path: root/mcp/scripts/lib_jump_deploy.sh
diff options
authorAlexandru Avadanii <Alexandru.Avadanii@enea.com>2018-09-22 18:29:31 +0200
committerAlexandru Avadanii <Alexandru.Avadanii@enea.com>2018-09-24 18:24:43 +0200
commite49ffac10dc059b9133586ae4991446f5a5915de (patch)
treeba944b5a3dfdfd1562620f26671af6185ae8a9af /mcp/scripts/lib_jump_deploy.sh
parentd7bf560e12151853c3121ba39ad9bf6bd47befcf (diff)
[lib.sh] Split into multiple files for readability
lib.sh got pretty big over time, making it hard to maintain. Since most of the functions defined now in lib.sh are only required during build/deploy and not in state files, move them to a new file. While at it, prepare for running build/deploy as non-root and set a default connection string for virsh instead of using user specific config in ~/.config/libvirt/libvirt.conf, which caused end user experience issues in the past. Change-Id: Id8c2a8139e4bfdb99af2b0fad73b911ffa18ebea Signed-off-by: Alexandru Avadanii <Alexandru.Avadanii@enea.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'mcp/scripts/lib_jump_deploy.sh')
1 files changed, 476 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mcp/scripts/lib_jump_deploy.sh b/mcp/scripts/lib_jump_deploy.sh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3c3256aa0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mcp/scripts/lib_jump_deploy.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,476 @@
+#!/bin/bash -e
+# shellcheck disable=SC2155,SC1001,SC2015,SC2128
+# Copyright (c) 2018 Mirantis Inc., Enea AB and others.
+# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Library of shell functions used by deploy script on jumpserver:
+# - base cloud image (used by FN VMs and VCP VMs) processing:
+# * download;
+# * tooling for offline image modification (without libguestfs);
+# * package pre-installation (requires nbd, loop krn mods);
+# - virtualized hosts processing:
+# * virsh-managed VMs boilerplate;
+# * salt master container tooling;
+# * virsh & docker network plumbing;
+# etc.
+# private helper functions
+function __get_base_image {
+ local base_image=$1
+ local image_dir=$2
+ mkdir -p "${image_dir}"
+ wget --progress=dot:giga -P "${image_dir}" -N "${base_image}"
+function __kernel_modules {
+ # Load mandatory kernel modules: loop, nbd
+ local image_dir=$1
+ test -e /dev/loop-control || sudo modprobe loop
+ if sudo modprobe nbd max_part=8 || sudo modprobe -f nbd max_part=8; then
+ return 0
+ fi
+ if [ -e /dev/nbd0 ]; then return 0; fi # nbd might be inbuilt
+ # CentOS (or RHEL family in general) do not provide 'nbd' out of the box
+ echo "[WARN] 'nbd' kernel module cannot be loaded!"
+ if [ ! -e /etc/redhat-release ]; then
+ echo "[ERROR] Non-RHEL system detected, aborting!"
+ echo "[ERROR] Try building 'nbd' manually or install it from a 3rd party."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # Best-effort attempt at building a non-maintaned kernel module
+ local __baseurl
+ local __subdir
+ local __uname_r=$(uname -r)
+ local __uname_m=$(uname -m)
+ if [ "${__uname_m}" = 'x86_64' ]; then
+ __baseurl='http://vault.centos.org/centos'
+ __subdir='Source/SPackages'
+ __srpm="kernel-${__uname_r%.${__uname_m}}.src.rpm"
+ else
+ __baseurl='http://vault.centos.org/altarch'
+ __subdir="Source/${__uname_m}/Source/SPackages"
+ # NOTE: fmt varies across releases (e.g. kernel-alt-4.11.0-44.el7a.src.rpm)
+ __srpm="kernel-alt-${__uname_r%.${__uname_m}}.src.rpm"
+ fi
+ local __found='n'
+ local __versions=$(curl -s "${__baseurl}/" | grep -Po 'href="\K7\.[\d\.]+')
+ for ver in ${__versions}; do
+ for comp in os updates; do
+ local url="${__baseurl}/${ver}/${comp}/${__subdir}/${__srpm}"
+ if wget "${url}" -O "${image_dir}/${__srpm}" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ __found='y'; break 2
+ fi
+ done
+ done
+ if [ "${__found}" = 'n' ]; then
+ echo "[ERROR] Can't find the linux kernel SRPM for: ${__uname_r}"
+ echo "[ERROR] 'nbd' module cannot be built, aborting!"
