path: root/common
diff options
authorJonas Bjurel <jonas.bjurel@ericsson.com>2015-10-03 17:34:24 +0200
committerJonas Bjurel <jonas.bjurel@ericsson.com>2015-10-03 17:34:24 +0200
commit543130927ba40a174e8674cca66ae442d5056d76 (patch)
treeee497cf48d8f31e998b48c6ae54fc625b852b20d /common
parent11dbe27afb96c5b54b9f4f0a1c8b21194f59dc7b (diff)
Moving tag arno.2015.2.0 from genesis to fuel/stable/arnoarno.2015.2.0stable/arno
Change-Id: I01b5f9f9125756d80d7ca666bb6d994f2b13d2a0 Signed-off-by: Jonas Bjurel <jonas.bjurel@ericsson.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'common')
14 files changed, 710 insertions, 289 deletions
diff --git a/common/ci/clean.sh b/common/ci/clean.sh
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..cc116e8d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/ci/clean.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+#Common clean script to uninstall provisioning server
+#author: Tim Rozet (trozet@redhat.com)
+#Removes Libvirt, KVM, Vagrant, VirtualBox
+#Destroys Vagrant VMs running in $vm_dir/
+#Shuts down all nodes found in Khaleesi settings
+#Removes hypervisor kernel modules (VirtualBox & KVM/Libvirt)
+reset=`tput sgr0`
+blue=`tput setaf 4`
+red=`tput setaf 1`
+green=`tput setaf 2`
+display_usage() {
+ echo -e "\n\n${blue}This script is used to uninstall and clean the OPNFV Target System${reset}\n\n"
+ echo -e "\nUsage:\n$0 [arguments] \n"
+ echo -e "\n -no_parse : No variable parsing into config. Flag. \n"
+ echo -e "\n -base_config : Full path of ksgen settings file to parse. Required. Will provide BMC info to shutdown hosts. Example: -base_config /opt/myinventory.yml \n"
+remove_interface_with_name_pattern() {
+ if [ -z $1 ]; then
+ echo "${red}Cannot remove interface. No interface name pattern specified!${reset}"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ local interface_name_pattern=$1
+ echo "${blue} Looking for interface with name pattern: ${interface_name_pattern}${reset}"
+ interface=$(ip link show | grep -oP ${interface_name_pattern})
+ if [ ! -z "${interface}" ]; then
+ echo "${blue}Interface ${interface} detected! Removing...${reset}"
+ ip link del ${interface}
+ if ip link show | grep -oP ${interface_name_pattern}; then
+ echo "${red}Could not remove interface ${interface} ${reset}"
+ exit 1
+ else
+ echo "${blue}Interface ${interface} successfully removed${reset}"
+ fi
+ else
+ echo "${blue}Interface with name pattern ${interface_name_pattern} does not exist, nothing to remove${reset}"
+ fi
+if [[ ( $1 == "--help") || $1 == "-h" ]]; then
+ display_usage
+ exit 0
+echo -e "\n\n${blue}This script is used to uninstall and clean the OPNFV Target System${reset}\n\n"
+echo "Use -h to display help"
+sleep 2
+while [ "`echo $1 | cut -c1`" = "-" ]
+ echo $1
+ case "$1" in
+ -base_config)
+ base_config=$2
+ shift 2
+ ;;
+ *)
+ display_usage
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+if [ ! -z "$base_config" ]; then
+ # Install ipmitool
+ # Major version is pinned to force some consistency for Arno
+ if ! yum list installed | grep -i ipmitool; then
+ if ! yum -y install ipmitool-1*; then
+ echo "${red}Unable to install ipmitool!${reset}"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ else
+ echo "${blue}Skipping ipmitool as it is already installed!${reset}"
+ fi
+ ###find all the bmc IPs and number of nodes
+ node_counter=0
+ output=`grep bmc_ip $base_config | grep -Eo '[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+'`
+ for line in ${output} ; do
+ bmc_ip[$node_counter]=$line
+ ((node_counter++))
+ done
+ max_nodes=$((node_counter-1))
+ ###find bmc_users per node
+ node_counter=0
+ output=`grep bmc_user $base_config | sed 's/\s*bmc_user:\s*//'`
+ for line in ${output} ; do
+ bmc_user[$node_counter]=$line
+ ((node_counter++))
+ done
+ ###find bmc_pass per node
+ node_counter=0
+ output=`grep bmc_pass $base_config | sed 's/\s*bmc_pass:\s*//'`
+ for line in ${output} ; do
+ bmc_pass[$node_counter]=$line
+ ((node_counter++))
+ done
+ for mynode in `seq 0 $max_nodes`; do
+ echo "${blue}Node: ${bmc_ip[$mynode]} ${bmc_user[$mynode]} ${bmc_pass[$mynode]} ${reset}"
+ if ipmitool -I lanplus -P ${bmc_pass[$mynode]} -U ${bmc_user[$mynode]} -H ${bmc_ip[$mynode]} chassis power off; then
+ echo "${blue}Node: $mynode, ${bmc_ip[$mynode]} powered off!${reset}"
+ else
+ echo "${red}Error: Unable to power off $mynode, ${bmc_ip[$mynode]} ${reset}"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ done
+ echo "${blue}Skipping Baremetal node poweroff as base_config was not provided${reset}"
+###check to see if vbox is installed
+vboxpkg=`rpm -qa | grep VirtualBox`
+if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+ skip_vagrant=0
+ skip_vagrant=1
+###legacy VM location check
+###remove me later
+if [ -d /tmp/bgs_vagrant ]; then
+ cd /tmp/bgs_vagrant
+ vagrant destroy -f
+ rm -rf /tmp/bgs_vagrant
+###destroy vagrant
+if [ $skip_vagrant -eq 0 ]; then
+ if [ -d $vm_dir ]; then
+ ##all vm directories
+ for vm in $( ls $vm_dir ); do
+ cd $vm_dir/$vm
+ if vagrant destroy -f; then
+ echo "${blue}Successfully destroyed $vm Vagrant VM ${reset}"
+ else
+ echo "${red}Unable to destroy $vm Vagrant VM! Attempting to killall vagrant if process is hung ${reset}"
+ killall vagrant
+ echo "${blue}Checking if vagrant was already destroyed and no process is active...${reset}"
+ if ps axf | grep vagrant; then
+ echo "${red}Vagrant process still exists after kill...exiting ${reset}"
+ exit 1
+ else
+ echo "${blue}Vagrant process doesn't exist. Moving on... ${reset}"
+ fi
+ fi
+ ##Vagrant boxes appear as VboxHeadless processes
+ ##try to gracefully destroy the VBox VM if it still exists
