path: root/functest/opnfv_tests/vnf/ims/orchestra_openims.py
diff options
authorCédric Ollivier <cedric.ollivier@orange.com>2018-02-27 14:25:49 +0100
committerCédric Ollivier <cedric.ollivier@orange.com>2018-02-27 14:27:57 +0100
commitbaa8f2d5f67d45e5761f92cb93fe22050f08d0fe (patch)
tree05ddb33dc893cad35369b3286db944eac79ffe4d /functest/opnfv_tests/vnf/ims/orchestra_openims.py
parent53cd7f8176c996014decb7311d9f546f6b8f2497 (diff)
Clean all OpenStack related modules
Xtesting is only focused on the framework and entry points. Change-Id: I1a4146ed8519438b13810a20ddf1140c35bb6ecd Signed-off-by: Cédric Ollivier <cedric.ollivier@orange.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'functest/opnfv_tests/vnf/ims/orchestra_openims.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 598 deletions
diff --git a/functest/opnfv_tests/vnf/ims/orchestra_openims.py b/functest/opnfv_tests/vnf/ims/orchestra_openims.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f209d5c..00000000
--- a/functest/opnfv_tests/vnf/ims/orchestra_openims.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,598 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright (c) 2016 Orange and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-"""Orchestra OpenIMS testcase implementation."""
-import json
-import logging
-import os
-import socket
-import time
-import pkg_resources
-import yaml
-from functest.core import vnf
-from functest.utils import config
-from org.openbaton.cli.errors.errors import NfvoException
-from org.openbaton.cli.agents.agents import MainAgent
-from snaps.config.flavor import FlavorConfig
-from snaps.config.image import ImageConfig
-from snaps.config.network import NetworkConfig, PortConfig, SubnetConfig
-from snaps.config.router import RouterConfig
-from snaps.config.security_group import (
- Direction, Protocol, SecurityGroupConfig, SecurityGroupRuleConfig)
-from snaps.config.vm_inst import FloatingIpConfig
-from snaps.config.vm_inst import VmInstanceConfig
-from snaps.openstack.utils import keystone_utils
-from snaps.openstack.create_image import OpenStackImage
-from snaps.openstack.create_flavor import OpenStackFlavor
-from snaps.openstack.create_security_group import OpenStackSecurityGroup
-from snaps.openstack.create_network import OpenStackNetwork
-from snaps.openstack.create_router import OpenStackRouter
-from snaps.openstack.create_instance import OpenStackVmInstance
-from functest.opnfv_tests.openstack.snaps import snaps_utils
-__author__ = "Pauls, Michael <michael.pauls@fokus.fraunhofer.de>"
-# ----------------------------------------------------------
-# -----------------------------------------------------------
-def get_config(parameter, file_path):
- """
- Get config parameter.
- Returns the value of a given parameter in file.yaml
- parameter must be given in string format with dots
- Example: general.openstack.image_name
- """
- with open(file_path) as config_file:
- file_yaml = yaml.safe_load(config_file)
- config_file.close()
- value = file_yaml
- for element in parameter.split("."):
- value = value.get(element)
- if value is None:
- raise ValueError("The parameter %s is not defined in"
- " reporting.yaml", parameter)
- return value
-def servertest(host, port):
- """Method to test that a server is reachable at IP:port"""
- args = socket.getaddrinfo(host, port, socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
- for family, socktype, proto, _, sockaddr in args:
- sock = socket.socket(family, socktype, proto)
- try:
- sock.connect(sockaddr)
- except socket.error:
- return False
- else:
- sock.close()
- return True
-def get_userdata(orchestrator=dict):
- """Build userdata for Open Baton machine"""
- userdata = "#!/bin/bash\n"
- userdata += "echo \"Executing userdata...\"\n"
- userdata += "set -x\n"
- userdata += "set -e\n"
- userdata += "echo \"Install curl...\"\n"
