path: root/3rd_party/static/testapi-ui/assets/lib/angular-xeditable-0.8.0/js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '3rd_party/static/testapi-ui/assets/lib/angular-xeditable-0.8.0/js')
2 files changed, 2750 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/3rd_party/static/testapi-ui/assets/lib/angular-xeditable-0.8.0/js/xeditable.js b/3rd_party/static/testapi-ui/assets/lib/angular-xeditable-0.8.0/js/xeditable.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..435b2c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3rd_party/static/testapi-ui/assets/lib/angular-xeditable-0.8.0/js/xeditable.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2743 @@
+angular-xeditable - 0.8.0
+Edit-in-place for angular.js
+Build date: 2017-06-06
+ * Angular-xeditable module
+ *
+ */
+angular.module('xeditable', [])
+ * Default options.
+ *
+ * @namespace editable-options
+ */
+//todo: maybe better have editableDefaults, not options...
+.value('editableOptions', {
+ /**
+ * Theme. Possible values `bs3`, `bs2`, `default`.
+ * Default is `default`
+ *
+ * @var {string} theme
+ * @memberOf editable-options
+ */
+ theme: 'default',
+ /**
+ * icon_set. Possible values `font-awesome`, `default`.
+ * Default is `default`
+ *
+ * @var {string} icon set
+ * @memberOf editable-options
+ */
+ icon_set: 'default',
+ /**
+ * Whether to show buttons for single editable element.
+ * Possible values `right`, `no`.
+ * Default is `right`
+ *
+ * @var {string} buttons
+ * @memberOf editable-options
+ */
+ buttons: 'right',
+ /**
+ * Default value for `blur` attribute of single editable element.
+ * Can be `cancel|submit|ignore`.
+ * Default is `cancel`
+ *
+ * @var {string} blurElem
+ * @memberOf editable-options
+ */
+ blurElem: 'cancel',
+ /**
+ * Default value for `blur` attribute of editable form.
+ * Can be `cancel|submit|ignore`.
+ * Default is `ignore`.
+ *
+ * @var {string} blurForm
+ * @memberOf editable-options
+ */
+ blurForm: 'ignore',
+ /**
+ * How input elements get activated. Possible values: `focus|select|none`.
+ * Default is `focus`
+ *
+ * @var {string} activate
+ * @memberOf editable-options
+ */
+ activate: 'focus',
+ /**
+ * Whether to disable x-editable. Can be overloaded on each element.
+ * Default is `false`
+ *
+ * @var {boolean} isDisabled
+ * @memberOf editable-options
+ */
+ isDisabled: false,
+ /**
+ * Event, on which the edit mode gets activated.
+ * Can be any event.
+ * Default is `click`
+ *
+ * @var {string} activationEvent
+ * @memberOf editable-options
+ */
+ activationEvent: 'click',
+ /**
+ * The default title of the submit button.
+ * Default is `Submit`
+ *
+ * @var {string} submitButtonTitle
+ * @memberOf editable-options
+ */
+ submitButtonTitle: 'Submit',
+ /**
+ * The default aria label of the submit button.
+ * Default is `Submit`
+ *
+ * @var {string} submitButtonAriaLabel
+ * @memberOf editable-options
+ */
+ submitButtonAriaLabel: 'Submit',
+ /**
+ * The default title of the cancel button.
+ * Default is `Cancel`
+ *
+ * @var {string} cancelButtonTitle
+ * @memberOf editable-options
+ */
+ cancelButtonTitle: 'Cancel',
+ /**
+ * The default aria label of the cancel button.
+ * Default is `Cancel`
+ *
+ * @var {string} cancelButtonAriaLabel
+ * @memberOf editable-options
+ */
+ cancelButtonAriaLabel: 'Cancel',
+ /**
+ * The default title of the clear button.
+ * Default is `Clear`
+ *
+ * @var {string} clearButtonTitle
+ * @memberOf editable-options
+ */
+ clearButtonTitle: 'Clear',
+ /**
+ * The default aria label of the clear button.
+ * Default is `Clear`
+ *
+ * @var {string} clearButtonAriaLabel
+ * @memberOf editable-options
+ */
+ clearButtonAriaLabel: 'Clear',
+ /**
+ * Whether to display the clear button.
+ * Default is `false`
+ *
+ * @var {boolean} displayClearButton
+ * @memberOf editable-options
+ */
+ displayClearButton: false
+ Angular-ui bootstrap datepicker
+ */
+angular.module('xeditable').directive('editableBsdate', ['editableDirectiveFactory', '$injector', '$parse',
+ function(editableDirectiveFactory, $injector, $parse) {
+ // Constants from Angular-ui bootstrap datepicker
+ uibDatepickerConfig = $injector.get('uibDatepickerConfig');
+ uibDatepickerPopupConfig = $injector.get('uibDatepickerPopupConfig');
+ var popupAttrNames = [
+ ['eIsOpen', 'is-open'],
+ ['eDateDisabled', 'date-disabled'],
+ ['eDatepickerPopup', 'uib-datepicker-popup'],
+ ['eShowButtonBar', 'show-button-bar'],
+ ['eCurrentText', 'current-text'],
+ ['eClearText', 'clear-text'],
+ ['eCloseText', 'close-text'],
+ ['eCloseOnDateSelection', 'close-on-date-selection'],
+ ['eDatepickerAppendToBody', 'datepicker-append-to-body'],
+ ['eOnOpenFocus', 'on-open-focus'],
+ ['eName', 'name'],
+ ['eDateDisabled', 'date-disabled'],
+ ['eAltInputFormats', 'alt-input-formats']
+ ];
+ var dateOptionsNames = [
+ ['eFormatDay', 'formatDay'],
+ ['eFormatMonth', 'formatMonth'],
+ ['eFormatYear', 'formatYear'],
+ ['eFormatDayHeader', 'formatDayHeader'],
+ ['eFormatDayTitle', 'formatDayTitle'],
+ ['eFormatMonthTitle', 'formatMonthTitle'],
+ ['eMaxMode', 'maxMode'],
+ ['eMinMode', 'minMode'],
+ ['eDatepickerMode', 'datepickerMode']
+ ];
+ return editableDirectiveFactory({
+ directiveName: 'editableBsdate',
+ inputTpl: '<div></div>',
+ render: function() {
+ /** This basically renders a datepicker as in the example shown in
+ **
+ ** The attributes are all the same as in the bootstrap-ui datepicker with e- as prefix
+ **/
+ var attrs = this.attrs;
+ var scope = this.scope;
+ var inputDatePicker = angular.element('<input type="text" class="form-control" ng-model="$parent.$data"/>');
+ inputDatePicker.attr('uib-datepicker-popup', attrs.eDatepickerPopupXEditable || uibDatepickerPopupConfig.datepickerPopup );
+ inputDatePicker.attr('year-range', attrs.eYearRange || 20);
+ inputDatePicker.attr('ng-readonly', attrs.eReadonly || false);
+ for (var i = popupAttrNames.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ var popupAttr = attrs[popupAttrNames[i][0]];
+ if (typeof popupAttr !== 'undefined') {
+ inputDatePicker.attr(popupAttrNames[i][1], popupAttr);
+ }
+ }
+ if (attrs.eNgChange) {
+ inputDatePicker.attr('ng-change', attrs.eNgChange);
+ this.inputEl.removeAttr('ng-change');
+ }
+ if (attrs.eStyle) {
+ inputDatePicker.attr('style', attrs.eStyle);
+ this.inputEl.removeAttr('style');
+ }
+ var dateOptions = {
+ maxDate: scope.$eval(attrs.eMaxDate) || uibDatepickerConfig.maxDate,
+ minDate: scope.$eval(attrs.eMinDate) || uibDatepickerConfig.minDate,
+ showWeeks: attrs.eShowWeeks ? attrs.eShowWeeks.toLowerCase() === 'true' : uibDatepickerConfig.showWeeks,
+ startingDay: attrs.eStartingDay || 0,
+ initDate: scope.$eval(attrs.eInitDate) || new Date()
+ };
+ if (attrs.eDatepickerOptions) {
+ var eDatepickerOptions = $parse(attrs.eDatepickerOptions)(scope);
+ angular.extend(dateOptions, eDatepickerOptions);
+ }
+ for (var z = dateOptionsNames.length - 1; z >= 0; z--) {
+ var doAttr = attrs[dateOptionsNames[z][0]];
+ if (typeof doAttr !== 'undefined') {
+ dateOptions[dateOptionsNames[z][1]] = doAttr;
+ }
+ }
+ scope.dateOptions = dateOptions;
+ var showCalendarButton = angular.isDefined(attrs.eShowCalendarButton) ? attrs.eShowCalendarButton : "true";
+ //See if calendar button should be displayed
+ if (showCalendarButton === "true") {
+ var buttonDatePicker = angular.element('<button type="button" class="btn btn-default"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"></i></button>');
+ var buttonWrapper = angular.element('<span class="input-group-btn"></span>');
+ buttonDatePicker.attr('ng-click', attrs.eNgClick);
+ buttonWrapper.append(buttonDatePicker);
+ this.inputEl.append(buttonWrapper);
+ } else {
+ //If no calendar button, display calendar popup on click of input field
+ inputDatePicker.attr('ng-click', attrs.eNgClick);
+ }
+ inputDatePicker.attr('datepicker-options', "dateOptions");
+ this.inputEl.prepend(inputDatePicker);
+ this.inputEl.removeAttr('class');
+ this.inputEl.removeAttr('ng-click');
+ this.inputEl.removeAttr('is-open');
+ this.inputEl.removeAttr('init-date');
+ this.inputEl.removeAttr('datepicker-popup');
+ this.inputEl.removeAttr('required');
+ this.inputEl.removeAttr('ng-model');
+ this.inputEl.removeAttr('date-picker-append-to-body');
+ this.inputEl.removeAttr('name');
+ this.inputEl.attr('class','input-group');
+ },
+ autosubmit: function() {
+ var self = this;
+ self.inputEl.bind('change', function() {
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ self.scope.$apply(function() {
+ self.scope.$form.$submit();
+ });
+ }, 500);
+ });
+ self.inputEl.bind('keydown', function(e) {
+ //submit on tab
+ if (e.keyCode === 9 && self.editorEl.attr('blur') === 'submit') {
+ self.scope.$apply(function() {
+ self.scope.$form.$submit();
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ });
+Angular-ui bootstrap editable timepicker
+angular.module('xeditable').directive('editableBstime', ['editableDirectiveFactory',
+ function(editableDirectiveFactory) {
+ return editableDirectiveFactory({
+ directiveName: 'editableBstime',
+ inputTpl: '<div uib-timepicker></div>',
+ render: function() {
+ // timepicker can't update model when ng-model set directly to it
+ // see:
+ // so we wrap it into DIV
+ var div = angular.element('<div class="well well-small" style="display:inline-block;"></div>');
+ // move ng-model to wrapping div
+ div.attr('ng-model', this.inputEl.attr('ng-model'));
+ this.inputEl.removeAttr('ng-model');
+ // move ng-change to wrapping div
+ if(this.attrs.eNgChange) {
+ div.attr('ng-change', this.inputEl.attr('ng-change'));
+ this.inputEl.removeAttr('ng-change');
+ }
+ // wrap
+ this.inputEl.wrap(div);
+ }
+ });
+angular.module('xeditable').directive('editableCheckbox', ['editableDirectiveFactory',
+ function(editableDirectiveFactory) {
+ return editableDirectiveFactory({
+ directiveName: 'editableCheckbox',
+ inputTpl: '<input type="checkbox">',
+ render: function() {
+ this.inputEl.wrap('<label></label>');
+ if (this.attrs.eTitle) {
+ this.inputEl.parent().append('<span>' + this.attrs.eTitle + '</span>');
+ }
+ },
+ autosubmit: function() {
+ var self = this;
+ self.inputEl.bind('change', function() {
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ self.scope.$apply(function() {
+ self.scope.$form.$submit();
+ });
+ }, 500);
+ });
+ }
+ });
+// checklist
+angular.module('xeditable').directive('editableChecklist', [
+ 'editableDirectiveFactory',
+ 'editableNgOptionsParser',
+ function(editableDirectiveFactory, editableNgOptionsParser) {
+ return editableDirectiveFactory({
+ directiveName: 'editableChecklist',
+ inputTpl: '<span></span>',
+ useCopy: true,
+ render: function() {
+ var parsed = editableNgOptionsParser(this.attrs.eNgOptions);
+ var ngChangeHtml = '';
+ var ngChecklistComparatorHtml = '';
+ if (this.attrs.eNgChange) {
+ ngChangeHtml = ' ng-change="' + this.attrs.eNgChange + '"';
+ }
+ if (this.attrs.eChecklistComparator) {
+ ngChecklistComparatorHtml = ' checklist-comparator="' + this.attrs.eChecklistComparator + '"';
+ }
+ var html = '<label ng-repeat="'+parsed.ngRepeat+'">'+
+ '<input type="checkbox" checklist-model="$parent.$parent.$data" checklist-value="'+parsed.locals.valueFn+'"' +
+ ngChangeHtml + ngChecklistComparatorHtml + '>'+
+ '<span ng-bind="'+parsed.locals.displayFn+'"></span></label>';
+ this.inputEl.removeAttr('ng-model');
+ this.inputEl.removeAttr('ng-options');
+ this.inputEl.removeAttr('ng-change');
+ this.inputEl.removeAttr('checklist-comparator');
+ this.inputEl.html(html);
+ }
+ });
+angular.module('xeditable').directive('editableCombodate', ['editableDirectiveFactory', 'editableCombodate',
+ function(editableDirectiveFactory, editableCombodate) {
+ return editableDirectiveFactory({
+ directiveName: 'editableCombodate',
+ inputTpl: '<input type="text">',
+ render: function() {
+ var options = {
+ value: new Date(this.scope.$data)
+ };
+ var self = this;
+ angular.forEach(["format", "template", "minYear", "maxYear", "yearDescending", "minuteStep", "secondStep", "firstItem", "errorClass", "customClass", "roundTime", "smartDays"], function(name) {
+ var attrName = "e" + name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + name.slice(1);
+ if (attrName in self.attrs) {
+ if (name == "minYear" || name == "maxYear" || name == "minuteStep" || name == "secondStep") {
+ options[name] = parseInt(self.attrs[attrName], 10);
+ } else {
+ options[name] = self.attrs[attrName];
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ var combodate = editableCombodate.getInstance(this.inputEl, options);
+ combodate.$widget.find('select').bind('change', function(e) {
+ //.replace is so this works in Safari
+ self.scope.$data = combodate.getValue() ?
