path: root/ci/deploy
diff options
authorYao Lu <>2016-11-29 22:39:37 +0800
committerzhouya <>2016-12-20 15:27:28 +0800
commit0b57e3be28f1b42d7cea436feb04fbcdf83e8484 (patch)
tree900413e47a5994aa36b00d2b7db0e14ca4e1815c /ci/deploy
parenta5e3706c114f43224056fa222276491445ddcf55 (diff)
implement deploy on virthal pod
Change-Id: I600e21f0d36f37c75cac4ace5f7225e32ab93d56 Signed-off-by: Yao Lu <>
Diffstat (limited to 'ci/deploy')
1 files changed, 104 insertions, 39 deletions
diff --git a/ci/deploy/ b/ci/deploy/
index 6d7addd2..a2d18496 100755
--- a/ci/deploy/
+++ b/ci/deploy/
@@ -10,23 +10,89 @@
#daisy host discover
######exit before finish test#######
-exit 0
+# exit 0
##########TODO after test##########
-echo "====== clean && install daisy==========="
-.$WORKSPACE/opnfv.bin clean
-if [ $rc -ne 0 ]; then
- echo "daisy clean failed"
- exit 1
- echo "daisy clean successfully"
-.$WORKSPACE/opnfv.bin install
+parameter_from_deploy=`python $WORKSPACE/deploy/ --dha $DHA`
+daisyserver_size=`echo $parameter_from_deploy | cut -d " " -f 1`
+controller_node_size=`echo $parameter_from_deploy | cut -d " " -f 2`
+compute_node_size=`echo $parameter_from_deploy | cut -d " " -f 3`
+daisy_passwd=`echo $parameter_from_deploy | cut -d " " -f 4`
+daisy_ip=`echo $parameter_from_deploy | cut -d " " -f 5`
+daisy_gateway=`echo $parameter_from_deploy | cut -d " " -f 6`
+function execute_on_jumpserver
+ ssh $1 -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no $2
+function create_node
+ virsh net-define $1
+ virsh net-autostart $2
+ virsh net-start $2
+ virsh define $3
+ virsh start $4
+#update key = value config option in an conf or ini file
+function update_config
+ local file=$1
+ local key=$2
+ local value=$3
+ [ ! -e $file ] && return
+ #echo update key $key to value $value in file $file ...
+ local exist=`grep "^[[:space:]]*[^#]" $file | grep -c "$key[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*.*"`
+ #action:If a line is a comment, the beginning of the first character must be a #!!!
+ local comment=`grep -c "^[[:space:]]*#[[:space:]]*$key[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*.*" $file`
+ if [[ $value == "#" ]];then
+ if [ $exist -gt 0 ];then
+ sed -i "/^[^#]/s/$key[[:space:]]*=/\#$key=/" $file
+ fi
+ return
+ fi
+ if [ $exist -gt 0 ];then
+ #if there have been a effective configuration line did not comment, update value directly
+ sed -i "/^[^#]/s#$key[[:space:]]*=.*#$key=$value#" $file
+ elif [ $comment -gt 0 ];then
+ #if there is a configuration line has been commented out, then remove the comments, update the value
+ sed -i "s@^[[:space:]]*#[[:space:]]*$key[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*.*@$key=$value@" $file
+ else
+ #add effective configuration line at the end
+ echo "$key=$value" >> $file
+ fi
+echo "=======create daisy node================"
+$create_qcow2_path/ -c $create_qcow2_path/ -a $daisy_ip -g $daisy_gateway -s $daisyserver_size
+#qemu-img resize centos7.qcow2 100G
+create_node $net_daisy1 daisy1 $pod_daisy daisy
+sleep 20
+echo "====== install daisy==========="
+$deploy_path/ $daisy_ip $daisy_passwd
+scp -r $WORKSPACE root@$daisy_ip:/home
+execute_on_jumpserver $daisy_ip "mkdir -p /home/daisy_install"
+update_config $WORKSPACE/deploy/daisy.conf daisy_management_ip $daisy_ip
+scp $WORKSPACE/deploy/daisy.conf root@$daisy_ip:/home/daisy_install
+execute_on_jumpserver $daisy_ip "$WORKSPACE/opnfv.bin install"
if [ $rc -ne 0 ]; then
echo "daisy install failed"
@@ -35,29 +101,28 @@ else
echo "daisy install successfully"
-source ~/daisyrc_admin
-echo "======prepare install openstack==========="
-python $tempest_path/ --dha $DHA --network $NETWORK
-echo "======daisy install kolla(openstack)==========="
-cluster_id=`daisy cluster-list | awk -F "|" '{print $2}' | sed -n '4p'`
-daisy install $cluster_id
-echo "check installing process..."
-while [ $var -eq 1 ]; do
- echo "loop for judge openstack installing progress..."
- openstack_install_active=`daisy host-list --cluster-id $cluster_id | awk -F "|" '{print $12}' | grep -c "active" `
- openstack_install_failed=`daisy host-list --cluster-id $cluster_id | awk -F "|" '{print $12}' | grep -c "install-failed" `
- if [ $openstack_install_active -eq 1 ]; then
- echo "openstack installing successful ..."
- break
- elif [ $openstack_install_failed -gt 0 ]; then
- echo "openstack installing have failed..."
- tail -n 200 /var/log/daisy/kolla_$cluster_id*
- exit 1
- else
- echo " openstack in installing , please waiting ..."
- fi
+echo "====== add relate config of kolla==========="
+execute_on_jumpserver $daisy_ip "mkdir -p /etc/kolla/config/nova"
+execute_on_jumpserver $daisy_ip "echo -e "[libvirt]\nvirt_type=qemu" > /etc/kolla/config/nova/nova-compute.conf"
+echo "===prepare cluster and pxe==="
+execute_on_jumpserver $daisy_ip "python $WORKSPACE/deploy/ --dha $DHA --network $NETWORK --cluster "yes""
+echo "=====create all-in-one node======"
+qemu-img create -f qcow2 $WORKSPACE/../qemu/vms/all_in_one.qcow2 200G
+create_node $net_daisy2 daisy2 $pod_all_in_one all_in_one
+sleep 20
+echo "======prepare host and pxe==========="
+execute_on_jumpserver $daisy_ip "python $WORKSPACE/deploy/ --dha $DHA --network $NETWORK --host "yes""
+echo "======daisy deploy os and openstack==========="
+virsh destroy all_in_one
+virsh start all_in_one
+echo "===========check install progress==========="
+execute_on_jumpserver $daisy_ip "$WORKSPACE/deploy/"
+virsh reboot all_in_one
+execute_on_jumpserver $daisy_ip "$WORKSPACE/deploy/"
exit 0