path: root/deploy/adapters/ansible/roles/open-contrail/tasks/provision/provision-database.yml
diff options
authorliyuenan <>2016-12-27 17:44:34 +0800
committerliyuenan <>2017-01-05 09:42:35 +0800
commit92f6ca7bb6d7b2f295406aab34094b1dba76ff94 (patch)
treec4e62927a3bf9862f7ba9ce286cbece2c4335ef4 /deploy/adapters/ansible/roles/open-contrail/tasks/provision/provision-database.yml
parent6072a49adb33f2bce3f48b9c7b8be7d96cf8501c (diff)
Yamllint test
JIRA: COMPASS-516 Change-Id: I482ce9bc86f4f963258c5b8823e0b00e83556eef Signed-off-by: liyuenan <>
Diffstat (limited to 'deploy/adapters/ansible/roles/open-contrail/tasks/provision/provision-database.yml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 209 deletions
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/roles/open-contrail/tasks/provision/provision-database.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/roles/open-contrail/tasks/provision/provision-database.yml
deleted file mode 100755
index 9c99270d..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/roles/open-contrail/tasks/provision/provision-database.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-#- hosts: database
-# sudo: yes
-# tasks:
-- name: "enable supervisor database"
-# sudo: True
- file:
- path: "/etc/init/supervisor-database.override"
- state: "absent"
-- name: "-node-common"
-# sudo: True
- include: -node-common.yml
-- name: "update hosts"
-# sudo: True
- lineinfile:
- dest: "/etc/hosts"
-# regexp: "^{{ contrail_address }}\t{{ ansible_hostname }}( .*)?$"
-# line: "{{ contrail_address }}\t{{ ansible_hostname }}\\1"
- regexp: "^{{ contrail_address }}\t{{ inventory_hostname }}( .*)?$"
- line: "{{ contrail_address }}\t{{ inventory_hostname }}\\1"
- backrefs: yes
-- name: "make directory for contrail analytics"
-# sudo: True
- file:
- path: "/var/lib/cassandra/data/ContrailAnalytics"
- state: "directory"
-- name: "modify cassandra conf"
-# sudo: True
- lineinfile:
- dest: "/etc/cassandra/cassandra.yaml"
- regexp: "{{ item.regexp }}"
- line: "{{ item.line }}"
- with_items:
- - { regexp: "^(#(\\s*)?)?listen_address:", line: "listen_address: {{ contrail_address }}"}
- - { regexp: "^(#(\\s*)?)?cluster_name:", line: "cluster_name: \"Contrail\"" }
- - { regexp: "^(#(\\s*)?)?rpc_address:", line: "rpc_address: {{ contrail_address }}" }
- - { regexp: "^(#(\\s*)?)?num_tokens:", line: "num_tokens: 256" }
- - { regexp: "^(#(\\s*)?)?initial_token:", line: "# initial_token:" }
-- name: "set first database host seed"
-# sudo: True
- set_fact:
-# dbseeds: "{{ hostvars[item.1][ contrail_address ] }}"
- dbseeds: "{{ ip_settings[item.1]['br-prv']['ip'] }}"
- with_indexed_items: groups['opencontrail']
- when: item.0 == 0
-- name: "set second database host seed"
-# sudo: True
- set_fact:
-# dbseeds: "{{ dbseeds }},{{ hostvars[item.1]['contrail_address'] }}"
- dbseeds: "{{ dbseeds }},{{ ip_settings[item.1]['br-prv']['ip'] }}"
- with_indexed_items: groups['opencontrail']
- when: item.0 == 1
-- name: "modify seeds list in cassandra conf"
-# sudo: True
- replace:
- dest: "/etc/cassandra/cassandra.yaml"
- regexp: "- seeds:.*$"
- replace: "- seeds: {{ dbseeds }}"
-- name: "modify cassandra env"
-# sudo: True
- replace:
- dest: "/etc/cassandra/"
- regexp: "{{ item.regexp }}"
- replace: "{{ item.replace }}"
- with_items:
- - { regexp: "(#(\\s*)?)?JVM_OPTS=\"\\$JVM_OPTS -XX:\\+PrintGCDetails\"", replace: "JVM_OPTS=\"$JVM_OPTS -XX:+PrintGCDetails\"" }
- - { regexp: "(#(\\s*)?)?JVM_OPTS=\"\\$JVM_OPTS -Xss\\d+k\"", replace: "JVM_OPTS=\"$JVM_OPTS -Xss512k\"" }
- - { regexp: "(#(\\s*)?)?JVM_OPTS=\"\\$JVM_OPTS -XX:\\+PrintGCDateStamps\"", replace: "JVM_OPTS=\"$JVM_OPTS -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps\"" }