+ echo "[ERROR] Try 'yum upgrade' or building 'nbd' krn module manually ..."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ rpm -ivh "${image_dir}/${__srpm}" 2> /dev/null
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2016
+ echo '%_topdir %(echo $HOME)/rpmbuild' > ~/.rpmmacros
+ (
+ cd ~/rpmbuild/SPECS
+ rpmbuild -bp --nodeps --target="${__uname_m}" kernel*.spec
+ cd ~/rpmbuild/BUILD/"${__srpm%.src.rpm}"/linux-*
+ sed -i 's/^.*\(CONFIG_BLK_DEV_NBD\).*$/\1=m/g' .config
+ # http://centosfaq.org/centos/nbd-does-not-compile-for-3100-514262el7x86_64
+ if grep -Rq 'REQ_TYPE_DRV_PRIV' drivers/block; then
+ sed -i 's/REQ_TYPE_SPECIAL/REQ_TYPE_DRV_PRIV/g' drivers/block/nbd.c
+ fi
+ gunzip -c "/boot/symvers-${__uname_r}.gz" > Module.symvers
+ make prepare modules_prepare
+ make M=drivers/block -j
+ modinfo drivers/block/nbd.ko
+ sudo mkdir -p "/lib/modules/${__uname_r}/extra/"
+ sudo cp drivers/block/nbd.ko "/lib/modules/${__uname_r}/extra/"
+ )
+ sudo depmod -a
+ sudo modprobe nbd max_part=8 || sudo modprobe -f nbd max_part=8
+function __mount_image {
+ local image=$1
+ local image_dir=$2
+ OPNFV_MNT_DIR="${image_dir}/ubuntu"
+ # Find free nbd, loop devices
+ for dev in '/sys/class/block/nbd'*; do
+ if [ "$(cat "${dev}/size")" = '0' ]; then
+ OPNFV_NBD_DEV=/dev/$(basename "${dev}")
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ OPNFV_LOOP_DEV=$(sudo losetup -f)
+ OPNFV_MAP_DEV=/dev/mapper/$(basename "${OPNFV_NBD_DEV}")p1
+ [ -n "${OPNFV_NBD_DEV}" ] && [ -n "${OPNFV_LOOP_DEV}" ] || exit 1
+ qemu-img resize "${image_dir}/${image}" 3G
+ sudo qemu-nbd --connect="${OPNFV_NBD_DEV}" --aio=native --cache=none \
+ "${image_dir}/${image}"
+ sudo kpartx -av "${OPNFV_NBD_DEV}"
+ sleep 5 # /dev/nbdNp1 takes some time to come up
+ # Hardcode partition index to 1, unlikely to change for Ubuntu UCA image
+ if sudo growpart "${OPNFV_NBD_DEV}" 1; then
+ sudo kpartx -u "${OPNFV_NBD_DEV}"
+ sudo e2fsck -pf "${OPNFV_MAP_DEV}"
+ sudo resize2fs "${OPNFV_MAP_DEV}"
+ fi
+ # grub-update does not like /dev/nbd*, so use a loop device to work around it
+ sudo losetup "${OPNFV_LOOP_DEV}" "${OPNFV_MAP_DEV}"
+ mkdir -p "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}"
+ sudo mount "${OPNFV_LOOP_DEV}" "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}"
+ sudo mount -t proc proc "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}/proc"
+ sudo mount -t sysfs sys "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}/sys"
+ sudo mount -o bind /dev "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}/dev"
+ sudo mkdir -p "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}/run/resolvconf"
+ sudo cp /etc/resolv.conf "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}/run/resolvconf"
+ echo "GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER=true" | \
+ sudo tee -a "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}/etc/default/grub"
+ sudo sed -i -e 's/^\(GRUB_TIMEOUT\)=.*$/\1=1/g' -e 's/^GRUB_HIDDEN.*$//g' \
+ "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}/etc/default/grub"
+function __apt_repos_pkgs_image {
+ local apt_key_urls=(${1//,/ })
+ local all_repos=(${2//,/ })
+ local pkgs_i=(${3//,/ })
+ local pkgs_r=(${4//,/ })
+ [ -n "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}" ] || exit 1
