path: root/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial')
161 files changed, 0 insertions, 11503 deletions
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/HA-ansible-multinodes.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/HA-ansible-multinodes.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 236035e0..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/HA-ansible-multinodes.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,264 +0,0 @@
-- hosts: all
- remote_user: root
- pre_tasks:
- - name: make sure ssh dir exist
- file:
- path: '{{ item.path }}'
- owner: '{{ item.owner }}'
- group: '{{ }}'
- state: directory
- mode: 0755
- with_items:
- - path: /root/.ssh
- owner: root
- group: root
- - name: write ssh config
- copy:
- content: "UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null\nStrictHostKeyChecking no"
- dest: '{{ item.dest }}'
- owner: '{{ item.owner }}'
- group: '{{ }}'
- mode: 0600
- with_items:
- - dest: /root/.ssh/config
- owner: root
- group: root
- - name: generate ssh keys
- shell: if [ ! -f ~/.ssh/ ]; then ssh-keygen -q -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa -N ""; else echo "already gen ssh key!"; fi;
- - name: fetch ssh keys
- fetch: src=/root/.ssh/ dest=/tmp/ssh-keys-{{ ansible_hostname }} flat=yes
- - authorized_key:
- user: root
- key: "{{ lookup('file', 'item') }}"
- with_fileglob:
- - /tmp/ssh-keys-*
- max_fail_percentage: 0
- roles:
- - common
-- hosts: all
- remote_user: root
- accelerate: true
- max_fail_percentage: 0
- roles:
- - setup-network
-- hosts: ha
- remote_user: root
- accelerate: true
- max_fail_percentage: 0
- roles:
- - ha
-- hosts: controller
- remote_user: root
- accelerate: true
- max_fail_percentage: 0
- roles:
- - memcached
- - apache
- - database
- - mq
- - keystone
- - nova-controller
- - neutron-controller
- - cinder-controller
- - glance
- - neutron-common
- - neutron-network
- - ceilometer_controller
- - dashboard
- - heat
- - aodh
-- hosts: all
- remote_user: root
- accelerate: true
- max_fail_percentage: 0
- roles:
- - storage
-- hosts: compute
- remote_user: root
- accelerate: true
- max_fail_percentage: 0
- roles:
- - nova-compute
- - neutron-compute
- - cinder-volume
- - ceilometer_compute
-#- hosts: all
-# remote_user: root
-# accelerate: true
-# max_fail_percentage: 0
-# roles:
-# - moon
-- hosts: all
- remote_user: root
- accelerate: true
- max_fail_percentage: 0
- roles:
- - secgroup
-- hosts: ceph_adm
- remote_user: root
- accelerate: true
- max_fail_percentage: 0
- roles: []
- # - ceph-deploy
-- hosts: ceph
- remote_user: root
- accelerate: true
- max_fail_percentage: 0
- roles:
- - ceph-purge
- - ceph-config
-- hosts: ceph_mon
- remote_user: root
- accelerate: true
- max_fail_percentage: 0
- roles:
- - ceph-mon
-- hosts: ceph_osd
- remote_user: root
- accelerate: true
- max_fail_percentage: 0
- roles:
- - ceph-osd
-- hosts: ceph
- remote_user: root
- accelerate: true
- max_fail_percentage: 0
- roles:
- - ceph-openstack
-- hosts: all
- remote_user: root
- accelerate: true
- max_fail_percentage: 0
- roles:
- - monitor
-- hosts: all
- remote_user: root
- accelerate: true
- max_fail_percentage: 0
- tasks:
- - name: set bash to nova
- user:
- name: nova
- shell: /bin/bash
- - name: make sure ssh dir exist
- file:
- path: '{{ item.path }}'
- owner: '{{ item.owner }}'
- group: '{{ }}'
- state: directory
- mode: 0755
- with_items:
- - path: /var/lib/nova/.ssh
- owner: nova
- group: nova
- - name: copy ssh keys for nova
- shell: cp -rf /root/.ssh/id_rsa /var/lib/nova/.ssh;
- - name: write ssh config
- copy:
- content: "UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null\nStrictHostKeyChecking no"
- dest: '{{ item.dest }}'
- owner: '{{ item.owner }}'
- group: '{{ }}'
- mode: 0600
- with_items:
- - dest: /var/lib/nova/.ssh/config
- owner: nova
- group: nova
- - authorized_key:
- user: nova
- key: "{{ lookup('file', 'item') }}"
- with_fileglob:
- - /tmp/ssh-keys-*
- - name: chown ssh file
- shell: chown -R nova:nova /var/lib/nova/.ssh;
-- hosts: all
- remote_user: root
- accelerate: true
- max_fail_percentage: 0
- roles:
- - odl_cluster
-- hosts: all
- remote_user: root
- accelerate: true
- max_fail_percentage: 0
- roles:
- - onos_cluster
-- hosts: all
- remote_user: root
- sudo: True
- max_fail_percentage: 0
- roles:
- - open-contrail
-- hosts: all
- remote_user: root
- accelerate: true
- serial: 1
- max_fail_percentage: 0
- roles:
- - odl_cluster_neutron
-- hosts: all
- remote_user: root
- accelerate: true
- max_fail_percentage: 0
- roles:
- - odl_cluster_post
-- hosts: controller
- remote_user: root
- accelerate: true
- max_fail_percentage: 0
- roles:
- - ext-network
-- hosts: controller
- remote_user: root
- accelerate: true
- max_fail_percentage: 0
- roles:
- - boot-recovery
-- hosts: controller
- remote_user: root
- accelerate: true
- max_fail_percentage: 0
- roles:
- - controller-recovery
-- hosts: compute
- remote_user: root
- accelerate: true
- max_fail_percentage: 0
- roles:
- - compute-recovery
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/aodh/handlers/main.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/aodh/handlers/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index b3399e0c..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/aodh/handlers/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- name: restart aodh services
- service: name={{ item }} state=restarted enabled=yes
- with_items: services | union(services_noarch)
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/aodh/tasks/aodh_config.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/aodh/tasks/aodh_config.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index e60d5338..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/aodh/tasks/aodh_config.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- name: aodh db sync
- shell: su -s /bin/sh -c "aodh-dbsync" aodh
- notify:
- - restart aodh services
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/aodh/tasks/aodh_install.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/aodh/tasks/aodh_install.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index d8a82270..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/aodh/tasks/aodh_install.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- include_vars: "{{ ansible_os_family }}.yml"
-- name: install aodh packages
- action: "{{ ansible_pkg_mgr }} name={{ item }} state=present"
- with_items: packages | union(packages_noarch)
-- name: update aodh conf
- template: src={{ item }} dest=/etc/aodh/aodh.conf backup=yes
- with_items:
- - aodh.conf.j2
- notify:
- - restart aodh services
-- name: write services to monitor list
- lineinfile: dest=/opt/service create=yes line='{{ item }}'
- with_items: services | union(services_noarch)
-- name: remove default sqlite db
- shell: rm /var/lib/aodh/aodh.sqlite || touch aodh.sqllite.db.removed
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/aodh/tasks/main.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/aodh/tasks/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b61915f..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/aodh/tasks/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- include: aodh_install.yml
- tags:
- - install
- - aodh_install
- - aodh
-- include: aodh_config.yml
- when: inventory_hostname == groups['controller'][0]
- tags:
- - config
- - aodh_config
- - aodh
-- meta: flush_handlers
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/aodh/templates/aodh.conf.j2 b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/aodh/templates/aodh.conf.j2
deleted file mode 100644
index d9eb0599..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/aodh/templates/aodh.conf.j2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-{% set memcached_servers = [] %}
-{% for host in haproxy_hosts.values() %}
-{% set _ = memcached_servers.append('%s:11211'% host) %}
-{% endfor %}
-{% set memcached_servers = memcached_servers|join(',') %}
-transport_url = rabbit://{{ RABBIT_USER }}:{{ RABBIT_PASS }}@{{ rabbit_host }}
-rpc_backend = rabbit
-bind_host = {{ internal_ip }}
-bind_port = 8042
-auth_strategy = keystone
-debug = True
-host = {{ internal_ip }}
-connection = mysql://aodh:{{ AODH_DBPASS }}@{{ db_host }}/aodh
-auth_uri = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:5000
-auth_url = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:35357
-memcached_servers = {{ memcached_servers }}
-auth_type = password
-project_domain_name = default
-user_domain_name = default
-project_name = service
-username = aodh
-password = {{ AODH_PASS }}
-identity_uri = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:35357
-auth_plugin = password
-project_domain_id = default
-user_domain_id = default
-token_cache_time = 300
-revocation_cache_time = 60
-rabbit_hosts = {{ internal_vip.ip }}
-rabbit_userid = {{ RABBIT_USER }}
-rabbit_password = {{ RABBIT_PASS }}
-auth_type = password
-auth_url = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:5000/v3
-project_domain_name = default
-user_domain_name = default
-project_name = service
-username = aodh
-password = {{ AODH_PASS }}
-interface = internalURL
-region_name = RegionOne
-endpoint_type = internalURL
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/aodh/vars/Debian.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/aodh/vars/Debian.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9bf4ad7a..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/aodh/vars/Debian.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- - aodh-api
- - aodh-evaluator
- - aodh-notifier
- - aodh-listener
- - aodh-expirer
- - python-aodhclient
- - aodh-api
- - aodh-notifier
- - aodh-evaluator
- - aodh-listener
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/aodh/vars/RedHat.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/aodh/vars/RedHat.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d25bd6c..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/aodh/vars/RedHat.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- - openstack-aodh-api
- - openstack-aodh-evaluator
- - openstack-aodh-notifier
- - openstack-aodh-listener
- - openstack-aodh-expirer
- - python-aodhclient
- - openstack-aodh-api
- - openstack-aodh-notifier
- - openstack-aodh-evaluator
- - openstack-aodh-listener
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/aodh/vars/main.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/aodh/vars/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index b17f6ed0..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/aodh/vars/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-## Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-## All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-## are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-## which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-packages_noarch: []
-services_noarch: []
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceilometer_compute/handlers/main.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceilometer_compute/handlers/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 10b7c683..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceilometer_compute/handlers/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- name: restart ceilometer service
- service: name={{ item }} state=restarted enabled=yes
- with_items: ceilometer_services
-- name: restart nova service
- service: name={{ item }} state=restarted enabled=yes
- with_items: nova_services
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceilometer_compute/tasks/ceilometer_config.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceilometer_compute/tasks/ceilometer_config.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index b429d65b..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceilometer_compute/tasks/ceilometer_config.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- include_vars: "{{ ansible_os_family }}.yml"
-- name: copy configs
- template:
- src: "{{ item }}"
- dest: /opt/os_templates
- with_items:
- - ceilometer.conf.j2
- - nova.conf.j2
-- name: update ceilometer configs
- shell: crudini --merge {{ item.dest }} < /opt/os_templates/{{ item.src }}
- with_items:
- - src: nova.conf.j2
- dest: /etc/nova/nova.conf
- notify: restart nova service
-- name: delete config
- file:
- path: /opt/os_templates/nova.conf.j2
- state: absent
-- name: write services to monitor list
- lineinfile: dest=/opt/service create=yes line='{{ item }}'
- with_items: ceilometer_services
-- meta: flush_handlers
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceilometer_compute/tasks/ceilometer_install.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceilometer_compute/tasks/ceilometer_install.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f2ba3d2..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceilometer_compute/tasks/ceilometer_install.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- include_vars: "{{ ansible_os_family }}.yml"
-- name: disable auto start
- copy:
- content: "#!/bin/sh\nexit 101"
- dest: "/usr/sbin/policy-rc.d"
- mode: 0755
- when: ansible_os_family == "Debian"
-- name: install ceilometer packages
- action: "{{ ansible_pkg_mgr }} name={{ item }} state=present"
- with_items: ceilometer_packages | union(packages_noarch)
-- name: enable auto start
- file:
- path=/usr/sbin/policy-rc.d
- state=absent
- when: ansible_os_family == "Debian"
-- name: update ceilometer configs
- template:
- src: ceilometer.conf.j2
- dest: /etc/ceilometer/ceilometer.conf
- backup: yes
- notify: restart ceilometer service
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceilometer_compute/tasks/main.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceilometer_compute/tasks/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e3c04d7..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceilometer_compute/tasks/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- include: ceilometer_install.yml
- tags:
- - install
- - ceilometer_install
- - ceilometer
-- include: ceilometer_config.yml
- tags:
- - config
- - ceilometer_config
- - ceilometer
-- meta: flush_handlers
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceilometer_compute/templates/ceilometer.conf.j2 b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceilometer_compute/templates/ceilometer.conf.j2
deleted file mode 100644
index bffd6068..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceilometer_compute/templates/ceilometer.conf.j2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-verbose = True
-rpc_backend = rabbit
-auth_strategy = keystone
-metering_secret = {{ metering_secret }}
-auth_uri = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:5000
-auth_url = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:35357
-auth_type = password
-project_domain_name = default
-user_domain_name = default
-project_name = service
-username = ceilometer
-password = {{ CEILOMETER_PASS }}
-auth_plugin = password
-project_domain_id = default
-user_domain_id = default
-rabbit_host = {{ rabbit_host }}
-rabbit_userid = {{ RABBIT_USER }}
-rabbit_password = {{ RABBIT_PASS }}
-auth_url = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:5000
-project_domain_id = default
-user_domain_id = default
-auth_type = password
-username = ceilometer
-project_name = service
-password = {{ CEILOMETER_PASS }}
-interface = internalURL
-region_name = RegionOne
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceilometer_compute/templates/nova.conf.j2 b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceilometer_compute/templates/nova.conf.j2
deleted file mode 100644
index 68ffdc0a..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceilometer_compute/templates/nova.conf.j2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-instance_usage_audit = True
-instance_usage_audit_period = hour
-notify_on_state_change = vm_and_task_state
-driver = messagingv2
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceilometer_compute/vars/Debian.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceilometer_compute/vars/Debian.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1bf3956f..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceilometer_compute/vars/Debian.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- - ceilometer-agent-compute
- - ceilometer-agent-compute
- - nova-compute
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceilometer_compute/vars/RedHat.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceilometer_compute/vars/RedHat.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index c5778a49..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceilometer_compute/vars/RedHat.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- - openstack-ceilometer-compute
- - python-ceilometerclient
- - python-pecan
- - openstack-ceilometer-compute
- - openstack-nova-compute
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceilometer_compute/vars/main.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceilometer_compute/vars/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 209e1e00..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceilometer_compute/vars/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-packages_noarch: []
-metering_secret: 1c5df72079b31fb47747
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceilometer_controller/handlers/main.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceilometer_controller/handlers/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index a3bfb85d..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceilometer_controller/handlers/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- name: restart ceilometer service
- service: name={{ item }} state=restarted enabled=yes
- with_items: ceilometer_services
-- name: restart glance_cinder service
- service: name={{ item }} state=restarted enabled=yes
- with_items: glance_cinder_services
-- name: reload apache server
- service: name=apache2 state=reloaded
-- name: restart apache server
- service: name=apache2 state=restarted enabled=yes
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceilometer_controller/tasks/ceilometer_config.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceilometer_controller/tasks/ceilometer_config.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f5209c1..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceilometer_controller/tasks/ceilometer_config.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- include_vars: "{{ ansible_os_family }}.yml"
-- name: update apache2 configs
- template:
- src: wsgi-ceilometer.conf.j2
- dest: /etc/apache2/sites-available/ceilometer.conf
- notify: reload apache server
-- name: enable ceilometer server
- file:
- src: /etc/apache2/sites-available/ceilometer.conf
- dest: /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ceilometer.conf
- state: "link"
- when: ansible_os_family == 'Debian'
- notify: reload apache server
-- name: assure listen port exist
- shell: echo "Listen {{ internal_ip }}:8777" >> /etc/apache2/ports.conf
- notify:
- - restart apache server
-- name: copy glance & cinder configs
- template:
- src: "{{ item }}"
- dest: /opt/os_templates
- with_items:
- - cinder.conf.j2
- - glance-api.conf.j2
- - glance-registry.conf.j2
-- name: update configs
- shell: crudini --merge {{ item.dest }} < /opt/os_templates/{{ item.src }}
- with_items:
- - src: cinder.conf.j2
- dest: /etc/cinder/cinder.conf
- - src: glance-api.conf.j2
- dest: /etc/glance/glance-api.conf
- - src: glance-registry.conf.j2
- dest: /etc/glance/glance-registry.conf
- notify: restart glance_cinder service
-- name: delete configs
- file:
- path: /opt/os_templates/{{ item }}
- state: absent
- with_items:
- - cinder.conf.j2
- - glance-api.conf.j2
- - glance-registry.conf.j2
-- name: change meter polling interval to 300s
- replace:
- dest: /etc/ceilometer/pipeline.yaml
- regexp: 'interval: .+'
- replace: 'interval: 300'
- notify: restart ceilometer service
-- name: write services to monitor list
- lineinfile: dest=/opt/service create=yes line='{{ item }}'
- with_items: ceilometer_services
-- meta: flush_handlers
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceilometer_controller/tasks/ceilometer_install.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceilometer_controller/tasks/ceilometer_install.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f2ba3d2..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceilometer_controller/tasks/ceilometer_install.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- include_vars: "{{ ansible_os_family }}.yml"
-- name: disable auto start
- copy:
- content: "#!/bin/sh\nexit 101"
- dest: "/usr/sbin/policy-rc.d"
- mode: 0755
- when: ansible_os_family == "Debian"
-- name: install ceilometer packages
- action: "{{ ansible_pkg_mgr }} name={{ item }} state=present"
- with_items: ceilometer_packages | union(packages_noarch)
-- name: enable auto start
- file:
- path=/usr/sbin/policy-rc.d
- state=absent
- when: ansible_os_family == "Debian"
-- name: update ceilometer configs
- template:
- src: ceilometer.conf.j2
- dest: /etc/ceilometer/ceilometer.conf
- backup: yes
- notify: restart ceilometer service
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceilometer_controller/tasks/main.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceilometer_controller/tasks/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e3c04d7..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceilometer_controller/tasks/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- include: ceilometer_install.yml
- tags:
- - install
- - ceilometer_install
- - ceilometer
-- include: ceilometer_config.yml
- tags:
- - config
- - ceilometer_config
- - ceilometer
-- meta: flush_handlers
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceilometer_controller/templates/ceilometer.conf.j2 b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceilometer_controller/templates/ceilometer.conf.j2
deleted file mode 100644
index 50271732..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceilometer_controller/templates/ceilometer.conf.j2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-{% set memcached_servers = [] %}
-{% for host in haproxy_hosts.values() %}
-{% set _ = memcached_servers.append('%s:11211'% host) %}
-{% endfor %}
-{% set memcached_servers = memcached_servers|join(',') %}
-rpc_backend = rabbit
-auth_strategy = keystone
-verbose = True
-host = {{ internal_ip }}
-connection = mongodb://ceilometer:{{ CEILOMETER_DBPASS }}@{{ internal_vip.ip }}:27017/ceilometer
-auth_uri = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:5000
-auth_url = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:35357
-memcached_servers = {{ memcached_servers }}
-auth_type = password
-project_domain_name = default
-user_domain_name = default
-project_name = service
-username = ceilometer
-password = {{ CEILOMETER_PASS }}
-identity_uri = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:35357
-auth_plugin = password
-project_domain_id = default
-user_domain_id = default
-rabbit_host = {{ rabbit_host }}
-rabbit_userid = {{ RABBIT_USER }}
-rabbit_password = {{ RABBIT_PASS }}
-metering_secret = {{ metering_secret }}
-auth_type = password
-auth_url = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:5000/v3
-project_domain_name = default
-user_domain_name = default
-project_name = service
-username = ceilometer
-password = {{ CEILOMETER_PASS }}
-interface = internalURL
-region_name = RegionOne
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceilometer_controller/templates/cinder.conf.j2 b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceilometer_controller/templates/cinder.conf.j2
deleted file mode 100644
index e2d19cc3..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceilometer_controller/templates/cinder.conf.j2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-driver = messagingv2
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceilometer_controller/templates/glance-api.conf.j2 b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceilometer_controller/templates/glance-api.conf.j2
deleted file mode 100644
index e2d19cc3..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceilometer_controller/templates/glance-api.conf.j2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-driver = messagingv2
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceilometer_controller/templates/glance-registry.conf.j2 b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceilometer_controller/templates/glance-registry.conf.j2
deleted file mode 100644
index e2d19cc3..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceilometer_controller/templates/glance-registry.conf.j2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-driver = messagingv2
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceilometer_controller/templates/wsgi-ceilometer.conf.j2 b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceilometer_controller/templates/wsgi-ceilometer.conf.j2
deleted file mode 100644
index 9909f800..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceilometer_controller/templates/wsgi-ceilometer.conf.j2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-{% set work_threads = (ansible_processor_vcpus + 1) // 2 %}
-{% if work_threads > 10 %}
-{% set work_threads = 10 %}
-{% endif %}
-<VirtualHost {{ internal_ip }}:8777>
- WSGIDaemonProcess ceilometer-api processes=4 threads={{ work_threads }} user=ceilometer group=ceilometer display-name=%{GROUP}
- WSGIProcessGroup ceilometer-api
- WSGIScriptAlias / /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ceilometer/api/app.wsgi
- WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}
- ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/ceilometer_error.log
- CustomLog /var/log/apache2/ceilometer_access.log combined
- <Directory /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ceilometer/api/>
- <IfVersion >= 2.4>
- Require all granted
- </IfVersion>
- <IfVersion < 2.4>
- Order allow,deny
- Allow from all
- </IfVersion>
- </Directory>
-WSGISocketPrefix /var/run/apache2
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceilometer_controller/vars/Debian.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceilometer_controller/vars/Debian.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index de860533..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceilometer_controller/vars/Debian.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- - ceilometer-api
- - ceilometer-collector
- - ceilometer-agent-central
- - ceilometer-agent-notification
- - python-ceilometerclient
- - ceilometer-agent-central
- - ceilometer-agent-notification
- - ceilometer-collector
- - glance-registry
- - glance-api
- - cinder-api
- - cinder-scheduler
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceilometer_controller/vars/RedHat.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceilometer_controller/vars/RedHat.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index de860533..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceilometer_controller/vars/RedHat.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- - ceilometer-api
- - ceilometer-collector
- - ceilometer-agent-central
- - ceilometer-agent-notification
- - python-ceilometerclient
- - ceilometer-agent-central
- - ceilometer-agent-notification
- - ceilometer-collector
- - glance-registry
- - glance-api
- - cinder-api
- - cinder-scheduler
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceilometer_controller/vars/main.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceilometer_controller/vars/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 209e1e00..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceilometer_controller/vars/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-packages_noarch: []
-metering_secret: 1c5df72079b31fb47747
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceph-mon/tasks/install_mon.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceph-mon/tasks/install_mon.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d14c2d2..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceph-mon/tasks/install_mon.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- include_vars: "{{ ansible_os_family }}.yml"
-- name: Create a default data directory
- file: path="/var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-{{ inventory_hostname }}" state="directory"
-- name: Populate the monitor daemon
- shell: "ceph-mon --mkfs -i {{ inventory_hostname }} --monmap /tmp/monmap --keyring /tmp/ceph.mon.keyring"
-- name: Change ceph/mon dir owner to ceph
- shell: "chown -R ceph:ceph /var/lib/ceph/mon"
- when: ansible_os_family == "Debian"
-- name: copy templates
- template:
- src: ceph-mon.service
- dest: /lib/systemd/system/ceph-mon.service
- mode: 0755
- when: ansible_os_family == "Debian"
-- name: Touch the done and auto start file
- file: path="/var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-{{ inventory_hostname }}/{{ item }}" state="touch"
- with_items:
- - "done"
- - "{{ ceph_start_type }}"
-- name: start mon daemon
- shell: "{{ ceph_start_script }}"
-- name: wait for creating osd keyring
- wait_for: path=/var/lib/ceph/bootstrap-osd/ceph.keyring
-- name: fetch osd keyring
- fetch: src="/var/lib/ceph/bootstrap-osd/ceph.keyring" dest="/tmp/ceph.osd.keyring" flat=yes
- run_once: True
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceph-mon/templates/ceph-mon.service b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceph-mon/templates/ceph-mon.service
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a3cf753..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceph-mon/templates/ceph-mon.service
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-Description=Ceph cluster monitor daemon
- ceph-create-keys.service ceph-create-keys.service
-ExecStart=/usr/bin/ceph-mon -f --cluster ${CLUSTER} --id {{ inventory_hostname }} --setuser ceph --setgroup ceph
-ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceph-mon/vars/Debian.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceph-mon/vars/Debian.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index a792acad..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceph-mon/vars/Debian.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-ceph_start_script: "service ceph-mon start"
-ceph_start_type: "systemd"
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceph-openstack/tasks/ceph_openstack_post.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceph-openstack/tasks/ceph_openstack_post.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 2097ca57..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceph-openstack/tasks/ceph_openstack_post.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-## Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-## All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-## are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-## which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- name: get mount info
- command: mount
- register: mount_info
-- name: try unmount image nfs directory
- shell: |
- umount /var/lib/glance/images
- sed -i '/\/var\/lib\/glance\/images/d' /etc/fstab
- when: mount_info.stdout.find('images') != -1
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceph-openstack/tasks/main.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceph-openstack/tasks/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 06c3acb6..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceph-openstack/tasks/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- include_vars: "{{ ansible_os_family }}.yml"
- tags:
- - ceph_deploy
- - ceph_openstack_pre
- - ceph_openstack_conf
- - ceph_openstack_post
- - ceph_openstack
-- include: ceph_openstack_pre.yml
- tags:
- - ceph_deploy
- - ceph_openstack_pre
- - ceph_openstack
-- include: ceph_openstack_conf.yml
- tags:
- - ceph_deploy
- - ceph_openstack_conf
- - ceph_openstack
-- include: ceph_openstack_post.yml
- tags:
- - ceph_deploy
- - ceph_openstack_post
- - ceph_openstack
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceph-openstack/vars/Debian.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceph-openstack/vars/Debian.yml
deleted file mode 100755
index db10bd14..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceph-openstack/vars/Debian.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- - ceph-deploy
- - python-flask
- - libgoogle-perftools4
- - libleveldb1v5
- - liblttng-ust0
- - libsnappy1v5
- - librbd1
- - librados2
- - python-ceph
- - ceph
- - ceph-mds
- - ceph-common
- - ceph-fs-common
- - gdisk
-services: []
-cinder_service: cinder-volume
-nova_service: nova-compute
-glance_service: glance-api
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceph-osd/tasks/install_osd.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceph-osd/tasks/install_osd.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 363e5e6d..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ceph-osd/tasks/install_osd.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- name: create osd lv and mount it on /var/local/osd
- script:
-- name: fetch osd keyring from ceph_adm
- fetch: src="/var/lib/ceph/bootstrap-osd/ceph.keyring" dest="/tmp/ceph.osd.keyring" flat=yes
- delegate_to: "{{ public_vip.ip }}"
- when: compute_expansion
-- name: copy osd keyring
- copy: src="/tmp/ceph.osd.keyring" dest="/var/lib/ceph/bootstrap-osd/ceph.keyring"
-- name: prepare osd disk
- shell: ceph-disk prepare --fs-type xfs /var/local/osd
-- name: change local/osd dir owner to ceph
- shell: chown -R ceph:ceph /var/local/osd
- when: ansible_os_family == "Debian"
-- name: activate osd node
- shell: ceph-disk activate /var/local/osd
-- name: enable ceph service
- service: name=ceph enabled=yes
-- name: rebuild osd after reboot
- lineinfile: dest=/etc/init/ceph-osd-all-starter.conf insertafter="^task" line="pre-start script\n set -e\n /opt/setup_storage/\n sleep 3\n mount /dev/storage-volumes/ceph0 /var/local/osd\nend script"
- when: ansible_os_family == "Debian"
-- name: rebuild osd after reboot for centos
- lineinfile: dest=/etc/init.d/ceph insertafter="^### END INIT INFO" line="\nsleep 1\nmount /dev/storage-volumes/ceph0 /var/local/osd"
- when: ansible_os_family == "RedHat"
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/cinder-controller/templates/cinder.conf b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/cinder-controller/templates/cinder.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index d428a078..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/cinder-controller/templates/cinder.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-{% set memcached_servers = [] %}
-{% for host in haproxy_hosts.values() %}
-{% set _ = memcached_servers.append('%s:11211'% host) %}
-{% endfor %}
-{% set memcached_servers = memcached_servers|join(',') %}
-rootwrap_config = /etc/cinder/rootwrap.conf
-api_paste_confg = /etc/cinder/api-paste.ini
-iscsi_helper = tgtadm
-volume_name_template = volume-%s
-volume_group = storage-volumes
-verbose = {{ VERBOSE }}
-debug = {{ DEBUG }}
-auth_strategy = keystone
-state_path = /var/lib/cinder
-lock_path = /var/lock/cinder
-notification_driver = cinder.openstack.common.notifier.rpc_notifier
-volumes_dir = /var/lib/cinder/volumes
-transport_url = rabbit://{{ RABBIT_USER }}:{{ RABBIT_PASS }}@{{ rabbit_host }}
-log_file = /var/log/cinder/cinder.log
-control_exchange = cinder
-rpc_backend = rabbit
-my_ip = {{ storage_controller_host }}
-glance_host = {{ internal_vip.ip }}
-glance_port = 9292
-api_rate_limit = False
-storage_availability_zone = nova
-quota_volumes = 10
-quota_gigabytes = 1000
-quota_driver = cinder.quota.DbQuotaDriver
-osapi_volume_listen = {{ storage_controller_host }}
-osapi_volume_listen_port = 8776
-db_backend = sqlalchemy
-volume_name_template = volume-%s
-snapshot_name_template = snapshot-%s
-max_gigabytes = 10000
-volume_clear = zero
-volume_clear_size = 10
-iscsi_ip_address = {{ storage_controller_host }}
-iscsi_port = 3260
-iscsi_helper = tgtadm
-volumes_dir = /var/lib/cinder/volumes
-volume_driver = cinder.volume.drivers.lvm.LVMISCSIDriver
-connection = mysql://cinder:{{ CINDER_DBPASS }}@{{ db_host }}/cinder
-idle_timeout = 30
-auth_uri = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:5000
-auth_url = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:35357
-memcached_servers = {{ memcached_servers }}
-auth_type = password
-project_domain_name = default
-user_domain_name = default
-project_name = service
-username = cinder
-password = {{ CINDER_PASS }}
-identity_uri = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:35357
-admin_tenant_name = service
-admin_user = cinder
-admin_password = {{ CINDER_PASS }}
-encryption_auth_url=http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:5000/v3
-rabbit_host = {{ rabbit_host }}
-rabbit_port = 5672
-rabbit_userid = {{ RABBIT_USER }}
-rabbit_password = {{ RABBIT_PASS }}
-lock_path = /var/lib/cinder/tmp
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/cinder-volume/templates/cinder.conf b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/cinder-volume/templates/cinder.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index e7946b5c..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/cinder-volume/templates/cinder.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-rootwrap_config = /etc/cinder/rootwrap.conf
-api_paste_confg = /etc/cinder/api-paste.ini
-iscsi_helper = tgtadm
-volume_name_template = volume-%s
-volume_group = storage-volumes
-verbose = True
-auth_strategy = keystone
-state_path = /var/lib/cinder
-lock_path = /var/lib/cinder/tmp
-volumes_dir = /var/lib/cinder/volumes
-transport_url = rabbit://{{ RABBIT_USER }}:{{ RABBIT_PASS }}@{{ rabbit_host }}
-control_exchange = cinder
-rpc_backend = rabbit
-my_ip = {{ storage_controller_host }}
-glance_host = {{ internal_vip.ip }}
-glance_port = 9292
-glance_api_servers = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:9292
-api_rate_limit = False
-storage_availability_zone = nova
-quota_volumes = 10
-quota_gigabytes = 1000
-quota_driver = cinder.quota.DbQuotaDriver
-osapi_volume_listen = {{ storage_controller_host }}
-osapi_volume_listen_port = 8776
-db_backend = sqlalchemy
-volume_name_template = volume-%s
-snapshot_name_template = snapshot-%s
-max_gigabytes = 10000
-volume_clear = zero
-volume_clear_size = 10
-iscsi_ip_address = {{ storage_controller_host }}
-connection = mysql://cinder:{{ CINDER_DBPASS }}@{{ db_host }}/cinder
-idle_timeout = 30
-auth_uri = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:5000
-auth_url = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:35357
-auth_type = password
-project_domain_name = default
-user_domain_name = default
-project_name = service
-username = cinder
-password = {{ CINDER_PASS }}
-identity_uri = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:35357
-admin_tenant_name = service
-admin_user = cinder
-admin_password = {{ CINDER_PASS }}
-volume_driver = cinder.volume.drivers.lvm.LVMVolumeDriver
-volume_group = cinder-volumes
-iscsi_protocol = iscsi
-iscsi_helper = tgtadm
-lock_path = /var/lib/cinder/tmp
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/common/templates/pip.conf b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/common/templates/pip.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 59981258..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/common/templates/pip.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-find-links = http://{{ COMPASS_SERVER.stdout_lines[0] }}/pip-openstack
-no-index = true
-trusted-host={{ COMPASS_SERVER.stdout_lines[0] }}
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/common/vars/Debian.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/common/vars/Debian.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 46e0374f..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/common/vars/Debian.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- - ubuntu-cloud-keyring
- - python-dev
- - openvswitch-switch
- - openvswitch-switch-dpdk
- - python-memcache
- - python-iniparse
- - python-lxml
- - python-crypto
- #- python-d* #TODO, need remove
- - crudini
- - python-keyczar
- - yang2tosca
-pip_conf: pip.conf
- - ntp
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/congress/files/congress.service b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/congress/files/congress.service
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ec26c8c..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/congress/files/congress.service
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-Description=OpenStack Congress server
-ExecStartPre=/bin/mkdir -p /var/lock/congress /var/log/congress /var/lib/congress
-ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/touch /var/log/congress/congress.log
-ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/congress-server --config-file /etc/congress/congress.conf
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/congress/handlers/main.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/congress/handlers/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index cf535a11..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/congress/handlers/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- name: restart congress services
- service: name={{ item }} state=restarted enabled=yes
- with_items: services | union(services_noarch)
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/congress/tasks/congress_config.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/congress/tasks/congress_config.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index f40d4c22..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/congress/tasks/congress_config.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- name: congress db sync
- shell: /usr/local/bin/congress-db-manage --config-file /etc/congress/congress.conf upgrade head
- when: inventory_hostname == haproxy_hosts.keys()[0]
-- name: start congress service
- shell: systemctl start congress.service
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/congress/tasks/congress_db.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/congress/tasks/congress_db.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1883509b..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/congress/tasks/congress_db.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- name: create congress db
- mysql_db:
- login_unix_socket: /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
- name: "{{ item.db }}"
- state: present
- with_items: "{{ credentials }}"
-- name: create congress db user
- mysql_user:
- login_unix_socket: /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
- name: "{{ item[0].user }}"
- password: "{{ item[0].password }}"
- priv: "*.*:ALL,GRANT"
- host: "{{ item[1] }}"
- state: present
- with_nested:
- - "{{ credentials }}"
- - ['%', 'localhost']
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/congress/tasks/congress_install.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/congress/tasks/congress_install.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 19eed11c..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/congress/tasks/congress_install.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- include_vars: "{{ ansible_os_family }}.yml"
-- name: install congress packages
- pip: name={{ item }} state=present
- with_items: packages
-- name: create congress etc directory
- file: path=/etc/congress state=directory
-- name: update congress conf
- template: src={{ item }} dest=/etc/congress/{{ item }}
- backup=yes
- with_items:
- - congress.conf
- - api-paste.ini
- - policy.json
-- name: create congress service
- copy: src=congress.service dest=/lib/systemd/system/
-- name: create congress service work dir
- file: path=/var/lib/congress state=directory
-- name: link the congress service
- file:
- src: /lib/systemd/system/congress.service
- dest: /etc/systemd/system/
- state: link
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/congress/tasks/main.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/congress/tasks/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index f8056d15..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/congress/tasks/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- include: congress_install.yml
-- include: congress_db.yml
- when:
- - inventory_hostname == haproxy_hosts.keys()[0]
-- include: congress_config.yml
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/congress/templates/api-paste.ini b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/congress/templates/api-paste.ini
deleted file mode 100644
index 39be570b..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/congress/templates/api-paste.ini
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-use = egg:Paste#urlmap
-/: congressversions
-/v1: congress_api_v1
-pipeline = cors catch_errors congressversionapp
-paste.app_factory = congress.api.versions:Versions.factory
-use = call:congress.auth:pipeline_factory
-keystone = cors request_id catch_errors authtoken keystonecontext congress_api
-noauth = cors request_id catch_errors congress_api
-paste.app_factory = congress.service:congress_app_factory
-paste.filter_factory = oslo_middleware:RequestId.factory
-paste.filter_factory = oslo_middleware:CatchErrors.factory
-paste.filter_factory = congress.auth:CongressKeystoneContext.factory
-paste.filter_factory = keystonemiddleware.auth_token:filter_factory
-paste.filter_factory = oslo_middleware.cors:filter_factory
-oslo_config_project = congress
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/congress/templates/congress.conf b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/congress/templates/congress.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 0305b418..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/congress/templates/congress.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,510 +0,0 @@
-{% set memcached_servers = [] %}
-{% set rabbitmq_servers = [] %}
-{% for host in haproxy_hosts.values() %}
-{% set _ = memcached_servers.append('%s:11211'% host) %}
-{% set _ = rabbitmq_servers.append('%s:5672'% host) %}
-{% endfor %}
-{% set memcached_servers = memcached_servers|join(',') %}
-{% set rabbitmq_servers = rabbitmq_servers|join(',') %}
-# From congress
-# The host IP to bind to (string tmq_serversvalue)
-bind_host = {{ internal_ip }}
-# The port to bind to (port value)
-# Minimum value: 0
-# Maximum value: 65535
-bind_port = 1789
-# Thread pool size for eventlet. (integer value)
-#max_simultaneous_requests = 1024
-# Set this to true to enable TCP_KEEALIVE socket option on connections received
-# by the API server. (boolean value)
-#tcp_keepalive = false
-# Sets the value of TCP_KEEPIDLE in seconds for each server socket. Only
-# applies if tcp_keepalive is true. Not supported on OS X. (integer value)
-#tcp_keepidle = 600
-# The path to the latest policy dump (string value)
-policy_path = /etc/congress/policy.json
-# The file containing datasource configuration (string value)
-#datasource_file = <None>
-# The absolute path to the congress repo (string value)
-#root_path = <None>
-# The number of worker processes to serve the congress API application.
-# (integer value)
-#api_workers = 1
-# The API paste config file to use (string value)
-#api_paste_config = api-paste.ini
-# The type of authentication to use (string value)
-auth_strategy = keystone
-# List of driver class paths to import. (list value)
-drivers = congress.datasources.neutronv2_driver.NeutronV2Driver,congress.datasources.glancev2_driver.GlanceV2Driver,congress.datasources.nova_driver.NovaDriver,congress.datasources.keystone_driver.KeystoneDriver,congress.datasources.ceilometer_driver.CeilometerDriver,congress.datasources.cinder_driver.CinderDriver,congress.datasources.swift_driver.SwiftDriver,congress.datasources.plexxi_driver.PlexxiDriver,congress.datasources.vCenter_driver.VCenterDriver,congress.datasources.cloudfoundryv2_driver.CloudFoundryV2Driver,congress.datasources.murano_driver.MuranoDriver,congress.datasources.ironic_driver.IronicDriver
-# The number of seconds to wait between synchronizing datasource config from
-# the database (integer value)
-#datasource_sync_period = 0
-# Sets the flag to False if you don't want the congress to execute actions.
-# (boolean value)
-#enable_execute_action = true
-# The flag to use congress new distributed architecture.Don't set it to True in
-# L release since the new architecture is under implementation. (boolean value)
-#distributed_architecture = false
-# Explicitly specify the temporary working directory (string value)
-#tempdir = <None>
-# Make exception message format errors fatal (boolean value)
-#fatal_exception_format_errors = false
-# From oslo.log
-# If set to true, the logging level will be set to DEBUG instead of the default
-# INFO level. (boolean value)
-# Note: This option can be changed without restarting.
-debug = True
-# DEPRECATED: If set to false, the logging level will be set to WARNING instead
-# of the default INFO level. (boolean value)
-# This option is deprecated for removal.
-# Its value may be silently ignored in the future.
-#verbose = true
-# The name of a logging configuration file. This file is appended to any
-# existing logging configuration files. For details about logging configuration
-# files, see the Python logging module documentation. Note that when logging
-# configuration files are used then all logging configuration is set in the
-# configuration file and other logging configuration options are ignored (for
-# example, logging_context_format_string). (string value)
-# Note: This option can be changed without restarting.
-# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/log_config
-#log_config_append = <None>
-# Defines the format string for %%(asctime)s in log records. Default:
-# %(default)s . This option is ignored if log_config_append is set. (string
-# value)
-#log_date_format = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
-# (Optional) Name of log file to send logging output to. If no default is set,
-# logging will go to stderr as defined by use_stderr. This option is ignored if
-# log_config_append is set. (string value)
-# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/logfile
-log_file = congress.log
-# (Optional) The base directory used for relative log_file paths. This option
-# is ignored if log_config_append is set. (string value)
-# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/logdir
-log_dir = /var/log/congress
-# Uses logging handler designed to watch file system. When log file is moved or
-# removed this handler will open a new log file with specified path
-# instantaneously. It makes sense only if log_file option is specified and
-# Linux platform is used. This option is ignored if log_config_append is set.
-# (boolean value)
-#watch_log_file = false
-# Use syslog for logging. Existing syslog format is DEPRECATED and will be
-# changed later to honor RFC5424. This option is ignored if log_config_append
-# is set. (boolean value)
-#use_syslog = false
-# Syslog facility to receive log lines. This option is ignored if
-# log_config_append is set. (string value)
-#syslog_log_facility = LOG_USER
-# Log output to standard error. This option is ignored if log_config_append is
-# set. (boolean value)
-#use_stderr = true
-# Format string to use for log messages with context. (string value)
-#logging_context_format_string = %(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(process)d %(levelname)s %(name)s [%(request_id)s %(user_identity)s] %(instance)s%(message)s
-# Format string to use for log messages when context is undefined. (string
-# value)
-#logging_default_format_string = %(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(process)d %(levelname)s %(name)s [-] %(instance)s%(message)s
-# Additional data to append to log message when logging level for the message
-# is DEBUG. (string value)
-#logging_debug_format_suffix = %(funcName)s %(pathname)s:%(lineno)d
-# Prefix each line of exception output with this format. (string value)
-#logging_exception_prefix = %(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(process)d ERROR %(name)s %(instance)s
-# Defines the format string for %(user_identity)s that is used in
-# logging_context_format_string. (string value)
-#logging_user_identity_format = %(user)s %(tenant)s %(domain)s %(user_domain)s %(project_domain)s
-# List of package logging levels in logger=LEVEL pairs. This option is ignored
-# if log_config_append is set. (list value)
-#default_log_levels = amqp=WARN,amqplib=WARN,boto=WARN,qpid=WARN,sqlalchemy=WARN,suds=INFO,oslo.messaging=INFO,iso8601=WARN,requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool=WARN,urllib3.connectionpool=WARN,websocket=WARN,requests.packages.urllib3.util.retry=WARN,urllib3.util.retry=WARN,keystonemiddleware=WARN,routes.middleware=WARN,stevedore=WARN,taskflow=WARN,keystoneauth=WARN,oslo.cache=INFO,dogpile.core.dogpile=INFO
-# Enables or disables publication of error events. (boolean value)
-#publish_errors = false
-# The format for an instance that is passed with the log message. (string
-# value)
-#instance_format = "[instance: %(uuid)s] "
-# The format for an instance UUID that is passed with the log message. (string
-# value)
-#instance_uuid_format = "[instance: %(uuid)s] "
-# Enables or disables fatal status of deprecations. (boolean value)
-#fatal_deprecations = false
-# From oslo.middleware.cors
-# Indicate whether this resource may be shared with the domain received in the
-# requests "origin" header. Format: "<protocol>://<host>[:<port>]", no trailing
-# slash. Example: (list value)
-#allowed_origin = <None>
-# Indicate that the actual request can include user credentials (boolean value)
-#allow_credentials = true
-# Indicate which headers are safe to expose to the API. Defaults to HTTP Simple
-# Headers. (list value)
-#expose_headers = X-Auth-Token,X-OpenStack-Request-ID,X-Subject-Token,X-Service-Token
-# Maximum cache age of CORS preflight requests. (integer value)
-#max_age = 3600
-# Indicate which methods can be used during the actual request. (list value)
-#allow_methods = GET,PUT,POST,DELETE,PATCH
-# Indicate which header field names may be used during the actual request.