+ if vboxmanage list runningvms | grep $vm; then
+ echo "${red} $vm VBoxHeadless process still exists...Removing${reset}"
+ vbox_id=$(vboxmanage list runningvms | grep $vm | awk '{print $1}' | sed 's/"//g')
+ vboxmanage controlvm $vbox_id poweroff
+ if vboxmanage unregistervm --delete $vbox_id; then
+ echo "${blue}$vm VM is successfully deleted! ${reset}"
+ else
+ echo "${red} Unable to delete VM $vm ...Exiting ${reset}"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ else
+ echo "${blue}$vm VM is successfully deleted! ${reset}"
+ fi
+ done
+ else
+ echo "${blue}${vm_dir} doesn't exist, no VMs in OPNFV directory to destroy! ${reset}"
+ fi
+ echo "${blue}Checking for any remaining virtual box processes...${reset}"
+ ###kill virtualbox
+ if ps axf | grep virtualbox; then
+ echo "${blue}virtualbox processes are still running. Killing any remaining VirtualBox processes...${reset}"
+ killall virtualbox
+ fi
+ ###kill any leftover VMs (brute force)
+ if ps axf | grep VBoxHeadless; then
+ echo "${blue}VBoxHeadless processes are still running. Killing any remaining VBoxHeadless processes...${reset}"
+ killall VBoxHeadless
+ fi
+ ###remove virtualbox
+ echo "${blue}Removing VirtualBox... ${reset}"
+ yum -y remove $vboxpkg
+ echo "${blue}Skipping Vagrant destroy + VBox Removal as VirtualBox package is already removed ${reset}"
+###remove working vm directory
+echo "${blue}Removing working VM directory: $vm_dir ${reset}"
+rm -rf $vm_dir
+###check to see if libvirt is installed
+echo "${blue}Checking if libvirt/KVM is installed"
+if rpm -qa | grep -iE 'libvirt|kvm'; then
+ echo "${blue}Libvirt/KVM is installed${reset}"
+ echo "${blue}Checking for any QEMU/KVM VMs...${reset}"
+ vm_count=0
+ while read -r line; do ((vm_count++)); done < <(virsh list --all | sed 1,2d | head -n -1)
+ if [ $vm_count -gt 0 ]; then
+ echo "${blue}VMs Found: $vm_count${reset}"
+ vm_runnning=0
+ while read -r line; do ((vm_running++)); done < <(virsh list --all | sed 1,2d | head -n -1| grep -i running)
+ echo "${blue}Powering off $vm_running VM(s)${reset}"
+ while read -r vm; do
+ if ! virsh destroy $vm; then
+ echo "${red}WARNING: Unable to power off VM ${vm}${reset}"
+ else
+ echo "${blue}VM $vm powered off!${reset}"
+ fi
+ done < <(virsh list --all | sed 1,2d | head -n -1| grep -i running | sed 's/^[ \t]*//' | awk '{print $2}')
+ echo "${blue}Destroying libvirt VMs...${reset}"
+ while read -r vm; do
+ if ! virsh undefine --remove-all-storage $vm; then
+ echo "${red}ERROR: Unable to remove the VM ${vm}${reset}"
+ exit 1
+ else
+ echo "${blue}VM $vm removed!${reset}"
+ fi
+ done < <(virsh list --all | sed 1,2d | head -n -1| awk '{print $2}')
+ else
+ echo "${blue}No VMs found for removal"
+ fi
+ echo "${blue}Removing libvirt and kvm packages"
+ yum -y remove libvirt-*
+ yum -y remove *qemu*
+ echo "${blue}libvirt/KVM is not installed${reset}"
+###remove possible VMs (needed for 'rmmod kvm_intel')
+if [ -n "$(ps -ef | grep qemu-kvm | grep -v grep)" ]; then
+ echo "${blue}Removing existing VMs ${reset}"
+ killall -9 qemu-kvm
+###remove kernel modules
+echo "${blue}Removing kernel modules ${reset}"
+for kernel_mod in vboxnetadp vboxnetflt vboxpci vboxdrv kvm_intel kvm; do
+ if ! rmmod $kernel_mod; then
+ if rmmod $kernel_mod 2>&1 | grep -i 'not currently loaded'; then
+ echo "${blue} $kernel_mod is not currently loaded! ${reset}"
+ else
+ echo "${red}Error trying to remove Kernel Module: $kernel_mod ${reset}"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ else
+ echo "${blue}Removed Kernel Module: $kernel_mod ${reset}"
+ fi
+###remove PXE bridge
+echo "${blue}Checking whether PXE bridge ${pxe_bridge} exists${reset}"
+if ! brctl show ${pxe_bridge} 2>&1 | grep -i 'No such device'; then
+ echo "${blue}PXE bridge ${pxe_bridge} detected! Removing...${reset}"
+ link_state=$(ip link show ${pxe_bridge} | grep -oP 'state \K[^ ]+')
+ if [[ ${link_state} != 'DOWN' ]]; then
+ ip link set dev ${pxe_bridge} down
+ sleep 5
+ link_state=$(ip link show ${pxe_bridge} | grep -oP 'state \K[^ ]+')
+ if [[ ${link_state} != 'DOWN' ]]; then
+ echo "${red}Could not bring DOWN bridge ${pxe_bridge} link state is ${link_state}${reset}"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ brctl delbr ${pxe_bridge}
+ if ifconfig | grep ${pxe_bridge} || brctl show | grep ${pxe_bridge}; then
+ echo "${red}Error trying to remove ${pxe_bridge}${reset}"
+ exit 1
+ else
+ echo "${blue}PXE bridge ${pxe_bridge} removed${reset}"
+ fi
+ echo "${blue}PXE bridge ${pxe_bridge} does not exist${reset}"
+###remove PXE interface (VLAN 0)
+echo "${blue}Checking whether PXE interface (VLAN 0) exists and remove it${reset}"
+remove_interface_with_name_pattern "enp.+s.+\.0"
+###remove Openstack Management interface (VLAN 300)
+echo "${blue}Checking whether Openstack Management interface (VLAN 300) exists and remove it${reset}"
+remove_interface_with_name_pattern "enp.+s.+\.${management_vid}"
+###bounce interfaces to restore default IP config
+echo "${blue}Bouncing interfaces to restore IP config${reset}"
+for interface in $first_interface $second_interface; do
+ echo "${blue}Bouncing interface: ${interface}${reset}"
+ ifdown $interface
+ sleep 5
+ ifup $interface
+ tries=5
+ counter=0
+ while [ $counter -lt $tries ]; do
+ if ip addr show $interface | grep -Eo "inet [0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+"; then
+ temp_ip=$(ip addr show $interface | grep -Eo "inet [0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+" | awk '{print $2}')
+ echo "${blue}IP found on ${interface}. IP is ${temp_ip}${reset}"
+ break
+ else
+ ((counter++))
+ sleep 2
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ "$counter" -ge 5 ]; then