+ (new Date(combodate.getValue().replace(/-/g, "/"))).toISOString() : null;
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ }
+Input types: text|password|email|tel|number|url|search|color|date|datetime|datetime-local|time|month|week|file
+(function() {
+ var camelCase = function(dashDelimitedString) {
+ return dashDelimitedString.toLowerCase().replace(/-(.)/g, function(match, word) {
+ return word.toUpperCase();
+ });
+ };
+ var types = 'text|password|email|tel|number|url|search|color|date|datetime|datetime-local|time|month|week|file'.split('|');
+ //todo: datalist
+ // generate directives
+ angular.forEach(types, function(type) {
+ var directiveName = camelCase('editable' + '-' + type);
+ angular.module('xeditable').directive(directiveName, ['editableDirectiveFactory',
+ function(editableDirectiveFactory) {
+ return editableDirectiveFactory({
+ directiveName: directiveName,
+ inputTpl: '<input type="'+type+'">',
+ render: function() {
+ //Add bootstrap simple input groups
+ if (this.attrs.eInputgroupleft || this.attrs.eInputgroupright) {
+ this.inputEl.wrap('<div class="input-group"></div>');
+ if (this.attrs.eInputgroupleft) {
+ var inputGroupLeft = angular.element('<span class="input-group-addon">' + this.attrs.eInputgroupleft + '</span>');
+ this.inputEl.parent().prepend(inputGroupLeft);
+ }
+ if (this.attrs.eInputgroupright) {
+ var inputGroupRight = angular.element('<span class="input-group-addon">' + this.attrs.eInputgroupright + '</span>');
+ this.inputEl.parent().append(inputGroupRight);
+ }
+ }
+ // Add label to the input
+ if (this.attrs.eLabel) {
+ var label = angular.element('<label>' + this.attrs.eLabel + '</label>');
+ if (this.attrs.eInputgroupleft || this.attrs.eInputgroupright) {
+ this.inputEl.parent().parent().prepend(label);
+ } else {
+ this.inputEl.parent().prepend(label);
+ }
+ }
+ // Add classes to the form
+ if (this.attrs.eFormclass) {
+ this.editorEl.addClass(this.attrs.eFormclass);
+ }
+ },
+ autosubmit: function() {
+ var self = this;
+ self.inputEl.bind('keydown', function(e) {
+ //submit on tab
+ if (e.keyCode === 9 && self.editorEl.attr('blur') === 'submit') {
+ self.scope.$apply(function() {
+ self.scope.$form.$submit();
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ }]);
+ });
+ //`range` is bit specific
+ angular.module('xeditable').directive('editableRange', ['editableDirectiveFactory', '$interpolate',
+ function(editableDirectiveFactory, $interpolate) {
+ return editableDirectiveFactory({
+ directiveName: 'editableRange',
+ inputTpl: '<input type="range" id="range" name="range">',
+ render: function() {
+ this.inputEl.after('<output>' + $interpolate.startSymbol() + '$data' + $interpolate.endSymbol() + '</output>');
+ }
+ });
+ }]);
+ Tags input directive for AngularJS
+ */
+angular.module('xeditable').directive('editableTagsInput', ['editableDirectiveFactory', 'editableUtils',
+ function(editableDirectiveFactory, editableUtils) {
+ var dir = editableDirectiveFactory({
+ directiveName: 'editableTagsInput',
+ inputTpl: '<tags-input></tags-input>',
+ useCopy: true,
+ render: function () {
+ this.inputEl.append(editableUtils.rename('auto-complete', this.attrs.$autoCompleteElement));
+ this.inputEl.removeAttr('ng-model');
+ this.inputEl.attr('ng-model', '$parent.$data');
+ }
+ });
+ var linkOrg =;
+ = function (scope, el, attrs, ctrl) {
+ var autoCompleteEl = el.find('editable-tags-input-auto-complete');
+ attrs.$autoCompleteElement = autoCompleteEl.clone();
+ autoCompleteEl.remove();
+ return linkOrg(scope, el, attrs, ctrl);
+ };
+ return dir;
+// radiolist
+angular.module('xeditable').directive('editableRadiolist', [
+ 'editableDirectiveFactory',
+ 'editableNgOptionsParser',
+ '$interpolate',
+ function(editableDirectiveFactory, editableNgOptionsParser, $interpolate) {
+ return editableDirectiveFactory({
+ directiveName: 'editableRadiolist',
+ inputTpl: '<span></span>',
+ render: function() {
+ var parsed = editableNgOptionsParser(this.attrs.eNgOptions),
+ ngChangeHtml = '',
+ ngNameHtml = '';
+ if (this.attrs.eNgChange) {
+ ngChangeHtml = ' ng-change="' + this.attrs.eNgChange + '"';
+ }
+ if (this.attrs.eName) {
+ ngNameHtml = ' name="' + this.attrs.eName + '"';
+ }
+ var html = '<label data-ng-repeat="'+parsed.ngRepeat+'">'+
+ '<input type="radio" data-ng-disabled="::' +
+ this.attrs.eNgDisabled +
+ '" data-ng-model="$parent.$parent.$data" data-ng-value="' + $interpolate.startSymbol() +
+ '::' + parsed.locals.valueFn + $interpolate.endSymbol() +'"' +
+ ngChangeHtml + ngNameHtml + '>'+
+ '<span data-ng-bind="::'+parsed.locals.displayFn+'"></span></label>';
+ this.inputEl.removeAttr('ng-model');
+ this.inputEl.removeAttr('ng-options');
+ this.inputEl.removeAttr('ng-change');
+ this.inputEl.html(html);
+ },
+ autosubmit: function() {
+ var self = this;
+ self.inputEl.bind('change', function() {
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ self.scope.$apply(function() {
+ self.scope.$form.$submit();
+ });
+ }, 500);
+ });
+ }
+ });
+angular.module('xeditable').directive('editableSelect', ['editableDirectiveFactory',
+ function(editableDirectiveFactory) {
+ return editableDirectiveFactory({
+ directiveName: 'editableSelect',
+ inputTpl: '<select></select>',
+ render: function() {
+ if (this.attrs.ePlaceholder) {
+ var placeholder = angular.element('<option value="">' + this.attrs.ePlaceholder + '</option>');
+ this.inputEl.append(placeholder);
+ }
+ },
+ autosubmit: function() {
+ var self = this;
+ if (!self.attrs.hasOwnProperty("eMultiple")) {
+ self.inputEl.bind('change', function () {
+ self.scope.$apply(function () {
+ self.scope.$form.$submit();
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ });
+angular.module('xeditable').directive('editableTextarea', ['editableDirectiveFactory',
+ function(editableDirectiveFactory) {
+ return editableDirectiveFactory({
+ directiveName: 'editableTextarea',
+ inputTpl: '<textarea></textarea>',
+ addListeners: function() {
+ var self = this;
+ // submit textarea by ctrl+enter even with buttons
+ if (self.single && self.buttons !== 'no') {
+ self.autosubmit();
+ }
+ },
+ autosubmit: function() {
+ var self = this;
+ self.inputEl.bind('keydown', function(e) {
+ if (self.attrs.submitOnEnter) {
+ if (e.keyCode === 13 && !e.shiftKey) {
+ self.scope.$apply(function() {
+ self.scope.$form.$submit();
+ });
+ }
+ } else if ((e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) && (e.keyCode === 13) ||
+ (e.keyCode === 9 && self.editorEl.attr('blur') === 'submit')) {
+ self.scope.$apply(function() {
+ self.scope.$form.$submit();
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ jQuery UI Datepicker for AngularJS
+ */
+angular.module('xeditable').directive('editableUidate', ['editableDirectiveFactory',
+ function(editableDirectiveFactory) {
+ return editableDirectiveFactory({
+ directiveName: 'editableUidate',
+ inputTpl: '<input class="form-control" />',
+ render: function() {
+ this.inputEl.attr('ui-date', this.attrs.eUiDate);
+ this.inputEl.attr('placeholder', this.attrs.ePlaceholder);
+ }
+ });
+ AngularJS-native version of Select2 and Selectize
+ */
+angular.module('xeditable').directive('editableUiSelect',['editableDirectiveFactory', 'editableUtils',
+ function(editableDirectiveFactory, editableUtils) {
+ var dir = editableDirectiveFactory({
+ directiveName: 'editableUiSelect',
+ inputTpl: '<ui-select></ui-select>',
+ render: function () {
+ this.inputEl.append(editableUtils.rename('ui-select-match', this.attrs.$matchElement));
+ this.inputEl.append(editableUtils.rename('ui-select-choices', this.attrs.$choicesElement));
+ this.inputEl.removeAttr('ng-model');
+ this.inputEl.attr('ng-model', '$parent.$parent.$data');
+ },
+ autosubmit: function() {
+ var self = this;
+ self.inputEl.bind('change', function() {
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ self.scope.$apply(function() {
+ self.scope.$form.$submit();
+ });
+ }, 500);
+ });
+ self.inputEl.bind('keydown', function(e) {
+ //submit on tab
+ if (e.keyCode === 9 && self.editorEl.attr('blur') === 'submit') {
+ self.scope.$apply(function() {
+ self.scope.$form.$submit();
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ var linkOrg =;
+ = function (scope, el, attrs, ctrl) {
+ var matchEl = el.find('editable-ui-select-match');
+ var choicesEl = el.find('editable-ui-select-choices');
+ attrs.$matchElement = matchEl.clone();
+ attrs.$choicesElement = choicesEl.clone();
+ matchEl.remove();
+ choicesEl.remove();
+ return linkOrg(scope, el, attrs, ctrl);
+ };
+ return dir;
+ }]);
+ * EditableController class.
+ * Attached to element with `editable-xxx` directive.
+ *
+ * @namespace editable-element
+ */
+TODO: this file should be refactored to work more clear without closures!