+ # APT keys
+ if [ "${#apt_key_urls[@]}" -gt 0 ]; then
+ for apt_key in "${apt_key_urls[@]}"; do
+ sudo chroot "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}" /bin/bash -c \
+ "wget -qO - '${apt_key}' | apt-key add -"
+ done
+ fi
+ # Additional repositories
+ for repo_line in "${all_repos[@]}"; do
+ # <repo_name>|<repo prio>|deb|[arch=<arch>]|<repo url>|<dist>|<repo comp>
+ local repo=(${repo_line//|/ })
+ [ "${#repo[@]}" -gt 5 ] || continue
+ # NOTE: Names and formatting are compatible with Salt linux.system.repo
+ cat <<-EOF | sudo tee "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}/etc/apt/preferences.d/${repo[0]}"
+ Package: *
+ Pin: release a=${repo[-2]}
+ Pin-Priority: ${repo[1]}
+ echo "${repo[@]:2}" | sudo tee \
+ "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}/etc/apt/sources.list.d/${repo[0]}.list"
+ done
+ # Install packages
+ if [ "${#pkgs_i[@]}" -gt 0 ]; then
+ sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive" \
+ chroot "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}" apt-get update
+ sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive" FLASH_KERNEL_SKIP="true" \
+ chroot "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}" apt-get install -y "${pkgs_i[@]}"
+ fi
+ # Remove packages
+ if [ "${#pkgs_r[@]}" -gt 0 ]; then
+ sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive" FLASH_KERNEL_SKIP="true" \
+ chroot "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}" apt-get purge -y "${pkgs_r[@]}"
+ fi
+ # Disable cloud-init metadata service datasource
+ sudo mkdir -p "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d"
+ echo "datasource_list: [ NoCloud, None ]" | sudo tee \
+ "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/95_real_datasources.cfg"
+function __cleanup_vms {
+ # clean up existing nodes
+ for node in $(${VIRSH} list --name | grep -P '\w{3}\d{2}'); do
+ ${VIRSH} destroy "${node}"
+ done
+ for node in $(${VIRSH} list --name --all | grep -P '\w{3}\d{2}'); do
+ ${VIRSH} domblklist "${node}" | awk '/^.da/ {print $2}' | \
+ xargs --no-run-if-empty -I{} sudo rm -f {}
+ ${VIRSH} undefine "${node}" --remove-all-storage --nvram || \
+ ${VIRSH} undefine "${node}" --remove-all-storage
+ done
+# public functions
+function prepare_vms {
+ local base_image=$1; shift
+ local image_dir=$1; shift
+ local repos_pkgs_str=$1; shift # ^-sep list of repos, pkgs to install/rm
+ local vnodes=("$@")
+ local image=base_image_opnfv_fuel.img
+ local vcp_image=${image%.*}_vcp.img
+ local _o=${base_image/*\/}
+ local _h=$(echo "${repos_pkgs_str}.$(md5sum "${image_dir}/${_o}")" | \
+ md5sum | cut -c -8)
+ local _tmp
+ [ -n "${image_dir}" ] || exit 1
+ cleanup_uefi
+ __cleanup_vms
+ __get_base_image "${base_image}" "${image_dir}"
+ IFS='^' read -r -a repos_pkgs <<< "${repos_pkgs_str}"
+ echo "[INFO] Lookup cache / build patched base image for fingerprint: ${_h}"
+ _tmp="${image%.*}.${_h}.img"
+ if [ "${image_dir}/${_tmp}" -ef "${image_dir}/${image}" ]; then
+ echo "[INFO] Patched base image found"
+ else
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2115
+ rm -rf "${image_dir}/${image%.*}"*
+ if [[ ! "${repos_pkgs_str}" =~ ^\^+$ ]]; then
+ echo "[INFO] Patching base image ..."