-# (list value)
-#allow_headers = X-Auth-Token,X-OpenStack-Request-ID,X-Identity-Status,X-Roles,X-Service-Catalog,X-User-Id,X-Tenant-Id
-# From oslo.middleware.cors
-# Indicate whether this resource may be shared with the domain received in the
-# requests "origin" header. Format: "<protocol>://<host>[:<port>]", no trailing
-# slash. Example: (list value)
-#allowed_origin = <None>
-# Indicate that the actual request can include user credentials (boolean value)
-#allow_credentials = true
-# Indicate which headers are safe to expose to the API. Defaults to HTTP Simple
-# Headers. (list value)
-#expose_headers = X-Auth-Token,X-OpenStack-Request-ID,X-Subject-Token,X-Service-Token
-# Maximum cache age of CORS preflight requests. (integer value)
-#max_age = 3600
-# Indicate which methods can be used during the actual request. (list value)
-#allow_methods = GET,PUT,POST,DELETE,PATCH
-# Indicate which header field names may be used during the actual request.
-# (list value)
-#allow_headers = X-Auth-Token,X-OpenStack-Request-ID,X-Identity-Status,X-Roles,X-Service-Catalog,X-User-Id,X-Tenant-Id
-# From oslo.db
-# DEPRECATED: The file name to use with SQLite. (string value)
-# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/sqlite_db
-# This option is deprecated for removal.
-# Its value may be silently ignored in the future.
-# Reason: Should use config option connection or slave_connection to connect
-# the database.
-#sqlite_db = oslo.sqlite
-# If True, SQLite uses synchronous mode. (boolean value)
-# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/sqlite_synchronous
-#sqlite_synchronous = true
-# The back end to use for the database. (string value)
-# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/db_backend
-#backend = sqlalchemy
-# The SQLAlchemy connection string to use to connect to the database. (string
-# value)
-# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/sql_connection
-# Deprecated group/name - [DATABASE]/sql_connection
-# Deprecated group/name - [sql]/connection
-connection = mysql+pymysql://congress:{{ CONGRESS_DBPASS }}@{{ db_host }}/congress
-# The SQLAlchemy connection string to use to connect to the slave database.
-# (string value)
-#slave_connection = <None>
-# The SQL mode to be used for MySQL sessions. This option, including the
-# default, overrides any server-set SQL mode. To use whatever SQL mode is set
-# by the server configuration, set this to no value. Example: mysql_sql_mode=
-# (string value)
-#mysql_sql_mode = TRADITIONAL
-# Timeout before idle SQL connections are reaped. (integer value)
-# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/sql_idle_timeout
-# Deprecated group/name - [DATABASE]/sql_idle_timeout
-# Deprecated group/name - [sql]/idle_timeout
-#idle_timeout = 3600
-# Minimum number of SQL connections to keep open in a pool. (integer value)
-# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/sql_min_pool_size
-# Deprecated group/name - [DATABASE]/sql_min_pool_size
-#min_pool_size = 1
-# Maximum number of SQL connections to keep open in a pool. Setting a value of
-# 0 indicates no limit. (integer value)
-# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/sql_max_pool_size
-# Deprecated group/name - [DATABASE]/sql_max_pool_size
-#max_pool_size = 5
-# Maximum number of database connection retries during startup. Set to -1 to
-# specify an infinite retry count. (integer value)
-# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/sql_max_retries
-# Deprecated group/name - [DATABASE]/sql_max_retries
-#max_retries = 10
-# Interval between retries of opening a SQL connection. (integer value)
-# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/sql_retry_interval
-# Deprecated group/name - [DATABASE]/reconnect_interval
-#retry_interval = 10
-# If set, use this value for max_overflow with SQLAlchemy. (integer value)
-# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/sql_max_overflow
-# Deprecated group/name - [DATABASE]/sqlalchemy_max_overflow
-#max_overflow = 50
-# Verbosity of SQL debugging information: 0=None, 100=Everything. (integer
-# value)
-# Minimum value: 0
-# Maximum value: 100
-# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/sql_connection_debug
-#connection_debug = 0
-# Add Python stack traces to SQL as comment strings. (boolean value)
-# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/sql_connection_trace
-#connection_trace = false
-# If set, use this value for pool_timeout with SQLAlchemy. (integer value)
-# Deprecated group/name - [DATABASE]/sqlalchemy_pool_timeout
-#pool_timeout = <None>
-# Enable the experimental use of database reconnect on connection lost.
-# (boolean value)
-#use_db_reconnect = false
-# Seconds between retries of a database transaction. (integer value)
-#db_retry_interval = 1
-# If True, increases the interval between retries of a database operation up to
-# db_max_retry_interval. (boolean value)
-#db_inc_retry_interval = true
-# If db_inc_retry_interval is set, the maximum seconds between retries of a
-# database operation. (integer value)
-#db_max_retry_interval = 10
-# Maximum retries in case of connection error or deadlock error before error is
-# raised. Set to -1 to specify an infinite retry count. (integer value)
-#db_max_retries = 20
-# From keystonemiddleware.auth_token
-# Complete "public" Identity API endpoint. This endpoint should not be an
-# "admin" endpoint, as it should be accessible by all end users.
-# Unauthenticated clients are redirected to this endpoint to authenticate.
-# Although this endpoint should ideally be unversioned, client support in the
-# wild varies. If you're using a versioned v2 endpoint here, then this should
-# *not* be the same endpoint the service user utilizes for validating tokens,
-# because normal end users may not be able to reach that endpoint. (string
-# value)
-auth_uri = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:5000
-auth_url = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:35357
-memcached_servers = {{ memcached_servers }}
-project_name = service
-password = {{ CONGRESS_PASS }}
-username = congress
-auth_type = password
-# API version of the admin Identity API endpoint. (string value)
-# Do not handle authorization requests within the middleware, but delegate the
-# authorization decision to downstream WSGI components. (boolean value)
-#delay_auth_decision = false
-# Request timeout value for communicating with Identity API server. (integer
-# value)
-#http_connect_timeout = <None>
-# How many times are we trying to reconnect when communicating with Identity
-# API Server. (integer value)
-#http_request_max_retries = 3
-# Request environment key where the Swift cache object is stored. When
-# auth_token middleware is deployed with a Swift cache, use this option to have
-# the middleware share a caching backend with swift. Otherwise, use the
-# ``memcached_servers`` option instead. (string value)
-#cache = <None>
-# Required if identity server requires client certificate (string value)
-#certfile = <None>
-# Required if identity server requires client certificate (string value)
-#keyfile = <None>
-# A PEM encoded Certificate Authority to use when verifying HTTPs connections.
-# Defaults to system CAs. (string value)
-#cafile = <None>
-# Verify HTTPS connections. (boolean value)
-#insecure = false
-# The region in which the identity server can be found. (string value)
-#region_name = <None>
-# Directory used to cache files related to PKI tokens. (string value)
-#signing_dir = <None>
-# Optionally specify a list of memcached server(s) to use for caching. If left
-# undefined, tokens will instead be cached in-process. (list value)
-# Deprecated group/name - [keystone_authtoken]/memcache_servers
-#memcached_servers = <None>
-# In order to prevent excessive effort spent validating tokens, the middleware
-# caches previously-seen tokens for a configurable duration (in seconds). Set
-# to -1 to disable caching completely. (integer value)
-#token_cache_time = 300
-# Determines the frequency at which the list of revoked tokens is retrieved
-# from the Identity service (in seconds). A high number of revocation events
-# combined with a low cache duration may significantly reduce performance. Only
-# valid for PKI tokens. (integer value)
-#revocation_cache_time = 10
-# (Optional) If defined, indicate whether token data should be authenticated or
-# authenticated and encrypted. If MAC, token data is authenticated (with HMAC)
-# in the cache. If ENCRYPT, token data is encrypted and authenticated in the
-# cache. If the value is not one of these options or empty, auth_token will
-# raise an exception on initialization. (string value)
-# Allowed values: None, MAC, ENCRYPT
-#memcache_security_strategy = None
-# (Optional, mandatory if memcache_security_strategy is defined) This string is
-# used for key derivation. (string value)
-#memcache_secret_key = <None>
-# (Optional) Number of seconds memcached server is considered dead before it is
-# tried again. (integer value)
-#memcache_pool_dead_retry = 300
-# (Optional) Maximum total number of open connections to every memcached
-# server. (integer value)
-#memcache_pool_maxsize = 10
-# (Optional) Socket timeout in seconds for communicating with a memcached
-# server. (integer value)
-#memcache_pool_socket_timeout = 3
-# (Optional) Number of seconds a connection to memcached is held unused in the
-# pool before it is closed. (integer value)
-#memcache_pool_unused_timeout = 60
-# (Optional) Number of seconds that an operation will wait to get a memcached
-# client connection from the pool. (integer value)
-#memcache_pool_conn_get_timeout = 10
-# (Optional) Use the advanced (eventlet safe) memcached client pool. The
-# advanced pool will only work under python 2.x. (boolean value)
-#memcache_use_advanced_pool = false
-# (Optional) Indicate whether to set the X-Service-Catalog header. If False,
-# middleware will not ask for service catalog on token validation and will not
-# set the X-Service-Catalog header. (boolean value)
-#include_service_catalog = true
-# Used to control the use and type of token binding. Can be set to: "disabled"
-# to not check token binding. "permissive" (default) to validate binding
-# information if the bind type is of a form known to the server and ignore it
-# if not. "strict" like "permissive" but if the bind type is unknown the token
-# will be rejected. "required" any form of token binding is needed to be
-# allowed. Finally the name of a binding method that must be present in tokens.
-# (string value)
-#enforce_token_bind = permissive
-# If true, the revocation list will be checked for cached tokens. This requires
-# that PKI tokens are configured on the identity server. (boolean value)
-#check_revocations_for_cached = false
-# Hash algorithms to use for hashing PKI tokens. This may be a single algorithm
-# or multiple. The algorithms are those supported by Python standard
-# The hashes will be tried in the order given, so put the
-# preferred one first for performance. The result of the first hash will be
-# stored in the cache. This will typically be set to multiple values only while
-# migrating from a less secure algorithm to a more secure one. Once all the old
-# tokens are expired this option should be set to a single value for better
-# performance. (list value)
-#hash_algorithms = md5
-# Authentication type to load (string value)
-# Deprecated group/name - [keystone_authtoken]/auth_plugin
-#auth_type = <None>
-# Config Section from which to load plugin specific options (string value)
-#auth_section = <None>
-# From oslo.policy
-# The JSON file that defines policies. (string value)
-# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/policy_file
-#policy_file = policy.json
-# Default rule. Enforced when a requested rule is not found. (string value)
-# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/policy_default_rule
-#policy_default_rule = default
-# Directories where policy configuration files are stored. They can be relative
-# to any directory in the search path defined by the config_dir option, or
-# absolute paths. The file defined by policy_file must exist for these
-# directories to be searched. Missing or empty directories are ignored. (multi
-# valued)
-# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/policy_dirs
-#policy_dirs = policy.d
-rabbit_userid = {{ RABBIT_USER }}
-rabbit_password = {{ RABBIT_PASS }}
-rabbit_hosts = {{ rabbitmq_servers }}
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/congress/templates/policy.json b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/congress/templates/policy.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 4476051d..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/congress/templates/policy.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
- "context_is_admin": "role:admin",
- "admin_only": "rule:context_is_admin",
- "regular_user": "",
- "default": "rule:admin_only"
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/congress/vars/Debian.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/congress/vars/Debian.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1cc4645e..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/congress/vars/Debian.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- - congress
- - python-congressclient
- - python-cloudfoundryclient
- - congress
- - user: congress
- db: congress
- password: "{{ CONGRESS_DBPASS }}"
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/congress/vars/main.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/congress/vars/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index f6fef749..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/congress/vars/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-packages_noarch: []
-services_noarch: []
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/dashboard/tasks/main.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/dashboard/tasks/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9be6fd6c..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/dashboard/tasks/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- include_vars: "{{ ansible_os_family }}.yml"
-- name: disable auto start
- copy:
- content: "#!/bin/sh\nexit 101"
- dest: "/usr/sbin/policy-rc.d"
- mode: 0755
- when: ansible_os_family == "Debian"
-- name: install dashboard packages
- action: "{{ ansible_pkg_mgr }} name={{ item }} state=present"
- with_items: packages | union(packages_noarch)
-- name: enable auto start
- file:
- path=/usr/sbin/policy-rc.d
- state=absent
- when: ansible_os_family == "Debian"
-- name: remove ubuntu theme
- action: "{{ ansible_pkg_mgr }} name=openstack-dashboard-ubuntu-theme state=absent"
- when: ansible_os_family == 'Debian' and not enable_ubuntu_theme
- notify:
- - restart dashboard services
-- name: remove default apache2 config
- file:
- path: '{{ item }}'
- state: absent
- when: ansible_os_family == 'Debian'
- with_items:
- - '{{ apache_config_dir }}/conf-available/openstack-dashboard.conf'
- - '{{ apache_config_dir }}/conf-enabled/openstack-dashboard.conf'
- - '{{ apache_config_dir }}/sites-available/000-default.conf'
- - '{{ apache_config_dir }}/sites-enabled/000-default.conf'
- notify:
- - restart dashboard services
-- name: update apache2 configs
- template:
- src: openstack-dashboard.conf.j2
- dest: '{{ apache_config_dir }}/sites-available/openstack-dashboard.conf'
- when: ansible_os_family == 'Debian'
- notify:
- - restart dashboard services
-- name: update apache2 configs redhat
- template:
- src: openstack-dashboard-redhat.conf.j2
- dest: '{{ apache_config_dir }}/conf.d/openstack-dashboard.conf'
- when: ansible_os_family == 'RedHat'
- notify:
- - restart dashboard services
-- name: enable dashboard
- file:
- src: "/etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack-dashboard.conf"
- dest: "/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/openstack-dashboard.conf"
- state: "link"
- when: ansible_os_family == 'Debian'
- notify:
- - restart dashboard services
-- name: update ubuntu horizon settings
- template:
- src:
- dest: "/etc/openstack-dashboard/"
- when: ansible_os_family == 'Debian'
- notify:
- - restart dashboard services
-- name: precompile horizon css
- shell: /usr/bin/python /usr/share/openstack-dashboard/ compress --force
- ignore_errors: True
- when: ansible_os_family == 'Debian'
- notify:
- - restart dashboard services
-- name: update redhat version horizon settings
- lineinfile:
- dest: /etc/openstack-dashboard/local_settings
- regexp: '{{ item.regexp }}'
- line: '{{ item.line }}'
- with_items:
- - regexp: '^WEBROOT[ \t]*=.*'
- line: 'WEBROOT = "/horizon"'
- - regexp: '^COMPRESS_OFFLINE[ \t]*=.*'
- line: 'COMPRESS_OFFLINE=False'
- - regexp: '^ALLOWED_HOSTS[ \t]*=.*'
- line: 'ALLOWED_HOSTS = ["*"]'
- - regexp: '^OPENSTACK_HOST[ \t]*=.*'
- line: 'OPENSTACK_HOST = "{{ internal_ip }}"'
- when: ansible_os_family == 'RedHat'
- notify:
- - restart dashboard services
-- meta: flush_handlers
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/dashboard/templates/ b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/dashboard/templates/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7278d5c2..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/dashboard/templates/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,326 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-import os
-from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
-from horizon.utils import secret_key
-from openstack_dashboard import exceptions
-from openstack_dashboard.settings import HORIZON_CONFIG
-DEBUG = False
-WEBROOT = '/'
-LOCAL_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
-SECRET_KEY = secret_key.generate_or_read_from_file('/var/lib/openstack-dashboard/secret_key')
-SESSION_ENGINE = 'django.contrib.sessions.backends.cache'
- 'default': {
- 'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.memcached.MemcachedCache',
- 'LOCATION': '{{ internal_vip.ip }}:11211',
- },
-EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django.core.mail.backends.console.EmailBackend'
-OPENSTACK_HOST = "{{ internal_ip }}"
- "identity": 3,
- "image": 2,
- "volume": 2,
- 'name': 'native',
- 'can_edit_user': True,
- 'can_edit_group': True,
- 'can_edit_project': True,
- 'can_edit_domain': True,
- 'can_edit_role': True,
- 'can_set_mount_point': False,
- 'can_set_password': False,
- 'requires_keypair': False,
- 'enable_quotas': True
- 'enable_backup': False,
- 'enable_router': True,
- 'enable_quotas': True,
- 'enable_ipv6': True,
- 'enable_distributed_router': False,
- 'enable_ha_router': False,
- 'enable_lb': True,
- 'enable_firewall': True,
- 'enable_vpn': True,
- 'enable_fip_topology_check': True,
- 'profile_support': None,
- 'supported_vnic_types': ['*'],
- 'enable_user_pass': True,
- "architecture": _("Architecture"),
- "kernel_id": _("Kernel ID"),
- "ramdisk_id": _("Ramdisk ID"),
- "image_state": _("Euca2ools state"),
- "project_id": _("Project ID"),
- "image_type": _("Image Type"),
- 'version': 1,
- 'disable_existing_loggers': False,
- 'formatters': {
- 'operation': {
- 'format': '%(asctime)s %(message)s'
- },
- },
- 'handlers': {
- 'null': {
- 'level': 'DEBUG',
- 'class': 'logging.NullHandler',
- },
- 'console': {
- 'level': 'INFO',
- 'class': 'logging.StreamHandler',
- },
- 'operation': {
- 'level': 'INFO',
- 'class': 'logging.StreamHandler',
- 'formatter': 'operation',
- },
- },
- 'loggers': {
- 'django.db.backends': {
- 'handlers': ['null'],
- 'propagate': False,
- },
- 'requests': {
- 'handlers': ['null'],
- 'propagate': False,
- },
- 'horizon': {
- 'handlers': ['console'],
- 'level': 'DEBUG',
- 'propagate': False,
- },
- 'horizon.operation_log': {
- 'handlers': ['operation'],
- 'level': 'INFO',
- 'propagate': False,
- },
- 'openstack_dashboard': {
- 'handlers': ['console'],
- 'level': 'DEBUG',
- 'propagate': False,
- },
- 'novaclient': {
- 'handlers': ['console'],
- 'level': 'DEBUG',
- 'propagate': False,
- },
- 'cinderclient': {
- 'handlers': ['console'],
- 'level': 'DEBUG',
- 'propagate': False,
- },
- 'keystoneclient': {
- 'handlers': ['console'],
- 'level': 'DEBUG',
- 'propagate': False,
- },
- 'glanceclient': {
- 'handlers': ['console'],
- 'level': 'DEBUG',
- 'propagate': False,
- },
- 'neutronclient': {
- 'handlers': ['console'],
- 'level': 'DEBUG',
- 'propagate': False,
- },
- 'heatclient': {
- 'handlers': ['console'],
- 'level': 'DEBUG',
- 'propagate': False,
- },
- 'ceilometerclient': {
- 'handlers': ['console'],
- 'level': 'DEBUG',
- 'propagate': False,
- },
- 'swiftclient': {
- 'handlers': ['console'],
- 'level': 'DEBUG',
- 'propagate': False,
- },
- 'openstack_auth': {
- 'handlers': ['console'],
- 'level': 'DEBUG',
- 'propagate': False,
- },
- 'nose.plugins.manager': {
- 'handlers': ['console'],
- 'level': 'DEBUG',
- 'propagate': False,
- },
- 'django': {
- 'handlers': ['console'],
- 'level': 'DEBUG',
- 'propagate': False,
- },
- 'iso8601': {
- 'handlers': ['null'],
- 'propagate': False,
- },
- 'scss': {
- 'handlers': ['null'],
- 'propagate': False,
- },
- },
- 'all_tcp': {
- 'name': _('All TCP'),
- 'ip_protocol': 'tcp',
- 'from_port': '1',
- 'to_port': '65535',
- },
- 'all_udp': {
- 'name': _('All UDP'),
- 'ip_protocol': 'udp',
- 'from_port': '1',
- 'to_port': '65535',
- },
- 'all_icmp': {
- 'name': _('All ICMP'),
- 'ip_protocol': 'icmp',
- 'from_port': '-1',
- 'to_port': '-1',
- },
- 'ssh': {
- 'name': 'SSH',
- 'ip_protocol': 'tcp',
- 'from_port': '22',
- 'to_port': '22',
- },
- 'smtp': {
- 'name': 'SMTP',
- 'ip_protocol': 'tcp',
- 'from_port': '25',
- 'to_port': '25',
- },
- 'dns': {
- 'name': 'DNS',
- 'ip_protocol': 'tcp',
- 'from_port': '53',
- 'to_port': '53',
- },
- 'http': {
- 'name': 'HTTP',
- 'ip_protocol': 'tcp',
- 'from_port': '80',
- 'to_port': '80',
- },
- 'pop3': {
- 'name': 'POP3',
- 'ip_protocol': 'tcp',
- 'from_port': '110',
- 'to_port': '110',
- },
- 'imap': {
- 'name': 'IMAP',
- 'ip_protocol': 'tcp',
- 'from_port': '143',
- 'to_port': '143',
- },
- 'ldap': {
- 'name': 'LDAP',
- 'ip_protocol': 'tcp',
- 'from_port': '389',
- 'to_port': '389',
- },
- 'https': {
- 'name': 'HTTPS',
- 'ip_protocol': 'tcp',
- 'from_port': '443',
- 'to_port': '443',
- },
- 'smtps': {
- 'name': 'SMTPS',
- 'ip_protocol': 'tcp',
- 'from_port': '465',
- 'to_port': '465',
- },
- 'imaps': {
- 'name': 'IMAPS',
- 'ip_protocol': 'tcp',
- 'from_port': '993',
- 'to_port': '993',
- },
- 'pop3s': {
- 'name': 'POP3S',
- 'ip_protocol': 'tcp',
- 'from_port': '995',
- 'to_port': '995',
- },
- 'ms_sql': {
- 'name': 'MS SQL',
- 'ip_protocol': 'tcp',
- 'from_port': '1433',
- 'to_port': '1433',
- },
- 'mysql': {
- 'name': 'MYSQL',
- 'ip_protocol': 'tcp',
- 'from_port': '3306',
- 'to_port': '3306',
- },
- 'rdp': {
- 'name': 'RDP',
- 'ip_protocol': 'tcp',
- 'from_port': '3389',
- 'to_port': '3389',
- },
-DEFAULT_THEME = 'ubuntu'
-ALLOWED_PRIVATE_SUBNET_CIDR = {'ipv4': [], 'ipv6': []}
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/dashboard/templates/openstack-dashboard.conf.j2 b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/dashboard/templates/openstack-dashboard.conf.j2
deleted file mode 100755
index 664af687..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/dashboard/templates/openstack-dashboard.conf.j2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-{% set work_threads = (ansible_processor_vcpus + 1) // 2 %}
-{% if work_threads > 10 %}
-{% set work_threads = 10 %}
-{% endif %}
-<VirtualHost {{ internal_ip }}:80>
- WSGIScriptAlias /horizon {{ horizon_dir }}/wsgi/django.wsgi
- WSGIDaemonProcess horizon user=horizon group=horizon processes=4 threads={{ work_threads }}
- WSGIProcessGroup horizon
- Alias /static {{ horizon_dir }}/static/
- Alias /horizon/static {{ horizon_dir }}/static/
- <Directory {{ horizon_dir }}/wsgi>
- Order allow,deny
- Allow from all
- </Directory>
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/dashboard/vars/Debian.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/dashboard/vars/Debian.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index aaeb8cdb..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/dashboard/vars/Debian.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-packages: []
- - memcached
- - apache2
-apache_config_dir: /etc/apache2
-horizon_dir: /usr/share/openstack-dashboard/openstack_dashboard
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/database/tasks/mariadb_cluster_debian.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/database/tasks/mariadb_cluster_debian.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 442cd18b..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/database/tasks/mariadb_cluster_debian.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- name: get cluster status
- shell: mysql --silent --skip-column-names -e 'SHOW STATUS LIKE "wsrep_evs_state"'|awk '{print $2}'
- register: cluster_status
- when:
- - inventory_hostname == haproxy_hosts.keys()[0]
-- name: start first node to create new cluster
- shell: >
- service mysql bootstrap;
- service mysql start;
- when: |
- inventory_hostname == haproxy_hosts.keys()[0]
- and not cluster_status.stdout | search("OPERATIONAL")
-- name: wait for cluster ready
- shell: mysql --silent --skip-column-names -e 'SHOW STATUS LIKE "wsrep_evs_state"'|awk '{print $2}'
- register: cluster_status
- until: cluster_status|success
- failed_when: not cluster_status.stdout | search("OPERATIONAL")
- retries: 10
- delay: 3
- when: |
- inventory_hostname == haproxy_hosts.keys()[0]
- and not cluster_status.stdout | search("OPERATIONAL")
-- name: if I in the cluster nodes
- shell: mysql --silent --skip-column-names -e 'SHOW STATUS LIKE "wsrep_incoming_addresses"'|awk '{print $2}'
- register: cluster_nodes
- changed_when: false
-- name: restart other nodes and join cluster1
- shell: service mysql restart;
- when: |
- inventory_hostname != haproxy_hosts.keys()[0]
- and not cluster_nodes.stdout | search( "{{ internal_ip }}" )
- ignore_errors: True
-- name: delay 60 seconds
- shell: sleep 60
-- name: restart other nodes and join cluster2
- shell: service mysql restart;
- when: |
- inventory_hostname != haproxy_hosts.keys()[0]
- and not cluster_nodes.stdout | search( "{{ internal_ip }}" )
-- name: chmod directory
- shell: >
- chmod 755 -R /var/lib/mysql/ ;
- chmod 755 -R /var/log/mysql/ ;
- chmod 755 -R /etc/mysql/conf.d/;
-- name: restart first nodes
- shell: service mysql restart
- when: |
- (inventory_hostname == haproxy_hosts.keys()[0]
- and haproxy_hosts|length > 1
- and not cluster_nodes.stdout | search( '{{ internal_ip }}' ))
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/database/tasks/mariadb_install.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/database/tasks/mariadb_install.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b08172d..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/database/tasks/mariadb_install.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- name: disable auto start
- copy:
- content: "#!/bin/sh\nexit 101"
- dest: "/usr/sbin/policy-rc.d"
- mode: 0755
- when: ansible_os_family == "Debian"
-- name: change open file limit
- copy:
- content: "* - nofile 65536 }}"
- dest: "/etc/security/limits.conf"
- mode: 0755
-- name: install python-mysqldb
- action: "{{ ansible_pkg_mgr }} name={{ item }} state=present"
- with_items: maridb_packages | union(packages_noarch)
-- name: create conf dir for wsrep
- file: path=/etc/my.cnf.d state=directory mode=0755
- when: ansible_os_family == "RedHat"
-- name: update mariadb config file
- template:
- src: '{{ item.src }}'
- dest: '{{ item.dest }}'
- backup: yes
- mode: 0644
- with_items: mysql_config
-- name: bugfix for rsync version 3.1
- lineinfile:
- dest: /usr/bin/wsrep_sst_rsync
- state: absent
- regexp: '{{ item }}'
- with_items:
- - "\\s*uid = \\$MYUID$"
- - "\\s*gid = \\$MYGID$"
-- name: enable auto start
- file:
- path=/usr/sbin/policy-rc.d
- state=absent
- when: ansible_os_family == "Debian"
-- name: set owner
- file: path=/var/lib/mysql owner=mysql group=mysql recurse=yes state=directory mode=0755
-- name: get logfile stat
- stat: path='{{ mysql_data_dir }}/ib_logfile0'
- register: logfile_stat
-- debug: msg='{{ logfile_stat.stat.exists}}'
-- debug: msg='{{ logfile_stat.stat.size }}'
- when: logfile_stat.stat.exists
-- name: rm logfile if exist and size mismatch
- shell: 'rm -rf {{ mysql_data_dir }}/ib_logfile*'
- when: |
- logfile_stat.stat.exists
- and logfile_stat.stat.size != 1073741824
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/database/templates/data.j2 b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/database/templates/data.j2
deleted file mode 100644
index 66c2fead..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/database/templates/data.j2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-mysql -uroot -Dmysql <<EOF
-drop database if exists keystone;
-drop database if exists glance;
-drop database if exists neutron;
-drop database if exists nova;
-drop database if exists cinder;
-drop database if exists heat;
-drop database if exists aodh;
-{% for host in ['%', 'localhost', inventory_hostname] %}
-GRANT ALL ON keystone.* TO 'keystone'@'{{ host }}' IDENTIFIED BY '{{ KEYSTONE_DBPASS }}';
-{% endfor %}
-{% for host in ['%', 'localhost', inventory_hostname] %}
-GRANT ALL ON glance.* TO 'glance'@'{{ host }}' IDENTIFIED BY '{{ GLANCE_DBPASS }}';
-{% endfor %}
-{% for host in ['%', 'localhost', inventory_hostname] %}
-GRANT ALL ON neutron.* TO 'neutron'@'{{ host }}' IDENTIFIED BY '{{ NEUTRON_DBPASS }}';
-{% endfor %}
-{% for host in ['%', 'localhost', inventory_hostname] %}
-GRANT ALL ON nova.* TO 'nova'@'{{ host }}' IDENTIFIED BY '{{ NOVA_DBPASS }}';
-{% endfor %}
-{% for host in ['%', 'localhost', inventory_hostname] %}
-GRANT ALL ON cinder.* TO 'cinder'@'{{ host }}' IDENTIFIED BY '{{ CINDER_DBPASS }}';
-{% endfor %}
-{% for host in ['%', 'localhost', inventory_hostname] %}
-GRANT ALL ON heat.* TO 'heat'@'{{ host }}' IDENTIFIED BY '{{ HEAT_DBPASS }}';
-{% endfor %}
-{% for host in ['%', 'localhost', inventory_hostname] %}
-GRANT ALL ON aodh.* TO 'aodh'@'{{ host }}' IDENTIFIED BY '{{ AODH_DBPASS }}';
-{% endfor %}
-{% if WSREP_SST_USER is defined %}
-{% for host in ['%', 'localhost', inventory_hostname] %}
-{% endfor %}
-{% endif %}
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/database/vars/Debian.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/database/vars/Debian.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1021524d..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/database/vars/Debian.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- - mongodb-server
- - mongodb-clients
- - python-pymongo
- - python-mysqldb
- - mysql-server
- - apt-transport-https
- - debconf-utils
- - libaio1
- - libc6
- - libdbd-mysql-perl
- - libgcc1
- - libgcrypt20
- - libstdc++6
- - python-software-properties
- - mariadb-client
- - galera-3
- - rsync
- - socat
- - mariadb-galera-server-10.0
- - python-mysqldb
-pip_packages: []
-services: []
-mongodb_service: mongodb
- - dest: /etc/mysql/my.cnf
- src: my.cnf
- - dest: /etc/mysql/conf.d/wsrep.cnf
- src: wsrep.cnf
-mysql_config_dir: /etc/mysql/conf.d
-mysql_data_dir: /var/lib/mysql
- dest: /etc/mongodb.conf
- src: mongodb.conf
- journal: /var/lib/mongodb/journal/*
-wsrep_provider_file: "/usr/lib/galera/"
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/database/vars/main.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/database/vars/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index a32897f0..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/database/vars/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-packages_noarch: []
- - mysql
- - user: keystone
- db: keystone
- password: "{{ KEYSTONE_DBPASS }}"
- - user: neutron
- db: neutron
- password: "{{ NEUTRON_DBPASS }}"
- - user: glance
- db: glance
- password: "{{ GLANCE_DBPASS }}"
- - user: nova
- db: nova_api
- password: "{{ NOVA_DBPASS }}"
- - user: nova
- db: nova
- password: "{{ NOVA_DBPASS }}"
- - user: cinder
- db: cinder
- password: "{{ CINDER_DBPASS }}"
- - user: heat
- db: heat
- password: "{{ HEAT_DBPASS }}"
- - user: aodh
- db: aodh
- password: "{{ AODH_DBPASS }}"
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ext-network/handlers/main.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ext-network/handlers/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 36e39072..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ext-network/handlers/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- name: restart neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent
- service: name=neutron-openvswitch-agent state=restarted enabled=yes
- when: "'opendaylight' not in {{ NEUTRON_MECHANISM_DRIVERS }}"
-- name: restart neutron-l3-agent
- service: name=neutron-l3-agent state=restarted enabled=yes
-- name: kill dnsmasq
- command: killall dnsmasq
- ignore_errors: True
-- name: restart neutron-dhcp-agent
- service: name=neutron-dhcp-agent state=restarted enabled=yes
-- name: restart neutron-metadata-agent
- service: name=neutron-metadata-agent state=restarted enabled=yes
-- name: restart xorp
- service: name=xorp state=restarted enabled=yes sleep=10
- ignore_errors: True
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ext-network/tasks/main.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ext-network/tasks/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index f68105f1..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ext-network/tasks/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- include_vars: "{{ ansible_os_family }}.yml"
-# FIXME: temporary workaround for openstack api access random failure
-- name: restart api server
- service: name={{ item }} state=restarted enabled=yes
- with_items: api_services | union(api_services_noarch)
- ignore_errors: True
-- name: restart neutron server
- service: name=neutron-server state=restarted enabled=yes
-- name: wait for neutron ready
- wait_for: port=9696 delay=10 timeout=60 host={{ internal_ip }}
-- name: create external net
- shell:
- . /opt/;
- neutron net-create \
- {{ }} \
- --provider:network_type {{ public_net_info.type }} \
- --provider:physical_network {{ public_net_info.provider_network }} \
- --router:external True
- when: public_net_info.enable == True and inventory_hostname == groups['controller'][0]
-- name: create external subnet
- shell:
- . /opt/;
- neutron subnet-create \
- --name {{ public_net_info.subnet }} \
- --gateway {{ public_net_info.external_gw }} \
- --allocation-pool \
- start={{ public_net_info.floating_ip_start }},end={{ public_net_info.floating_ip_end }} \
- {{ }} {{ public_net_info.floating_ip_cidr }}
- when: public_net_info.enable == True and inventory_hostname == groups['controller'][0]
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ext-network/vars/Debian.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ext-network/vars/Debian.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b5c78b6..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ext-network/vars/Debian.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- - nova-api
- - glance-api
- - ceilometer-api
- - heat-api
- - heat-api-cfn
- - aodh-api
- - cinder-api
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ext-network/vars/RedHat.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ext-network/vars/RedHat.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 886401fd..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ext-network/vars/RedHat.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- - openstack-nova-api
- - openstack-glance-api
- - openstack-ceilometer-api
- - openstack-heat-api
- - openstack-heat-api-cfn
- - openstack-cinder-api
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ext-network/vars/main.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ext-network/vars/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index b19b6ebf..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ext-network/vars/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-api_services_noarch: []
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/glance/tasks/nfs.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/glance/tasks/nfs.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 39a49dc1..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/glance/tasks/nfs.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- name: install nfs packages
- action: "{{ ansible_pkg_mgr }} name={{ item }} state=present"
- with_items: nfs_packages
-- name: install nfs
- local_action: yum name={{ item }} state=present
- with_items:
- - rpcbind
- - nfs-utils
- run_once: True
-- name: create image directory
- local_action: file path=/opt/images state=directory mode=0777
- run_once: True
-- name: remove nfs config item if exist
- local_action: lineinfile dest=/etc/exports state=absent
- regexp="^/opt/images"
- run_once: True
-- name: update nfs config
- local_action: lineinfile dest=/etc/exports state=present
- line="/opt/images *(rw,insecure,sync,all_squash)"
- run_once: True
-- name: restart compass nfs service
- local_action: service name={{ item }} state=restarted enabled=yes
- with_items:
- - rpcbind
- - nfs-server
- run_once: True
-- name: get mount info
- command: mount
- register: mount_info
- tags:
- - recovery
-- name: get nfs server
- shell: awk -F'=' '/compass_server/ {print $2}' /etc/compass.conf
- register: ip_info
- tags:
- - recovery
-- name: restart host nfs service
- service: name={{ item }} state=restarted enabled=yes
- with_items: '{{ nfs_services }}'
-- name: mount image directory
- shell: |
- mkdir -p /var/lib/glance/images
- mount -t nfs -onfsvers=3 {{ ip_info.stdout_lines[0] }}:/opt/images /var/lib/glance/images
- sed -i '/\/var\/lib\/glance\/images/d' /etc/fstab
- echo {{ ip_info.stdout_lines[0] }}:/opt/images /var/lib/glance/images/ nfs nfsvers=3 >> /etc/fstab
- when: mount_info.stdout.find('images') == -1
- retries: 5
- delay: 3
- tags:
- - recovery
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/glance/templates/glance-api.conf b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/glance/templates/glance-api.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 241f04ce..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/glance/templates/glance-api.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-{% set workers = ansible_processor_vcpus // 2 %}
-{% set workers = workers if workers else 1 %}
-{% set memcached_servers = [] %}
-{% set rabbitmq_servers = [] %}
-{% for host in haproxy_hosts.values() %}
-{% set _ = memcached_servers.append('%s:11211'% host) %}
-{% set _ = rabbitmq_servers.append('%s:5672'% host) %}
-{% endfor %}
-{% set memcached_servers = memcached_servers|join(',') %}
-{% set rabbitmq_servers = rabbitmq_servers|join(',') %}
-verbose = {{ VERBOSE }}
-debug = {{ DEBUG }}
-log_file = /var/log/glance/api.log
-bind_host = {{ image_host }}
-bind_port = 9292
-backlog = 4096
-workers = {{ workers }}
-registry_host = {{ internal_ip }}
-registry_port = 9191
-registry_client_protocol = http
-cinder_catalog_info = volume:cinder:internalURL
-enable_v1_api = True
-enable_v1_registry = True
-enable_v2_api = True
-enable_v2_registry = True
-notification_driver = messagingv2
-rpc_backend = rabbit
-delayed_delete = False
-scrubber_datadir = /var/lib/glance/scrubber
-scrub_time = 43200
-image_cache_dir = /var/lib/glance/image-cache/
-show_image_direct_url = True
-backend = sqlalchemy
-connection = mysql://glance:{{ GLANCE_DBPASS }}@{{ db_host }}/glance?charset=utf8
-idle_timeout = 30
-sqlite_db = /var/lib/glance/glance.sqlite
-task_executor = taskflow
-default_store = file
-stores = file,http,cinder,rbd
-filesystem_store_datadir = /var/lib/glance/images/
-disk_formats = ami,ari,aki,vhd,vhdx,vmdk,raw,qcow2,vdi,iso,root-tar
-enabled = True
-auth_uri = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:5000
-auth_url = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:35357
-memcached_servers = {{ memcached_servers }}
-auth_type = password
-project_domain_name = default
-user_domain_name = default
-project_name = service
-username = glance
-password = {{ GLANCE_PASS }}
-token_cache_time = 300
-revocation_cache_time = 60
-identity_uri = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:35357
-admin_tenant_name = service
-admin_user = glance
-admin_password = {{ GLANCE_PASS }}
-flavor= keystone
-idle_timeout = 7200
-rabbit_hosts = {{ rabbitmq_servers }}
-rabbit_use_ssl = false
-rabbit_userid = {{ RABBIT_USER }}
-rabbit_password = {{ RABBIT_PASS }}
-rabbit_virtual_host = /
-default_notification_exchange = glance
-rabbit_notification_exchange = glance
-rabbit_notification_topic = notifications
-rabbit_durable_queues = False
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/glance/templates/glance-registry.conf b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/glance/templates/glance-registry.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index ccd8f1bb..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/glance/templates/glance-registry.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-{% set workers = ansible_processor_vcpus // 2 %}
-{% set workers = workers if workers else 1 %}
-{% set memcached_servers = [] %}
-{% set rabbitmq_servers = [] %}
-{% for host in haproxy_hosts.values() %}
-{% set _ = memcached_servers.append('%s:11211'% host) %}
-{% set _ = rabbitmq_servers.append('%s:5672'% host) %}
-{% endfor %}
-{% set memcached_servers = memcached_servers|join(',') %}
-{% set rabbitmq_servers = rabbitmq_servers|join(',') %}
-verbose = {{ VERBOSE }}
-debug = {{ DEBUG }}
-log_file = /var/log/glance/api.log
-bind_host = {{ image_host }}
-bind_port = 9191
-backlog = 4096
-workers = {{ workers }}
-notification_driver = messagingv2
-rpc_backend = rabbit
-backend = sqlalchemy
-connection = mysql://glance:{{ GLANCE_DBPASS }}@{{ db_host }}/glance?charset=utf8
-idle_timeout = 30
-enabled = True
-auth_uri = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:5000
-auth_url = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:35357
-memcached_servers = {{ memcached_servers }}
-auth_type = password
-project_domain_name = default
-user_domain_name = default
-project_name = service
-username = glance
-password = {{ GLANCE_PASS }}
-identity_uri = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:35357
-admin_tenant_name = service
-admin_user = glance
-admin_password = {{ GLANCE_PASS }}
-token_cache_time = 300
-revocation_cache_time = 60
-flavor= keystone
-idle_timeout = 7200
-rabbit_hosts = {{ rabbitmq_servers }}
-rabbit_use_ssl = false
-rabbit_userid = {{ RABBIT_USER }}
-rabbit_password = {{ RABBIT_PASS }}
-rabbit_virtual_host = /
-rabbit_notification_exchange = glance
-rabbit_notification_topic = notifications
-rabbit_durable_queues = False
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/glance/vars/Debian.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/glance/vars/Debian.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index d1825012..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/glance/vars/Debian.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- - glance
- - nfs-common
- - nfs-common
-nfs_services: []
- - glance-registry
- - glance-api
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/glance/vars/RedHat.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/glance/vars/RedHat.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 2987d0c4..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/glance/vars/RedHat.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- - openstack-glance
- - rpcbind
- - nfs-utils
- - rpcbind
- - rpcbind
- - openstack-glance-api
- - openstack-glance-registry
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ha/templates/haproxy.cfg b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ha/templates/haproxy.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index 5fbcc9d9..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/ha/templates/haproxy.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,227 +0,0 @@
- #chroot /var/run/haproxy
- daemon
- user haproxy
- group haproxy
- maxconn 4000
- pidfile /var/run/haproxy/
- #log local0
- tune.bufsize 1000000
- stats socket /var/run/haproxy.sock
- stats timeout 2m
- log global
- maxconn 8000
- option redispatch
- option dontlognull
- option splice-auto
- timeout http-request 10s
- timeout queue 1m
- timeout connect 10s
- timeout client 50s
- timeout server 50s
- timeout check 10s
- retries 3
-listen proxy-mysql
- bind {{ internal_vip.ip }}:3306
- option tcpka
- option tcplog
- balance source
-{% for host, ip in haproxy_hosts.items() %}
-{% if loop.index == 1 %}
- server {{ host }} {{ ip }}:3306 weight 1 check inter 2000 rise 2 fall 5
-{% else %}
- server {{ host }} {{ ip }}:3306 weight 1 check inter 2000 rise 2 fall 5 backup
-{% endif %}
-{% endfor %}
-listen proxy-rabbit
- bind {{ internal_vip.ip }}:5672
- bind {{ public_vip.ip }}:5672
- option tcpka
- option tcplog
- timeout client 3h
- timeout server 3h
- balance source
-{% for host,ip in haproxy_hosts.items() %}
- server {{ host }} {{ ip }}:5672 weight 1 check inter 2000 rise 2 fall 5
-{% endfor %}
-listen proxy-glance_registry_cluster
- bind {{ internal_vip.ip }}:9191
- bind {{ public_vip.ip }}:9191
- option tcpka
- option tcplog
- balance source
-{% for host,ip in haproxy_hosts.items() %}
- server {{ host }} {{ ip }}:9191 weight 1 check inter 2000 rise 2 fall 5
-{% endfor %}
-listen proxy-glance_api_cluster
- bind {{ internal_vip.ip }}:9292
- bind {{ public_vip.ip }}:9292
- option tcpka
- option tcplog
- option httpchk
- balance source
-{% for host,ip in haproxy_hosts.items() %}
- server {{ host }} {{ ip }}:9292 weight 1 check inter 2000 rise 2 fall 5
-{% endfor %}
-listen proxy-nova-novncproxy
- bind {{ internal_vip.ip }}:6080
- bind {{ public_vip.ip }}:6080
- option tcpka
- option tcplog
- balance source
-{% for host,ip in haproxy_hosts.items() %}
- server {{ host }} {{ ip }}:6080 weight 1 check inter 2000 rise 2 fall 5
-{% endfor %}
-listen proxy-network
- bind {{ internal_vip.ip }}:9696
- bind {{ public_vip.ip }}:9696
- option tcpka
- option tcplog
- balance source
- option httpchk
-{% for host,ip in haproxy_hosts.items() %}
- server {{ host }} {{ ip }}:9696 weight 1 check inter 2000 rise 2 fall 5
-{% endfor %}
-listen proxy-volume
- bind {{ internal_vip.ip }}:8776
- bind {{ public_vip.ip }}:8776
- option tcpka
- option httpchk
- option tcplog
- balance source
-{% for host,ip in haproxy_hosts.items() %}
- server {{ host }} {{ ip }}:8776 weight 1 check inter 2000 rise 2 fall 5
