path: root/testing/robot/sec_groups_and_l2-smoke.robot
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'testing/robot/sec_groups_and_l2-smoke.robot')
1 files changed, 5 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/testing/robot/sec_groups_and_l2-smoke.robot b/testing/robot/sec_groups_and_l2-smoke.robot
index 347c78c..6dd3166 100644
--- a/testing/robot/sec_groups_and_l2-smoke.robot
+++ b/testing/robot/sec_groups_and_l2-smoke.robot
@@ -38,11 +38,13 @@ Create sec rules
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 3x 3s create security rule ${SEC_GR_SERVER} ingress ipv4 proto=icmp
Create port for VM1
- ${result} = Create port with ip ${port1_name} ${vm1_address}
+ ${security_groups} = Create List ${SEC_GR_SERVER}
+ ${result} = Create port with ip ${port1_name} ${vm1_address} ${security_groups}
Set Suite Variable ${port1_id} ${result}
Create port for VM2
- ${result} = Create port with ip ${port2_name} ${vm2_address}
+ ${security_groups} = Create List ${SEC_GR_CLIENT}
+ ${result} = Create port with ip ${port2_name} ${vm2_address} ${security_groups}
Set Suite Variable ${port2_id} ${result}
Create VM1
@@ -56,7 +58,7 @@ Wait for VM1 to be active
Create VM2
${port_ids} = Create List ${port2_id}
- ${result} = Create vm ${vm2_name} ${port_ids} flavor=${flavor_to_use} userdata=${userdata2}
+ ${result} = Create vm ${vm2_name} ${port_ids} userdata=${userdata2}
Set Suite Variable ${vm2_id} ${result}
Wait for VM2 to be active