path: root/docs/requirements/05-implementation.rst
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diff --git a/docs/requirements/05-implementation.rst b/docs/requirements/05-implementation.rst
index 4c89fdf5..84979772 100644
--- a/docs/requirements/05-implementation.rst
+++ b/docs/requirements/05-implementation.rst
@@ -672,47 +672,81 @@ and correlated alarms. Instead the AODH alarm class has attributes for actions,
rules and user and project id.
-| ETSI NFV Alarm Type | OPNFV Doctor Req Spec | AODH Alarm Type |
-| AlarmId | FaultId | Alarm Id |
-| managedObjectId | virtualResourceId | (N/A) |
-| \- | \- | User_Id, Project_Id |
-| alarmRaisedTime | \- | (N/A) |
-| alarmChangedTime | \- | (N/A) |
-| alarmClearedTime | \- | (N/A) |
-| alarmState: | virtualResourceState | State: ok, alarm, |
-| New, Updated, Cleared | (e.g. normal, | insufficient data |
-| | maintenance, down, | |
-| | error) | |
-| vrPerceivedSeverity: | Severity (Integer) | Severity: low, |
-| Critical, Major, Minor,| | moderate, critical |
-| Warning, Indeterminate,| | |
-| Cleared | | |
-| eventTime (unclear?) | EventTime | (N/A) |
-| faultType | FaultType | type |
-| probableCause | ProbableCause | description |
-| isRootCause | IsRootCause | \- |
-| correlatedAlarmId | CorrelatedFaultId | \- |
-| faultDetails | FaultDetails | \- |
-| \- | \- | actions, rule, time |
-| | | constraints |
+| ETSI NFV Alarm Type | OPNFV Doctor | AODH Event Alarm | Description / Comment | Recommendations |
+| | Requirement Specs | Notification | | |
+| alarmId | FaultId | alarm_id | Identifier of an alarm. | \- |
+| \- | \- | alarm_name | Human readable alarm name. | May be added in ETSI NFV Stage 3. |
+| managedObjectId | VirtualResourceId | (reason) | Identifier of the affected virtual resource | \- |
+| | | | is part of the AODH reason parameter. | |
+| \- | \- | user_id, project_id | User and project identifiers. | May be added in ETSI NFV Stage 3. |
+| alarmRaisedTime | \- | \- | Timestamp when alarm was raised. | To be added to Doctor and AODH. May |
+| | | | | be derived (e.g. in a shimlayer) from |
+| | | | | the AODH alarm history. |
+| alarmChangedTime | \- | \- | Timestamp when alarm was changed/updated. | see above |
+| alarmClearedTime | \- | \- | Timestamp when alarm was cleared. | see above |
+| eventTime | \- | \- | Timestamp when alarm was first observed by | see above |
+| | | | the Monitor. | |
+| \- | EventTime | generated | Timestamp of the Notification. | Update parameter name in Doctor spec. |
+| | | | | May be added in ETSI NFV Stage 3. |
+| state: | VirtualResourceState: | current: ok, alarm, | ETSI NFV IFA 005/006 lists example alarm | Maintenance state is missing in AODH. |
+| E.g. Fired, Updated | E.g. normal, down | insufficient_data | states. | List of alarm states will be |
+| Cleared | maintenance, error | | | specified in ETSI NFV Stage 3. |
+| perceivedSeverity: | Severity (Integer) | Severity: | ETSI NFV IFA 005/006 lists example | List of alarm states will be |
+| E.g. Critical, Major, | | low (default), | perceived severity values. | specified in ETSI NFV Stage 3. |
+| Minor, Warning, | | moderate, critical | | |
+| Indeterminate, Cleared | | | | **OPNFV: Severity (Integer)**: |
+| | | | | * update OPNFV Doctor specification |
+| | | | | to *Enum* |
+| | | | | |
+| | | | | **perceivedSeverity=Indetermined**: |
+| | | | | * remove value *Indetermined* in |
+| | | | | IFA and map undefined values to |
+| | | | | “minor” severity, or |
+| | | | | * add value *indetermined* in AODH |
+| | | | | and make it the default value. |
+| | | | | |
+| | | | | **perceivedSeverity=Cleared**: |
+| | | | | * remove value *Cleared* in IFA as |
+| | | | | the information about a cleared |
+| | | | | alarm alarm can be derived from |
+| | | | | the alarm state parameter, or |
+| | | | | * add value *cleared* in AODH and |
+| | | | | set a rule that the severity is |
+| | | | | “cleared” when the state is *ok*. |
+| faultType | FaultType | event_type in | Type of the fault, e.g. “CPU failure” of a | OpenStack Alarming (Aodh) can use a |
+| | | reason_data | compute resource, in machine interpretable | fuzzy matching with wildcard string, |
+| | | | format. | "compute.cpu.failure". |
+| N/A | N/A | type = "event" | Type of the notification. For fault | \- |
+| | | | notifications the type in AODH is “event”. | |
+| probableCause | ProbableCause | \- | Probable cause of the alarm. | May be provided (e.g. in a shimlayer) |
+| | | | | based on Vitrage topology awareness / |
+| | | | | root-cause-analysis. |
+| isRootCause | IsRootCause | \- | Boolean indicating whether the fault is the | see above |
+| | | | root cause of other faults. | |
+| correlatedAlarmId | CorrelatedFaultId | \- | List of IDs of correlated faults. | see above |
+| faultDetails | FaultDetails | \- | Additional details about the fault/alarm. | FaultDetails information element will |
+| | | | | be specified in ETSI NFV Stage 3. |
+| \- | \- | action, previous | Additional AODH alarm related parameters. | \- |
Table: Comparison of alarm attributes
@@ -728,6 +762,7 @@ Other areas that need alignment is the so called alarm state in NFV. Here we mus
however consider what can be attributes of the notification vs. what should be a
property of the alarm instance. This will be analyzed later.
+.. _southbound:
Detailed southbound interface specification