- - { regexp: "(#(\\s*)?)?JVM_OPTS=\"\\$JVM_OPTS -XX:\\+PrintHeapAtGC\"", replace: "JVM_OPTS=\"$JVM_OPTS -XX:+PrintHeapAtGC\"" }
- - { regexp: "(#(\\s*)?)?JVM_OPTS=\"\\$JVM_OPTS -XX:\\+PrintTenuringDistribution\"", replace: "JVM_OPTS=\"$JVM_OPTS -XX:+PrintTenuringDistribution\"" }
- - { regexp: "(#(\\s*)?)?JVM_OPTS=\"\\$JVM_OPTS -XX:\\+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime\"", replace: "JVM_OPTS=\"$JVM_OPTS -XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime\"" }
- - { regexp: "(#(\\s*)?)?JVM_OPTS=\"\\$JVM_OPTS -XX:\\+PrintPromotionFailure\"", replace: "JVM_OPTS=\"$JVM_OPTS -XX:+PrintPromotionFailure\"" }
- - { regexp: "(#(\\s*)?)?JVM_OPTS=\"\\$JVM_OPTS -XX:PrintFLSStatistics=1\"", replace: "JVM_OPTS=\"$JVM_OPTS -XX:PrintFLSStatistics=1\"" }
- - { regexp: "(#(\\s*)?)?JVM_OPTS=\"\\$JVM_OPTS -Xloggc:/var/log/cassandra/gc-`date \\+%s`\\.log\"", replace: "JVM_OPTS=\"$JVM_OPTS -Xloggc:/var/log/cassandra/gc-`date +%s`.log\"" }
-- name: "modify zookeeper conf"
-# sudo: True
- lineinfile:
- dest: "/etc/zookeeper/conf/zoo.cfg"
- line: "{{ item }}"
- with_items:
- - "maxSessionTimeout=120000"
- - "autopurge.purgeInterval=3"
-- name: "modify zookeeper log4j properties"
-# sudo: True
- lineinfile:
- dest: "/etc/zookeeper/conf/"
- regexp: "(log4j.appender.ROLLINGFILE.MaxBackupIndex=.*)$"
- line: "\\1"
- backrefs: yes
-- name: "add server addresses to zookeeper config"
-# sudo: True
- lineinfile:
- dest: "/etc/zookeeper/conf/zoo.cfg"
- regexp: "server.{{ item.0 + 1 }}="
-# line: "server.{{ item.0 + 1 }}={{ hostvars[item.1]['contrail_address'] }}:2888:3888"
- line: "server.{{ item.0 + 1 }}={{ ip_settings[item.1]['br-prv']['ip'] }}:2888:3888"
- with_indexed_items: groups['opencontrail']
-- name: "set zookeeper unique id"
-# sudo: True
- template:
- src: "../../templates/provision/zookeeper-unique-id.j2"
- dest: "/var/lib/zookeeper/myid"
- with_indexed_items: groups['opencontrail']
- when: item.1 == inventory_hostname
-- name: "remove kafka ini file"
-# sudo: True
- file:
- path: "/etc/contrail/supervisord_database_files/kafka.ini"
- state: "absent"
-- name: "set first zookeeper host address"
-# sudo: True
- set_fact:
-# zkaddrs: "{{ hostvars[item.1]['contrail_address'] }}:2181"
- zkaddrs: "{{ ip_settings[item.1]['br-prv']['ip'] }}:2181"
- with_indexed_items: groups['opencontrail']
- when: item.0 == 0
-- name: "set second or more zookeeper host addresses"
-# sudo: True
- set_fact:
-# zkaddrs: "{{ zkaddrs }},{{ hostvars[item.1]['contrail_address'] }}:2181"
- zkaddrs: "{{ zkaddrs }},{{ ip_settings[item.1]['br-prv']['ip'] }}:2181"
- with_indexed_items: groups['opencontrail']
- when: item.0 > 0
-- name: "modify zookeeper host addresses in kafka properties"
-# sudo: True
- lineinfile:
- dest: "/usr/share/kafka/config/"
- regexp: "zookeeper.connect="
- line: "zookeeper.connect={{ zkaddrs }}"
-- name: "modify kafka properties"
-# sudo: True
- lineinfile:
- dest: "/usr/share/kafka/config/"
- regexp: "default.replication.factor="
- line: "default.replication.factor=2"
-- name: "fix up contrail database nodemgr config"
-# sudo: True
- ini_file:
- dest: "/etc/contrail/contrail-database-nodemgr.conf"
- section: "{{ item.section }}"
- option: "{{ item.option }}"
- value: "{{ item.value }}"
- with_items:
- - { section: "DEFAULT", option: "hostip", value: "{{ contrail_address }}" }
- - { section: "DISCOVERY", option: "server", value: "{{ contrail_haproxy_address }}" }
-- name: "restart zookeeper"
-# sudo: True
- service:
- name: "zookeeper"
- state: "restarted"
-- name: "restart supervisor database"
-# sudo: True
- service:
- name: "supervisor-database"
- state: "restarted"