path: root/deploy/adapters/ansible/roles/ceilometer_controller/templates
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2017-01-17Support ceilometer for Newton CentOSliyuenan1-1/+1
2017-01-14Deploy OpenStack Newton on CentOS hostsliyuenan1-4/+4
2017-01-14Remove some duplicate or useless filesliyuenan3-47/+0
2016-12-20master only support newtonliyuenan5-0/+83
2016-08-15rename region name to be unifiedMatthewLi1-1/+1
2015-12-24bugfix: compass4nfv support ceilometercarey.xu3-7/+19
2015-10-21AMQP server is unreachablebaigk2-0/+2
2015-10-09compass4nfv support ceilometercarey.xu3-0/+33
232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474
#!/bin/bash -e
# shellcheck disable=SC2155,SC1001
# Copyright (c) 2017 Mirantis Inc., Enea AB and others.
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Library of shell functions

function generate_ssh_key {
  local mcp_ssh_key=$(basename "${SSH_KEY}")
  local user=${USER}
  if [ -n "${SUDO_USER}" ] && [ "${SUDO_USER}" != 'root' ]; then

  if [ -f "${SSH_KEY}" ]; then
    cp "${SSH_KEY}" .
    ssh-keygen -f "${mcp_ssh_key}" -y > "${mcp_ssh_key}.pub"

  [ -f "${mcp_ssh_key}" ] || ssh-keygen -f "${mcp_ssh_key}" -N ''
  sudo install -D -o "${user}" -m 0600 "${mcp_ssh_key}" "${SSH_KEY}"

function get_base_image {
  local base_image=$1
  local image_dir=$2

  mkdir -p "${image_dir}"
  wget --progress=dot:giga -P "${image_dir}" -N "${base_image}"

function __kernel_modules {
  # Load mandatory kernel modules: loop, nbd
  local image_dir=$1
  sudo modprobe loop
  if sudo modprobe nbd max_part=8 || sudo modprobe -f nbd max_part=8; then
    return 0
  # CentOS (or RHEL family in general) do not provide 'nbd' out of the box
  echo "[WARN] 'nbd' kernel module cannot be loaded!"
  if [ ! -e /etc/redhat-release ]; then
    echo "[ERROR] Non-RHEL system detected, aborting!"
    echo "[ERROR] Try building 'nbd' manually or install it from a 3rd party."
    exit 1

  # Best-effort attempt at building a non-maintaned kernel module
  local __baseurl
  local __subdir
  local __uname_r=$(uname -r)
  local __uname_m=$(uname -m)
  if [ "${__uname_m}" = 'x86_64' ]; then
    # NOTE: fmt varies across releases (e.g. kernel-alt-4.11.0-44.el7a.src.rpm)

  local __found='n'
  local __versions=$(curl -s "${__baseurl}/" | grep -Po 'href="\K7\.[\d\.]+')
  for ver in ${__versions}; do
    for comp in os updates; do
      local url="${__baseurl}/${ver}/${comp}/${__subdir}/${__srpm}"
      if wget "${url}" -O "${image_dir}/${__srpm}" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
        __found='y'; break 2

  if [ "${__found}" = 'n' ]; then
    echo "[ERROR] Can't find the linux kernel SRPM for: ${__uname_r}"
    echo "[ERROR] 'nbd' module cannot be built, aborting!"
    echo "[ERROR] Try 'yum upgrade' or building 'nbd' krn module manually ..."
    exit 1

  rpm -ivh "${image_dir}/${__srpm}" 2> /dev/null
  # shellcheck disable=SC2016
  echo '%_topdir %(echo $HOME)/rpmbuild' > ~/.rpmmacros
    cd ~/rpmbuild/SPECS
    rpmbuild -bp --nodeps --target="${__uname_m}" kernel*.spec
    cd ~/rpmbuild/BUILD/"${__srpm%.src.rpm}"/linux-*
    sed -i 's/^.*\(CONFIG_BLK_DEV_NBD\).*$/\1=m/g' .config
    # http://centosfaq.org/centos/nbd-does-not-compile-for-3100-514262el7x86_64
    if grep -Rq 'REQ_TYPE_DRV_PRIV' drivers/block; then
      sed -i 's/REQ_TYPE_SPECIAL/REQ_TYPE_DRV_PRIV/g' drivers/block/nbd.c
    gunzip -c "/boot/symvers-${__uname_r}.gz" > Module.symvers
    make prepare modules_prepare
    make M=drivers/block -j
    modinfo drivers/block/nbd.ko
    sudo mkdir -p "/lib/modules/${__uname_r}/extra/"
    sudo cp drivers/block/nbd.ko "/lib/modules/${__uname_r}/extra/"
  sudo depmod -a
  sudo modprobe nbd max_part=8 || sudo modprobe -f nbd max_part=8

