path: root/docs/userguide
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authorUlas Kozat <>2016-08-15 07:38:52 -0700
committerUlas Kozat <>2016-08-15 12:09:27 -0700
commitf09a95be6e5b734dcd7c35e96456a19caea02e78 (patch)
tree876b3640867067641f348a52e436d9b30ac34e31 /docs/userguide
parentd84f1836684f74115d7f17d4bde1ee94c8d7a79f (diff)
Update documentation for Colorado Release
Change-Id: I840237951ed32f23b4dbe8c3cb37bb60a18fc4c6 Signed-off-by: Ulas Kozat <>
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/userguide')
2 files changed, 404 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/docs/userguide/feature.userguide.rst b/docs/userguide/feature.userguide.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86effb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/userguide/feature.userguide.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,399 @@
+.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
+.. (c) Ulas C. Kozat Huawei R&D USA
+.. image:: ../etc/opnfv-logo.png
+ :height: 40
+ :width: 200
+ :alt: OPNFV
+ :align: left
+.. these two pipes are to seperate the logo from the first title
+Domino Description
+Domino provides a distribution service for Network Service Descriptors (NSDs) and
+Virtual Network Function Descriptors (VNFDs) that are composed using Tosca Simple
+Profile for Network Functions Virtualization
+Domino service is targeted towards supporting many SDN controllers, service orchestrators,
+VNF Managers (VNFMs), Virtual Infastructure Managers (VIMs), Operation and Business Support
+Systems that produce and/or consume NSDs and VNFDs.
+Producers of NSDs and VNFDs use Domino Service as an entry point to publish these
+descriptors. Consumers of NSDs and VNFDs subscribe with the Domino Service and declare
+their resource capabilities to onboard and perform Life Cycle Management (LCM) for Network
+Services (NSs) and Virtual Network Functions (VNFs). Thus, Domino acts as a broker for
+NSs and VNFs described in a Tosca template.
+Domino Capabilities and Usage
+Labels in Domino
+Domino's pub/sub architecture is based on labels (see :numref:`fig-label` below).
+Each Template Producer and Template Consumer is expected to run a local Domino Client
+to publish templates and subscribe for labels.
+.. _fig-label:
+.. figure:: ../etc/domino_pubsub_system.jpeg
+ :width: 350px
+ :align: center
+ :height: 300px
+ :alt: alternate text
+ :figclass: align-center
+ Domino provides a pub/sub server for NSDs and VNFDs
+Domino Service does not interpret what the labels mean. Domino derives labels directly from
+the normative definitions in TOSCA Simple YAML Profile for NFV. Domino parses the policy
+rules included in the NSD/VNFD, form "policy" labels, and determine which resources are
+associated with which set of labels. Domino identifies which Domino Clients can host
+which resource based on the label subscriptions by these clients. Once mapping of resources
+to the clients are done, new NSDs/VNFDs are created based on the mapping. These new
+NSDs/VNFDs are translated and delivered to the clients.
+Label Format and Examples
+Domino supports policy labels in the following form:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ <policytype>:properties:<key:value>
+Orchestrators, controllers, and managers use Domino service to announce their
+capabilities by defining labels in this form and subscribing for these labels with
+the Domino Server.
+For instance a particular VIM that is capable of performing an
+affinity based VNF or VDU placement at host machine granularity can specify a label
+in the form:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ tosca.policies.Placement.affinity:properties:granularity:hostlevel
+When the VIM registers with the Domino Service and subscribed for that label, Domino views
+this VIM as a candidate location that can host a VNF or VDU requesting affinity based
+placement policy at host machine granularity.
+Another use case is the announcement of lifecycle management capabilities for VNFs and
+VNF Forwarding Graphs (VNFFG) by different SDN Controllers (SDN-Cs), VNFMs, or VIMs.
+For instance
+.. code-block:: bash
+ tosca.policies.Scaling.VNFFG:properties:session_continuity:true
+can be used as a label to indicate that when a scaling operation on a VNFFG (e.g., add
+more VNFs into the graph) is requested, existing session can still be enforced to go
+through the same chain of VNF instances.