+ echo "${red}Error: Unable to get IP address on ${interface}${reset}"
+ exit 1
+ fi
diff --git a/common/ci/setup.sh b/common/ci/setup.sh
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..bb54147b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/ci/setup.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+#Script that install prerequisites
+#author: Szilard Cserey (szilard.cserey@ericsson.com)
+#Installs qemu-kvm, libvirt and prepares networking for Fuel VM
+reset=`tput sgr0`
+blue=`tput setaf 4`
+red=`tput setaf 1`
+green=`tput setaf 2`
+###check whether qemu-kvm is installed, otherwise install it
+install_qemu_kvm() {
+ echo "${blue}Checking whether qemu-kvm is installed, otherwise install it${reset}"
+ if ! rpm -qa | grep -iE 'qemu-kvm'; then
+ echo "${blue}qemu-kvm is not installed, installing...${reset}"
+ yum -y install qemu-kvm
+ else
+ echo "${green}OK!${reset}"
+ fi
+###check whether libvirt is installed, otherwise install it
+install_libvirt() {
+ echo "${blue}Checking whether libvirt is installed, otherwise install it${reset}"
+ if ! rpm -qa | grep -iE 'libvirt'; then
+ echo "${blue}libvirt is not installed, installing...${reset}"
+ yum -y install libvirt
+ else
+ echo "${green}OK!${reset}"
+ fi
+###check whether kvm kernel module is loaded, otherwise load it
+load_kvm_kernel_mod() {
+ echo "${blue}Checking whether kvm kernel module is loaded, otherwise load it${reset}"
+ if ! lsmod | grep -iE 'kvm'; then
+ if [[ `lscpu | grep 'Vendor ID' | awk 'BEGIN { FS = ":" } ; {print $2}' | tr -d ' '` == 'GenuineIntel' ]]; then
+ echo "${blue}Intel processor identified, loading kernel module kvm-intel${reset}"
+ kernel_mod='kvm-intel'
+ modprobe ${kernel_mod}
+ fi
+ if [[ `lscpu | grep 'Vendor ID' | awk 'BEGIN { FS = ":" } ; {print $2}' | tr -d ' '` == 'AuthenticAMD' ]]; then
+ echo "${blue}AMD processor identified, loading kernel module kvm-amd${reset}"
+ kernel_mod='kvm-amd'
+ modprobe ${kernel_mod}
+ fi
+ if ! lsmod | grep -iE 'kvm'; then
+ echo "${red}Failed to load kernel module ${kernel_mod}!${reset}"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ else
+ echo "${green}OK!${reset}"
+ fi
+###check whether libvirtd service is running otherwise start it
+start_libvirtd_service() {
+ echo "${blue}Checking whether libvirtd service is running otherwise start it${reset}"
+ if ! sudo systemctl status libvirtd | grep -iE 'active \(running\)'; then
+ echo "${blue}starting libvirtd service${reset}"
+ systemctl start libvirtd
+ if ! sudo systemctl status libvirtd | grep -iE 'active \(running\)'; then
+ echo "${red}Failed to start libvirtd service!${reset}"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ else
+ echo "${green}OK!${reset}"
+ fi
+#Check whether interface exists
+check_interface_exists() {
+ if [ -z $1 ]; then
+ echo "${red}Cannot check whether interface exists! No interface specified!${reset}"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ local interface=$1
+ #Check whether interface exists
+ echo "${blue}Checking whether interface ${interface} exists${reset}"
+ if ! ip link show ${interface}; then
+ echo "${red}Interface ${interface} does not exists!${reset}"
+ exit 1
+ else
+ echo "${green}OK!${reset}"
+ fi
+#Check whether interface is UP
+check_interface_up() {
+ if [ -z $1 ]; then
+ echo "${red}Cannot check whether interface is UP! No interface specified!${reset}"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ local interface=$1
+ #Check whether interface is UP
+ echo "${blue}Checking whether interface ${interface} is UP${reset}"
+ link_state=$(ip link show ${interface} | grep -oP 'state \K[^ ]+')
+ if [[ ${link_state} != 'UP' ]]; then
+ echo "${blue}${interface} state is ${link_state}. Bringing it UP!${reset}"
+ ip link set dev ${interface} up
+ sleep 5
+ link_state=$(ip link show ${interface} | grep -oP 'state \K[^ ]+')
+ if [[ ${link_state} == 'DOWN' ]]; then
+ echo "${red}Could not bring UP interface ${interface} link state is ${link_state}${reset}"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ else
+ echo "${green}OK!${reset}"
+ fi
+#Create VLAN interface
+create_vlan_interface() {
+ if [ -z $1 ]; then
+ echo "${red}Cannot create VLAN interface. No base interface specified!${reset}"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if [ -z $2 ]; then
+ echo "${red}Cannot create VLAN interface. No VLAN ID specified!${reset}"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ local base_interface=$1
+ local vid=$2
+ local interface="${base_interface}.${vid}"
+ echo "${blue}Checking whether VLAN ${vid} interface ${interface} exists, otherwise create it${reset}"
+ if ! ip link show ${interface}; then
+ echo "${blue}Creating VLAN ${vid} interface ${interface}${reset}"
+ ip link add link ${base_interface} name ${interface} type vlan id ${vid}
+ else
+ echo "${green}OK!${reset}"
+ fi
+ #Check whether VLAN interface is UP
+ check_interface_up ${interface}
+###setup PXE Bridge
+setup_pxe_bridge() {
+ pxe_vid=0
+ pxe_interface="${private_interface}.${pxe_vid}"
+ #Check whether VLAN 0 (PXE) interface exists, otherwise create it
+ create_vlan_interface ${private_interface} ${pxe_vid}
+ #Check whether PXE bridge exists
+ echo "${blue}Checking whether PXE bridge ${pxe_bridge} exists${reset}"
+ if brctl show ${pxe_bridge} 2>&1 | grep 'No such device'; then
+ echo "${blue}Creating PXE bridge ${pxe_bridge}${reset}"
+ brctl addbr ${pxe_bridge}
+ else
+ echo "${green}OK!${reset}"
+ fi
+ #Add VLAN 0 (PXE) interface to PXE bridge
+ echo "${blue}Checking whether VLAN 0 (PXE) interface ${pxe_interface} is added to PXE bridge ${pxe_bridge} exists${reset}"
+ if ! brctl show ${pxe_bridge} 2>&1 | grep ${pxe_interface}; then