+ cp "${image_dir}/${_o}" "${image_dir}/${_tmp}"
+ __kernel_modules "${image_dir}"
+ __mount_image "${_tmp}" "${image_dir}"
+ __apt_repos_pkgs_image "${repos_pkgs[@]:0:4}"
+ cleanup_mounts
+ else
+ echo "[INFO] No patching required, using vanilla base image"
+ ln -sf "${image_dir}/${_o}" "${image_dir}/${_tmp}"
+ fi
+ ln -sf "${image_dir}/${_tmp}" "${image_dir}/${image}"
+ fi
+ # Create config ISO and resize OS disk image for each foundation node VM
+ for node in "${vnodes[@]}"; do
+ ./create-config-drive.sh -k "$(basename "${SSH_KEY}").pub" \
+ -u 'user-data.sh' -h "${node}" "${image_dir}/mcp_${node}.iso"
+ cp "${image_dir}/${image}" "${image_dir}/mcp_${node}.qcow2"
+ qemu-img resize "${image_dir}/mcp_${node}.qcow2" 100G
+ # Prepare dedicated drive for cinder on cmp nodes
+ if [[ "${node}" =~ ^(cmp) ]]; then
+ qemu-img create "${image_dir}/mcp_${node}_storage.qcow2" 100G
+ fi
+ done
+ # VCP VMs base image specific changes
+ if [[ ! "${repos_pkgs_str}" =~ \^{3}$ ]] && [ -n "${repos_pkgs[*]:4}" ]; then
+ echo "[INFO] Lookup cache / build patched VCP image for md5sum: ${_h}"
+ _tmp="${vcp_image%.*}.${_h}.img"
+ if [ "${image_dir}/${_tmp}" -ef "${image_dir}/${vcp_image}" ]; then
+ echo "[INFO] Patched VCP image found"
+ else
+ echo "[INFO] Patching VCP image ..."
+ cp "${image_dir}/${image}" "${image_dir}/${_tmp}"
+ __kernel_modules "${image_dir}"
+ __mount_image "${_tmp}" "${image_dir}"
+ __apt_repos_pkgs_image "${repos_pkgs[@]:4:4}"
+ cleanup_mounts
+ ln -sf "${image_dir}/${_tmp}" "${image_dir}/${vcp_image}"
+ fi
+ fi
+function create_networks {
+ local all_vnode_networks=("mcpcontrol" "$@")
+ # create required networks, including constant "mcpcontrol"
+ for net in "${all_vnode_networks[@]}"; do
+ if ${VIRSH} net-info "${net}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ ${VIRSH} net-destroy "${net}" || true
+ ${VIRSH} net-undefine "${net}"
+ fi
+ # in case of custom network, host should already have the bridge in place
+ if [ -f "virsh_net/net_${net}.xml" ] && \
+ [ ! -d "/sys/class/net/${net}/bridge" ]; then
+ ${VIRSH} net-define "virsh_net/net_${net}.xml"
+ ${VIRSH} net-autostart "${net}"
+ ${VIRSH} net-start "${net}"
+ fi
+ done
+ # create veth pairs for relevant networks (mcpcontrol, pxebr, mgmt)
+ for i in $(seq 0 2 4); do
+ sudo ip link del "veth_mcp$i" || true
+ sudo ip link add "veth_mcp$i" type veth peer name "veth_mcp$((i+1))"
+ sudo ip link set "veth_mcp$i" up mtu 9000
+ sudo ip link set "veth_mcp$((i+1))" up mtu 9000
+ sudo brctl addif "${all_vnode_networks[$((i/2))]}" "veth_mcp$i"
+ done
+function create_vms {
+ local image_dir=$1; shift
+ # vnode data should be serialized with the following format:
+ # <name0>,<ram0>,<vcpu0>[,<sockets0>,<cores0>,<threads0>[,<cell0name0>,<cell0memory0>,
+ # <cell0cpus0>,<cell1name0>,<cell1memory0>,<cell1cpus0>]]|<name1>,...'
