diff options
2 files changed, 22 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mcp/config/states/openstack_ha b/mcp/config/states/openstack_ha
index 8cdd64baf..75b2dd0cf 100755
--- a/mcp/config/states/openstack_ha
+++ b/mcp/config/states/openstack_ha
@@ -65,6 +65,18 @@ salt -I 'ceilometer:agent' state.sls ceilometer
salt -I 'horizon:server' state.sls apache,horizon
salt -I 'nginx:server' state.sls nginx
+# workaround for Ubuntu Pike Horizon missing css, FUEL-324
+if ! salt -C 'I@horizon:server and *01*' --out=yaml pkg.version openstack-dashboard | grep -qE ':.*mcp'; then
+ salt -I 'horizon:server' file.symlink \
+ /var/lib/openstack-dashboard/static \
+ /usr/share/openstack-dashboard/static
+ salt -I 'horizon:server' cmd.run "/usr/share/openstack-dashboard/manage.py collectstatic --noinput"
+ salt -I 'horizon:server' cmd.run "/usr/share/openstack-dashboard/manage.py compress --force"
+ salt -I 'horizon:server' file.append /etc/openstack-dashboard/local_settings.py \
+ "AVAILABLE_THEMES = [ ('default', 'Default', 'themes/default'),]"
+ salt -I 'horizon:server' service.reload apache2
cluster_public_host=$(salt -C 'I@nginx:server and *01*' --out=yaml \
pillar.get _param:cluster_public_host | awk '{print $2; exit}')
dashboard_host=$(salt -C 'I@nginx:server and *01*' --out=yaml cp.push \
diff --git a/mcp/config/states/openstack_noha b/mcp/config/states/openstack_noha
index 4d716e6a7..b20e965ba 100755
--- a/mcp/config/states/openstack_noha
+++ b/mcp/config/states/openstack_noha
@@ -52,3 +52,13 @@ salt -I 'ceilometer:server' state.sls ceilometer
salt -I 'ceilometer:agent' state.sls ceilometer
salt -I 'horizon:server' state.sls apache,horizon
+# workaround for the pike horizon is missing css, FUEL-324
+salt -I 'horizon:server' file.symlink \
+ /var/lib/openstack-dashboard/static \
+ /usr/share/openstack-dashboard/static
+salt -I 'horizon:server' cmd.run "/usr/share/openstack-dashboard/manage.py collectstatic --noinput"
+salt -I 'horizon:server' cmd.run "/usr/share/openstack-dashboard/manage.py compress --force"
+salt -I 'horizon:server' file.append /etc/openstack-dashboard/local_settings.py \
+ "AVAILABLE_THEMES = [ ('default', 'Default', 'themes/default'),]"
+salt -I 'horizon:server' service.reload apache2