path: root/3rd_party/static/testapi-ui/assets/lib/angular-ui-router/src/resolve.js
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authorxudan <>2018-07-06 05:16:40 -0400
committerxudan <>2018-07-06 05:21:42 -0400
commitb3e40f026d655501bfa581452c447784604ecb05 (patch)
tree406f8bfc1abc1b33f98153d03abd34ef7b0e2fe9 /3rd_party/static/testapi-ui/assets/lib/angular-ui-router/src/resolve.js
parentb1b0ea32d1a296c7d055c5391261dcad6be48c63 (diff)
Move all web portal code to the new repo dovetail-webportal
This is only the first step to simply copy the file here. There still need some more work to make sure all work well. All the changes will be submitted with other patches to make it easily to review. JIRA: DOVETAIL-671 Change-Id: I64d32a9df562184166b6199e2719f298687d1a0a Signed-off-by: xudan <>
Diffstat (limited to '3rd_party/static/testapi-ui/assets/lib/angular-ui-router/src/resolve.js')
1 files changed, 252 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/3rd_party/static/testapi-ui/assets/lib/angular-ui-router/src/resolve.js b/3rd_party/static/testapi-ui/assets/lib/angular-ui-router/src/resolve.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1c1790
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3rd_party/static/testapi-ui/assets/lib/angular-ui-router/src/resolve.js
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+ * @ngdoc object
+ * @name ui.router.util.$resolve
+ *
+ * @requires $q
+ * @requires $injector
+ *
+ * @description
+ * Manages resolution of (acyclic) graphs of promises.
+ */
+$Resolve.$inject = ['$q', '$injector'];
+function $Resolve( $q, $injector) {
+ NOTHING = {},
+ NO_PARENT = extend($q.when(NOTHING), { $$promises: NOTHING, $$values: NOTHING });
+ /**
+ * @ngdoc function
+ * @name ui.router.util.$resolve#study
+ * @methodOf ui.router.util.$resolve
+ *
+ * @description
+ * Studies a set of invocables that are likely to be used multiple times.
+ * <pre>
+ * $, parent, self)
+ * </pre>
+ * is equivalent to
+ * <pre>
+ * $resolve.resolve(invocables, locals, parent, self)
+ * </pre>
+ * but the former is more efficient (in fact `resolve` just calls `study`
+ * internally).
+ *
+ * @param {object} invocables Invocable objects
+ * @return {function} a function to pass in locals, parent and self
+ */
+ = function (invocables) {
+ if (!isObject(invocables)) throw new Error("'invocables' must be an object");
+ var invocableKeys = objectKeys(invocables || {});
+ // Perform a topological sort of invocables to build an ordered plan
+ var plan = [], cycle = [], visited = {};
+ function visit(value, key) {
+ if (visited[key] === VISIT_DONE) return;
+ cycle.push(key);
+ if (visited[key] === VISIT_IN_PROGRESS) {
+ cycle.splice(0, indexOf(cycle, key));
+ throw new Error("Cyclic dependency: " + cycle.join(" -> "));
+ }
+ visited[key] = VISIT_IN_PROGRESS;
+ if (isString(value)) {
+ plan.push(key, [ function() { return $injector.get(value); }], NO_DEPENDENCIES);
+ } else {
+ var params = $injector.annotate(value);
+ forEach(params, function (param) {
+ if (param !== key && invocables.hasOwnProperty(param)) visit(invocables[param], param);
+ });
+ plan.push(key, value, params);
+ }
+ cycle.pop();
+ visited[key] = VISIT_DONE;
+ }
+ forEach(invocables, visit);
+ invocables = cycle = visited = null; // plan is all that's required
+ function isResolve(value) {
+ return isObject(value) && value.then && value.$$promises;
+ }
+ return function (locals, parent, self) {
+ if (isResolve(locals) && self === undefined) {
+ self = parent; parent = locals; locals = null;
+ }
+ if (!locals) locals = NO_LOCALS;
+ else if (!isObject(locals)) {
+ throw new Error("'locals' must be an object");
+ }
+ if (!parent) parent = NO_PARENT;
+ else if (!isResolve(parent)) {
+ throw new Error("'parent' must be a promise returned by $resolve.resolve()");
+ }
+ // To complete the overall resolution, we have to wait for the parent
+ // promise and for the promise for each invokable in our plan.
+ var resolution = $q.defer(),
+ result = resolution.promise,
+ promises = result.$$promises = {},
+ values = extend({}, locals),
+ wait = 1 + plan.length/3,
+ merged = false;
+ function done() {
+ // Merge parent values we haven't got yet and publish our own $$values
+ if (!--wait) {
+ if (!merged) merge(values, parent.$$values);
+ result.$$values = values;
+ result.$$promises = result.$$promises || true; // keep for isResolve()
+ delete result.$$inheritedValues;
+ resolution.resolve(values);
+ }
+ }
+ function fail(reason) {
+ result.$$failure = reason;
+ resolution.reject(reason);
+ }
+ // Short-circuit if parent has already failed
+ if (isDefined(parent.$$failure)) {
+ fail(parent.$$failure);
+ return result;
+ }
+ if (parent.$$inheritedValues) {
+ merge(values, omit(parent.$$inheritedValues, invocableKeys));
+ }
+ // Merge parent values if the parent has already resolved, or merge
+ // parent promises and wait if the parent resolve is still in progress.
