diff options
authorblsaws <>2016-01-29 15:07:08 -0800
committerblsaws <>2016-01-29 15:07:08 -0800
commitda02f1b38b4c6a4c00c2b48335ead732d6846b70 (patch)
parent3554b60d431300274f2c004618c33c59508460a4 (diff)
Baseline of the featureconfig.rst file
JIRA: COPPER-7 Change-Id: I13820a26f09a5c5a002700ee22da5976f49f04e3 Signed-off-by: blsaws <>
1 files changed, 381 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/docs/configguide/featureconfig.rst b/docs/configguide/featureconfig.rst
index 9189902..618cc7c 100644
--- a/docs/configguide/featureconfig.rst
+++ b/docs/configguide/featureconfig.rst
@@ -1,24 +1,390 @@
-<Project> configuration
-Add a brief introduction to configure OPNFV with this specific feature including
-dependancies on platform components, this description should be at a level that
-will apply to any installer providing the pre-requisite components.
+Copper configuration
+This release focused on use of the OpenStack Congress service for managing
+configuration policy. The Congress install procedure described here is largely
+manual. This procedure, as well as the longer-term goal of automated installer
+support, is a work in progress. The procedure is further specific to one OPNFV
+installer (JOID, i.e. MAAS/JuJu) based environment. Support for other OPNFV
+installer deployed environments is also a work in progress.
Pre-configuration activities
-Describe specific pre-configuration activities. This should include ensuring the
-right components are installed by the installation tools as required for your
-feature to function. Refer to the previous installer configuration chapters,
-installations guide and release notes
+This procedure assumes OPNFV has been installed via the JOID installer.
Hardware configuration
-Describe the hardware configuration needed for this specific feature
+There is no specific hardware configuration required for the Copper project.
Feature configuration
-Describe the procedures to configure your feature on the platform in order
-that it is ready to use according to the feature instructions in the platform
-user guide. Where applicable you should add content in the postinstall.rst
-to validate the feature is configured for use.
-(checking components are installed correctly etc...)
+Following are instructions for installing Congress on an Ubuntu 14.04 LXC
+container in the OPNFV Controller node, as installed by the JOID installer.
+This guide uses instructions from the `Congress intro guide on readthedocs <|Congress>`_.
+Specific values below will need to be modified if you intend to repeat this
+procedure in your JOID-based install environment.
+Install base VM for congress on controller node
+.. code::
+ sudo juju ssh ubuntu@
+Clone the container
+.. code::
+ sudo lxc-clone -o juju-trusty-lxc-template -n juju-trusty-congress
+Start the container
+.. code::
+ sudo lxc-start -n juju-trusty-congress -d
+Get the container IP address
+.. code::
+ sudo lxc-info -n juju-trusty-congress
+If you need to start over
+.. code::
+ sudo lxc-destroy --name juju-trusty-congress
+Exit from controller (back to jumphost) and login to congress container
+.. code::
+ sudo juju ssh ubuntu@
+Update package repos
+.. code::
+ sudo apt-get update
+Setup environment variables
+.. code::
+ export CINDER_HOST=
+ export GLANCE_HOST=
+ export NEUTRON_HOST=
+ export NOVA_HOST=
+Install pip
+.. code::
+ sudo apt-get install python-pip -y
+Install java
+.. code::
+ sudo apt-get install default-jre -y
+Install other dependencies
+.. code::
+ # when prompted, set and remember mysql root user password
+ sudo apt-get install git gcc python-dev libxml2 libxslt1-dev libzip-dev \
+ mysql-server python-mysqldb -y
+ sudo pip install virtualenv
+Clone congress
+.. code::
+ git clone
+ cd congress
+ git checkout stable/liberty
+Create virtualenv
+.. code::
+ virtualenv ~/congress
+ source bin/activate
+Setup Congress
+.. code::
+ sudo mkdir -p /etc/congress
+ sudo mkdir -p /etc/congress/snapshot
+ sudo mkdir /var/log/congress
+ sudo chown ubuntu /var/log/congress
+ sudo cp etc/api-paste.ini /etc/congress
+ sudo cp etc/policy.json /etc/congress
+Install requirements.txt and tox dependencies
+The need for this stepo was detected by errors during "tox -egenconfig".
