diff options
12 files changed, 264 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/build/build.conf b/build/build.conf
index c6e0f7a1..15e2e1df 100644
--- a/build/build.conf
+++ b/build/build.conf
@@ -112,5 +112,6 @@ export SPECIAL_PIP_PACKAGE="https://bootstrap.pypa.io/ez_setup.py \
https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/p/python-dateutil/python-dateutil-2.4.2.tar.gz "
export PIP_PACKAGE="https://pypi.python.org/packages/0d/af/8ccfb73834a6ddf9d57ecac61466557b7ca0722620bbb16d2d069ce312db/networking-odl-2.0.0.tar.gz \
- https://pypi.python.org/packages/90/4f/74b730294de1db393e3e82211b5d2115f9a763849abca7d014348a550d2a/oslosphinx-4.5.0.tar.gz"
+ https://pypi.python.org/packages/90/4f/74b730294de1db393e3e82211b5d2115f9a763849abca7d014348a550d2a/oslosphinx-4.5.0.tar.gz \
+ https://pypi.python.org/packages/74/f0/386f7f73aa6628c1bef53874c5d453b556356d77732add69000aa53b353b/policy2tosca-1.0.tar.gz "
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_mitaka/roles/keystone/vars/main.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_mitaka/roles/keystone/vars/main.yml
index 9e97a29c..b049ee0b 100644
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_mitaka/roles/keystone/vars/main.yml
+++ b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_mitaka/roles/keystone/vars/main.yml
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ os_users:
tenant_description: "Service Tenant"
- user: demo
- password: ""
+ password: "{{ DEMO_PASS }}"
email: heat@demo.com
role: heat_stack_user
tenant: demo
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_mitaka_xenial/roles/dashboard/templates/openstack-dashboard.conf.j2 b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_mitaka_xenial/roles/dashboard/templates/openstack-dashboard.conf.j2
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..96472779
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_mitaka_xenial/roles/dashboard/templates/openstack-dashboard.conf.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+{% set work_threads = (ansible_processor_vcpus + 1) // 2 %}
+{% if work_threads > 10 %}
+{% set work_threads = 10 %}
+{% endif %}
+<VirtualHost {{ internal_ip }}:80>
+ WSGIScriptAlias /horizon {{ horizon_dir }}/wsgi/django.wsgi
+ WSGIDaemonProcess horizon user=horizon group=horizon processes=4 threads={{ work_threads }}
+ WSGIProcessGroup horizon
+ Alias /static {{ horizon_dir }}/static/
+ Alias /horizon/static {{ horizon_dir }}/static/
+ <Directory {{ horizon_dir }}/wsgi>
+ Order allow,deny
+ Allow from all
+ </Directory>
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_mitaka_xenial/roles/keystone/templates/wsgi-keystone.conf.j2 b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_mitaka_xenial/roles/keystone/templates/wsgi-keystone.conf.j2
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..55c89839
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_mitaka_xenial/roles/keystone/templates/wsgi-keystone.conf.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+{% set work_threads = (ansible_processor_vcpus + 1) // 2 %}
+{% if work_threads > 10 %}
+{% set work_threads = 10 %}
+{% endif %}
+<VirtualHost {{ internal_ip }}:5000>
+ WSGIDaemonProcess keystone-public processes=4 threads={{ work_threads }} user=keystone group=keystone display-name=%{GROUP}
+ WSGIProcessGroup keystone-public
+ WSGIScriptAlias / /usr/bin/keystone-wsgi-public
+ WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}
+ WSGIPassAuthorization On
+ <IfVersion >= 2.4>
+ ErrorLogFormat "%{cu}t %M"
+ </IfVersion>
+ ErrorLog /var/log/{{ http_service_name }}/keystone.log
+ CustomLog /var/log/{{ http_service_name }}/keystone_access.log combined
+ <Directory /usr/bin>
+ <IfVersion >= 2.4>
+ Require all granted
+ </IfVersion>
+ <IfVersion < 2.4>
+ Order allow,deny
+ Allow from all
+ </IfVersion>
+ </Directory>
+<VirtualHost {{ internal_ip }}:35357>
+ WSGIDaemonProcess keystone-admin processes=4 threads={{ work_threads }} user=keystone group=keystone display-name=%{GROUP}
+ WSGIProcessGroup keystone-admin
+ WSGIScriptAlias / /usr/bin/keystone-wsgi-admin
+ WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}
