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2 files changed, 345 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/functest/tests/unit/ci/ b/functest/tests/unit/ci/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/functest/tests/unit/ci/
diff --git a/functest/tests/unit/ci/ b/functest/tests/unit/ci/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..41b3f6a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/functest/tests/unit/ci/
@@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+import logging
+import unittest
+import mock
+from import prepare_env
+from functest.tests.unit import test_utils
+from functest.utils.constants import CONST
+from opnfv.utils import constants as opnfv_constants
+class PrepareEnvTesting(unittest.TestCase):
+ logging.disable(logging.CRITICAL)
+ @mock.patch('')
+ def test_print_separator(self, mock_logger_info):
+ str = "=============================================="
+ prepare_env.print_separator()
+ mock_logger_info.assert_called_once_with(str)
+ @mock.patch('')
+ @mock.patch('')
+ def test_check_env_variables_missing_inst_type(self, mock_logger_warn,
+ mock_logger_info):
+ prepare_env.check_env_variables()
+ mock_logger_info.assert_any_call("Checking environment variables"
+ "...")
+ mock_logger_warn.assert_any_call("The env variable 'INSTALLER_TYPE'"
+ " is not defined.")
+ @mock.patch('')
+ @mock.patch('')
+ def test_check_env_variables_missing_inst_ip(self, mock_logger_warn,
+ mock_logger_info):
+ prepare_env.check_env_variables()
+ mock_logger_info.assert_any_call("Checking environment variables"
+ "...")
+ mock_logger_warn.assert_any_call("The env variable 'INSTALLER_IP'"
+ " is not defined. It is needed to"
+ " fetch the OpenStack credentials."
+ " If the credentials are not"
+ " provided to the container as a"
+ " volume, please add this env"
+ " variable to the 'docker run'"
+ " command.")
+ @mock.patch('')
+ @mock.patch('')
+ def test_check_env_variables_with_inst_ip(self, mock_logger_warn,
+ mock_logger_info):
+ CONST.INSTALLER_IP = mock.Mock()
+ prepare_env.check_env_variables()
+ mock_logger_info.assert_any_call("Checking environment variables"
+ "...")
+ mock_logger_info.assert_any_call(test_utils.
+ SubstrMatch(" INSTALLER_IP="))
+ @mock.patch('')
+ @mock.patch('')
+ def test_check_env_variables_missing_scenario(self, mock_logger_warn,
+ mock_logger_info):
+ prepare_env.check_env_variables()
+ mock_logger_info.assert_any_call("Checking environment variables"
+ "...")
+ mock_logger_warn.assert_any_call("The env variable"
+ " 'DEPLOY_SCENARIO' is not defined"
+ ". Setting CI_SCENARIO=undefined.")
+ @mock.patch('')
+ @mock.patch('')
+ def test_check_env_variables_with_scenario(self, mock_logger_warn,
+ mock_logger_info):
+ prepare_env.check_env_variables()
+ mock_logger_info.assert_any_call("Checking environment variables"
+ "...")
+ mock_logger_info.assert_any_call(test_utils.
+ SubstrMatch("DEPLOY_SCENARIO="))
+ @mock.patch('')
+ @mock.patch('')
+ def test_check_env_variables_with_ci_debug(self, mock_logger_warn,
+ mock_logger_info):
+ CONST.CI_DEBUG = mock.Mock()
+ prepare_env.check_env_variables()
+ mock_logger_info.assert_any_call("Checking environment variables"
+ "...")
+ mock_logger_info.assert_any_call(test_utils.
+ SubstrMatch(" CI_DEBUG="))
+ @mock.patch('')
+ @mock.patch('')
+ def test_check_env_variables_with_node(self, mock_logger_warn,
+ mock_logger_info):
+ CONST.NODE_NAME = mock.Mock()
+ prepare_env.check_env_variables()
+ mock_logger_info.assert_any_call("Checking environment variables"
+ "...")
+ mock_logger_info.assert_any_call(test_utils.
+ SubstrMatch(" NODE_NAME="))
+ @mock.patch('')
+ @mock.patch('')
+ def test_check_env_variables_with_build_tag(self, mock_logger_warn,
+ mock_logger_info):
+ CONST.BUILD_TAG = mock.Mock()
+ prepare_env.check_env_variables()
+ mock_logger_info.assert_any_call("Checking environment variables"
+ "...")