function mount_image {
  local image=$1
  local image_dir=$2

  # Find free nbd, loop devices
  for dev in '/sys/class/block/nbd'*; do
    if [ "$(cat "${dev}/size")" = '0' ]; then
      OPNFV_NBD_DEV=/dev/$(basename "${dev}")
  OPNFV_LOOP_DEV=$(losetup -f)
  OPNFV_MAP_DEV=/dev/mapper/$(basename "${OPNFV_NBD_DEV}")p1
  [ -n "${OPNFV_NBD_DEV}" ] && [ -n "${OPNFV_LOOP_DEV}" ] || exit 1
  qemu-img resize "${image_dir}/${image}" 3G
  sudo qemu-nbd --connect="${OPNFV_NBD_DEV}" --aio=native --cache=none \
  sudo kpartx -av "${OPNFV_NBD_DEV}"
  sleep 5 # /dev/nbdNp1 takes some time to come up
  # Hardcode partition index to 1, unlikely to change for Ubuntu UCA image
  if sudo growpart "${OPNFV_NBD_DEV}" 1; then
    sudo kpartx -u "${OPNFV_NBD_DEV}"
    sudo e2fsck -pf "${OPNFV_MAP_DEV}"
    sudo resize2fs "${OPNFV_MAP_DEV}"
  # grub-update does not like /dev/nbd*, so use a loop device to work around it
  sudo losetup "${OPNFV_LOOP_DEV}" "${OPNFV_MAP_DEV}"
  mkdir -p "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}"
  sudo mount "${OPNFV_LOOP_DEV}" "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}"
  sudo mount -t proc proc "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}/proc"
  sudo mount -t sysfs sys "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}/sys"
  sudo mount -o bind /dev "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}/dev"
  sudo mkdir -p "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}/run/resolvconf"
  sudo cp /etc/resolv.conf "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}/run/resolvconf"
  echo "GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER=true" | \
    sudo tee -a "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}/etc/default/grub"
  sudo sed -i -e 's/^\(GRUB_TIMEOUT\)=.*$/\1=1/g' -e 's/^GRUB_HIDDEN.*$//g' \

function apt_repos_pkgs_image {
  local apt_key_urls=(${1//,/ })
  local all_repos=(${2//,/ })
  local pkgs_i=(${3//,/ })
  local pkgs_r=(${4//,/ })
  [ -n "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}" ] || exit 1

  # APT keys
  if [ "${#apt_key_urls[@]}" -gt 0 ]; then
    for apt_key in "${apt_key_urls[@]}"; do
      sudo chroot "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}" /bin/bash -c \
        "wget -qO - '${apt_key}' | apt-key add -"
  # Additional repositories
  for repo_line in "${all_repos[@]}"; do
    # <repo_name>|<repo prio>|deb|[arch=<arch>]|<repo url>|<dist>|<repo comp>
    local repo=(${repo_line//|/ })
    [ "${#repo[@]}" -gt 5 ] || continue
    # NOTE: Names and formatting are compatible with Salt linux.system.repo
    cat <<-EOF | sudo tee "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}/etc/apt/preferences.d/${repo[0]}"

