path: root/deploy/adapters/ansible/roles/open-contrail/tasks/provision/provision-config.yml
diff options
authorliyuenan <>2016-12-27 17:44:34 +0800
committerliyuenan <>2017-01-05 09:42:35 +0800
commit92f6ca7bb6d7b2f295406aab34094b1dba76ff94 (patch)
treec4e62927a3bf9862f7ba9ce286cbece2c4335ef4 /deploy/adapters/ansible/roles/open-contrail/tasks/provision/provision-config.yml
parent6072a49adb33f2bce3f48b9c7b8be7d96cf8501c (diff)
Yamllint test
JIRA: COMPASS-516 Change-Id: I482ce9bc86f4f963258c5b8823e0b00e83556eef Signed-off-by: liyuenan <>
Diffstat (limited to 'deploy/adapters/ansible/roles/open-contrail/tasks/provision/provision-config.yml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 350 deletions
diff --git a/deploy/adapters/ansible/roles/open-contrail/tasks/provision/provision-config.yml b/deploy/adapters/ansible/roles/open-contrail/tasks/provision/provision-config.yml
deleted file mode 100755
index 615ac281..00000000
--- a/deploy/adapters/ansible/roles/open-contrail/tasks/provision/provision-config.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,350 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-#- hosts: config
-# sudo: yes
-# tasks:
-- name: "enable supervisor config"
- file:
- path: "/etc/init/supervisor-config.override"
- state: "absent"
-- name: "enable neutron server"
- file:
- path: "/etc/init/neutron-server.override"
- state: "absent"
-# Compass is using this
-#- name: "enable haproxy"
-# replace:
-# dest: "/etc/default/haproxy"
-# regexp: "^ENABLED\\s*=.*$"
-# replace: "ENABLED=1"
-# Compass is using this
-#- name: "modify haproxy global configuration"
-# lineinfile:
-# dest: "/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg"
-# regexp: "{{ item.regexp }}"
-# line: "{{ item.line }}"
-# insertafter: "^global"
-# with_items:
-# - { regexp: "^\\s*tune.bufsize", line: "\ttune.bufsize 16384" }
-# - { regexp: "^\\s*tune.maxrewrite", line: "\ttune.maxrewrite 1024" }
-#chenshuai, add later
-#- name: "delete haproxy configuration for contrail"
-# shell: "sed -i -e '/^#contrail-marker-start/,/^#contrail-marker-end/d' /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg"
-#chenshuai, add later
-#- name: "create haproxy configuration for contrail"
-# template:
-# src: "provision/haproxy-contrail-cfg.j2"
-# src: "../../templates/provision/haproxy-contrail-cfg.j2"
-# dest: "/tmp/haproxy-contrail.cfg"
-#chenshuai, add later
-#- name: "combination of the haproxy configuration"
-# shell: "cat /tmp/haproxy-contrail.cfg >> /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg"
-#chenshuai, add later
-#- name: "delete temporary configuration file"
-# file:
-# dest: "/tmp/haproxy-contrail.cfg"
-# state: "absent"
-#chenshuai, add later
-#- name: "restart haproxy"
-# service:
-# name: "haproxy"
-# state: "restarted"
-# Compass is using this
-#- name: "create keepalived configuration"
-# template:
-# src: "../../templates/provision/keepalived-conf.j2"
-# dest: "/etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf"
-# with_indexed_items: groups['opencontrail_config']
-# when: contrail_keepalived and item.1 == inventory_hostname
-#- name: "restart keepalived"
-# service:
-# name: "keepalived"
-# state: "restarted"
-# when: contrail_keepalived
-- name: "node-common"
- include: -node-common.yml
-- name: "fix up contrail keystone auth config"
- template:
- src: "../../templates/provision/contrail-keystone-auth-conf.j2"
- dest: "/etc/contrail/contrail-keystone-auth.conf"
-- name: "fix up ifmap server log4j properties"
- template:
- src: "../../templates/provision/ifmap-log4j-properties.j2"
- dest: "/etc/ifmap-server/"
-- name: "fix up ifmap server authorization properties"
- template:
- src: "../../templates/provision/ifmap-authorization-properties.j2"
- dest: "/etc/ifmap-server/"
-- name: "fix up ifmap server basicauthusers properties"
- template:
- src: "../../templates/provision/ifmap-basicauthusers-properties.j2"
- dest: "/etc/ifmap-server/"
-- name: "fix up ifmap server publisher properties"
- template:
- src: "../../templates/provision/ifmap-publisher-properties.j2"
- dest: "/etc/ifmap-server/"
-- name: "fix up contrail api config"
- template:
- src: "../../templates/provision/contrail-api-conf.j2"
- dest: "/etc/contrail/contrail-api.conf"
-- name: "fix up contrail api supervisord config"
- template:
- src: "../../templates/provision/contrail-api-supervisord-conf.j2"
- dest: "/etc/contrail/supervisord_config_files/contrail-api.ini"
-- name: "modify contrail api init script"
- lineinfile:
- dest: "/etc/init.d/contrail-api"
- regexp: "supervisorctl -s unix:///tmp/supervisord_config.sock"
- line: "supervisorctl -s unix:///tmp/supervisord_config.sock ${1} `basename ${0}:0`"
-- name: "fix up contrail schema config"
- template:
- src: "../../templates/provision/contrail-schema-conf.j2"
- dest: "/etc/contrail/contrail-schema.conf"
-- name: "fix up contrail device manager config"
- template:
- src: "../../templates/provision/contrail-device-manager-conf.j2"
- dest: "/etc/contrail/contrail-device-manager.conf"
-- name: "fix up contrail svc monitor config"
- template:
- src: "../../templates/provision/contrail-svc-monitor-conf.j2"
- dest: "/etc/contrail/contrail-svc-monitor.conf"
-- name: "fix up contrail discovery supervisord config"
- template:
- src: "../../templates/provision/contrail-discovery-supervisord-conf.j2"
- dest: "/etc/contrail/supervisord_config_files/contrail-discovery.ini"
-- name: "fix up contrail discovery config"
- template:
- src: "../../templates/provision/contrail-discovery-conf.j2"
- dest: "/etc/contrail/contrail-discovery.conf"
-- name: "modify contrail discovery init script"
- lineinfile:
- dest: "/etc/init.d/contrail-discovery"
- regexp: "supervisorctl -s unix:///tmp/supervisord_config.sock"
- line: "supervisorctl -s unix:///tmp/supervisord_config.sock ${1} `basename ${0}:0`"
-- name: "fix up contrail vnc api library config"
- template:
- src: "../../templates/provision/contrail-vnc-api-lib-ini.j2"
- dest: "/etc/contrail/vnc_api_lib.ini"
-- name: "fix up contrail config nodemgr config"
- ini_file:
- dest: "/etc/contrail/contrail-config-nodemgr.conf"
- section: "DISCOVERY"
- option: "server"
- value: "{{ contrail_haproxy_address }}"
-- name: "fix up contrail sudoers"
- template:
- src: "../../templates/provision/contrail-sudoers.j2"
- dest: "/etc/sudoers.d/contrail_sudoers"
- mode: 0440
-- name: "create directory for neutron plugins"
- file:
- dest: "/etc/neutron/plugins/opencontrail"
- state: "directory"
-- name: "fix up contrail plugin for nuetron"
- template:
- src: "../../templates/provision/neutron-contrail-plugin-ini.j2"
- dest: "/etc/neutron/plugins/opencontrail/ContrailPlugin.ini"
-- name: "modify neutron server configuration"
- lineinfile:
- dest: "/etc/default/neutron-server"
- line: "NEUTRON_PLUGIN_CONFIG=\"/etc/neutron/plugins/opencontrail/ContrailPlugin.ini\""
-#- name: "change owner neutron log directory"
-# file:
-# dest: "/var/log/neutron"
-# state: "directory"
-# owner: "neutron"
-# group: "neutron"
-# recurse: yes
-- name: "set values to neutron config"
- ini_file:
- dest: "/etc/neutron/neutron.conf"
- section: "{{ item.section }}"
- option: "{{ item.option }}"
- value: "{{ item.value }}"
- with_items:
-# - { section: "DEFAULT", option: "bind_port", value: "9697" }
-# - { section: "DEFAULT", option: "auth_strategy", value: "keystone" }
-# - { section: "DEFAULT", option: "allow_overlapping_ips", value: "True" }
- - { section: "DEFAULT", option: "core_plugin", value: "neutron_plugin_contrail.plugins.opencontrail.contrail_plugin.NeutronPluginContrailCoreV2" }
- - { section: "DEFAULT", option: "api_extensions_path", value: "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/neutron_plugin_contrail/extensions" }
-# - { section: "DEFAULT", option: "rabbit_host", value: "{{ contrail_haproxy_address }}" }
-# - { section: "DEFAULT", option: "rabbit_port", value: "5673" }
-# - { section: "DEFAULT", option: "service_plugins", value: "neutron_plugin_contrail.plugins.opencontrail.loadbalancer.plugin.LoadBalancerPlugin" }
- - { section: "DEFAULT", option: "service_plugins", value: " " }
- - { section: "DEFAULT", option: "notify_nova_on_port_data_changes", value: "False" }
- - { section: "service_providers", option: "service_provider", value: "LOADBALANCER:Opencontrail:neutron_plugin_contrail.plugins.opencontrail.loadbalancer.driver.OpencontrailLoadbalancerDriver:default" }
- - { section: "quotas", option: "quota_driver", value: "neutron_plugin_contrail.plugins.opencontrail.quota.driver.QuotaDriver" }
-# - { section: "quotas", option: "quota_network", value: "-1" }
-# - { section: "quotas", option: "quota_subnet", value: "-1" }