+ mock_logger_info.assert_any_call(test_utils.
+ SubstrMatch(" BUILD_TAG="))
+ @mock.patch('')
+ @mock.patch('')
+ def test_check_env_variables_with_is_ci_run(self, mock_logger_warn,
+ mock_logger_info):
+ CONST.IS_CI_RUN = mock.Mock()
+ prepare_env.check_env_variables()
+ mock_logger_info.assert_any_call("Checking environment variables"
+ "...")
+ mock_logger_info.assert_any_call(test_utils.
+ SubstrMatch(" IS_CI_RUN="))
+ @mock.patch('')
+ @mock.patch('')
+ def test_create_directories_missing_dir(self, mock_logger_debug,
+ mock_logger_info):
+ with mock.patch('',
+ return_value=False), \
+ mock.patch('') \
+ as mock_method:
+ prepare_env.create_directories()
+ mock_logger_info.assert_any_call("Creating needed directories...")
+ mock_method.assert_any_call(CONST.dir_functest_conf)
+ mock_method.assert_any_call(CONST.dir_functest_data)
+ mock_logger_info.assert_any_call(" %s created." %
+ CONST.dir_functest_conf)
+ mock_logger_info.assert_any_call(" %s created." %
+ CONST.dir_functest_data)
+ @mock.patch('')
+ @mock.patch('')
+ def test_create_directories_with_dir(self, mock_logger_debug,
+ mock_logger_info):
+ with mock.patch('',
+ return_value=True):
+ prepare_env.create_directories()
+ mock_logger_info.assert_any_call("Creating needed directories...")
+ mock_logger_debug.assert_any_call(" %s already exists." %
+ CONST.dir_functest_conf)
+ mock_logger_debug.assert_any_call(" %s already exists." %
+ CONST.dir_functest_data)
+ def _get_env_cred_dict(self, os_prefix=''):
+ return {'OS_USERNAME': os_prefix + 'username',
+ 'OS_PASSWORD': os_prefix + 'password',
+ 'OS_AUTH_URL': 'http://test_ip:test_port/v2.0',
+ 'OS_TENANT_NAME': os_prefix + 'tenant_name',
+ 'OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME': os_prefix + 'user_domain_name',
+ 'OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME': os_prefix + 'project_domain_name',
+ 'OS_PROJECT_NAME': os_prefix + 'project_name',
+ 'OS_ENDPOINT_TYPE': os_prefix + 'endpoint_type',
+ 'OS_REGION_NAME': os_prefix + 'region_name'}
+ @mock.patch('')
+ @mock.patch('')
+ @mock.patch('')
+ def test_source_rc_missing_rc_file(self, mock_logger_warn,
+ mock_logger_info,
+ mock_logger_error):
+ with mock.patch('',
+ return_value=True), \
+ mock.patch('',
+ return_value=0), \
+ self.assertRaises(Exception):
+ CONST.openstack_creds = 'test_creds'
+ prepare_env.source_rc_file()
+ def test_source_rc_missing_installer_ip(self):
+ with mock.patch('',
+ return_value=False), \
+ self.assertRaises(Exception):
+ CONST.openstack_creds = 'test_creds'
+ prepare_env.source_rc_file()
+ def test_source_rc_missing_installer_type(self):
+ with mock.patch('',
+ return_value=False), \
+ self.assertRaises(Exception):
+ CONST.INSTALLER_IP = 'test_ip'
+ CONST.openstack_creds = 'test_creds'
+ CONST.INSTALLER_TYPE = 'test_type'
+ opnfv_constants.INSTALLERS = []
+ prepare_env.source_rc_file()
+ def test_source_rc_missing_os_credfile_ci_inst(self):
+ with mock.patch('',
+ return_value=False), \
+ mock.patch(''), \
+ mock.patch(''), \
+ mock.patch('') \
+ as mock_subproc_popen, \
+ self.assertRaises(Exception):
+ CONST.openstack_creds = 'test_creds'
+ CONST.INSTALLER_TYPE = 'test_type'
+ opnfv_constants.INSTALLERS = ['test_type']
+ process_mock = mock.Mock()
+ attrs = {'communicate.return_value': ('output', 'error'),
+ 'return_code': 1}
+ process_mock.configure_mock(**attrs)
+ mock_subproc_popen.return_value = process_mock
+ prepare_env.source_rc_file()
+ def _get_rally_creds(self):
+ return {"type": "ExistingCloud",
+ "admin": {"username": 'test_user_name',
+ "password": 'test_password',
+ "tenant": 'test_tenant'}}
+ @mock.patch('')
+ @mock.patch('')
+ @mock.patch('')
+ def test_install_rally(self, mock_exec, mock_logger_info, mock_os_utils):
+ mock_os_utils.return_value = self._get_rally_creds()
+ prepare_env.install_rally()
+ cmd = "rally deployment destroy opnfv-rally"
+ error_msg = "Deployment %s does not exist." % \
+ CONST.rally_deployment_name
+ mock_logger_info.assert_any_call("Creating Rally environment...")