-{% endfor %}
-listen proxy-keystone_admin_cluster
- bind {{ internal_vip.ip }}:35357
- bind {{ public_vip.ip }}:35357
- option tcpka
- option httpchk
- option tcplog
- balance source
-{% for host,ip in haproxy_hosts.items() %}
- server {{ host }} {{ ip }}:35357 weight 1 check inter 2000 rise 2 fall 5
-{% endfor %}
-listen proxy-keystone_public_internal_cluster
- bind {{ internal_vip.ip }}:5000
- bind {{ public_vip.ip }}:5000
- option tcpka
- option httpchk
- option tcplog
- balance source
-{% for host,ip in haproxy_hosts.items() %}
- server {{ host }} {{ ip }}:5000 weight 1 check inter 2000 rise 2 fall 5
-{% endfor %}
-listen proxy-nova_compute_api_cluster
- bind {{ internal_vip.ip }}:8774
- bind {{ public_vip.ip }}:8774
- mode tcp
- option httpchk
- option tcplog
- balance source
-{% for host,ip in haproxy_hosts.items() %}
- server {{ host }} {{ ip }}:8774 weight 1 check inter 2000 rise 2 fall 5
-{% endfor %}
-listen proxy-nova_metadata_api_cluster
- bind {{ internal_vip.ip }}:8775
- bind {{ public_vip.ip }}:8775
- option tcpka
- option tcplog
- balance source
-{% for host,ip in haproxy_hosts.items() %}
- server {{ host }} {{ ip }}:8775 weight 1 check inter 2000 rise 2 fall 5
-{% endfor %}
-listen proxy-cinder_api_cluster
- bind {{ internal_vip.ip }}:8776
- bind {{ public_vip.ip }}:8776
- mode tcp
- option httpchk
- option tcplog
- balance source
-{% for host,ip in haproxy_hosts.items() %}
- server {{ host }} {{ ip }}:8776 weight 1 check inter 2000 rise 2 fall 5
-{% endfor %}
-#listen proxy-swift-proxy
-# bind {{ internal_vip.ip }}:8080
-# bind {{ public_vip.ip }}:8080
-# balance source
-# option tcpka
-# option tcplog
-#{% for host,ip in haproxy_hosts.items() %}
-# server {{ host }} {{ ip }}:8080 weight 1 check inter 2000 rise 2 fall 5
-#{% endfor %}
-listen proxy-ceilometer_api_cluster
- bind {{ internal_vip.ip }}:8777
- bind {{ public_vip.ip }}:8777
- mode tcp
- option tcp-check
- option tcplog
- balance source
-{% for host,ip in haproxy_hosts.items() %}
- server {{ host }} {{ ip }}:8777 weight 1 check inter 2000 rise 2 fall 5
-{% endfor %}
-listen proxy-aodh_api_cluster
- bind {{ internal_vip.ip }}:8042
- bind {{ public_vip.ip }}:8042
- mode tcp
- option tcp-check
- option tcplog
- balance source
-{% for host,ip in haproxy_hosts.items() %}
- server {{ host }} {{ ip }}:8042 weight 1 check inter 2000 rise 2 fall 5
-{% endfor %}
-listen proxy-congress_api_cluster
- bind {{ internal_vip.ip }}:1789
- bind {{ public_vip.ip }}:1789
- mode tcp
- option tcp-check
- option tcplog
- balance source
-{% for host,ip in haproxy_hosts.items() %}
- server {{ host }} {{ ip }}:1789 weight 1 check inter 2000 rise 2 fall 5
-{% endfor %}
-listen proxy-dashboarad
- bind {{ public_vip.ip }}:80
- mode http
- balance source
- capture cookie vgnvisitor= len 32
- cookie SERVERID insert indirect nocache
- option forwardfor
- option httpchk
- option httpclose
- rspidel ^Set-cookie:\ IP=
-{% for host,ip in haproxy_hosts.items() %}
- server {{ host }} {{ ip }}:80 cookie {{ host }} weight 1 check inter 2000 rise 2 fall 5
-{% endfor %}
-listen stats
- mode http
- bind
- stats enable
- stats refresh 30s
- stats uri /
- stats realm Global\ statistics
- stats auth admin:admin
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/heat/tasks/heat_install.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/heat/tasks/heat_install.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a0f1c73..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/heat/tasks/heat_install.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- include_vars: "{{ ansible_os_family }}.yml"
-- name: install heat related packages
- action: "{{ ansible_pkg_mgr }} name={{ item }} state=present"
- with_items: packages | union(packages_noarch)
-- name: generate heat service list
- lineinfile: dest=/opt/service create=yes line='{{ item }}'
- with_items: services | union(services_noarch)
-# '
-- name: create heat user domain
- shell: >
- . /opt/;
- openstack domain create --description "Stack projects and users" heat;
- openstack user create --domain heat --password {{ HEAT_PASS }} heat_domain_admin;
- openstack role add --domain heat --user-domain heat --user heat_domain_admin admin;
- openstack role create heat_stack_owner;
- openstack role add --project demo --user demo heat_stack_owner;
- when: inventory_hostname == groups['controller'][0]
-- name: update heat conf
- template: src=heat.j2
- dest=/etc/heat/heat.conf
- backup=yes
- notify:
- - restart heat service
- - remove heat-sqlite-db
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/heat/templates/heat.j2 b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/heat/templates/heat.j2
deleted file mode 100644
index 72d4b61e..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/heat/templates/heat.j2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-{% set memcached_servers = [] %}
-{% for host in haproxy_hosts.values() %}
-{% set _ = memcached_servers.append('%s:11211'% host) %}
-{% endfor %}
-{% set memcached_servers = memcached_servers|join(',') %}
-heat_metadata_server_url = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:8000
-heat_waitcondition_server_url = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:8000/v1/waitcondition
-rpc_backend = rabbit
-log_dir = /var/log/heat
-stack_domain_admin = heat_domain_admin
-stack_domain_admin_password = {{ HEAT_PASS }}
-stack_user_domain_name = heat
-connection = mysql://heat:{{ HEAT_DBPASS }}@{{ db_host }}/heat
-idle_timeout = 30
-use_db_reconnect = True
-pool_timeout = 10
-auth_uri = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:5000
-auth_uri = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:35357
-auth_uri = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:5000
-auth_url = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:35357
-memcached_servers = {{ memcached_servers }}
-auth_type = password
-project_domain_name = default
-user_domain_name = default
-project_name = service
-username = heat
-password = {{ HEAT_PASS }}
-identity_uri = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:35357
-admin_tenant_name = service
-admin_user = heat
-admin_password = {{ HEAT_PASS }}
-rabbit_host = {{ rabbit_host }}
-rabbit_userid = {{ RABBIT_USER }}
-rabbit_password = {{ RABBIT_PASS }}
-auth_type = password
-auth_url = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:35357
-username = heat
-password = {{ HEAT_PASS }}
-user_domain_name = default
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/keystone/tasks/keystone_config.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/keystone/tasks/keystone_config.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index ea211470..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/keystone/tasks/keystone_config.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- include_vars: "{{ ansible_os_family }}.yml"
-- name: keystone-manage db-sync
- shell: su -s /bin/sh -c 'keystone-manage db_sync' keystone
-- name: Check if fernet keys already exist
- stat:
- path: "/etc/keystone/fernet-keys/0"
- register: fernet_keys_0
-- name: Create fernet keys for Keystone
- command:
- keystone-manage fernet_setup
- --keystone-user keystone
- --keystone-group keystone
- when: not fernet_keys_0.stat.exists
- notify:
- - restart keystone services
-- name: Rotate fernet keys for Keystone
- command:
- keystone-manage fernet_rotate
- --keystone-user keystone
- --keystone-group keystone
- when: fernet_keys_0.stat.exists
- notify:
- - restart keystone services
-- name: Distribute the fernet key repository
- shell: rsync -e 'ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no' \
- -avz \
- --delete \
- /etc/keystone/fernet-keys \
- root@{{ hostvars[ item ].ansible_eth0.ipv4.address }}:/etc/keystone/
- with_items: groups['controller'][1:]
- notify:
- - restart keystone services
-- name: Check if credential keys already exist
- stat:
- path: "/etc/keystone/credential-keys/0"
- register: credential_keys_0
-- name: Create credential keys for Keystone
- command:
- keystone-manage credential_setup
- --keystone-user keystone
- --keystone-group keystone
- when: not credential_keys_0.stat.exists
- notify:
- - restart keystone services
-- name: Rotate credential keys for Keystone
- command:
- keystone-manage credential_rotate
- --keystone-user keystone
- --keystone-group keystone
- when: credential_keys_0.stat.exists
- notify:
- - restart keystone services
-- name: Distribute the credential key repository
- shell: rsync -e 'ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no' \
- -avz \
- --delete \
- /etc/keystone/credential-keys \
- root@{{ hostvars[ item ].ansible_eth0.ipv4.address }}:/etc/keystone/
- with_items: groups['controller'][1:]
- notify:
- - restart keystone services
-- name: Bootstrap the Identity service
- shell:
- keystone-manage bootstrap \
- --bootstrap-password {{ ADMIN_PASS }} \
- --bootstrap-admin-url http://{{ internal_ip }}:35357/v3/ \
- --bootstrap-internal-url http://{{ internal_ip }}:35357/v3/ \
- --bootstrap-public-url http://{{ internal_ip }}:5000/v3/
- --bootstrap-region-id RegionOne \
- notify:
- - restart keystone services
-- meta: flush_handlers
-- name: wait for keystone ready
- wait_for: port=35357 delay=15 timeout=60 host={{ internal_ip }}
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/keystone/tasks/keystone_create.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/keystone/tasks/keystone_create.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 53077776..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/keystone/tasks/keystone_create.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- name: set keystone endpoint
- shell:
- . /opt/;
- openstack endpoint set \
- --interface public \
- --url {{ item.publicurl }} \
- $(openstack endpoint list | grep keystone | grep public | awk '{print $2}');
- openstack endpoint set \
- --interface internal \
- --url {{ item.internalurl }} \
- $(openstack endpoint list | grep keystone | grep internal | awk '{print $2}');
- openstack endpoint set \
- --interface admin \
- --url {{ item.adminurl }} \
- $(openstack endpoint list | grep keystone | grep admin | awk '{print $2}');
- with_items: "{{ os_services[0:1] }}"
-- name: add service
- shell:
- . /opt/;
- openstack service create \
- --name "{{ }}"
- --description "{{ item.description }}" \
- {{ item.type }}
- with_items: "{{ os_services[1:] }}"
-- name: add project
- shell:
- . /opt/;
- openstack project create --description "Service Project" service;
- openstack project create --domain default --description "Demo Project" demo;
-- name: set admin user
- shell:
- . /opt/;
- openstack user set \
- --email "{{ }}" \
- --project "{{ item.tenant }}" \
- --description "{{ item.tenant_description }}" \
- --password "{{ item.password }}" \
- {{ item.user }}
- with_items: "{{ os_users }}"
- when: item["user"] == "admin"
-- name: add user
- shell:
- . /opt/;
- openstack user create \
- --email "{{ }}" \
- --project "{{ item.tenant }}" \
- --description "{{ item.tenant_description }}" \
- --password "{{ item.password }}" \
- {{ item.user }}
- with_items: "{{ os_users[1:] }}"
-- name: add roles
- shell:
- . /opt/;
- openstack role create {{ item.role }}
- with_items: "{{ os_users }}"
- when: item["user"] == "demo"
-- name: grant roles
- shell:
- . /opt/;
- openstack role add \
- --project "{{ item.tenant }}" \
- --user "{{ item.user }}" \
- {{ item.role }}
- with_items: "{{ os_users }}"
-- name: add endpoints
- shell:
- . /opt/;
- openstack endpoint create \
- --region {{ item.region }} \
- {{ }} public {{ item.publicurl }};
- openstack endpoint create \
- --region {{ item.region }} \
- {{ }} internal {{ item.internalurl }};
- openstack endpoint create \
- --region {{ item.region }} \
- {{ }} admin {{ item.adminurl }};
- with_items: "{{ os_services[1:] }}"
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/keystone/tasks/keystone_install.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/keystone/tasks/keystone_install.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 757349c5..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/keystone/tasks/keystone_install.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- include_vars: "{{ ansible_os_family }}.yml"
-- name: disable auto start
- copy:
- content: "#!/bin/sh\nexit 101"
- dest: "/usr/sbin/policy-rc.d"
- mode: 0755
- when: ansible_os_family == "Debian"
-- name: install keystone packages
- action: "{{ ansible_pkg_mgr }} name={{ item }} state=present"
- with_items: packages | union(packages_noarch)
-- name: enable auto start
- file:
- path=/usr/sbin/policy-rc.d
- state=absent
- when: ansible_os_family == "Debian"
-- name: disable boot auto start
- file:
- path={{ item }}
- state=absent
- with_items:
- - /etc/init.d/keystone
- - /etc/init/keystone.conf
- - /lib/systemd/system/keystone.service
- when: ansible_os_family == "Debian"
-- name: generate keystone service list
- lineinfile: dest=/opt/service create=yes line='{{ item }}'
- with_items: services | union(services_noarch)
-- name: delete sqlite database
- file:
- path: /var/lib/keystone/keystone.db
- state: absent
-- name: update keystone conf
- template: src=keystone.conf dest=/etc/keystone/keystone.conf backup=yes
- notify:
- - restart keystone services
-- name: assure listen port exist
- lineinfile:
- dest: '{{ apache_config_dir }}/ports.conf'
- regexp: '{{ item.regexp }}'
- line: '{{ item.line}}'
- with_items:
- - regexp: "^Listen {{ internal_ip }}:5000"
- line: "Listen {{ internal_ip }}:5000"
- - regexp: "^Listen {{ internal_ip }}:35357"
- line: "Listen {{ internal_ip }}:35357"
- notify:
- - restart keystone services
-- name: update apache2 configs
- template:
- src: wsgi-keystone.conf.j2
- dest: '{{ apache_config_dir }}/sites-available/keystone.conf'
- when: ansible_os_family == 'Debian'
- notify:
- - restart keystone services
-- name: update apache2 configs
- template:
- src: wsgi-keystone.conf.j2
- dest: '{{ apache_config_dir }}/keystone.conf'
- when: ansible_os_family == 'RedHat'
- notify:
- - restart keystone services
-- name: enable keystone server
- file:
- src: "{{ apache_config_dir }}/sites-available/keystone.conf"
- dest: "{{ apache_config_dir }}/sites-enabled/keystone.conf"
- state: "link"
- when: ansible_os_family == 'Debian'
- notify:
- - restart keystone services
-- name: keystone source files
- template: src={{ item }} dest=/opt/{{ item }}
- with_items:
- -
- -
- -
-- meta: flush_handlers
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/keystone/tasks/main.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/keystone/tasks/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index ad619d40..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/keystone/tasks/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- include: keystone_install.yml
- tags:
- - install
- - keystone_install
- - keystone
-- include: keystone_config.yml
- when: inventory_hostname == groups['controller'][0]
- tags:
- - config
- - keystone_config
- - keystone
-- include: keystone_create.yml
- when: inventory_hostname == groups['controller'][0]
- tags:
- - config
- - keystone_create
- - keystone
-- meta: flush_handlers
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/keystone/templates/ b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/keystone/templates/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ba620ff..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/keystone/templates/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-# Verify the Identity Service installation
-export OS_TENANT_NAME=admin
-export OS_AUTH_URL=http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:35357/v2.0
-export OS_USERNAME=admin
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/keystone/templates/ b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/keystone/templates/
deleted file mode 100644
index 94d5850f..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/keystone/templates/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-# Verify the Identity Service installation
-export OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME=default
-export OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME=default
-export OS_TENANT_NAME=admin
-export OS_PROJECT_NAME=admin
-export OS_USERNAME=admin
-export OS_AUTH_URL=http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:35357/v3
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/keystone/templates/ b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/keystone/templates/
deleted file mode 100644
index 920f42ed..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/keystone/templates/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-export OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME=default
-export OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME=default
-export OS_TENANT_NAME=demo
-export OS_PROJECT_NAME=demo
-export OS_USERNAME=demo
-export OS_AUTH_URL=http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:5000/v3
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/keystone/templates/keystone.conf b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/keystone/templates/keystone.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 919be344..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/keystone/templates/keystone.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-{% set memcached_servers = [] %}
-{% set rabbitmq_servers = [] %}
-{% for host in haproxy_hosts.values() %}
-{% set _ = memcached_servers.append('%s:11211'% host) %}
-{% set _ = rabbitmq_servers.append('%s:5672'% host) %}
-{% endfor %}
-{% set memcached_servers = memcached_servers|join(',') %}
-{% set rabbitmq_servers = rabbitmq_servers|join(',') %}
-debug={{ DEBUG }}
-log_dir = /var/log/keystone
-backend = keystone.cache.memcache_pool
-memcache_servers = {{ memcached_servers}}
-driver = sql
-expiration_buffer = 3600
-caching = true
-connection = mysql://keystone:{{ KEYSTONE_DBPASS }}@{{ db_host }}/keystone?charset=utf8
-idle_timeout = 30
-min_pool_size = 5
-max_pool_size = 120
-pool_timeout = 30
-key_repository = /etc/keystone/fernet-keys/
-default_domain_id = default
-driver = sql
-driver = sql
-driver = sql
-caching = true
-cache_time = 3600
-enforce_token_bind = permissive
-expiration = 43200
-provider = fernet
-driver = sql
-caching = true
-cache_time = 3600
-public_bind_host = {{ identity_host }}
-admin_bind_host = {{ identity_host }}
-rabbit_userid = {{ RABBIT_USER }}
-rabbit_password = {{ RABBIT_PASS }}
-rabbit_hosts = {{ rabbitmq_servers }}
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/keystone/templates/wsgi-keystone.conf.j2 b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/keystone/templates/wsgi-keystone.conf.j2
deleted file mode 100644
index 55c89839..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/keystone/templates/wsgi-keystone.conf.j2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-{% set work_threads = (ansible_processor_vcpus + 1) // 2 %}
-{% if work_threads > 10 %}
-{% set work_threads = 10 %}
-{% endif %}
-<VirtualHost {{ internal_ip }}:5000>
- WSGIDaemonProcess keystone-public processes=4 threads={{ work_threads }} user=keystone group=keystone display-name=%{GROUP}
- WSGIProcessGroup keystone-public
- WSGIScriptAlias / /usr/bin/keystone-wsgi-public
- WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}
- WSGIPassAuthorization On
- <IfVersion >= 2.4>
- ErrorLogFormat "%{cu}t %M"
- </IfVersion>
- ErrorLog /var/log/{{ http_service_name }}/keystone.log
- CustomLog /var/log/{{ http_service_name }}/keystone_access.log combined
- <Directory /usr/bin>
- <IfVersion >= 2.4>
- Require all granted
- </IfVersion>
- <IfVersion < 2.4>
- Order allow,deny
- Allow from all
- </IfVersion>
- </Directory>
-<VirtualHost {{ internal_ip }}:35357>
- WSGIDaemonProcess keystone-admin processes=4 threads={{ work_threads }} user=keystone group=keystone display-name=%{GROUP}
- WSGIProcessGroup keystone-admin
- WSGIScriptAlias / /usr/bin/keystone-wsgi-admin
- WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}
- WSGIPassAuthorization On
- <IfVersion >= 2.4>
- ErrorLogFormat "%{cu}t %M"
- </IfVersion>
- ErrorLog /var/log/{{ http_service_name }}/keystone.log
- CustomLog /var/log/{{ http_service_name }}/keystone_access.log combined
- <Directory /usr/bin>
- <IfVersion >= 2.4>
- Require all granted
- </IfVersion>
- <IfVersion < 2.4>
- Order allow,deny
- Allow from all
- </IfVersion>
- </Directory>
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/keystone/vars/Debian.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/keystone/vars/Debian.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 89bfbe0a..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/keystone/vars/Debian.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-cron_path: "/var/spool/cron/crontabs"
- - apache2
- - libapache2-mod-wsgi
- - python-keystone
- - python-openstackclient
- - keystone
- - apache2
-apache_config_dir: /etc/apache2
-http_service_name: apache2
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/keystone/vars/main.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/keystone/vars/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index baaf89e1..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/keystone/vars/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- - python-keystoneclient
-services_noarch: []
- - name: keystone
- type: identity
- region: RegionOne
- description: "OpenStack Identity"
- publicurl: "http://{{ public_vip.ip }}:5000/v2.0"
- internalurl: "http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:5000/v2.0"
- adminurl: "http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:35357/v2.0"
- - name: glance
- type: image
- region: RegionOne
- description: "OpenStack Image Service"
- publicurl: "http://{{ public_vip.ip }}:9292"
- internalurl: "http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:9292"
- adminurl: "http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:9292"
- - name: nova
- type: compute
- region: RegionOne
- description: "OpenStack Compute"
- publicurl: "http://{{ public_vip.ip }}:8774/v2/%(tenant_id)s"
- internalurl: "http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:8774/v2/%(tenant_id)s"
- adminurl: "http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:8774/v2/%(tenant_id)s"
- - name: neutron
- type: network
- region: RegionOne
- description: "OpenStack Networking"
- publicurl: "http://{{ public_vip.ip }}:9696"
- internalurl: "http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:9696"
- adminurl: "http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:9696"
- - name: ceilometer
- type: metering
- region: RegionOne
- description: "OpenStack Telemetry"
- publicurl: "http://{{ public_vip.ip }}:8777"
- internalurl: "http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:8777"
- adminurl: "http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:8777"
- - name: aodh
- type: alarming
- region: RegionOne
- description: "OpenStack Telemetry"
- publicurl: "http://{{ public_vip.ip }}:8042"
- internalurl: "http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:8042"
- adminurl: "http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:8042"
- - name: cinder
- type: volume
- region: RegionOne
- description: "OpenStack Block Storage"
- publicurl: "http://{{ public_vip.ip }}:8776/v1/%(tenant_id)s"
- internalurl: "http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:8776/v1/%(tenant_id)s"
- adminurl: "http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:8776/v1/%(tenant_id)s"
- - name: cinderv2
- type: volumev2
- region: RegionOne
- description: "OpenStack Block Storage v2"
- publicurl: "http://{{ public_vip.ip }}:8776/v2/%(tenant_id)s"
- internalurl: "http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:8776/v2/%(tenant_id)s"
- adminurl: "http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:8776/v2/%(tenant_id)s"
- - name: heat
- type: orchestration
- region: RegionOne
- description: "OpenStack Orchestration"
- publicurl: "http://{{ public_vip.ip }}:8004/v1/%(tenant_id)s"
- internalurl: "http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:8004/v1/%(tenant_id)s"
- adminurl: "http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:8004/v1/%(tenant_id)s"
- - name: heat-cfn
- type: cloudformation
- region: RegionOne
- description: "OpenStack CloudFormation Orchestration"
- publicurl: "http://{{ public_vip.ip }}:8000/v1"
- internalurl: "http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:8000/v1"
- adminurl: "http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:8000/v1"
- - name: congress
- type: policy
- region: RegionOne
- description: "OpenStack Policy Service"
- publicurl: "http://{{ public_vip.ip }}:1789"
- internalurl: "http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:1789"
- adminurl: "http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:1789"
-# - name: swift
-# type: object-store
-# region: RegionOne
-# description: "OpenStack Object Storage"
-# publicurl: "http://{{ public_vip.ip }}:8080/v1/AUTH_%(tenant_id)s"
-# internalurl: "http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:8080/v1/AUTH_%(tenant_id)s"
-# adminurl: "http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:8080/v1/AUTH_%(tenant_id)s"
- - user: admin
- password: "{{ ADMIN_PASS }}"
- email:
- role: admin
- tenant: admin
- tenant_description: "Admin Tenant"
- - user: glance
- password: "{{ GLANCE_PASS }}"
- email:
- role: admin
- tenant: service
- tenant_description: "Service Tenant"
- - user: nova
- password: "{{ NOVA_PASS }}"
- email:
- role: admin
- tenant: service
- tenant_description: "Service Tenant"
- - user: keystone
- password: "{{ KEYSTONE_PASS }}"
- email:
- role: admin
- tenant: service
- tenant_description: "Service Tenant"
- - user: neutron
- password: "{{ NEUTRON_PASS }}"
- email:
- role: admin
- tenant: service
- tenant_description: "Service Tenant"
- - user: ceilometer
- password: "{{ CEILOMETER_PASS }}"
- email:
- role: admin
- tenant: service
- tenant_description: "Service Tenant"
- - user: cinder
- password: "{{ CINDER_PASS }}"
- email:
- role: admin
- tenant: service
- tenant_description: "Service Tenant"
- - user: aodh
- password: "{{ AODH_PASS }}"
- email:
- role: admin
- tenant: service
- tenant_description: "Service Tenant"
- - user: heat
- password: "{{ HEAT_PASS }}"
- email:
- role: admin
- tenant: service
- tenant_description: "Service Tenant"
- - user: congress
- password: "{{ CONGRESS_PASS }}"
- email:
- role: admin
- tenant: service
- tenant_description: "Service Tenant"
- - user: demo
- password: ""
- email:
- role: heat_stack_user
- tenant: demo
- tenant_description: "Demo Tenant"
-# - user: swift
-# password: "{{ CINDER_PASS }}"
-# email:
-# role: admin
-# tenant: service
-# tenant_description: "Service Tenant"
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/moon/files/ b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/moon/files/
deleted file mode 100644
index fd107a5e..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/moon/files/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1062 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2015 Open Platform for NFV Project, Inc. and its contributors
-# This software is distributed under the terms and conditions of the
-# 'Apache-2.0' license which can be found in the file 'LICENSE' in this
-# package distribution or at ''.
-from keystone.common import controller
-from keystone import config
-from keystone import exception
-from keystone.models import token_model
-from keystone.contrib.moon.exception import * # noqa: F403
-from oslo_log import log
-from uuid import uuid4
-import requests
-CONF = config.CONF
-LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
-@dependency.requires('configuration_api') # noqa: 405
-class Configuration(controller.V3Controller):
- collection_name = 'configurations'
- member_name = 'configuration'
- def __init__(self):
- super(Configuration, self).__init__()
- def _get_user_id_from_token(self, token_id):
- response = self.token_provider_api.validate_token(token_id)
- token_ref = token_model.KeystoneToken(
- token_id=token_id, token_data=response)
- return token_ref.get('user')
- @controller.protected()
- def get_policy_templates(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- return self.configuration_api.get_policy_templates_dict(user_id)
- @controller.protected()
- def get_aggregation_algorithms(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- return self.configuration_api.get_aggregation_algorithms_dict(user_id)
- @controller.protected()
- def get_sub_meta_rule_algorithms(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- return self.configuration_api.get_sub_meta_rule_algorithms_dict(
- user_id)
-@dependency.requires('tenant_api', 'resource_api') # noqa: 405
-class Tenants(controller.V3Controller):
- def __init__(self):
- super(Tenants, self).__init__()
- def _get_user_id_from_token(self, token_id):
- response = self.token_provider_api.validate_token(token_id)
- token_ref = token_model.KeystoneToken(
- token_id=token_id, token_data=response)
- return token_ref.get('user')
- @controller.protected()
- def get_tenants(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- return self.tenant_api.get_tenants_dict(user_id)
- def __get_keystone_tenant_dict(
- self, tenant_id="", tenant_name="", tenant_description="", domain="default"): # noqa
- tenants = self.resource_api.list_projects()
- for tenant in tenants:
- if tenant_id and tenant_id == tenant['id']:
- return tenant
- if tenant_name and tenant_name == tenant['name']:
- return tenant
- if not tenant_id:
- tenant_id = uuid4().hex
- if not tenant_name:
- tenant_name = tenant_id
- tenant = {
- "id": tenant_id,
- "name": tenant_name,
- "description": tenant_description,
- "enabled": True,
- "domain_id": domain
- }
- keystone_tenant = self.resource_api.create_project(
- tenant["id"], tenant)
- return keystone_tenant
- @controller.protected()
- def add_tenant(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- k_tenant_dict = self.__get_keystone_tenant_dict(
- tenant_name=kw.get('tenant_name'),
- tenant_description=kw.get(
- 'tenant_description', kw.get('tenant_name')),
- domain=kw.get('tenant_domain', "default"),
- )
- tenant_dict = dict()
- tenant_dict['id'] = k_tenant_dict['id']
- tenant_dict['name'] = kw.get('tenant_name', None)
- tenant_dict['description'] = kw.get('tenant_description', None)
- tenant_dict['intra_authz_extension_id'] = kw.get(
- 'tenant_intra_authz_extension_id', None)
- tenant_dict['intra_admin_extension_id'] = kw.get(
- 'tenant_intra_admin_extension_id', None)
- return self.tenant_api.add_tenant_dict(
- user_id, tenant_dict['id'], tenant_dict)
- @controller.protected()
- def get_tenant(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- tenant_id = kw.get('tenant_id', None)
- return self.tenant_api.get_tenant_dict(user_id, tenant_id)
- @controller.protected()
- def del_tenant(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- tenant_id = kw.get('tenant_id', None)
- return self.tenant_api.del_tenant(user_id, tenant_id)
- @controller.protected()
- def set_tenant(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- # Next line will raise an error if tenant doesn't exist
- k_tenant_dict = self.resource_api.get_project(
- kw.get('tenant_id', None))
- tenant_id = kw.get('tenant_id', None)
- tenant_dict = dict()
- tenant_dict['name'] = k_tenant_dict.get('name', None)
- if 'tenant_description' in kw:
- tenant_dict['description'] = kw.get('tenant_description', None)
- if 'tenant_intra_authz_extension_id' in kw:
- tenant_dict['intra_authz_extension_id'] = kw.get(
- 'tenant_intra_authz_extension_id', None)
- if 'tenant_intra_admin_extension_id' in kw:
- tenant_dict['intra_admin_extension_id'] = kw.get(
- 'tenant_intra_admin_extension_id', None)
- self.tenant_api.set_tenant_dict(user_id, tenant_id, tenant_dict)
-def callback(self, context, prep_info, *args, **kwargs):
- token_ref = ""
- if context.get('token_id') is not None:
- token_ref = token_model.KeystoneToken(
- token_id=context['token_id'],
- token_data=self.token_provider_api.validate_token(
- context['token_id']))
- if not token_ref:
- raise exception.Unauthorized
-@dependency.requires('authz_api') # noqa: 405
-class Authz_v3(controller.V3Controller):
- def __init__(self):
- super(Authz_v3, self).__init__()
- @controller.protected(callback)
- def get_authz(self, context, tenant_id, subject_k_id,
- object_name, action_name):
- try:
- return self.authz_api.authz(
- tenant_id, subject_k_id, object_name, action_name)
- except Exception as e:
- return {'authz': False, 'comment': unicode(e)}
-@dependency.requires('admin_api', 'root_api') # noqa: 405
-class IntraExtensions(controller.V3Controller):
- collection_name = 'intra_extensions'
- member_name = 'intra_extension'
- def __init__(self):
- super(IntraExtensions, self).__init__()
- def _get_user_id_from_token(self, token_id):
- response = self.token_provider_api.validate_token(token_id)
- token_ref = token_model.KeystoneToken(
- token_id=token_id, token_data=response)
- return token_ref.get('user')['id']
- # IntraExtension functions
- @controller.protected()
- def get_intra_extensions(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- return self.admin_api.get_intra_extensions_dict(user_id)
- @controller.protected()
- def add_intra_extension(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- intra_extension_dict = dict()
- intra_extension_dict['name'] = kw.get('intra_extension_name', None)
- intra_extension_dict['model'] = kw.get('intra_extension_model', None)
- intra_extension_dict['genre'] = kw.get('intra_extension_genre', None)
- intra_extension_dict['description'] = kw.get(
- 'intra_extension_description', None)
- intra_extension_dict['subject_categories'] = kw.get(
- 'intra_extension_subject_categories', dict())
- intra_extension_dict['object_categories'] = kw.get(
- 'intra_extension_object_categories', dict())
- intra_extension_dict['action_categories'] = kw.get(
- 'intra_extension_action_categories', dict())
- intra_extension_dict['subjects'] = kw.get(
- 'intra_extension_subjects', dict())
- intra_extension_dict['objects'] = kw.get(
- 'intra_extension_objects', dict())
- intra_extension_dict['actions'] = kw.get(
- 'intra_extension_actions', dict())
- intra_extension_dict['subject_scopes'] = kw.get(
- 'intra_extension_subject_scopes', dict())
- intra_extension_dict['object_scopes'] = kw.get(
- 'intra_extension_object_scopes', dict())
- intra_extension_dict['action_scopes'] = kw.get(
- 'intra_extension_action_scopes', dict())
- intra_extension_dict['subject_assignments'] = kw.get(
- 'intra_extension_subject_assignments', dict())
- intra_extension_dict['object_assignments'] = kw.get(
- 'intra_extension_object_assignments', dict())
- intra_extension_dict['action_assignments'] = kw.get(
- 'intra_extension_action_assignments', dict())
- intra_extension_dict['aggregation_algorithm'] = kw.get(
- 'intra_extension_aggregation_algorithm', dict())
- intra_extension_dict['sub_meta_rules'] = kw.get(
- 'intra_extension_sub_meta_rules', dict())
- intra_extension_dict['rules'] = kw.get('intra_extension_rules', dict())
- ref = self.admin_api.load_intra_extension_dict(
- user_id, intra_extension_dict=intra_extension_dict)
- return self.admin_api.populate_default_data(ref)
- @controller.protected()
- def get_intra_extension(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- intra_extension_id = kw.get('intra_extension_id', None)
- return self.admin_api.get_intra_extension_dict(
- user_id, intra_extension_id)
- @controller.protected()
- def del_intra_extension(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- intra_extension_id = kw.get('intra_extension_id', None)
- self.admin_api.del_intra_extension(user_id, intra_extension_id)
- @controller.protected()
- def set_intra_extension(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- intra_extension_id = kw.get('intra_extension_id', None)
- intra_extension_dict = dict()
- intra_extension_dict['name'] = kw.get('intra_extension_name', None)
- intra_extension_dict['model'] = kw.get('intra_extension_model', None)
- intra_extension_dict['genre'] = kw.get('intra_extension_genre', None)
- intra_extension_dict['description'] = kw.get(
- 'intra_extension_description', None)
- return self.admin_api.set_intra_extension_dict(
- user_id, intra_extension_id, intra_extension_dict)
- @controller.protected()
- def load_root_intra_extension(self, context, **kw):
- self.root_api.load_root_intra_extension_dict()
- # Metadata functions
- @controller.protected()
- def get_subject_categories(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- intra_extension_id = kw.get('intra_extension_id', None)
- return self.admin_api.get_subject_categories_dict(
- user_id, intra_extension_id)
- @controller.protected()
- def add_subject_category(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- intra_extension_id = kw.get('intra_extension_id', None)
- subject_category_dict = dict()
- subject_category_dict['name'] = kw.get('subject_category_name', None)
- subject_category_dict['description'] = kw.get(
- 'subject_category_description', None)
- return self.admin_api.add_subject_category_dict(
- user_id, intra_extension_id, subject_category_dict)
- @controller.protected()
- def get_subject_category(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- intra_extension_id = kw.get('intra_extension_id', None)
- subject_category_id = kw.get('subject_category_id', None)
- return self.admin_api.get_subject_category_dict(
- user_id, intra_extension_id, subject_category_id)
- @controller.protected()
- def del_subject_category(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- intra_extension_id = kw.get('intra_extension_id', None)
- subject_category_id = kw.get('subject_category_id', None)
- self.admin_api.del_subject_category(
- user_id, intra_extension_id, subject_category_id)
- @controller.protected()
- def set_subject_category(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- intra_extension_id = kw.get('intra_extension_id', None)
- subject_category_id = kw.get('subject_category_id', None)
- subject_category_dict = dict()
- subject_category_dict['name'] = kw.get('subject_category_name', None)
- subject_category_dict['description'] = kw.get(
- 'subject_category_description', None)
- return self.admin_api.set_subject_category_dict(
- user_id, intra_extension_id, subject_category_id, subject_category_dict) # noqa
- @controller.protected()
- def get_object_categories(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- intra_extension_id = kw.get('intra_extension_id', None)
- return self.admin_api.get_object_categories_dict(
- user_id, intra_extension_id)
- @controller.protected()
- def add_object_category(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- intra_extension_id = kw.get('intra_extension_id', None)
- object_category_dict = dict()
- object_category_dict['name'] = kw.get('object_category_name', None)
- object_category_dict['description'] = kw.get(
- 'object_category_description', None)
- return self.admin_api.add_object_category_dict(
- user_id, intra_extension_id, object_category_dict)
- @controller.protected()
- def get_object_category(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- intra_extension_id = kw.get('intra_extension_id', None)
- object_category_id = kw.get('object_category_id', None)
- return self.admin_api.get_object_categories_dict(
- user_id, intra_extension_id, object_category_id)
- @controller.protected()
- def del_object_category(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- intra_extension_id = kw.get('intra_extension_id', None)
- object_category_id = kw.get('object_category_id', None)
- self.admin_api.del_object_category(
- user_id, intra_extension_id, object_category_id)
- @controller.protected()
- def set_object_category(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- intra_extension_id = kw.get('intra_extension_id', None)
- object_category_id = kw.get('object_category_id', None)
- object_category_dict = dict()
- object_category_dict['name'] = kw.get('object_category_name', None)
- object_category_dict['description'] = kw.get(
- 'object_category_description', None)
- return self.admin_api.set_object_category_dict(
- user_id, intra_extension_id, object_category_id, object_category_dict) # noqa
- @controller.protected()
- def get_action_categories(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- intra_extension_id = kw.get('intra_extension_id', None)
- return self.admin_api.get_action_categories_dict(
- user_id, intra_extension_id)
- @controller.protected()
- def add_action_category(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- intra_extension_id = kw.get('intra_extension_id', None)
- action_category_dict = dict()
- action_category_dict['name'] = kw.get('action_category_name', None)
- action_category_dict['description'] = kw.get(
- 'action_category_description', None)
- return self.admin_api.add_action_category_dict(
- user_id, intra_extension_id, action_category_dict)
- @controller.protected()
- def get_action_category(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- intra_extension_id = kw.get('intra_extension_id', None)
- action_category_id = kw.get('action_category_id', None)
- return self.admin_api.get_action_categories_dict(
- user_id, intra_extension_id, action_category_id)
- @controller.protected()
- def del_action_category(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- intra_extension_id = kw.get('intra_extension_id', None)
- action_category_id = kw.get('action_category_id', None)
- self.admin_api.del_action_category(
- user_id, intra_extension_id, action_category_id)
- @controller.protected()
- def set_action_category(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- intra_extension_id = kw.get('intra_extension_id', None)
- action_category_id = kw.get('action_category_id', None)
- action_category_dict = dict()
- action_category_dict['name'] = kw.get('action_category_name', None)
- action_category_dict['description'] = kw.get(
- 'action_category_description', None)
- return self.admin_api.set_action_category_dict(
- user_id, intra_extension_id, action_category_id, action_category_dict) # noqa
- # Perimeter functions
- @controller.protected()
- def get_subjects(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- intra_extension_id = kw.get('intra_extension_id', None)
- return self.admin_api.get_subjects_dict(user_id, intra_extension_id)
- @controller.protected()
- def add_subject(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- intra_extension_id = kw.get('intra_extension_id', None)
- subject_dict = dict()
- subject_dict['name'] = kw.get('subject_name', None)
- subject_dict['description'] = kw.get('subject_description', None)
- subject_dict['password'] = kw.get('subject_password', None)
- subject_dict['email'] = kw.get('subject_email', None)
- return self.admin_api.add_subject_dict(
- user_id, intra_extension_id, subject_dict)
- @controller.protected()
- def get_subject(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- intra_extension_id = kw.get('intra_extension_id', None)
- subject_id = kw.get('subject_id', None)
- return self.admin_api.get_subject_dict(
- user_id, intra_extension_id, subject_id)
- @controller.protected()
- def del_subject(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- intra_extension_id = kw.get('intra_extension_id', None)
- subject_id = kw.get('subject_id', None)
- self.admin_api.del_subject(user_id, intra_extension_id, subject_id)
- @controller.protected()
- def set_subject(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- intra_extension_id = kw.get('intra_extension_id', None)
- subject_id = kw.get('subject_id', None)
- subject_dict = dict()
- subject_dict['name'] = kw.get('subject_name', None)
- subject_dict['description'] = kw.get('subject_description', None)
- return self.admin_api.set_subject_dict(
- user_id, intra_extension_id, subject_id, subject_dict)
- @controller.protected()
- def get_objects(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- intra_extension_id = kw.get('intra_extension_id', None)
- return self.admin_api.get_objects_dict(user_id, intra_extension_id)
- @controller.protected()
- def add_object(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- intra_extension_id = kw.get('intra_extension_id', None)
- object_dict = dict()
- object_dict['name'] = kw.get('object_name', None)
- object_dict['description'] = kw.get('object_description', None)
- return self.admin_api.add_object_dict(
- user_id, intra_extension_id, object_dict)
- @controller.protected()
- def get_object(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- intra_extension_id = kw.get('intra_extension_id', None)
- object_id = kw.get('object_id', None)
- return self.admin_api.get_object_dict(
- user_id, intra_extension_id, object_id)
- @controller.protected()
- def del_object(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- intra_extension_id = kw.get('intra_extension_id', None)
- object_id = kw.get('object_id', None)
- self.admin_api.del_object(user_id, intra_extension_id, object_id)
- @controller.protected()
- def set_object(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- intra_extension_id = kw.get('intra_extension_id', None)
- object_id = kw.get('object_id', None)
- object_dict = dict()
- object_dict['name'] = kw.get('object_name', None)
- object_dict['description'] = kw.get('object_description', None)
- return self.admin_api.set_object_dict(
- user_id, intra_extension_id, object_id, object_dict)
- @controller.protected()
- def get_actions(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- intra_extension_id = kw.get('intra_extension_id', None)
- return self.admin_api.get_actions_dict(user_id, intra_extension_id)
- @controller.protected()
- def add_action(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- intra_extension_id = kw.get('intra_extension_id', None)
- action_dict = dict()
- action_dict['name'] = kw.get('action_name', None)
- action_dict['description'] = kw.get('action_description', None)
- return self.admin_api.add_action_dict(
- user_id, intra_extension_id, action_dict)
- @controller.protected()
- def get_action(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- intra_extension_id = kw.get('intra_extension_id', None)
- action_id = kw.get('action_id', None)
- return self.admin_api.get_action_dict(
- user_id, intra_extension_id, action_id)
- @controller.protected()