-# - { section: "quotas", option: "quota_port", value: "-1" }
-# - { section: "keystone_authtoken", option: "admin_tenant_name", value: "admin" }
-# - { section: "keystone_authtoken", option: "admin_user", value: "{{ contrail_admin_user }}" }
-# - { section: "keystone_authtoken", option: "admin_password", value: "{{ contrail_admin_password }}" }
-# - { section: "keystone_authtoken", option: "auth_host", value: "{{ contrail_keystone_address }}" }
-# - { section: "keystone_authtoken", option: "auth_protocol", value: "http" }
-#- name: "add respawn to neutron server config"
-# lineinfile:
-# dest: "/etc/init/neutron-server.conf"
-# line: "respawn"
-# insertbefore: "pre-start script"
-#- name: "add respawn limit to neutron server config"
-# lineinfile:
-# dest: "/etc/init/neutron-server.conf"
-# line: "respawn limit 10 90"
-# insertafter: "respawn"
-- name: "restart supervisor config"
- service:
- name: "supervisor-config"
- state: "restarted"
-############# neutron plugins workaround ##################
-#- name: "copy neutron plugs on controller"
-# copy:
-# src: "../../templates/neutron_plugin_contrail.tar.gz"
-# dest: "/opt/neutron_plugin_contrail.tar.gz"
-- name: get image http server
- shell: awk -F'=' '/compass_server/ {print $2}' /etc/compass.conf
- register: http_server
-- name: download neutron_plugin_contrail package
- get_url: url="http://{{ http_server.stdout_lines[0] }}/packages/open-contrail/{{ neutron_plugin }}" dest=/opt/
-- name: "unzip neutron plugs"
- command: su -s /bin/sh -c "tar xzf /opt/neutron_plugin_contrail.tar.gz -C /opt/"
-- name: "remove original neutron plugs"
- shell: rm -rf /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/neutron_plugin_contrail/
-- name: "use new neutron plugs"
- shell: mv /opt/neutron_plugin_contrail/ /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/neutron_plugin_contrail/
-- name: "restart neutron-server"
- service:
- name: "neutron-server"
- state: "restarted"
-# Compass configured
-#- name: "add neutron service"
-# shell: "keystone service-get 'neutron' || keystone service-create --name 'neutron' --type 'network' --description 'Neutron Network Service'"
-# environment:
-# OS_AUTH_URL: "http://{{ contrail_keystone_address }}:35357/v2.0"
-# OS_USERNAME: "{{ contrail_admin_user }}"
-# OS_PASSWORD: "{{ contrail_admin_password }}"
-# OS_TENANT_NAME: "admin"
-# run_once: yes
-# when: keystone_provision
-# Compass configured
-#- name: "add neutron endpoint"
-# shell: "keystone endpoint-list | grep -q $(keystone service-get 'neutron' | grep '| *id *|' | awk '{print $4}') || keystone endpoint-create --region 'RegionOne' --service 'neutron' --publicurl 'http://{{ contrail_haproxy_address }}:9696' --internal 'http://{{ contrail_haproxy_address }}:9696' --adminurl 'http://{{ contrail_haproxy_address }}:9696'"
-# environment:
-# OS_AUTH_URL: "http://{{ contrail_keystone_address }}:35357/v2.0"
-# OS_USERNAME: "{{ contrail_admin_user }}"
-# OS_PASSWORD: "{{ contrail_admin_password }}"
-# OS_TENANT_NAME: "admin"
-# run_once: yes
-# when: keystone_provision
-#- name: "add neutron user"
-# keystone_user:
-# user: "neutron"
-# password: "{{ contrail_admin_password }}"
-# email: ""
-# tenant: "service"
-# endpoint: "http://{{ contrail_keystone_address }}:35357/v2.0"
-# login_user: "{{ contrail_admin_user }}"
-# login_password: "{{ contrail_admin_password }}"
-# login_tenant_name: "admin"
-# run_once: yes
-# when: keystone_provision
-#- name: "apply role to user"
-# keystone_user:
-# tenant: "service"
-# user: "neutron"
-# role: "admin"
-# endpoint: "http://{{ contrail_keystone_address }}:35357/v2.0"
-# login_user: "{{ contrail_admin_user }}"
-# login_password: "{{ contrail_admin_password }}"
-# login_tenant_name: "admin"
-# run_once: yes
-# when: keystone_provision
-#- name: "set values to nova config"
-# ini_file:
-# dest: "/etc/nova/nova.conf"
-# section: "{{ item.section }}"
-# option: "{{ item.option }}"
-# value: "{{ item.value }}"
-# with_items:
-# - { section: "DEFAULT", option: "network_api_class", value: "nova_contrail_vif.contrailvif.ContrailNetworkAPI" }
-#- name: "restart nova-server"
-# service:
-# name: "{{ item }}"
-# state: "restarted"
-# with_items:
-# - nova-api
-# - nova-cert
-# - nova-conductor
-# - nova-consoleauth
-# - nova-novncproxy
-# - nova-scheduler