+ extend(promises, parent.$$promises);
+ if (parent.$$values) {
+ merged = merge(values, omit(parent.$$values, invocableKeys));
+ result.$$inheritedValues = omit(parent.$$values, invocableKeys);
+ done();
+ } else {
+ if (parent.$$inheritedValues) {
+ result.$$inheritedValues = omit(parent.$$inheritedValues, invocableKeys);
+ }
+ parent.then(done, fail);
+ }
+ // Process each invocable in the plan, but ignore any where a local of the same name exists.
+ for (var i=0, ii=plan.length; i<ii; i+=3) {
+ if (locals.hasOwnProperty(plan[i])) done();
+ else invoke(plan[i], plan[i+1], plan[i+2]);
+ }
+ function invoke(key, invocable, params) {
+ // Create a deferred for this invocation. Failures will propagate to the resolution as well.
+ var invocation = $q.defer(), waitParams = 0;
+ function onfailure(reason) {
+ invocation.reject(reason);
+ fail(reason);
+ }
+ // Wait for any parameter that we have a promise for (either from parent or from this
+ // resolve; in that case study() will have made sure it's ordered before us in the plan).
+ forEach(params, function (dep) {
+ if (promises.hasOwnProperty(dep) && !locals.hasOwnProperty(dep)) {
+ waitParams++;
+ promises[dep].then(function (result) {
+ values[dep] = result;
+ if (!(--waitParams)) proceed();
+ }, onfailure);
+ }
+ });
+ if (!waitParams) proceed();
+ function proceed() {
+ if (isDefined(result.$$failure)) return;
+ try {
+ invocation.resolve($injector.invoke(invocable, self, values));
+ invocation.promise.then(function (result) {
+ values[key] = result;
+ done();
+ }, onfailure);
+ } catch (e) {
+ onfailure(e);
+ }
+ }
+ // Publish promise synchronously; invocations further down in the plan may depend on it.
+ promises[key] = invocation.promise;
+ }
+ return result;
+ };
+ };
+ /**
+ * @ngdoc function
+ * @name ui.router.util.$resolve#resolve
+ * @methodOf ui.router.util.$resolve
+ *
+ * @description
+ * Resolves a set of invocables. An invocable is a function to be invoked via
+ * `$injector.invoke()`, and can have an arbitrary number of dependencies.
+ * An invocable can either return a value directly,
+ * or a `$q` promise. If a promise is returned it will be resolved and the
+ * resulting value will be used instead. Dependencies of invocables are resolved
+ * (in this order of precedence)
+ *
+ * - from the specified `locals`
+ * - from another invocable that is part of this `$resolve` call
+ * - from an invocable that is inherited from a `parent` call to `$resolve`
+ * (or recursively
+ * - from any ancestor `$resolve` of that parent).
+ *
+ * The return value of `$resolve` is a promise for an object that contains
+ * (in this order of precedence)
+ *
+ * - any `locals` (if specified)
+ * - the resolved return values of all injectables
+ * - any values inherited from a `parent` call to `$resolve` (if specified)
+ *
+ * The promise will resolve after the `parent` promise (if any) and all promises
+ * returned by injectables have been resolved. If any invocable
+ * (or `$injector.invoke`) throws an exception, or if a promise returned by an
+ * invocable is rejected, the `$resolve` promise is immediately rejected with the
+ * same error. A rejection of a `parent` promise (if specified) will likewise be
+ * propagated immediately. Once the `$resolve` promise has been rejected, no
+ * further invocables will be called.
+ *
+ * Cyclic dependencies between invocables are not permitted and will caues `$resolve`
+ * to throw an error. As a special case, an injectable can depend on a parameter
+ * with the same name as the injectable, which will be fulfilled from the `parent`
+ * injectable of the same name. This allows inherited values to be decorated.
+ * Note that in this case any other injectable in the same `$resolve` with the same
+ * dependency would see the decorated value, not the inherited value.
+ *
+ * Note that missing dependencies -- unlike cyclic dependencies -- will cause an
+ * (asynchronous) rejection of the `$resolve` promise rather than a (synchronous)
+ * exception.
+ *
+ * Invocables are invoked eagerly as soon as all dependencies are available.
+ * This is true even for dependencies inherited from a `parent` call to `$resolve`.
+ *
+ * As a special case, an invocable can be a string, in which case it is taken to
+ * be a service name to be passed to `$injector.get()`. This is supported primarily
+ * for backwards-compatibility with the `resolve` property of `$routeProvider`
+ * routes.
+ *
+ * @param {object} invocables functions to invoke or
+ * `$injector` services to fetch.
+ * @param {object} locals values to make available to the injectables
+ * @param {object} parent a promise returned by another call to `$resolve`.
+ * @param {object} self the `this` for the invoked methods
+ * @return {object} Promise for an object that contains the resolved return value
+ * of all invocables, as well as any inherited and local values.
+ */
+ this.resolve = function (invocables, locals, parent, self) {
+ return, parent, self);
+ };
+angular.module('ui.router.util').service('$resolve', $Resolve);