+ mock_exec.assert_any_call(cmd, error_msg=error_msg, verbose=False)
+ cmd = "rally deployment create --file=rally_conf.json --name="
+ cmd += CONST.rally_deployment_name
+ error_msg = "Problem while creating Rally deployment"
+ mock_exec.assert_any_call(cmd, error_msg=error_msg)
+ cmd = "rally deployment check"
+ error_msg = ("OpenStack not responding or "
+ "faulty Rally deployment.")
+ mock_exec.assert_any_call(cmd, error_msg=error_msg)
+ cmd = "rally deployment list"
+ error_msg = ("Problem while listing "
+ "Rally deployment.")
+ mock_exec.assert_any_call(cmd, error_msg=error_msg)
+ cmd = "rally plugin list | head -5"
+ error_msg = ("Problem while showing "
+ "Rally plugins.")
+ mock_exec.assert_any_call(cmd, error_msg=error_msg)
+ @mock.patch('')
+ @mock.patch('')
+ def test_check_environment_missing_file(self, mock_logger_error,
+ mock_sys_exit):
+ with mock.patch('',
+ return_value=False), \
+ self.assertRaises(Exception):
+ prepare_env.check_environment()
+ @mock.patch('')
+ @mock.patch('')
+ def test_check_environment_with_error(self, mock_logger_error,
+ mock_sys_exit):
+ with mock.patch('',
+ return_value=True), \
+ mock.patch("", mock.mock_open(read_data='0')), \
+ self.assertRaises(Exception):
+ prepare_env.check_environment()
+ @mock.patch('')
+ def test_check_environment_default(self, mock_logger_info):
+ with mock.patch('',
+ return_value=True):
+ with mock.patch("", mock.mock_open(read_data='1')):
+ prepare_env.check_environment()
+ mock_logger_info.assert_any_call("Functest environment"
+ " is installed.")
+ @mock.patch('')
+ @mock.patch('')
+ @mock.patch('')
+ @mock.patch('')
+ @mock.patch('')
+ @mock.patch('')
+ @mock.patch('')
+ @mock.patch('')
+ @mock.patch('')
+ @mock.patch('')
+ def test_main_start(self, mock_logger_info, mock_env_var,
+ mock_create_dir, mock_source_rc, mock_patch_config,
+ mock_verify_depl, mock_install_rally,
+ mock_install_temp, mock_create_flavor,
+ mock_check_env):
+ with mock.patch("", mock.mock_open()) as m:
+ args = {'action': 'start'}
+ self.assertEqual(prepare_env.main(**args), 0)
+ mock_logger_info.assert_any_call("######### Preparing Functest "
+ "environment #########\n")
+ self.assertTrue(mock_env_var.called)
+ self.assertTrue(mock_create_dir.called)
+ self.assertTrue(mock_source_rc.called)
+ self.assertTrue(mock_patch_config.called)
+ self.assertTrue(mock_verify_depl.called)
+ self.assertTrue(mock_install_rally.called)
+ self.assertTrue(mock_install_temp.called)
+ self.assertTrue(mock_create_flavor.called)
+ m.assert_called_once_with(CONST.env_active, "w")
+ self.assertTrue(mock_check_env.called)
+ @mock.patch('')
+ def test_main_check(self, mock_check_env):
+ args = {'action': 'check'}
+ self.assertEqual(prepare_env.main(**args), 0)
+ self.assertTrue(mock_check_env.called)
+ @mock.patch('')
+ def test_main_no_arg(self, mock_logger_error):
+ args = {'action': 'not_valid'}
+ self.assertEqual(prepare_env.main(**args), -1)
+ mock_logger_error.assert_called_once_with('Argument not valid.')
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ unittest.main(verbosity=2)