- userdata += "apt-get install curl\n"
- userdata += "echo \"Inject public key...\"\n"
- userdata += ("echo \"ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCuPXrV3"
- "geeHc6QUdyUr/1Z+yQiqLcOskiEGBiXr4z76MK4abiFmDZ18OMQlc"
- "fl0p3kS0WynVgyaOHwZkgy/DIoIplONVr2CKBKHtPK+Qcme2PVnCtv"
- "EqItl/FcD+1h5XSQGoa+A1TSGgCod/DPo+pes0piLVXP8Ph6QS1k7S"
- "ic7JDeRQ4oT1bXYpJ2eWBDMfxIWKZqcZRiGPgMIbJ1iEkxbpeaAd9O"
- "4MiM9nGCPESmed+p54uYFjwEDlAJZShcAZziiZYAvMZhvAhe6USljc"
- "7YAdalAnyD/jwCHuwIrUw/lxo7UdNCmaUxeobEYyyFA1YVXzpNFZya"
- "XPGAAYIJwEq/ openbaton@opnfv\" >> /home/ubuntu/.ssh/aut"
- "horized_keys\n")
- userdata += "echo \"Download bootstrap...\"\n"
- userdata += ("curl -s %s "
- "> ./bootstrap\n" % orchestrator['bootstrap']['url'])
- userdata += ("curl -s %s" "> ./config_file\n" %
- orchestrator['bootstrap']['config']['url'])
- userdata += ("echo \"Disable usage of mysql...\"\n")
- userdata += "sed -i s/mysql=.*/mysql=no/g /config_file\n"
- userdata += "echo \"Set autostart of components to 'false'\"\n"
- userdata += "export OPENBATON_COMPONENT_AUTOSTART=false\n"
- userdata += "echo \"Execute bootstrap...\"\n"
- bootstrap = "sh ./bootstrap release -configFile=./config_file"
- userdata += bootstrap + "\n"
- userdata += "echo \"Setting 'nfvo.plugin.timeout' to '300000'\"\n"
- userdata += ("echo \"nfvo.plugin.timeout=600000\" >> "
- "/etc/openbaton/openbaton-nfvo.properties\n")
- userdata += (
- "wget %s -O /etc/openbaton/openbaton-vnfm-generic-user-data.sh\n" %
- orchestrator['gvnfm']['userdata']['url'])
- userdata += "sed -i '113i"'\ \ \ \ '"sleep 60' " \
- "/etc/openbaton/openbaton-vnfm-generic-user-data.sh\n"
- userdata += ("sed -i s/nfvo.marketplace.port=8082/nfvo.marketplace."
- "port=8080/g /etc/openbaton/openbaton-nfvo.properties\n")
- userdata += "echo \"Starting NFVO\"\n"
- userdata += "service openbaton-nfvo restart\n"
- userdata += "echo \"Starting Generic VNFM\"\n"
- userdata += "service openbaton-vnfm-generic restart\n"
- userdata += "echo \"...end of userdata...\"\n"
- return userdata
-class OpenImsVnf(vnf.VnfOnBoarding):
- """OpenIMS VNF deployed with openBaton orchestrator"""
- # logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
- def __init__(self, **kwargs):
- if "case_name" not in kwargs:
- kwargs["case_name"] = "orchestra_openims"
- super(OpenImsVnf, self).__init__(**kwargs)
- self.logger = logging.getLogger("functest.ci.run_tests.orchestra")
- self.logger.info("kwargs %s", (kwargs))
- self.case_dir = pkg_resources.resource_filename(
- 'functest', 'opnfv_tests/vnf/ims/')
- self.data_dir = getattr(config.CONF, 'dir_ims_data')
- self.test_dir = getattr(config.CONF, 'dir_repo_vims_test')
- self.created_resources = []
- self.logger.info("%s VNF onboarding test starting", self.case_name)
- try:
- self.config = getattr(
- config.CONF, 'vnf_{}_config'.format(self.case_name))
- except BaseException:
- raise Exception("Orchestra VNF config file not found")
- config_file = self.case_dir + self.config
- self.mano = dict(
- get_config("mano", config_file),
- details={}
- )
- self.logger.debug("Orchestrator configuration %s", self.mano)
- self.details['orchestrator'] = dict(
- name=self.mano['name'],
- version=self.mano['version'],
- status='ERROR',
- result=''
- )
- self.vnf = dict(
- get_config(self.case_name, config_file),
- )
- self.logger.debug("VNF configuration: %s", self.vnf)
- self.details['vnf'] = dict(
- name=self.vnf['name'],
- )
- self.details['test_vnf'] = dict(
- name=self.case_name,
- )
- # Orchestra base Data directory creation
- if not os.path.exists(self.data_dir):
- os.makedirs(self.data_dir)
- self.images = get_config("tenant_images.orchestrator", config_file)
- self.images.update(get_config("tenant_images.%s" %
- self.case_name, config_file))
- self.creds = None
- self.orchestra_router = None
- def prepare(self):
- """Prepare testscase (Additional pre-configuration steps)."""
