path: root/mcp/scripts/
diff options
authorAlexandru Avadanii <>2019-02-07 19:51:04 +0100
committerAlexandru Avadanii <>2019-02-14 16:58:51 +0100
commit58af9a94ef78bbcf3f0593d4170d32ebce721455 (patch)
tree895f9cd9620d4509b86d281fcfc5fce9a69a5e15 /mcp/scripts/
parent494c436572aed0b739bcfcc3fbf5b78ea34318b2 (diff)
[baremetal] Containerize MaaS
- replace mas01 VM with a Docker container; - drop `mcpcontrol` virsh-managed network, including special handling previously required for it across all scripts; - drop infrastructure VMs handling from scripts, the only VMs we still handle are cluster VMs for virtual and/or hybrid deployments; - drop SSH server from mas01; - stop running linux state on mas01, as all prerequisites are properly handled durin Docker build or via - for completeness, we still keep pillar data in sync with the actual contents of mas01 configuration, so running the state manually would still work; - make port 5240 available on the jumpserver for MaaS dashboard access; - docs: update diagrams and text to reflect the new changes; Change-Id: I6d9424995e9a90c530fd7577edf401d552bab929 Signed-off-by: Alexandru Avadanii <>
Diffstat (limited to 'mcp/scripts/')
1 files changed, 32 insertions, 33 deletions
diff --git a/mcp/scripts/ b/mcp/scripts/
index 9c4d8fb5a..bce54ade2 100644
--- a/mcp/scripts/
+++ b/mcp/scripts/
@@ -216,9 +216,6 @@ function prepare_vms {
local image=base_image_opnfv_fuel.img
local vcp_image=${image%.*}_vcp.img
local _o=${base_image/*\/}
- local _h=$(echo "${repos_pkgs_str}.$(md5sum "${image_dir}/${_o}")" | \
- md5sum | cut -c -8)
- local _tmp
[ -n "${image_dir}" ] || exit 1
@@ -226,8 +223,10 @@ function prepare_vms {
__get_base_image "${base_image}" "${image_dir}"
IFS='^' read -r -a repos_pkgs <<< "${repos_pkgs_str}"
+ local _h=$(echo "${repos_pkgs_str}.$(md5sum "${image_dir}/${_o}")" | \
+ md5sum | cut -c -8)
+ local _tmp="${image%.*}.${_h}.img"
echo "[INFO] Lookup cache / build patched base image for fingerprint: ${_h}"
- _tmp="${image%.*}.${_h}.img"
if [ "${image_dir}/${_tmp}" -ef "${image_dir}/${image}" ]; then
echo "[INFO] Patched base image found"
@@ -278,9 +277,9 @@ function prepare_vms {
function create_networks {
- local all_vnode_networks=("mcpcontrol" "$@")
- # create required networks, including constant "mcpcontrol"
- for net in "${all_vnode_networks[@]}"; do
+ local all_vnode_networks=("$@")
+ # create required networks
+ for net in "mcpcontrol" "${all_vnode_networks[@]}"; do
if ${VIRSH} net-info "${net}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
${VIRSH} net-destroy "${net}" || true
${VIRSH} net-undefine "${net}"
@@ -293,8 +292,8 @@ function create_networks {
${VIRSH} net-start "${net}"
- # create veth pairs for relevant networks (mcpcontrol, pxebr, mgmt)
- for i in $(seq 0 2 4); do
+ # create veth pairs for relevant networks (pxebr, mgmt)
+ for i in $(seq 0 2 2); do
sudo ip link del "veth_mcp$i" || true
sudo ip link add "veth_mcp$i" type veth peer name "veth_mcp$((i+1))"
sudo ip link set "veth_mcp$i" up mtu 9000
@@ -337,14 +336,8 @@ function create_vms {
# prepare network args
local vnode_networks=("$@")
- if [[ "${vnode_data[0]}" =~ ^(cfg01|mas01) ]]; then
- net_args=" --network network=mcpcontrol,model=virtio"
- # 3rd interface gets connected to PXE/Admin Bridge (cfg01, mas01)
- vnode_networks[2]="${vnode_networks[0]}"
- else
- net_args=" --network bridge=${vnode_networks[0]},model=virtio"
- fi
- for net in "${vnode_networks[@]:1}"; do
+ local net_args=
+ for net in "${vnode_networks[@]}"; do
net_args="${net_args} --network bridge=${net},model=virtio"
@@ -370,27 +363,16 @@ function create_vms {
-function update_mcpcontrol_network {
- # set static ip address for salt master node, MaaS node
- local amac=$(${VIRSH} domiflist mas01 2>&1| awk '/mcpcontrol/ {print $5; exit}')
- [ -z "${amac}" ] || ${VIRSH} net-update "mcpcontrol" add ip-dhcp-host \
- "<host mac='${amac}' name='mas01' ip='${MAAS_IP}'/>" --live --config
function reset_vms {
local vnodes=("$@")
local cmd_str="ssh ${SSH_OPTS} ${SSH_SALT}"
# reset non-infrastructure vms, wait for them to come back online
for node in "${vnodes[@]}"; do
- if [[ ! "${node}" =~ (cfg01|mas01) ]]; then
- ${VIRSH} reset "${node}"
- fi
+ ${VIRSH} reset "${node}"
for node in "${vnodes[@]}"; do
- if [[ ! "${node}" =~ (cfg01|mas01) ]]; then
- wait_for 20.0 "${cmd_str} sudo salt -C '${node}*' saltutil.sync_all"
- fi
+ wait_for 20.0 "${cmd_str} sudo salt -C '${node}*' saltutil.sync_all"
@@ -414,9 +396,26 @@ function prepare_containers {
if [[ ! "${MCP_DOCKER_TAG}" =~ 'verify' ]]; then
"${COMPOSE_PREFIX}docker-compose" -f docker-compose/docker-compose.yaml pull
- sudo rm -rf "${image_dir}/"{salt,hosts,pki} "${image_dir}/nodes/"*
- mkdir -p "${image_dir}/salt/"{master.d,minion.d}
- touch "${image_dir}/hosts"
+ # overwrite hosts only on first container up, to preserve cluster nodes
+ sudo cp docker-compose/files/hosts "${image_dir}/hosts"
+ sudo rm -rf "${image_dir}/"{salt,pki,mas01/etc} "${image_dir}/nodes/"*
+ find "${image_dir}/mas01/var/lib/" \
+ -mindepth 2 -maxdepth 2 -not -name boot-resources \
+ -exec sudo rm -rf {} \; || true
+ mkdir -p "${image_dir}/"{salt/master.d,salt/minion.d}
+ if grep -q -e 'maas' 'docker-compose/docker-compose.yaml'; then
+ chmod +x docker-compose/files/entrypoint*.sh
+ # Apparmor workaround for bind9 inside Docker containers using AUFS
+ for profile in 'usr.sbin.ntpd' 'usr.sbin.named' \
+ 'usr.sbin.dhcpd' 'usr.bin.tcpdump'; do
+ if [ -e "/etc/apparmor.d/${profile}" ] && \
+ [ ! -e "/etc/apparmor.d/disable/${profile}" ]; then
+ sudo ln -sf "/etc/apparmor.d/${profile}" "/etc/apparmor.d/disable/"
+ sudo apparmor_parser -R "/etc/apparmor.d/${profile}" || true
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
function start_containers {