- def del_action(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- intra_extension_id = kw.get('intra_extension_id', None)
- action_id = kw.get('action_id', None)
- self.admin_api.del_action(user_id, intra_extension_id, action_id)
- @controller.protected()
- def set_action(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- intra_extension_id = kw.get('intra_extension_id', None)
- action_id = kw.get('action_id', None)
- action_dict = dict()
- action_dict['name'] = kw.get('action_name', None)
- action_dict['description'] = kw.get('action_description', None)
- return self.admin_api.set_action_dict(
- user_id, intra_extension_id, action_id, action_dict)
- # Scope functions
- @controller.protected()
- def get_subject_scopes(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- intra_extension_id = kw.get('intra_extension_id', None)
- subject_category_id = kw.get('subject_category_id', None)
- return self.admin_api.get_subject_scopes_dict(
- user_id, intra_extension_id, subject_category_id)
- @controller.protected()
- def add_subject_scope(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- intra_extension_id = kw.get('intra_extension_id', None)
- subject_category_id = kw.get('subject_category_id', None)
- subject_scope_dict = dict()
- subject_scope_dict['name'] = kw.get('subject_scope_name', None)
- subject_scope_dict['description'] = kw.get(
- 'subject_scope_description', None)
- return self.admin_api.add_subject_scope_dict(
- user_id, intra_extension_id, subject_category_id, subject_scope_dict) # noqa
- @controller.protected()
- def get_subject_scope(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- intra_extension_id = kw.get('intra_extension_id', None)
- subject_category_id = kw.get('subject_category_id', None)
- subject_scope_id = kw.get('subject_scope_id', None)
- return self.admin_api.get_subject_scope_dict(
- user_id, intra_extension_id, subject_category_id, subject_scope_id)
- @controller.protected()
- def del_subject_scope(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- intra_extension_id = kw.get('intra_extension_id', None)
- subject_category_id = kw.get('subject_category_id', None)
- subject_scope_id = kw.get('subject_scope_id', None)
- self.admin_api.del_subject_scope(
- user_id,
- intra_extension_id,
- subject_category_id,
- subject_scope_id)
- @controller.protected()
- def set_subject_scope(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- intra_extension_id = kw.get('intra_extension_id', None)
- subject_category_id = kw.get('subject_category_id', None)
- subject_scope_id = kw.get('subject_scope_id', None)
- subject_scope_dict = dict()
- subject_scope_dict['name'] = kw.get('subject_scope_name', None)
- subject_scope_dict['description'] = kw.get(
- 'subject_scope_description', None)
- return self.admin_api.set_subject_scope_dict(
- user_id, intra_extension_id, subject_category_id, subject_scope_id, subject_scope_dict) # noqa
- @controller.protected()
- def get_object_scopes(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- intra_extension_id = kw.get('intra_extension_id', None)
- object_category_id = kw.get('object_category_id', None)
- return self.admin_api.get_object_scopes_dict(
- user_id, intra_extension_id, object_category_id)
- @controller.protected()
- def add_object_scope(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- intra_extension_id = kw.get('intra_extension_id', None)
- object_category_id = kw.get('object_category_id', None)
- object_scope_dict = dict()
- object_scope_dict['name'] = kw.get('object_scope_name', None)
- object_scope_dict['description'] = kw.get(
- 'object_scope_description', None)
- return self.admin_api.add_object_scope_dict(
- user_id, intra_extension_id, object_category_id, object_scope_dict)
- @controller.protected()
- def get_object_scope(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- intra_extension_id = kw.get('intra_extension_id', None)
- object_category_id = kw.get('object_category_id', None)
- object_scope_id = kw.get('object_scope_id', None)
- return self.admin_api.get_object_scope_dict(
- user_id, intra_extension_id, object_category_id, object_scope_id)
- @controller.protected()
- def del_object_scope(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- intra_extension_id = kw.get('intra_extension_id', None)
- object_category_id = kw.get('object_category_id', None)
- object_scope_id = kw.get('object_scope_id', None)
- self.admin_api.del_object_scope(
- user_id,
- intra_extension_id,
- object_category_id,
- object_scope_id)
- @controller.protected()
- def set_object_scope(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- intra_extension_id = kw.get('intra_extension_id', None)
- object_category_id = kw.get('object_category_id', None)
- object_scope_id = kw.get('object_scope_id', None)
- object_scope_dict = dict()
- object_scope_dict['name'] = kw.get('object_scope_name', None)
- object_scope_dict['description'] = kw.get(
- 'object_scope_description', None)
- return self.admin_api.set_object_scope_dict(
- user_id, intra_extension_id, object_category_id, object_scope_id, object_scope_dict) # noqa
- @controller.protected()
- def get_action_scopes(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- intra_extension_id = kw.get('intra_extension_id', None)
- action_category_id = kw.get('action_category_id', None)
- return self.admin_api.get_action_scopes_dict(
- user_id, intra_extension_id, action_category_id)
- @controller.protected()
- def add_action_scope(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- intra_extension_id = kw.get('intra_extension_id', None)
- action_category_id = kw.get('action_category_id', None)
- action_scope_dict = dict()
- action_scope_dict['name'] = kw.get('action_scope_name', None)
- action_scope_dict['description'] = kw.get(
- 'action_scope_description', None)
- return self.admin_api.add_action_scope_dict(
- user_id, intra_extension_id, action_category_id, action_scope_dict)
- @controller.protected()
- def get_action_scope(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- intra_extension_id = kw.get('intra_extension_id', None)
- action_category_id = kw.get('action_category_id', None)
- action_scope_id = kw.get('action_scope_id', None)
- return self.admin_api.get_action_scope_dict(
- user_id, intra_extension_id, action_category_id, action_scope_id)
- @controller.protected()
- def del_action_scope(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- intra_extension_id = kw.get('intra_extension_id', None)
- action_category_id = kw.get('action_category_id', None)
- action_scope_id = kw.get('action_scope_id', None)
- self.admin_api.del_action_scope(
- user_id,
- intra_extension_id,
- action_category_id,
- action_scope_id)
- @controller.protected()
- def set_action_scope(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- intra_extension_id = kw.get('intra_extension_id', None)
- action_category_id = kw.get('action_category_id', None)
- action_scope_id = kw.get('action_scope_id', None)
- action_scope_dict = dict()
- action_scope_dict['name'] = kw.get('action_scope_name', None)
- action_scope_dict['description'] = kw.get(
- 'action_scope_description', None)
- return self.admin_api.set_action_scope_dict(
- user_id, intra_extension_id, action_category_id, action_scope_id, action_scope_dict) # noqa
- # Assignment functions
- @controller.protected()
- def add_subject_assignment(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- intra_extension_id = kw.get('intra_extension_id', None)
- subject_id = kw.get('subject_id', None)
- subject_category_id = kw.get('subject_category_id', None)
- subject_scope_id = kw.get('subject_scope_id', None)
- return self.admin_api.add_subject_assignment_list(
- user_id, intra_extension_id, subject_id, subject_category_id, subject_scope_id) # noqa
- @controller.protected()
- def get_subject_assignment(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- intra_extension_id = kw.get('intra_extension_id', None)
- subject_id = kw.get('subject_id', None)
- subject_category_id = kw.get('subject_category_id', None)
- return self.admin_api.get_subject_assignment_list(
- user_id, intra_extension_id, subject_id, subject_category_id)
- @controller.protected()
- def del_subject_assignment(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- intra_extension_id = kw.get('intra_extension_id', None)
- subject_id = kw.get('subject_id', None)
- subject_category_id = kw.get('subject_category_id', None)
- subject_scope_id = kw.get('subject_scope_id', None)
- self.admin_api.del_subject_assignment(
- user_id,
- intra_extension_id,
- subject_id,
- subject_category_id,
- subject_scope_id)
- @controller.protected()
- def add_object_assignment(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- intra_extension_id = kw.get('intra_extension_id', None)
- object_id = kw.get('object_id', None)
- object_category_id = kw.get('object_category_id', None)
- object_scope_id = kw.get('object_scope_id', None)
- return self.admin_api.add_object_assignment_list(
- user_id, intra_extension_id, object_id, object_category_id, object_scope_id) # noqa
- @controller.protected()
- def get_object_assignment(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- intra_extension_id = kw.get('intra_extension_id', None)
- object_id = kw.get('object_id', None)
- object_category_id = kw.get('object_category_id', None)
- return self.admin_api.get_object_assignment_list(
- user_id, intra_extension_id, object_id, object_category_id)
- @controller.protected()
- def del_object_assignment(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- intra_extension_id = kw.get('intra_extension_id', None)
- object_id = kw.get('object_id', None)
- object_category_id = kw.get('object_category_id', None)
- object_scope_id = kw.get('object_scope_id', None)
- self.admin_api.del_object_assignment(
- user_id,
- intra_extension_id,
- object_id,
- object_category_id,
- object_scope_id)
- @controller.protected()
- def add_action_assignment(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- intra_extension_id = kw.get('intra_extension_id', None)
- action_id = kw.get('action_id', None)
- action_category_id = kw.get('action_category_id', None)
- action_scope_id = kw.get('action_scope_id', None)
- return self.admin_api.add_action_assignment_list(
- user_id, intra_extension_id, action_id, action_category_id, action_scope_id) # noqa
- @controller.protected()
- def get_action_assignment(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- intra_extension_id = kw.get('intra_extension_id', None)
- action_id = kw.get('action_id', None)
- action_category_id = kw.get('action_category_id', None)
- return self.admin_api.get_action_assignment_list(
- user_id, intra_extension_id, action_id, action_category_id)
- @controller.protected()
- def del_action_assignment(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- intra_extension_id = kw.get('intra_extension_id', None)
- action_id = kw.get('action_id', None)
- action_category_id = kw.get('action_category_id', None)
- action_scope_id = kw.get('action_scope_id', None)
- self.admin_api.del_action_assignment(
- user_id,
- intra_extension_id,
- action_id,
- action_category_id,
- action_scope_id)
- # Metarule functions
- @controller.protected()
- def get_aggregation_algorithm(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- intra_extension_id = kw.get('intra_extension_id', None)
- return self.admin_api.get_aggregation_algorithm_id(
- user_id, intra_extension_id)
- @controller.protected()
- def set_aggregation_algorithm(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- intra_extension_id = kw.get('intra_extension_id', None)
- aggregation_algorithm_id = kw.get('aggregation_algorithm_id', None)
- return self.admin_api.set_aggregation_algorithm_id(
- user_id, intra_extension_id, aggregation_algorithm_id)
- @controller.protected()
- def get_sub_meta_rules(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- intra_extension_id = kw.get('intra_extension_id', None)
- return self.admin_api.get_sub_meta_rules_dict(
- user_id, intra_extension_id)
- @controller.protected()
- def add_sub_meta_rule(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- intra_extension_id = kw.get('intra_extension_id', None)
- sub_meta_rule_dict = dict()
- sub_meta_rule_dict['name'] = kw.get('sub_meta_rule_name', None)
- sub_meta_rule_dict['algorithm'] = kw.get(
- 'sub_meta_rule_algorithm', None)
- sub_meta_rule_dict['subject_categories'] = kw.get(
- 'sub_meta_rule_subject_categories', None)
- sub_meta_rule_dict['object_categories'] = kw.get(
- 'sub_meta_rule_object_categories', None)
- sub_meta_rule_dict['action_categories'] = kw.get(
- 'sub_meta_rule_action_categories', None)
- return self.admin_api.add_sub_meta_rule_dict(
- user_id, intra_extension_id, sub_meta_rule_dict)
- @controller.protected()
- def get_sub_meta_rule(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- intra_extension_id = kw.get('intra_extension_id', None)
- sub_meta_rule_id = kw.get('sub_meta_rule_id', None)
- return self.admin_api.get_sub_meta_rule_dict(
- user_id, intra_extension_id, sub_meta_rule_id)
- @controller.protected()
- def del_sub_meta_rule(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- intra_extension_id = kw.get('intra_extension_id', None)
- sub_meta_rule_id = kw.get('sub_meta_rule_id', None)
- self.admin_api.del_sub_meta_rule(
- user_id, intra_extension_id, sub_meta_rule_id)
- @controller.protected()
- def set_sub_meta_rule(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- intra_extension_id = kw.get('intra_extension_id', None)
- sub_meta_rule_id = kw.get('sub_meta_rule_id', None)
- sub_meta_rule_dict = dict()
- sub_meta_rule_dict['name'] = kw.get('sub_meta_rule_name', None)
- sub_meta_rule_dict['algorithm'] = kw.get(
- 'sub_meta_rule_algorithm', None)
- sub_meta_rule_dict['subject_categories'] = kw.get(
- 'sub_meta_rule_subject_categories', None)
- sub_meta_rule_dict['object_categories'] = kw.get(
- 'sub_meta_rule_object_categories', None)
- sub_meta_rule_dict['action_categories'] = kw.get(
- 'sub_meta_rule_action_categories', None)
- return self.admin_api.set_sub_meta_rule_dict(
- user_id, intra_extension_id, sub_meta_rule_id, sub_meta_rule_dict)
- # Rules functions
- @controller.protected()
- def get_rules(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- intra_extension_id = kw.get('intra_extension_id', None)
- sub_meta_rule_id = kw.get('sub_meta_rule_id', None)
- return self.admin_api.get_rules_dict(
- user_id, intra_extension_id, sub_meta_rule_id)
- @controller.protected()
- def add_rule(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- intra_extension_id = kw.get('intra_extension_id', None)
- sub_meta_rule_id = kw.get('sub_meta_rule_id', None)
- subject_category_list = kw.get('subject_categories', [])
- object_category_list = kw.get('object_categories', [])
- action_category_list = kw.get('action_categories', [])
- enabled_bool = kw.get('enabled', True)
- rule_list = subject_category_list + action_category_list + \
- object_category_list + [enabled_bool, ]
- return self.admin_api.add_rule_dict(
- user_id, intra_extension_id, sub_meta_rule_id, rule_list)
- @controller.protected()
- def get_rule(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- intra_extension_id = kw.get('intra_extension_id', None)
- sub_meta_rule_id = kw.get('sub_meta_rule_id', None)
- rule_id = kw.get('rule_id', None)
- return self.admin_api.get_rule_dict(
- user_id, intra_extension_id, sub_meta_rule_id, rule_id)
- @controller.protected()
- def del_rule(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- intra_extension_id = kw.get('intra_extension_id', None)
- sub_meta_rule_id = kw.get('sub_meta_rule_id', None)
- rule_id = kw.get('rule_id', None)
- self.admin_api.del_rule(
- user_id,
- intra_extension_id,
- sub_meta_rule_id,
- rule_id)
- @controller.protected()
- def set_rule(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- intra_extension_id = kw.get('intra_extension_id', None)
- sub_meta_rule_id = kw.get('sub_meta_rule_id', None)
- rule_id = kw.get('rule_id', None)
- rule_list = list()
- subject_category_list = kw.get('subject_categories', [])
- object_category_list = kw.get('object_categories', [])
- action_category_list = kw.get('action_categories', [])
- rule_list = subject_category_list + action_category_list + object_category_list # noqa
- return self.admin_api.set_rule_dict(
- user_id, intra_extension_id, sub_meta_rule_id, rule_id, rule_list)
-@dependency.requires('authz_api') # noqa: 405
-class InterExtensions(controller.V3Controller):
- def __init__(self):
- super(InterExtensions, self).__init__()
- def _get_user_from_token(self, token_id):
- response = self.token_provider_api.validate_token(token_id)
- token_ref = token_model.KeystoneToken(
- token_id=token_id, token_data=response)
- return token_ref['user']
- # @controller.protected()
- # def get_inter_extensions(self, context, **kw):
- # user = self._get_user_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- # return {
- # 'inter_extensions':
- # self.interextension_api.get_inter_extensions()
- # }
- # @controller.protected()
- # def get_inter_extension(self, context, **kw):
- # user = self._get_user_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- # return {
- # 'inter_extensions':
- # self.interextension_api.get_inter_extension(uuid=kw['inter_extension_id'])
- # }
- # @controller.protected()
- # def create_inter_extension(self, context, **kw):
- # user = self._get_user_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- # return self.interextension_api.create_inter_extension(kw)
- # @controller.protected()
- # def delete_inter_extension(self, context, **kw):
- # user = self._get_user_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- # if 'inter_extension_id' not in kw:
- # raise exception.Error
- # return
- # self.interextension_api.delete_inter_extension(kw['inter_extension_id'])
-@dependency.requires('moonlog_api', 'authz_api') # noqa: 405
-class Logs(controller.V3Controller):
- def __init__(self):
- super(Logs, self).__init__()
- def _get_user_id_from_token(self, token_id):
- response = self.token_provider_api.validate_token(token_id)
- token_ref = token_model.KeystoneToken(
- token_id=token_id, token_data=response)
- return token_ref['user']
- @controller.protected()
- def get_logs(self, context, **kw):
- user_id = self._get_user_id_from_token(context.get('token_id'))
- options = kw.get('options', '')
- return self.moonlog_api.get_logs(user_id, options)
-@dependency.requires('identity_api', "token_provider_api", "resource_api") # noqa: 405
-class MoonAuth(controller.V3Controller):
- def __init__(self):
- super(MoonAuth, self).__init__()
- def _get_project(self, uuid="", name=""):
- projects = self.resource_api.list_projects()
- for project in projects:
- if uuid and uuid == project['id']:
- return project
- elif name and name == project['name']:
- return project
- def get_token(self, context, **kw):
- data_auth = {
- "auth": {
- "identity": {
- "methods": [
- "password"
- ],
- "password": {
- "user": {
- "domain": {
- "id": "Default"
- },
- "name": kw['username'],
- "password": kw['password']
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- message = {}
- if "project" in kw:
- project = self._get_project(name=kw['project'])
- if project:
- data_auth["auth"]["scope"] = dict()
- data_auth["auth"]["scope"]['project'] = dict()
- data_auth["auth"]["scope"]['project']['id'] = project['id']
- else:
- message = {
- "error": {
- "message": "Unable to find project {}".format(kw['project']), # noqa
- "code": 200,
- "title": "UnScopedToken"
- }}
-# req ="http://localhost:5000/v3/auth/tokens",
-# json=data_auth,
-# headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"}
-# )
- req ="",
- json=data_auth,
- headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"}
- )
- if req.status_code not in (200, 201):
- LOG.error(req.text)
- else:
- _token = req.headers['X-Subject-Token']
- _data = req.json()
- _result = {
- "token": _token,
- 'message': message
- }
- try:
- _result["roles"] = map(
- lambda x: x['name'], _data["token"]["roles"])
- except KeyError:
- pass
- return _result
- return {"token": None, 'message': req.json()}
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/moon/files/deb.conf b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/moon/files/deb.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e1159a1..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/moon/files/deb.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-keystone/admin-password: password
-keystone/auth-token: password
-keystone/admin-password-confirm: password
-keystone/admin-email: root@localhost
-keystone/admin-role-name: admin
-keystone/admin-user: admin
-keystone/create-admin-tenant: false
-keystone/region-name: Orange
-keystone/admin-tenant-name: admin
-keystone/register-endpoint: false
-keystone/configure_db: false
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/moon/files/deb.conf.bak b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/moon/files/deb.conf.bak
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e1159a1..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/moon/files/deb.conf.bak
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-keystone/admin-password: password
-keystone/auth-token: password
-keystone/admin-password-confirm: password
-keystone/admin-email: root@localhost
-keystone/admin-role-name: admin
-keystone/admin-user: admin
-keystone/create-admin-tenant: false
-keystone/region-name: Orange
-keystone/admin-tenant-name: admin
-keystone/register-endpoint: false
-keystone/configure_db: false
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/moon/files/ b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/moon/files/
deleted file mode 100644
index d510bcf4..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/moon/files/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-import sys
-import subprocess
-pkts = []
-for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
- proc = subprocess.Popen(["dpkg-deb",
- "--info",
- arg],
- stdin=None,
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
- stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
- out =
- err =
- if err:
- print("An error occurred with {} ({})".format(arg, err))
- continue
- for line in out.splitlines():
- line = line.decode('utf-8')
- if " Depends:" in line:
- line = line.replace(" Depends:", "")
- for _dep in line.split(','):
- pkts.append(_dep.split()[0])
-print(" ".join(pkts))
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/moon/handlers/main.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/moon/handlers/main.yml
deleted file mode 100755
index 608a8a09..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/moon/handlers/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- name: restart keystone services
- service: name={{ item }} state=restarted enabled=yes
- with_items: services | union(services_noarch)
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/moon/tasks/main.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/moon/tasks/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index a3511de7..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/moon/tasks/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- include: moon.yml
- when: moon == "Enable"
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/moon/tasks/moon-compute.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/moon/tasks/moon-compute.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index e4142b5f..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/moon/tasks/moon-compute.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- name: update api-paste.ini
- template: src=api-paste.ini dest=/etc/nova/api-paste.ini backup=yes
-- name: restart nova task
- service: name={{ item }} state=restarted enabled=yes
- with_items:
- - nova-compute
-#- name: restart swift task
-# shell: swift-init all start
-# ignore_errors: True
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/moon/tasks/moon-controller.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/moon/tasks/moon-controller.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 95dd2e89..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/moon/tasks/moon-controller.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-# install all packages
-- name: install keystone packages
- shell: apt-get install -y python-pip unzip
-# download
-- name: get image http server
- shell: awk -F'=' '/compass_server/ {print $2}' /etc/compass.conf
- register: http_server
-- name: download keystone-moon packages
- get_url: url="http://{{ http_server.stdout_lines[0] }}/packages/moon/" dest=/tmp/ mode=0444
-- name: extract keystone-moon packages
- unarchive: src=/tmp/ dest=/tmp copy=no
-# install all dependencies
-- name: copy scripts
- copy: dest=/tmp/
-- name: install keystone-moon dependencies
- shell: "apt-get install `python /tmp/ /tmp/moon-bin-master/*.deb`"
- when: ansible_os_family == "Debian"
-- name: delete configuration file
- shell: >
- rm -f {{ apache_config_dir }}/sites-enabled/wsgi-keystone.conf;
- rm -f {{ apache_config_dir }}/sites-available/wsgi-keystone.conf;
-# install keystone moon
-- name: copy scripts
- copy: src=deb.conf dest=/tmp/deb.conf
-- name: install keystone moon
- shell: >
- export DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive";
- sudo -E dpkg -i /tmp/moon-bin-master/*moon*.deb;
-#- name: install keystone moon
-# shell: >
-# export DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive";
-# sudo -E debconf-set-selections python-keystone < /tmp/deb.conf;
-# sudo -E dpkg -i /tmp/moon-bin-master/*moon*.deb;
-- name: stop keystone task
- shell: >
- service keystone stop;
- mv /etc/init.d/keystone /home/;
- mv /etc/init/keystone.conf /home/;
- mv /lib/systemd/system/keystone.service /home/;
-# config keystone and apache2
-- name: delete sqlite database
- file:
- path: /var/lib/keystone/keystone.db
- state: absent
-#- name: update keystone conf
-# template: src=keystone.conf dest=/etc/keystone/keystone.conf backup=yes
-#- name: assure listen port exist
-# lineinfile:
-# dest: '{{ apache_config_dir }}/ports.conf'
-# regexp: '{{ item.regexp }}'
-# line: '{{ item.line}}'
-# with_items:
-# - regexp: "^Listen {{ internal_ip }}:5000"
-# line: "Listen {{ internal_ip }}:5000"
-# - regexp: "^Listen {{ internal_ip }}:35357"
-# line: "Listen {{ internal_ip }}:35357"
-- name: update apache2 configs
- template:
- src: wsgi-keystone.conf.j2
- dest: '{{ apache_config_dir }}/sites-available/wsgi-keystone.conf'
- when: ansible_os_family == 'Debian'
-- name: enable keystone server
- file:
- src: "{{ apache_config_dir }}/sites-available/wsgi-keystone.conf"
- dest: "{{ apache_config_dir }}/sites-enabled/wsgi-keystone.conf"
- state: "link"
- when: ansible_os_family == 'Debian'
-#- name: keystone source files
-# template: src={{ item }} dest=/opt/{{ item }}
-# with_items:
-# -
-# -
-# keystone paste ini
-- name: keystone paste ini 1
- shell: sudo cp /etc/keystone/keystone-paste.ini /etc/keystone/keystone-paste.ini.bak;
-- name: keystone paste ini 2
- shell: sudo sed "3i[pipeline:moon_pipeline]\npipeline = sizelimit url_normalize request_id build_auth_context token_auth admin_token_auth json_body ec2_extension_v3 s3_extension moon_service\n\n[app:moon_service]\nuse = egg:keystone#moon_service\n" /etc/keystone/keystone-paste.ini > /tmp/keystone-paste.ini;
-- name: keystone paste ini 3
- shell: sudo cp /tmp/keystone-paste.ini /etc/keystone/keystone-paste.ini;
-- name: keystone paste ini 4
- shell: sudo sed "s/use = egg:Paste#urlmap/use = egg:Paste#urlmap\n\/moon = moon_pipeline/" /etc/keystone/keystone-paste.ini > /tmp/keystone-paste.ini;
-- name: keystone paste ini 5
- shell: sudo cp /tmp/keystone-paste.ini /etc/keystone/keystone-paste.ini;
-# moon log
-- name: moon log
- shell: >
- sudo mkdir /var/log/moon/;
- sudo chown keystone /var/log/moon/;
- sudo addgroup moonlog;
- sudo chgrp moonlog /var/log/moon/;
- sudo touch /var/log/moon/keystonemiddleware.log;
- sudo touch /var/log/moon/system.log;
- sudo chgrp moonlog /var/log/moon/keystonemiddleware.log;
- sudo chgrp moonlog /var/log/moon/system.log;
- sudo chmod g+rw /var/log/moon;
- sudo chmod g+rw /var/log/moon/keystonemiddleware.log;
- sudo chmod g+rw /var/log/moon/system.log;
- sudo adduser keystone moonlog;
- # sudo adduser swift moonlog;
- sudo adduser nova moonlog;
-# keystone db sync
-- name: keystone db sync
- shell: >
- sudo /usr/bin/keystone-manage db_sync;
- sudo /usr/bin/keystone-manage db_sync --extension moon;
- when: inventory_hostname == haproxy_hosts.keys()[0]
-- name: wait for keystone ready
- wait_for: port=35357 delay=3 timeout=10 host={{ internal_ip }}
-#- name: cron job to purge expired tokens hourly
-# cron:
-# name: 'purge expired tokens'
-# special_time: hourly
-# job: '/usr/bin/keystone-manage token_flush > /var/log/keystone/keystone-tokenflush.log 2>&1'
-# moon workaround
-- name: copy scripts
- copy: dest=/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/keystone/contrib/moon/
-# apache2 restart
-- name: restart apache2
- service: name={{ item }} state=restarted enabled=yes
- with_items: services | union(services_noarch)
-# install moonclient
-- name: install moon client
- shell: sudo pip install /tmp/moon-bin-master/python-moonclient-0.1.tar.gz
-#- name: add tenants
-# keystone_user:
-# token: "{{ ADMIN_TOKEN }}"
-# endpoint: "http://{{ internal_ip }}:35357/v2.0"
-# tenant: "{{ item.tenant }}"
-# tenant_description: "{{ item.tenant_description }}"
-# with_items: "{{ os_users }}"
-# when: inventory_hostname == groups['controller'][0]
-#- name: add users
-# keystone_user:
-# token: "{{ ADMIN_TOKEN }}"
-# endpoint: "http://{{ internal_ip }}:35357/v2.0"
-# user: "{{ item.user }}"
-# tenant: "{{ item.tenant }}"
-# password: "{{ item.password }}"
-# email: "{{ }}"
-# with_items: "{{ os_users }}"
-# when: inventory_hostname == groups['controller'][0]
-#- name: grant roles
-# keystone_user:
-# token: "{{ ADMIN_TOKEN }}"
-# endpoint: "http://{{ internal_ip }}:35357/v2.0"
-# user: "{{ item.user }}"
-# role: "{{ item.role }}"
-# tenant: "{{ item.tenant }}"
-# with_items: "{{ os_users }}"
-# when: inventory_hostname == groups['controller'][0]
-#- name: add endpoints
-# keystone_service:
-# token: "{{ ADMIN_TOKEN }}"
-# endpoint: "http://{{ internal_ip }}:35357/v2.0"
-# name: "{{ }}"
-# type: "{{ item.type }}"
-# region: "{{ item.region}}"
-# description: "{{ item.description }}"
-# publicurl: "{{ item.publicurl }}"
-# internalurl: "{{ item.internalurl }}"
-# adminurl: "{{ item.adminurl }}"
-# with_items: "{{ os_services }}"
-# when: inventory_hostname == groups['controller'][0]
-- name: update api-paste.ini
- template: src=api-paste.ini dest=/etc/nova/api-paste.ini backup=yes
-#- name: update proxy-server conf
-# template: src=proxy-server.conf dest=/etc/swift/proxy-server.conf backup=yes
-# restart nova
-- name: restart nova
- service: name={{ item }} state=restarted enabled=yes
- with_items:
- - nova-api
- - nova-cert
- - nova-conductor
- - nova-consoleauth
- - nova-scheduler
-# restart swift
-#- name: restart swift
-# service: name={{ item }} state=restarted enabled=yes
-# with_items:
-# - swift-proxy
-# - memcached
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/moon/tasks/moon.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/moon/tasks/moon.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 40e1c98c..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/moon/tasks/moon.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- include_vars: "{{ ansible_os_family }}.yml"
-- include: moon-controller.yml
- when: inventory_hostname in groups['controller']
-- include: moon-compute.yml
- when: inventory_hostname in groups['compute']
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/moon/templates/ b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/moon/templates/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ba620ff..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/moon/templates/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-# Verify the Identity Service installation
-export OS_TENANT_NAME=admin
-export OS_AUTH_URL=http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:35357/v2.0
-export OS_USERNAME=admin
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/moon/templates/api-paste.ini b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/moon/templates/api-paste.ini
deleted file mode 100644
index f99689b7..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/moon/templates/api-paste.ini
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-# Metadata #
-use = egg:Paste#urlmap
-/: meta
-pipeline = cors metaapp
-paste.app_factory = nova.api.metadata.handler:MetadataRequestHandler.factory
-# OpenStack #
-use = call:nova.api.openstack.urlmap:urlmap_factory
-/: oscomputeversions
-# starting in Liberty the v21 implementation replaces the v2
-# implementation and is suggested that you use it as the default. If
-# this causes issues with your clients you can rollback to the
-# *frozen* v2 api by commenting out the above stanza and using the
-# following instead::
-# /v2: openstack_compute_api_legacy_v2
-# if rolling back to v2 fixes your issue please file a critical bug
-# at -
-# v21 is an exactly feature match for v2, except it has more stringent
-# input validation on the wsgi surface (prevents fuzzing early on the
-# API). It also provides new features via API microversions which are
-# opt into for clients. Unaware clients will receive the same frozen
-# v2 API feature set, but with some relaxed validation
-/v2: openstack_compute_api_v21_legacy_v2_compatible
-/v2.1: openstack_compute_api_v21
-# NOTE: this is deprecated in favor of openstack_compute_api_v21_legacy_v2_compatible
-use = call:nova.api.auth:pipeline_factory
-noauth2 = cors compute_req_id faultwrap sizelimit noauth2 legacy_ratelimit osapi_compute_app_legacy_v2
-keystone = cors compute_req_id faultwrap sizelimit authtoken keystonecontext moon legacy_ratelimit osapi_compute_app_legacy_v2
-keystone_nolimit = cors compute_req_id faultwrap sizelimit authtoken keystonecontext osapi_compute_app_legacy_v2
-use = call:nova.api.auth:pipeline_factory_v21
-noauth2 = cors compute_req_id faultwrap sizelimit noauth2 osapi_compute_app_v21
-keystone = cors compute_req_id faultwrap sizelimit authtoken keystonecontext osapi_compute_app_v21
-use = call:nova.api.auth:pipeline_factory_v21
-noauth2 = cors compute_req_id faultwrap sizelimit noauth2 legacy_v2_compatible osapi_compute_app_v21
-keystone = cors compute_req_id faultwrap sizelimit authtoken keystonecontext legacy_v2_compatible osapi_compute_app_v21
-paste.filter_factory = oslo_middleware:RequestId.factory
-paste.filter_factory = nova.api.compute_req_id:ComputeReqIdMiddleware.factory
-paste.filter_factory = nova.api.openstack:FaultWrapper.factory
-paste.filter_factory = nova.api.openstack.auth:NoAuthMiddleware.factory
-paste.filter_factory = nova.api.openstack.compute.limits:RateLimitingMiddleware.factory
-paste.filter_factory = oslo_middleware:RequestBodySizeLimiter.factory
-paste.filter_factory = nova.api.openstack:LegacyV2CompatibleWrapper.factory
-paste.app_factory = nova.api.openstack.compute:APIRouter.factory
-paste.app_factory = nova.api.openstack.compute:APIRouterV21.factory
-pipeline = faultwrap oscomputeversionapp
-paste.app_factory = nova.api.openstack.compute.versions:Versions.factory
-# Shared #
-paste.filter_factory = oslo_middleware.cors:filter_factory
-oslo_config_project = nova
-paste.filter_factory = nova.api.auth:NovaKeystoneContext.factory
-paste.filter_factory = keystonemiddleware.auth_token:filter_factory
-paste.filter_factory = keystonemiddleware.moon_agent:filter_factory
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/moon/templates/ b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/moon/templates/
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index 5807e868..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/moon/templates/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-export OS_USERNAME=demo
-export OS_TENANT_NAME=demo
-export OS_AUTH_URL=http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:35357/v2.0
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/moon/templates/keystone-paste.ini b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/moon/templates/keystone-paste.ini
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index cd9ebede..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/moon/templates/keystone-paste.ini
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-# Keystone PasteDeploy configuration file.
-pipeline = sizelimit url_normalize request_id build_auth_context token_auth admin_token_auth json_body ec2_extension_v3 s3_extension moon_service
-use = egg:keystone#moon_service
-use = egg:oslo.middleware#debug
-use = egg:oslo.middleware#request_id
-use = egg:keystone#build_auth_context
-use = egg:keystone#token_auth
-# This is deprecated in the M release and will be removed in the O release.
-# Use `keystone-manage bootstrap` and remove this from the pipelines below.
-use = egg:keystone#admin_token_auth
-use = egg:keystone#json_body
-use = egg:oslo.middleware#cors
-oslo_config_project = keystone
-use = egg:keystone#ec2_extension
-use = egg:keystone#ec2_extension_v3
-use = egg:keystone#s3_extension
-use = egg:keystone#url_normalize
-use = egg:oslo.middleware#sizelimit
-use = egg:keystone#public_service
-use = egg:keystone#service_v3
-use = egg:keystone#admin_service
-# The last item in this pipeline must be public_service or an equivalent
-# application. It cannot be a filter.
-pipeline = cors sizelimit url_normalize request_id admin_token_auth build_auth_context token_auth json_body ec2_extension public_service
-# The last item in this pipeline must be admin_service or an equivalent
-# application. It cannot be a filter.
-pipeline = cors sizelimit url_normalize request_id admin_token_auth build_auth_context token_auth json_body ec2_extension s3_extension admin_service
-# The last item in this pipeline must be service_v3 or an equivalent
-# application. It cannot be a filter.
-pipeline = cors sizelimit url_normalize request_id admin_token_auth build_auth_context token_auth json_body ec2_extension_v3 s3_extension service_v3
-use = egg:keystone#public_version_service
-use = egg:keystone#admin_version_service
-pipeline = cors sizelimit url_normalize public_version_service
-pipeline = cors sizelimit url_normalize admin_version_service
-use = egg:Paste#urlmap
-/moon = moon_pipeline
-/v2.0 = public_api
-/v3 = api_v3
-/ = public_version_api
-use = egg:Paste#urlmap
-/moon = moon_pipeline
-/v2.0 = admin_api
-/v3 = api_v3
-/ = admin_version_api
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/moon/templates/keystone.conf b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/moon/templates/keystone.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 649fc32c..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/moon/templates/keystone.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-{% set memcached_servers = [] %}
-{% set rabbitmq_servers = [] %}
-{% for host in haproxy_hosts.values() %}
-{% set _ = memcached_servers.append('%s:11211'% host) %}
-{% set _ = rabbitmq_servers.append('%s:5672'% host) %}
-{% endfor %}
-{% set memcached_servers = memcached_servers|join(',') %}
-{% set rabbitmq_servers = rabbitmq_servers|join(',') %}
-admin_token={{ ADMIN_TOKEN }}
-debug={{ DEBUG }}
-log_dir = /var/log/keystone
-memcache_servers={{ memcached_servers}}
-connection = mysql://keystone:{{ KEYSTONE_DBPASS }}@{{ db_host }}/keystone?charset=utf8
-public_bind_host= {{ identity_host }}
-admin_bind_host= {{ identity_host }}
-rabbit_userid = {{ RABBIT_USER }}
-rabbit_password = {{ RABBIT_PASS }}
-rabbit_hosts = {{ rabbitmq_servers }}
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/moon/templates/proxy-server.conf b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/moon/templates/proxy-server.conf
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index 9bea7a8e..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/moon/templates/proxy-server.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,775 +0,0 @@
-{% set memcached_servers = [] %}
-{% for host in haproxy_hosts.values() %}
-{% set _ = memcached_servers.append('%s:11211'% host) %}
-{% endfor %}
-{% set memcached_servers = memcached_servers|join(',') %}
-bind_ip = {{ internal_ip }}
-bind_port = 8080
-# bind_timeout = 30
-# backlog = 4096
-swift_dir = /etc/swift
-user = swift
-# Enables exposing configuration settings via HTTP GET /info.
-# expose_info = true
-# Key to use for admin calls that are HMAC signed. Default is empty,
-# which will disable admin calls to /info.
-# admin_key = secret_admin_key
-# Allows the ability to withhold sections from showing up in the public calls
-# to /info. You can withhold subsections by separating the dict level with a
-# ".". The following would cause the sections 'container_quotas' and 'tempurl'
-# to not be listed, and the key max_failed_deletes would be removed from
-# bulk_delete. Default value is 'swift.valid_api_versions' which allows all
-# registered features to be listed via HTTP GET /info except
-# swift.valid_api_versions information
-# disallowed_sections = swift.valid_api_versions, container_quotas, tempurl
-# Use an integer to override the number of pre-forked processes that will
-# accept connections. Should default to the number of effective cpu
-# cores in the system. It's worth noting that individual workers will
-# use many eventlet co-routines to service multiple concurrent requests.
-# workers = auto
-# Maximum concurrent requests per worker
-# max_clients = 1024
-# Set the following two lines to enable SSL. This is for testing only.
-# cert_file = /etc/swift/proxy.crt
-# key_file = /etc/swift/proxy.key
-# expiring_objects_container_divisor = 86400
-# expiring_objects_account_name = expiring_objects
-# You can specify default log routing here if you want:
-# log_name = swift
-# log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0
-# log_level = INFO
-# log_headers = false
-# log_address = /dev/log
-# The following caps the length of log lines to the value given; no limit if
-# set to 0, the default.
-# log_max_line_length = 0
-# This optional suffix (default is empty) that would be appended to the swift transaction
-# id allows one to easily figure out from which cluster that X-Trans-Id belongs to.
-# This is very useful when one is managing more than one swift cluster.
-# trans_id_suffix =
-# comma separated list of functions to call to setup custom log handlers.
-# functions get passed: conf, name, log_to_console, log_route, fmt, logger,
-# adapted_logger
-# log_custom_handlers =
-# If set, log_udp_host will override log_address
-# log_udp_host =
-# log_udp_port = 514
-# You can enable StatsD logging here:
-# log_statsd_host =
-# log_statsd_port = 8125
-# log_statsd_default_sample_rate = 1.0
-# log_statsd_sample_rate_factor = 1.0
-# log_statsd_metric_prefix =
-# Use a comma separated list of full url (,
-# cors_allow_origin =
-# strict_cors_mode = True
-# client_timeout = 60
-# eventlet_debug = false
-# This sample pipeline uses tempauth and is used for SAIO dev work and
-# testing. See below for a pipeline using keystone.
-#pipeline = catch_errors gatekeeper healthcheck proxy-logging cache container_sync bulk tempurl ratelimit tempauth container-quotas account-quotas slo dlo versioned_writes proxy-logging proxy-server
-pipeline = catch_errors gatekeeper healthcheck proxy-logging cache container_sync bulk ratelimit authtoken keystoneauth container-quotas account-quotas slo dlo versioned_writes proxy-logging moon proxy-server
-# The following pipeline shows keystone integration. Comment out the one
-# above and uncomment this one. Additional steps for integrating keystone are
-# covered further below in the filter sections for authtoken and keystoneauth.
-#pipeline = catch_errors gatekeeper healthcheck proxy-logging cache container_sync bulk tempurl ratelimit authtoken keystoneauth container-quotas account-quotas slo dlo versioned_writes proxy-logging proxy-server
-use = egg:swift#proxy
-account_autocreate = True
-# You can override the default log routing for this app here:
-# set log_name = proxy-server
-# set log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0
-# set log_level = INFO
-# set log_address = /dev/log
-# log_handoffs = true
-# recheck_account_existence = 60
-# recheck_container_existence = 60
-# object_chunk_size = 65536
-# client_chunk_size = 65536
-# How long the proxy server will wait on responses from the a/c/o servers.
-# node_timeout = 10
-# How long the proxy server will wait for an initial response and to read a
-# chunk of data from the object servers while serving GET / HEAD requests.
-# Timeouts from these requests can be recovered from so setting this to
-# something lower than node_timeout would provide quicker error recovery
-# while allowing for a longer timeout for non-recoverable requests (PUTs).
-# Defaults to node_timeout, should be overriden if node_timeout is set to a
-# high number to prevent client timeouts from firing before the proxy server
-# has a chance to retry.
-# recoverable_node_timeout = node_timeout
-# conn_timeout = 0.5
-# How long to wait for requests to finish after a quorum has been established.
-# post_quorum_timeout = 0.5
-# How long without an error before a node's error count is reset. This will
-# also be how long before a node is reenabled after suppression is triggered.
-# error_suppression_interval = 60
-# How many errors can accumulate before a node is temporarily ignored.
-# error_suppression_limit = 10
-# If set to 'true' any authorized user may create and delete accounts; if
-# 'false' no one, even authorized, can.
-# allow_account_management = false
-# Set object_post_as_copy = false to turn on fast posts where only the metadata
-# changes are stored anew and the original data file is kept in place. This
-# makes for quicker posts.
-# object_post_as_copy = true
-# If set to 'true' authorized accounts that do not yet exist within the Swift
-# cluster will be automatically created.
-# account_autocreate = false
-# If set to a positive value, trying to create a container when the account
-# already has at least this maximum containers will result in a 403 Forbidden.
-# Note: This is a soft limit, meaning a user might exceed the cap for
-# recheck_account_existence before the 403s kick in.
-# max_containers_per_account = 0
-# This is a comma separated list of account hashes that ignore the
-# max_containers_per_account cap.