+.. code::
+ sudo apt-get install libffi-dev -y
+ sudo apt-get install openssl -y
+ sudo apt-get install libssl-dev -y
+Install dependencies in virtualenv
+.. code::
+ pip install -r requirements.txt
+ python install
+Install tox
+.. code::
+ pip install tox
+Generate congress.conf.sample
+.. code::
+ tox -egenconfig
+Edit congress.conf.sample as needed
+.. code::
+ sed -i -- 's/#verbose = true/verbose = true/g' etc/congress.conf.sample
+ sed -i -- 's/#log_file = <None>/log_file = congress.log/g' \
+ etc/congress.conf.sample
+ sed -i -- 's/#log_dir = <None>/log_dir = \/var\/log\/congress/g' \
+ etc/congress.conf.sample
+ sed -i -- 's/#bind_host = =' \
+ etc/congress.conf.sample
+ sed -i -- 's/#policy_path = <None>/policy_path = \
+ \/etc\/congress\/snapshot/g' etc/congress.conf.sample
+ sed -i -- 's/#auth_strategy = keystone/auth_strategy = noauth/g' \
+ etc/congress.conf.sample
+ sed -i -- 's/#drivers =/drivers =\
+ congress.datasources.neutronv2_driver.NeutronV2Driver,\
+ congress.datasources.glancev2_driver.GlanceV2Driver,\
+ congress.datasources.nova_driver.NovaDriver,\
+ congress.datasources.keystone_driver.KeystoneDriver,\
+ congress.datasources.ceilometer_driver.CeilometerDriver,\
+ congress.datasources.cinder_driver.CinderDriver/g' etc/congress.conf.sample
+ sed -i -- 's/#auth_host = =' \
+ etc/congress.conf.sample
+ sed -i -- 's/#auth_port = 35357/auth_port = 35357/g' etc/congress.conf.sample
+ sed -i -- 's/#auth_protocol = https/auth_protocol = http/g' \
+ etc/congress.conf.sample
+ sed -i -- 's/#admin_tenant_name = admin/admin_tenant_name = admin/g' \
+ etc/congress.conf.sample
+ sed -i -- 's/#admin_user = <None>/admin_user = congress/g' \
+ etc/congress.conf.sample
+ sed -i -- 's/#admin_password = <None>/admin_password = congress/g' \
+ etc/congress.conf.sample
+ sed -i -- 's/#connection = <None>/connection = mysql:\/\/ubuntu:\
+ <mysql password>@localhost:3306\/congress/g' etc/congress.conf.sample
+Copy congress.conf.sample to /etc/congress
+.. code::
+ sudo cp etc/congress.conf.sample /etc/congress/congress.conf
+Create congress database
+.. code::
+ sudo mysql -u root -p
+ GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON congress.* TO 'ubuntu'@'localhost' \
+ IDENTIFIED BY '<mysql password>';
+ GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON congress.* TO 'ubuntu'@'%' IDENTIFIED \
+ BY '<mysql password>';
+ exit
+Install congress-db-manage dependencies
+The need for this step was detected by errors in subsequent steps.
+.. code::
+ sudo apt-get build-dep python-mysqldb -y
+ pip install MySQL-python
+Create database schema
+.. code::
+ congress-db-manage --config-file /etc/congress/congress.conf upgrade head
+Install dependencies of OpenStack, Congress, Keystone client operations
+.. code::
+ pip install python-openstackclient
+ pip install python-congressclient
+ pip install python-keystoneclient
+Execute as downloaded from Horizon
+.. code::
+ source ~/
+Setup Congress user
+TODO: needs update in `Congress intro in readthedocs <>`_.