- super(OpenImsVnf, self).prepare()
- public_auth_url = keystone_utils.get_endpoint(
- self.snaps_creds, 'identity')
- self.logger.info("Additional pre-configuration steps")
- self.creds = {
- "tenant": self.snaps_creds.project_name,
- "username": self.snaps_creds.username,
- "password": self.snaps_creds.password,
- "auth_url": public_auth_url}
- self.prepare_images()
- self.prepare_flavor()
- self.prepare_security_groups()
- self.prepare_network()
- def prepare_images(self):
- """Upload images if they doen't exist yet"""
- self.logger.info("Upload images if they doen't exist yet")
- for image_name, image_file in self.images.iteritems():
- self.logger.info("image: %s, file: %s", image_name, image_file)
- if image_file and image_name:
- image = OpenStackImage(
- self.snaps_creds,
- ImageConfig(name=image_name,
- image_user='cloud',
- img_format='qcow2',
- image_file=image_file,
- public=True))
- image.create()
- self.created_resources.append(image)
- def prepare_security_groups(self):
- """Create Open Baton security group if it doesn't exist yet"""
- self.logger.info(
- "Creating security group for Open Baton if not yet existing...")
- sg_rules = list()
- sg_rules.append(
- SecurityGroupRuleConfig(
- sec_grp_name="orchestra-sec-group-allowall-{}".format(
- self.uuid),
- direction=Direction.ingress,
- protocol=Protocol.tcp,
- port_range_min=1,
- port_range_max=65535))
- sg_rules.append(
- SecurityGroupRuleConfig(
- sec_grp_name="orchestra-sec-group-allowall-{}".format(
- self.uuid),
- direction=Direction.egress,
- protocol=Protocol.tcp,
- port_range_min=1,
- port_range_max=65535))
- sg_rules.append(
- SecurityGroupRuleConfig(
- sec_grp_name="orchestra-sec-group-allowall-{}".format(
- self.uuid),
- direction=Direction.ingress,
- protocol=Protocol.udp,
- port_range_min=1,
- port_range_max=65535))
- sg_rules.append(
- SecurityGroupRuleConfig(
- sec_grp_name="orchestra-sec-group-allowall-{}".format(
- self.uuid),
- direction=Direction.egress,
- protocol=Protocol.udp,
- port_range_min=1,
- port_range_max=65535))
- security_group = OpenStackSecurityGroup(
- self.snaps_creds,
- SecurityGroupConfig(
- name="orchestra-sec-group-allowall-{}".format(
- self.uuid),
- rule_settings=sg_rules))
- security_group_info = security_group.create()
- self.created_resources.append(security_group)
- self.mano['details']['sec_group'] = security_group_info.name
- self.logger.info(
- "Security group orchestra-sec-group-allowall prepared")
- def prepare_flavor(self):
- """Create Open Baton flavor if it doesn't exist yet"""
- self.logger.info(
- "Create Flavor for Open Baton NFVO if not yet existing")
- flavor_settings = FlavorConfig(
- name=self.mano['requirements']['flavor']['name'],
- ram=self.mano['requirements']['flavor']['ram_min'],
- disk=self.mano['requirements']['flavor']['disk'],
- vcpus=self.mano['requirements']['flavor']['vcpus'])
- flavor = OpenStackFlavor(self.snaps_creds, flavor_settings)
- flavor_info = flavor.create()
- self.created_resources.append(flavor)
- self.mano['details']['flavor'] = {}
- self.mano['details']['flavor']['name'] = flavor_settings.name
- self.mano['details']['flavor']['id'] = flavor_info.id
- def prepare_network(self):
- """Create network/subnet/router if they doen't exist yet"""
- self.logger.info(
- "Creating network/subnet/router if they doen't exist yet...")