-# max_containers_whitelist =
-# Comma separated list of Host headers to which the proxy will deny requests.
-# deny_host_headers =
-# Prefix used when automatically creating accounts.
-# auto_create_account_prefix = .
-# Depth of the proxy put queue.
-# put_queue_depth = 10
-# Storage nodes can be chosen at random (shuffle), by using timing
-# measurements (timing), or by using an explicit match (affinity).
-# Using timing measurements may allow for lower overall latency, while
-# using affinity allows for finer control. In both the timing and
-# affinity cases, equally-sorting nodes are still randomly chosen to
-# spread load.
-# The valid values for sorting_method are "affinity", "shuffle", or "timing".
-# sorting_method = shuffle
-# If the "timing" sorting_method is used, the timings will only be valid for
-# the number of seconds configured by timing_expiry.
-# timing_expiry = 300
-# By default on a GET/HEAD swift will connect to a storage node one at a time
-# in a single thread. There is smarts in the order they are hit however. If you
-# turn on concurrent_gets below, then replica count threads will be used.
-# With addition of the concurrency_timeout option this will allow swift to send
-# out GET/HEAD requests to the storage nodes concurrently and answer with the
-# first to respond. With an EC policy the parameter only affects HEAD requests.
-# concurrent_gets = off
-# This parameter controls how long to wait before firing off the next
-# concurrent_get thread. A value of 0 would be fully concurrent, any other
-# number will stagger the firing of the threads. This number should be
-# between 0 and node_timeout. The default is what ever you set for the
-# conn_timeout parameter.
-# concurrency_timeout = 0.5
-# Set to the number of nodes to contact for a normal request. You can use
-# '* replicas' at the end to have it use the number given times the number of
-# replicas for the ring being used for the request.
-# request_node_count = 2 * replicas
-# Which backend servers to prefer on reads. Format is r<N> for region
-# N or r<N>z<M> for region N, zone M. The value after the equals is
-# the priority; lower numbers are higher priority.
-# Example: first read from region 1 zone 1, then region 1 zone 2, then
-# anything in region 2, then everything else:
-# read_affinity = r1z1=100, r1z2=200, r2=300
-# Default is empty, meaning no preference.
-# read_affinity =
-# Which backend servers to prefer on writes. Format is r<N> for region
-# N or r<N>z<M> for region N, zone M. If this is set, then when
-# handling an object PUT request, some number (see setting
-# write_affinity_node_count) of local backend servers will be tried
-# before any nonlocal ones.
-# Example: try to write to regions 1 and 2 before writing to any other
-# nodes:
-# write_affinity = r1, r2
-# Default is empty, meaning no preference.
-# write_affinity =
-# The number of local (as governed by the write_affinity setting)
-# nodes to attempt to contact first, before any non-local ones. You
-# can use '* replicas' at the end to have it use the number given
-# times the number of replicas for the ring being used for the
-# request.
-# write_affinity_node_count = 2 * replicas
-# These are the headers whose values will only be shown to swift_owners. The
-# exact definition of a swift_owner is up to the auth system in use, but
-# usually indicates administrative responsibilities.
-# swift_owner_headers = x-container-read, x-container-write, x-container-sync-key, x-container-sync-to, x-account-meta-temp-url-key, x-account-meta-temp-url-key-2, x-container-meta-temp-url-key, x-container-meta-temp-url-key-2, x-account-access-control
-use = egg:swift#tempauth
-# You can override the default log routing for this filter here:
-# set log_name = tempauth
-# set log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0
-# set log_level = INFO
-# set log_headers = false
-# set log_address = /dev/log
-# The reseller prefix will verify a token begins with this prefix before even
-# attempting to validate it. Also, with authorization, only Swift storage
-# accounts with this prefix will be authorized by this middleware. Useful if
-# multiple auth systems are in use for one Swift cluster.
-# The reseller_prefix may contain a comma separated list of items. The first
-# item is used for the token as mentioned above. If second and subsequent
-# items exist, the middleware will handle authorization for an account with
-# that prefix. For example, for prefixes "AUTH, SERVICE", a path of
-# /v1/SERVICE_account is handled the same as /v1/AUTH_account. If an empty
-# (blank) reseller prefix is required, it must be first in the list. Two
-# single quote characters indicates an empty (blank) reseller prefix.
-# reseller_prefix = AUTH
-# The require_group parameter names a group that must be presented by
-# either X-Auth-Token or X-Service-Token. Usually this parameter is
-# used only with multiple reseller prefixes (e.g., SERVICE_require_group=blah).
-# By default, no group is needed. Do not use .admin.
-# require_group =
-# The auth prefix will cause requests beginning with this prefix to be routed
-# to the auth subsystem, for granting tokens, etc.
-# auth_prefix = /auth/
-# token_life = 86400
-# This allows middleware higher in the WSGI pipeline to override auth
-# processing, useful for middleware such as tempurl and formpost. If you know
-# you're not going to use such middleware and you want a bit of extra security,
-# you can set this to false.
-# allow_overrides = true
-# This specifies what scheme to return with storage urls:
-# http, https, or default (chooses based on what the server is running as)
-# This can be useful with an SSL load balancer in front of a non-SSL server.
-# storage_url_scheme = default
-# Lastly, you need to list all the accounts/users you want here. The format is:
-# user_<account>_<user> = <key> [group] [group] [...] [storage_url]
-# or if you want underscores in <account> or <user>, you can base64 encode them
-# (with no equal signs) and use this format:
-# user64_<account_b64>_<user_b64> = <key> [group] [group] [...] [storage_url]
-# There are special groups of:
-# .reseller_admin = can do anything to any account for this auth
-# .admin = can do anything within the account
-# If neither of these groups are specified, the user can only access containers
-# that have been explicitly allowed for them by a .admin or .reseller_admin.
-# The trailing optional storage_url allows you to specify an alternate url to
-# hand back to the user upon authentication. If not specified, this defaults to
-# $HOST/v1/<reseller_prefix>_<account> where $HOST will do its best to resolve
-# to what the requester would need to use to reach this host.
-# Here are example entries, required for running the tests:
-user_admin_admin = admin .admin .reseller_admin
-user_test_tester = testing .admin
-user_test2_tester2 = testing2 .admin
-user_test_tester3 = testing3
-user_test5_tester5 = testing5 service
-# To enable Keystone authentication you need to have the auth token
-# middleware first to be configured. Here is an example below, please
-# refer to the keystone's documentation for details about the
-# different settings.
-# You'll also need to have the keystoneauth middleware enabled and have it in
-# your main pipeline, as show in the sample pipeline at the top of this file.
-# Following parameters are known to work with keystonemiddleware v2.3.0
-# (above v2.0.0), but checking the latest information in the wiki page[1]
-# is recommended.
-# 1.
-paste.filter_factory = keystonemiddleware.auth_token:filter_factory
-auth_uri = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:5000
-auth_url = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:35357
-identity_uri = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:35357
-memcached_servers = {{ memcached_servers }}
-#auth_plugin = password
-auth_type = password
-project_domain_id = default
-user_domain_id = default
-project_name = service
-username = swift
-password = {{ CINDER_PASS }}
-delay_auth_decision = True
-admin_password={{ ADMIN_PASS }}
-admin_token={{ ADMIN_TOKEN }}
-# delay_auth_decision defaults to False, but leaving it as false will
-# prevent other auth systems, staticweb, tempurl, formpost, and ACLs from
-# working. This value must be explicitly set to True.
-# delay_auth_decision = False
-# cache = swift.cache
-# include_service_catalog = False
-use = egg:swift#keystoneauth
-operator_roles = admin,user
-# The reseller_prefix option lists account namespaces that this middleware is
-# responsible for. The prefix is placed before the Keystone project id.
-# For example, for project 12345678, and prefix AUTH, the account is
-# named AUTH_12345678 (i.e., path is /v1/AUTH_12345678/...).
-# Several prefixes are allowed by specifying a comma-separated list
-# as in: "reseller_prefix = AUTH, SERVICE". The empty string indicates a
-# single blank/empty prefix. If an empty prefix is required in a list of
-# prefixes, a value of '' (two single quote characters) indicates a
-# blank/empty prefix. Except for the blank/empty prefix, an underscore ('_')
-# character is appended to the value unless already present.
-# reseller_prefix = AUTH
-# The user must have at least one role named by operator_roles on a
-# project in order to create, delete and modify containers and objects
-# and to set and read privileged headers such as ACLs.
-# If there are several reseller prefix items, you can prefix the
-# parameter so it applies only to those accounts (for example
-# the parameter SERVICE_operator_roles applies to the /v1/SERVICE_<project>
-# path). If you omit the prefix, the option applies to all reseller
-# prefix items. For the blank/empty prefix, prefix with '' (do not put
-# underscore after the two single quote characters).
-# operator_roles = admin, swiftoperator
-# The reseller admin role has the ability to create and delete accounts
-# reseller_admin_role = ResellerAdmin
-# This allows middleware higher in the WSGI pipeline to override auth
-# processing, useful for middleware such as tempurl and formpost. If you know
-# you're not going to use such middleware and you want a bit of extra security,
-# you can set this to false.
-# allow_overrides = true
-# If the service_roles parameter is present, an X-Service-Token must be
-# present in the request that when validated, grants at least one role listed
-# in the parameter. The X-Service-Token may be scoped to any project.
-# If there are several reseller prefix items, you can prefix the
-# parameter so it applies only to those accounts (for example
-# the parameter SERVICE_service_roles applies to the /v1/SERVICE_<project>
-# path). If you omit the prefix, the option applies to all reseller
-# prefix items. For the blank/empty prefix, prefix with '' (do not put
-# underscore after the two single quote characters).
-# By default, no service_roles are required.
-# service_roles =
-# For backwards compatibility, keystoneauth will match names in cross-tenant
-# access control lists (ACLs) when both the requesting user and the tenant
-# are in the default domain i.e the domain to which existing tenants are
-# migrated. The default_domain_id value configured here should be the same as
-# the value used during migration of tenants to keystone domains.
-# default_domain_id = default
-# For a new installation, or an installation in which keystone projects may
-# move between domains, you should disable backwards compatible name matching
-# in ACLs by setting allow_names_in_acls to false:
-# allow_names_in_acls = true
-use = egg:swift#healthcheck
-# An optional filesystem path, which if present, will cause the healthcheck
-# URL to return "503 Service Unavailable" with a body of "DISABLED BY FILE".
-# This facility may be used to temporarily remove a Swift node from a load
-# balancer pool during maintenance or upgrade (remove the file to allow the
-# node back into the load balancer pool).
-# disable_path =
-use = egg:swift#memcache
-memcache_servers = {{ memcached_servers }}
-# You can override the default log routing for this filter here:
-# set log_name = cache
-# set log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0
-# set log_level = INFO
-# set log_headers = false
-# set log_address = /dev/log
-# If not set here, the value for memcache_servers will be read from
-# memcache.conf (see memcache.conf-sample) or lacking that file, it will
-# default to the value below. You can specify multiple servers separated with
-# commas, as in:, (IPv6 addresses must
-# follow rfc3986 section-3.2.2, i.e. [::1]:11211)
-# memcache_servers =
-# Sets how memcache values are serialized and deserialized:
-# 0 = older, insecure pickle serialization
-# 1 = json serialization but pickles can still be read (still insecure)
-# 2 = json serialization only (secure and the default)
-# If not set here, the value for memcache_serialization_support will be read
-# from /etc/swift/memcache.conf (see memcache.conf-sample).
-# To avoid an instant full cache flush, existing installations should
-# upgrade with 0, then set to 1 and reload, then after some time (24 hours)
-# set to 2 and reload.
-# In the future, the ability to use pickle serialization will be removed.
-# memcache_serialization_support = 2
-# Sets the maximum number of connections to each memcached server per worker
-# memcache_max_connections = 2
-# More options documented in memcache.conf-sample
-use = egg:swift#ratelimit
-# You can override the default log routing for this filter here:
-# set log_name = ratelimit
-# set log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0
-# set log_level = INFO
-# set log_headers = false
-# set log_address = /dev/log
-# clock_accuracy should represent how accurate the proxy servers' system clocks
-# are with each other. 1000 means that all the proxies' clock are accurate to
-# each other within 1 millisecond. No ratelimit should be higher than the
-# clock accuracy.
-# clock_accuracy = 1000
-# max_sleep_time_seconds = 60
-# log_sleep_time_seconds of 0 means disabled
-# log_sleep_time_seconds = 0
-# allows for slow rates (e.g. running up to 5 sec's behind) to catch up.
-# rate_buffer_seconds = 5
-# account_ratelimit of 0 means disabled
-# account_ratelimit = 0
-# DEPRECATED- these will continue to work but will be replaced
-# by the X-Account-Sysmeta-Global-Write-Ratelimit flag.
-# Please see ratelimiting docs for details.
-# these are comma separated lists of account names
-# account_whitelist = a,b
-# account_blacklist = c,d
-# with container_limit_x = r
-# for containers of size x limit write requests per second to r. The container
-# rate will be linearly interpolated from the values given. With the values
-# below, a container of size 5 will get a rate of 75.
-# container_ratelimit_0 = 100
-# container_ratelimit_10 = 50
-# container_ratelimit_50 = 20
-# Similarly to the above container-level write limits, the following will limit
-# container GET (listing) requests.
-# container_listing_ratelimit_0 = 100
-# container_listing_ratelimit_10 = 50
-# container_listing_ratelimit_50 = 20
-use = egg:swift#domain_remap
-# You can override the default log routing for this filter here:
-# set log_name = domain_remap
-# set log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0
-# set log_level = INFO
-# set log_headers = false
-# set log_address = /dev/log
-# storage_domain =
-# path_root = v1
-# Browsers can convert a host header to lowercase, so check that reseller
-# prefix on the account is the correct case. This is done by comparing the
-# items in the reseller_prefixes config option to the found prefix. If they
-# match except for case, the item from reseller_prefixes will be used
-# instead of the found reseller prefix. When none match, the default reseller
-# prefix is used. When no default reseller prefix is configured, any request
-# with an account prefix not in that list will be ignored by this middleware.
-# reseller_prefixes = AUTH
-# default_reseller_prefix =
-use = egg:swift#catch_errors
-# You can override the default log routing for this filter here:
-# set log_name = catch_errors
-# set log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0
-# set log_level = INFO
-# set log_headers = false
-# set log_address = /dev/log
-# Note: this middleware requires python-dnspython
-use = egg:swift#cname_lookup
-# You can override the default log routing for this filter here:
-# set log_name = cname_lookup
-# set log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0
-# set log_level = INFO
-# set log_headers = false
-# set log_address = /dev/log
-# Specify the storage_domain that match your cloud, multiple domains
-# can be specified separated by a comma
-# storage_domain =
-# lookup_depth = 1
-# Note: Put staticweb just after your auth filter(s) in the pipeline
-use = egg:swift#staticweb
-# You can override the default log routing for this filter here:
-# set log_name = staticweb
-# set log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0
-# set log_level = INFO
-# set log_headers = false
-# set log_address = /dev/log
-# Note: Put tempurl before dlo, slo and your auth filter(s) in the pipeline
-use = egg:swift#tempurl
-# The methods allowed with Temp URLs.
-# The headers to remove from incoming requests. Simply a whitespace delimited
-# list of header names and names can optionally end with '*' to indicate a
-# prefix match. incoming_allow_headers is a list of exceptions to these
-# removals.
-# incoming_remove_headers = x-timestamp
-# The headers allowed as exceptions to incoming_remove_headers. Simply a
-# whitespace delimited list of header names and names can optionally end with
-# '*' to indicate a prefix match.
-# incoming_allow_headers =
-# The headers to remove from outgoing responses. Simply a whitespace delimited
-# list of header names and names can optionally end with '*' to indicate a
-# prefix match. outgoing_allow_headers is a list of exceptions to these
-# removals.
-# outgoing_remove_headers = x-object-meta-*
-# The headers allowed as exceptions to outgoing_remove_headers. Simply a
-# whitespace delimited list of header names and names can optionally end with
-# '*' to indicate a prefix match.
-# outgoing_allow_headers = x-object-meta-public-*
-# Note: Put formpost just before your auth filter(s) in the pipeline
-use = egg:swift#formpost
-# Note: Just needs to be placed before the proxy-server in the pipeline.
-use = egg:swift#name_check
-# forbidden_chars = '"`<>
-# maximum_length = 255
-# forbidden_regexp = /\./|/\.\./|/\.$|/\.\.$
-use = egg:swift#list_endpoints
-# list_endpoints_path = /endpoints/
-use = egg:swift#proxy_logging
-# If not set, logging directives from [DEFAULT] without "access_" will be used
-# access_log_name = swift
-# access_log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0
-# access_log_level = INFO
-# access_log_address = /dev/log
-# If set, access_log_udp_host will override access_log_address
-# access_log_udp_host =
-# access_log_udp_port = 514
-# You can use log_statsd_* from [DEFAULT] or override them here:
-# access_log_statsd_host =
-# access_log_statsd_port = 8125
-# access_log_statsd_default_sample_rate = 1.0
-# access_log_statsd_sample_rate_factor = 1.0
-# access_log_statsd_metric_prefix =
-# access_log_headers = false
-# If access_log_headers is True and access_log_headers_only is set only
-# these headers are logged. Multiple headers can be defined as comma separated
-# list like this: access_log_headers_only = Host, X-Object-Meta-Mtime
-# access_log_headers_only =
-# By default, the X-Auth-Token is logged. To obscure the value,
-# set reveal_sensitive_prefix to the number of characters to log.
-# For example, if set to 12, only the first 12 characters of the
-# token appear in the log. An unauthorized access of the log file
-# won't allow unauthorized usage of the token. However, the first
-# 12 or so characters is unique enough that you can trace/debug
-# token usage. Set to 0 to suppress the token completely (replaced
-# by '...' in the log).
-# Note: reveal_sensitive_prefix will not affect the value
-# logged with access_log_headers=True.
-# reveal_sensitive_prefix = 16
-# What HTTP methods are allowed for StatsD logging (comma-sep); request methods
-# not in this list will have "BAD_METHOD" for the <verb> portion of the metric.
-# log_statsd_valid_http_methods = GET,HEAD,POST,PUT,DELETE,COPY,OPTIONS
-# Note: The double proxy-logging in the pipeline is not a mistake. The
-# left-most proxy-logging is there to log requests that were handled in
-# middleware and never made it through to the right-most middleware (and
-# proxy server). Double logging is prevented for normal requests. See
-# proxy-logging docs.
-# Note: Put before both ratelimit and auth in the pipeline.
-use = egg:swift#bulk
-# max_containers_per_extraction = 10000
-# max_failed_extractions = 1000
-# max_deletes_per_request = 10000
-# max_failed_deletes = 1000
-# In order to keep a connection active during a potentially long bulk request,
-# Swift may return whitespace prepended to the actual response body. This
-# whitespace will be yielded no more than every yield_frequency seconds.
-# yield_frequency = 10
-# Note: The following parameter is used during a bulk delete of objects and
-# their container. This would frequently fail because it is very likely
-# that all replicated objects have not been deleted by the time the middleware got a
-# successful response. It can be configured the number of retries. And the
-# number of seconds to wait between each retry will be 1.5**retry
-# delete_container_retry_count = 0
-# Note: Put after auth and staticweb in the pipeline.
-use = egg:swift#slo
-# max_manifest_segments = 1000
-# max_manifest_size = 2097152
-# Rate limiting applies only to segments smaller than this size (bytes).
-# rate_limit_under_size = 1048576
-# Start rate-limiting SLO segment serving after the Nth small segment of a
-# segmented object.
-# rate_limit_after_segment = 10
-# Once segment rate-limiting kicks in for an object, limit segments served
-# to N per second. 0 means no rate-limiting.
-# rate_limit_segments_per_sec = 1
-# Time limit on GET requests (seconds)
-# max_get_time = 86400
-# Note: Put after auth and staticweb in the pipeline.
-# If you don't put it in the pipeline, it will be inserted for you.
-use = egg:swift#dlo
-# Start rate-limiting DLO segment serving after the Nth segment of a
-# segmented object.
-# rate_limit_after_segment = 10
-# Once segment rate-limiting kicks in for an object, limit segments served
-# to N per second. 0 means no rate-limiting.
-# rate_limit_segments_per_sec = 1
-# Time limit on GET requests (seconds)
-# max_get_time = 86400
-# Note: Put after auth in the pipeline.
-use = egg:swift#container_quotas
-# Note: Put after auth in the pipeline.
-use = egg:swift#account_quotas
-use = egg:swift#gatekeeper
-# Set this to false if you want to allow clients to set arbitrary X-Timestamps
-# on uploaded objects. This may be used to preserve timestamps when migrating
-# from a previous storage system, but risks allowing users to upload
-# difficult-to-delete data.
-# shunt_inbound_x_timestamp = true
-# You can override the default log routing for this filter here:
-# set log_name = gatekeeper
-# set log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0
-# set log_level = INFO
-# set log_headers = false
-# set log_address = /dev/log
-use = egg:swift#container_sync
-# Set this to false if you want to disallow any full url values to be set for
-# any new X-Container-Sync-To headers. This will keep any new full urls from
-# coming in, but won't change any existing values already in the cluster.
-# Updating those will have to be done manually, as knowing what the true realm
-# endpoint should be cannot always be guessed.
-# allow_full_urls = true
-# Set this to specify this clusters //realm/cluster as "current" in /info
-# current = //REALM/CLUSTER
-# Note: Put it at the beginning of the pipeline to profile all middleware. But
-# it is safer to put this after catch_errors, gatekeeper and healthcheck.
-use = egg:swift#xprofile
-# This option enable you to switch profilers which should inherit from python
-# standard profiler. Currently the supported value can be 'cProfile',
-# '' etc.
-# profile_module =
-# This prefix will be used to combine process ID and timestamp to name the
-# profile data file. Make sure the executing user has permission to write
-# into this path (missing path segments will be created, if necessary).
-# If you enable profiling in more than one type of daemon, you must override
-# it with an unique value like: /var/log/swift/profile/proxy.profile
-# log_filename_prefix = /tmp/log/swift/profile/default.profile
-# the profile data will be dumped to local disk based on above naming rule
-# in this interval.
-# dump_interval = 5.0
-# Be careful, this option will enable profiler to dump data into the file with
-# time stamp which means there will be lots of files piled up in the directory.
-# dump_timestamp = false
-# This is the path of the URL to access the mini web UI.
-# path = /__profile__
-# Clear the data when the wsgi server shutdown.
-# flush_at_shutdown = false
-# unwind the iterator of applications
-# unwind = false
-# Note: Put after slo, dlo in the pipeline.
-# If you don't put it in the pipeline, it will be inserted automatically.
-use = egg:swift#versioned_writes
-# Enables using versioned writes middleware and exposing configuration
-# settings via HTTP GET /info.
-# WARNING: Setting this option bypasses the "allow_versions" option
-# in the container configuration file, which will be eventually
-# deprecated. See documentation for more details.
-# allow_versioned_writes = false
-paste.filter_factory = keystonemiddleware.moon_agent:filter_factory
-authz_password={{ ADMIN_PASS }}
-auth_host = {{ internal_vip.ip }}
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/moon/templates/wsgi-keystone.conf.j2 b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/moon/templates/wsgi-keystone.conf.j2
deleted file mode 100644
index 64d864af..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/moon/templates/wsgi-keystone.conf.j2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
- {% set work_threads = (ansible_processor_vcpus + 1) // 2 %}
-<VirtualHost {{ internal_ip }}:5000>
- WSGIDaemonProcess keystone-public processes={{ work_threads }} threads={{ work_threads }} user=keystone group=keystone display-name=%{GROUP}
- WSGIProcessGroup keystone-public
- WSGIScriptAlias / /usr/bin/keystone-wsgi-public
- WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}
- WSGIPassAuthorization On
- <IfVersion >= 2.4>
- ErrorLogFormat "%{cu}t %M"
- </IfVersion>
- ErrorLog /var/log/{{ http_service_name }}/keystone.log
- CustomLog /var/log/{{ http_service_name }}/keystone_access.log combined
- <Directory /usr/bin>
- <IfVersion >= 2.4>
- Require all granted
- </IfVersion>
- <IfVersion < 2.4>
- Order allow,deny
- Allow from all
- </IfVersion>
- </Directory>
-<VirtualHost {{ internal_ip }}:35357>
- WSGIDaemonProcess keystone-admin processes={{ work_threads }} threads={{ work_threads }} user=keystone group=keystone display-name=%{GROUP}
- WSGIProcessGroup keystone-admin
- WSGIScriptAlias / /usr/bin/keystone-wsgi-admin
- WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}
- WSGIPassAuthorization On
- <IfVersion >= 2.4>
- ErrorLogFormat "%{cu}t %M"
- </IfVersion>
- ErrorLog /var/log/{{ http_service_name }}/keystone.log
- CustomLog /var/log/{{ http_service_name }}/keystone_access.log combined
- <Directory /usr/bin>
- <IfVersion >= 2.4>
- Require all granted
- </IfVersion>
- <IfVersion < 2.4>
- Order allow,deny
- Allow from all
- </IfVersion>
- </Directory>
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/moon/vars/Debian.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/moon/vars/Debian.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0da81179..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/moon/vars/Debian.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- - adduser
- - dbconfig-common
- - init-system-helpers
- - python-keystone
- - q-text-as-data
- - sqlite3
- - ssl-cert
- - debconf
- - lsb-base
- - python:any
- - libjs-sphinxdoc
- - python-pip
- - unzip
- - apache2
- - libapache2-mod-wsgi
- - python-cryptography
- - python-dateutil
- - python-dogpile.cache
- - python-eventlet
- - python-greenlet
- - python-jsonschema
- - python-keystoneclient
- - python-keystonemiddleware
- - python-ldap
- - python-ldappool
- - python-lxml
- - python-memcache
- - python-migrate
- - python-msgpack
- - python-mysqldb
- - python-oauthlib
- - python-openstackclient
- - python-oslo.cache
- - python-oslo.concurrency
- - python-oslo.config
- - python-oslo.context
- - python-oslo.db
- - python-oslo.i18n
- - python-oslo.log
- - python-oslo.messaging
- - python-oslo.middleware
- - python-oslo.policy
- - python-oslo.serialization
- - python-oslo.service
- - python-oslo.utils
- - python-pam
- - python-passlib
- - python-paste
- - python-pastedeploy
- - python-pbr
- - python-pycadf
- - python-pymysql
- - python-pysaml2
- - python-pysqlite2
- - python-routes
- - python-six
- - python-sqlalchemy
- - python-stevedore
- - python-webob
- - unzip
- - python3-keystoneauth1
- - python3-keystoneclient
- - python3-oslo.config
- - python3-oslo.context
- - python3-oslo.i18n
- - python3-oslo.serialization
- - python-oslo.service
- - python-oslo.utils
- - python-pam
- - python-passlib
- - python-paste
- - python-pastedeploy
- - python-pbr
- - python-pycadf
- - python-pymysql
- - python-pysaml2
- - python-pysqlite2
- - python-routes
- - python-six
- - python-sqlalchemy
- - python-stevedore
- - python-webob
- - unzip
- - python3-keystoneauth1
- - python3-keystoneclient
- - python3-oslo.config
- - python3-oslo.context
- - python3-oslo.i18n
- - python3-oslo.serialization
- - python3-oslo.utils
- - apache2
- - libapache2-mod-wsgi
- - python3-cryptography
- - python3-dateutil
- - python3-dogpile.cache
- - python3-eventlet
- - python3-greenlet
- - python3-jsonschema
- - python3-keystoneclient
- - python3-keystonemiddleware
- - python3-lxml
- - python3-memcache
- - python3-migrate
- - python3-msgpack
- - python3-mysqldb
- - python3-oauthlib
- - python3-openstackclient
- - python3-oslo.cache
- - python3-oslo.concurrency
- - python3-oslo.config
- - python3-oslo.context
- - python3-oslo.db
- - python3-oslo.i18n
- - python3-oslo.log
- - python3-oslo.messaging
- - python3-oslo.middleware
- - python3-oslo.policy
- - python3-oslo.serialization
- - python3-oslo.service
- - python3-oslo.utils
- - python3-pam
- - python3-passlib
- - python3-paste
- - python3-pastedeploy
- - python3-pbr
- - python3-pycadf
- - python3-pymysql
- - python3-pysaml2
- - python3-routes
- - python3-six
- - python3-sqlalchemy
- - python3-stevedore
- - python3-webob
- - python3-oslo.service
- - python3-oslo.utils
- - python3-pam
- - python3-passlib
- - python3-paste
- - python3-pastedeploy
- - python3-pbr
- - python3-pycadf
- - python3-pymysql
- - python3-pysaml2
- - python3-routes
- - python3-six
- - python3-sqlalchemy
- - python3-stevedore
- - python3-webob
- - apache2
-apache_config_dir: /etc/apache2
-http_service_name: apache2
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/moon/vars/main.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/moon/vars/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index cff8c7c2..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/moon/vars/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-packages_noarch: []
-services_noarch: []
- - name: keystone
- type: identity
- region: RegionOne
- description: "OpenStack Identity"
- publicurl: "http://{{ public_vip.ip }}:5000/v2.0"
- internalurl: "http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:5000/v2.0"
- adminurl: "http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:35357/v2.0"
- - name: glance
- type: image
- region: RegionOne
- description: "OpenStack Image Service"
- publicurl: "http://{{ public_vip.ip }}:9292"
- internalurl: "http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:9292"
- adminurl: "http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:9292"
- - name: nova
- type: compute
- region: RegionOne
- description: "OpenStack Compute"
- publicurl: "http://{{ public_vip.ip }}:8774/v2/%(tenant_id)s"
- internalurl: "http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:8774/v2/%(tenant_id)s"
- adminurl: "http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:8774/v2/%(tenant_id)s"
- - name: neutron
- type: network
- region: RegionOne
- description: "OpenStack Networking"
- publicurl: "http://{{ public_vip.ip }}:9696"
- internalurl: "http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:9696"
- adminurl: "http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:9696"
- - name: ceilometer
- type: metering
- region: RegionOne
- description: "OpenStack Telemetry"
- publicurl: "http://{{ public_vip.ip }}:8777"
- internalurl: "http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:8777"
- adminurl: "http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:8777"
- - name: aodh
- type: alarming
- region: RegionOne
- description: "OpenStack Telemetry"
- publicurl: "http://{{ public_vip.ip }}:8042"
- internalurl: "http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:8042"
- adminurl: "http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:8042"
-# - name: cinder
-# type: volume
-# region: RegionOne
-# description: "OpenStack Block Storage"
-# publicurl: "http://{{ public_vip.ip }}:8776/v1/%(tenant_id)s"
-# internalurl: "http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:8776/v1/%(tenant_id)s"
-# adminurl: "http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:8776/v1/%(tenant_id)s"
-# - name: cinderv2
-# type: volumev2
-# region: RegionOne
-# description: "OpenStack Block Storage v2"
-# publicurl: "http://{{ public_vip.ip }}:8776/v2/%(tenant_id)s"
-# internalurl: "http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:8776/v2/%(tenant_id)s"
-# adminurl: "http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:8776/v2/%(tenant_id)s"
- - name: heat
- type: orchestration
- region: RegionOne
- description: "OpenStack Orchestration"
- publicurl: "http://{{ public_vip.ip }}:8004/v1/%(tenant_id)s"
- internalurl: "http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:8004/v1/%(tenant_id)s"
- adminurl: "http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:8004/v1/%(tenant_id)s"
- - name: heat-cfn
- type: cloudformation
- region: RegionOne
- description: "OpenStack CloudFormation Orchestration"
- publicurl: "http://{{ public_vip.ip }}:8000/v1"
- internalurl: "http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:8000/v1"
- adminurl: "http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:8000/v1"
-# - name: swift
-# type: object-store
-# region: RegionOne
-# description: "OpenStack Object Storage"
-# publicurl: "http://{{ public_vip.ip }}:8080/v1/AUTH_%(tenant_id)s"
-# internalurl: "http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:8080/v1/AUTH_%(tenant_id)s"
-# adminurl: "http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:8080/v1/AUTH_%(tenant_id)s"
- - user: admin
- password: "{{ ADMIN_PASS }}"
- email:
- role: admin
- tenant: admin
- tenant_description: "Admin Tenant"
- - user: glance
- password: "{{ GLANCE_PASS }}"
- email:
- role: admin
- tenant: service
- tenant_description: "Service Tenant"
- - user: nova
- password: "{{ NOVA_PASS }}"
- email:
- role: admin
- tenant: service
- tenant_description: "Service Tenant"
- - user: keystone
- password: "{{ KEYSTONE_PASS }}"
- email:
- role: admin
- tenant: service
- tenant_description: "Service Tenant"
- - user: neutron
- password: "{{ NEUTRON_PASS }}"
- email:
- role: admin
- tenant: service
- tenant_description: "Service Tenant"
- - user: ceilometer
- password: "{{ CEILOMETER_PASS }}"
- email:
- role: admin
- tenant: service
- tenant_description: "Service Tenant"
- - user: cinder
- password: "{{ CINDER_PASS }}"
- email:
- role: admin
- tenant: service
- tenant_description: "Service Tenant"
- - user: heat
- password: "{{ HEAT_PASS }}"
- email:
- role: admin
- tenant: service
- tenant_description: "Service Tenant"
- - user: demo
- password: ""
- email:
- role: heat_stack_user
- tenant: demo
- tenant_description: "Demo Tenant"
-# - user: swift
-# password: "{{ CINDER_PASS }}"
-# email:
-# role: admin
-# tenant: service
-# tenant_description: "Service Tenant"
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/neutron-compute/handlers/main.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/neutron-compute/handlers/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index ca4e8088..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/neutron-compute/handlers/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- name: restart neutron compute service
- service: name={{ item }} state=restarted enabled=yes
- with_items: services | union(services_noarch)
-- name: restart nova-compute services
- service: name=nova-compute state=restarted enabled=yes
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/neutron-compute/tasks/main.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/neutron-compute/tasks/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 375e325d..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/neutron-compute/tasks/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- include_vars: "{{ ansible_os_family }}.yml"
-- name: activate ipv4 forwarding
- sysctl: name=net.ipv4.ip_forward value=1
- state=present reload=yes
-- name: deactivate ipv4 rp filter
- sysctl: name=net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter value=0
- state=present reload=yes
-- name: deactivate ipv4 default rp filter
- sysctl: name=net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter
- value=0 state=present reload=yes
-- name: disable auto start
- copy:
- content: "#!/bin/sh\nexit 101"
- dest: "/usr/sbin/policy-rc.d"
- mode: 0755
- when: ansible_os_family == "Debian"
-- name: install compute-related neutron packages
- action: "{{ ansible_pkg_mgr }} name={{ item }} state=present"
- with_items: packages | union(packages_noarch)
-- name: enable auto start
- file:
- path=/usr/sbin/policy-rc.d
- state=absent
- when: ansible_os_family == "Debian"
-- name: fix openstack neutron plugin config file
- shell: |
- sed -i 's,plugins/ml2/openvswitch_agent.ini,plugin.ini,g' /usr/lib/systemd/system/neutron-openvswitch-agent.service
- systemctl daemon-reload
- when: ansible_os_family == 'RedHat'
-- name: fix openstack neutron plugin config file ubuntu
- shell: |
- sed -i 's,plugins/ml2/openvswitch_agent.ini,plugin.ini,g' /etc/init/neutron-openvswitch-agent.conf
- sed -i 's,plugins/ml2/openvswitch_agent.ini,plugin.ini,g' /etc/init.d/neutron-openvswitch-agent
- when: ansible_os_family == "Debian"
-- name: generate neutron compute service list
- lineinfile: dest=/opt/service create=yes line='{{ item }}'
- with_items: services | union(services_noarch)
-- name: config ml2 plugin
- template: src=templates/ml2_conf.ini
- dest=/etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini
- backup=yes
-- name: ln plugin.ini
- file: src=/etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini dest=/etc/neutron/plugin.ini state=link
-- name: config neutron
- template: src=neutron.conf
- dest=/etc/neutron/neutron.conf backup=yes
- notify:
- - restart neutron compute service
- - restart nova-compute services
-- meta: flush_handlers
-- include: ../../neutron-network/tasks/odl.yml
- when: "'opendaylight' in {{ NEUTRON_MECHANISM_DRIVERS }}"
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/neutron-compute/templates/neutron.conf b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/neutron-compute/templates/neutron.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index a676e951..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/neutron-compute/templates/neutron.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-verbose = {{ VERBOSE }}
-debug = {{ VERBOSE }}
-state_path = /var/lib/neutron
-lock_path = $state_path/lock
-notify_nova_on_port_status_changes = True
-notify_nova_on_port_data_changes = True
-log_dir = /var/log/neutron
-bind_host = {{ network_server_host }}
-bind_port = 9696
-core_plugin = ml2
-service_plugins = router
-api_paste_config = api-paste.ini
-auth_strategy = keystone
-dhcp_lease_duration = 86400
-allow_overlapping_ips = True
-rpc_backend = rabbit
-rpc_thread_pool_size = 240
-rpc_conn_pool_size = 100
-rpc_response_timeout = 300
-rpc_cast_timeout = 300
-notification_driver = neutron.openstack.common.notifier.rpc_notifier
-default_notification_level = INFO
-notification_topics = notifications
-agent_down_time = 75
-network_scheduler_driver = neutron.scheduler.dhcp_agent_scheduler.ChanceScheduler
-router_scheduler_driver = neutron.scheduler.l3_agent_scheduler.ChanceScheduler
-api_workers = 8
-rpc_workers = 8
-notify_nova_on_port_status_changes = True
-notify_nova_on_port_data_changes = True
-nova_url = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:8774/v3
-nova_region_name = RegionOne
-nova_admin_username = nova
-nova_admin_password = {{ NOVA_PASS }}
-nova_admin_auth_url = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:35357/v3
-send_events_interval = 2
-quota_driver = neutron.db.quota_db.DbQuotaDriver
-quota_items = network,subnet,port
-default_quota = -1
-quota_network = 100
-quota_subnet = 100
-quota_port = 8000
-quota_security_group = 1000
-quota_security_group_rule = 1000
-root_helper = "sudo /usr/bin/neutron-rootwrap /etc/neutron/rootwrap.conf"
-report_interval = 30
-auth_uri = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:5000
-auth_url = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:35357
-auth_type = password
-project_domain_name = default
-user_domain_name = default
-project_name = service
-username = neutron
-password = {{ NEUTRON_PASS }}
-identity_uri = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:35357
-admin_tenant_name = service
-admin_user = neutron
-admin_password = {{ NEUTRON_PASS }}
-signing_dir = $state_path/keystone-signing
-connection = mysql://neutron:{{ NEUTRON_DBPASS }}@{{ db_host }}/neutron
-slave_connection =
-max_retries = 10
-retry_interval = 10
-min_pool_size = 1
-max_pool_size = 100
-idle_timeout = 30
-use_db_reconnect = True
-max_overflow = 100
-connection_debug = 0
-connection_trace = False
-pool_timeout = 10
-{% if enable_fwaas %}
-driver =
-enabled = True
-{% endif %}
-auth_url = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:35357
-auth_type = password
-project_domain_name = default
-user_domain_name = default
-project_name = service
-username = nova
-password = {{ NOVA_PASS }}
-rabbit_host = {{ rabbit_host }}
-rabbit_password = {{ RABBIT_PASS }}
-rabbit_port = 5672
-rabbit_userid = {{ RABBIT_USER }}
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/neutron-compute/vars/Debian.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/neutron-compute/vars/Debian.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 83d7f323..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/neutron-compute/vars/Debian.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- - neutron-common
- - neutron-plugin-ml2
- - openvswitch-switch-dpdk
- - openvswitch-switch
- - neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent
- - neutron-openvswitch-agent
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/neutron-controller/tasks/neutron_install.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/neutron-controller/tasks/neutron_install.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 917a8356..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/neutron-controller/tasks/neutron_install.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- include_vars: "{{ ansible_os_family }}.yml"
-- name: disable auto start
- copy:
- content: "#!/bin/sh\nexit 101"
- dest: "/usr/sbin/policy-rc.d"
- mode: 0755
- when: ansible_os_family == "Debian"
-- name: install controller-related neutron packages
- action: "{{ ansible_pkg_mgr }} name={{ item }} state=present"
- with_items: packages | union(packages_noarch)
-- name: enable auto start
- file:
- path=/usr/sbin/policy-rc.d
- state=absent
- when: ansible_os_family == "Debian"
-- name: generate neutron control service list
- lineinfile: dest=/opt/service create=yes line='{{ item }}'
- with_items: services | union(services_noarch)
-- name: get tenant id to fill neutron.conf
- shell:
- . /opt/;
- openstack project show service | grep id | sed -n "2,1p" | awk '{print $4}'
-- name: update neutron conf
- template: src=templates/neutron.conf dest=/etc/neutron/neutron.conf backup=yes
-- name: update ml2 plugin conf
- template: src=templates/ml2_conf.ini dest=/etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini backup=yes
-- name: ln plugin.ini
- file: src=/etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini dest=/etc/neutron/plugin.ini state=link
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/neutron-network/tasks/main.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/neutron-network/tasks/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 31f7f17c..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/neutron-network/tasks/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- include_vars: "{{ ansible_os_family }}.yml"
-- name: activate ipv4 forwarding
- sysctl: name=net.ipv4.ip_forward value=1
- state=present reload=yes
-- name: deactivate ipv4 rp filter
- sysctl: name=net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter value=0
- state=present reload=yes
-- name: deactivate ipv4 default rp filter
- sysctl: name=net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter
- value=0 state=present reload=yes
-- name: assert kernel support for vxlan
- command: modinfo -F version vxlan
- when: "'vxlan' in {{ NEUTRON_TUNNEL_TYPES }}"
-- name: assert iproute2 suppport for vxlan
- command: ip link add type vxlan help
- register: iproute_out
- failed_when: iproute_out.rc == 255
- when: "'vxlan' in {{ NEUTRON_TUNNEL_TYPES }}"
-- name: disable auto start
- copy:
- content: "#!/bin/sh\nexit 101"
- dest: "/usr/sbin/policy-rc.d"
- mode: 0755
- when: ansible_os_family == "Debian"
-- name: install neutron network related packages
- action: "{{ ansible_pkg_mgr }} name={{ item }} state=present"
- with_items: packages | union(packages_noarch)
-- name: enable auto start
- file:
- path=/usr/sbin/policy-rc.d
- state=absent
- when: ansible_os_family == "Debian"
-- name: generate neutron network service list
- lineinfile: dest=/opt/service create=yes line='{{ item }}'
- with_items: services | union(services_noarch)
-- name: fix openstack neutron plugin config file
- shell: |
- sed -i 's,plugins/ml2/openvswitch_agent.ini,plugin.ini,g' /usr/lib/systemd/system/neutron-openvswitch-agent.service
