path: root/build
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2015-12-18Fix for cache handlingStefan K. Berg2-10/+46
2015-12-16Bugfix fuel-plugin-bgpvpn use wrong branchjose.lausuch1-2/+2
2015-12-14Integration of ODL BGP-VPN pluginJonas Bjurel4-1/+106
2015-12-11Update QEMU/KVM pluginRuijing Guo3-1/+29
2015-12-11Docker based build for ovs and rebase to Fuel 7.0Ruijing Guo3-2/+29
2015-12-03Support for selecting which plugins to buildStefan K. Berg3-2/+18
2015-11-28ONOSFW SDN supportJonas Bjurel4-1/+103
2015-11-28Plugin builder for OVS-NSH-DPDKJonas Bjurel4-1/+105
2015-11-27OPNFV qemu (KVM4NFV) plugin builder/installer.Fuel@OPNFV4-1/+104
2015-11-27Download plugins dependencies using fuel-createmirrorMichal Skalski3-2/+5
2015-11-27Restructcture of the directory layoutJonas Bjurel61-0/+4436
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