- subnet_settings = SubnetConfig(
- name='{}_subnet-{}'.format(self.case_name, self.uuid),
- cidr="")
- network_settings = NetworkConfig(
- name='{}_net-{}'.format(self.case_name, self.uuid),
- subnet_settings=[subnet_settings])
- orchestra_network = OpenStackNetwork(
- self.snaps_creds, network_settings)
- orchestra_network_info = orchestra_network.create()
- self.mano['details']['network'] = {}
- self.mano['details']['network']['id'] = orchestra_network_info.id
- self.mano['details']['network']['name'] = orchestra_network_info.name
- self.mano['details']['external_net_name'] = \
- snaps_utils.get_ext_net_name(self.snaps_creds)
- self.created_resources.append(orchestra_network)
- self.orchestra_router = OpenStackRouter(
- self.snaps_creds,
- RouterConfig(
- name='{}_router-{}'.format(self.case_name, self.uuid),
- external_gateway=self.mano['details']['external_net_name'],
- internal_subnets=[
- subnet_settings.name]))
- self.orchestra_router.create()
- self.created_resources.append(self.orchestra_router)
- self.logger.info("Created network and router for Open Baton NFVO...")
- def get_vim_descriptor(self):
- """"Create VIM descriptor to be used for onboarding"""
- self.logger.info(
- "Building VIM descriptor with PoP creds: %s",
- self.creds)
- self.logger.debug("VIM project/tenant id: %s",
- self.snaps_creds.project_name)
- keystone = keystone_utils.keystone_client(self.snaps_creds)
- project_id = keystone_utils.get_project(
- keystone=keystone, project_name=self.snaps_creds.project_name).id
- vim_json = {
- "name": "vim-instance",
- "authUrl": self.creds.get("auth_url"),
- "tenant": project_id,
- "username": self.creds.get("username"),
- "password": self.creds.get("password"),
- "securityGroups": [
- self.mano['details']['sec_group']
- ],
- "type": "openstack",
- "location": {
- "name": "opnfv",
- "latitude": "52.525876",
- "longitude": "13.314400"
- }
- }
- self.logger.info("Built VIM descriptor: %s", vim_json)
- return vim_json
- def deploy_orchestrator(self):
- self.logger.info("Deploying Open Baton...")
- self.logger.info("Details: %s", self.mano['details'])
- start_time = time.time()
- self.logger.info("Creating orchestra instance...")
- userdata = get_userdata(self.mano)
- self.logger.info("flavor: %s\n"
- "image: %s\n"
- "network_id: %s\n",
- self.mano['details']['flavor']['name'],
- self.mano['requirements']['image'],
- self.mano['details']['network']['id'])
- self.logger.debug("userdata: %s\n", userdata)
- # setting up image
- image_settings = ImageConfig(
- name=self.mano['requirements']['image'],
- image_user='ubuntu',
- exists=True)
- # setting up port
- port_settings = PortConfig(
- name='{}_port-{}'.format(self.case_name, self.uuid),
- network_name=self.mano['details']['network']['name'])
- # build configuration of vm
- orchestra_settings = VmInstanceConfig(
- name='{}-{}'.format(self.case_name, self.uuid),
- flavor=self.mano['details']['flavor']['name'],
- port_settings=[port_settings],
- security_group_names=[self.mano['details']['sec_group']],
- floating_ip_settings=[FloatingIpConfig(
- name='orchestra_fip-{}'.format(self.uuid),
- port_name=port_settings.name,
- router_name=self.orchestra_router.router_settings.name)],
- userdata=str(userdata))
- orchestra_vm = OpenStackVmInstance(
- self.snaps_creds, orchestra_settings, image_settings)
- orchestra_vm.create()
- self.mano['details']['fip'] = orchestra_vm.get_floating_ip()
- self.created_resources.append(orchestra_vm)
- self.mano['details']['id'] = orchestra_vm.get_vm_info()['id']
- self.logger.info(
- "Created orchestra instance: %s", self.mano['details']['id'])
- self.logger.info("Waiting for Open Baton NFVO to be up and running...")