+ IFS='|' read -r -a vnodes <<< "$1"; shift
+ # AArch64: prepare arch specific arguments
+ local virt_extra_args=""
+ if [ "$(uname -i)" = "aarch64" ]; then
+ # No Cirrus VGA on AArch64, use virtio instead
+ virt_extra_args="$virt_extra_args --video=virtio"
+ fi
+ # create vms with specified options
+ for serialized_vnode_data in "${vnodes[@]}"; do
+ if [ -z "${serialized_vnode_data}" ]; then continue; fi
+ IFS=',' read -r -a vnode_data <<< "${serialized_vnode_data}"
+ # prepare VM CPU model, count, topology (optional), NUMA cells (optional, requires topo)
+ local virt_cpu_args=' --cpu host-passthrough'
+ local idx=6 # cell0.name index in serialized data
+ while [ -n "${vnode_data[${idx}]}" ]; do
+ virt_cpu_args+=",${vnode_data[${idx}]}.memory=${vnode_data[$((idx + 1))]}"
+ virt_cpu_args+=",${vnode_data[${idx}]}.cpus=${vnode_data[$((idx + 2))]}"
+ idx=$((idx + 3))
+ done
+ virt_cpu_args+=" --vcpus vcpus=${vnode_data[2]}"
+ if [ -n "${vnode_data[5]}" ]; then
+ virt_cpu_args+=",sockets=${vnode_data[3]},cores=${vnode_data[4]},threads=${vnode_data[5]}"
+ fi
+ # prepare network args
+ local vnode_networks=("$@")
+ if [[ "${vnode_data[0]}" =~ ^(cfg01|mas01) ]]; then
+ net_args=" --network network=mcpcontrol,model=virtio"
+ # 3rd interface gets connected to PXE/Admin Bridge (cfg01, mas01)
+ vnode_networks[2]="${vnode_networks[0]}"
+ else
+ net_args=" --network bridge=${vnode_networks[0]},model=virtio"
+ fi
+ for net in "${vnode_networks[@]:1}"; do
+ net_args="${net_args} --network bridge=${net},model=virtio"
+ done
+ # dedicated storage drive for cinder on cmp nodes
+ virt_extra_storage=
+ if [[ "${vnode_data[0]}" =~ ^(cmp) ]]; then
+ virt_extra_storage="--disk path=${image_dir}/mcp_${vnode_data[0]}_storage.qcow2,format=qcow2,bus=virtio,cache=none,io=native"
+ fi
+ [ ! -e "${image_dir}/virt-manager" ] || VIRT_PREFIX="${image_dir}/virt-manager/"
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+ ${VIRT_PREFIX}virt-install --name "${vnode_data[0]}" \
+ ${virt_cpu_args} --accelerate \
+ ${net_args} \
+ --ram "${vnode_data[1]}" \
+ --disk path="${image_dir}/mcp_${vnode_data[0]}.qcow2",format=qcow2,bus=virtio,cache=none,io=native \
+ ${virt_extra_storage} \
+ --os-type linux --os-variant none \
+ --boot hd --vnc --console pty --autostart --noreboot \
+ --disk path="${image_dir}/mcp_${vnode_data[0]}.iso",device=cdrom \
+ --noautoconsole \
+ ${virt_extra_args}
+ done
+function update_mcpcontrol_network {
+ # set static ip address for salt master node, MaaS node
+ local amac=$(${VIRSH} domiflist mas01 2>&1| awk '/mcpcontrol/ {print $5; exit}')
+ [ -z "${amac}" ] || ${VIRSH} net-update "mcpcontrol" add ip-dhcp-host \
+ "<host mac='${amac}' name='mas01' ip='${MAAS_IP}'/>" --live --config
+function reset_vms {
+ local vnodes=("$@")
+ local cmd_str="ssh ${SSH_OPTS} ${SSH_SALT}"
+ # reset non-infrastructure vms, wait for them to come back online
+ for node in "${vnodes[@]}"; do