+ WSGIPassAuthorization On
+ <IfVersion >= 2.4>
+ ErrorLogFormat "%{cu}t %M"
+ </IfVersion>
+ ErrorLog /var/log/{{ http_service_name }}/keystone.log
+ CustomLog /var/log/{{ http_service_name }}/keystone_access.log combined
+ <Directory /usr/bin>
+ <IfVersion >= 2.4>
+ Require all granted
+ </IfVersion>
+ <IfVersion < 2.4>
+ Order allow,deny
+ Allow from all
+ </IfVersion>
+ </Directory>
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_mitaka_xenial/roles/keystone/vars/main.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_mitaka_xenial/roles/keystone/vars/main.yml
index ac548a09..b4d3d7e0 100644
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_mitaka_xenial/roles/keystone/vars/main.yml
+++ b/deploy/adapters/ansible/openstack_mitaka_xenial/roles/keystone/vars/main.yml
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ os_users:
tenant_description: "Service Tenant"
- user: demo
- password: ""
+ password: "{{ DEMO_PASS }}"
email: heat@demo.com
role: heat_stack_user
tenant: demo
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/roles/dashboard/tasks/main.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/roles/dashboard/tasks/main.yml
index da6990c4..229e3cfe 100644
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/roles/dashboard/tasks/main.yml
+++ b/deploy/adapters/ansible/roles/dashboard/tasks/main.yml
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
- name: remove ubuntu theme
action: "{{ ansible_pkg_mgr }} name=openstack-dashboard-ubuntu-theme state=absent"
- when: ansible_os_family == 'Debian'
+ when: ansible_os_family == 'Debian' and not enable_ubuntu_theme
- restart dashboard services
diff --git a/deploy/compass_vm.sh b/deploy/compass_vm.sh
index 0c213e31..63c1998b 100755
--- a/deploy/compass_vm.sh
+++ b/deploy/compass_vm.sh
@@ -48,6 +48,29 @@ function install_compass() {
+function exec_cmd_on_compass() {
+ ssh $ssh_args root@$MGMT_IP "$@"
+function _inject_dashboard_conf() {
+ if [[ "$ENABLE_UBUNTU_THEME" == "true" ]]; then
+ cmd="
+ sed -i '/enable_ubuntu_theme/d' /etc/compass/templates/ansible_installer/openstack_mitaka/vars/HA-ansible-multinodes.tmpl; \
+ echo enable_ubuntu_theme: True >> /etc/compass/templates/ansible_installer/openstack_mitaka/vars/HA-ansible-multinodes.tmpl
+ "
+ else
+ cmd="
+ sed -i '/enable_ubuntu_theme/d' /etc/compass/templates/ansible_installer/openstack_mitaka/vars/HA-ansible-multinodes.tmpl; \
+ echo enable_ubuntu_theme: False >> /etc/compass/templates/ansible_installer/openstack_mitaka/vars/HA-ansible-multinodes.tmpl
+ "
+ fi
+ exec_cmd_on_compass $cmd
+function inject_compass_conf() {
+ _inject_dashboard_conf
function wait_ok() {
set +x
log_info "wait_compass_ok enter"
diff --git a/deploy/conf/base.conf b/deploy/conf/base.conf
index 24eb703d..6926b581 100644
--- a/deploy/conf/base.conf
+++ b/deploy/conf/base.conf
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ export DASHBOARD_URL=""
export ENABLE_VPNAAS="false"
export ENABLE_FWAAS="false"
function next_ip {
diff --git a/deploy/deploy_parameter.sh b/deploy/deploy_parameter.sh
index d8696ce8..9c0d5dc0 100755
--- a/deploy/deploy_parameter.sh
+++ b/deploy/deploy_parameter.sh
@@ -111,3 +111,11 @@ function process_input_para()
echo $input_file
+function check_input_para()
+ python ${COMPASS_DIR}/util/check_valid.py "$DHA" "$NETWORK"
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
+ exit 1
+ fi
diff --git a/deploy/launch.sh b/deploy/launch.sh
index 488e0fd7..348d11e2 100755
--- a/deploy/launch.sh
+++ b/deploy/launch.sh
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ prepare_python_env
source ${COMPASS_DIR}/util/log.sh
source ${COMPASS_DIR}/deploy/deploy_parameter.sh
source $(process_input_para $*) || exit 1
source $(process_default_para $*) || exit 1
source ${COMPASS_DIR}/deploy/conf/${FLAVOR}.conf
source ${COMPASS_DIR}/deploy/conf/${TYPE}.conf
@@ -67,6 +68,10 @@ if [[ -z "$REDEPLOY_HOST" || "$REDEPLOY_HOST" == "false" ]]; then
if ! set_compass_machine; then
log_error "set_compass_machine fail"
+ # FIXME: refactor compass adapter and conf code, instead of doing
+ # hack conf injection.