- timeout = 0
- while timeout < 20:
- if servertest(
- self.mano['details']['fip'].ip,
- "8080"):
- break
- else:
- self.logger.info("Open Baton NFVO is not started yet (%ss)",
- (timeout * 60))
- time.sleep(60)
- timeout += 1
- if timeout >= 20:
- duration = time.time() - start_time
- self.details["orchestrator"].update(
- status='FAIL', duration=duration)
- self.logger.error("Open Baton is not started correctly")
- return False
- self.logger.info("Waiting for all components to be up and running...")
- time.sleep(60)
- duration = time.time() - start_time
- self.details["orchestrator"].update(status='PASS', duration=duration)
- self.logger.info("Deploy Open Baton NFVO: OK")
- return True
- def deploy_vnf(self):
- start_time = time.time()
- self.logger.info("Deploying %s...", self.vnf['name'])
- main_agent = MainAgent(
- nfvo_ip=self.mano['details']['fip'].ip,
- nfvo_port=8080,
- https=False,
- version=1,
- username=self.mano['credentials']['username'],
- password=self.mano['credentials']['password'])
- self.logger.info(
- "Create %s Flavor if not existing", self.vnf['name'])
- flavor_settings = FlavorConfig(
- name=self.vnf['requirements']['flavor']['name'],
- ram=self.vnf['requirements']['flavor']['ram_min'],
- disk=self.vnf['requirements']['flavor']['disk'],
- vcpus=self.vnf['requirements']['flavor']['vcpus'])
- flavor = OpenStackFlavor(self.snaps_creds, flavor_settings)
- flavor_info = flavor.create()
- self.logger.debug("Flavor id: %s", flavor_info.id)
- self.logger.info("Getting project 'default'...")
- project_agent = main_agent.get_agent("project", "")
- for project in json.loads(project_agent.find()):
- if project.get("name") == "default":
- self.mano['details']['project_id'] = project.get("id")
- self.logger.info("Found project 'default': %s", project)
- break
- vim_json = self.get_vim_descriptor()
- self.logger.info("Registering VIM: %s", vim_json)
- main_agent.get_agent(
- "vim", project_id=self.mano['details']['project_id']).create(
- entity=json.dumps(vim_json))
- market_agent = main_agent.get_agent(
- "market", project_id=self.mano['details']['project_id'])
- try:
- self.logger.info("sending: %s", self.vnf['descriptor']['url'])
- nsd = market_agent.create(entity=self.vnf['descriptor']['url'])
- if nsd.get('id') is None:
- self.logger.error("NSD not onboarded correctly")
- duration = time.time() - start_time
- self.details["vnf"].update(status='FAIL', duration=duration)
- return False
- self.mano['details']['nsd_id'] = nsd.get('id')
- self.logger.info("Onboarded NSD: " + nsd.get("name"))
- nsr_agent = main_agent.get_agent(
- "nsr", project_id=self.mano['details']['project_id'])
- self.mano['details']['nsr'] = nsr_agent.create(
- self.mano['details']['nsd_id'])
- except NfvoException:
- self.logger.exception("failed")
- duration = time.time() - start_time
- self.details["vnf"].update(status='FAIL', duration=duration)
- return False
- if self.mano['details']['nsr'].get('code') is not None:
- self.logger.error(
- "%s cannot be deployed: %s -> %s",
- self.vnf['name'],
- self.mano['details']['nsr'].get('code'),
- self.mano['details']['nsr'].get('message'))
- self.logger.error("%s cannot be deployed", self.vnf['name'])
- duration = time.time() - start_time
- self.details["vnf"].update(status='FAIL', duration=duration)
- return False
- timeout = 0
- self.logger.info("Waiting for NSR to go to ACTIVE...")