+To utilize Domino's domain mapping services for virtual network resources (e.g., VNF, VDU,
+VNFFG, CP, VL, etc.), a network service or network function request must include
+policy rules that are composed of policy types and property values that match to the
+label announcements of these domains. For instance, when a TOSCA template includes a
+policy rule with type "tosca.policies.Scaling.VNFFG" and property field
+"session_continuity" set as "true" targeting one or more VNFFGs, this serves as the hint
+for the Domino Server to identify all the Domain Clients that subscribed the label
+Template Example for Label Extraction
+Consider the following NSD TOSCA template:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_profile_for_nfv_1_0_0
+ description: Template for deploying a single server with predefined properties.
+ metadata:
+ template_name: TOSCA NFV Sample Template
+ policy_types:
+ tosca.policies.Placement.Geolocation:
+ description: Geolocation policy
+ derived_from: tosca.policies.Placement
+ topology_template:
+ node_templates:
+ VNF1:
+ type: tosca.nodes.nfv.VNF
+ properties:
+ id: vnf1
+ vendor: acmetelco
+ version: 1.0
+ VNF2:
+ type: tosca.nodes.nfv.VNF
+ properties:
+ id: vnf2
+ vendor: ericsson
+ version: 1.0
+ VNF3:
+ type: tosca.nodes.nfv.VNF
+ properties:
+ id: vnf3
+ vendor: huawei
+ version: 1.0
+ policies:
+ - rule1:
+ type: tosca.policies.Placement.Geolocation
+ targets: [ VNF1 ]
+ properties:
+ region: [ us-west-1 ]
+ - rule2:
+ type: tosca.policies.Placement.Geolocation
+ targets: [ VNF2, VNF3 ]
+ properties:
+ region: [ us-west-1 , us-west-2 ]
+Domino Server extracts all possible policy labels by exhaustively concatenating key-value
+pairs under the properties section of the policy rules to the policy type of these rules:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ tosca.policies.Placement.Geolocation:properties:region:us-west-1
+ tosca.policies.Placement.Geolocation:properties:region:us-west-2
+Furthermore, Domino Server iterates over the targets specified under policy rules to generate a set of labels for each target node:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ required_labels['VNF1'] = { tosca.policies.Placement.Geolocation:properties:region:us-west-1 }
+ required_labels['VNF2'] = { tosca.policies.Placement.Geolocation:properties:region:us-west-1 , tosca.policies.Placement.Geolocation:properties:region:us-west-2}
+ required_labels['VNF3'] = { tosca.policies.Placement.Geolocation:properties:region:us-west-1 , tosca.policies.Placement.Geolocation:properties:region:us-west-2}
+When a Template Consuming site (e.g., VNFM or VIM) registers with the Domino Server using
+Domino Client, it becomes an eligible candidate for template distribution with an initially
+empty set of label subscriptions. Suppose three different Domino Clients register with the
+Domino Server and subscribe for some or none of the policy labels such that the Domino Server
+has the current subscription state as follows:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ subscribed_labels[site-1] = { } #this is empty set
+ subscribed_labels[site-2] = { tosca.policies.Placement.Geolocation:properties:region:us-west-1 }
+ subscribed_labels[site-3] = { tosca.policies.Placement.Geolocation:properties:region:us-west-1 , tosca.policies.Placement.Geolocation:properties:region:us-west-2}
+Based on the TOSCA example and hypothetical label subscriptions above, Domino Server identifies
+all the VNFs can be hosted by Site-3, while VNF1 can be hosted by both Site-2 and Site-3.