+ ['$q', 'editableUtils',
+ function($q, editableUtils) {
+ //EditableController function
+ EditableController.$inject = ['$scope', '$attrs', '$element', '$parse', 'editableThemes', 'editableIcons', 'editableOptions', '$rootScope', '$compile', '$q', '$sce', '$templateCache'];
+ function EditableController($scope, $attrs, $element, $parse, editableThemes, editableIcons, editableOptions, $rootScope, $compile, $q, $sce, $templateCache) {
+ var valueGetter;
+ //if control is disabled - it does not participate in waiting process
+ var inWaiting;
+ var self = this;
+ self.scope = $scope;
+ self.elem = $element;
+ self.attrs = $attrs;
+ self.inputEl = null;
+ self.editorEl = null;
+ self.single = true;
+ self.error = '';
+ self.theme = editableThemes[$attrs.editableTheme] || editableThemes[editableOptions.theme] || editableThemes['default'];
+ self.parent = {};
+ //will be undefined if icon_set is default and theme is default
+ var theme_name = $attrs.editableTheme || editableOptions.theme || 'default';
+ // The theme_name will not be correct if the theme set in options is unavailable
+ // However, in that case an undefined icon_set is not that bad...
+ var icon_set_option = $attrs.editableIconSet || editableOptions.icon_set;
+ self.icon_set = icon_set_option === 'default' ? editableIcons.default[theme_name] : editableIcons.external[icon_set_option];
+ //to be overwritten by directive
+ self.inputTpl = '';
+ self.directiveName = '';
+ // with majority of controls copy is not needed, but..
+ // copy MUST NOT be used for `select-multiple` with objects as items
+ // copy MUST be used for `checklist`
+ self.useCopy = false;
+ //runtime (defaults)
+ self.single = null;
+ /**
+ * Attributes defined with `e-*` prefix automatically transferred from original element to
+ * control.
+ * For example, if you set `<span editable-text="" e-style="width: 100px"`>
+ * then input will appear as `<input style="width: 100px">`.
+ * See [demo](#text-customize).
+ *
+ * @var {any|attribute} e-*
+ * @memberOf editable-element
+ */
+ /**
+ * Whether to show ok/cancel buttons. Values: `right|no`.
+ * If set to `no` control automatically submitted when value changed.
+ * If control is part of form buttons will never be shown.
+ *
+ * @var {string|attribute} buttons
+ * @memberOf editable-element
+ */
+ self.buttons = 'right';
+ /**
+ * Whether to show the editable element in a ui-bootstrap popover. Values: `true|false`.
+ *
+ * @var {boolean|attribute} popover
+ * @memberOf editable-element
+ */
+ self.popover = false;
+ /**
+ * Action when control losses focus. Values: `cancel|submit|ignore`.
+ * Has sense only for single editable element.
+ * Otherwise, if control is part of form - you should set `blur` of form, not of individual element.
+ *
+ * @var {string|attribute} blur
+ * @memberOf editable-element
+ */
+ // no real `blur` property as it is transferred to editable form
+ //init
+ self.init = function(single) {
+ self.single = single;
+ = $attrs.eName || $attrs[self.directiveName];
+ /*
+ if(!$attrs[directiveName] && !$attrs.eNgModel && ($attrs.eValue === undefined)) {
+ throw 'You should provide value for `'+directiveName+'` or `e-value` in editable element!';
+ }
+ */
+ if($attrs[self.directiveName]) {
+ valueGetter = $parse($attrs[self.directiveName]);
+ } else {
+ throw 'You should provide value for `'+self.directiveName+'` in editable element!';
+ }
+ // settings for single and non-single
+ if (!self.single) {
+ // hide buttons for non-single
+ self.buttons = 'no';
+ } else {
+ self.buttons = self.attrs.buttons || editableOptions.buttons;
+ }
+ //if name defined --> watch changes and update $data in form
+ if($attrs.eName) {
+ self.scope.$watch('$data', function(newVal){
+ self.scope.$form.$data[$attrs.eName] = newVal;
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Called when control is shown.
+ * See [demo](#select-remote).
+ *
+ * @var {method|attribute} onshow
+ * @memberOf editable-element
+ */
+ if($attrs.onshow) {
+ self.onshow = function() {
+ return self.catchError($parse($attrs.onshow)($scope));
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * Called when control is hidden after both save or cancel.
+ *
+ * @var {method|attribute} onhide
+ * @memberOf editable-element
+ */
+ if ($attrs.onhide) {
+ self.onhide = function() {
+ return $parse($attrs.onhide)($scope);
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * Called when control is cancelled.
+ *
+ * @var {method|attribute} oncancel
+ * @memberOf editable-element
+ */
+ if ($attrs.oncancel) {
+ self.oncancel = function() {
+ return $parse($attrs.oncancel)($scope);
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * Called during submit before value is saved to model.
+ * See [demo](#onbeforesave).
+ *
+ * @var {method|attribute} onbeforesave
+ * @memberOf editable-element
+ */
+ if ($attrs.onbeforesave) {
+ self.onbeforesave = function() {
+ return self.catchError($parse($attrs.onbeforesave)($scope));
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * Called during submit after value is saved to model.
+ * See [demo](#onaftersave).
+ *
+ * @var {method|attribute} onaftersave
+ * @memberOf editable-element
+ */
+ if ($attrs.onaftersave) {
+ self.onaftersave = function() {
+ return self.catchError($parse($attrs.onaftersave)($scope));
+ };
+ }
+ if ($attrs.popover) {
+ self.popover = self.attrs.popover;
+ }
+ // watch change of model to update editable element
+ // now only add/remove `editable-empty` class.
+ // Initially this method called with newVal = undefined, oldVal = undefined
+ // so no need initially call handleEmpty() explicitly
+ $scope.$parent.$watch($attrs[self.directiveName], function(newVal, oldVal) {
+ self.setLocalValue();
+ self.handleEmpty();
+ });
+ };
+ self.render = function() {
+ var theme = self.theme;
+ //build input
+ self.inputEl = angular.element(self.inputTpl);
+ //build controls
+ self.controlsEl = angular.element(theme.controlsTpl);
+ self.controlsEl.append(self.inputEl);
+ //build buttons
+ if(self.buttons !== 'no') {
+ self.buttonsEl = angular.element(theme.buttonsTpl);
+ self.submitEl = angular.element(theme.submitTpl);
+ self.resetEl = angular.element(theme.resetTpl);
+ self.cancelEl = angular.element(theme.cancelTpl);
+ self.submitEl.attr('title', editableOptions.submitButtonTitle);
+ self.submitEl.attr('aria-label', editableOptions.submitButtonAriaLabel);
+ self.cancelEl.attr('title', editableOptions.cancelButtonTitle);
+ self.cancelEl.attr('aria-label', editableOptions.cancelButtonAriaLabel);
+ self.resetEl.attr('title', editableOptions.clearButtonTitle);
+ self.resetEl.attr('aria-label', editableOptions.clearButtonAriaLabel);
+ if (self.icon_set) {
+ self.submitEl.find('span').addClass(self.icon_set.ok);
+ self.cancelEl.find('span').addClass(self.icon_set.cancel);
+ self.resetEl.find('span').addClass(self.icon_set.clear);
+ }
+ self.buttonsEl.append(self.submitEl).append(self.cancelEl);
+ if (editableOptions.displayClearButton) {
+ self.buttonsEl.append(self.resetEl);
+ }
+ self.controlsEl.append(self.buttonsEl);
+ self.inputEl.addClass('editable-has-buttons');
+ }
+ //build error
+ self.errorEl = angular.element(theme.errorTpl);
+ self.controlsEl.append(self.errorEl);
+ //build editor
+ self.editorEl = angular.element(self.single ? theme.formTpl : theme.noformTpl);
+ self.editorEl.append(self.controlsEl);
+ // transfer `e-*|data-e-*|x-e-*` attributes
+ for (var k in $attrs.$attr) {
+ if(k.length <= 1) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ var transferAttr = false;
+ var nextLetter = k.substring(1, 2);
+ // if starts with `e` + uppercase letter
+ if (k.substring(0, 1) === 'e' && nextLetter === nextLetter.toUpperCase()) {
+ transferAttr = k.substring(1); // cut `e`
+ } else {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // exclude `form` and `ng-submit`,
+ if (transferAttr === 'Form' || transferAttr === 'NgSubmit') {
+ continue;
+ }
+ var firstLetter = transferAttr.substring(0, 1);
+ var secondLetter = transferAttr.substring(1, 2);
+ // convert back to lowercase style
+ if (secondLetter === secondLetter.toUpperCase() &&
+ firstLetter === firstLetter.toUpperCase()) {
+ transferAttr = firstLetter.toLowerCase() + '-' + editableUtils.camelToDash(transferAttr.substring(1));
+ } else {
+ transferAttr = firstLetter.toLowerCase() + editableUtils.camelToDash(transferAttr.substring(1));
+ }
+ // workaround for attributes without value (e.g. `multiple = "multiple"`)
+ // except for 'e-value'
+ var attrValue = (transferAttr !== 'value' && $attrs[k] === '') ? transferAttr : $attrs[k];
+ // set attributes to input
+ self.inputEl.attr(transferAttr, attrValue);
+ }
+ self.inputEl.addClass('editable-input');
+ self.inputEl.attr('ng-model', '$parent.$data');
+ // add directiveName class to editor, e.g. `editable-text`
+ self.editorEl.addClass(editableUtils.camelToDash(self.directiveName));
+ if (self.single) {
+ self.editorEl.attr('editable-form', '$form');
+ // transfer `blur` to form
+ self.editorEl.attr('blur', self.attrs.blur || editableOptions.blurElem);
+ }
+ if (self.popover) {
+ var wrapper = angular.element('<div></div>');
+ wrapper.append(self.editorEl);
+ self.editorEl = wrapper;
+ $templateCache.put('popover.html', self.editorEl[0].outerHTML);
+ }
+ //apply `postrender` method of theme
+ if (angular.isFunction(theme.postrender)) {
+ }
+ };
+ // with majority of controls copy is not needed, but..
+ // copy MUST NOT be used for `select-multiple` with objects as items
+ // copy MUST be used for `checklist`
+ self.setLocalValue = function() {
+ self.scope.$data = self.useCopy ?
+ angular.copy(valueGetter($scope.$parent)) :
+ valueGetter($scope.$parent);
+ };
+ // reference of the scope to use for $compile
+ var newScope = null;
+ //show
+ = function() {
+ // set value of scope.$data
+ self.setLocalValue();
+ /*
+ Originally render() was inside init() method, but some directives polluting editorEl,
+ so it is broken on second opening.
+ Cloning is not a solution as jqLite can not clone with event handler's.
+ */
+ self.render();
+ // insert into DOM
+ $element.after(self.editorEl);
+ // compile (needed to attach ng-* events from markup)
+ newScope = $scope.$new();
+ $compile(self.editorEl)(newScope);
+ // attach listeners (`escape`, autosubmit, etc)
+ self.addListeners();
+ // hide element
+ $element.addClass('editable-hide');
+ // onshow
+ return self.onshow();
+ };
+ //hide
+ self.hide = function() {
+ // destroy the scope to prevent memory leak
+ newScope.$destroy();
+ self.controlsEl.remove();
+ self.editorEl.remove();
+ $element.removeClass('editable-hide');
+ if (self.popover) {
+ $templateCache.remove('popover.html');
+ }
+ // onhide
+ return self.onhide();
+ };
+ // cancel
+ self.cancel = function() {
+ // oncancel
+ self.oncancel();
+ // don't call hide() here as it called in form's code
+ };
+ /*
+ Called after show to attach listeners
+ */
+ self.addListeners = function() {
+ // bind keyup for `escape`
+ self.inputEl.bind('keyup', function(e) {
+ if(!self.single) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // todo: move this to editable-form!