+ inject_compass_conf
if [[ "$DEPLOY_HOST" == "true" || $REDEPLOY_HOST == "true" ]]; then
diff --git a/deploy/prepare.sh b/deploy/prepare.sh
index ea1534ff..d326bd5b 100755
--- a/deploy/prepare.sh
+++ b/deploy/prepare.sh
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ function _prepare_python_env() {
pip install --upgrade requests
pip install --upgrade netaddr
pip install --upgrade oslo.config
- pip install --upgrade ansible
+ pip install --upgrade ansible==
diff --git a/util/check_valid.py b/util/check_valid.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..87cd57ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/check_valid.py
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+import re
+import os
+import yaml
+import sys
+import traceback
+def load_file(file):
+ with open(file) as fd:
+ try:
+ return yaml.load(fd)
+ except:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ return None
+def err_print(info):
+ print '\033[0;31m%s\033[0m' % info
+def is_valid_ip(ip):
+ """return True if the given string is a well-formed IP address
+ currently only support IPv4
+ """
+ if not ip:
+ return False
+ res = re.search(
+ "^(0?\d{1,2}|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])(\.(\d{1,2}|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])){3}(\/(\d|[1-2]\d|3[0-2]))?$",
+ ip) is not None
+ return res
+def is_valid_mac(mac):
+ """return True if the given string is a well-formed MAC address
+ """
+ if not mac:
+ return False
+ res = re.search("^([a-zA-Z0-9]{2}:){5}[a-zA-Z0-9]{2}$", mac) is not None
+ return res
+def check_network_file(network):
+ invalid = False
+ for i in network['ip_settings']:
+ if not is_valid_ip(i['cidr']):
+ err_print('''invalid address:
+ ip_settings:
+ - name: %s
+ cidr: %s''' % (i['name'], i['cidr']))
+ invalid = True
+ if not is_valid_ip(i['ip_ranges'][0][0]):
+ err_print('''invalid address:
+ ip_settings:
+ - name: %s
+ ip_ranges:
+ - - %s''' % (i['name'], i['ip_ranges'][0][0]))
+ invalid = True
+ if not is_valid_ip(i['ip_ranges'][0][1]):
+ err_print('''invalid address:
+ ip_settings:
+ - name: %s
+ ip_ranges:
+ - %s''' % (i['name'], i['ip_ranges'][0][1]))
+ invalid = True
+ if i['name'] == 'external' and not is_valid_ip(i['gw']):
+ err_print(i['gw'])
+ err_print('''invalid address:
+ ip_settings:
+ - name: %s
+ gw: %s''' % (i['name'], i['gw']))
+ invalid = True
+ for i in network['public_net_info'].keys():
+ if i in ('external_gw', 'floating_ip_cidr',
+ 'floating_ip_start', 'floating_ip_end'):
+ if not is_valid_ip(network['public_net_info'][i]):
+ err_print('''invalid address:
+ public_net_info:
+ %s: %s''' % (i, network['public_net_info'][i]))
+ invalid = True
+ if not invalid:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+def check_dha_file(dha):
+ invalid = False
+ if dha['TYPE'] == 'baremetal':
+ for i in dha['hosts']:
+ if not is_valid_mac(i['mac']):
+ err_print('''invalid address:
+ hosts:
+ - name: %s
+ mac: %s''' % (i['name'], i['mac']))
+ invalid = True
+ for j in i['interfaces']:
+ if not is_valid_mac(j.values()[0]):
+ err_print('''invalid address:
+ hosts:
+ - name: %s
+ interfaces:
+ - %s: %s''' % (i['name'], j.keys()[0], j.values()[0]))
+ invalid = True
+ if not is_valid_ip(i['ipmiIp']):
+ err_print('''invalid address:
+ hosts:
+ - name: %s
+ ipmiIp: %s''' % (i['name'], i['ipmiIp']))
+ invalid = True
+ if not invalid:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ has_invalid = False
+ if len(sys.argv) != 3:
+ err_print('input file error')
+ sys.exit(1)
+ _, dha_file, network_file = sys.argv
+ if not os.path.exists(dha_file):
+ err_print("DHA file doesn't exit")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ else:
+ dha = load_file(dha_file)
+ if not dha:
+ err_print('format error in DHA: %s' % dha_file)
+ has_invalid = True
+ else:
+ if not check_dha_file(dha):
+ err_print('in DHA: %s' % dha_file)
+ has_invalid = True
+ if not os.path.exists(network_file):
+ err_print("NETWORK file doesn't exit")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ else:
+ network = load_file(network_file)
+ if not network:
+ err_print('format error in NETWORK: %s' % network_file)
+ has_invalid = True
+ else:
+ if not check_network_file(network):
+ err_print('in NETWORK: %s' % network_file)
+ has_invalid = True
+ if has_invalid:
+ sys.exit(1)