- while self.mano['details']['nsr'].get("status") != 'ACTIVE' \
- and self.mano['details']['nsr'].get("status") != 'ERROR':
- timeout += 1
- self.logger.info("NSR is not yet ACTIVE... (%ss)", 60 * timeout)
- if timeout == 30:
- self.logger.error("INACTIVE NSR after %s sec..", 60 * timeout)
- duration = time.time() - start_time
- self.details["vnf"].update(status='FAIL', duration=duration)
- return False
- time.sleep(60)
- self.mano['details']['nsr'] = json.loads(
- nsr_agent.find(self.mano['details']['nsr'].get('id')))
- duration = time.time() - start_time
- if self.mano['details']['nsr'].get("status") == 'ACTIVE':
- self.details["vnf"].update(status='PASS', duration=duration)
- self.logger.info("Sleep for 60s to ensure that all "
- "services are up and running...")
- time.sleep(60)
- result = True
- else:
- self.details["vnf"].update(status='FAIL', duration=duration)
- self.logger.error("NSR: %s", self.mano['details'].get('nsr'))
- result = False
- return result
- def test_vnf(self):
- self.logger.info("Testing VNF OpenIMS...")
- start_time = time.time()
- self.logger.info(
- "Testing if %s works properly...",
- self.mano['details']['nsr'].get('name'))
- for vnfr in self.mano['details']['nsr'].get('vnfr'):
- self.logger.info(
- "Checking ports %s of VNF %s",
- self.vnf['test'][vnfr.get('name')]['ports'],
- vnfr.get('name'))
- for vdu in vnfr.get('vdu'):
- for vnfci in vdu.get('vnfc_instance'):
- self.logger.debug(
- "Checking ports of VNFC instance %s",
- vnfci.get('hostname'))
- for floating_ip in vnfci.get('floatingIps'):
- self.logger.debug(
- "Testing %s:%s",
- vnfci.get('hostname'),
- floating_ip.get('ip'))
- for port in self.vnf['test'][vnfr.get(
- 'name')]['ports']:
- if servertest(floating_ip.get('ip'), port):
- self.logger.info(
- "VNFC instance %s is reachable at %s:%s",
- vnfci.get('hostname'),
- floating_ip.get('ip'),
- port)
- else:
- self.logger.error(
- "VNFC instance %s is not reachable "
- "at %s:%s",
- vnfci.get('hostname'),
- floating_ip.get('ip'),
- port)
- duration = time.time() - start_time
- self.details["test_vnf"].update(
- status='FAIL', duration=duration, esult=(
- "Port %s of server %s -> %s is "
- "not reachable",
- port,
- vnfci.get('hostname'),
- floating_ip.get('ip')))
- self.logger.error("Test VNF: ERROR")
- return False
- duration = time.time() - start_time
- self.details["test_vnf"].update(status='PASS', duration=duration)
- self.logger.info("Test VNF: OK")
- return True
- def clean(self):
- self.logger.info("Cleaning %s...", self.case_name)
- try:
- main_agent = MainAgent(
- nfvo_ip=self.mano['details']['fip'].ip,
- nfvo_port=8080, https=False, version=1,
- username=self.mano['credentials']['username'],
- password=self.mano['credentials']['password'])
- self.logger.info("Terminating %s...", self.vnf['name'])
- if self.mano['details'].get('nsr'):
- main_agent.get_agent(
- "nsr",
- project_id=self.mano['details']['project_id']).\
- delete(self.mano['details']['nsr'].get('id'))
- self.logger.info("Sleeping 60 seconds...")
- time.sleep(60)
- else:
- self.logger.info("No need to terminate the VNF...")
- except (NfvoException, KeyError) as exc:
- self.logger.error('Unexpected error cleaning - %s', exc)
- super(OpenImsVnf, self).clean()