+ switch(e.keyCode) {
+ // hide on `escape` press
+ case 27:
+ self.scope.$apply(function() {
+ self.scope.$form.$cancel();
+ });
+ break;
+ }
+ });
+ // autosubmit when `no buttons`
+ if (self.single && self.buttons === 'no') {
+ self.autosubmit();
+ }
+ // click - mark element as clicked to exclude in document click handler
+ self.editorEl.bind('click', function(e) {
+ // ignore right/middle button click
+ if (e.which && e.which !== 1) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (self.scope.$form.$visible) {
+ self.scope.$form._clicked = true;
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ // setWaiting
+ self.setWaiting = function(value) {
+ if (value) {
+ // participate in waiting only if not disabled
+ inWaiting = !self.inputEl.attr('disabled') &&
+ !self.inputEl.attr('ng-disabled') &&
+ !self.inputEl.attr('ng-enabled');
+ if (inWaiting) {
+ self.inputEl.attr('disabled', 'disabled');
+ if(self.buttonsEl) {
+ self.buttonsEl.find('button').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (inWaiting) {
+ self.inputEl.removeAttr('disabled');
+ if (self.buttonsEl) {
+ self.buttonsEl.find('button').removeAttr('disabled');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ self.activate = function(start, end) {
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ var el = self.inputEl[0];
+ if (editableOptions.activate === 'focus' && el.focus) {
+ if (start !== undefined && start !== "" && el.setSelectionRange) {
+ end = end || start;
+ el.onfocus = function() {
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ try {
+ this.setSelectionRange(start,end);
+ } catch(e) {
+ //do nothing, this input doesn't support setSelectionRange
+ }
+ }.bind(this));
+ };
+ }
+ if (self.directiveName == 'editableRadiolist' || self.directiveName == 'editableChecklist' ||
+ self.directiveName == 'editableBsdate' || self.directiveName == 'editableTagsInput') {
+ //Set focus to first pristine element in the list
+ el.querySelector('.ng-pristine').focus();
+ } else {
+ el.focus();
+ }
+ } else if (editableOptions.activate === 'select') {
+ if ({
+ } else if (el.focus) {
+ el.focus();
+ }
+ }
+ }, 0);
+ };
+ self.setError = function(msg) {
+ if(!angular.isObject(msg)) {
+ $scope.$error = $sce.trustAsHtml(msg);
+ self.error = msg;
+ }
+ };
+ /*
+ Checks that result is string or promise returned string and shows it as error message
+ Applied to onshow, onbeforesave, onaftersave
+ */
+ self.catchError = function(result, noPromise) {
+ if (angular.isObject(result) && noPromise !== true) {
+ $q.when(result).then(
+ //success and fail handlers are equal
+ angular.bind(this, function(r) {
+ this.catchError(r, true);
+ }),
+ angular.bind(this, function(r) {
+ this.catchError(r, true);
+ })
+ );
+ //check $http error
+ } else if (noPromise && angular.isObject(result) && result.status &&
+ (result.status !== 200) && && angular.isString( {
+ this.setError(;
+ //set result to string: to let form know that there was error
+ result =;
+ } else if (angular.isString(result)) {
+ this.setError(result);
+ }
+ return result;
+ };
+ = function() {
+ valueGetter.assign($scope.$parent,
+ self.useCopy ? angular.copy(self.scope.$data) : self.scope.$data);
+ // no need to call handleEmpty here as we are watching change of model value
+ // self.handleEmpty();
+ };
+ /*
+ attach/detach `editable-empty` class to element
+ */
+ self.handleEmpty = function() {
+ var val = valueGetter($scope.$parent);
+ var isEmpty = val === null || val === undefined || val === "" || (angular.isArray(val) && val.length === 0);
+ $element.toggleClass('editable-empty', isEmpty);
+ };
+ /*
+ Called when `buttons = "no"` to submit automatically
+ */
+ self.autosubmit = angular.noop;
+ self.onshow = angular.noop;
+ self.onhide = angular.noop;
+ self.oncancel = angular.noop;
+ self.onbeforesave = angular.noop;
+ self.onaftersave = angular.noop;
+ }
+ return EditableController;
+editableFactory is used to generate editable directives (see `/directives` folder)
+Inside it does several things:
+- detect form for editable element. Form may be one of three types:
+ 1. autogenerated form (for single editable elements)
+ 2. wrapper form (element wrapped by <form> tag)
+ 3. linked form (element has `e-form` attribute pointing to existing form)
+- attach editableController to element
+Depends on: editableController, editableFormFactory
+['$parse', '$compile', 'editableThemes', '$rootScope', '$document', 'editableController', 'editableFormController', 'editableOptions',
+function($parse, $compile, editableThemes, $rootScope, $document, editableController, editableFormController, editableOptions) {
+ //directive object
+ return function(overwrites) {
+ return {
+ restrict: 'A',
+ scope: true,
+ require: [overwrites.directiveName, '?^form'],
+ controller: editableController,
+ link: function(scope, elem, attrs, ctrl) {
+ // editable controller
+ var eCtrl = ctrl[0];
+ // form controller
+ var eFormCtrl;
+ // this variable indicates is element is bound to some existing form,
+ // or it's single element who's form will be generated automatically
+ // By default consider single element without any linked form.ß
+ var hasForm = false;
+ // element wrapped by form
+ if (ctrl[1]) {
+ eFormCtrl = ctrl[1];
+ hasForm = attrs.eSingle === undefined;
+ } else if (attrs.eForm) { // element not wrapped by <form>, but we have `e-form` attr
+ var getter = $parse(attrs.eForm)(scope);
+ if (getter) { // form exists in scope (above), e.g. editable column
+ eFormCtrl = getter;
+ hasForm = true;
+ } else if (elem && typeof elem.parents === "function" && elem.parents().last().find('form[name='+attrs.eForm+']').length) { // form exists below or not exist at all: check document.forms
+ // form is below and not processed yet
+ eFormCtrl = null;
+ hasForm = true;
+ } else {
+ // form exists below or not exist at all: check document.forms
+ for (var i=0; i<$document[0].forms.length;i++) {
+ if ($document[0].forms[i].name === attrs.eForm) {
+ // form is below and not processed yet
+ eFormCtrl = null;
+ hasForm = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ if(hasForm && !attrs.eName) {
+ throw 'You should provide `e-name` for editable element inside form!';
+ }
+ */
+ //check for `editable-form` attr in form
+ /*
+ if(eFormCtrl && ) {
+ throw 'You should provide `e-name` for editable element inside form!';
+ }
+ */
+ // store original props to `parent` before merge
+ angular.forEach(overwrites, function(v, k) {
+ if(eCtrl[k] !== undefined) {
+ eCtrl.parent[k] = eCtrl[k];
+ }
+ });
+ // merge overwrites to base editable controller
+ angular.extend(eCtrl, overwrites);
+ // x-editable can be disabled using editableOption or edit-disabled attribute
+ var is_disabled = function() {
+ return angular.isDefined(attrs.editDisabled) ?
+ scope.$eval(attrs.editDisabled) :
+ editableOptions.isDisabled;
+ };
+ // init editable ctrl
+ eCtrl.init(!hasForm);
+ // publich editable controller as `$editable` to be referenced in html
+ scope.$editable = eCtrl;
+ // add `editable` class to element
+ elem.addClass('editable');
+ // hasForm
+ if(hasForm) {
+ if(eFormCtrl) {
+ scope.$form = eFormCtrl;
+ if(!scope.$form.$addEditable) {
+ throw 'Form with editable elements should have `editable-form` attribute.';
+ }
+ scope.$form.$addEditable(eCtrl);
+ } else {
+ // future form (below): add editable controller to buffer and add to form later
+ $rootScope.$$editableBuffer = $rootScope.$$editableBuffer || {};
+ $rootScope.$$editableBuffer[attrs.eForm] = $rootScope.$$editableBuffer[attrs.eForm] || [];
+ $rootScope.$$editableBuffer[attrs.eForm].push(eCtrl);
+ scope.$form = null; //will be re-assigned later
+ }
+ // !hasForm
+ } else {
+ // create editableform controller
+ scope.$form = editableFormController();
+ // add self to editable controller
+ scope.$form.$addEditable(eCtrl);
+ // if `e-form` provided, publish local $form in scope
+ if(attrs.eForm) {
+ ($parse(attrs.eForm).assign || angular.noop)(scope.$parent, scope.$form);
+ }
+ // bind click - if no external form defined
+ if(!attrs.eForm || attrs.eClickable) {
+ elem.addClass('editable-click');
+ elem.bind(editableOptions.activationEvent, function(e) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ e.editable = eCtrl;
+ if(!is_disabled()) {
+ scope.$apply(function(){
+ scope.$form.$show();
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ };
+Returns editableForm controller
+ ['$parse', '$document', '$rootScope', 'editablePromiseCollection', 'editableUtils',
+ function($parse, $document, $rootScope, editablePromiseCollection, editableUtils) {
+ // array of opened editable forms
+ var shown = [];
+ //Check if the child element correspond or is a descendant of the parent element
+ var isSelfOrDescendant = function (parent, child) {
+ if (child == parent) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ var node = child.parentNode;
+ while (node !== null) {
+ if (node == parent) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ node = node.parentNode;
+ }
+ return false;
+ };
+ //Check if it is a real blur : if the click event appear on a shown editable elem, this is not a blur.
+ var isBlur = function(shown, event) {
+ var isBlur = true;
+ var editables = shown.$editables;
+ angular.forEach(editables, function(v){
+ var element = v.editorEl[0];
+ if (isSelfOrDescendant(element,
+ isBlur = false;
+ });
+ return isBlur;
+ };
+ // bind click to body: cancel|submit|ignore forms
+ $document.bind('click', function(e) {
+ // ignore right/middle button click
+ if (e.which && e.which !== 1) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var toCancel = [];
+ var toSubmit = [];
+ for (var i=0; i<shown.length; i++) {
+ // exclude clicked
+ if (shown[i]._clicked) {
+ shown[i]._clicked = false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // exclude waiting
+ if (shown[i].$waiting) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (shown[i]._blur === 'cancel' && isBlur(shown[i], e)) {
+ toCancel.push(shown[i]);
+ }
+ if (shown[i]._blur === 'submit' && isBlur(shown[i], e)) {
+ toSubmit.push(shown[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ if (toCancel.length || toSubmit.length) {
+ $rootScope.$apply(function() {
+ angular.forEach(toCancel, function(v){ v.$cancel(); });
+ angular.forEach(toSubmit, function(v){ v.$submit(); });
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ $rootScope.$on('closeEdit', function() {
+ for(var i=0; i < shown.length; i++) {
+ shown[i].$hide();
+ }
+ });
+ var base = {
+ $addEditable: function(editable) {
+ //console.log('add editable', editable.elem, editable.elem.bind);
+ this.$editables.push(editable);
+ //'on' is not supported in angular 1.0.8
+ editable.elem.bind('$destroy', angular.bind(this, this.$removeEditable, editable));
+ //bind editable's local $form to self (if not bound yet, below form)
+ if (!editable.scope.$form) {
+ editable.scope.$form = this;
+ }
+ //if form already shown - call show() of new editable
+ if (this.$visible) {
+ editable.catchError(;
+ }
+ editable.catchError(editable.setWaiting(this.$waiting));
+ },
+ $removeEditable: function(editable) {
+ //arrayRemove
+ for(var i=0; i < this.$editables.length; i++) {
+ if(this.$editables[i] === editable) {
+ this.$editables.splice(i, 1);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Shows form with editable controls.
+ *
+ * @method $show()
+ * @memberOf editable-form
+ */
+ $show: function() {
+ if (this.$visible) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.$visible = true;
+ var pc = editablePromiseCollection();
+ //own show
+ pc.when(this.$onshow());
+ //clear errors
+ this.$setError(null, '');
+ //children show
+ angular.forEach(this.$editables, function(editable) {
+ pc.when(;
+ });
+ //wait promises and activate
+ pc.then({
+ onWait: angular.bind(this, this.$setWaiting),
+ onTrue: angular.bind(this, this.$activate),
+ onFalse: angular.bind(this, this.$activate),
+ onString: angular.bind(this, this.$activate)
+ });
+ // add to internal list of shown forms
+ // setTimeout needed to prevent closing right after opening (e.g. when trigger by button)
+ setTimeout(angular.bind(this, function() {
+ // clear `clicked` to get ready for clicks on visible form
+ this._clicked = false;
+ if(editableUtils.indexOf(shown, this) === -1) {
+ shown.push(this);
+ }
+ }), 0);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Sets focus on form field specified by `name`.<br/>
+ * When trying to set the focus on a form field of a new row in the editable table, the `$activate` call needs to be wrapped in a `$timeout` call so that the form is rendered before the `$activate` function is called.
+ *
+ * @method $activate(name)
+ * @param {string} name name of field
+ * @memberOf editable-form
+ */
+ $activate: function(name) {
+ var i,
+ selectionStart,
+ selectionEnd;
+ if (this.$editables.length) {
+ //activate by name
+ if (angular.isString(name)) {
+ for(i=0; i<this.$editables.length; i++) {
+ if (this.$editables[i].name === name) {
+ this.$editables[i].activate();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //try activate error field
+ for(i=0; i<this.$editables.length; i++) {
+ if (this.$editables[i].error) {
+ this.$editables[i].activate();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ //by default activate first field
+ selectionStart = this.$editables[0].elem[0].selectionStart ?