+.. code::
+ pip install cliff --upgrade
+ export ADMIN_ROLE=$(openstack role list | \
+ awk "/ Admin / { print \$2 }")
+ export SERVICE_TENANT=$(openstack project list | \
+ awk "/ admin / { print \$2 }")
+ openstack user create --password congress --project admin \
+ --email "" congress
+ export CONGRESS_USER=$(openstack user list | \
+ awk "/ congress / { print \$2 }")
+ openstack role add $ADMIN_ROLE --user $CONGRESS_USER \
+ --project $SERVICE_TENANT
+Create Congress service
+.. code::
+ openstack service create congress --type "policy" \
+ --description "Congress Service"
+ export CONGRESS_SERVICE=$(openstack service list | \
+ awk "/ congress / { print \$2 }")
+Create Congress endpoint
+.. code::
+ openstack endpoint create $CONGRESS_SERVICE \
+ --region $OS_REGION_NAME \
+ --publicurl http://$CONGRESS_HOST:1789/ \
+ --adminurl http://$CONGRESS_HOST:1789/ \
+ --internalurl http://$CONGRESS_HOST:1789/
+Start the Congress service in the background
+.. code::
+ bin/congress-server &
+ # disown the process (so it keeps running if you get disconnected)
+ disown -h %1
+Create data sources
+To remove datasources: openstack congress datasource delete <name>
+It's probably good to do these commands in a new terminal tab, as the
+congress server log from the last command will be flooding your original
+terminal screen.
+.. code::
+ openstack congress datasource create nova "nova" \
+ --config username=$OS_USERNAME \
+ --config tenant_name=$OS_TENANT_NAME \
+ --config password=$OS_PASSWORD \
+ --config auth_url=http://$KEYSTONE_HOST:5000/v2.0
+ openstack congress datasource create neutronv2 "neutronv2" \
+ --config username=$OS_USERNAME \
+ --config tenant_name=$OS_TENANT_NAME \
+ --config password=$OS_PASSWORD \
+ --config auth_url=http://$KEYSTONE_HOST:5000/v2.0
+ openstack congress datasource create ceilometer "ceilometer" \
+ --config username=$OS_USERNAME \
+ --config tenant_name=$OS_TENANT_NAME \
+ --config password=$OS_PASSWORD \
+ --config auth_url=http://$KEYSTONE_HOST:5000/v2.0
+ openstack congress datasource create cinder "cinder" \
+ --config username=$OS_USERNAME \
+ --config tenant_name=$OS_TENANT_NAME \
+ --config password=$OS_PASSWORD \
+ --config auth_url=http://$KEYSTONE_HOST:5000/v2.0
+ openstack congress datasource create glancev2 "glancev2" \
+ --config username=$OS_USERNAME \
+ --config tenant_name=$OS_TENANT_NAME \
+ --config password=$OS_PASSWORD \
+ --config auth_url=http://$KEYSTONE_HOST:5000/v2.0
+ openstack congress datasource create keystone "keystone" \
+ --config username=$OS_USERNAME \
+ --config tenant_name=$OS_TENANT_NAME \
+ --config password=$OS_PASSWORD \
+ --config auth_url=http://$KEYSTONE_HOST:5000/v2.0
+Run Congress Tempest Tests
+.. code::
+ tox -epy27
+Restarting after server power loss etc
+Currently this install procedure is manual. Automated install and restoral \
+after host recovery is TBD. For now, this procedure will get the Congress \
+service running again.
+.. code::
+ # On jumphost, SSH to Congress server
+ sudo juju ssh ubuntu@
+ # If that fails
+ # On jumphost, SSH to controller node
+ sudo juju ssh ubuntu@
+ # Start the Congress container
+ sudo lxc-start -n juju-trusty-congress -d
+ # Verify the Congress container status
+ sudo lxc-ls -f juju-trusty-congress
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ juju-trusty-congress RUNNING - - NO
+ # exit back to the Jumphost, wait a minute, and go back to the \
+ "SSH to Congress server" step above
+ # On the Congress server that you have logged into
+ source ~/
+ cd congress
+ source bin/activate
+ bin/congress-server &
+ disown -h %1