"), 'w+')
+ f_env = open(os.path.join(conf_utils.REFSTACK_RESULTS_DIR,
+ "environment.log"), 'w+')
+ f_env.write(header)
+ p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=f_stderr, bufsize=1)
+ with p.stdout:
+ for line in iter(p.stdout.readline, b''):
+ if 'Tests' in line:
+ break
+ logger.info(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ f_stdout.write(line)
+ p.wait()
+ f_stdout.close()
+ f_stderr.close()
+ f_env.close()
+ def parse_refstack_result(self):
+ try:
+ with open(os.path.join(conf_utils.REFSTACK_RESULTS_DIR,
+ "refstack.log"), 'r') as logfile:
+ output = logfile.read()
+ for match in re.findall("Ran: (\d+) tests in (\d+\.\d{4}) sec.",
+ output):
+ num_tests = match[0]
+ for match in re.findall("- Passed: (\d+)", output):
+ num_success = match
+ for match in re.findall("- Skipped: (\d+)", output):
+ num_skipped = match
+ for match in re.findall("- Failed: (\d+)", output):
+ num_failures = match
+ success_testcases = ""
+ for match in re.findall(r"\{0\}(.*?)[. ]*ok", output):
+ success_testcases += match + ", "
+ failed_testcases = ""
+ for match in re.findall(r"\{0\}(.*?)[. ]*FAILED", output):
+ failed_testcases += match + ", "
+ skipped_testcases = ""
+ for match in re.findall(r"\{0\}(.*?)[. ]*SKIPPED:", output):
+ skipped_testcases += match + ", "
+ num_executed = int(num_tests) - int(num_skipped)
+ success_rate = 100 * int(num_success) / int(num_executed)
+ self.details = {"tests": int(num_tests),
+ "failures": int(num_failures),
+ "success": success_testcases,
+ "errors": failed_testcases,
+ "skipped": skipped_testcases}
+ except Exception:
+ success_rate = 0
+ self.criteria = ft_utils.check_success_rate(
+ self.case_name, success_rate)
+ logger.info("Testcase %s success_rate is %s%%, is marked as %s"
+ % (self.case_name, success_rate, self.criteria))
+ def defcore_env_prepare(self):
+ try:
+ img_flavor_dict = conf_utils.create_tempest_resources(
+ use_custom_images=True, use_custom_flavors=True)
+ conf_utils.configure_tempest_defcore(
+ self.DEPLOYMENT_DIR, img_flavor_dict)
+ self.source_venv()
+ res = testcase_base.TestcaseBase.EX_OK
+ except KeyError as e:
+ logger.error("defcore prepare env error with: %s", e)
+ res = testcase_base.TestcaseBase.EX_RUN_ERROR
+ return res
+ def run(self):
+ self.start_time = time.time()
+ if not os.path.exists(conf_utils.REFSTACK_RESULTS_DIR):
+ os.makedirs(conf_utils.REFSTACK_RESULTS_DIR)
+ try:
+ self.defcore_env_prepare()
+ self.run_defcore_default()
+ self.parse_refstack_result()
+ res = testcase_base.TestcaseBase.EX_OK
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error('Error with run: %s', e)
+ res = testcase_base.TestcaseBase.EX_RUN_ERROR
+ self.stop_time = time.time()
+ return res
+ def main(self, **kwargs):
+ try:
+ tempestconf = kwargs['config']
+ testlist = kwargs['testlist']
+ except KeyError as e:
+ logger.error("Cannot run refstack client. Please check "
+ "%s", e)
+ return self.EX_RUN_ERROR
+ try:
+ openstack_utils.source_credentials(CONST.openstack_creds)
+ self.defcore_env_prepare()
+ self.run_defcore(tempestconf, testlist)
+ res = testcase_base.TestcaseBase.EX_OK
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error('Error with run: %s', e)
+ res = testcase_base.TestcaseBase.EX_RUN_ERROR
+ return res
+class RefstackClientParser(testcase_base.TestcaseBase):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(RefstackClientParser, self).__init__()
+ self.FUNCTEST_TEST = CONST.dir_functest_test
+ self.CONF_PATH = CONST.refstack_tempest_conf_path
+ self.DEFCORE_LIST = CONST.refstack_defcore_list
+ self.confpath = os.path.join(self.FUNCTEST_TEST,
+ self.CONF_PATH)
+ self.defcorelist = os.path.join(self.FUNCTEST_TEST,
+ self.parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ self.parser.add_argument(
+ '-c', '--config',
+ help='the file path of tempest.conf',
+ default=self.confpath)
+ self.parser.add_argument(
+ '-t', '--testlist',
+ help='Specify the file path or URL of a test list text file. '
+ 'This test list will contain specific test cases that '