+ this.$editables[0].elem[0].selectionStart :
+ this.$editables[0].elem[0].text ? this.$editables[0].elem[0].text.length :
+ this.$editables[0].elem[0].innerHTML ? this.$editables[0].elem[0].innerHTML.length : 0;
+ selectionEnd = this.$editables[0].elem[0].selectionEnd ?
+ this.$editables[0].elem[0].selectionEnd :
+ this.$editables[0].elem[0].text ? this.$editables[0].elem[0].text.length :
+ this.$editables[0].elem[0].innerHTML ? this.$editables[0].elem[0].innerHTML.length : 0;
+ this.$editables[0].activate(selectionStart, selectionEnd);
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Hides form with editable controls without saving.
+ *
+ * @method $hide()
+ * @memberOf editable-form
+ */
+ $hide: function() {
+ if (!this.$visible) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.$visible = false;
+ // self hide
+ this.$onhide();
+ // children's hide
+ angular.forEach(this.$editables, function(editable) {
+ editable.hide();
+ });
+ // remove from internal list of shown forms
+ editableUtils.arrayRemove(shown, this);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Triggers `oncancel` event and calls `$hide()`.
+ *
+ * @method $cancel()
+ * @memberOf editable-form
+ */
+ $cancel: function() {
+ if (!this.$visible) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // self cancel
+ this.$oncancel();
+ // children's cancel
+ angular.forEach(this.$editables, function(editable) {
+ editable.cancel();
+ });
+ // self hide
+ this.$hide();
+ },
+ $setWaiting: function(value) {
+ this.$waiting = !!value;
+ // we can't just set $waiting variable and use it via ng-disabled in children
+ // because in editable-row form is not accessible
+ angular.forEach(this.$editables, function(editable) {
+ editable.setWaiting(!!value);
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ * Shows error message for particular field.
+ *
+ * @method $setError(name, msg)
+ * @param {string} name name of field
+ * @param {string} msg error message
+ * @memberOf editable-form
+ */
+ $setError: function(name, msg) {
+ angular.forEach(this.$editables, function(editable) {
+ if(!name || === name) {
+ editable.setError(msg);
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ $submit: function() {
+ if (this.$waiting) {
+ return;
+ }
+ //clear errors
+ this.$setError(null, '');
+ //children onbeforesave
+ var pc = editablePromiseCollection();
+ angular.forEach(this.$editables, function(editable) {
+ pc.when(editable.onbeforesave());
+ });
+ /*
+ onbeforesave result:
+ - true/undefined: save data and close form
+ - false: close form without saving
+ - string: keep form open and show error
+ */
+ pc.then({
+ onWait: angular.bind(this, this.$setWaiting),
+ onTrue: angular.bind(this, checkSelf, true),
+ onFalse: angular.bind(this, checkSelf, false),
+ onString: angular.bind(this, this.$activate)
+ });
+ //save
+ function checkSelf(childrenTrue){
+ var pc = editablePromiseCollection();
+ pc.when(this.$onbeforesave());
+ pc.then({
+ onWait: angular.bind(this, this.$setWaiting),
+ onTrue: childrenTrue ? angular.bind(this, this.$save) : angular.bind(this, this.$hide),
+ onFalse: angular.bind(this, this.$hide),
+ onString: angular.bind(this, this.$activate)
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ $save: function() {
+ // write model for each editable
+ angular.forEach(this.$editables, function(editable) {
+ });
+ //call onaftersave of self and children
+ var pc = editablePromiseCollection();
+ pc.when(this.$onaftersave());
+ angular.forEach(this.$editables, function(editable) {
+ pc.when(editable.onaftersave());
+ });
+ /*
+ onaftersave result:
+ - true/undefined/false: just close form
+ - string: keep form open and show error
+ */
+ pc.then({
+ onWait: angular.bind(this, this.$setWaiting),
+ onTrue: angular.bind(this, this.$hide),
+ onFalse: angular.bind(this, this.$hide),
+ onString: angular.bind(this, this.$activate)
+ });
+ },
+ $onshow: angular.noop,
+ $oncancel: angular.noop,
+ $onhide: angular.noop,
+ $onbeforesave: angular.noop,
+ $onaftersave: angular.noop
+ };
+ return function() {
+ return angular.extend({
+ $editables: [],
+ /**
+ * Form visibility flag.
+ *
+ * @var {bool} $visible
+ * @memberOf editable-form
+ */
+ $visible: false,
+ /**
+ * Form waiting flag. It becomes `true` when form is loading or saving data.
+ *
+ * @var {bool} $waiting
+ * @memberOf editable-form
+ */
+ $waiting: false,
+ $data: {},
+ _clicked: false,
+ _blur: null
+ }, base);
+ };
+ * EditableForm directive. Should be defined in <form> containing editable controls.
+ * It add some usefull methods to form variable exposed to scope by `name="myform"` attribute.
+ *
+ * @namespace editable-form
+ */
+ ['$rootScope', '$parse', 'editableFormController', 'editableOptions',
+ function($rootScope, $parse, editableFormController, editableOptions) {
+ return {
+ restrict: 'A',
+ require: ['form'],
+ //require: ['form', 'editableForm'],
+ //controller: EditableFormController,
+ compile: function() {
+ return {
+ pre: function(scope, elem, attrs, ctrl) {
+ var form = ctrl[0];
+ var eForm;
+ //if `editableForm` has value - publish smartly under this value
+ //this is required only for single editor form that is created and removed
+ if(attrs.editableForm) {
+ if(scope[attrs.editableForm] && scope[attrs.editableForm].$show) {
+ eForm = scope[attrs.editableForm];
+ angular.extend(form, eForm);
+ } else {
+ eForm = editableFormController();
+ scope[attrs.editableForm] = eForm;
+ angular.extend(eForm, form);
+ }
+ } else { //just merge to form and publish if form has name
+ eForm = editableFormController();
+ angular.extend(form, eForm);
+ }
+ //read editables from buffer (that appeared before FORM tag)
+ var buf = $rootScope.$$editableBuffer;
+ var name = form.$name;
+ if(name && buf && buf[name]) {
+ angular.forEach(buf[name], function(editable) {
+ eForm.$addEditable(editable);
+ });
+ delete buf[name];
+ }
+ },
+ post: function(scope, elem, attrs, ctrl) {
+ var eForm;
+ if(attrs.editableForm && scope[attrs.editableForm] && scope[attrs.editableForm].$show) {
+ eForm = scope[attrs.editableForm];
+ } else {
+ eForm = ctrl[0];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Called when form is shown.
+ *
+ * @var {method|attribute} onshow
+ * @memberOf editable-form
+ */
+ if(attrs.onshow) {
+ eForm.$onshow = angular.bind(eForm, $parse(attrs.onshow), scope);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Called when form hides after both save or cancel.
+ *
+ * @var {method|attribute} onhide
+ * @memberOf editable-form
+ */
+ if(attrs.onhide) {
+ eForm.$onhide = angular.bind(eForm, $parse(attrs.onhide), scope);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Called when form is cancelled.
+ *
+ * @var {method|attribute} oncancel
+ * @memberOf editable-form
+ */
+ if(attrs.oncancel) {
+ eForm.$oncancel = angular.bind(eForm, $parse(attrs.oncancel), scope);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Whether form initially rendered in shown state.
+ *
+ * @var {bool|attribute} shown
+ * @memberOf editable-form
+ */
+ if(attrs.shown && $parse(attrs.shown)(scope)) {
+ eForm.$show();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Action when form losses focus. Values: `cancel|submit|ignore`.
+ * Default is `ignore`.
+ *
+ * @var {string|attribute} blur
+ * @memberOf editable-form
+ */
+ eForm._blur = attrs.blur || editableOptions.blurForm;
+ // onbeforesave, onaftersave
+ if(!attrs.ngSubmit && !attrs.submit) {
+ /**
+ * Called after all children `onbeforesave` callbacks but before saving form values
+ * to model.
+ * If at least one children callback returns `non-string` - it will not not be called.
+ * See [editable-form demo](#editable-form) for details.
+ *
+ * @var {method|attribute} onbeforesave
+ * @memberOf editable-form
+ *
+ */
+ if(attrs.onbeforesave) {
+ eForm.$onbeforesave = function() {
+ return $parse(attrs.onbeforesave)(scope, {$data: eForm.$data});
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * Called when form values are saved to model.
+ * See [editable-form demo](#editable-form) for details.
+ *
+ * @var {method|attribute} onaftersave
+ * @memberOf editable-form
+ *
+ */
+ if(attrs.onaftersave) {
+ eForm.$onaftersave = function() {
+ return $parse(attrs.onaftersave)(scope, {$data: eForm.$data});
+ };
+ }
+ elem.bind('submit', function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ scope.$apply(function() {
+ eForm.$submit();
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ // click - mark form as clicked to exclude in document click handler
+ elem.bind('click', function(e) {
+ // ignore right/middle button click
+ if (e.which && e.which !== 1) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (eForm.$visible) {
+ eForm._clicked = true;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ };
+ * editablePromiseCollection
+ *
+ * Collect results of function calls. Shows waiting if there are promises.
+ * Finally, applies callbacks if:
+ * - onTrue(): all results are true and all promises resolved to true
+ * - onFalse(): at least one result is false or promise resolved to false
+ * - onString(): at least one result is string or promise rejected or promise resolved to string
+ */
+angular.module('xeditable').factory('editablePromiseCollection', ['$q', function($q) {
+ function promiseCollection() {
+ return {
+ promises: [],
+ hasFalse: false,
+ hasString: false,
+ when: function(result, noPromise) {
+ if (result === false) {
+ this.hasFalse = true;
+ } else if (!noPromise && angular.isObject(result)) {
+ this.promises.push($q.when(result));
+ } else if (angular.isString(result)){
+ this.hasString = true;
+ } else { //result === true || result === undefined || result === null
+ return;
+ }
+ },
+ //callbacks: onTrue, onFalse, onString
+ then: function(callbacks) {
+ callbacks = callbacks || {};
+ var onTrue = callbacks.onTrue || angular.noop;
+ var onFalse = callbacks.onFalse || angular.noop;
+ var onString = callbacks.onString || angular.noop;
+ var onWait = callbacks.onWait || angular.noop;
+ var self = this;
+ if (this.promises.length) {
+ onWait(true);
+ $q.all(this.promises).then(
+ //all resolved
+ function(results) {
+ onWait(false);
+ //check all results via same `when` method (without checking promises)
+ angular.forEach(results, function(result) {
+ self.when(result, true);
+ });
+ applyCallback();
+ },
+ //some rejected
+ function(error) {
+ onWait(false);
+ onString();
+ }
+ );
+ } else {
+ applyCallback();
+ }
+ function applyCallback() {
+ if (!self.hasString && !self.hasFalse) {
+ onTrue();
+ } else if (!self.hasString && self.hasFalse) {
+ onFalse();
+ } else {
+ onString();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ return promiseCollection;
+ * editableUtils
+ */
+ angular.module('xeditable').factory('editableUtils', [function() {
+ return {
+ indexOf: function (array, obj) {
+ if (array.indexOf) return array.indexOf(obj);
+ for ( var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
+ if (obj === array[i]) return i;
+ }
+ return -1;
+ },
+ arrayRemove: function (array, value) {
+ var index = this.indexOf(array, value);
+ if (index >= 0) {
+ array.splice(index, 1);
+ }
+ return value;
+ },
+ // copy from
+ camelToDash: function(str) {
+ var SNAKE_CASE_REGEXP = /[A-Z]/g;
+ return str.replace(SNAKE_CASE_REGEXP, function(letter, pos) {
+ return (pos ? '-' : '') + letter.toLowerCase();
+ });
+ },
+ dashToCamel: function(str) {
+ var SPECIAL_CHARS_REGEXP = /([\:\-\_]+(.))/g;
+ var MOZ_HACK_REGEXP = /^moz([A-Z])/;
+ return str.
+ replace(SPECIAL_CHARS_REGEXP, function(_, separator, letter, offset) {
+ return offset ? letter.toUpperCase() : letter;
+ }).