- systemctl daemon-reload
- when: ansible_os_family == 'RedHat'
-- name: fix openstack neutron plugin config file ubuntu
- shell: |
- sed -i 's,plugins/ml2/openvswitch_agent.ini,plugin.ini,g' /etc/init/neutron-openvswitch-agent.conf
- sed -i 's,plugins/ml2/openvswitch_agent.ini,plugin.ini,g' /etc/init.d/neutron-openvswitch-agent
- when: ansible_os_family == "Debian"
-- name: config l3 agent
- template: src=l3_agent.ini dest=/etc/neutron/l3_agent.ini
- backup=yes
-- name: config dhcp agent
- template: src=dhcp_agent.ini dest=/etc/neutron/dhcp_agent.ini
- backup=yes
-- name: update dnsmasq-neutron.conf
- template: src=templates/dnsmasq-neutron.conf
- dest=/etc/neutron/dnsmasq-neutron.conf
-- name: config metadata agent
- template: src=metadata_agent.ini
- dest=/etc/neutron/metadata_agent.ini backup=yes
-- name: config ml2 plugin
- template: src=templates/ml2_conf.ini
- dest=/etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini
- backup=yes
-- name: ln plugin.ini
- file: src=/etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini dest=/etc/neutron/plugin.ini state=link
-- name: config neutron
- template: src=templates/neutron.conf
- dest=/etc/neutron/neutron.conf backup=yes
-- name: force mtu to 1450 for vxlan
- lineinfile:
- dest: /etc/neutron/dnsmasq-neutron.conf
- regexp: '^dhcp-option-force'
- line: 'dhcp-option-force=26,1450'
- when: "'vxlan' in {{ NEUTRON_TUNNEL_TYPES }}"
-- include: firewall.yml
- when: enable_fwaas == True
-- include: vpn.yml
- when: enable_vpnaas == True
-- include: odl.yml
- when: "'opendaylight' in {{ NEUTRON_MECHANISM_DRIVERS }}"
-- name: restart neutron network relation service
- service: name={{ item }} state=restarted enabled=yes
- with_flattened:
- - services_noarch
- - services
-- meta: flush_handlers
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/neutron-network/vars/Debian.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/neutron-network/vars/Debian.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a78ca8c..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/neutron-network/vars/Debian.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- - neutron-plugin-ml2
- - openvswitch-switch-dpdk
- - openvswitch-switch
- - neutron-l3-agent
- - neutron-dhcp-agent
- - neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent
- - openvswitch-switch
- - neutron-openvswitch-agent
-openvswitch_agent: neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent
- - xorp
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/nova-compute/tasks/main.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/nova-compute/tasks/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 16315b36..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/nova-compute/tasks/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- include_vars: "{{ ansible_os_family }}.yml"
-- name: disable auto start
- copy:
- content: "#!/bin/sh\nexit 101"
- dest: "/usr/sbin/policy-rc.d"
- mode: 0755
- when: ansible_os_family == "Debian"
-- name: install nova-compute related packages
- action: "{{ ansible_pkg_mgr }} name={{ item }} state=present"
- with_items: packages | union(packages_noarch)
-- name: restart virtlogd
- service: name=virtlogd state=started enabled=yes
- when: ansible_os_family == "Debian"
-- name: enable auto start
- file:
- path=/usr/sbin/policy-rc.d
- state=absent
- when: ansible_os_family == "Debian"
-- name: get number of cpu support virtualization
- shell: egrep -c '(vmx|svm)' /proc/cpuinfo
- register: kvm_cpu_num
-- name: update nova-compute conf
- template: src={{ item }} dest=/etc/nova/{{ item }}
- with_items:
- - nova.conf
- - nova-compute.conf
- notify:
- - restart nova-compute services
-- name: generate neutron control service list
- lineinfile: dest=/opt/service create=yes line='{{ item }}'
- with_items: services | union(services_noarch)
-- name: remove nova sqlite db
- shell: rm /var/lib/nova/nova.sqlite || touch nova.sqlite.removed
-- meta: flush_handlers
-- name: restart nova-compute and libvirt-bin
- shell: >
- service nova-compute restart;
- service libvirt-bin restart;
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/nova-compute/templates/nova-compute.conf b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/nova-compute/templates/nova-compute.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 305d408b..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/nova-compute/templates/nova-compute.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-force_raw_images = true
-{% if kvm_cpu_num.stdout_lines[0]|int == 0 %}
-{% else %}
-{% endif %}
-images_type = raw
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/nova-compute/templates/nova.conf b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/nova-compute/templates/nova.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d7e9a5f..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/nova-compute/templates/nova.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-transport_url = rabbit://{{ RABBIT_USER }}:{{ RABBIT_PASS }}@{{ rabbit_host }}
-auth_strategy = keystone
-my_ip = {{ internal_ip }}
-use_neutron = True
-firewall_driver = nova.virt.firewall.NoopFirewallDriver
-verbose={{ VERBOSE }}
-default_floating_pool={{ }}
-metadata_listen={{ internal_ip }}
-linuxnet_interface_driver =
-root_helper=sudo nova-rootwrap /etc/nova/rootwrap.conf
-debug={{ DEBUG }}
-rpc_backend = rabbit
-osapi_compute_listen={{ internal_ip }}
-network_api_class =
-security_group_api = neutron
-instance_usage_audit = True
-instance_usage_audit_period = hour
-notify_on_state_change = vm_and_task_state
-notification_driver = nova.openstack.common.notifier.rpc_notifier
-notification_driver = ceilometer.compute.nova_notifier
-connection = mysql://nova:{{ NOVA_DBPASS }}@{{ db_host }}/nova_api
-idle_timeout = 30
-pool_timeout = 10
-use_db_reconnect = True
-connection = mysql://nova:{{ NOVA_DBPASS }}@{{ db_host }}/nova
-idle_timeout = 30
-pool_timeout = 10
-use_db_reconnect = True
-api_servers = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:9292
-host = {{ internal_vip.ip }}
-auth_uri = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:5000
-auth_url = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:35357
-auth_type = password
-project_domain_name = default
-user_domain_name = default
-project_name = service
-username = nova
-password = {{ NOVA_PASS }}
-identity_uri = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:35357
-admin_tenant_name = service
-admin_user = nova
-admin_password = {{ NOVA_PASS }}
-url = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:9696
-auth_url = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:35357
-auth_type = password
-project_domain_name = default
-user_domain_name = default
-region_name = RegionOne
-project_name = service
-username = neutron
-password = {{ NEUTRON_PASS }}
-service_metadata_proxy = True
-metadata_proxy_shared_secret = {{ METADATA_SECRET }}
-auth_strategy = keystone
-admin_tenant_name = service
-admin_username = neutron
-admin_password = {{ NEUTRON_PASS }}
-admin_auth_url = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:35357/v3
-rabbit_host = {{ rabbit_host }}
-rabbit_userid = {{ RABBIT_USER }}
-rabbit_password = {{ RABBIT_PASS }}
-enabled = True
-vncserver_listen = {{ internal_ip }}
-vncserver_proxyclient_address = {{ internal_ip }}
-novncproxy_base_url = http://{{ public_vip.ip }}:6080/vnc_auto.html
-novncproxy_host = {{ internal_ip }}
-novncproxy_port = 6080
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/nova-controller/tasks/nova_config.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/nova-controller/tasks/nova_config.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index f332c97a..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/nova-controller/tasks/nova_config.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- name: nova api db sync
- shell: su -s /bin/sh -c "nova-manage api_db sync" nova
- ignore_errors: True
- notify:
- - restart nova service
-- name: nova db sync
- nova_manage: action=dbsync
- notify:
- - restart nova service
-- meta: flush_handlers
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/odl_cluster/files/opendaylight.service b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/odl_cluster/files/opendaylight.service
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c9e4c44..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/odl_cluster/files/opendaylight.service
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-ExecStart=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/bin/java -server -Xms128M -Xmx2048m -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+UnsyncloadClass -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -Djava.endorsed.dirs=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre/lib/endorsed:/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/lib/endorsed:/opt/opendaylight-0.3.0/lib/endorsed -Djava.ext.dirs=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre/lib/ext:/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/lib/ext:/opt/opendaylight-0.3.0/lib/ext -Dkaraf.instances=/opt/opendaylight-0.3.0/instances -Dkaraf.home=/opt/opendaylight-0.3.0 -Dkaraf.base=/opt/opendaylight-0.3.0 -Dkaraf.etc=/opt/opendaylight-0.3.0/etc -Djava.util.logging.config.file=/opt/opendaylight-0.3.0/etc/ -Dkaraf.startLocalConsole=false -Dkaraf.startRemoteShell=true -classpath /opt/opendaylight-0.3.0/lib/karaf-jaas-boot.jar:/opt/opendaylight-0.3.0/lib/karaf-jmx-boot.jar:/opt/opendaylight-0.3.0/lib/karaf-org.osgi.core.jar:/opt/opendaylight-0.3.0/lib/karaf.branding-1.2.2-Beryllium-SR2.jar:/opt/opendaylight-0.3.0/lib/karaf.jar org.apache.karaf.main.Main
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/odl_cluster/tasks/01_00_download_packages.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/odl_cluster/tasks/01_00_download_packages.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index efd359db..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/odl_cluster/tasks/01_00_download_packages.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- name: get image http server
- shell: awk -F'=' '/compass_server/ {print $2}' /etc/compass.conf
- register: http_server
-- name: download oracle-jdk8 package file
- get_url: url="http://{{ http_server.stdout_lines[0] }}/packages/onos/{{ jdk8_pkg_name }}" dest=/opt/{{ jdk8_pkg_name }}
-- name: download oracle-jdk8 script file
- get_url: url="http://{{ http_server.stdout_lines[0] }}/packages/onos/{{ jdk8_script_name }}" dest=/opt/
-- name: download odl package
- get_url: url="http://{{ http_server.stdout_lines[0] }}/packages/odl/{{ odl_pkg_url }}" dest=/opt/{{ odl_pkg_name }}
-# "
-- name: download odl pip package
- get_url: url="http://{{ http_server.stdout_lines[0] }}/pip/{{ networking_odl_pkg_name }}" dest=/opt/{{ networking_odl_pkg_name }}
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/odl_cluster/tasks/01_03_copy_odl_configuration_files.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/odl_cluster/tasks/01_03_copy_odl_configuration_files.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d71606f..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/odl_cluster/tasks/01_03_copy_odl_configuration_files.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- name: opendaylight system file
- copy:
- src: "{{ service_file.src }}"
- dest: "{{ service_file.dst }}"
- mode: 0755
-- name: set l3 fwd enable in
- template:
- src:
- dest: "{{ odl_home }}/etc/"
- owner: odl
- group: odl
- mode: 0775
- when: odl_l3_agent == "Enable"
-- name: create karaf config
- template:
- src: org.apache.karaf.features.cfg.Debian
- dest: "{{ odl_home }}/etc/org.apache.karaf.features.cfg"
- owner: odl
- group: odl
- mode: 0775
- when: ansible_os_family == "Debian"
-- name: create karaf config
- template:
- src: org.apache.karaf.features.cfg.Redhat
- dest: "{{ odl_home }}/etc/org.apache.karaf.features.cfg"
- owner: odl
- group: odl
- mode: 0775
- when: ansible_os_family == "RedHat"
-- name: create tomcat config
- template:
- src: tomcat-server.xml
- dest: "{{ odl_home }}/configuration/tomcat-server.xml"
-- name: create tomcat config
- template:
- src: jetty.xml
- dest: "{{ odl_home }}/etc/jetty.xml"
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/odl_cluster/tasks/01_04_install_pip_packages.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/odl_cluster/tasks/01_04_install_pip_packages.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 869d264a..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/odl_cluster/tasks/01_04_install_pip_packages.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- name: patch odl pip package
- shell: |
- cd /opt
- tar xf /opt/{{ networking_odl_pkg_name }}
- rm -rf /opt/{{ networking_odl_pkg_name }}
- sed -i 's/^neutron-lib.*/neutron-lib/' networking-odl-2.0.0/requirements.txt
- tar zcf /opt/{{ networking_odl_pkg_name }} networking-odl-2.0.0
- rm -rf networking-odl-2.0.0
- cd -
-- name: odl pip package install
- shell: |
- cd /opt
- pip install {{ networking_odl_pkg_name }}
- rm -rf {{ networking_odl_pkg_name }}
- cd -
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/odl_cluster/tasks/01_06_stop_openstack_services.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/odl_cluster/tasks/01_06_stop_openstack_services.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index f44b373b..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/odl_cluster/tasks/01_06_stop_openstack_services.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- name: turn off neutron-server neutron-plugins-openvswitch-agent Daemon on control node
- shell: >
- sed -i '/{{ service_ovs_agent_name }}/d' /opt/service ;
- sed -i '/neutron-server/d' /opt/service;
- sed -i '/keepalived/d' /opt/service;
-- name: turn off neutron-server on control node
- service: name=neutron-server state=stopped
-- name: turn off keepalived on control node
- service: name=keepalived state=stopped
- when: ansible_os_family == "Debian"
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/odl_cluster/tasks/01_odl_controller.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/odl_cluster/tasks/01_odl_controller.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index d78a76e0..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/odl_cluster/tasks/01_odl_controller.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- name: download packages
- include: 01_00_download_packages.yml
-- name: create odl user and group
- include: 01_01_create_odl_user_and_group.yml
-- name: unarchive odl and jdk
- include: 01_02_unarchive_odl_and_jdk.yml
-- name: copy odl configuration files
- include: 01_03_copy_odl_configuration_files.yml
-- name: install pip packages
- include: 01_04_install_pip_packages.yml
-- name: clean up karaf data
- include: 01_05_clean_up_karaf_data.yml
-- name: stop openstack services
- include: 01_06_stop_openstack_services.yml
-- name: set opendaylight cluster
- include: 05_set_opendaylight_cluster.yml
- when: groups['odl']|length > 1
-- name: install moon
- include: moon-odl.yml
- when: moon == "Enable"
-- name: start and check odl
- include: 01_07_start_check_odl.yml
-- name: run openswitch
- include: 03_openvswitch.yml
-- name: configure neutron
- include: 01_08_configure_neutron.yml
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/odl_cluster/tasks/03_02_openvswitch_connect_opendaylight.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/odl_cluster/tasks/03_02_openvswitch_connect_opendaylight.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 04f0ec61..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/odl_cluster/tasks/03_02_openvswitch_connect_opendaylight.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- name: restart keepalived to recover external IP before check br-int
- shell: service keepalived restart
- when: inventory_hostname in groups['odl']
- ignore_errors: True
-- name: restart opendaylight (for newton, opendaylight doesn't listen 6640 port, need restart)
- shell: service opendaylight restart; sleep 60
- when: inventory_hostname in groups['odl']
- ignore_errors: True
-- name: set opendaylight as the manager
- command: su -s /bin/sh -c "ovs-vsctl set-manager tcp:{{ internal_vip.ip }}:6640;"
-- name: check br-int
- shell: ovs-vsctl list-br | grep br-int; while [ $? -ne 0 ]; do sleep 10; ovs-vsctl list-br | grep br-int; done
-- name: set local ip in openvswitch
- shell: ovs-vsctl set Open_vSwitch $(ovs-vsctl show | head -n 1) other_config={'local_ip'=' {{ internal_ip }} '};
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/odl_cluster/tasks/05_set_opendaylight_cluster.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/odl_cluster/tasks/05_set_opendaylight_cluster.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 7eddf7fa..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/odl_cluster/tasks/05_set_opendaylight_cluster.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- name: combine odl controller
- shell: rm -f /opt/cluster; touch /opt/cluster;
-- name: combine odl controller
- shell: echo "{{ ip_settings[item.1]['mgmt']['ip'] }} \c" >> /opt/cluster; >> /opt/cluster;
- with_indexed_items: groups['odl']
-- name: combine odl controller
- shell: cat /opt/cluster
- register: cluster
-#- debug: msg="{{ cluster.stdout_lines[0] }}"
-- name: combine odl controller
- shell: uname -n | cut -b 5,5
- register: number
-#- debug: msg="{{ number.stdout_lines[0] }}"
-- debug: msg="{{ odl_home }}/bin/ {{ number.stdout_lines[0] }} {{ cluster.stdout_lines[0] }}"
-- name: configure odl controller in cluster
- shell: "{{ odl_home }}/bin/ {{ number.stdout_lines[0] }} {{ cluster.stdout_lines[0] }}"
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/odl_cluster/tasks/main.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/odl_cluster/tasks/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 32952c51..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/odl_cluster/tasks/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- include_vars: "{{ ansible_os_family }}.yml"
- tags:
- - test_odl
-- name: Provision Common on all nodes
- include: 00_odl_common.yml
- when: groups['odl']|length !=0
-- name: Provision ODL on Controller nodes
- include: 01_odl_controller.yml
- when: inventory_hostname in groups['odl']
-- name: Provision ODL on Compute nodes
- include: 02_odl_compute.yml
- when: groups['odl']|length !=0 and inventory_hostname not in groups['odl']
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/odl_cluster/tasks/moon-odl.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/odl_cluster/tasks/moon-odl.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index b89b2823..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/odl_cluster/tasks/moon-odl.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- name: delete data journal snapshots
- shell: rm -rf {{ odl_home }}/{{ item }}
- with_items:
- - journal
- - data
- - snapshots
-- name: remove aaa feature
- shell: rm -rf {{ odl_home }}/system/org/opendaylight/aaa/
-- name: download apache maven package file
- get_url: url="http://{{ http_server.stdout_lines[0] }}/packages/moon/apache-maven-3.3.9-bin.tar.gz" dest=/opt/apache-maven-3.3.9-bin.tar.gz
-- name: create maven folder
- shell: mkdir -p /opt/apache-maven-3.3.9/
-- name: extract maven
- command: su -s /bin/sh -c "tar zxf /opt/apache-maven-3.3.9-bin.tar.gz -C /opt/apache-maven-3.3.9/ --strip-components 1 --no-overwrite-dir -k --skip-old-files" root
-- name: install maven
- shell: ln -s /opt/apache-maven-3.3.9/bin/mvn /usr/local/bin/mvn;
-- name: create m2 directory
- file: path=/root/.m2/ state=directory mode=0755
-- name: copy settings.xml
- template: src=settings.xml dest=/root/.m2/settings.xml
-#- name: upload swift lib
-# unarchive: src=odl-aaa-moon.tar.gz dest=/home/
-- name: download odl-aaa-moon package
- get_url: url="http://{{ http_server.stdout_lines[0] }}/packages/moon/{{ odl_aaa_moon }}" dest=/home/
-- name: unarchive odl-aaa-moon package
- command: su -s /bin/sh -c "tar xvf /home/{{ odl_aaa_moon }} -C /home/"
-- name: install aaa
- shell: >
- export PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/bin:/opt/apache-maven-3.3.3/bin";
- export JAVA_HOME="/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle";
- export _JAVA_OPTIONS="";
- export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m";
- cd /home/odl-aaa-moon/aaa/;
- mvn clean install -DskipTests;
-- name: remove shiro ini
- shell: rm -f {{ odl_home }}/etc/shiro.ini
-- name: set moon env
- template: src=moon-environment dest=/opt/moon-environment
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/odl_cluster/templates/jetty.xml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/odl_cluster/templates/jetty.xml
deleted file mode 100755
index 50ac7c35..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/odl_cluster/templates/jetty.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
- distributed with this work for additional information
- regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
- to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
- specific language governing permissions and limitations
- under the License.
-<!DOCTYPE Configure PUBLIC "-//Mort Bay Consulting//
-DTD Configure//EN" "">
-<Configure class="org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server">
- <!-- =========================================================== -->
- <!-- Set connectors -->
- <!-- =========================================================== -->
- <!-- One of each type! -->
- <!-- =========================================================== -->
- <!-- Use this connector for many frequently idle connections and for
- threadless continuations. -->
- <Call name="addConnector">
- <Arg>
- <New class="org.eclipse.jetty.server.nio.SelectChannelConnector">
- <Set name="host">
- <Property name=""/>
- </Set>
- <Set name="port">
- <Property name="jetty.port" default="8181" />
- </Set>
- <Set name="maxIdleTime">300000</Set>
- <Set name="Acceptors">2</Set>
- <Set name="statsOn">false</Set>
- <Set name="confidentialPort">8543</Set>
- <Set name="lowResourcesConnections">20000</Set>
- <Set name="lowResourcesMaxIdleTime">5000</Set>
- </New>
- </Arg>
- </Call>
- <!-- =========================================================== -->
- <!-- Configure Authentication Realms -->
- <!-- Realms may be configured for the entire server here, or -->
- <!-- they can be configured for a specific web app in a context -->
- <!-- configuration (see $(jetty.home)/contexts/test.xml for an -->
- <!-- example). -->
- <!-- =========================================================== -->
- <Call name="addBean">
- <Arg>
- <New class="">
- <Set name="name">karaf</Set>
- <Set name="loginModuleName">karaf</Set>
- <Set name="roleClassNames">
- <Array type="java.lang.String">
- <Item>org.apache.karaf.jaas.boot.principal.RolePrincipal
- </Item>
- </Array>
- </Set>
- </New>
- </Arg>
- </Call>
- <Call name="addBean">
- <Arg>
- <New class="">
- <Set name="name">default</Set>
- <Set name="loginModuleName">karaf</Set>
- <Set name="roleClassNames">
- <Array type="java.lang.String">
- <Item>org.apache.karaf.jaas.boot.principal.RolePrincipal
- </Item>
- </Array>
- </Set>
- </New>
- </Arg>
- </Call>
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/odl_cluster/templates/ b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/odl_cluster/templates/
deleted file mode 100755
index 5e3627bf..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/odl_cluster/templates/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-cat <<EOT>> /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini
-password = admin
-username = admin
-url = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:8181/controller/nb/v2/neutron
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/odl_cluster/templates/moon-environment b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/odl_cluster/templates/moon-environment
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a13da8e..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/odl_cluster/templates/moon-environment
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-MOON_SERVER_ADDR={{ internal_vip.ip }}
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/odl_cluster/templates/settings.xml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/odl_cluster/templates/settings.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ba3b50c..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/odl_cluster/templates/settings.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!-- vi: set et smarttab sw=2 tabstop=2: -->
- Copyright (c) 2014, 2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved.
- This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
- terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution,
- and is available at
-<settings xmlns=""
- xmlns:xsi=""
- xsi:schemaLocation="">
- <localRepository>{{ odl_home }}/system/ </localRepository>
- <profiles>
- <profile>
- <id>opendaylight-release</id>
- <repositories>
- <repository>
- <id>opendaylight-mirror</id>
- <name>opendaylight-mirror</name>
- <url></url>
- <releases>
- <enabled>true</enabled>
- <updatePolicy>never</updatePolicy>
- </releases>
- <snapshots>
- <enabled>false</enabled>
- </snapshots>
- </repository>
- </repositories>
- <pluginRepositories>
- <pluginRepository>
- <id>opendaylight-mirror</id>
- <name>opendaylight-mirror</name>
- <url></url>
- <releases>
- <enabled>true</enabled>
- <updatePolicy>never</updatePolicy>
- </releases>
- <snapshots>
- <enabled>false</enabled>
- </snapshots>
- </pluginRepository>
- </pluginRepositories>
- </profile>
- <profile>
- <id>opendaylight-snapshots</id>
- <repositories>
- <repository>
- <id>opendaylight-snapshot</id>
- <name>opendaylight-snapshot</name>
- <url></url>
- <releases>
- <enabled>false</enabled>
- </releases>
- <snapshots>
- <enabled>true</enabled>
- </snapshots>
- </repository>
- </repositories>
- <pluginRepositories>
- <pluginRepository>
- <id>opendaylight-snapshot</id>
- <name>opendaylight-snapshot</name>
- <url></url>
- <releases>
- <enabled>false</enabled>
- </releases>
- <snapshots>
- <enabled>true</enabled>
- </snapshots>
- </pluginRepository>
- </pluginRepositories>
- </profile>
- </profiles>
- <activeProfiles>
- <activeProfile>opendaylight-release</activeProfile>
- <activeProfile>opendaylight-snapshots</activeProfile>
- </activeProfiles>
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/odl_cluster/templates/tomcat-server.xml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/odl_cluster/templates/tomcat-server.xml
deleted file mode 100755
index bc7ab13d..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/odl_cluster/templates/tomcat-server.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
- this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
- <!--APR library loader. Documentation at /docs/apr.html -->
- <Listener className="org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener" SSLEngine="on" />
- <!--Initialize Jasper prior to webapps are loaded. Documentation at /docs/jasper-howto.html -->
- <Listener className="org.apache.catalina.core.JasperListener" />
- <!-- Prevent memory leaks due to use of particular java/javax APIs-->
- <Listener className="org.apache.catalina.core.JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener" />
- <Listener className="org.apache.catalina.mbeans.GlobalResourcesLifecycleListener" />
- <Listener className="org.apache.catalina.core.ThreadLocalLeakPreventionListener" />
- <Service name="Catalina">
- <Connector port="{{ odl_api_port }}" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
- connectionTimeout="20000"
- redirectPort="8443" />
- Please remove the comments around the following Connector tag to enable HTTPS Authentication support.
- Remember to add a valid keystore in the configuration folder.
- More info :
- <!--
- <Connector port="8443" protocol="HTTP/1.1" SSLEnabled="true"
- maxThreads="150" scheme="https" secure="true"
- clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS"
- keystoreFile="configuration/keystore"
- keystorePass="changeit"/>
- -->
- <Engine name="Catalina" defaultHost="localhost">
- <Host name="localhost" appBase=""
- unpackWARs="false" autoDeploy="false"
- deployOnStartup="false" createDirs="false">
- <Realm className="org.opendaylight.controller.karafsecurity.ControllerCustomRealm" />
- <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.authenticator.SingleSignOn" />
- <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve" directory="logs"
- prefix="web_access_log_" suffix=".txt" resolveHosts="false"
- rotatable="true" fileDateFormat="yyyy-MM"
- pattern="%{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS z}t - [%a] - %r"/>
- </Host>
- </Engine>
- </Service>
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/odl_cluster/vars/Debian.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/odl_cluster/vars/Debian.yml
deleted file mode 100755
index 640a264a..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/odl_cluster/vars/Debian.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- - crudini
-service_ovs_name: openvswitch-switch
-service_ovs_agent_name: neutron-openvswitch-agent
- src: opendaylight.service
- dst: /lib/systemd/system/opendaylight.service
-networking_odl_pkg_name: networking-odl-2.0.0.tar.gz
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/odl_cluster/vars/main.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/odl_cluster/vars/main.yml
deleted file mode 100755
index e5f52b42..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/odl_cluster/vars/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-odl_username: admin
-odl_password: admin
-odl_api_port: 8181
-odl_pkg_url: karaf.tar.gz
-odl_pkg_name: karaf.tar.gz
-odl_home: "/opt/opendaylight-0.3.0/"
-odl_base_features: ['config', 'standard', 'region', 'package', 'kar', 'ssh', 'management', 'odl-restconf','odl-l2switch-switch','odl-openflowplugin-all','odl-mdsal-apidocs','odl-dlux-all','odl-adsal-northbound','odl-nsf-all','odl-ovsdb-openstack','odl-ovsdb-northbound','odl-dlux-core']
-odl_extra_features: ['odl-restconf-all','odl-mdsal-clustering','odl-openflowplugin-flow-services','http','jolokia-osgi']
-odl_features: "{{ odl_base_features + odl_extra_features }}"
-odl_aaa_moon: odl-aaa-moon.tar.gz
-jdk8_pkg_name: jdk-8u51-linux-x64.tar.gz
-jdk8_script_name: install_jdk8.tar
-common_packages_noarch: []
- - networking_odl
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/onos_cluster/handlers/main.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/onos_cluster/handlers/main.yml
deleted file mode 100755
index e099fcf4..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/onos_cluster/handlers/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- name: restart onos service
- service: name=onos state=restarted enabled=yes
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/onos_cluster/tasks/main.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/onos_cluster/tasks/main.yml
deleted file mode 100755
index c8ce1155..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/onos_cluster/tasks/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- include_vars: "{{ ansible_os_family }}.yml"
-- name: remove neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent auto start
- shell: >
- update-rc.d neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent remove;
- sed -i /neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent/d /opt/service
- when: groups['onos']|length !=0
- ignore_errors: True
-- name: shut down and disable Neutron's agent services
- service: name=neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent state=stopped
- when: groups['onos']|length !=0
- ignore_errors: True
-- name: remove neutron-l3-agent auto start
- shell: >
- update-rc.d neutron-l3-agent remove;
- sed -i /neutron-l3-agent/d /opt/service
- when: inventory_hostname in groups['onos']
- ignore_errors: True
-- name: shut down and disable Neutron's l3 agent services
- service: name=neutron-l3-agent state=stopped
- when: inventory_hostname in groups['onos']
- ignore_errors: True
-- name: Stop the Open vSwitch service and clear existing OVSDB
- shell: >
- ovs-vsctl del-br br-int ;
- ovs-vsctl del-br br-tun ;
- ovs-vsctl del-manager ;
- ip link delete onos_port1 type veth peer name onos_port2;
- when: groups['onos']|length !=0
- ignore_errors: True
-- name: Install ONOS Cluster on Controller
- include: onos_controller.yml
- when: inventory_hostname in groups['onos']
-- name: Config ONOS Cluster
- include: openvswitch.yml
- when: groups['onos']|length !=0
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/onos_cluster/tasks/onos_controller.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/onos_cluster/tasks/onos_controller.yml
deleted file mode 100755
index d51151a9..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/onos_cluster/tasks/onos_controller.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- name: get image http server
- shell: awk -F'=' '/compass_server/ {print $2}' /etc/compass.conf
- register: http_server
-- name: download onos driver packages
- get_url: url="http://{{ http_server.stdout_lines[0] }}/packages/onos/{{ onos_driver }}" dest=/opt/
-- name: upload onos sfc driver package
- get_url: url="http://{{ http_server.stdout_lines[0] }}/packages/onos/{{ onos_sfc_driver }}" dest=/opt/
-- name: unarchive onos driver package
- command: su -s /bin/sh -c "tar xvf /opt/networking-onos.tar -C /opt/"
-- name: upload onos sfc driver package
- command: su -s /bin/sh -c "tar xvf /opt/networking-sfc.tar -C /opt/"
-- name: install onos driver
- command: su -s /bin/sh -c "/opt/networking-onos/"
-- name: install onos sfc driver
- command: su -s /bin/sh -c "/opt/networking-sfc/"
-- name: install onos required packages
- action: "{{ ansible_pkg_mgr }} name={{ item }} state=present"
- with_items: packages
-- name: download oracle-jdk8 package file
- get_url: url="http://{{ http_server.stdout_lines[0] }}/packages/onos/{{ jdk8_pkg_name }}" dest=/opt/{{ jdk8_pkg_name }}
-- name: download oracle-jdk8 script file
- get_url: url="http://{{ http_server.stdout_lines[0] }}/packages/onos/{{ jdk8_script_name }}" dest=/opt/
-- name: unarchive onos driver package
- command: su -s /bin/sh -c "tar xvf /opt/install_jdk8.tar -C /opt/"
-- name: install install_jdk8 package
- command: su -s /bin/sh -c "/opt/install_jdk8/"
-- name: create JAVA_HOME environment variable
- shell: >
- export J2SDKDIR=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle;
- export J2REDIR=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre;
- export PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/bin:/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/db/bin:/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre/bin;
- export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle;
- export DERBY_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/db;
-- name: create onos group
- group: name=onos system=yes state=present
-- name: create onos user
- user:
- name: onos
- group: onos
- home: "{{ onos_home }}"
- createhome: "yes"
- system: "yes"
- shell: "/bin/false"
-- name: download onos package
- get_url: url="http://{{ http_server.stdout_lines[0] }}/packages/onos/{{ onos_pkg_name }}" dest=/opt/{{ onos_pkg_name }}
-- name: create new jar repository
- command: su -s /bin/sh -c "mkdir ~/.m2"
- ignore_errors: True
-- name: download jar repository
- get_url: url="http://{{ http_server.stdout_lines[0] }}/packages/onos/{{ repository }}" dest=~/.m2/
-- name: extract jar repository
- command: su -s /bin/sh -c "tar xvf ~/.m2/repository.tar -C ~/.m2/"
-- name: extract onos package
- command: su -s /bin/sh -c "tar xzf /opt/{{ onos_pkg_name }} -C {{ onos_home }} --strip-components 1 --no-overwrite-dir -k --skip-old-files" onos
-- name: configure onos service
- shell: >
- echo 'export ONOS_OPTS=debug' > {{ onos_home }}/options;
- echo 'export ONOS_USER=root' >> {{ onos_home }}/options;
- mkdir {{ onos_home }}/var;
- mkdir {{ onos_home }}/config;
- sed -i '/pre-stop/i\env JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle' {{ onos_home }}/init/onos.conf;
- cp -rf {{ onos_home }}/init/onos.conf /etc/init/;
- cp -rf {{ onos_home }}/init/onos.conf /etc/init.d/;
-- name: configure onos boot feature
- shell: >
- sed -i '/^featuresBoot=/c\featuresBoot={{ onos_boot_features }}' {{ onos_home }}/{{ karaf_dist }}/etc/org.apache.karaf.features.cfg;
-- name: wait for config time
- shell: "sleep 10"
-- name: start onos service
- service: name=onos state=started enabled=yes
-- name: wait for onos start time
- shell: "sleep 200"
-- name: add onos auto start
- shell: >
- echo "onos">>/opt/service
-################################ ONOS connect with OpenStack ################################
-- name: Configure Neutron1
- shell: >
- crudini --set /etc/neutron/neutron.conf DEFAULT service_plugins,, onos_router;
- crudini --set /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini ml2 mechanism_drivers onos_ml2;
- crudini --set /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini ml2 tenant_network_types vxlan;
- crudini --set /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini ml2 type_drivers vxlan
-- name: Create ML2 Configuration File
- template:
- src:
- dest: "/opt/"
- mode: 0777
-- name: Configure Neutron2
- command: su -s /bin/sh -c "/opt/;"
-- name: Configure Neutron3
- shell: >
- mysql -e "drop database if exists neutron_ml2;";
- mysql -e "create database neutron_ml2 character set utf8;";
- mysql -e "grant all on neutron_ml2.* to 'neutron'@'%';";
- su -s /bin/sh -c "neutron-db-manage --config-file /etc/neutron/neutron.conf --config-file /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini upgrade head" neutron;
- su -s /bin/sh -c "neutron-db-manage --subproject networking-sfc upgrade head" neutron;
-- name: Restart neutron-server
- service: name=neutron-server state=restarted
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/onos_cluster/tasks/openvswitch.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/onos_cluster/tasks/openvswitch.yml
deleted file mode 100755
index aac787ea..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/onos_cluster/tasks/openvswitch.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- name: set veth port
- shell: >
- ip link add onos_port1 type veth peer name onos_port2;
- ifconfig onos_port1 up;
- ifconfig onos_port2 up;
- ignore_errors: True
-- name: add openflow-base feature
- command: su -s /bin/sh -c "/opt/onos/bin/onos 'feature:install onos-openflow-base'";
- when: inventory_hostname in groups['onos']
-- name: add openflow feature
- command: su -s /bin/sh -c "/opt/onos/bin/onos 'feature:install onos-openflow'";
- when: inventory_hostname in groups['onos']
-- name: add ovsdatabase feature
- command: su -s /bin/sh -c "/opt/onos/bin/onos 'feature:install onos-ovsdatabase'";
- when: inventory_hostname in groups['onos']
-- name: add ovsdb-base feature
- command: su -s /bin/sh -c "/opt/onos/bin/onos 'feature:install onos-ovsdb-base'";
- when: inventory_hostname in groups['onos']
-- name: add onos driver ovsdb feature
- command: su -s /bin/sh -c "/opt/onos/bin/onos 'feature:install onos-drivers-ovsdb'";
- when: inventory_hostname in groups['onos']
-- name: add ovsdb provider host feature
- command: su -s /bin/sh -c "/opt/onos/bin/onos 'feature:install onos-ovsdb-provider-host'";
- when: inventory_hostname in groups['onos']
-- name: add vtn feature
- command: su -s /bin/sh -c "/opt/onos/bin/onos 'feature:install onos-app-vtn-onosfw'";
- when: inventory_hostname in groups['onos']
-- name: set public eth card start
- command: su -s /bin/sh -c "/opt/onos/bin/onos 'externalportname-set -n onos_port2'"
- when: inventory_hostname in groups['onos']
-- name: Set ONOS as the manager
- command: su -s /bin/sh -c "ovs-vsctl set-manager tcp:{{ ip_settings[groups['onos'][0]]['mgmt']['ip'] }}:6640;"
-- name: delete default gateway
- shell: >
- route delete default;
- when: inventory_hostname not in groups['onos']
- ignore_errors: True
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/onos_cluster/templates/ b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/onos_cluster/templates/
deleted file mode 100755
index 8af03df4..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/onos_cluster/templates/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-cat <<EOT>> /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini
-password = admin
-username = admin
-url_path = http://{{ ip_settings[groups['onos'][0]]['mgmt']['ip'] }}:8181/onos/vtn
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/onos_cluster/vars/Debian.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/onos_cluster/vars/Debian.yml
deleted file mode 100755
index 59a4dbd9..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/onos_cluster/vars/Debian.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- - software-properties-common
- - crudini
-services: []
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/onos_cluster/vars/RedHat.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/onos_cluster/vars/RedHat.yml
deleted file mode 100755
index 59a4dbd9..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/onos_cluster/vars/RedHat.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- - software-properties-common
- - crudini
-services: []
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/onos_cluster/vars/main.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/onos_cluster/vars/main.yml
deleted file mode 100755
index f11f1102..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/onos_cluster/vars/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-onos_pkg_name: onos-1.6.0.tar.gz
-onos_home: /opt/onos/
-karaf_dist: apache-karaf-3.0.5
-jdk8_pkg_name: jdk-8u51-linux-x64.tar.gz
-jdk8_script_name: install_jdk8.tar
-onos_driver: networking-onos.tar
-onos_sfc_driver: networking-sfc.tar
-repository: repository.tar
-onos_boot_features: config,standard,region,package,kar,ssh,management,webconsole,onos-api,onos-core,onos-incubator,onos-cli,onos-rest,onos-gui,onos-openflow-base, onos-openflow, onos-ovsdatabase, onos-ovsdb-base, onos-drivers-ovsdb, onos-ovsdb-provider-host, onos-app-vtn-onosfw
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/open-contrail/tasks/uninstall-openvswitch.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/open-contrail/tasks/uninstall-openvswitch.yml
deleted file mode 100755
index 836cb78b..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/open-contrail/tasks/uninstall-openvswitch.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-- name: del ovs bridge
- shell: ovs-vsctl del-br br-int; ovs-vsctl del-br br-tun; ovs-vsctl del-br br-prv;
-- name: remove ovs and ovs-plugin daeman
- shell: >
- sed -i '/neutron-openvswitch-agent/d' /opt/service ;
- sed -i '/openvswitch-switch/d' /opt/service ;
-- name: stop ovs and ovs-plugin
- shell: service openvswitch-switch stop; service neutron-openvswitch-agent stop;
-- name: remove ovs and ovs-plugin files
- shell: >
- update-rc.d -f neutron-openvswitch-agent remove;
- mv /etc/init.d/neutron-openvswitch-agent /home/neutron-openvswitch-agent;
- mv /etc/init/neutron-openvswitch-agent.conf /home/neutron-openvswitch-agent.conf;
- update-rc.d -f openvswitch-switch remove ;
- mv /etc/init.d/openvswitch-switch /home/openvswitch-switch ;
- mv /etc/init/openvswitch-switch.conf /home/openvswitch-switch.conf ;
- update-rc.d -f neutron-ovs-cleanup remove ;
- mv /etc/init.d/neutron-ovs-cleanup /home/neutron-ovs-cleanup ;
- mv /etc/init/neutron-ovs-cleanup.conf /home/neutron-ovs-cleanup.conf ;
-- name: remove ovs kernel module
- shell: rmmod vport_vxlan; rmmod openvswitch;
- ignore_errors: True
-- name: copy recovery script
- copy: src={{ item }} dest=/opt/setup_networks
- with_items:
-# -
- -
-#- name: recover external script
-# shell: python /opt/setup_networks/
-- name: modify net-init
- shell: sed -i 's/' /etc/init.d/net_init
-- name: resolve dual NIC problem
- shell: >
- echo "net.ipv4.conf.all.arp_ignore=1" >> /etc/sysctl.conf ;
- /sbin/sysctl -p ;
- echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/arp_ignore ;
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/secgroup/templates/neutron.j2 b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/secgroup/templates/neutron.j2
deleted file mode 100644
index e7107660..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/secgroup/templates/neutron.j2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-firewall_driver = neutron.agent.firewall.NoopFirewallDriver
-enable_security_group = True
-prevent_arp_spoofing = False
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/secgroup/templates/nova.j2 b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/secgroup/templates/nova.j2
deleted file mode 100644
index 7dbc216a..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/secgroup/templates/nova.j2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-firewall_driver = nova.virt.firewall.NoopFirewallDriver
-security_group_api = neutron
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/secgroup/vars/Debian.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/secgroup/vars/Debian.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 221a3d92..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/secgroup/vars/Debian.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- - src: nova.j2
- dest:
- - /etc/nova/nova.conf
- - src: neutron.j2
- dest:
- - /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini
- - /etc/neutron/plugins/openvswitch/ovs_neutron_plugin.ini
- - /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/restproxy.ini
- - nova-api
- - nova-cert
- - nova-conductor
- - nova-consoleauth
- - nova-novncproxy
- - nova-scheduler
- - neutron-server
- - neutron-openvswitch-agent
- - neutron-l3-agent
- - neutron-dhcp-agent
- - neutron-metadata-agent
- - nova-compute
- - neutron-openvswitch-agent
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/setup-network/files/setup_networks/net_init b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/setup-network/files/setup_networks/net_init
deleted file mode 100755
index 41ccb988..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/setup-network/files/setup_networks/net_init
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-# Provides: anamon.init
-# Required-Start: $network
-# Required-Stop:
-# Should-Start:
-# Should-Stop:
-# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
-# Default-Stop: 0 1 6
-# Short-Description: Starts the cobbler anamon boot notification program
-# Description: anamon runs the first time a machine is booted after installation.
-# anamon.init: Starts the cobbler post-install boot notification program
-# chkconfig: 35 0 6
-# description: anamon runs the first time a machine is booted after
-# installation.