		Package: *
		Pin: release a=${repo[-2]}
		Pin-Priority: ${repo[1]}

    echo "${repo[@]:2}" | sudo tee \
  # Install packages
  if [ "${#pkgs_i[@]}" -gt 0 ]; then
    sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive" \
      chroot "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}" apt-get update
    sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive" FLASH_KERNEL_SKIP="true" \
      chroot "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}" apt-get install -y "${pkgs_i[@]}"
  # Remove packages
  if [ "${#pkgs_r[@]}" -gt 0 ]; then
    sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive" FLASH_KERNEL_SKIP="true" \
      chroot "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}" apt-get purge -y "${pkgs_r[@]}"
  # Disable cloud-init metadata service datasource
  sudo mkdir -p "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d"
  echo "datasource_list: [ NoCloud, None ]" | sudo tee \

function cleanup_mounts {
  # Remove any mounts, loop and/or nbd devs created while patching base image
  if [ -n "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}" ] && [ -d "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}" ]; then
    if [ -f "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}/boot/grub/grub.cfg" ]; then
      # Grub thinks it's running from a live CD
      sudo sed -i -e 's/^\s*set root=.*$//g' -e 's/^\s*loopback.*$//g' \
    sudo rm -f "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}/run/resolvconf/resolv.conf"
    if mountpoint -q "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}"; then
      sudo umount -l "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}" || true
  if [ -n "${OPNFV_LOOP_DEV}" ] && \
    losetup "${OPNFV_LOOP_DEV}" 1>&2 > /dev/null; then
      sudo losetup -d "${OPNFV_LOOP_DEV}"
  if [ -n "${OPNFV_NBD_DEV}" ]; then
    sudo kpartx -d "${OPNFV_NBD_DEV}" || true
    sudo qemu-nbd -d "${OPNFV_NBD_DEV}" || true

function cleanup_uefi {
  # Clean up Ubuntu boot entry if cfg01, kvm nodes online from previous deploy
  local cmd_str="ssh ${SSH_OPTS} ${SSH_SALT}"
  [ ! "$(hostname)" = 'cfg01' ] || cmd_str='eval'
  ${cmd_str} "sudo salt -C 'kvm* or cmp*' cmd.run \
    \"which efibootmgr > /dev/null 2>&1 && \
    efibootmgr | grep -oP '(?<=Boot)[0-9]+(?=.*ubuntu)' | \
    xargs -I{} efibootmgr --delete-bootnum --bootnum {}; \
    rm -rf /boot/efi/*\"" || true

function cleanup_vms {
  # clean up existing nodes
  for node in $(virsh list --name | grep -P '\w{3}\d{2}'); do
    virsh destroy "${node}"
  for node in $(virsh list --name --all | grep -P '\w{3}\d{2}'); do
    virsh domblklist "${node}" | awk '/^.da/ {print $2}' | \
      xargs --no-run-if-empty -I{} sudo rm -f {}
    virsh undefine "${node}" --remove-all-storage --nvram

function prepare_vms {
  local base_image=$1; shift
  local image_dir=$1; shift
  local repos_pkgs_str=$1; shift # ^-sep list of repos, pkgs to install/rm
  local vnodes=("$@")
  local image=base_image_opnfv_fuel.img
  local vcp_image=${image%.*}_vcp.img
  local _o=${base_image/*\/}
  local _h=$(echo "${repos_pkgs_str}.$(md5sum "${image_dir}/${_o}")" | \
             md5sum | cut -c -8)
  local _tmp

  get_base_image "${base_image}" "${image_dir}"
  IFS='^' read -r -a repos_pkgs <<< "${repos_pkgs_str}"

  echo "[INFO] Lookup cache / build patched base image for fingerprint: ${_h}"
  if [ "${image_dir}/${_tmp}" -ef "${image_dir}/${image}" ]; then
    echo "[INFO] Patched base image found"
    rm -f "${image_dir}/${image%.*}"*
    if [[ ! "${repos_pkgs_str}" =~ ^\^+$ ]]; then
      echo "[INFO] Patching base image ..."
      cp "${image_dir}/${_o}" "${image_dir}/${_tmp}"
      __kernel_modules "${image_dir}"
      mount_image "${_tmp}" "${image_dir}"
      apt_repos_pkgs_image "${repos_pkgs[@]:0:4}"
      echo "[INFO] No patching required, using vanilla base image"
      ln -sf "${image_dir}/${_o}" "${image_dir}/${_tmp}"
    ln -sf "${image_dir}/${_tmp}" "${image_dir}/${image}"