+Note that Site-1 cannot host any of the VNFs listed in the TOSCA file. When a VNF can be hosted
+by multiple sites, Domino Server picks the site that can host the most number of VNFs. When not
+all VNFs can be hosted on the same site, the TOSCA file is partitioned into multiple files, one
+for each site. These files share a common part (e.g, meta-data, policy-types, version,
+description, virtual resources that are not targeted by any policy rule, etc.). Each site
+specific file has also a non-common part that only appears in that file (i.e., virtual
+resources explicitly assigned to that site and the policy rules that accompany those virtual
+In the current Domino convention, if a VNF (or any virtual resource) does not have a policy
+rule (i.e., it is not specified as a target in any of the policy rules) and it also is not
+dependent on any VNF (or any virtual resource) that is assigned to another site, that resource
+is wild carded by default and treated as part of the "common part". Also note that currently
+Domino does not support all or nothing semantics: if some of the virtual resources are not
+mappable to any domain because they are targets of policy rules that are not supported by any
+site, these portions will be excluded while the remaining virtual resources will be still be
+part of one or more template files to be distributed to hosting sites. When NSDs and VNFDs are
+prepared, these conventions must be kept in mind. In the future releases, these conventions can
+change based on the new use cases.
+For the example above, no partitioning would occur as all VNFs are mapped onto site-3;
+Domino Server simply delivers the Tosca file to Domino Client hosted on site-3. When TOSCA
+cannot be consumed by a particular site directly, Domino Server can utilize
+existing translators (e.g., heat-translator) to first translate the template before delivery.
+Internal Processing Pipeline at Domino Server
+:numref:`fig-pipe` shows the block diagram for the processing stages of a published TOSCA template.
+Domino Client issues an RPC call publish(tosca file). Domino Server passes the received tosca
+file to Label Extractor that outputs resource labels. Domain Mapper uses the extracted labels
+and tosca file to find mappings from resources to domains as well as the resource dependencies.
+Resource to domain mappings and resource dependencies are utilized to partition the
+orchestration template into individual resource orchestration templates (one for each domain).
+If a translation is required (e.g., TOSCA to HOT), individual resource orchestration templates
+are first translated and then placed on a template distribution workflow based on resource
+dependencies. Message Sender block in the server takes one distribution task at a time from the
+workflow generator and pushes the orchestration template to the corresponding Domino Client.
+.. _fig-pipe:
+.. figure:: ../etc/domino_server_processing.png
+ :width: 400px
+ :align: center
+ :height: 350px
+ :alt: alternate text
+ :figclass: align-center
+ Domino Service Processing Pipeline
+Resource Scheduling
+Domino Service currently supports maximum packing strategy when a virtual resource type can
+be hosted on multiple candidate sites. Initially, Domino Scheduler identifies virtual resources
+that has only one feasible site for hosting. Each such virtual resource is trivially assigned
+to its only feasible site. The remaining virtual resources with multiple candidate locations
+are sequentially allocated to one of their candidate locations that has the most virtual
+resource assignments so far. Note that wildcarded resources are assigned to all sites. To
+prevent wildcarding within the current release, (i) all sites must subscribed to a base policy
+with a dummy key-value pair defined under the properties tab and (ii) all the independent
+resources must be specified as target of that policy in NSD or VNFD file.
+Domino and API Usage Guidelines and Examples
+Using domino-cli Client
+1. Make sure that is in +x mode.
+2. Change directory to where, and are located or include file path in the PATH environment variable.
+3. Start the Domino Server:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ ./ --log=debug
+4. Start the Domino Client:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ ./ -p <portnumber> --cliport <cli-portnumber> --log=debug
+Note1: The default log level is WARNING and omitting --log option will lead to minimal/no logging on the console
+Note2: file includes most of the default values
+* Registration Command
+Command line input:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ ./ <cli-portnumber> register
+This message has the following fields that are automatically filled in.
+.. code-block:: bash
+ Message Type (= REGISTER)
+ DESIRED UDID (= if not allocated, this will be assigned as Unique Domino ID)
+ Sequence Number (=incremented after each RPC call)
+ IP ADDR (= IP address of DOMINO Client to be used by DOMINO Server for future RPC Calls to this client)
+ TCP PORT (= TCP port of DOMINO Client to be used by DOMINO Server for future RPC Calls to this client)
+ Supported Templates (= Null, this field not used currently)
+* Heart Beat Command
+Command line input:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ ./ <cli-portnumber> heartbeat
+This message has the following fields that are automatically filled in.