+ replace(MOZ_HACK_REGEXP, 'Moz$1');
+ },
+ rename: function (tag, el) {
+ if (el[0] && el[0].attributes) {
+ var newEl = angular.element('<' + tag + '/>');
+ newEl.html(el.html());
+ var attrs = el[0].attributes;
+ for (var i = 0; i < attrs.length; ++i) {
+ newEl.attr(attrs.item(i).nodeName, attrs.item(i).value);
+ }
+ return newEl;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ * editableNgOptionsParser
+ *
+ * see:
+ */
+ angular.module('xeditable').factory('editableNgOptionsParser', [function() {
+ //0000111110000000000022220000000000000000000000333300000000000000444444444444444000000000555555555555555000000066666666666666600000000000000007777000000000000000000088888
+ var NG_OPTIONS_REGEXP = /^\s*(.*?)(?:\s+as\s+(.*?))?(?:\s+group\s+by\s+(.*))?\s+for\s+(?:([\$\w][\$\w]*)|(?:\(\s*([\$\w][\$\w]*)\s*,\s*([\$\w][\$\w]*)\s*\)))\s+in\s+(.*?)(?:\s+track\s+by\s+(.*?))?$/;
+ function parser(optionsExp) {
+ var match;
+ if (! (match = optionsExp.match(NG_OPTIONS_REGEXP))) {
+ throw 'ng-options parse error';
+ }
+ var
+ displayFn = match[2] || match[1],
+ valueName = match[4] || match[6],
+ keyName = match[5],
+ groupByFn = match[3] || '',
+ valueFn = match[2] ? match[1] : valueName,
+ valuesFn = match[7],
+ track = match[8],
+ trackFn = track ? match[8] : null;
+ var ngRepeat;
+ if (keyName === undefined) { // array
+ ngRepeat = valueName + ' in ' + valuesFn;
+ if (track !== undefined) {
+ ngRepeat += ' track by '+trackFn;
+ }
+ } else { // object
+ ngRepeat = '('+keyName+', '+valueName+') in '+valuesFn;
+ }
+ // group not supported yet
+ return {
+ ngRepeat: ngRepeat,
+ locals: {
+ valueName: valueName,
+ keyName: keyName,
+ valueFn: valueFn,
+ displayFn: displayFn
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ return parser;
+ * editableCombodate
+ *
+ * angular version of
+ */
+angular.module('xeditable').factory('editableCombodate', [function() {
+ function Combodate(element, options) {
+ this.$element = angular.element(element);
+ if(this.$element[0].nodeName != 'INPUT') {
+ throw 'Combodate should be applied to INPUT element';
+ }
+ var currentYear = new Date().getFullYear();
+ this.defaults = {
+ //in this format value stored in original input
+ format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm',
+ //in this format items in dropdowns are displayed
+ template: 'D / MMM / YYYY H : mm',
+ //initial value, can be `new Date()`
+ value: null,
+ minYear: 1970,
+ maxYear: currentYear,
+ yearDescending: true,
+ minuteStep: 5,
+ secondStep: 1,
+ firstItem: 'empty', //'name', 'empty', 'none'
+ errorClass: null,
+ customClass: '',
+ roundTime: true, // whether to round minutes and seconds if step > 1
+ smartDays: true // whether days in combo depend on selected month: 31, 30, 28
+ };
+ this.options = angular.extend({}, this.defaults, options);
+ this.init();
+ }
+ Combodate.prototype = {
+ constructor: Combodate,
+ init: function () {
+ = {
+ //key regexp moment.method
+ day: ['D', 'date'],
+ month: ['M', 'month'],
+ year: ['Y', 'year'],
+ hour: ['[Hh]', 'hours'],
+ minute: ['m', 'minutes'],
+ second: ['s', 'seconds'],
+ ampm: ['[Aa]', '']
+ };
+ this.$widget = angular.element('<span class="combodate"></span>').html(this.getTemplate());
+ this.initCombos();
+ if (this.options.smartDays) {
+ var combo = this;
+ this.$widget.find('select').bind('change', function(e) {
+ // update days count if month or year changes
+ if (angular.element('month') || angular.element('year')) {
+ combo.fillCombo('day');
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ this.$widget.find('select').css('width', 'auto');
+ // hide original input and insert widget
+ this.$element.css('display', 'none').after(this.$widget);
+ // set initial value
+ this.setValue(this.$element.val() || this.options.value);
+ },
+ /*
+ Replace tokens in template with <select> elements
+ */
+ getTemplate: function() {
+ var tpl = this.options.template;
+ var customClass = this.options.customClass;
+ //first pass
+ angular.forEach(, function(v, k) {
+ v = v[0];
+ var r = new RegExp(v+'+');
+ var token = v.length > 1 ? v.substring(1, 2) : v;
+ tpl = tpl.replace(r, '{'+token+'}');
+ });
+ //replace spaces with &nbsp;
+ tpl = tpl.replace(/ /g, '&nbsp;');
+ //second pass
+ angular.forEach(, function(v, k) {
+ v = v[0];
+ var token = v.length > 1 ? v.substring(1, 2) : v;
+ tpl = tpl.replace('{'+token+'}', '<select class="'+k+' '+customClass+'"></select>');
+ });
+ return tpl;
+ },
+ /*
+ Initialize combos that presents in template
+ */
+ initCombos: function() {
+ for (var k in {
+ var c = this.$widget[0].querySelectorAll('.'+k);
+ // set properties like this.$day, this.$month etc.
+ this['$'+k] = c.length ? angular.element(c) : null;
+ // fill with items
+ this.fillCombo(k);
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ Fill combo with items
+ */
+ fillCombo: function(k) {
+ var $combo = this['$'+k];
+ if (!$combo) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // define method name to fill items, e.g `fillDays`
+ var f = 'fill' + k.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + k.slice(1);
+ var items = this[f]();
+ var value = $combo.val();
+ $combo.html('');
+ for(var i=0; i<items.length; i++) {
+ $combo.append('<option value="'+items[i][0]+'">'+items[i][1]+'</option>');
+ }
+ $combo.val(value);
+ },
+ /*
+ Initialize items of combos. Handles `firstItem` option
+ */
+ fillCommon: function(key) {
+ var values = [], relTime;
+ if(this.options.firstItem === 'name') {
+ //need both to support moment ver < 2 and >= 2
+ relTime = moment.relativeTime || moment.langData()._relativeTime;
+ var header = typeof relTime[key] === 'function' ? relTime[key](1, true, key, false) : relTime[key];
+ //take last entry (see momentjs lang files structure)
+ header = header.split(' ').reverse()[0];
+ values.push(['', header]);
+ } else if(this.options.firstItem === 'empty') {
+ values.push(['', '']);
+ }
+ return values;
+ },
+ /*
+ fill day
+ */
+ fillDay: function() {
+ var items = this.fillCommon('d'), name, i,
+ twoDigit = this.options.template.indexOf('DD') !== -1,
+ daysCount = 31;
+ // detect days count (depends on month and year)
+ // originally
+ if (this.options.smartDays && this.$month && this.$year) {
+ var month = parseInt(this.$month.val(), 10);
+ var year = parseInt(this.$year.val(), 10);
+ if (!isNaN(month) && !isNaN(year)) {
+ daysCount = moment([year, month]).daysInMonth();
+ }
+ }
+ for (i = 1; i <= daysCount; i++) {
+ name = twoDigit ? this.leadZero(i) : i;
+ items.push([i, name]);
+ }
+ return items;
+ },
+ /*
+ fill month
+ */
+ fillMonth: function() {
+ var items = this.fillCommon('M'), name, i,
+ longNames = this.options.template.indexOf('MMMM') !== -1,
+ shortNames = this.options.template.indexOf('MMM') !== -1,
+ twoDigit = this.options.template.indexOf('MM') !== -1;
+ for(i=0; i<=11; i++) {
+ if(longNames) {
+ //see
+ name = moment().date(1).month(i).format('MMMM');
+ } else if(shortNames) {
+ name = moment().date(1).month(i).format('MMM');
+ } else if(twoDigit) {
+ name = this.leadZero(i+1);
+ } else {
+ name = i+1;
+ }
+ items.push([i, name]);
+ }
+ return items;
+ },
+ /*
+ fill year
+ */
+ fillYear: function() {
+ var items = [], name, i,
+ longNames = this.options.template.indexOf('YYYY') !== -1;
+ for(i=this.options.maxYear; i>=this.options.minYear; i--) {
+ name = longNames ? i : (i+'').substring(2);
+ items[this.options.yearDescending ? 'push' : 'unshift']([i, name]);
+ }
+ items = this.fillCommon('y').concat(items);
+ return items;
+ },
+ /*
+ fill hour
+ */
+ fillHour: function() {
+ var items = this.fillCommon('h'), name, i,
+ h12 = this.options.template.indexOf('h') !== -1,
+ h24 = this.options.template.indexOf('H') !== -1,
+ twoDigit = this.options.template.toLowerCase().indexOf('hh') !== -1,
+ min = h12 ? 1 : 0,
+ max = h12 ? 12 : 23;
+ for(i=min; i<=max; i++) {
+ name = twoDigit ? this.leadZero(i) : i;
+ items.push([i, name]);
+ }
+ return items;
+ },
+ /*
+ fill minute
+ */
+ fillMinute: function() {
+ var items = this.fillCommon('m'), name, i,
+ twoDigit = this.options.template.indexOf('mm') !== -1;
+ for(i=0; i<=59; i+= this.options.minuteStep) {
+ name = twoDigit ? this.leadZero(i) : i;
+ items.push([i, name]);
+ }
+ return items;
+ },
+ /*
+ fill second
+ */
+ fillSecond: function() {
+ var items = this.fillCommon('s'), name, i,
+ twoDigit = this.options.template.indexOf('ss') !== -1;
+ for(i=0; i<=59; i+= this.options.secondStep) {
+ name = twoDigit ? this.leadZero(i) : i;
+ items.push([i, name]);
+ }
+ return items;
+ },
+ /*
+ fill ampm
+ */
+ fillAmpm: function() {
+ var ampmL = this.options.template.indexOf('a') !== -1,
+ ampmU = this.options.template.indexOf('A') !== -1,
+ items = [
+ ['am', ampmL ? 'am' : 'AM'],
+ ['pm', ampmL ? 'pm' : 'PM']
+ ];
+ return items;
+ },
+ /*
+ Returns current date value from combos.
+ If format not specified - `options.format` used.
+ If format = `null` - Moment object returned.
