path: root/deploy/cloud/configure_nodes.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'deploy/cloud/configure_nodes.py')
1 files changed, 202 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deploy/cloud/configure_nodes.py b/deploy/cloud/configure_nodes.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ea50307b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deploy/cloud/configure_nodes.py
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2015 Ericsson AB and others.
+# szilard.cserey@ericsson.com
+# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+import copy
+import glob
+import io
+import six
+import yaml
+from common import (
+ exec_cmd,
+ check_file_exists,
+ log,
+ backup,
+class ConfigureNodes(object):
+ def __init__(self, yaml_config_dir, env_id, node_id_roles_dict, dea):
+ self.yaml_config_dir = yaml_config_dir
+ self.env_id = env_id
+ self.node_id_roles_dict = node_id_roles_dict
+ self.dea = dea
+ def config_nodes(self):
+ log('Configure nodes')
+ # Super dirty fix since Fuel 7 requires user defined roles to be
+ # assigned before anything else (BUG fixed in Fuel 8)!
+ for node_id, roles_blade in self.node_id_roles_dict.iteritems():
+ if "opendaylight" in roles_blade[0] or "onos" in roles_blade[0] or "contrail" in roles_blade[0]:
+ exec_cmd('fuel node set --node-id %s --role %s --env %s'
+ % (node_id, roles_blade[0], self.env_id))
+ for node_id, roles_blade in self.node_id_roles_dict.iteritems():
+ if "opendaylight" not in roles_blade[0] and "onos" not in roles_blade[0] and "contrail" not in roles_blade[0]:
+ exec_cmd('fuel node set --node-id %s --role %s --env %s'
+ % (node_id, roles_blade[0], self.env_id))
+ for node_id, roles_blade in self.node_id_roles_dict.iteritems():
+ # Modify node attributes
+ self.download_attributes(node_id)
+ self.modify_node_attributes(node_id, roles_blade)
+ self.upload_attributes(node_id)
+ # Modify interfaces configuration
+ self.download_interface_config(node_id)
+ self.modify_node_interface(node_id, roles_blade)
+ self.upload_interface_config(node_id)
+ # Currently not used, we use default deployment facts
+ # which are generated by fuel based on type segmentation
+ # and network to nic assignment
+ #
+ # Download our modified deployment configuration, which includes our
+ # changes to network topology etc.
+ #self.download_deployment_config()
+ #for node_id, roles_blade in self.node_id_roles_dict.iteritems():
+ # self.modify_node_network_schemes(node_id, roles_blade)
+ #self.upload_deployment_config()
+ def modify_node_network_schemes(self, node_id, roles_blade):
+ log('Modify network transformations for node %s' % node_id)
+ type = self.dea.get_node_property(roles_blade[1], 'transformations')
+ transformations = self.dea.get_property(type)
+ deployment_dir = '%s/deployment_%s' % (
+ self.yaml_config_dir, self.env_id)
+ backup(deployment_dir)
+ node_file = ('%s/%s.yaml' % (deployment_dir, node_id))
+ with io.open(node_file) as stream:
+ node = yaml.load(stream)
+ node['network_scheme'].update(transformations)
+ with io.open(node_file, 'w') as stream:
+ yaml.dump(node, stream, default_flow_style=False)
+ def download_deployment_config(self):
+ log('Download deployment config for environment %s' % self.env_id)
+ exec_cmd('fuel deployment --env %s --default --dir %s'
+ % (self.env_id, self.yaml_config_dir))
+ def upload_deployment_config(self):
+ log('Upload deployment config for environment %s' % self.env_id)
+ exec_cmd('fuel deployment --env %s --upload --dir %s'
+ % (self.env_id, self.yaml_config_dir))
+ def download_interface_config(self, node_id):
+ log('Download interface config for node %s' % node_id)
+ exec_cmd('fuel node --env %s --node %s --network --download '
+ '--dir %s' % (self.env_id, node_id, self.yaml_config_dir))
+ def upload_interface_config(self, node_id):
+ log('Upload interface config for node %s' % node_id)
+ exec_cmd('fuel node --env %s --node %s --network --upload '
+ '--dir %s' % (self.env_id, node_id, self.yaml_config_dir))
+ def download_attributes(self, node_id):
+ log('Download attributes for node %s' % node_id)
+ exec_cmd('fuel node --env %s --node %s --attributes --download '
+ '--dir %s' % (self.env_id, node_id, self.yaml_config_dir))
+ def upload_attributes(self, node_id):
+ log('Upload attributes for node %s' % node_id)
+ exec_cmd('fuel node --env %s --node %s --attributes --upload '
+ '--dir %s' % (self.env_id, node_id, self.yaml_config_dir))
+ def modify_node_attributes(self, node_id, roles_blade):
+ log('Modify attributes for node {0}'.format(node_id))
+ dea_key = self.dea.get_node_property(roles_blade[1], 'attributes')
+ if not dea_key:
+ # Node attributes are not overridden. Nothing to do.