+ 'should be tested.',
+ default=self.defcorelist)
+ def parse_args(self, argv=[]):
+ return vars(self.parser.parse_args(argv))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ refstackclient = RefstackClient()
+ parser = RefstackClientParser()
+ args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
+ try:
+ result = refstackclient.main(**args)
+ if result != testcase_base.TestcaseBase.EX_OK:
+ sys.exit(result)
+ except Exception:
+ sys.exit(testcase_base.TestcaseBase.EX_RUN_ERROR)
diff --git a/functest/opnfv_tests/openstack/snaps/smoke.py b/functest/opnfv_tests/openstack/snaps/smoke.py
index 864bca5e..45fa6de8 100644
--- a/functest/opnfv_tests/openstack/snaps/smoke.py
+++ b/functest/opnfv_tests/openstack/snaps/smoke.py
@@ -45,5 +45,6 @@ class SnapsSmoke(SnapsTestRunner):
+ flavor_metadata=self.flavor_metadata,
diff --git a/functest/opnfv_tests/openstack/tempest/conf_utils.py b/functest/opnfv_tests/openstack/tempest/conf_utils.py
index 893fff8c..a21322d8 100644
--- a/functest/opnfv_tests/openstack/tempest/conf_utils.py
+++ b/functest/opnfv_tests/openstack/tempest/conf_utils.py
@@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ TEMPEST_DEFCORE = os.path.join(REPO_PATH, TEMPEST_TEST_LIST_DIR,
TEMPEST_RAW_LIST = os.path.join(TEMPEST_RESULTS_DIR, 'test_raw_list.txt')
TEMPEST_LIST = os.path.join(TEMPEST_RESULTS_DIR, 'test_list.txt')
+REFSTACK_RESULTS_DIR = os.path.join(CONST.dir_results,
+ 'refstack')
logger = ft_logger.Logger("Tempest").getLogger()
+def create_tempest_resources(use_custom_images=False,
+ use_custom_flavors=False):
+ keystone_client = os_utils.get_keystone_client()
+ logger.debug("Creating tenant and user for Tempest suite")
+ tenant_id = os_utils.create_tenant(
+ keystone_client,
+ CONST.tempest_identity_tenant_name,
+ CONST.tempest_identity_tenant_description)
+ if not tenant_id:
+ logger.error("Failed to create %s tenant"
+ % CONST.tempest_identity_tenant_name)
+ user_id = os_utils.create_user(keystone_client,
+ CONST.tempest_identity_user_name,
+ CONST.tempest_identity_user_password,
+ None, tenant_id)
+ if not user_id:
+ logger.error("Failed to create %s user" %
+ CONST.tempest_identity_user_name)
+ logger.debug("Creating private network for Tempest suite")
+ network_dic = os_utils.create_shared_network_full(
+ CONST.tempest_private_net_name,
+ CONST.tempest_private_subnet_name,
+ CONST.tempest_router_name,
+ CONST.tempest_private_subnet_cidr)
+ if network_dic is None:
+ raise Exception('Failed to create private network')
+ image_id = ""
+ image_id_alt = ""
+ flavor_id = ""
+ flavor_id_alt = ""
+ if CONST.tempest_use_custom_images or use_custom_images:
+ # adding alternative image should be trivial should we need it
+ logger.debug("Creating image for Tempest suite")
+ _, image_id = os_utils.get_or_create_image(
+ CONST.openstack_image_name, GLANCE_IMAGE_PATH,
+ CONST.openstack_image_disk_format)
+ if image_id is None:
+ raise Exception('Failed to create image')
+ if use_custom_images:
+ logger.debug("Creating 2nd image for Tempest suite")
+ _, image_id_alt = os_utils.get_or_create_image(
+ CONST.openstack_image_name_alt, GLANCE_IMAGE_PATH,
+ CONST.openstack_image_disk_format)
+ if image_id_alt is None:
+ raise Exception('Failed to create image')
+ if CONST.tempest_use_custom_flavors or use_custom_flavors:
+ # adding alternative flavor should be trivial should we need it
+ logger.debug("Creating flavor for Tempest suite")
+ _, flavor_id = os_utils.get_or_create_flavor(
+ CONST.openstack_flavor_name,
+ CONST.openstack_flavor_ram,
+ CONST.openstack_flavor_disk,
+ CONST.openstack_flavor_vcpus)
+ if flavor_id is None:
+ raise Exception('Failed to create flavor')
+ if use_custom_flavors:
+ logger.debug("Creating 2nd flavor for tempest_defcore")
+ _, flavor_id_alt = os_utils.get_or_create_flavor(
+ CONST.openstack_flavor_name_alt,
+ CONST.openstack_flavor_ram,
+ CONST.openstack_flavor_disk,
+ CONST.openstack_flavor_vcpus)
+ if flavor_id_alt is None:
+ raise Exception('Failed to create flavor')