+ echo "${blue}Adding VLAN 0 (PXE) interface ${pxe_interface} to PXE bridge ${pxe_bridge}${reset}"
+ brctl addif ${pxe_bridge} ${pxe_interface}
+ if ! brctl show ${pxe_bridge} 2>&1 | grep ${pxe_interface}; then
+ echo "${red}Could not add VLAN 0 (PXE) interface ${pxe_interface} to PXE bridge ${pxe_bridge}${reset}"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ else
+ echo "${green}OK!${reset}"
+ fi
+ #Check whether PXE bridge is UP
+ check_interface_up ${pxe_bridge}
+ #Add Fuel Gateway IP Address to PXE bridge
+ echo "${blue}Checking whether Fuel Gateway IP Address ${fuel_gw_ip} is assigned to PXE bridge ${pxe_bridge}${reset}"
+ if ! ip addr show ${pxe_bridge} | grep ${fuel_gw_ip}; then
+ echo "${blue}Adding Fuel Gateway IP Address ${fuel_gw_ip} to PXE bridge ${pxe_bridge}${reset}"
+ sudo ip addr add ${fuel_gw_ip} dev ${pxe_bridge}
+ if ! ip addr show ${pxe_bridge} | grep ${fuel_gw_ip}; then
+ echo "${red}Could not add Fuel Gateway IP Address ${fuel_gw_ip} to PXE bridge ${pxe_bridge}${reset}"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ else
+ echo "${green}OK!${reset}"
+ fi
+###check whether access to public network is granted
+check_access_enabled_to_public_network() {
+ #Check whether IP forwarding is enabled
+ echo "${blue}Checking whether IP Forwarding is enabled ${reset}"
+ if ! sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward | grep "net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1"; then
+ sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
+ if ! sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward | grep "net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1"; then
+ echo "${red}IP Forwarding could not be enabled!${reset}"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ else
+ echo "${green}OK!${reset}"
+ fi
+ echo "${blue}Checking whether access is granted to public network through interface ${public_interface}${reset}"
+ if ! sudo iptables -t nat -L POSTROUTING -v | grep "MASQUERADE.*${public_interface}.*anywhere.*anywhere"; then
+ echo "${blue}Enable access to public network through interface ${public_interface}${reset}"
+ iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ${public_interface} -j MASQUERADE
+ else
+ echo "${green}OK!${reset}"
+ fi
+###setup Openstack Management Interface
+create_openstack_management_interface() {
+ #Check whether Openstack Management interface exists, otherwise create it
+ create_vlan_interface ${private_interface} ${management_vid}
+ echo "${blue}Moving IP addresses from interface ${private_interface} to VLAN ${management_vid} interface ${management_interface}${reset}"
+ private_interface_ip_addr_list=$(ip addr show ${private_interface} | grep -oP 'inet \K[^ ]+')
+ if [[ ! -z ${private_interface_ip_addr_list} ]]; then
+ echo -e "${blue}Found IP addresses on interface ${private_interface}:\n${private_interface_ip_addr_list}${reset}"
+ for private_interface_ip_addr in ${private_interface_ip_addr_list}
+ do
+ echo "${blue}Removing IP address ${private_interface_ip_addr} from interface ${private_interface}${reset}"
+ ip addr del ${private_interface_ip_addr} dev ${private_interface}
+ if ip addr show ${private_interface} | grep ${private_interface_ip_addr}; then
+ echo "${red}Could not remove IP address ${private_interface_ip_addr} from interface ${private_interface}${reset}"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if ! ip addr show ${management_interface} | grep ${private_interface_ip_addr}; then
+ echo "${blue}Adding IP address ${private_interface_ip_addr} to VLAN ${management_vid} interface ${management_interface}${reset}"
+ ip addr add ${private_interface_ip_addr} dev ${management_interface}
+ if ! ip addr show ${management_interface} | grep ${private_interface_ip_addr}; then
+ echo "${red}Could not set IP address ${private_interface_ip_addr} to VLAN ${management_vid} interface ${management_interface}${reset}"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ else
+ echo "${blue}VLAN ${management_vid} interface ${management_interface} already has assigned to itself this IP address ${private_interface_ip_addr}${reset}"
+ fi
+ done
+ else
+ echo "${red}No IP Address is assigned to interface ${private_interface}, there isn't any IP address to move to interface ${management_interface}${reset}"
+ fi
+main() {
+ install_qemu_kvm
+ install_libvirt
+ load_kvm_kernel_mod
+ start_libvirtd_service
+ check_interface_exists ${private_interface}
+ check_interface_up ${private_interface}
+ check_interface_exists ${public_interface}
+ check_interface_up ${public_interface}
+ setup_pxe_bridge
+ check_access_enabled_to_public_network
+ create_openstack_management_interface
+main "$@"
diff --git a/common/docs/user-guide.rst b/common/docs/user-guide.rst
index 8e0222493..08b27675f 100644
--- a/common/docs/user-guide.rst
+++ b/common/docs/user-guide.rst
@@ -21,14 +21,13 @@ Version history
| **Date** | **Ver.** | **Author** | **Comment** |
| | | | |
-| 2015-05-28 | 0.0.1 | Christopher Price | Initial version |
+| 2015-06-04 | 1.0.0 | Christopher Price | Initial revision |
| | | (Ericsson AB) | |
-| 2015-06-02 | 0.0.2 | Christopher Price | Minor Updates |
-| | | (Ericsson AB) | |
+| 2015-06-05 | 1.0.1 | Christopher Price | Corrected links & |
+| | | (Ericsson AB) | e-mail address |
.. contents:: Table of Contents
:backlinks: none
@@ -60,16 +59,16 @@ Hardware Requirements
The Arno release of OPNFV is intended to be run as a baremetal deployment on a "Pharos compliant" lab infrastructure. The Pharos project in OPNFV is a community activity to provide guidance and establish requirements on hardware platforms supporting the Arno virtualisation platform.