+ */
+ getValue: function(format) {
+ var dt, values = {},
+ that = this,
+ notSelected = false;
+ //getting selected values
+ angular.forEach(, function(v, k) {
+ if(k === 'ampm') {
+ return;
+ }
+ var def = k === 'day' ? 1 : 0;
+ values[k] = that['$'+k] ? parseInt(that['$'+k].val(), 10) : def;
+ if(isNaN(values[k])) {
+ notSelected = true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ });
+ //if at least one visible combo not selected - return empty string
+ if(notSelected) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ //convert hours 12h --> 24h
+ if(this.$ampm) {
+ //12:00 pm --> 12:00 (24-h format, midday), 12:00 am --> 00:00 (24-h format, midnight, start of day)
+ if(values.hour === 12) {
+ values.hour = this.$ampm.val() === 'am' ? 0 : 12;
+ } else {
+ values.hour = this.$ampm.val() === 'am' ? values.hour : values.hour+12;
+ }
+ }
+ dt = moment([values.year, values.month,, values.hour, values.minute, values.second]);
+ //highlight invalid date
+ this.highlight(dt);
+ format = format === undefined ? this.options.format : format;
+ if(format === null) {
+ return dt.isValid() ? dt : null;
+ } else {
+ return dt.isValid() ? dt.format(format) : '';
+ }
+ },
+ setValue: function(value) {
+ if(!value) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // parse in strict mode (third param `true`)
+ var dt = typeof value === 'string' ? moment(value, this.options.format, true) : moment(value),
+ that = this,
+ values = {};
+ //function to find nearest value in select options
+ function getNearest($select, value) {
+ var delta = {};
+ angular.forEach($select.children('option'), function(opt, i){
+ var optValue = angular.element(opt).attr('value');
+ if(optValue === '') return;
+ var distance = Math.abs(optValue - value);
+ if(typeof delta.distance === 'undefined' || distance < delta.distance) {
+ delta = {value: optValue, distance: distance};
+ }
+ });
+ return delta.value;
+ }
+ if(dt.isValid()) {
+ //read values from date object
+ angular.forEach(, function(v, k) {
+ if(k === 'ampm') {
+ return;
+ }
+ values[k] = dt[v[1]]();
+ });
+ if(this.$ampm) {
+ //12:00 pm --> 12:00 (24-h format, midday), 12:00 am --> 00:00 (24-h format, midnight, start of day)
+ if(values.hour >= 12) {
+ values.ampm = 'pm';
+ if(values.hour > 12) {
+ values.hour -= 12;
+ }
+ } else {
+ values.ampm = 'am';
+ if(values.hour === 0) {
+ values.hour = 12;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ angular.forEach(values, function(v, k) {
+ //call val() for each existing combo, e.g. this.$hour.val()
+ if(that['$'+k]) {
+ if(k === 'minute' && that.options.minuteStep > 1 && that.options.roundTime) {
+ v = getNearest(that['$'+k], v);
+ }
+ if(k === 'second' && that.options.secondStep > 1 && that.options.roundTime) {
+ v = getNearest(that['$'+k], v);
+ }
+ that['$'+k].val(v);
+ }
+ });
+ // update days count
+ if (this.options.smartDays) {
+ this.fillCombo('day');
+ }
+ this.$element.val(dt.format(this.options.format)).triggerHandler('change');
+ }
+ },
+ /*
+ highlight combos if date is invalid
+ */
+ highlight: function(dt) {
+ if(!dt.isValid()) {
+ if(this.options.errorClass) {
+ this.$widget.addClass(this.options.errorClass);
+ } else {
+ //store original border color
+ if(!this.borderColor) {
+ this.borderColor = this.$widget.find('select').css('border-color');
+ }
+ this.$widget.find('select').css('border-color', 'red');
+ }
+ } else {
+ if(this.options.errorClass) {
+ this.$widget.removeClass(this.options.errorClass);
+ } else {
+ this.$widget.find('select').css('border-color', this.borderColor);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ leadZero: function(v) {
+ return v <= 9 ? '0' + v : v;
+ },
+ destroy: function() {
+ this.$widget.remove();
+ this.$element.removeData('combodate').show();
+ }
+ };
+ return {
+ getInstance: function(element, options) {
+ return new Combodate(element, options);
+ }
+ };
+Editable icons:
+- default
+- font-awesome
+angular.module('xeditable').factory('editableIcons', function() {
+ var icons = {
+ //Icon-set to use, defaults to bootstrap icons
+ default: {
+ 'bs2': {
+ ok: 'icon-ok icon-white',
+ cancel: 'icon-remove',
+ clear: 'icon-trash'
+ },
+ 'bs3': {
+ ok: 'glyphicon glyphicon-ok',
+ cancel: 'glyphicon glyphicon-remove',
+ clear: 'glyphicon glyphicon-trash'
+ }
+ },
+ external: {
+ 'font-awesome': {
+ ok: 'fa fa-check',
+ cancel: 'fa fa-times',
+ clear: 'fa fa-trash'
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ return icons;
+/* jshint -W086 */
+Editable themes:
+- default
+- bootstrap 2
+- bootstrap 3
+- semantic-ui
+Note: in postrender() `this` is instance of editableController
+angular.module('xeditable').factory('editableThemes', function() {
+ var themes = {
+ //default
+ 'default': {
+ formTpl: '<form class="editable-wrap"></form>',
+ noformTpl: '<span class="editable-wrap"></span>',
+ controlsTpl: '<span class="editable-controls"></span>',
+ inputTpl: '',
+ errorTpl: '<div class="editable-error" data-ng-if="$error" data-ng-bind-html="$error"></div>',
+ buttonsTpl: '<span class="editable-buttons"></span>',
+ submitTpl: '<button type="submit">save</button>',
+ cancelTpl: '<button type="button" ng-click="$form.$cancel()">cancel</button>',
+ resetTpl: '<button type="reset">clear</button>'
+ },
+ //bs2
+ 'bs2': {
+ formTpl: '<form class="form-inline editable-wrap" role="form"></form>',
+ noformTpl: '<span class="editable-wrap"></span>',
+ controlsTpl: '<div class="editable-controls controls control-group" ng-class="{\'error\': $error}"></div>',
+ inputTpl: '',
+ errorTpl: '<div class="editable-error help-block" data-ng-if="$error" data-ng-bind-html="$error"></div>',
+ buttonsTpl: '<span class="editable-buttons"></span>',
+ submitTpl: '<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary"><span></span></button>',
+ cancelTpl: '<button type="button" class="btn" ng-click="$form.$cancel()">'+
+ '<span></span>'+
+ '</button>',
+ resetTpl: '<button type="reset" class="btn btn-danger">clear</button>'
+ },
+ //bs3
+ 'bs3': {
+ formTpl: '<form class="form-inline editable-wrap" role="form"></form>',
+ noformTpl: '<span class="editable-wrap"></span>',
+ controlsTpl: '<div class="editable-controls form-group" ng-class="{\'has-error\': $error}"></div>',
+ inputTpl: '',
+ errorTpl: '<div class="editable-error help-block" data-ng-if="$error" data-ng-bind-html="$error"></div>',
+ buttonsTpl: '<span class="editable-buttons"></span>',
+ submitTpl: '<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary"><span></span></button>',
+ cancelTpl: '<button type="button" class="btn btn-default" ng-click="$form.$cancel()">'+
+ '<span></span>'+
+ '</button>',
+ resetTpl: '<button type="reset" class="btn btn-danger">clear</button>',
+ //bs3 specific prop to change buttons class: btn-sm, btn-lg
+ buttonsClass: '',
+ //bs3 specific prop to change standard inputs class: input-sm, input-lg
+ inputClass: '',
+ postrender: function() {
+ //apply `form-control` class to std inputs
+ switch(this.directiveName) {
+ case 'editableText':
+ case 'editableSelect':
+ case 'editableTextarea':
+ case 'editableEmail':
+ case 'editableTel':
+ case 'editableNumber':
+ case 'editableUrl':
+ case 'editableSearch':
+ case 'editableDate':
+ case 'editableDatetime':
+ case 'editableBsdate':
+ case 'editableTime':
+ case 'editableMonth':
+ case 'editableWeek':
+ case 'editablePassword':
+ case 'editableDatetimeLocal':
+ this.inputEl.addClass('form-control');
+ if(this.theme.inputClass) {
+ // don`t apply `input-sm` and `input-lg` to select multiple
+ // should be fixed in bs itself!
+ if(this.inputEl.attr('multiple') &&
+ (this.theme.inputClass === 'input-sm' || this.theme.inputClass === 'input-lg')) {
+ break;
+ }
+ this.inputEl.addClass(this.theme.inputClass);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'editableCheckbox':
+ this.editorEl.addClass('checkbox');
+ }
+ //apply buttonsClass (bs3 specific!)
+ if(this.buttonsEl && this.theme.buttonsClass) {
+ this.buttonsEl.find('button').addClass(this.theme.buttonsClass);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ //semantic-ui
+ 'semantic': {
+ formTpl: '<form class="editable-wrap ui form" ng-class="{\'error\': $error}" role="form"></form>',
+ noformTpl: '<span class="editable-wrap"></span>',
+ controlsTpl: '<div class="editable-controls ui fluid input" ng-class="{\'error\': $error}"></div>',
+ inputTpl: '',
+ errorTpl: '<div class="editable-error ui error message" data-ng-if="$error" data-ng-bind-html="$error"></div>',
+ buttonsTpl: '<span class="mini ui buttons"></span>',
+ submitTpl: '<button type="submit" class="ui primary button"><i class="ui check icon"></i></button>',
+ cancelTpl: '<button type="button" class="ui button" ng-click="$form.$cancel()">'+
+ '<i class="ui cancel icon"></i>'+
+ '</button>',
+ resetTpl: '<button type="reset" class="ui button">clear</button>'
+ }
+ };
+ return themes;
diff --git a/3rd_party/static/testapi-ui/assets/lib/angular-xeditable-0.8.0/js/xeditable.min.js b/3rd_party/static/testapi-ui/assets/lib/angular-xeditable-0.8.0/js/xeditable.min.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1c06f95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3rd_party/static/testapi-ui/assets/lib/angular-xeditable-0.8.0/js/xeditable.min.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+angular-xeditable - 0.8.0
+Edit-in-place for angular.js
+Build date: 2017-06-06
+angular.module("xeditable",[]).value("editableOptions",{theme:"default",icon_set:"default",buttons:"right",blurElem:"cancel",blurForm:"ignore",activate:"focus",isDisabled:!1,activationEvent:"click",submitButtonTitle:"Submit",submitButtonAriaLabel:"Submit",cancelButtonTitle:"Cancel",cancelButtonAriaLabel:"Cancel",clearButtonTitle:"Clear",clearButtonAriaLabel:"Clear",displayClearButton:!1}),angular.module("xeditable").directive("editableBsdate",["editableDirectiveFactory","$injector","$parse",function(a,b,c){uibDatepickerConfig=b.get("uibDatepickerConfig"),uibDatepickerPopupConfig=b.get("uibDatepickerPopupConfig");var d=[["eIsOpen","is-open"],["eDateDisabled","date-disabled"],["eDatepickerPopup","uib-datepicker-popup"],["eShowButtonBar","show-button-bar"],["eCurrentText","current-text"],["eClearText","clear-text"],["eCloseText","close-text"],["eCloseOnDateSelection","close-on-date-selection"],["eDatepickerAppendToBody","datepicker-append-to-body"],["eOnOpenFocus","on-open-focus"],["eName","name"],["eDateDisabled","date-disabled"],["eAltInputFormats","alt-input-formats"]],e=[["eFormatDay","formatDay"],["eFormatMonth","formatMonth"],["eFormatYear","formatYear"],["eFormatDayHeader","formatDayHeader"],["eFormatDayTitle","formatDayTitle"],["eFormatMonthTitle","formatMonthTitle"],["eMaxMode","maxMode"],["eMinMode","minMode"],["eDatepickerMode","datepickerMode"]];return a({directiveName:"editableBsdate",inputTpl:"<div></div>",render:function(){;var a=this.attrs,b=this.scope,f=angular.element('<input type="text" class="form-control" ng-model="$parent.$data"/>');f.attr("uib-datepicker-popup",a.eDatepickerPopupXEditable||uibDatepickerPopupConfig.datepickerPopup),f.attr("year-range",a.eYearRange||20),f.attr("ng-readonly",a.eReadonly||!1);for(var g=d.length-1;g>=0;g--){var h=a[d[g][0]];"undefined"!=typeof h&&f.attr(d[g][1],h)}a.eNgChange&&(f.attr("ng-change",a.eNgChange),this.inputEl.removeAttr("ng-change")),a.eStyle&&(f.attr("style",a.eStyle),this.inputEl.removeAttr("style"));var i={maxDate:b.$eval(a.eMaxDate)||uibDatepickerConfig.maxDate,minDate:b.$eval(a.eMinDate)||uibDatepickerConfig.minDate,showWeeks:a.eShowWeeks?"true"===a.eShowWeeks.toLowerCase():uibDatepickerConfig.showWeeks,startingDay:a.eStartingDay||0,initDate:b.$eval(a.eInitDate)||new Date};if(a.eDatepickerOptions){var j=c(a.eDatepickerOptions)(b);angular.extend(i,j)}for(var k=e.length-1;k>=0;k--){var l=a[e[k][0]];"undefined"!