path: root/mcp/patches/0003-maas-region-force-artifact-download.patch
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'mcp/patches/0003-maas-region-force-artifact-download.patch')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/mcp/patches/0003-maas-region-force-artifact-download.patch b/mcp/patches/0003-maas-region-force-artifact-download.patch
index 72114bb48..646bed34f 100644
--- a/mcp/patches/0003-maas-region-force-artifact-download.patch
+++ b/mcp/patches/0003-maas-region-force-artifact-download.patch
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ index d3227ca..8a2243d 100644
+ cmd.run:
-+ - name: "maas login {{ region.admin.username }} http://{{ region.bind.host }}/MAAS/api/2.0 - < /var/lib/maas/.maas_credentials && while ! grep -qzE '(Unable to probe for DHCP servers|DHCP probe complete).*Rack controller' /var/log/maas/rackd.log; do sleep 5; echo -n '.'; done && maas opnfv boot-resources import && while maas opnfv boot-resources is-importing | grep -q -e 'true'; do sleep 5; echo -n '.'; done && maas opnfv rack-controllers import-boot-images && while ! test -d /var/lib/maas/boot-resources/current/ubuntu; do sleep 5; echo -n '.'; done"
++ - name: "maas login {{ region.admin.username }} http://{{ region.bind.host }}:5240/MAAS/api/2.0 - < /var/lib/maas/.maas_credentials && while ! grep -qzE '(Unable to probe for DHCP servers|DHCP probe complete).*Rack controller' /var/log/maas/rackd.log; do sleep 5; echo -n '.'; done && maas opnfv boot-resources import && while maas opnfv boot-resources is-importing | grep -q -e 'true'; do sleep 5; echo -n '.'; done && maas opnfv rack-controllers import-boot-images && while ! test -d /var/lib/maas/boot-resources/current/ubuntu; do sleep 5; echo -n '.'; done"
+ - require:
+ - cmd: maas_login_admin