-Prior to deploying the OPNFV platform it is important that the hardware infrastructure be configured according to the Pharos specification: http://artifacts.opnfv.org/pharos/docs/spec.html
+Prior to deploying the OPNFV platform it is important that the hardware infrastructure be configured according to the Pharos specification: https://www.opnfv.org/sites/opnfv/files/release/pharos-spec.arno.2015.1.0.pdf
Arno Platform Deployment
The Arno platform supports installation and deployment using two deployment tools; a Foreman based deployment toolchain and a Fuel based deployment toolchain.
-In order to deploy the Arno release on a Pharos compliant lab using the Foreman deployment toolchain you should follow in the Foreman installation guide: http://artifacts.opnfv.org/genesis/foreman/docs/installation-instructions.html
+In order to deploy the Arno release on a Pharos compliant lab using the Foreman deployment toolchain you should follow in the Foreman installation guide: https://www.opnfv.org/sites/opnfv/files/release/foreman_install-guide.arno.2015.1.0.pdf
-In order to deploy the Arno release on a Pharos compliant lab using the Fuel deployment toolchain you should follow in the Fuel installation guide: http://artifacts.opnfv.org/genesis/fuel/docs/installation-instructions.html
+In order to deploy the Arno release on a Pharos compliant lab using the Fuel deployment toolchain you should follow in the Fuel installation guide: https://www.opnfv.org/sites/opnfv/files/release/install-guide.arno.2015.1.0.pdf
Enabling or disabling OpenDaylight and the native Neutron driver
@@ -79,7 +78,7 @@ You may find that you wish to adjust the system by enabling or disabling the nat
Deployment Validation
-Once installed you should validate the deployment completed successfully by executing the automated basic platform validation routines outlined in the Arno testing documentation: http://artifacts.opnfv.org/functest/docs/functest.html
+Once installed you should validate the deployment completed successfully by executing the automated basic platform validation routines outlined in the Arno testing documentation: https://www.opnfv.org/sites/opnfv/files/release/functest.arno.2015.1.0.pdf
Operating the Arno platform
@@ -117,7 +116,7 @@ You can engage with the community to help us improve and further develop the OPN
- To access Jira for issue reporting or improvement proposals head to: https://jira.opnfv.org/
- To get started helping out developing the platform head to: https://wiki.opnfv.org/developer
-Alternatively if you are intending to invest your time as a user of the platform you can ask questions and request help from our mailing list at: mailto://support@opnfv.org
+Alternatively if you are intending to invest your time as a user of the platform you can ask questions and request help from our mailing list at: mailto://opnfv-users@lists.opnfv.org
@@ -149,7 +148,7 @@ Fuel
`Fuel User Guide <http://docs.fuel-infra.org/openstack/fuel/fuel-6.0/user-guide.html>`_
:Authors: Christopher Price (christopher.price@ericsson.com)
-:Version: 0.0.2
+:Version: 1.0.1
**Documentation tracking**
diff --git a/common/puppet-opnfv/manifests/compute.pp b/common/puppet-opnfv/manifests/compute.pp
index 0b8175762..2fed2419f 100644
--- a/common/puppet-opnfv/manifests/compute.pp
+++ b/common/puppet-opnfv/manifests/compute.pp
@@ -51,11 +51,11 @@ class opnfv::compute {
if !$ceilometer_metering_secret { $ceilometer_metering_secret = $single_password }
##HA Global params
- if $ha_flag {
+ if $ha_flag and str2bool($ha_flag) {
if $private_network == '' { fail('private_network is empty') }
if !$keystone_private_vip { fail('keystone_private_vip is empty') }
if !$glance_private_vip { fail('glance_private_vip is empty') }
- if !$nova_private_vip { fail('nova_private_vip is empty') }
+ if !$nova_public_vip { fail('nova_public_vip is empty') }
if !$nova_db_password { $nova_db_password = $single_password }
if !$nova_user_password { $nova_user_password = $single_password }
if !$controllers_ip_array { fail('controllers_ip_array is empty') }
@@ -78,19 +78,30 @@ class opnfv::compute {
} else {
##non HA params
- if $ovs_tunnel_if == '' { fail('ovs_tunnel_if is empty') }
- if !$private_ip { fail('private_ip is empty') }
- $keystone_private_vip = $private_ip
- $glance_private_vip = $private_ip
- $nova_private_vip = $private_ip
- $neutron_private_vip = $private_ip
- if !$nova_db_password { fail('nova_db_password is empty') }
- if !$nova_user_password { fail('nova_user_password is empty') }
- if !$odl_control_ip { $odl_control_ip = $private_ip }
- if !$mysql_ip { $mysql_ip = $private_ip }
- if !$amqp_ip { $amqp_ip = $private_ip }
- if !$amqp_username { $amqp_username = 'guest' }
- if !$amqp_password { $amqp_password = 'guest' }
+ ##Mandatory
+ if $private_network == '' { fail('private_network is empty') }
+ if ($odl_flag != '') and str2bool($odl_flag) {
+ if $odl_control_ip == '' { fail('odl_control_ip is empty') }
+ }
+ if $controller_ip == '' { fail('controller_ip is empty') }
+ ##Optional
+ ##Find private interface
+ $ovs_tunnel_if = get_nic_from_network("$private_network")
+ ##Find private ip
+ $private_ip = get_ip_from_nic("$ovs_tunnel_if")
+ $keystone_private_vip = $controller_ip
+ $glance_private_vip = $controller_ip
+ $nova_public_vip = $controller_ip
+ $neutron_private_vip = $controller_ip
+ if !$nova_db_password { $nova_db_password = $single_password }
+ if !$nova_user_password { $nova_user_password = $single_password }
+ if !$mysql_ip { $mysql_ip = $controller_ip }
+ if !$amqp_ip { $amqp_ip = $controller_ip }
+ if !$amqp_username { $amqp_username = $single_username }