  envsubst < user-data.template > user-data.sh # CWD should be <mcp/scripts>

  # Create config ISO and resize OS disk image for each foundation node VM
  for node in "${vnodes[@]}"; do
    ./create-config-drive.sh -k "$(basename "${SSH_KEY}").pub" -u user-data.sh \
       -h "${node}" "${image_dir}/mcp_${node}.iso"
    cp "${image_dir}/${image}" "${image_dir}/mcp_${node}.qcow2"
    qemu-img resize "${image_dir}/mcp_${node}.qcow2" 100G

  # VCP VMs base image specific changes
  if [[ ! "${repos_pkgs_str}" =~ \^{3}$ ]] && [ -n "${repos_pkgs[*]:4}" ]; then
    echo "[INFO] Lookup cache / build patched VCP image for md5sum: ${_h}"
    if [ "${image_dir}/${_tmp}" -ef "${image_dir}/${vcp_image}" ]; then
      echo "[INFO] Patched VCP image found"
      echo "[INFO] Patching VCP image ..."
      cp "${image_dir}/${image}" "${image_dir}/${_tmp}"
      __kernel_modules "${image_dir}"
      mount_image "${_tmp}" "${image_dir}"
      apt_repos_pkgs_image "${repos_pkgs[@]:4:4}"
      ln -sf "${image_dir}/${_tmp}" "${image_dir}/${vcp_image}"

function create_networks {
  local vnode_networks=("$@")
  # create required networks, including constant "mcpcontrol"
  # FIXME(alav): since we renamed "pxe" to "mcpcontrol", we need to make sure
  # we delete the old "pxe" virtual network, or it would cause IP conflicts.
  for net in "pxe" "mcpcontrol" "${vnode_networks[@]}"; do
    if virsh net-info "${net}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
      virsh net-destroy "${net}" || true
      virsh net-undefine "${net}"
    # in case of custom network, host should already have the bridge in place
    if [ -f "net_${net}.xml" ] && [ ! -d "/sys/class/net/${net}/bridge" ]; then
      virsh net-define "net_${net}.xml"
      virsh net-autostart "${net}"
      virsh net-start "${net}"

function create_vms {
  local image_dir=$1; shift
  # vnode data should be serialized with the following format:
  # '<name0>,<ram0>,<vcpu0>|<name1>,<ram1>,<vcpu1>[...]'
  IFS='|' read -r -a vnodes <<< "$1"; shift
  local vnode_networks=("$@")

  # AArch64: prepare arch specific arguments
  local virt_extra_args=""
  if [ "$(uname -i)" = "aarch64" ]; then
    # No Cirrus VGA on AArch64, use virtio instead
    virt_extra_args="$virt_extra_args --video=virtio"

  # create vms with specified options
  for serialized_vnode_data in "${vnodes[@]}"; do
    IFS=',' read -r -a vnode_data <<< "${serialized_vnode_data}"

    # prepare network args
    net_args=" --network network=mcpcontrol,model=virtio"
    if [ "${DEPLOY_TYPE:-}" = 'baremetal' ]; then
      # 3rd interface gets connected to PXE/Admin Bridge (cfg01, mas01)
    for net in "${vnode_networks[@]:1}"; do
      net_args="${net_args} --network bridge=${net},model=virtio"

    # shellcheck disable=SC2086
    virt-install --name "${vnode_data[0]}" \
    --ram "${vnode_data[1]}" --vcpus "${vnode_data[2]}" \
    --cpu host-passthrough --accelerate ${net_args} \
    --disk path="${image_dir}/mcp_${vnode_data[0]}.qcow2",format=qcow2,bus=virtio,cache=none,io=native \
    --os-type linux --os-variant none \
    --boot hd --vnc --console pty --autostart --noreboot \
    --disk path="${image_dir}/mcp_${vnode_data[0]}.iso",device=cdrom \
    --noautoconsole \

function update_mcpcontrol_network {
  # set static ip address for salt master node, MaaS node
  local cmac=$(virsh domiflist cfg01 2>&1| awk '/mcpcontrol/ {print $5; exit}')
  local amac=$(virsh domiflist mas01 2>&1| awk '/mcpcontrol/ {print $5; exit}')
  virsh net-update "mcpcontrol" add ip-dhcp-host \
    "<host mac='${cmac}' name='cfg01' ip='${SALT_MASTER}'/>" --live --config
  [ -z "${amac}" ] || virsh net-update "mcpcontrol" add ip-dhcp-host \
    "<host mac='${amac}' name='mas01' ip='${MAAS_IP}'/>" --live --config

function start_vms {
  local vnodes=("$@")