+ img_flavor_dict = {}
+ img_flavor_dict['image_id'] = image_id
+ img_flavor_dict['image_id_alt'] = image_id_alt
+ img_flavor_dict['flavor_id'] = flavor_id
+ img_flavor_dict['flavor_id_alt'] = flavor_id_alt
+ return img_flavor_dict
def get_verifier_id():
Returns verifer id for current Tempest
@@ -106,6 +190,17 @@ def get_verifier_deployment_dir(verifier_id, deployment_id):
+def get_repo_tag(repo):
+ """
+ Returns last tag of current branch
+ """
+ cmd = ("git -C {0} describe --abbrev=0 HEAD".format(repo))
+ p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
+ tag = p.stdout.readline().rstrip()
+ return str(tag)
def backup_tempest_config(conf_file):
Copy config file to tempest results directory
@@ -130,6 +225,33 @@ def configure_tempest(deployment_dir, IMAGE_ID=None, FLAVOR_ID=None,
+def configure_tempest_defcore(deployment_dir, img_flavor_dict):
+ """
+ Add/update needed parameters into tempest.conf file
+ """
+ conf_file = configure_verifier(deployment_dir)
+ configure_tempest_update_params(conf_file,
+ img_flavor_dict.get("image_id"),
+ img_flavor_dict.get("flavor_id"))
+ logger.debug("Updating selected tempest.conf parameters for defcore...")
+ config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
+ config.read(conf_file)
+ config.set('compute', 'image_ref', img_flavor_dict.get("image_id"))
+ config.set('compute', 'image_ref_alt',
+ img_flavor_dict['image_id_alt'])
+ config.set('compute', 'flavor_ref', img_flavor_dict.get("flavor_id"))
+ config.set('compute', 'flavor_ref_alt',
+ img_flavor_dict['flavor_id_alt'])
+ with open(conf_file, 'wb') as config_file:
+ config.write(config_file)
+ confpath = os.path.join(CONST.dir_functest_test,
+ CONST.refstack_tempest_conf_path)
+ shutil.copyfile(conf_file, confpath)
def configure_tempest_update_params(tempest_conf_file,
@@ -142,6 +264,8 @@ def configure_tempest_update_params(tempest_conf_file,
+ config.set('compute', 'volume_device_name',
+ CONST.tempest_volume_device_name)
if CONST.tempest_use_custom_images:
if IMAGE_ID is not None:
config.set('compute', 'image_ref', IMAGE_ID)
@@ -276,3 +400,16 @@ def configure_tempest_multisite_params(tempest_conf_file):
+def install_verifier_ext(path):
+ """
+ Install extension to active verifier
+ """
+ logger.info("Installing verifier from existing repo...")
+ tag = get_repo_tag(path)
+ cmd = ("rally verify add-verifier-ext --source {0} "
+ "--version {1}"
+ .format(path, tag))
+ error_msg = ("Problem while adding verifier extension from %s" % path)
+ ft_utils.execute_command_raise(cmd, error_msg=error_msg)
diff --git a/functest/opnfv_tests/openstack/tempest/custom_tests/defcore_req.txt b/functest/opnfv_tests/openstack/tempest/custom_tests/defcore_req.txt
index 1456db87..fbbee2ff 100644
--- a/functest/opnfv_tests/openstack/tempest/custom_tests/defcore_req.txt
+++ b/functest/opnfv_tests/openstack/tempest/custom_tests/defcore_req.txt
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# Set of DefCore tempest test cases not flagged and required. It only contains OpenStack core (no object storage)
# The approved guidelines (2016.08) are valid for Kilo, Liberty, Mitaka and Newton releases of OpenStack
# The list can be generated using the Rest API from RefStack project:
-# https://refstack.openstack.org/api/v1/guidelines/2016.08/tests?target=compute&type=required&alias=true&flag=false
+# https://refstack.openstack.org/api/v1/guidelines/2017.01/tests?target=compute&type=required&alias=true&flag=false
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ tempest.api.compute.servers.test_create_server.ServersTestManualDisk.test_list_s
@@ -245,4 +246,4 @@ tempest.api.volume.test_volumes_snapshots_negative.VolumesV2SnapshotNegativeTest
-tempest.api.volume.v2.test_volumes_list.VolumesV2ListTestJSON.test_volume_list_pagination[id-af55e775-8e4b-4feb-8719-215c43b0238c] \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/functest/opnfv_tests/openstack/tempest/tempest.py b/functest/opnfv_tests/openstack/tempest/tempest.py
index 4c96500d..d3b15926 100644