+ if !$amqp_password { $amqp_password = $single_password }
if !$ceph_mon_host { $ceph_mon_host= ["$private_ip"] }
if !$ceph_mon_initial_members { $ceph_mon_initial_members = ["$::hostname"] }
@@ -103,7 +114,7 @@ class opnfv::compute {
libvirt_inject_password => 'false',
libvirt_inject_key => 'false',
libvirt_images_type => 'rbd',
- nova_host => $nova_private_vip,
+ nova_host => $nova_public_vip,
nova_db_password => $nova_db_password,
nova_user_password => $nova_user_password,
private_network => '',
diff --git a/common/puppet-opnfv/manifests/controller_networker.pp b/common/puppet-opnfv/manifests/controller_networker.pp
index 157bc8f24..60cae3494 100644
--- a/common/puppet-opnfv/manifests/controller_networker.pp
+++ b/common/puppet-opnfv/manifests/controller_networker.pp
@@ -302,6 +302,7 @@ class opnfv::controller_networker {
class { "quickstack::pacemaker::neutron":
agent_type => $this_agent,
enable_tunneling => 'true',
+ external_network_bridge => 'br-ex',
ml2_mechanism_drivers => $ml2_mech_drivers,
ml2_network_vlan_ranges => ["physnet1:10:50"],
odl_controller_ip => $odl_control_ip,
@@ -309,6 +310,18 @@ class opnfv::controller_networker {
ovs_tunnel_iface => $ovs_tunnel_if,
ovs_tunnel_types => ["vxlan"],
verbose => 'true',
+ neutron_conf_additional_params => { default_quota => 'default',
+ quota_network => '50',
+ quota_subnet => '50',
+ quota_port => 'default',
+ quota_security_group => '50',
+ quota_security_group_rule => 'default',
+ quota_vip => 'default',
+ quota_pool => 'default',
+ quota_router => '50',
+ quota_floatingip => '100',
+ network_auto_schedule => 'default',
+ },
if ($external_network_flag != '') and str2bool($external_network_flag) {
@@ -316,50 +329,47 @@ class opnfv::controller_networker {
} else {
- if $ovs_tunnel_if == '' { fail('ovs_tunnel_if is empty') }
- if $public_ip == '' { fail('public_ip is empty') }
- if $private_ip == '' { fail('private_ip is empty') }
- if $odl_control_ip == '' { $odl_control_ip = $private_ip }
- if $mysql_ip == '' { fail('mysql_ip is empty') }
- if $mysql_root_password == '' { fail('mysql_root_password is empty') }
- if $amqp_ip == '' { fail('amqp_ip is empty') }
- if $memcache_ip == '' { fail('memcache_ip is empty') }
- if $neutron_ip == '' { fail('neutron_ip is empty') }
- if $keystone_db_password == '' { fail('keystone_db_password is empty') }
- if $horizon_secret_key == '' { fail('horizon_secret_key is empty') }
- if $nova_user_password == '' { fail('nova_user_password is empty') }
- if $nova_db_password == '' { fail('nova_db_password is empty') }
- if $cinder_user_password == '' { fail('cinder_user_password is empty') }
- if $cinder_db_password == '' { fail('cinder_db_password is empty') }
- if $glance_user_password == '' { fail('glance_user_password is empty') }
- if $glance_db_password == '' { fail('glance_db_password is empty') }
- if $neutron_user_password == '' { fail('neutron_user_password is empty') }
- if $neutron_db_password == '' { fail('neutron_db_password is empty') }
- if $neutron_metadata_shared_secret == '' { fail('neutron_metadata_shared_secret is empty') }
- if $ceilometer_user_password == '' { fail('ceilometer_user_password is empty') }
- if $ceilometer_metering_secret == '' { fail('ceilometer_user_password is empty') }
- if $heat_user_password == '' { fail('heat_user_password is empty') }
- if $heat_db_password == '' { fail('heat_db_password is empty') }
- if $heat_auth_encrypt_key == '' { fail('heat_auth_encrypt_key is empty') }
- if $swift_user_password == '' { fail('swift_user_password is empty') }
- if $swift_shared_secret == '' { fail('swift_shared_secret is empty') }
- if $swift_admin_password == '' { fail('swift_admin_password is empty') }
+ ##Mandatory Non-HA parameters
+ if $private_network == '' { fail('private_network is empty') }
+ if $public_network == '' { fail('public_network is empty') }
+ ##Optional Non-HA parameters
if !$amqp_username { $amqp_username = $single_username }
if !$amqp_password { $amqp_password = $single_password }
+ if !$mysql_root_password { $mysql_root_password = $single_password }
+ if !$keystone_db_password { $keystone_db_password = $single_password }
+ if !$horizon_secret_key { $horizon_secret_key = $single_password }
+ if !$nova_db_password { $nova_db_password = $single_password }
+ if !$nova_user_password { $nova_user_password = $single_password }
+ if !$cinder_db_password { $cinder_db_password = $single_password }
+ if !$cinder_user_password { $cinder_user_password = $single_password }
+ if !$glance_db_password { $glance_db_password = $single_password }
+ if !$glance_user_password { $glance_user_password = $single_password }
+ if !$neutron_db_password { $neutron_db_password = $single_password }
+ if !$neutron_user_password { $neutron_user_password = $single_password }
+ if !$neutron_metadata_shared_secret { $neutron_metadata_shared_secret = $single_password }
+ if !$ceilometer_user_password { $ceilometer_user_password = $single_password }
+ if !$ceilometer_metering_secret { $ceilometer_metering_secret = $single_password }
+ if !$heat_user_password { $heat_user_password = $single_password }
+ if !$heat_db_password { $heat_db_password = $single_password }
+ if !$heat_auth_encryption_key { $heat_auth_encryption_key = 'octopus1octopus1' }
+ if !$swift_user_password { $swift_user_password = $single_password }
+ if !$swift_shared_secret { $swift_shared_secret = $single_password }
+ if !$swift_admin_password { $swift_admin_password = $single_password }
+ ##Find private interface
+ $ovs_tunnel_if = get_nic_from_network("$private_network")
+ ##Find private ip
+ $private_ip = get_ip_from_nic("$ovs_tunnel_if")