+.. code-block:: bash
+ Message Type (= HEART_BEAT)
+ UDID (= Unique Domino ID assigned during registration)
+ Sequence Number (=incremented after each RPC call)
+* Label and Template Type Subscription Command
+.. code-block:: bash
+ ./ <cli-portnumber> subscribe -l <labelname> -t <templatetype>
+Note that -l can be substituted by --label and -t can be substituted by --ttype.
+More than one label or template type can be subscribed within the same command line as comma separated labels or template types
+.. code-block:: bash
+ ./ <cli-portnumber> subscribe -l <label1>,<label2>,<labeln> -t <ttype1>,<ttype2>,<ttypen>
+To subscribe more than one label or template type, one can also repeat the options -l and -t, e.g.:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ ./ <cli-portnumber> subscribe -l <label1> -l <label2> -l <labeln> -t <ttype1> -t <ttype2> -t <ttypen>
+It is safe to call subscribe command multiple times with duplicate labels.
+This message has the following fields that are automatically filled in.
+.. code-block:: bash
+ Message Type (= SUBSCRIBE)
+ UDID (= Unique Domino ID assigned during registration)
+ Sequence Number (=incremented after each RPC call)
+ Template Operation (= APPEND)
+ Label Operation (= APPEND)
+The following fields are filled in based on arguments passed on via -l/--label and -t/--ttype flags
+Subscribe RPC also supports options for label using
+and for supported template types using
+When unspecified, the default is APPEND.
+DELETE deletes existing labels (template types) specified in the current call via key -l/--label (-t/--ttype).
+OVERWRITE removes the current set of labels (template types) and sets it to the new set of values passed in the same RPC call.
+By default, no translation service is provided. Currently, only TOSCA to Heat
+Orchestration Template (HOT) translation is supported using OpenStack
+heat-translator library. A domain that requires HOT files must subscribe HOT
+template type using
+.. code-block:: bash
+ ./ <cli-portnumber> subscribe -t hot
+* Template Publishing Command
+.. code-block:: bash
+ ./ <cli-portnumber> publish -t <toscafile>
+Note that -t can be substituted by --tosca-file.
+If -t or --tosca-file flag is used multiple times, the last tosca file passed as input will be used. This usage is not recommended as undefined/unintended results may emerge as the Domino client will continue to publish.
+This message has the following fields that are automatically filled in.
+.. code-block:: bash
+ Message Type (= SUBSCRIBE)
+ UDID (= Unique Domino ID assigned during registration)
+ Sequence Number (=incremented after each RPC call)
+ Template Type (= TOSCA)
+ Template File
+Interactive CLI mode
+To enter this mode, start Domino Client with interactive console option set as true, i.e., --iac=true:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ ./DominoClient -p <portnumber> --iax=true --log=DEBUG
+The rest of the API calls are the same as in the case of using except that at the prompt there is no need to write " <cli-portnumber>, e.g.,:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ >>register
+ >>heartbeat
+ >>subscribe -l <label1> -t <ttype1>
+ >>publish -t <toscafile>
+The interactive CLI mode is mainly supported for manual testing.
diff --git a/docs/userguide/index.rst b/docs/userguide/index.rst
index 71f66c4..1f921b3 100644
--- a/docs/userguide/index.rst
+++ b/docs/userguide/index.rst
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
+.. (c) Ulas C. Kozat Huawei R&D USA
.. image:: ../etc/opnfv-logo.png
:height: 40
@@ -8,23 +9,11 @@
:align: left
Domino User Guide
.. toctree::
- :numbered:
- :maxdepth: 4
- overview.rst
- api-documentation.rst
-Indices and tables
-* :ref:`search`
-Revision: _sha1_
+ :maxdepth: 3
-Build date: |today|
+ feature.userguide.rst