=typeof l&&(i[e[k][1]]=l)}b.dateOptions=i;var m=angular.isDefined(a.eShowCalendarButton)?a.eShowCalendarButton:"true";if("true"===m){var n=angular.element('<button type="button" class="btn btn-default"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"></i></button>'),o=angular.element('<span class="input-group-btn"></span>');n.attr("ng-click",a.eNgClick),o.append(n),this.inputEl.append(o)}else f.attr("ng-click",a.eNgClick);f.attr("datepicker-options","dateOptions"),this.inputEl.prepend(f),this.inputEl.removeAttr("class"),this.inputEl.removeAttr("ng-click"),this.inputEl.removeAttr("is-open"),this.inputEl.removeAttr("init-date"),this.inputEl.removeAttr("datepicker-popup"),this.inputEl.removeAttr("required"),this.inputEl.removeAttr("ng-model"),this.inputEl.removeAttr("date-picker-append-to-body"),this.inputEl.removeAttr("name"),this.inputEl.attr("class","input-group")},autosubmit:function(){var a=this;a.inputEl.bind("change",function(){setTimeout(function(){a.scope.$apply(function(){a.scope.$form.$submit()})},500)}),a.inputEl.bind("keydown",function(b){9===b.keyCode&&"submit"===a.editorEl.attr("blur")&&a.scope.$apply(function(){a.scope.$form.$submit()})})}})}]),angular.module("xeditable").directive("editableBstime",["editableDirectiveFactory",function(a){return a({directiveName:"editableBstime",inputTpl:"<div uib-timepicker></div>",render:function(){;var a=angular.element('<div class="well well-small" style="display:inline-block;"></div>');a.attr("ng-model",this.inputEl.attr("ng-model")),this.inputEl.removeAttr("ng-model"),this.attrs.eNgChange&&(a.attr("ng-change",this.inputEl.attr("ng-change")),this.inputEl.removeAttr("ng-change")),this.inputEl.wrap(a)}})}]),angular.module("xeditable").directive("editableCheckbox",["editableDirectiveFactory",function(a){return a({directiveName:"editableCheckbox",inputTpl:'<input type="checkbox">',render:function(){,this.inputEl.wrap("<label></label>"),this.attrs.eTitle&&this.inputEl.parent().append("<span>"+this.attrs.eTitle+"</span>")},autosubmit:function(){var a=this;a.inputEl.bind("change",function(){setTimeout(function(){a.scope.$apply(function(){a.scope.$form.$submit()})},500)})}})}]),angular.module("xeditable").directive("editableChecklist",["editableDirectiveFactory","editableNgOptionsParser",function(a,b){return a({directiveName:"editableChecklist",inputTpl:"<span></span>",useCopy:!0,render:function(){;var a=b(this.attrs.eNgOptions),c="",d="";this.attrs.eNgChange&&(c=' ng-change="'+this.attrs.eNgChange+'"'),this.attrs.eChecklistComparator&&(d=' checklist-comparator="'+this.attrs.eChecklistComparator+'"');var e='<label ng-repeat="'+a.ngRepeat+'"><input type="checkbox" checklist-model="$parent.$parent.$data" checklist-value="'+a.locals.valueFn+'"'+c+d+'><span ng-bind="'+a.locals.displayFn+'"></span></label>';this.inputEl.removeAttr("ng-model"),this.inputEl.removeAttr("ng-options"),this.inputEl.removeAttr("ng-change"),this.inputEl.removeAttr("checklist-comparator"),this.inputEl.html(e)}})}]),angular.module("xeditable").directive("editableCombodate",["editableDirectiveFactory","editableCombodate",function(a,b){return a({directiveName:"editableCombodate",inputTpl:'<input type="text">',render:function(){;var a={value:new Date(this.scope.$data)},c=this;angular.forEach(["format","template","minYear","maxYear","yearDescending","minuteStep","secondStep","firstItem","errorClass","customClass","roundTime","smartDays"],function(b){var d="e"+b.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+b.slice(1);d in c.attrs&&("minYear"==b||"maxYear"==b||"minuteStep"==b||"secondStep"==b?a[b]=parseInt(c.attrs[d],10):a[b]=c.attrs[d])});var d=b.getInstance(this.inputEl,a);d.$widget.find("select").bind("change",function(a){c.scope.$data=d.getValue()?new Date(d.getValue().replace(/-/g,"/")).toISOString():null})}})}]),function(){var a=function(a){return a.toLowerCase().replace(/-(.)/g,function(a,b){return b.toUpperCase()})},b="text|password|email|tel|number|url|search|color|date|datetime|datetime-local|time|month|week|file".split("|");angular.forEach(b,function(b){var c=a("editable-"+b);angular.module("xeditable").directive(c,["editableDirectiveFactory",function(a){return a({directiveName:c,inputTpl:'<input type="'+b+'">',render:function(){if(,this.attrs.eInputgroupleft||this.attrs.eInputgroupright){if(this.inputEl.wrap('<div class="input-group"></div>'),this.attrs.eInputgroupleft){var a=angular.element('<span class="input-group-addon">'+this.attrs.eInputgroupleft+"</span>");this.inputEl.parent().prepend(a)}if(this.attrs.eInputgroupright){var b=angular.element('<span class="input-group-addon">'+this.attrs.eInputgroupright+"</span>");this.inputEl.parent().append(b)}}if(this.attrs.eLabel){var c=angular.element("<label>"+this.attrs.eLabel+"</label>");this.attrs.eInputgroupleft||this.attrs.eInputgroupright?this.inputEl.parent().parent().prepend(c):this.inputEl.parent().prepend(c)}this.attrs.eFormclass&&this.editorEl.addClass(this.attrs.eFormclass)},autosubmit:function(){var a=this;a.inputEl.bind("keydown",function(b){9===b.keyCode&&"submit"===a.editorEl.attr("blur")&&a.scope.$apply(function(){a.scope.$form.$submit()})})}})}])}),angular.module("xeditable").directive("editableRange",["editableDirectiveFactory","$interpolate",function(a,b){return a({directiveName:"editableRange",inputTpl:'<input type="range" id="range" name="range">',render:function(){,this.inputEl.after("<output>"+b.startSymbol()+"$data"+b.endSymbol()+"</output>")}})}])}(),angular.module("xeditable").directive("editableTagsInput",["editableDirectiveFactory","editableUtils",function(a,b){var c=a({directiveName:"editableTagsInput",inputTpl:"<tags-input></tags-input>",useCopy:!0,render:function(){,this.inputEl.append(b.rename("auto-complete",this.attrs.$autoCompleteElement)),this.inputEl.removeAttr("ng-model"),this.inputEl.attr("ng-model","$parent.$data")}}),;return,b,c,e){var f=b.find("editable-tags-input-auto-complete");return c.$autoCompleteElement=f.clone(),f.remove(),d(a,b,c,e)},c}]),angular.module("xeditable").directive("editableRadiolist",["editableDirectiveFactory","editableNgOptionsParser","$interpolate",function(a,b,c){return a({directiveName:"editableRadiolist",inputTpl:"<span></span>",render:function(){;var a=b(this.attrs.eNgOptions),d="",e="";this.attrs.eNgChange&&(d=' ng-change="'+this.attrs.eNgChange+'"'),this.attrs.eName&&(e=' name="'+this.attrs.eName+'"');var f='<label data-ng-repeat="'+a.ngRepeat+'"><input type="radio" data-ng-disabled="::'+this.attrs.eNgDisabled+'" data-ng-model="$parent.$parent.$data" data-ng-value="'+c.startSymbol()+"::"+a.locals.valueFn+c.endSymbol()+'"'+d+e+'><span data-ng-bind="::'+a.locals.displayFn+'"></span></label>';this.inputEl.removeAttr("ng-model"),this.inputEl.removeAttr("ng-options"),this.inputEl.removeAttr("ng-change"),this.inputEl.html(f)},autosubmit:function(){var a=this;a.inputEl.bind("change",function(){setTimeout(function(){a.scope.$apply(function(){a.scope.$form.$submit()})},500)})}})}]),angular.module("xeditable").directive("editableSelect",["editableDirectiveFactory",function(a){return a({directiveName:"editableSelect",inputTpl:"<select></select>",render:function(){if(,this.attrs.ePlaceholder){var a=angular.element('<option value="">'+this.attrs.ePlaceholder+"</option>");this.inputEl.append(a)}},autosubmit:function(){var a=this;a.attrs.hasOwnProperty("eMultiple")||a.inputEl.bind("change",function(){a.scope.$apply(function(){a.scope.$form.$submit()})})}})}]),angular.module("xeditable").directive("editableTextarea",["editableDirectiveFactory",function(a){return a({directiveName:"editableTextarea",inputTpl:"<textarea></textarea>",addListeners:function(){var a=this;,a.single&&"no"!==a.buttons&&a.autosubmit()},autosubmit:function(){var a=this;a.inputEl.bind("keydown",function(b){a.attrs.submitOnEnter?13!==b.keyCode||b.shiftKey||a.scope.$apply(function(){a.scope.$form.$submit()}):((b.ctrlKey||b.metaKey)&&13===b.keyCode||9===b.keyCode&&"submit"===a.editorEl.attr("blur"))&&a.scope.$apply(function(){a.scope.$form.$submit()})})}})}]),angular.module("xeditable").directive("editableUidate",["editableDirectiveFactory",function(a){return a({directiveName:"editableUidate",inputTpl:'<input class="form-control" />',render:function(){,this.inputEl.attr("ui-date",this.attrs.eUiDate),this.inputEl.attr("placeholder",this.attrs.ePlaceholder)}})}]),angular.module("xeditable").directive("editableUiSelect",["editableDirectiveFactory","editableUtils",function(a,b){var c=a({directiveName:"editableUiSelect",inputTpl:"<ui-select></ui-select>",render:function(){,this.inputEl.append(b.rename("ui-select-match",this.attrs.$matchElement)),this.inputEl.append(b.rename("ui-select-choices",this.attrs.$choicesElement)),this.inputEl.removeAttr("ng-model"),this.inputEl.attr("ng-model","$parent.$parent.$data")},autosubmit:function(){var a=this;a.inputEl.bind("change",function(){setTimeout(function(){a.scope.$apply(function(){a.scope.$form.$submit()})},500)}),a.inputEl.bind("keydown",function(b){9===b.keyCode&&"submit"===a.editorEl.attr("blur")&&a.scope.$apply(function(){a.scope.$form.$submit()})})}}),;return,b,c,e){var f=b.find("editable-ui-select-match"),g=b.find("editable-ui-select-choices");return c.$matchElement=f.clone(),c.$choicesElement=g.clone(),f.remove(),g.remove(),d(a,b,c,e)},c}]),angular.module("xeditable").factory("editableController",["$q","editableUtils",function(a,b){function c(a,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m){var n,o,p=this;p.scope=a,p.elem=d,p.attrs=c,p.inputEl=null,p.editorEl=null,p.single=!0,p.error="",p.theme=f[c.editableTheme]||f[h.theme]||f["default"],p.parent={};var q=c.editableTheme||h.theme||"default",r=c.editableIconSet||h.icon_set;p.icon_set="default"===r?g["default"][q]:g.external[r],p.inputTpl="",p.directiveName="",p.useCopy=!1,p.single=null,p.buttons="right",p.popover=!1,p.init=function(b){if(p.single=b,||c[p.directiveName],!c[p.directiveName])throw"You should provide value for `"+p.directiveName+"` in editable element!";n=e(c[p.directiveName]),p.single?p.buttons=p.attrs.buttons||h.buttons:p.buttons="no",c.eName&&p.scope.$watch("$data",function(a){p.scope.$form.$data[c.eName]=a}),c.onshow&&(p.onshow=function(){return p.catchError(e(c.onshow)(a))}),c.onhide&&(p.onhide=function(){return e(c.onhide)(a)}),c.oncancel&&(p.oncancel=function(){return e(c.oncancel)(a)}),c.onbeforesave&&(p.onbeforesave=function(){return p.catchError(e(c.onbeforesave)(a))}),c.onaftersave&&(p.onaftersave=function(){return p.catchError(e(c.onaftersave)(a))}),c.popover&&(p.popover=p.attrs.popover),a.$parent.$watch(c[p.directiveName],function(a,b){p.setLocalValue(),p.handleEmpty()})},p.render=function(){var a=p.theme;p.inputEl=angular.element(p.inputTpl),p.controlsEl=angular.element(a.controlsTpl),p.controlsEl.append(p.inputEl),"no"!==p.buttons&&(p.buttonsEl=angular.element(a.buttonsTpl),p.submitEl=angular.element(a.submitTpl),p.resetEl=angular.element(a.resetTpl),p.cancelEl=angular.element(a.cancelTpl),p.submitEl.attr("title",h.submitButtonTitle),p.submitEl.attr("aria-label",h.submitButtonAriaLabel),p.cancelEl.attr("title",h.cancelButtonTitle),p.cancelEl.attr("aria-label",h.cancelButtonAriaLabel),p.resetEl.attr("title",h.clearButtonTitle),p.resetEl.attr("aria-label",h.clearButtonAriaLabel),p.icon_set&&(p.submitEl.find("span").addClass(p.icon_set.ok),p.cancelEl.find("span").addClass(p.icon_set.cancel),p.resetEl.find("span").addClass(p.icon_set.clear)),p.buttonsEl.append(p.submitEl).append(p.cancelEl),h.displayClearButton&&p.buttonsEl.append(p.resetEl),p.controlsEl.append(p.buttonsEl),p.inputEl.addClass("editable-has-buttons")),p.errorEl=angular.element(a.errorTpl),p.controlsEl.append(p.errorEl),p.editorEl=angular.element(p.single?a.formTpl:a.noformTpl),p.editorEl.append(p.controlsEl);for(var 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