+ #Find public NIC
+ $public_nic = get_nic_from_network("$public_network")
+ $public_ip = get_ip_from_nic("$public_nic")
+ if !$mysql_ip { $mysql_ip = $private_ip }
+ if !$amqp_ip { $amqp_ip = $private_ip }
+ if !$memcache_ip { $memcache_ip = $private_ip }
+ if !$neutron_ip { $neutron_ip = $private_ip }
+ if !$odl_control_ip { $odl_control_ip = $private_ip }
class { "quickstack::neutron::controller_networker":
admin_email => $admin_email,
@@ -414,6 +424,8 @@ class opnfv::controller_networker {
horizon_cert => $quickstack::params::horizon_cert,
horizon_key => $quickstack::params::horizon_key,
+ keystonerc => true,
ml2_mechanism_drivers => $ml2_mech_drivers,
#neutron => true,
diff --git a/common/puppet-opnfv/manifests/external_net_presetup.pp b/common/puppet-opnfv/manifests/external_net_presetup.pp
index b7c7c5f07..f52b90389 100644
--- a/common/puppet-opnfv/manifests/external_net_presetup.pp
+++ b/common/puppet-opnfv/manifests/external_net_presetup.pp
@@ -24,13 +24,24 @@ class opnfv::external_net_presetup {
$controllers_hostnames_array_str = $controllers_hostnames_array
$controllers_hostnames_array = split($controllers_hostnames_array, ',')
+ if ($admin_network != '') and ($admin_network != 'false') {
+ $admin_nic = get_nic_from_network("$admin_network")
+ if $admin_nic == '' { fail('admin_nic was not found') }
+ #Disable defalute route on Admin network
+ file_line { 'disable-defroute-admin':
+ path => "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-$admin_nic",
+ line => 'DEFROUTE=no',
+ match => '^DEFROUTE',
+ }
+ }
#find public NIC
$public_nic = get_nic_from_network("$public_network")
$public_nic_ip = get_ip_from_nic("$public_nic")
$public_nic_netmask = get_netmask_from_nic("$public_nic")
if ($public_nic == '') or ($public_nic_ip == '') or ($public_nic == "br-ex") or ($public_nic == "br_ex") {
- notify {"Skipping augeas, public_nic ${public_nic}, public_nic_ip ${public_nic_ip}":}
+ notify {"Skipping augeas, public_nic ${public_nic}, public_nic_ip ${public_nic_ip}":}
exec {'ovs-vsctl -t 10 -- --may-exist add-br br-ex':
path => ["/usr/sbin/", "/usr/bin/"],
@@ -85,7 +96,7 @@ class opnfv::external_net_presetup {
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0644',
- content => template('trystack/br_ex.erb'),
+ content => template('opnfv/br_ex.erb'),
before => Class["quickstack::pacemaker::params"],
diff --git a/common/puppet-opnfv/manifests/external_net_setup.pp b/common/puppet-opnfv/manifests/external_net_setup.pp
index af00f203e..fc014d424 100644
--- a/common/puppet-opnfv/manifests/external_net_setup.pp
+++ b/common/puppet-opnfv/manifests/external_net_setup.pp
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ class opnfv::external_net_setup {
provider_network_type => flat,
provider_physical_network => 'physnet1',
router_external => true,
- tenant_name => 'admin',
+ tenant_name => 'services',
neutron_subnet { 'provider_subnet':
@@ -70,8 +70,9 @@ class opnfv::external_net_setup {
gateway_ip => $public_gateway,
allocation_pools => [ "start=${public_allocation_start},end=${public_allocation_end}" ],
dns_nameservers => $public_dns,
+ enable_dhcp => false,
network_name => 'provider_network',
- tenant_name => 'admin',
+ tenant_name => 'services',
neutron_router { 'provider_router':
diff --git a/common/puppet-opnfv/manifests/init.pp b/common/puppet-opnfv/manifests/init.pp
index 7b68df57a..d26bd7a29 100644
--- a/common/puppet-opnfv/manifests/init.pp
+++ b/common/puppet-opnfv/manifests/init.pp
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ class opnfv {
include opnfv::resolver
include opnfv::ntp
include opnfv::add_packages
- include opnfv::odl_docker
include opnfv::opncheck
diff --git a/common/puppet-opnfv/manifests/odl_docker.pp b/common/puppet-opnfv/manifests/odl_docker.pp
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e70ba077..000000000
--- a/common/puppet-opnfv/manifests/odl_docker.pp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2015 Ericsson AB and others.
-# daniel.smith@ericsson.com
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-class opnfv::odl_docker
- case $::fuel_settings['role'] {
- /controller/: {
- file { "/opt":
- ensure => "directory",
- }
- file { "/opt/opnfv":
- ensure => "directory",
- owner => "root",
- group => "root",
- mode => 777,
- }
- file { "/opt/opnfv/odl":
- ensure => "directory",
- }
- file { "/opt/opnfv/odl/odl_docker_image.tar":
- ensure => present,
- source => "/etc/puppet/modules/opnfv/odl_docker/odl_docker_image.tar",
- mode => 750,
- }
- file { "/opt/opnfv/odl/docker-latest":
- ensure => present,
- source => "/etc/puppet/modules/opnfv/odl_docker/docker-latest",
- mode => 750,
- }
- file { "/opt/opnfv/odl/start_odl_conatiner.sh":
- ensure => present,
- source => "/etc/puppet/modules/opnfv/scripts/start_odl_container.sh",
- mode => 750,
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/common/puppet-opnfv/manifests/templates/br_ex.erb b/common/puppet-opnfv/manifests/templates/br_ex.erb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6c0e7e7f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/puppet-opnfv/manifests/templates/br_ex.erb
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+IPADDR=<%= @public_nic_ip %>
+NETMASK=<%= @public_nic_netmask %>
+GATEWAY=<%= @public_gateway %>
diff --git a/common/puppet-opnfv/manifests/templates/dockerfile/Dockerfile b/common/puppet-opnfv/manifests/templates/dockerfile/Dockerfile
deleted file mode 100644
index 80a92d8c5..000000000
--- a/common/puppet-opnfv/manifests/templates/dockerfile/Dockerfile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2015 Ericsson AB and others.