-python /opt/setup_networks/
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/storage/files/storage b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/storage/files/storage
deleted file mode 100755
index 3acc6115..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/storage/files/storage
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/bash
-# Provides: Storage
-# Required-Start: $remote_fs $network
-# Required-Stop: $remote_fs $network
-# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
-# Default-Stop: 0 1 6
-# Description: Storage
-loop_dev=`sh /opt/setup_storage/`
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/swift/tasks/main.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/swift/tasks/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f083146..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/swift/tasks/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- include: swift.yml
- when: moon == "Enable"
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/swift/tasks/swift-compute1.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/swift/tasks/swift-compute1.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index be00484b..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/swift/tasks/swift-compute1.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- name: disable auto start
- copy:
- content: "#!/bin/sh\nexit 101"
- dest: "/usr/sbin/policy-rc.d"
- mode: 0755
- when: ansible_os_family == "Debian"
-- name: install swift-compute packages
- action: "{{ ansible_pkg_mgr }} name={{ item }} state=present"
- with_items: compute_packages | union(compute_packages_noarch)
-- name: enable auto start
- file:
- path=/usr/sbin/policy-rc.d
- state=absent
- when: ansible_os_family == "Debian"
-- name: format devices
- shell: >
- dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/swift1 bs=1G count=10;
- dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/swift2 bs=1G count=10;
- mkfs.xfs /var/swift1;
- mkfs.xfs /var/swift2;
-- name: create mount point dirertory
- shell: >
- mkdir -p /srv/node/swift1;
- mkdir -p /srv/node/swift2;
-- name: edit /etc/fstab
- shell: >
- echo "/var/swift1 /srv/node/swift1/ xfs noatime,nodiratime,nobarrier,logbufs=8 0 2" >> /etc/fstab;
- echo "/var/swift2 /srv/node/swift2/ xfs noatime,nodiratime,nobarrier,logbufs=8 0 2" >> /etc/fstab;
- mount /srv/node/swift1;
- mount /srv/node/swift2;
-- name: edit /etc/default/rsync
- shell: sed -i 's/RSYNC_ENABLE=false/RSYNC_ENABLE=true/g' /etc/default/rsync
-- name: restart rsync service
- service: name=rsync state=restarted enabled=yes
-- name: copy scripts
- template: src={{ item }} dest=/etc/swift/ backup=yes
- with_items:
- - account-server.conf
- - container-server.conf
- - object-server.conf
-- name: change directory
- shell: >
- chown -R swift:swift /srv/node;
- mkdir -p /var/cache/swift;
- chown -R root:swift /var/cache/swift;
- chmod -R 775 /var/cache/swift;
-#- name: copy swift lib
-# copy: src=swift-lib.tar.gz dest=/tmp/swift-lib.tar.gz
-#- name: upload swift lib
-# unarchive: src=swift-lib.tar.gz dest=/tmp/
-#- name: copy swift lib
-# shell: command: su -s /bin/sh -c "cp /tmp/swift-lib/* /usr/lib/"
-#- name: untar swift lib
-# shell: >
-# tar zxf /tmp/swift-lib.tar.gz;
-# cp /tmp/swift-lib/* /usr/lib/;
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/swift/tasks/swift-controller1.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/swift/tasks/swift-controller1.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 36d05040..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/swift/tasks/swift-controller1.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- name: disable auto start
- copy:
- content: "#!/bin/sh\nexit 101"
- dest: "/usr/sbin/policy-rc.d"
- mode: 0755
- when: ansible_os_family == "Debian"
-- name: install swift-controllor packages
- action: "{{ ansible_pkg_mgr }} name={{ item }} state=present"
- with_items: controller_packages | union(controller_packages_noarch)
-- name: enable auto start
- file:
- path=/usr/sbin/policy-rc.d
- state=absent
- when: ansible_os_family == "Debian"
-- name: make swift directory
- file: path=/etc/swift state=directory mode=0755
-- name: update proxy-server conf
- template: src=proxy-server.conf dest=/etc/swift/proxy-server.conf backup=yes
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/swift/tasks/swift-controller2.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/swift/tasks/swift-controller2.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 92d4ab22..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/swift/tasks/swift-controller2.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- name: create account.builder file
- shell: >
- cd /etc/swift ;
- swift-ring-builder account.builder create 10 3 1;
-- name: add each storage node to the ring
- shell: >
- cd /etc/swift;
- swift-ring-builder account.builder add --region 1 --zone 1 --ip {{ ip_settings[item.1]['mgmt']['ip'] }} --port 6002 --device swift1 --weight 100 ;
- swift-ring-builder account.builder add --region 1 --zone 1 --ip {{ ip_settings[item.1]['mgmt']['ip'] }} --port 6002 --device swift2 --weight 100 ;
- with_indexed_items: groups['compute']
-- name: verify the ring contents 1
- shell: >
- cd /etc/swift;
- swift-ring-builder account.builder;
-- name: rebalance the ring
- shell: >
- cd /etc/swift;
- swift-ring-builder account.builder rebalance;
-- name: create contrainer builder file
- shell: >
- cd /etc/swift;
- swift-ring-builder container.builder create 10 3 1;
-- name: add each storage node to the ring
- shell: >
- cd /etc/swift;
- swift-ring-builder container.builder add --region 1 --zone 1 --ip {{ ip_settings[item.1]['mgmt']['ip'] }} --port 6001 --device swift1 --weight 100;
- swift-ring-builder container.builder add --region 1 --zone 1 --ip {{ ip_settings[item.1]['mgmt']['ip'] }} --port 6001 --device swift2 --weight 100;
- with_indexed_items: groups['compute']
-- name: verify the ring contents 2
- shell: >
- cd /etc/swift;
- swift-ring-builder container.builder;
-- name: rebalance the ring
- shell: >
- cd /etc/swift;
- swift-ring-builder container.builder rebalance;
-- name: create object builder file
- shell: >
- cd /etc/swift;
- swift-ring-builder object.builder create 10 3 1;
-- name: add each storage node to the ring
- shell: >
- cd /etc/swift;
- swift-ring-builder object.builder add --region 1 --zone 1 --ip {{ ip_settings[item.1]['mgmt']['ip'] }} --port 6000 --device swift1 --weight 100;
- swift-ring-builder object.builder add --region 1 --zone 1 --ip {{ ip_settings[item.1]['mgmt']['ip'] }} --port 6000 --device swift2 --weight 100;
- with_indexed_items: groups['compute']
-- name: verify the ring contents
- shell: >
- cd /etc/swift;
- swift-ring-builder object.builder;
-- name: rebalance the ring
- shell: >
- cd /etc/swift;
- swift-ring-builder object.builder rebalance;
-- name: distribute ring configuration files to the other controller
- shell: >
- cd /etc/swift;
- scp account.ring.gz container.ring.gz object.ring.gz root@{{ ip_settings[item.1]['mgmt']['ip'] }}:/etc/swift/;
- with_indexed_items: groups['controller']
-- name: distribute ring configuration files to the all compute
- shell: >
- cd /etc/swift;
- scp account.ring.gz container.ring.gz object.ring.gz root@{{ ip_settings[item.1]['mgmt']['ip'] }}:/etc/swift/;
- with_indexed_items: groups['compute']
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/swift/tasks/swift.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/swift/tasks/swift.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e2651a7..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/swift/tasks/swift.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- include_vars: "{{ ansible_os_family }}.yml"
-- include: swift-controller1.yml
- when: inventory_hostname in groups['controller']
-- include: swift-compute1.yml
- when: inventory_hostname in groups['compute']
-- include: swift-controller2.yml
- when: inventory_hostname == haproxy_hosts.keys()[0]
-- name: copy swift.conf
- template: src=swift.conf dest=/etc/swift/swift.conf backup=yes
-- name: chown /etc/swift
- shell: chown -R root:swift /etc/swift
-- name: restart tasks on controller
- service: name={{ item }} state=restarted enabled=yes
- with_items:
- - memcached
- - swift-proxy
- when: inventory_hostname in groups['controller']
-- name: restart tasks on compute
- shell: swift-init all start
- when: inventory_hostname in groups['compute']
- ignore_errors: True
-- name: restart tasks on controller
- service: name={{ item }} state=restarted enabled=yes
- with_items:
- - rsync
- when: inventory_hostname in groups['compute']
-- name: upload swift lib
- unarchive: src=swift-lib.tar.gz dest=/tmp/
-- name: copy swift lib
- command: su -s /bin/sh -c "cp /tmp/swift-lib/* /usr/lib/"
-- name: wait 30 seconds
- shell: sleep 30
-- name: create swift task script
- shell: echo {{ item }} >> /opt/swift-service
- with_items:
- - swift-account
- - swift-account-replicator
- - swift-container-replicator
- - swift-object
- - swift-object-updater
- - swift-account-auditor
- - swift-container
- - swift-container-sync
- - swift-object-auditor
- - swift-account-reaper
- - swift-container-auditor
- - swift-container-updater
- - swift-object-replicator
- when: inventory_hostname in groups['compute']
- ignore_errors: True
-- name: restart swift task
- shell: >
- for i in `cat /opt/swift-service`; do service $i start; done;
- sleep 10;
- for i in `cat /opt/swift-service`; do service $i restart; done;
- when: inventory_hostname in groups['compute']
- ignore_errors: True
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/swift/templates/account-server.conf b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/swift/templates/account-server.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index ea84799f..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/swift/templates/account-server.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
-bind_ip = {{ internal_ip }}
-bind_port = 6002
-# bind_timeout = 30
-# backlog = 4096
-user = swift
-swift_dir = /etc/swift
-devices = /srv/node
-mount_check = true
-# disable_fallocate = false
-# Use an integer to override the number of pre-forked processes that will
-# accept connections.
-# workers = auto
-# Maximum concurrent requests per worker
-# max_clients = 1024
-# You can specify default log routing here if you want:
-# log_name = swift
-# log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0
-# log_level = INFO
-# log_address = /dev/log
-# The following caps the length of log lines to the value given; no limit if
-# set to 0, the default.
-# log_max_line_length = 0
-# comma separated list of functions to call to setup custom log handlers.
-# functions get passed: conf, name, log_to_console, log_route, fmt, logger,
-# adapted_logger
-# log_custom_handlers =
-# If set, log_udp_host will override log_address
-# log_udp_host =
-# log_udp_port = 514
-# You can enable StatsD logging here:
-# log_statsd_host =
-# log_statsd_port = 8125
-# log_statsd_default_sample_rate = 1.0
-# log_statsd_sample_rate_factor = 1.0
-# log_statsd_metric_prefix =
-# If you don't mind the extra disk space usage in overhead, you can turn this
-# on to preallocate disk space with SQLite databases to decrease fragmentation.
-# db_preallocation = off
-# eventlet_debug = false
-# You can set fallocate_reserve to the number of bytes you'd like fallocate to
-# reserve, whether there is space for the given file size or not.
-# fallocate_reserve = 0
-pipeline = healthcheck recon account-server
-use = egg:swift#account
-# You can override the default log routing for this app here:
-# set log_name = account-server
-# set log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0
-# set log_level = INFO
-# set log_requests = true
-# set log_address = /dev/log
-# auto_create_account_prefix = .
-# Configure parameter for creating specific server
-# To handle all verbs, including replication verbs, do not specify
-# "replication_server" (this is the default). To only handle replication,
-# set to a True value (e.g. "True" or "1"). To handle only non-replication
-# verbs, set to "False". Unless you have a separate replication network, you
-# should not specify any value for "replication_server". Default is empty.
-# replication_server = false
-use = egg:swift#healthcheck
-# An optional filesystem path, which if present, will cause the healthcheck
-# URL to return "503 Service Unavailable" with a body of "DISABLED BY FILE"
-# disable_path =
-use = egg:swift#recon
-recon_cache_path = /var/cache/swift
-# You can override the default log routing for this app here (don't use set!):
-# log_name = account-replicator
-# log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0
-# log_level = INFO
-# log_address = /dev/log
-# Maximum number of database rows that will be sync'd in a single HTTP
-# replication request. Databases with less than or equal to this number of
-# differing rows will always be sync'd using an HTTP replication request rather
-# than using rsync.
-# per_diff = 1000
-# Maximum number of HTTP replication requests attempted on each replication
-# pass for any one container. This caps how long the replicator will spend
-# trying to sync a given database per pass so the other databases don't get
-# starved.
-# max_diffs = 100
-# Number of replication workers to spawn.
-# concurrency = 8
-# Time in seconds to wait between replication passes
-# interval = 30
-# run_pause is deprecated, use interval instead
-# run_pause = 30
-# node_timeout = 10
-# conn_timeout = 0.5
-# The replicator also performs reclamation
-# reclaim_age = 604800
-# Allow rsync to compress data which is transmitted to destination node
-# during sync. However, this is applicable only when destination node is in
-# a different region than the local one.
-# rsync_compress = no
-# Format of the rysnc module where the replicator will send data. See
-# etc/rsyncd.conf-sample for some usage examples.
-# rsync_module = {replication_ip}::account
-# recon_cache_path = /var/cache/swift
-# You can override the default log routing for this app here (don't use set!):
-# log_name = account-auditor
-# log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0
-# log_level = INFO
-# log_address = /dev/log
-# Will audit each account at most once per interval
-# interval = 1800
-# accounts_per_second = 200
-# recon_cache_path = /var/cache/swift
-# You can override the default log routing for this app here (don't use set!):
-# log_name = account-reaper
-# log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0
-# log_level = INFO
-# log_address = /dev/log
-# concurrency = 25
-# interval = 3600
-# node_timeout = 10
-# conn_timeout = 0.5
-# Normally, the reaper begins deleting account information for deleted accounts
-# immediately; you can set this to delay its work however. The value is in
-# seconds; 2592000 = 30 days for example.
-# delay_reaping = 0
-# If the account fails to be be reaped due to a persistent error, the
-# account reaper will log a message such as:
-# Account <name> has not been reaped since <date>
-# You can search logs for this message if space is not being reclaimed
-# after you delete account(s).
-# Default is 2592000 seconds (30 days). This is in addition to any time
-# requested by delay_reaping.
-# reap_warn_after = 2592000
-# Note: Put it at the beginning of the pipeline to profile all middleware. But
-# it is safer to put this after healthcheck.
-use = egg:swift#xprofile
-# This option enable you to switch profilers which should inherit from python
-# standard profiler. Currently the supported value can be 'cProfile',
-# '' etc.
-# profile_module =
-# This prefix will be used to combine process ID and timestamp to name the
-# profile data file. Make sure the executing user has permission to write
-# into this path (missing path segments will be created, if necessary).
-# If you enable profiling in more than one type of daemon, you must override
-# it with an unique value like: /var/log/swift/profile/account.profile
-# log_filename_prefix = /tmp/log/swift/profile/default.profile
-# the profile data will be dumped to local disk based on above naming rule
-# in this interval.
-# dump_interval = 5.0
-# Be careful, this option will enable profiler to dump data into the file with
-# time stamp which means there will be lots of files piled up in the directory.
-# dump_timestamp = false
-# This is the path of the URL to access the mini web UI.
-# path = /__profile__
-# Clear the data when the wsgi server shutdown.
-# flush_at_shutdown = false
-# unwind the iterator of applications
-# unwind = false
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/swift/templates/container-server.conf b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/swift/templates/container-server.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 88cd2ebb..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/swift/templates/container-server.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
-bind_ip = {{ internal_ip }}
-bind_port = 6001
-# bind_timeout = 30
-# backlog = 4096
-user = swift
-swift_dir = /etc/swift
-devices = /srv/node
-mount_check = true
-# disable_fallocate = false
-# Use an integer to override the number of pre-forked processes that will
-# accept connections.
-# workers = auto
-# Maximum concurrent requests per worker
-# max_clients = 1024
-# This is a comma separated list of hosts allowed in the X-Container-Sync-To
-# field for containers. This is the old-style of using container sync. It is
-# strongly recommended to use the new style of a separate
-# container-sync-realms.conf -- see container-sync-realms.conf-sample
-# allowed_sync_hosts =
-# You can specify default log routing here if you want:
-# log_name = swift
-# log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0
-# log_level = INFO
-# log_address = /dev/log
-# The following caps the length of log lines to the value given; no limit if
-# set to 0, the default.
-# log_max_line_length = 0
-# comma separated list of functions to call to setup custom log handlers.
-# functions get passed: conf, name, log_to_console, log_route, fmt, logger,
-# adapted_logger
-# log_custom_handlers =
-# If set, log_udp_host will override log_address
-# log_udp_host =
-# log_udp_port = 514
-# You can enable StatsD logging here:
-# log_statsd_host =
-# log_statsd_port = 8125
-# log_statsd_default_sample_rate = 1.0
-# log_statsd_sample_rate_factor = 1.0
-# log_statsd_metric_prefix =
-# If you don't mind the extra disk space usage in overhead, you can turn this
-# on to preallocate disk space with SQLite databases to decrease fragmentation.
-# db_preallocation = off
-# eventlet_debug = false
-# You can set fallocate_reserve to the number of bytes you'd like fallocate to
-# reserve, whether there is space for the given file size or not.
-# fallocate_reserve = 0
-pipeline = healthcheck recon container-server
-use = egg:swift#container
-# You can override the default log routing for this app here:
-# set log_name = container-server
-# set log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0
-# set log_level = INFO
-# set log_requests = true
-# set log_address = /dev/log
-# node_timeout = 3
-# conn_timeout = 0.5
-# allow_versions = false
-# auto_create_account_prefix = .
-# Configure parameter for creating specific server
-# To handle all verbs, including replication verbs, do not specify
-# "replication_server" (this is the default). To only handle replication,
-# set to a True value (e.g. "True" or "1"). To handle only non-replication
-# verbs, set to "False". Unless you have a separate replication network, you
-# should not specify any value for "replication_server".
-# replication_server = false
-use = egg:swift#healthcheck
-# An optional filesystem path, which if present, will cause the healthcheck
-# URL to return "503 Service Unavailable" with a body of "DISABLED BY FILE"
-# disable_path =
-use = egg:swift#recon
-recon_cache_path = /var/cache/swift
-# You can override the default log routing for this app here (don't use set!):
-# log_name = container-replicator
-# log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0
-# log_level = INFO
-# log_address = /dev/log
-# Maximum number of database rows that will be sync'd in a single HTTP
-# replication request. Databases with less than or equal to this number of
-# differing rows will always be sync'd using an HTTP replication request rather
-# than using rsync.
-# per_diff = 1000
-# Maximum number of HTTP replication requests attempted on each replication
-# pass for any one container. This caps how long the replicator will spend
-# trying to sync a given database per pass so the other databases don't get
-# starved.
-# max_diffs = 100
-# Number of replication workers to spawn.
-# concurrency = 8
-# Time in seconds to wait between replication passes
-# interval = 30
-# run_pause is deprecated, use interval instead
-# run_pause = 30
-# node_timeout = 10
-# conn_timeout = 0.5
-# The replicator also performs reclamation
-# reclaim_age = 604800
-# Allow rsync to compress data which is transmitted to destination node
-# during sync. However, this is applicable only when destination node is in
-# a different region than the local one.
-# rsync_compress = no
-# Format of the rysnc module where the replicator will send data. See
-# etc/rsyncd.conf-sample for some usage examples.
-# rsync_module = {replication_ip}::container
-# recon_cache_path = /var/cache/swift
-# You can override the default log routing for this app here (don't use set!):
-# log_name = container-updater
-# log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0
-# log_level = INFO
-# log_address = /dev/log
-# interval = 300
-# concurrency = 4
-# node_timeout = 3
-# conn_timeout = 0.5
-# slowdown will sleep that amount between containers
-# slowdown = 0.01
-# Seconds to suppress updating an account that has generated an error
-# account_suppression_time = 60
-# recon_cache_path = /var/cache/swift
-# You can override the default log routing for this app here (don't use set!):
-# log_name = container-auditor
-# log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0
-# log_level = INFO
-# log_address = /dev/log
-# Will audit each container at most once per interval
-# interval = 1800
-# containers_per_second = 200
-# recon_cache_path = /var/cache/swift
-# You can override the default log routing for this app here (don't use set!):
-# log_name = container-sync
-# log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0
-# log_level = INFO
-# log_address = /dev/log
-# If you need to use an HTTP Proxy, set it here; defaults to no proxy.
-# You can also set this to a comma separated list of HTTP Proxies and they will
-# be randomly used (simple load balancing).
-# sync_proxy =,
-# Will sync each container at most once per interval
-# interval = 300
-# Maximum amount of time to spend syncing each container per pass
-# container_time = 60
-# Maximum amount of time in seconds for the connection attempt
-# conn_timeout = 5
-# Server errors from requests will be retried by default
-# request_tries = 3
-# Internal client config file path
-# internal_client_conf_path = /etc/swift/internal-client.conf
-# Note: Put it at the beginning of the pipeline to profile all middleware. But
-# it is safer to put this after healthcheck.
-use = egg:swift#xprofile
-# This option enable you to switch profilers which should inherit from python
-# standard profiler. Currently the supported value can be 'cProfile',
-# '' etc.
-# profile_module =
-# This prefix will be used to combine process ID and timestamp to name the
-# profile data file. Make sure the executing user has permission to write
-# into this path (missing path segments will be created, if necessary).
-# If you enable profiling in more than one type of daemon, you must override
-# it with an unique value like: /var/log/swift/profile/container.profile
-# log_filename_prefix = /tmp/log/swift/profile/default.profile
-# the profile data will be dumped to local disk based on above naming rule
-# in this interval.
-# dump_interval = 5.0
-# Be careful, this option will enable profiler to dump data into the file with
-# time stamp which means there will be lots of files piled up in the directory.
-# dump_timestamp = false
-# This is the path of the URL to access the mini web UI.
-# path = /__profile__
-# Clear the data when the wsgi server shutdown.
-# flush_at_shutdown = false
-# unwind the iterator of applications
-# unwind = false
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/swift/templates/object-server.conf b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/swift/templates/object-server.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index effd4f22..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/swift/templates/object-server.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,347 +0,0 @@
-bind_ip = {{ internal_ip }}
-bind_port = 6000
-# bind_timeout = 30
-# backlog = 4096
-user = swift
-swift_dir = /etc/swift
-devices = /srv/node
-mount_check = true
-# disable_fallocate = false
-# expiring_objects_container_divisor = 86400
-# expiring_objects_account_name = expiring_objects
-# Use an integer to override the number of pre-forked processes that will
-# accept connections. NOTE: if servers_per_port is set, this setting is
-# ignored.
-# workers = auto
-# Make object-server run this many worker processes per unique port of
-# "local" ring devices across all storage policies. This can help provide
-# the isolation of threads_per_disk without the severe overhead. The default
-# value of 0 disables this feature.
-# servers_per_port = 0
-# Maximum concurrent requests per worker
-# max_clients = 1024
-# You can specify default log routing here if you want:
-# log_name = swift
-# log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0
-# log_level = INFO
-# log_address = /dev/log
-# The following caps the length of log lines to the value given; no limit if
-# set to 0, the default.
-# log_max_line_length = 0
-# comma separated list of functions to call to setup custom log handlers.
-# functions get passed: conf, name, log_to_console, log_route, fmt, logger,
-# adapted_logger
-# log_custom_handlers =
-# If set, log_udp_host will override log_address
-# log_udp_host =
-# log_udp_port = 514
-# You can enable StatsD logging here:
-# log_statsd_host =
-# log_statsd_port = 8125
-# log_statsd_default_sample_rate = 1.0
-# log_statsd_sample_rate_factor = 1.0
-# log_statsd_metric_prefix =
-# eventlet_debug = false
-# You can set fallocate_reserve to the number of bytes you'd like fallocate to
-# reserve, whether there is space for the given file size or not.
-# fallocate_reserve = 0
-# Time to wait while attempting to connect to another backend node.
-# conn_timeout = 0.5
-# Time to wait while sending each chunk of data to another backend node.
-# node_timeout = 3
-# Time to wait while sending a container update on object update.
-# container_update_timeout = 1.0
-# Time to wait while receiving each chunk of data from a client or another
-# backend node.
-# client_timeout = 60
-# network_chunk_size = 65536
-# disk_chunk_size = 65536
-pipeline = healthcheck recon object-server
-use = egg:swift#object
-# You can override the default log routing for this app here:
-# set log_name = object-server
-# set log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0
-# set log_level = INFO
-# set log_requests = true
-# set log_address = /dev/log
-# max_upload_time = 86400
-# slow is the total amount of seconds an object PUT/DELETE request takes at
-# least. If it is faster, the object server will sleep this amount of time minus
-# the already passed transaction time. This is only useful for simulating slow
-# devices on storage nodes during testing and development.
-# slow = 0
-# Objects smaller than this are not evicted from the buffercache once read
-# keep_cache_size = 5242880
-# If true, objects for authenticated GET requests may be kept in buffer cache
-# if small enough
-# keep_cache_private = false
-# on PUTs, sync data every n MB
-# mb_per_sync = 512
-# Comma separated list of headers that can be set in metadata on an object.
-# This list is in addition to X-Object-Meta-* headers and cannot include
-# Content-Type, etag, Content-Length, or deleted
-# allowed_headers = Content-Disposition, Content-Encoding, X-Delete-At, X-Object-Manifest, X-Static-Large-Object
-# auto_create_account_prefix = .
-# A value of 0 means "don't use thread pools". A reasonable starting point is
-# 4.
-# threads_per_disk = 0
-# Configure parameter for creating specific server
-# To handle all verbs, including replication verbs, do not specify
-# "replication_server" (this is the default). To only handle replication,
-# set to a True value (e.g. "True" or "1"). To handle only non-replication
-# verbs, set to "False". Unless you have a separate replication network, you
-# should not specify any value for "replication_server".
-# replication_server = false
-# Set to restrict the number of concurrent incoming SSYNC requests
-# Set to 0 for unlimited
-# Note that SSYNC requests are only used by the object reconstructor or the
-# object replicator when configured to use ssync.
-# replication_concurrency = 4
-# Restricts incoming SSYNC requests to one per device,
-# replication_currency above allowing. This can help control I/O to each
-# device, but you may wish to set this to False to allow multiple SSYNC
-# requests (up to the above replication_concurrency setting) per device.
-# replication_one_per_device = True
-# Number of seconds to wait for an existing replication device lock before
-# giving up.
-# replication_lock_timeout = 15
-# These next two settings control when the SSYNC subrequest handler will
-# abort an incoming SSYNC attempt. An abort will occur if there are at
-# least threshold number of failures and the value of failures / successes
-# exceeds the ratio. The defaults of 100 and 1.0 means that at least 100
-# failures have to occur and there have to be more failures than successes for
-# an abort to occur.
-# replication_failure_threshold = 100
-# replication_failure_ratio = 1.0
-# Use splice() for zero-copy object GETs. This requires Linux kernel
-# version 3.0 or greater. If you set "splice = yes" but the kernel
-# does not support it, error messages will appear in the object server
-# logs at startup, but your object servers should continue to function.
-# splice = no
-use = egg:swift#healthcheck
-# An optional filesystem path, which if present, will cause the healthcheck
-# URL to return "503 Service Unavailable" with a body of "DISABLED BY FILE"
-# disable_path =
-use = egg:swift#recon
-recon_cache_path = /var/cache/swift
-recon_lock_path = /var/lock
-# You can override the default log routing for this app here (don't use set!):
-# log_name = object-replicator
-# log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0
-# log_level = INFO
-# log_address = /dev/log
-# daemonize = on
-# Time in seconds to wait between replication passes
-# interval = 30
-# run_pause is deprecated, use interval instead
-# run_pause = 30
-# concurrency = 1
-# stats_interval = 300
-# default is rsync, alternative is ssync
-# sync_method = rsync
-# max duration of a partition rsync
-# rsync_timeout = 900
-# bandwidth limit for rsync in kB/s. 0 means unlimited
-# rsync_bwlimit = 0
-# passed to rsync for io op timeout
-# rsync_io_timeout = 30
-# Allow rsync to compress data which is transmitted to destination node
-# during sync. However, this is applicable only when destination node is in
-# a different region than the local one.
-# NOTE: Objects that are already compressed (for example: .tar.gz, .mp3) might
-# slow down the syncing process.
-# rsync_compress = no
-# Format of the rysnc module where the replicator will send data. See
-# etc/rsyncd.conf-sample for some usage examples.
-# rsync_module = {replication_ip}::object
-# node_timeout = <whatever's in the DEFAULT section or 10>
-# max duration of an http request; this is for REPLICATE finalization calls and
-# so should be longer than node_timeout
-# http_timeout = 60
-# attempts to kill all workers if nothing replicates for lockup_timeout seconds
-# lockup_timeout = 1800
-# The replicator also performs reclamation
-# reclaim_age = 604800
-# ring_check_interval = 15
-# recon_cache_path = /var/cache/swift
-# limits how long rsync error log lines are
-# 0 means to log the entire line
-# rsync_error_log_line_length = 0
-# handoffs_first and handoff_delete are options for a special case
-# such as disk full in the cluster. These two options SHOULD NOT BE
-# CHANGED, except for such an extreme situations. (e.g. disks filled up
-# or are about to fill up. Anyway, DO NOT let your drives fill up)
-# handoffs_first is the flag to replicate handoffs prior to canonical
-# partitions. It allows to force syncing and deleting handoffs quickly.
-# If set to a True value(e.g. "True" or "1"), partitions
-# that are not supposed to be on the node will be replicated first.
-# handoffs_first = False
-# handoff_delete is the number of replicas which are ensured in swift.
-# If the number less than the number of replicas is set, object-replicator
-# could delete local handoffs even if all replicas are not ensured in the
-# cluster. Object-replicator would remove local handoff partition directories
-# after syncing partition when the number of successful responses is greater
-# than or equal to this number. By default(auto), handoff partitions will be
-# removed when it has successfully replicated to all the canonical nodes.
-# handoff_delete = auto
-# You can override the default log routing for this app here (don't use set!):
-# Unless otherwise noted, each setting below has the same meaning as described
-# in the [object-replicator] section, however these settings apply to the EC
-# reconstructor
-# log_name = object-reconstructor
-# log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0
-# log_level = INFO
-# log_address = /dev/log
-# daemonize = on
-# Time in seconds to wait between reconstruction passes
-# interval = 30
-# run_pause is deprecated, use interval instead
-# run_pause = 30
-# concurrency = 1
-# stats_interval = 300
-# node_timeout = 10
-# http_timeout = 60
-# lockup_timeout = 1800
-# reclaim_age = 604800
-# ring_check_interval = 15
-# recon_cache_path = /var/cache/swift
-# handoffs_first = False
-# You can override the default log routing for this app here (don't use set!):
-# log_name = object-updater
-# log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0
-# log_level = INFO
-# log_address = /dev/log
-# interval = 300
-# concurrency = 1
-# node_timeout = <whatever's in the DEFAULT section or 10>
-# slowdown will sleep that amount between objects
-# slowdown = 0.01
-# recon_cache_path = /var/cache/swift
-# You can override the default log routing for this app here (don't use set!):
-# log_name = object-auditor
-# log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0
-# log_level = INFO
-# log_address = /dev/log
-# Time in seconds to wait between auditor passes
-# interval = 30
-# You can set the disk chunk size that the auditor uses making it larger if
-# you like for more efficient local auditing of larger objects
-# disk_chunk_size = 65536
-# files_per_second = 20
-# concurrency = 1
-# bytes_per_second = 10000000
-# log_time = 3600
-# zero_byte_files_per_second = 50
-# recon_cache_path = /var/cache/swift
-# Takes a comma separated list of ints. If set, the object auditor will
-# increment a counter for every object whose size is <= to the given break
-# points and report the result after a full scan.
-# object_size_stats =
-# The auditor will cleanup old rsync tempfiles after they are "old
-# enough" to delete. You can configure the time elapsed in seconds
-# before rsync tempfiles will be unlinked, or the default value of
-# "auto" try to use object-replicator's rsync_timeout + 900 and fallback
-# to 86400 (1 day).
-# rsync_tempfile_timeout = auto
-# Note: Put it at the beginning of the pipleline to profile all middleware. But
-# it is safer to put this after healthcheck.
-use = egg:swift#xprofile
-# This option enable you to switch profilers which should inherit from python
-# standard profiler. Currently the supported value can be 'cProfile',
-# '' etc.
-# profile_module =
-# This prefix will be used to combine process ID and timestamp to name the
-# profile data file. Make sure the executing user has permission to write
-# into this path (missing path segments will be created, if necessary).
-# If you enable profiling in more than one type of daemon, you must override
-# it with an unique value like: /var/log/swift/profile/object.profile
-# log_filename_prefix = /tmp/log/swift/profile/default.profile
-# the profile data will be dumped to local disk based on above naming rule
-# in this interval.
-# dump_interval = 5.0
-# Be careful, this option will enable profiler to dump data into the file with
-# time stamp which means there will be lots of files piled up in the directory.
-# dump_timestamp = false
-# This is the path of the URL to access the mini web UI.
-# path = /__profile__
-# Clear the data when the wsgi server shutdown.
-# flush_at_shutdown = false
-# unwind the iterator of applications
-# unwind = false
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/swift/templates/proxy-server.conf b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/swift/templates/proxy-server.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index b76796cf..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/swift/templates/proxy-server.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,764 +0,0 @@
-{% set memcached_servers = [] %}
-{% for host in haproxy_hosts.values() %}
-{% set _ = memcached_servers.append('%s:11211'% host) %}
-{% endfor %}
-{% set memcached_servers = memcached_servers|join(',') %}
-bind_ip = {{ internal_ip }}
-bind_port = 8080
-# bind_timeout = 30
-# backlog = 4096
-swift_dir = /etc/swift
-user = swift
-# Enables exposing configuration settings via HTTP GET /info.
-# expose_info = true
-# Key to use for admin calls that are HMAC signed. Default is empty,
-# which will disable admin calls to /info.
-# admin_key = secret_admin_key
-# Allows the ability to withhold sections from showing up in the public calls
-# to /info. You can withhold subsections by separating the dict level with a
-# ".". The following would cause the sections 'container_quotas' and 'tempurl'
-# to not be listed, and the key max_failed_deletes would be removed from
-# bulk_delete. Default value is 'swift.valid_api_versions' which allows all
-# registered features to be listed via HTTP GET /info except
-# swift.valid_api_versions information
-# disallowed_sections = swift.valid_api_versions, container_quotas, tempurl
-# Use an integer to override the number of pre-forked processes that will
-# accept connections. Should default to the number of effective cpu
-# cores in the system. It's worth noting that individual workers will
-# use many eventlet co-routines to service multiple concurrent requests.
-# workers = auto
-# Maximum concurrent requests per worker
-# max_clients = 1024
-# Set the following two lines to enable SSL. This is for testing only.
-# cert_file = /etc/swift/proxy.crt
-# key_file = /etc/swift/proxy.key
-# expiring_objects_container_divisor = 86400
-# expiring_objects_account_name = expiring_objects
-# You can specify default log routing here if you want:
-# log_name = swift
-# log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0
-# log_level = INFO
-# log_headers = false
-# log_address = /dev/log
-# The following caps the length of log lines to the value given; no limit if
-# set to 0, the default.
-# log_max_line_length = 0
-# This optional suffix (default is empty) that would be appended to the swift transaction
-# id allows one to easily figure out from which cluster that X-Trans-Id belongs to.
-# This is very useful when one is managing more than one swift cluster.
-# trans_id_suffix =
-# comma separated list of functions to call to setup custom log handlers.
-# functions get passed: conf, name, log_to_console, log_route, fmt, logger,
-# adapted_logger
-# log_custom_handlers =
-# If set, log_udp_host will override log_address
-# log_udp_host =
-# log_udp_port = 514
-# You can enable StatsD logging here:
-# log_statsd_host =
-# log_statsd_port = 8125
-# log_statsd_default_sample_rate = 1.0
-# log_statsd_sample_rate_factor = 1.0
-# log_statsd_metric_prefix =
-# Use a comma separated list of full url (,
-# cors_allow_origin =
-# strict_cors_mode = True
-# client_timeout = 60
-# eventlet_debug = false
-# This sample pipeline uses tempauth and is used for SAIO dev work and
-# testing. See below for a pipeline using keystone.
-#pipeline = catch_errors gatekeeper healthcheck proxy-logging cache container_sync bulk tempurl ratelimit tempauth container-quotas account-quotas slo dlo versioned_writes proxy-logging proxy-server
-pipeline = catch_errors gatekeeper healthcheck proxy-logging cache container_sync bulk ratelimit authtoken keystoneauth container-quotas account-quotas slo dlo versioned_writes proxy-logging proxy-server
-# The following pipeline shows keystone integration. Comment out the one
-# above and uncomment this one. Additional steps for integrating keystone are
-# covered further below in the filter sections for authtoken and keystoneauth.
-#pipeline = catch_errors gatekeeper healthcheck proxy-logging cache container_sync bulk tempurl ratelimit authtoken keystoneauth container-quotas account-quotas slo dlo versioned_writes proxy-logging proxy-server
-use = egg:swift#proxy
-account_autocreate = True
-# You can override the default log routing for this app here:
-# set log_name = proxy-server
-# set log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0
-# set log_level = INFO
-# set log_address = /dev/log
-# log_handoffs = true
-# recheck_account_existence = 60
-# recheck_container_existence = 60
-# object_chunk_size = 65536
-# client_chunk_size = 65536
-# How long the proxy server will wait on responses from the a/c/o servers.
-# node_timeout = 10
-# How long the proxy server will wait for an initial response and to read a
-# chunk of data from the object servers while serving GET / HEAD requests.
-# Timeouts from these requests can be recovered from so setting this to
-# something lower than node_timeout would provide quicker error recovery
-# while allowing for a longer timeout for non-recoverable requests (PUTs).
-# Defaults to node_timeout, should be overriden if node_timeout is set to a
-# high number to prevent client timeouts from firing before the proxy server
-# has a chance to retry.
-# recoverable_node_timeout = node_timeout
-# conn_timeout = 0.5
-# How long to wait for requests to finish after a quorum has been established.
-# post_quorum_timeout = 0.5
-# How long without an error before a node's error count is reset. This will
-# also be how long before a node is reenabled after suppression is triggered.
-# error_suppression_interval = 60
-# How many errors can accumulate before a node is temporarily ignored.
-# error_suppression_limit = 10
-# If set to 'true' any authorized user may create and delete accounts; if
-# 'false' no one, even authorized, can.
-# allow_account_management = false
-# Set object_post_as_copy = false to turn on fast posts where only the metadata
-# changes are stored anew and the original data file is kept in place. This
-# makes for quicker posts.
-# object_post_as_copy = true
-# If set to 'true' authorized accounts that do not yet exist within the Swift
-# cluster will be automatically created.
-# account_autocreate = false
-# If set to a positive value, trying to create a container when the account
-# already has at least this maximum containers will result in a 403 Forbidden.
-# Note: This is a soft limit, meaning a user might exceed the cap for
-# recheck_account_existence before the 403s kick in.
-# max_containers_per_account = 0
-# This is a comma separated list of account hashes that ignore the
-# max_containers_per_account cap.
-# max_containers_whitelist =
-# Comma separated list of Host headers to which the proxy will deny requests.
-# deny_host_headers =
-# Prefix used when automatically creating accounts.
-# auto_create_account_prefix = .
-# Depth of the proxy put queue.
-# put_queue_depth = 10
-# Storage nodes can be chosen at random (shuffle), by using timing
-# measurements (timing), or by using an explicit match (affinity).
-# Using timing measurements may allow for lower overall latency, while
-# using affinity allows for finer control. In both the timing and
-# affinity cases, equally-sorting nodes are still randomly chosen to
-# spread load.
-# The valid values for sorting_method are "affinity", "shuffle", or "timing".
-# sorting_method = shuffle
-# If the "timing" sorting_method is used, the timings will only be valid for
-# the number of seconds configured by timing_expiry.
-# timing_expiry = 300
-# By default on a GET/HEAD swift will connect to a storage node one at a time
-# in a single thread. There is smarts in the order they are hit however. If you
-# turn on concurrent_gets below, then replica count threads will be used.
-# With addition of the concurrency_timeout option this will allow swift to send
-# out GET/HEAD requests to the storage nodes concurrently and answer with the
-# first to respond. With an EC policy the parameter only affects HEAD requests.
-# concurrent_gets = off
-# This parameter controls how long to wait before firing off the next
-# concurrent_get thread. A value of 0 would be fully concurrent, any other
-# number will stagger the firing of the threads. This number should be
-# between 0 and node_timeout. The default is what ever you set for the
-# conn_timeout parameter.
-# concurrency_timeout = 0.5
-# Set to the number of nodes to contact for a normal request. You can use
-# '* replicas' at the end to have it use the number given times the number of
-# replicas for the ring being used for the request.
-# request_node_count = 2 * replicas
-# Which backend servers to prefer on reads. Format is r<N> for region
-# N or r<N>z<M> for region N, zone M. The value after the equals is
-# the priority; lower numbers are higher priority.
-# Example: first read from region 1 zone 1, then region 1 zone 2, then
-# anything in region 2, then everything else:
-# read_affinity = r1z1=100, r1z2=200, r2=300
-# Default is empty, meaning no preference.
-# read_affinity =
-# Which backend servers to prefer on writes. Format is r<N> for region
-# N or r<N>z<M> for region N, zone M. If this is set, then when
-# handling an object PUT request, some number (see setting
-# write_affinity_node_count) of local backend servers will be tried
-# before any nonlocal ones.
-# Example: try to write to regions 1 and 2 before writing to any other
-# nodes:
-# write_affinity = r1, r2
-# Default is empty, meaning no preference.
-# write_affinity =
-# The number of local (as governed by the write_affinity setting)
-# nodes to attempt to contact first, before any non-local ones. You
-# can use '* replicas' at the end to have it use the number given
-# times the number of replicas for the ring being used for the
-# request.
-# write_affinity_node_count = 2 * replicas
-# These are the headers whose values will only be shown to swift_owners. The
-# exact definition of a swift_owner is up to the auth system in use, but
-# usually indicates administrative responsibilities.
-# swift_owner_headers = x-container-read, x-container-write, x-container-sync-key, x-container-sync-to, x-account-meta-temp-url-key, x-account-meta-temp-url-key-2, x-container-meta-temp-url-key, x-container-meta-temp-url-key-2, x-account-access-control
-use = egg:swift#tempauth
-# You can override the default log routing for this filter here:
-# set log_name = tempauth
-# set log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0
-# set log_level = INFO
-# set log_headers = false
-# set log_address = /dev/log
-# The reseller prefix will verify a token begins with this prefix before even
-# attempting to validate it. Also, with authorization, only Swift storage
-# accounts with this prefix will be authorized by this middleware. Useful if
-# multiple auth systems are in use for one Swift cluster.
-# The reseller_prefix may contain a comma separated list of items. The first
-# item is used for the token as mentioned above. If second and subsequent
-# items exist, the middleware will handle authorization for an account with
-# that prefix. For example, for prefixes "AUTH, SERVICE", a path of
-# /v1/SERVICE_account is handled the same as /v1/AUTH_account. If an empty
-# (blank) reseller prefix is required, it must be first in the list. Two
-# single quote characters indicates an empty (blank) reseller prefix.
-# reseller_prefix = AUTH
-# The require_group parameter names a group that must be presented by
-# either X-Auth-Token or X-Service-Token. Usually this parameter is
-# used only with multiple reseller prefixes (e.g., SERVICE_require_group=blah).
-# By default, no group is needed. Do not use .admin.
-# require_group =
-# The auth prefix will cause requests beginning with this prefix to be routed
-# to the auth subsystem, for granting tokens, etc.
-# auth_prefix = /auth/
-# token_life = 86400
-# This allows middleware higher in the WSGI pipeline to override auth
-# processing, useful for middleware such as tempurl and formpost. If you know
-# you're not going to use such middleware and you want a bit of extra security,
-# you can set this to false.
-# allow_overrides = true
-# This specifies what scheme to return with storage urls:
-# http, https, or default (chooses based on what the server is running as)
-# This can be useful with an SSL load balancer in front of a non-SSL server.
-# storage_url_scheme = default
-# Lastly, you need to list all the accounts/users you want here. The format is:
-# user_<account>_<user> = <key> [group] [group] [...] [storage_url]
-# or if you want underscores in <account> or <user>, you can base64 encode them
-# (with no equal signs) and use this format:
-# user64_<account_b64>_<user_b64> = <key> [group] [group] [...] [storage_url]
-# There are special groups of:
-# .reseller_admin = can do anything to any account for this auth
-# .admin = can do anything within the account
-# If neither of these groups are specified, the user can only access containers
-# that have been explicitly allowed for them by a .admin or .reseller_admin.
-# The trailing optional storage_url allows you to specify an alternate url to
-# hand back to the user upon authentication. If not specified, this defaults to
-# $HOST/v1/<reseller_prefix>_<account> where $HOST will do its best to resolve
-# to what the requester would need to use to reach this host.
-# Here are example entries, required for running the tests:
-user_admin_admin = admin .admin .reseller_admin
-user_test_tester = testing .admin
-user_test2_tester2 = testing2 .admin
-user_test_tester3 = testing3
-user_test5_tester5 = testing5 service
-# To enable Keystone authentication you need to have the auth token
-# middleware first to be configured. Here is an example below, please
-# refer to the keystone's documentation for details about the
-# different settings.
-# You'll also need to have the keystoneauth middleware enabled and have it in
-# your main pipeline, as show in the sample pipeline at the top of this file.
-# Following parameters are known to work with keystonemiddleware v2.3.0
-# (above v2.0.0), but checking the latest information in the wiki page[1]
-# is recommended.
-# 1.
-paste.filter_factory = keystonemiddleware.auth_token:filter_factory
-auth_uri = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:5000
-auth_url = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:35357
-identity_uri = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:35357
-memcached_servers = {{ memcached_servers }}
-#auth_plugin = password
-auth_type = password
-project_domain_id = default
-user_domain_id = default
-project_name = service
-username = swift
-password = {{ CINDER_PASS }}
-delay_auth_decision = True
-# delay_auth_decision defaults to False, but leaving it as false will
-# prevent other auth systems, staticweb, tempurl, formpost, and ACLs from
-# working. This value must be explicitly set to True.
-# delay_auth_decision = False
-# cache = swift.cache
-# include_service_catalog = False
-use = egg:swift#keystoneauth
-operator_roles = admin,user
-# The reseller_prefix option lists account namespaces that this middleware is
-# responsible for. The prefix is placed before the Keystone project id.
