path: root/deploy/scenario/ha_onos_heat_ceilometer_scenario_0.0.5.yaml
blob: a94f48b8761aac5827e12c10d6f800b10a91eac8 (plain)

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# Copyright (c) 2015 Ericsson AB and others.
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at

############################################################################### # Description:
# This .yaml configuration file defines the configuration of the fuel
# deployment and is passed as an argument to
# eg. -c
# This will make fetch this configuration file and configure the
# deployment accordingly.
# After the deployment, a copy of this file gets uploaded to fuel:
# /root/deploy-config.yaml, as well as the sha-1 sum of this file:
# /root/deploy-config.sha1

# deployment configuration meta-data
   title: ONOS HA deployment
   version: 0.0.5
   created: Feb 1 2016
   comment: Rebased to Fuel8

# Stack extentions are opnfv added value features in form of a fuel-plugin
# plug-ins listed below will be enabled and configured according to the
# <module-config-base-uri>/<module-config-name>_<module-config-version>.yaml
# It does so by copying the config file to the local plugin config directory
   - module: onos
     module-config-name: fuel-onos
     module-config-version: 0.0.2

# By editing the override-config sections below, you can override arbitrary
# configuration name-space settings
    net_segment_type: tun
  - id: 1
    interfaces: interfaces_1
    role: controller,onos
    transformations: transformations_1
  - id: 2
    interfaces: interfaces_1
    role: mongo,controller
    transformations: transformations_1
  - id: 3
    interfaces: interfaces_1
    role: ceph-osd,controller
    transformations: transformations_1
  - id: 4
    interfaces: interfaces_1
    role: ceph-osd,compute
    transformations: transformations_1
  - id: 5
    interfaces: interfaces_1
    role: ceph-osd,compute
    transformations: transformations_1
          value: true
  - id: 1
    libvirtName: controller1
    libvirtTemplate: templates/virtual_environment/vms/controller.xml
  - id: 2
    libvirtName: controller2
    libvirtTemplate: templates/virtual_environment/vms/controller.xml
  - id: 3
    libvirtName: controller3
    libvirtTemplate: templates/virtual_environment/vms/controller.xml
  - id: 4
    libvirtName: compute1
    libvirtTemplate: templates/virtual_environment/vms/compute.xml
  - id: 5
    libvirtName: compute2
    libvirtTemplate: templates/virtual_environment/vms/compute.xml
  - id: 6
    libvirtName: fuel-master
    libvirtTemplate: templates/virtual_environment/vms/fuel.xml
    isFuel: yes
    username: root
    password: r00tme

# The verification pipeline may populate the section below with arbitrary
# testing information, which post deploy can be retreived from the fuel master:
# /root/deploy-config.yaml