+ if [[ ! "${node}" =~ (cfg01|mas01) ]]; then
+ ${VIRSH} reset "${node}"
+ fi
+ done
+ for node in "${vnodes[@]}"; do
+ if [[ ! "${node}" =~ (cfg01|mas01) ]]; then
+ wait_for 20.0 "${cmd_str} sudo salt -C '${node}*' saltutil.sync_all"
+ fi
+ done
+function start_vms {
+ local vnodes=("$@")
+ # start vms
+ for node in "${vnodes[@]}"; do
+ ${VIRSH} start "${node}"
+ sleep $((RANDOM%5+1))
+ done
+function prepare_containers {
+ local image_dir=$1
+ [ -n "${image_dir}" ] || exit 1
+ [ -n "${MCP_REPO_ROOT_PATH}" ] || exit 1
+ docker-compose --version > /dev/null 2>&1 || COMPOSE_PREFIX="${image_dir}/"
+ "${COMPOSE_PREFIX}docker-compose" -f docker-compose/docker-compose.yaml down
+ if [[ ! "${MCP_DOCKER_TAG}" =~ 'verify' ]]; then
+ "${COMPOSE_PREFIX}docker-compose" -f docker-compose/docker-compose.yaml pull
+ fi
+ sudo rm -rf "${image_dir}/"{salt,hosts,pki} "${image_dir}/nodes/"*
+ mkdir -p "${image_dir}/salt/"{master.d,minion.d}
+ touch "${image_dir}/hosts"
+function start_containers {
+ local image_dir=$1
+ [ -n "${image_dir}" ] || exit 1
+ docker-compose --version > /dev/null 2>&1 || COMPOSE_PREFIX="${image_dir}/"
+ "${COMPOSE_PREFIX}docker-compose" -f docker-compose/docker-compose.yaml up -d
+function check_connection {
+ local total_attempts=60
+ local sleep_time=5
+ set +e
+ echo '[INFO] Attempting to get into Salt master ...'
+ # wait until ssh on Salt master is available
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2034
+ for attempt in $(seq "${total_attempts}"); do
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+ ssh ${SSH_OPTS} "ubuntu@${SALT_MASTER}" uptime
+ case $? in
+ 0) echo "${attempt}> Success"; break ;;
+ *) echo "${attempt}/${total_attempts}> ssh server ain't ready yet, waiting for ${sleep_time} seconds ..." ;;
+ esac
+ sleep $sleep_time
+ done
+ set -e
+function cleanup_mounts {
+ # Remove any mounts, loop and/or nbd devs created while patching base image
+ if [ -n "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}" ] && [ -d "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}" ]; then
+ if [ -f "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}/boot/grub/grub.cfg" ]; then
+ # Grub thinks it's running from a live CD
+ sudo sed -i -e 's/^\s*set root=.*$//g' -e 's/^\s*loopback.*$//g' \
+ "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}/boot/grub/grub.cfg"
+ fi
+ sudo rm -f "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}/run/resolvconf/resolv.conf"
+ sync
+ if mountpoint -q "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}"; then
+ sudo umount -l "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}" || true
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ -n "${OPNFV_LOOP_DEV}" ] && \
+ sudo losetup "${OPNFV_LOOP_DEV}" 1>&2 > /dev/null; then
+ sudo losetup -d "${OPNFV_LOOP_DEV}"
+ fi
+ if [ -n "${OPNFV_NBD_DEV}" ]; then
+ sudo kpartx -d "${OPNFV_NBD_DEV}" || true
+ sudo qemu-nbd -d "${OPNFV_NBD_DEV}" || true
+ fi