-# For example, for project 12345678, and prefix AUTH, the account is
-# named AUTH_12345678 (i.e., path is /v1/AUTH_12345678/...).
-# Several prefixes are allowed by specifying a comma-separated list
-# as in: "reseller_prefix = AUTH, SERVICE". The empty string indicates a
-# single blank/empty prefix. If an empty prefix is required in a list of
-# prefixes, a value of '' (two single quote characters) indicates a
-# blank/empty prefix. Except for the blank/empty prefix, an underscore ('_')
-# character is appended to the value unless already present.
-# reseller_prefix = AUTH
-# The user must have at least one role named by operator_roles on a
-# project in order to create, delete and modify containers and objects
-# and to set and read privileged headers such as ACLs.
-# If there are several reseller prefix items, you can prefix the
-# parameter so it applies only to those accounts (for example
-# the parameter SERVICE_operator_roles applies to the /v1/SERVICE_<project>
-# path). If you omit the prefix, the option applies to all reseller
-# prefix items. For the blank/empty prefix, prefix with '' (do not put
-# underscore after the two single quote characters).
-# operator_roles = admin, swiftoperator
-# The reseller admin role has the ability to create and delete accounts
-# reseller_admin_role = ResellerAdmin
-# This allows middleware higher in the WSGI pipeline to override auth
-# processing, useful for middleware such as tempurl and formpost. If you know
-# you're not going to use such middleware and you want a bit of extra security,
-# you can set this to false.
-# allow_overrides = true
-# If the service_roles parameter is present, an X-Service-Token must be
-# present in the request that when validated, grants at least one role listed
-# in the parameter. The X-Service-Token may be scoped to any project.
-# If there are several reseller prefix items, you can prefix the
-# parameter so it applies only to those accounts (for example
-# the parameter SERVICE_service_roles applies to the /v1/SERVICE_<project>
-# path). If you omit the prefix, the option applies to all reseller
-# prefix items. For the blank/empty prefix, prefix with '' (do not put
-# underscore after the two single quote characters).
-# By default, no service_roles are required.
-# service_roles =
-# For backwards compatibility, keystoneauth will match names in cross-tenant
-# access control lists (ACLs) when both the requesting user and the tenant
-# are in the default domain i.e the domain to which existing tenants are
-# migrated. The default_domain_id value configured here should be the same as
-# the value used during migration of tenants to keystone domains.
-# default_domain_id = default
-# For a new installation, or an installation in which keystone projects may
-# move between domains, you should disable backwards compatible name matching
-# in ACLs by setting allow_names_in_acls to false:
-# allow_names_in_acls = true
-use = egg:swift#healthcheck
-# An optional filesystem path, which if present, will cause the healthcheck
-# URL to return "503 Service Unavailable" with a body of "DISABLED BY FILE".
-# This facility may be used to temporarily remove a Swift node from a load
-# balancer pool during maintenance or upgrade (remove the file to allow the
-# node back into the load balancer pool).
-# disable_path =
-use = egg:swift#memcache
-memcache_servers = {{ memcached_servers }}
-# You can override the default log routing for this filter here:
-# set log_name = cache
-# set log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0
-# set log_level = INFO
-# set log_headers = false
-# set log_address = /dev/log
-# If not set here, the value for memcache_servers will be read from
-# memcache.conf (see memcache.conf-sample) or lacking that file, it will
-# default to the value below. You can specify multiple servers separated with
-# commas, as in:, (IPv6 addresses must
-# follow rfc3986 section-3.2.2, i.e. [::1]:11211)
-# memcache_servers =
-# Sets how memcache values are serialized and deserialized:
-# 0 = older, insecure pickle serialization
-# 1 = json serialization but pickles can still be read (still insecure)
-# 2 = json serialization only (secure and the default)
-# If not set here, the value for memcache_serialization_support will be read
-# from /etc/swift/memcache.conf (see memcache.conf-sample).
-# To avoid an instant full cache flush, existing installations should
-# upgrade with 0, then set to 1 and reload, then after some time (24 hours)
-# set to 2 and reload.
-# In the future, the ability to use pickle serialization will be removed.
-# memcache_serialization_support = 2
-# Sets the maximum number of connections to each memcached server per worker
-# memcache_max_connections = 2
-# More options documented in memcache.conf-sample
-use = egg:swift#ratelimit
-# You can override the default log routing for this filter here:
-# set log_name = ratelimit
-# set log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0
-# set log_level = INFO
-# set log_headers = false
-# set log_address = /dev/log
-# clock_accuracy should represent how accurate the proxy servers' system clocks
-# are with each other. 1000 means that all the proxies' clock are accurate to
-# each other within 1 millisecond. No ratelimit should be higher than the
-# clock accuracy.
-# clock_accuracy = 1000
-# max_sleep_time_seconds = 60
-# log_sleep_time_seconds of 0 means disabled
-# log_sleep_time_seconds = 0
-# allows for slow rates (e.g. running up to 5 sec's behind) to catch up.
-# rate_buffer_seconds = 5
-# account_ratelimit of 0 means disabled
-# account_ratelimit = 0
-# DEPRECATED- these will continue to work but will be replaced
-# by the X-Account-Sysmeta-Global-Write-Ratelimit flag.
-# Please see ratelimiting docs for details.
-# these are comma separated lists of account names
-# account_whitelist = a,b
-# account_blacklist = c,d
-# with container_limit_x = r
-# for containers of size x limit write requests per second to r. The container
-# rate will be linearly interpolated from the values given. With the values
-# below, a container of size 5 will get a rate of 75.
-# container_ratelimit_0 = 100
-# container_ratelimit_10 = 50
-# container_ratelimit_50 = 20
-# Similarly to the above container-level write limits, the following will limit
-# container GET (listing) requests.
-# container_listing_ratelimit_0 = 100
-# container_listing_ratelimit_10 = 50
-# container_listing_ratelimit_50 = 20
-use = egg:swift#domain_remap
-# You can override the default log routing for this filter here:
-# set log_name = domain_remap
-# set log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0
-# set log_level = INFO
-# set log_headers = false
-# set log_address = /dev/log
-# storage_domain =
-# path_root = v1
-# Browsers can convert a host header to lowercase, so check that reseller
-# prefix on the account is the correct case. This is done by comparing the
-# items in the reseller_prefixes config option to the found prefix. If they
-# match except for case, the item from reseller_prefixes will be used
-# instead of the found reseller prefix. When none match, the default reseller
-# prefix is used. When no default reseller prefix is configured, any request
-# with an account prefix not in that list will be ignored by this middleware.
-# reseller_prefixes = AUTH
-# default_reseller_prefix =
-use = egg:swift#catch_errors
-# You can override the default log routing for this filter here:
-# set log_name = catch_errors
-# set log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0
-# set log_level = INFO
-# set log_headers = false
-# set log_address = /dev/log
-# Note: this middleware requires python-dnspython
-use = egg:swift#cname_lookup
-# You can override the default log routing for this filter here:
-# set log_name = cname_lookup
-# set log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0
-# set log_level = INFO
-# set log_headers = false
-# set log_address = /dev/log
-# Specify the storage_domain that match your cloud, multiple domains
-# can be specified separated by a comma
-# storage_domain =
-# lookup_depth = 1
-# Note: Put staticweb just after your auth filter(s) in the pipeline
-use = egg:swift#staticweb
-# You can override the default log routing for this filter here:
-# set log_name = staticweb
-# set log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0
-# set log_level = INFO
-# set log_headers = false
-# set log_address = /dev/log
-# Note: Put tempurl before dlo, slo and your auth filter(s) in the pipeline
-use = egg:swift#tempurl
-# The methods allowed with Temp URLs.
-# The headers to remove from incoming requests. Simply a whitespace delimited
-# list of header names and names can optionally end with '*' to indicate a
-# prefix match. incoming_allow_headers is a list of exceptions to these
-# removals.
-# incoming_remove_headers = x-timestamp
-# The headers allowed as exceptions to incoming_remove_headers. Simply a
-# whitespace delimited list of header names and names can optionally end with
-# '*' to indicate a prefix match.
-# incoming_allow_headers =
-# The headers to remove from outgoing responses. Simply a whitespace delimited
-# list of header names and names can optionally end with '*' to indicate a
-# prefix match. outgoing_allow_headers is a list of exceptions to these
-# removals.
-# outgoing_remove_headers = x-object-meta-*
-# The headers allowed as exceptions to outgoing_remove_headers. Simply a
-# whitespace delimited list of header names and names can optionally end with
-# '*' to indicate a prefix match.
-# outgoing_allow_headers = x-object-meta-public-*
-# Note: Put formpost just before your auth filter(s) in the pipeline
-use = egg:swift#formpost
-# Note: Just needs to be placed before the proxy-server in the pipeline.
-use = egg:swift#name_check
-# forbidden_chars = '"`<>
-# maximum_length = 255
-# forbidden_regexp = /\./|/\.\./|/\.$|/\.\.$
-use = egg:swift#list_endpoints
-# list_endpoints_path = /endpoints/
-use = egg:swift#proxy_logging
-# If not set, logging directives from [DEFAULT] without "access_" will be used
-# access_log_name = swift
-# access_log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0
-# access_log_level = INFO
-# access_log_address = /dev/log
-# If set, access_log_udp_host will override access_log_address
-# access_log_udp_host =
-# access_log_udp_port = 514
-# You can use log_statsd_* from [DEFAULT] or override them here:
-# access_log_statsd_host =
-# access_log_statsd_port = 8125
-# access_log_statsd_default_sample_rate = 1.0
-# access_log_statsd_sample_rate_factor = 1.0
-# access_log_statsd_metric_prefix =
-# access_log_headers = false
-# If access_log_headers is True and access_log_headers_only is set only
-# these headers are logged. Multiple headers can be defined as comma separated
-# list like this: access_log_headers_only = Host, X-Object-Meta-Mtime
-# access_log_headers_only =
-# By default, the X-Auth-Token is logged. To obscure the value,
-# set reveal_sensitive_prefix to the number of characters to log.
-# For example, if set to 12, only the first 12 characters of the
-# token appear in the log. An unauthorized access of the log file
-# won't allow unauthorized usage of the token. However, the first
-# 12 or so characters is unique enough that you can trace/debug
-# token usage. Set to 0 to suppress the token completely (replaced
-# by '...' in the log).
-# Note: reveal_sensitive_prefix will not affect the value
-# logged with access_log_headers=True.
-# reveal_sensitive_prefix = 16
-# What HTTP methods are allowed for StatsD logging (comma-sep); request methods
-# not in this list will have "BAD_METHOD" for the <verb> portion of the metric.
-# log_statsd_valid_http_methods = GET,HEAD,POST,PUT,DELETE,COPY,OPTIONS
-# Note: The double proxy-logging in the pipeline is not a mistake. The
-# left-most proxy-logging is there to log requests that were handled in
-# middleware and never made it through to the right-most middleware (and
-# proxy server). Double logging is prevented for normal requests. See
-# proxy-logging docs.
-# Note: Put before both ratelimit and auth in the pipeline.
-use = egg:swift#bulk
-# max_containers_per_extraction = 10000
-# max_failed_extractions = 1000
-# max_deletes_per_request = 10000
-# max_failed_deletes = 1000
-# In order to keep a connection active during a potentially long bulk request,
-# Swift may return whitespace prepended to the actual response body. This
-# whitespace will be yielded no more than every yield_frequency seconds.
-# yield_frequency = 10
-# Note: The following parameter is used during a bulk delete of objects and
-# their container. This would frequently fail because it is very likely
-# that all replicated objects have not been deleted by the time the middleware got a
-# successful response. It can be configured the number of retries. And the
-# number of seconds to wait between each retry will be 1.5**retry
-# delete_container_retry_count = 0
-# Note: Put after auth and staticweb in the pipeline.
-use = egg:swift#slo
-# max_manifest_segments = 1000
-# max_manifest_size = 2097152
-# Rate limiting applies only to segments smaller than this size (bytes).
-# rate_limit_under_size = 1048576
-# Start rate-limiting SLO segment serving after the Nth small segment of a
-# segmented object.
-# rate_limit_after_segment = 10
-# Once segment rate-limiting kicks in for an object, limit segments served
-# to N per second. 0 means no rate-limiting.
-# rate_limit_segments_per_sec = 1
-# Time limit on GET requests (seconds)
-# max_get_time = 86400
-# Note: Put after auth and staticweb in the pipeline.
-# If you don't put it in the pipeline, it will be inserted for you.
-use = egg:swift#dlo
-# Start rate-limiting DLO segment serving after the Nth segment of a
-# segmented object.
-# rate_limit_after_segment = 10
-# Once segment rate-limiting kicks in for an object, limit segments served
-# to N per second. 0 means no rate-limiting.
-# rate_limit_segments_per_sec = 1
-# Time limit on GET requests (seconds)
-# max_get_time = 86400
-# Note: Put after auth in the pipeline.
-use = egg:swift#container_quotas
-# Note: Put after auth in the pipeline.
-use = egg:swift#account_quotas
-use = egg:swift#gatekeeper
-# Set this to false if you want to allow clients to set arbitrary X-Timestamps
-# on uploaded objects. This may be used to preserve timestamps when migrating
-# from a previous storage system, but risks allowing users to upload
-# difficult-to-delete data.
-# shunt_inbound_x_timestamp = true
-# You can override the default log routing for this filter here:
-# set log_name = gatekeeper
-# set log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0
-# set log_level = INFO
-# set log_headers = false
-# set log_address = /dev/log
-use = egg:swift#container_sync
-# Set this to false if you want to disallow any full url values to be set for
-# any new X-Container-Sync-To headers. This will keep any new full urls from
-# coming in, but won't change any existing values already in the cluster.
-# Updating those will have to be done manually, as knowing what the true realm
-# endpoint should be cannot always be guessed.
-# allow_full_urls = true
-# Set this to specify this clusters //realm/cluster as "current" in /info
-# current = //REALM/CLUSTER
-# Note: Put it at the beginning of the pipeline to profile all middleware. But
-# it is safer to put this after catch_errors, gatekeeper and healthcheck.
-use = egg:swift#xprofile
-# This option enable you to switch profilers which should inherit from python
-# standard profiler. Currently the supported value can be 'cProfile',
-# '' etc.
-# profile_module =
-# This prefix will be used to combine process ID and timestamp to name the
-# profile data file. Make sure the executing user has permission to write
-# into this path (missing path segments will be created, if necessary).
-# If you enable profiling in more than one type of daemon, you must override
-# it with an unique value like: /var/log/swift/profile/proxy.profile
-# log_filename_prefix = /tmp/log/swift/profile/default.profile
-# the profile data will be dumped to local disk based on above naming rule
-# in this interval.
-# dump_interval = 5.0
-# Be careful, this option will enable profiler to dump data into the file with
-# time stamp which means there will be lots of files piled up in the directory.
-# dump_timestamp = false
-# This is the path of the URL to access the mini web UI.
-# path = /__profile__
-# Clear the data when the wsgi server shutdown.
-# flush_at_shutdown = false
-# unwind the iterator of applications
-# unwind = false
-# Note: Put after slo, dlo in the pipeline.
-# If you don't put it in the pipeline, it will be inserted automatically.
-use = egg:swift#versioned_writes
-# Enables using versioned writes middleware and exposing configuration
-# settings via HTTP GET /info.
-# WARNING: Setting this option bypasses the "allow_versions" option
-# in the container configuration file, which will be eventually
-# deprecated. See documentation for more details.
-# allow_versioned_writes = false
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/swift/templates/rsyncd.conf b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/swift/templates/rsyncd.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 703c55eb..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/swift/templates/rsyncd.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-uid = swift
-gid = swift
-log file = /var/log/rsyncd.log
-pid file = /var/run/
-address = {{ internal_ip }}
-max connections = 2
-path = /srv/node/
-read only = False
-lock file = /var/lock/account.lock
-max connections = 2
-path = /srv/node/
-read only = False
-lock file = /var/lock/container.lock
-max connections = 2
-path = /srv/node/
-read only = False
-lock file = /var/lock/object.lock
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/swift/templates/swift.conf b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/swift/templates/swift.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a31501b..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/swift/templates/swift.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-# swift_hash_path_suffix and swift_hash_path_prefix are used as part of the
-# the hashing algorithm when determining data placement in the cluster.
-# These values should remain secret and MUST NOT change
-# once a cluster has been deployed.
-# Use only printable chars (python -c "import string; print(string.printable)")
-swift_hash_path_suffix = 7c6a7cd34d07aed5
-swift_hash_path_prefix = 0c4629166f4de441
-# storage policies are defined here and determine various characteristics
-# about how objects are stored and treated. Policies are specified by name on
-# a per container basis. Names are case-insensitive. The policy index is
-# specified in the section header and is used internally. The policy with
-# index 0 is always used for legacy containers and can be given a name for use
-# in metadata however the ring file name will always be 'object.ring.gz' for
-# backwards compatibility. If no policies are defined a policy with index 0
-# will be automatically created for backwards compatibility and given the name
-# Policy-0. A default policy is used when creating new containers when no
-# policy is specified in the request. If no other policies are defined the
-# policy with index 0 will be declared the default. If multiple policies are
-# defined you must define a policy with index 0 and you must specify a
-# default. It is recommended you always define a section for
-# storage-policy:0. Aliases are not required when defining a storage policy.
-# A 'policy_type' argument is also supported but is not mandatory. Default
-# policy type 'replication' is used when 'policy_type' is unspecified.
-name = Policy-0
-default = yes
-#policy_type = replication
-aliases = yellow, orange
-# the following section would declare a policy called 'silver', the number of
-# replicas will be determined by how the ring is built. In this example the
-# 'silver' policy could have a lower or higher # of replicas than the
-# 'Policy-0' policy above. The ring filename will be 'object-1.ring.gz'. You
-# may only specify one storage policy section as the default. If you changed
-# this section to specify 'silver' as the default, when a client created a new
-# container w/o a policy specified, it will get the 'silver' policy because
-# this config has specified it as the default. However if a legacy container
-# (one created with a pre-policy version of swift) is accessed, it is known
-# implicitly to be assigned to the policy with index 0 as opposed to the
-# current default. Note that even without specifying any aliases, a policy
-# always has at least the default name stored in aliases because this field is
-# used to contain all human readable names for a storage policy.
-#name = silver
-#policy_type = replication
-# The following declares a storage policy of type 'erasure_coding' which uses
-# Erasure Coding for data reliability. Please refer to Swift documentation for
-# details on how the 'erasure_coding' storage policy is implemented.
-# Swift uses PyECLib, a Python Erasure coding API library, for encode/decode
-# operations. Please refer to Swift documentation for details on how to
-# install PyECLib.
-# When defining an EC policy, 'policy_type' needs to be 'erasure_coding' and
-# EC configuration parameters 'ec_type', 'ec_num_data_fragments' and
-# 'ec_num_parity_fragments' must be specified. 'ec_type' is chosen from the
-# list of EC backends supported by PyECLib. The ring configured for the
-# storage policy must have it's "replica" count configured to
-# 'ec_num_data_fragments' + 'ec_num_parity_fragments' - this requirement is
-# validated when services start. 'ec_object_segment_size' is the amount of
-# data that will be buffered up before feeding a segment into the
-# encoder/decoder. More information about these configuration options and
-# supported `ec_type` schemes is available in the Swift documentation. Please
-# refer to Swift documentation for details on how to configure EC policies.
-# The example 'deepfreeze10-4' policy defined below is a _sample_
-# configuration with an alias of 'df10-4' as well as 10 'data' and 4 'parity'
-# fragments. 'ec_type' defines the Erasure Coding scheme.
-# 'liberasurecode_rs_vand' (Reed-Solomon Vandermonde) is used as an example
-# below.
-#name = deepfreeze10-4
-#aliases = df10-4
-#policy_type = erasure_coding
-#ec_type = liberasurecode_rs_vand
-#ec_num_data_fragments = 10
-#ec_num_parity_fragments = 4
-#ec_object_segment_size = 1048576
-# The swift-constraints section sets the basic constraints on data
-# saved in the swift cluster. These constraints are automatically
-# published by the proxy server in responses to /info requests.
-# max_file_size is the largest "normal" object that can be saved in
-# the cluster. This is also the limit on the size of each segment of
-# a "large" object when using the large object manifest support.
-# This value is set in bytes. Setting it to lower than 1MiB will cause
-# some tests to fail. It is STRONGLY recommended to leave this value at
-# the default (5 * 2**30 + 2).
-#max_file_size = 5368709122
-# max_meta_name_length is the max number of bytes in the utf8 encoding
-# of the name portion of a metadata header.
-#max_meta_name_length = 128
-# max_meta_value_length is the max number of bytes in the utf8 encoding
-# of a metadata value
-#max_meta_value_length = 256
-# max_meta_count is the max number of metadata keys that can be stored
-# on a single account, container, or object
-#max_meta_count = 90
-# max_meta_overall_size is the max number of bytes in the utf8 encoding
-# of the metadata (keys + values)
-#max_meta_overall_size = 4096
-# max_header_size is the max number of bytes in the utf8 encoding of each
-# header. Using 8192 as default because eventlet use 8192 as max size of
-# header line. This value may need to be increased when using identity
-# v3 API tokens including more than 7 catalog entries.
-# See also include_service_catalog in proxy-server.conf-sample
-# (documented in overview_auth.rst)
-#max_header_size = 8192
-# By default the maximum number of allowed headers depends on the number of max
-# allowed metadata settings plus a default value of 32 for regular http
-# headers. If for some reason this is not enough (custom middleware for
-# example) it can be increased with the extra_header_count constraint.
-#extra_header_count = 0
-# max_object_name_length is the max number of bytes in the utf8 encoding
-# of an object name
-#max_object_name_length = 1024
-# container_listing_limit is the default (and max) number of items
-# returned for a container listing request
-#container_listing_limit = 10000
-# account_listing_limit is the default (and max) number of items returned
-# for an account listing request
-#account_listing_limit = 10000
-# max_account_name_length is the max number of bytes in the utf8 encoding
-# of an account name
-#max_account_name_length = 256
-# max_container_name_length is the max number of bytes in the utf8 encoding
-# of a container name
-#max_container_name_length = 256
-# By default all REST API calls should use "v1" or "v1.0" as the version string,
-# for example "/v1/account". This can be manually overridden to make this
-# backward-compatible, in case a different version string has been used before.
-# Use a comma-separated list in case of multiple allowed versions, for example
-# valid_api_versions = v0,v1,v2
-# This is only enforced for account, container and object requests. The allowed
-# api versions are by default excluded from /info.
-# valid_api_versions = v1,v1.0
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/swift/vars/Debian.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/swift/vars/Debian.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 39aea32d..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/swift/vars/Debian.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- - swift
- - swift-proxy
- - python-swiftclient
- - python-keystoneclient
- - memcached
- - xfsprogs
- - rsync
- - swift
- - swift-account
- - swift-container
- - swift-object
-services: []
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/swift/vars/main.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/swift/vars/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 540068da..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/swift/vars/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-packages_noarch: []
-services_noarch: []
-controller_packages_noarch: []
-compute_packages_noarch: []
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/tacker/templates/tacker.j2 b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/tacker/templates/tacker.j2
deleted file mode 100644
index ae0f644a..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/roles/tacker/templates/tacker.j2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,426 +0,0 @@
-# Print more verbose output (set logging level to INFO instead of default WARNING level).
-verbose = True
-# Print debugging output (set logging level to DEBUG instead of default WARNING level).
-debug = True
-# Where to store Tacker state files. This directory must be writable by the
-# user executing the agent.
-state_path = /var/lib/tacker
-# Where to store lock files
-lock_path = $state_path/lock
-auth_strategy = keystone
-policy_file = /usr/local/etc/tacker/policy.json
-# log_format = %(asctime)s %(levelname)8s [%(name)s] %(message)s
-# log_date_format = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
-# use_syslog -> syslog
-# log_file and log_dir -> log_dir/log_file
-# (not log_file) and log_dir -> log_dir/{binary_name}.log
-# use_stderr -> stderr
-# (not user_stderr) and (not log_file) -> stdout
-# publish_errors -> notification system
-use_syslog = False
-# syslog_log_facility = LOG_USER
-# use_stderr = True
-# log_file =
-# log_dir =
-# publish_errors = False
-# Address to bind the API server to
-bind_host = {{ internal_ip }}
-# Port the bind the API server to
-bind_port = 8888
-# Path to the extensions. Note that this can be a colon-separated list of
-# paths. For example:
-# api_extensions_path = extensions:/path/to/more/extensions:/even/more/extensions
-# The __path__ of tacker.extensions is appended to this, so if your
-# extensions are in there you don't need to specify them here
-# api_extensions_path =
-# (StrOpt) Tacker core plugin entrypoint to be loaded from the
-# tacker.core_plugins namespace. See setup.cfg for the entrypoint names of the
-# plugins included in the tacker source distribution. For compatibility with
-# previous versions, the class name of a plugin can be specified instead of its
-# entrypoint name.
-# core_plugin =
-# Example: core_plugin = ml2
-# (ListOpt) List of service plugin entrypoints to be loaded from the
-# tacker.service_plugins namespace. See setup.cfg for the entrypoint names of
-# the plugins included in the tacker source distribution. For compatibility
-# with previous versions, the class name of a plugin can be specified instead
-# of its entrypoint name.
-# service_plugins =
-# Example: service_plugins = router,firewall,lbaas,vpnaas,metering
-service_plugins = vnfm,nfvo
-# Paste configuration file
-# api_paste_config = api-paste.ini
-# The strategy to be used for auth.
-# Supported values are 'keystone'(default), 'noauth'.
-# auth_strategy = keystone
-# Allow sending resource operation notification to DHCP agent
-# dhcp_agent_notification = True
-# Enable or disable bulk create/update/delete operations
-# allow_bulk = True
-# Enable or disable pagination
-# allow_pagination = False
-# Enable or disable sorting
-# allow_sorting = False
-# Enable or disable overlapping IPs for subnets
-# Attention: the following parameter MUST be set to False if Tacker is
-# being used in conjunction with nova security groups
-# allow_overlapping_ips = False
-# Ensure that configured gateway is on subnet
-# force_gateway_on_subnet = False
-# RPC configuration options. Defined in rpc __init__
-# The messaging module to use, defaults to kombu.
-# rpc_backend = tacker.openstack.common.rpc.impl_kombu
-# Size of RPC thread pool
-# rpc_thread_pool_size = 64
-# Size of RPC connection pool
-# rpc_conn_pool_size = 30
-# Seconds to wait for a response from call or multicall
-# rpc_response_timeout = 60
-# Seconds to wait before a cast expires (TTL). Only supported by impl_zmq.
-# rpc_cast_timeout = 30
-# Modules of exceptions that are permitted to be recreated
-# upon receiving exception data from an rpc call.
-# allowed_rpc_exception_modules = tacker.openstack.common.exception, nova.exception
-# AMQP exchange to connect to if using RabbitMQ or QPID
-# control_exchange = tacker
-# If passed, use a fake RabbitMQ provider
-# fake_rabbit = False
-# Configuration options if sending notifications via kombu rpc (these are
-# the defaults)
-# SSL version to use (valid only if SSL enabled)
-# kombu_ssl_version =
-# SSL key file (valid only if SSL enabled)
-# kombu_ssl_keyfile =
-# SSL cert file (valid only if SSL enabled)
-# kombu_ssl_certfile =
-# SSL certification authority file (valid only if SSL enabled)
-# kombu_ssl_ca_certs =
-# IP address of the RabbitMQ installation
-# rabbit_host = localhost
-# Password of the RabbitMQ server
-# rabbit_password = guest
-# Port where RabbitMQ server is running/listening
-# rabbit_port = 5672
-# RabbitMQ single or HA cluster (host:port pairs i.e: host1:5672, host2:5672)
-# rabbit_hosts is defaulted to '$rabbit_host:$rabbit_port'
-# rabbit_hosts = localhost:5672
-# User ID used for RabbitMQ connections
-# rabbit_userid = guest
-# Location of a virtual RabbitMQ installation.
-# rabbit_virtual_host = /
-# Maximum retries with trying to connect to RabbitMQ
-# (the default of 0 implies an infinite retry count)
-# rabbit_max_retries = 0
-# RabbitMQ connection retry interval
-# rabbit_retry_interval = 1
-# Use HA queues in RabbitMQ (x-ha-policy: all). You need to
-# wipe RabbitMQ database when changing this option. (boolean value)
-# rabbit_ha_queues = false
-# rpc_backend=tacker.openstack.common.rpc.impl_qpid
-# Qpid broker hostname
-# qpid_hostname = localhost
-# Qpid broker port
-# qpid_port = 5672
-# Qpid single or HA cluster (host:port pairs i.e: host1:5672, host2:5672)
-# qpid_hosts is defaulted to '$qpid_hostname:$qpid_port'
-# qpid_hosts = localhost:5672
-# Username for qpid connection
-# qpid_username = ''
-# Password for qpid connection
-# qpid_password = ''
-# Space separated list of SASL mechanisms to use for auth
-# qpid_sasl_mechanisms = ''
-# Seconds between connection keepalive heartbeats
-# qpid_heartbeat = 60
-# Transport to use, either 'tcp' or 'ssl'
-# qpid_protocol = tcp
-# Disable Nagle algorithm
-# qpid_tcp_nodelay = True
-# ZMQ
-# rpc_backend=tacker.openstack.common.rpc.impl_zmq
-# ZeroMQ bind address. Should be a wildcard (*), an ethernet interface, or IP.
-# The "host" option should point or resolve to this address.
-# rpc_zmq_bind_address = *
-# ============ Notification System Options =====================
-# Notifications can be sent when network/subnet/port are created, updated or deleted.
-# There are three methods of sending notifications: logging (via the
-# log_file directive), rpc (via a message queue) and
-# noop (no notifications sent, the default)
-# Notification_driver can be defined multiple times
-# Do nothing driver
-# notification_driver = tacker.openstack.common.notifier.no_op_notifier
-# Logging driver
-# notification_driver = tacker.openstack.common.notifier.log_notifier
-# RPC driver.
-notification_driver = tacker.openstack.common.notifier.rpc_notifier
-# default_notification_level is used to form actual topic name(s) or to set logging level
-# default_notification_level = INFO
-# default_publisher_id is a part of the notification payload
-# host =
-# default_publisher_id = $host
-# Defined in rpc_notifier, can be comma separated values.
-# The actual topic names will be %s.%(default_notification_level)s
-# notification_topics = notifications
-# Default maximum number of items returned in a single response,
-# value == infinite and value < 0 means no max limit, and value must
-# be greater than 0. If the number of items requested is greater than
-# pagination_max_limit, server will just return pagination_max_limit
-# of number of items.
-# pagination_max_limit = -1
-# Maximum number of DNS nameservers per subnet
-# max_dns_nameservers = 5
-# Maximum number of host routes per subnet
-# max_subnet_host_routes = 20
-# Maximum number of fixed ips per port
-# max_fixed_ips_per_port = 5
-# =========== items for agent management extension =============
-# Seconds to regard the agent as down; should be at least twice
-# report_interval, to be sure the agent is down for good
-# agent_down_time = 75
-# =========== end of items for agent management extension =====
-# Allow auto scheduling networks to DHCP agent. It will schedule non-hosted
-# networks to first DHCP agent which sends get_active_networks message to
-# tacker server
-# network_auto_schedule = True
-# Allow auto scheduling routers to L3 agent. It will schedule non-hosted
-# routers to first L3 agent which sends sync_routers message to tacker server
-# router_auto_schedule = True
-# Number of DHCP agents scheduled to host a network. This enables redundant
-# DHCP agents for configured networks.
-# dhcp_agents_per_network = 1
-# =========== end of items for agent scheduler extension =====
-# =========== WSGI parameters related to the API server ==============
-# Number of separate worker processes to spawn. The default, 0, runs the
-# worker thread in the current process. Greater than 0 launches that number of
-# child processes as workers. The parent process manages them.
-# api_workers = 0
-# Number of separate RPC worker processes to spawn. The default, 0, runs the
-# worker thread in the current process. Greater than 0 launches that number of
-# child processes as RPC workers. The parent process manages them.
-# This feature is experimental until issues are addressed and testing has been
-# enabled for various plugins for compatibility.
-# rpc_workers = 0
-# Sets the value of TCP_KEEPIDLE in seconds to use for each server socket when
-# starting API server. Not supported on OS X.
-# tcp_keepidle = 600
-# Number of seconds to keep retrying to listen
-# retry_until_window = 30
-# Number of backlog requests to configure the socket with.
-# backlog = 4096
-# Max header line to accommodate large tokens
-# max_header_line = 16384
-# Enable SSL on the API server
-# use_ssl = False
-# Certificate file to use when starting API server securely
-# ssl_cert_file = /path/to/certfile
-# Private key file to use when starting API server securely
-# ssl_key_file = /path/to/keyfile
-# CA certificate file to use when starting API server securely to
-# verify connecting clients. This is an optional parameter only required if
-# API clients need to authenticate to the API server using SSL certificates
-# signed by a trusted CA
-# ssl_ca_file = /path/to/cafile
-# ======== end of WSGI parameters related to the API server ==========
-# ======== tacker nova interactions ==========
-# Send notification to nova when port status is active.
-# notify_nova_on_port_status_changes = True
-# Send notifications to nova when port data (fixed_ips/floatingips) change
-# so nova can update it's cache.
-# notify_nova_on_port_data_changes = True
-# URL for connection to nova (Only supports one nova region currently).
-# nova_url =
-# Name of nova region to use. Useful if keystone manages more than one region
-# nova_region_name =
-# Username for connection to nova in admin context
-# nova_admin_username =
-# The uuid of the admin nova tenant
-# nova_admin_tenant_id =
-# Password for connection to nova in admin context.
-# nova_admin_password =
-# Authorization URL for connection to nova in admin context.
-# nova_admin_auth_url =
-# CA file for novaclient to verify server certificates
-# nova_ca_certificates_file =
-# Boolean to control ignoring SSL errors on the nova url
-# nova_api_insecure = False
-# Number of seconds between sending events to nova if there are any events to send
-# send_events_interval = 2
-# ======== end of tacker nova interactions ==========
-# Use "sudo tacker-rootwrap /etc/tacker/rootwrap.conf" to use the real
-# root filter facility.
-# Change to "sudo" to skip the filtering and just run the comand directly
-root_helper = sudo /usr/local/bin/tacker-rootwrap /usr/local/etc/tacker/rootwrap.conf
-# =========== items for agent management extension =============
-# seconds between nodes reporting state to server; should be less than
-# agent_down_time, best if it is half or less than agent_down_time
-# report_interval = 30
-# =========== end of items for agent management extension =====
-signing_dir = /var/cache/tacker
-#cafile = /opt/stack/data/ca-bundle.pem
-#project_domain_id = default
-project_name = service
-#user_domain_id = default
-password = console
-username = tacker
-auth_url = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:35357
-auth_plugin = password
-identity_uri = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:5000
-auth_uri = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:5000
-# This line MUST be changed to actually run the plugin.
-# Example:
-# connection = mysql://root:pass@
-connection = mysql://tacker:TACKER_DBPASS@{{ internal_vip.ip }}:3306/tacker?charset=utf8
-# Replace above with the IP address of the database used by the
-# main tacker server. (Leave it as is if the database runs on this host.)
-# connection = sqlite://
-# NOTE: In deployment the [database] section and its connection attribute may
-# be set in the corresponding core plugin '.ini' file. However, it is suggested
-# to put the [database] section and its connection attribute in this
-# configuration file.
-# Database engine for which script will be generated when using offline
-# migration
-# engine =
-# The SQLAlchemy connection string used to connect to the slave database
-# slave_connection =
-# Database reconnection retry times - in event connectivity is lost
-# set to -1 implies an infinite retry count
-# max_retries = 10
-# Database reconnection interval in seconds - if the initial connection to the
-# database fails
-# retry_interval = 10
-# Minimum number of SQL connections to keep open in a pool
-# min_pool_size = 1
-# Maximum number of SQL connections to keep open in a pool
-# max_pool_size = 10
-# Timeout in seconds before idle sql connections are reaped
-# idle_timeout = 3600
-# If set, use this value for max_overflow with sqlalchemy
-# max_overflow = 20
-# Verbosity of SQL debugging information. 0=None, 100=Everything
-# connection_debug = 0
-# Add python stack traces to SQL as comment strings
-# connection_trace = False
-# If set, use this value for pool_timeout with sqlalchemy
-# pool_timeout = 10
-# Specify drivers for hosting device
-# infra_driver = heat,nova,noop
-# Specify drivers for mgmt
-# mgmt_driver = noop,openwrt
-# Specify drivers for monitoring
-# monitor_driver = ping, http_ping
-# Supported VIM drivers, resource orchestration controllers such as OpenStack, kvm
-#Default VIM driver is OpenStack
-#vim_drivers = openstack
-#Default VIM placement if vim id is not provided
-default_vim = VIM0
-#openstack = /etc/tacker/vim/fernet_keys
-# parameters for novaclient to talk to nova
-region_name = RegionOne
-#project_domain_id = default
-project_name = service
-#user_domain_id = default
-password = console
-username = nova
-auth_url = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:35357
-auth_plugin = password
-heat_uri = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:8004/v1
-stack_retries = 60
-stack_retry_wait = 5
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/templates/neutron.conf b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/templates/neutron.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 49caa879..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/templates/neutron.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-{% set memcached_servers = [] %}
-{% for host in haproxy_hosts.values() %}
-{% set _ = memcached_servers.append('%s:11211'% host) %}
-{% endfor %}
-{% set memcached_servers = memcached_servers|join(',') %}
-verbose = {{ VERBOSE }}
-debug = {{ VERBOSE }}
-state_path = /var/lib/neutron
-lock_path = $state_path/lock
-notify_nova_on_port_status_changes = True
-notify_nova_on_port_data_changes = True
-log_dir = /var/log/neutron
-bind_host = {{ network_server_host }}
-bind_port = 9696
-core_plugin = ml2
-service_plugins = router
-api_paste_config = api-paste.ini
-auth_strategy = keystone
-dhcp_lease_duration = 86400
-allow_overlapping_ips = True
-rpc_backend = rabbit
-rpc_thread_pool_size = 240
-rpc_conn_pool_size = 100
-rpc_response_timeout = 300
-rpc_cast_timeout = 300
-notification_driver = neutron.openstack.common.notifier.rpc_notifier
-default_notification_level = INFO
-notification_topics = notifications
-agent_down_time = 75
-network_scheduler_driver = neutron.scheduler.dhcp_agent_scheduler.ChanceScheduler
-router_scheduler_driver = neutron.scheduler.l3_agent_scheduler.ChanceScheduler
-api_workers = 8
-rpc_workers = 8
-notify_nova_on_port_status_changes = True
-notify_nova_on_port_data_changes = True
-nova_url = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:8774/v3
-nova_region_name = RegionOne
-nova_admin_username = nova
-nova_admin_password = {{ NOVA_PASS }}
-nova_admin_auth_url = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:35357/v3
-send_events_interval = 2
-quota_driver = neutron.db.quota_db.DbQuotaDriver
-quota_items = network,subnet,port
-default_quota = -1
-quota_network = 100
-quota_subnet = 100
-quota_port = 8000
-quota_security_group = 1000
-quota_security_group_rule = 1000
-root_helper = "sudo /usr/bin/neutron-rootwrap /etc/neutron/rootwrap.conf"
-report_interval = 30
-auth_uri = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:5000
-auth_url = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:35357
-memcached_servers = {{ memcached_servers }}
-auth_type = password
-project_domain_name = default
-user_domain_name = default
-project_name = service
-username = neutron
-password = {{ NEUTRON_PASS }}
-identity_uri = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:35357
-admin_tenant_name = service
-admin_user = neutron
-admin_password = {{ NEUTRON_PASS }}
-signing_dir = $state_path/keystone-signing
-connection = mysql://neutron:{{ NEUTRON_DBPASS }}@{{ db_host }}/neutron
-slave_connection =
-max_retries = 10
-retry_interval = 10
-min_pool_size = 1
-max_pool_size = 100
-idle_timeout = 30
-use_db_reconnect = True
-max_overflow = 100
-connection_debug = 0
-connection_trace = False
-pool_timeout = 10
-{% if enable_fwaas %}
-driver =
-enabled = True
-{% endif %}
-auth_url = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:35357
-auth_type = password
-project_domain_name = default
-user_domain_name = default
-project_name = service
-username = nova
-password = {{ NOVA_PASS }}
-rabbit_host = {{ rabbit_host }}
-rabbit_password = {{ RABBIT_PASS }}
-rabbit_port = 5672
-rabbit_userid = {{ RABBIT_USER }}
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/templates/nova.conf b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/templates/nova.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a7bb0a2..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_newton_xenial/templates/nova.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-{% set memcached_servers = [] %}
-{% for host in haproxy_hosts.values() %}
-{% set _ = memcached_servers.append('%s:11211'% host) %}
-{% endfor %}
-{% set memcached_servers = memcached_servers|join(',') %}
-verbose={{ VERBOSE }}
-auth_strategy = keystone
-my_ip = {{ internal_ip }}
-use_neutron = True
-firewall_driver = nova.virt.firewall.NoopFirewallDriver
-transport_url = rabbit://{{ RABBIT_USER }}:{{ RABBIT_PASS }}@{{ rabbit_host }}
-default_floating_pool={{ }}
-metadata_listen={{ internal_ip }}
-linuxnet_interface_driver =
-root_helper=sudo nova-rootwrap /etc/nova/rootwrap.conf
-debug={{ DEBUG }}
-rpc_backend = rabbit
-osapi_compute_listen={{ internal_ip }}
-network_api_class =
-security_group_api = neutron
-instance_usage_audit = True
-instance_usage_audit_period = hour
-notify_on_state_change = vm_and_task_state
-notification_driver = nova.openstack.common.notifier.rpc_notifier
-notification_driver = ceilometer.compute.nova_notifier
-memcached_servers = {{ memcached_servers }}
-# The SQLAlchemy connection string used to connect to the database
-connection = mysql://nova:{{ NOVA_DBPASS }}@{{ db_host }}/nova
-idle_timeout = 30
-pool_timeout = 10
-use_db_reconnect = True
-connection = mysql://nova:{{ NOVA_DBPASS }}@{{ db_host }}/nova_api
-idle_timeout = 30
-pool_timeout = 10
-use_db_reconnect = True
-os_region_name = RegionOne
-auth_uri = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:5000
-auth_url = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:35357
-memcached_servers = {{ memcached_servers }}
-auth_type = password
-project_domain_name = default
-user_domain_name = default
-project_name = service
-username = nova
-password = {{ NOVA_PASS }}
-identity_uri = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:35357
-admin_tenant_name = service
-admin_user = nova
-admin_password = {{ NOVA_PASS }}
-enabled = True
-vncserver_listen = {{ internal_ip }}
-vncserver_proxyclient_address = {{ internal_ip }}
-novncproxy_base_url = http://{{ public_vip.ip }}:6080/vnc_auto.html
-novncproxy_host = {{ internal_ip }}
-novncproxy_port = 6080
-api_servers = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:9292
-host = {{ internal_vip.ip }}
-url = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:9696
-auth_url = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:35357
-auth_type = password
-project_domain_name = default
-user_domain_name = default
-region_name = RegionOne
-project_name = service
-username = neutron
-password = {{ NEUTRON_PASS }}
-service_metadata_proxy = True
-metadata_proxy_shared_secret = {{ METADATA_SECRET }}
-auth_strategy = keystone
-admin_tenant_name = service
-admin_username = neutron
-admin_password = {{ NEUTRON_PASS }}
-admin_auth_url = http://{{ internal_vip.ip }}:35357/v3
-rabbit_host = {{ rabbit_host }}
-rabbit_password = {{ RABBIT_PASS }}
-rabbit_port = 5672
-rabbit_userid = {{ RABBIT_USER }}