-# daniel.smith@ericsson.com
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-#Set the base image - note: the current release of Karaf is using Jdk7 and alot of 12.04, so we will use it rather than 14.04 and backport a ton of stuff
-FROM ubuntu:12.04
-# Maintainer Info
-MAINTAINER Daniel Smith
-#Run apt-get update one start just to check for updates when building
-RUN echo "Updating APT"
-RUN apt-get update
-RUN echo "Adding wget"
-RUN apt-get install -y wget
-RUN apt-get install -y net-tools
-RUN apt-get install -y openjdk-7-jre
-RUN apt-get install -y openjdk-7-jdk
-RUN apt-get install -y openssh-server
-RUN apt-get install -y vim
-RUN apt-get install -y expect
-RUN apt-get install -y daemontools
-RUN mkdir -p /opt/odl_source
-RUN bash -c 'echo "export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64" >> ~/.bashrc'
-#Now lets got and fetch the ODL distribution
-RUN echo "Fetching ODL"
-RUN wget https://nexus.opendaylight.org/content/groups/public/org/opendaylight/integration/distribution-karaf/0.2.3-Helium-SR3/distribution-karaf-0.2.3-Helium-SR3.tar.gz -O /opt/odl_source/distribution-karaf-0.2.3-Helium-SR3.tar.gz
-RUN echo "Untarring ODL inplace"
-RUN mkdir -p /opt/odl
-RUN tar zxvf /opt/odl_source/distribution-karaf-0.2.3-Helium-SR3.tar.gz -C /opt/odl
-RUN echo "Installing DLUX and other features into ODL"
-#COPY dockerfile/container_scripts/start_odl_docker.sh /etc/init.d/start_odl_docker.sh
-COPY container_scripts/start_odl_docker_container.sh /etc/init.d/
-COPY container_scripts/speak.sh /etc/init.d/
-#COPY dockerfile/container_scripts/speak.sh /etc/init.d/speak.sh
-RUN chmod 777 /etc/init.d/start_odl_docker_container.sh
-RUN chmod 777 /etc/init.d/speak.sh
-# Expose the ports
-EXPOSE 8101
-EXPOSE 6633
-EXPOSE 1099
-EXPOSE 43506
-EXPOSE 8181
-EXPOSE 8185
-EXPOSE 9000
-EXPOSE 39378
-EXPOSE 33714
-EXPOSE 44444
-EXPOSE 6653
-EXPOSE 12001
-EXPOSE 6640
-EXPOSE 8080
-EXPOSE 7800
-EXPOSE 55130
-EXPOSE 52150
-EXPOSE 36826
-# set the ENTRYPOINT - An entry point allows us to run this container as an exectuable
-CMD ["/etc/init.d/start_odl_docker_container.sh"]
diff --git a/common/puppet-opnfv/manifests/templates/dockerfile/container_scripts/check_feature.sh b/common/puppet-opnfv/manifests/templates/dockerfile/container_scripts/check_feature.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 533942eb3..000000000
--- a/common/puppet-opnfv/manifests/templates/dockerfile/container_scripts/check_feature.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2015 Ericsson AB and others.
-# daniel.smith@ericsson.com
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-spawn /opt/odl/distribution-karaf-0.2.3-Helium-SR3/bin/client
-expect "root>"
-send "feature:list | grep -i odl-restconf\r"
-send "\r\r\r"
-expect "root>"
-send "logout\r"
diff --git a/common/puppet-opnfv/manifests/templates/dockerfile/container_scripts/speak.sh b/common/puppet-opnfv/manifests/templates/dockerfile/container_scripts/speak.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 95bbaf4e6..000000000
--- a/common/puppet-opnfv/manifests/templates/dockerfile/container_scripts/speak.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2015 Ericsson AB and others.
-# daniel.smith@ericsson.com
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Simple expect script to start up ODL client and load feature set for DLUX and OVSDB
-spawn /opt/odl/distribution-karaf-0.2.3-Helium-SR3/bin/client
-expect "root>"
-send "feature:install odl-base-all odl-aaa-authn odl-restconf odl-nsf-all odl-adsal-northbound odl-mdsal-apidocs odl-ovsdb-openstack odl-ovsdb-northbound odl-dlux-core"
-send "\r\r\r"
-expect "root>"
-send "logout\r"
diff --git a/common/puppet-opnfv/manifests/templates/dockerfile/container_scripts/start_odl_docker_container.sh b/common/puppet-opnfv/manifests/templates/dockerfile/container_scripts/start_odl_docker_container.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ae05f7bc..000000000
--- a/common/puppet-opnfv/manifests/templates/dockerfile/container_scripts/start_odl_docker_container.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2015 Ericsson AB and others.
-# daniel.smith@ericsson.com
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Simple expect script to start up ODL client and load feature set for DLUX and OVSDB
-# Start up script for calling karaf / ODL inside a docker container.
-# This script will also call a couple expect scripts to load the feature set that we want
-export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64
-echo "Starting up the da Sheilds..."
-/opt/odl/distribution-karaf-0.2.3-Helium-SR3/bin/karaf server &
-echo "Sleeping 5 bad hack"
-sleep 10
-echo "should see stuff listening now"
-netstat -na
-echo " should see proess running for karaf"
-ps -efa
-echo " Starting the packages we want"
-echo "Printout the status - if its right, you should see 8181 appear now"
-netstat -na
-ps -efa
-## This is a loop that keeps our container going currently, prinout the "status of karaf" to the docker logs every minute
-## Cheap - but effective
-while true;
- echo "Checking status of ODL:"
- /opt/odl/distribution-karaf-0.2.3-Helium-SR3/bin/status
- sleep 60