--- a/functest/opnfv_tests/openstack/tempest/tempest.py
+++ b/functest/opnfv_tests/openstack/tempest/tempest.py
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ from functest.opnfv_tests.openstack.tempest import conf_utils
from functest.utils.constants import CONST
import functest.utils.functest_logger as ft_logger
import functest.utils.functest_utils as ft_utils
-import functest.utils.openstack_utils as os_utils
""" logging configuration """
logger = ft_logger.Logger("Tempest").getLogger()
@@ -33,8 +32,6 @@ class TempestCommon(testcase_base.TestcaseBase):
super(TempestCommon, self).__init__()
self.MODE = ""
self.OPTION = ""
- self.FLAVOR_ID = None
- self.IMAGE_ID = None
self.VERIFIER_ID = conf_utils.get_verifier_id()
self.VERIFIER_REPO_DIR = conf_utils.get_verifier_repo_dir(
@@ -48,55 +45,6 @@ class TempestCommon(testcase_base.TestcaseBase):
with open(filename) as src:
return [line.strip() for line in src.readlines()]
- def create_tempest_resources(self):
- keystone_client = os_utils.get_keystone_client()
- logger.debug("Creating tenant and user for Tempest suite")
- tenant_id = os_utils.create_tenant(
- keystone_client,
- CONST.tempest_identity_tenant_name,
- CONST.tempest_identity_tenant_description)
- if not tenant_id:
- logger.error("Failed to create %s tenant"
- % CONST.tempest_identity_tenant_name)
- user_id = os_utils.create_user(keystone_client,
- CONST.tempest_identity_user_name,
- CONST.tempest_identity_user_password,
- None, tenant_id)
- if not user_id:
- logger.error("Failed to create %s user" %
- CONST.tempest_identity_user_name)
- logger.debug("Creating private network for Tempest suite")
- network_dic = os_utils.create_shared_network_full(
- CONST.tempest_private_net_name,
- CONST.tempest_private_subnet_name,
- CONST.tempest_router_name,
- CONST.tempest_private_subnet_cidr)
- if network_dic is None:
- raise Exception('Failed to create private network')
- if CONST.tempest_use_custom_images:
- # adding alternative image should be trivial should we need it
- logger.debug("Creating image for Tempest suite")
- _, self.IMAGE_ID = os_utils.get_or_create_image(
- CONST.openstack_image_name, conf_utils.GLANCE_IMAGE_PATH,
- CONST.openstack_image_disk_format)
- if self.IMAGE_ID is None:
- raise Exception('Failed to create image')
- if CONST.tempest_use_custom_flavors:
- # adding alternative flavor should be trivial should we need it
- logger.debug("Creating flavor for Tempest suite")
- _, self.FLAVOR_ID = os_utils.get_or_create_flavor(
- CONST.openstack_flavor_name,
- CONST.openstack_flavor_ram,
- CONST.openstack_flavor_disk,
- CONST.openstack_flavor_vcpus)
- if self.FLAVOR_ID is None:
- raise Exception('Failed to create flavor')
def generate_test_list(self, verifier_repo_dir):
logger.debug("Generating test case list...")
if self.MODE == 'defcore':
@@ -160,13 +108,9 @@ class TempestCommon(testcase_base.TestcaseBase):
result_file.write(str(cases_line) + '\n')
- def _parse_verification_id(line):
- first_pos = line.index("UUID=") + len("UUID=")
- last_pos = line.index(") for deployment")
- return line[first_pos:last_pos]
def run_verifier_tests(self):
- self.OPTION += (" --load-list {}".format(conf_utils.TEMPEST_LIST))
+ self.OPTION += (" --load-list {} --detailed"
+ .format(conf_utils.TEMPEST_LIST))
cmd_line = "rally verify start " + self.OPTION
logger.info("Starting Tempest test suite: '%s'." % cmd_line)
@@ -269,11 +213,12 @@ class TempestCommon(testcase_base.TestcaseBase):
- self.create_tempest_resources()
- conf_utils.configure_tempest(self.DEPLOYMENT_DIR,
- self.IMAGE_ID,
- self.FLAVOR_ID,
- self.MODE)
+ image_and_flavor = conf_utils.create_tempest_resources()
+ conf_utils.configure_tempest(
+ IMAGE_ID=image_and_flavor.get("image_id"),
+ FLAVOR_ID=image_and_flavor.get("flavor_id"),
+ MODE=self.MODE)
@@ -320,6 +265,7 @@ class TempestMultisite(TempestCommon):
self.case_name = "multisite"
self.MODE = "feature_multisite"
self.OPTION = "--concurrency 1"
+ conf_utils.install_verifier_ext(CONST.dir_repo_kingbird)
class TempestCustom(TempestCommon):