  # start vms
  for node in "${vnodes[@]}"; do
    virsh start "${node}"
    sleep $((RANDOM%5+1))

function check_connection {
  local total_attempts=60
  local sleep_time=5

  set +e
  echo '[INFO] Attempting to get into Salt master ...'

  # wait until ssh on Salt master is available
  # shellcheck disable=SC2034
  for attempt in $(seq "${total_attempts}"); do
    # shellcheck disable=SC2086
    ssh ${SSH_OPTS} "ubuntu@${SALT_MASTER}" uptime
    case $? in
      0) echo "${attempt}> Success"; break ;;
      *) echo "${attempt}/${total_attempts}> ssh server ain't ready yet, waiting for ${sleep_time} seconds ..." ;;
    sleep $sleep_time
  set -e

function parse_yaml {
  local prefix=$2
  local s
  local w
  local fs
  fs="$(echo @|tr @ '\034')"
  sed -e 's|---||g' -ne "s|^\($s\)\($w\)$s:$s\"\(.*\)\"$s\$|\1$fs\2$fs\3|p" \
      -e "s|^\($s\)\($w\)$s[:-]$s\(.*\)$s\$|\1$fs\2$fs\3|p" "$1" |
  awk -F"$fs" '{
  indent = length($1)/2;
  vname[indent] = $2;
  for (i in vname) {if (i > indent) {delete vname[i]}}
      if (length($3) > 0) {
          vn=""; for (i=0; i<indent; i++) {vn=(vn)(vname[i])("_")}
          printf("%s%s%s=(\"%s\")\n", "'"$prefix"'",vn, $2, $3);
  }' | sed 's/_=/+=/g'

function wait_for {
  # Execute in a subshell to prevent local variable override during recursion
    local total_attempts=$1; shift
    local cmdstr=$*
    local sleep_time=10
    echo -e "\n[wait_for] Waiting for cmd to return success: ${cmdstr}"
    # shellcheck disable=SC2034
    for attempt in $(seq "${total_attempts}"); do
      echo "[wait_for] Attempt ${attempt}/${total_attempts%.*} for: ${cmdstr}"
      if [ "${total_attempts%.*}" = "${total_attempts}" ]; then
        # shellcheck disable=SC2015
        eval "${cmdstr}" && echo "[wait_for] OK: ${cmdstr}" && return 0 || true
        !(eval "${cmdstr}" || echo __fuel_wf_failure__) |& tee /dev/stderr | \
          grep -Eq '(Not connected|No response|__fuel_wf_failure__)' && \
          echo "[wait_for] OK: ${cmdstr}" && return 0 || true
      sleep "${sleep_time}"
    echo "[wait_for] ERROR: Failed after max attempts: ${cmdstr}"
    return 1

function do_sysctl_cfg {
  local _conf='/etc/sysctl.d/99-opnfv-fuel-bridge.conf'
  # https://wiki.libvirt.org/page/Net.bridge.bridge-nf-call_and_sysctl.conf
  echo 'net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-arptables = 0' |& sudo tee "${_conf}"
  echo 'net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables = 0'  |& sudo tee -a "${_conf}"
  echo 'net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-ip6tables = 0' |& sudo tee -a "${_conf}"
  sudo sysctl -q -p "${_conf}"

function get_nova_compute_pillar_data {
  local value=$(salt -C 'I@nova:compute and *01*' pillar.get _param:"${1}" --out yaml | cut -d ' ' -f2)
  if [ "${value}" != "''" ]; then
    echo  ${value}