+ return
+ new_attributes = self.dea.get_property(dea_key)
+ attributes_yaml = ('%s/node_%s/attributes.yaml'
+ % (self.yaml_config_dir, node_id))
+ check_file_exists(attributes_yaml)
+ backup('%s/node_%s' % (self.yaml_config_dir, node_id))
+ with open(attributes_yaml) as stream:
+ attributes = yaml.load(stream)
+ result_attributes = self._merge_dicts(attributes, new_attributes)
+ with open(attributes_yaml, 'w') as stream:
+ yaml.dump(result_attributes, stream, default_flow_style=False)
+ # interface configuration can
+ # looks like this:
+ #
+ # interfaces_dpdk:
+ # ens3:
+ # - fuelweb_admin
+ # ens4:
+ # - storage
+ # - management
+ # ens5:
+ # - interface_properties:
+ # dpdk:
+ # enabled: true
+ # - private
+ # ens6:
+ # - public
+ def modify_node_interface(self, node_id, roles_blade):
+ log('Modify interface config for node %s' % node_id)
+ interface_yaml = ('%s/node_%s/interfaces.yaml'
+ % (self.yaml_config_dir, node_id))
+ check_file_exists(interface_yaml)
+ backup('%s/node_%s' % (self.yaml_config_dir, node_id))
+ with io.open(interface_yaml) as stream:
+ interfaces = yaml.load(stream)
+ net_name_id = {}
+ for interface in interfaces:
+ for network in interface['assigned_networks']:
+ net_name_id[network['name']] = network['id']
+ type = self.dea.get_node_property(roles_blade[1], 'interfaces')
+ interface_config = self.dea.get_property(type)
+ for interface in interfaces:
+ interface['assigned_networks'] = []
+ if interface['name'] in interface_config:
+ for prop in interface_config[interface['name']]:
+ net = {}
+ #net name
+ if isinstance(prop, six.string_types):
+ net['id'] = net_name_id[prop]
+ net['name'] = prop
+ interface['assigned_networks'].append(net)
+ #network properties
+ elif isinstance(prop, dict):
+ if not 'interface_properties' in prop:
+ log('Interface configuration contain unknow dict: %s' % prop)
+ continue
+ interface['interface_properties'] = \
+ self._merge_dicts(interface.get('interface_properties', {}),
+ prop.get('interface_properties', {}))
+ with io.open(interface_yaml, 'w') as stream:
+ yaml.dump(interfaces, stream, default_flow_style=False)
+ def _merge_dicts(self, dict1, dict2):
+ """Recursively merge dictionaries."""
+ result = copy.deepcopy(dict1)
+ for k, v in six.iteritems(dict2):
+ if isinstance(result.get(k), list) and isinstance(v, list):
+ result[k].extend(v)
+ continue
+ if isinstance(result.get(k), dict) and isinstance(v, dict):
+ result[k] = self._merge_dicts(result[k], v)
+ continue
+ result[k] = copy.deepcopy(v)
+ return result