path: root/samples/services/nginx/docker/grpc/templates
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2018-10-12Add nginx services control functionalityearrage1-1/+1
- Modify nginx server template to use clover-controller in clover-system namespace for file upload - Add ability to set nginx server paths and move uploaded files in clover-controller and set/get file upload metadata - Add cloverctl commands to set nginx server and lb configurations - Add example yaml files to configure nginx server and lb v1/v2 from cloverctl - Modify service definition for http-lb versions to distinguish the two versions for GRPC messaging from clover-controller in SDC deployment yaml Change-Id: I5c6866c5ff3de358939c58ea8c0bde64a69c6eca Signed-off-by: earrage <>
2018-08-28Add file upload/download and configure URL pathsEddie Arrage2-46/+138
- Compile nginx from source in order to employ additional modules - Add nginx-upload-module for high performance file upload that avoids the need for file copies with a web application. - File upload allows for placement of files for file download for performance benchmarking. - File upload can also be used directly for bi-directional throughput testing having emulated clients upload files while file downloads simultaneously occur. - Nginx file upload stores files with hash to avoid conflicting file names. Upload block in nginx config is configured to send REST message to clover-controller with file metadata (original filename, size, etc.) clover-controller will be responsible for modifying the hashed filename and placing in a target directory within an nginx server. - Build also adds nginx-rtmp module to act as streaming media server L7 loader will be extended to fetch streaming files from RTMP servers. - Add ability to create directories in server site root and create the location directive(s) in nginx configuration - Separated upload for configuration (download files in various paths) from upload for testing (upload to create bi-directional session throughput) - Upload for testing does not sent upload metadata to clover-controller - Added ability to move upload files to file folders in the nginx site root to use for download - Delete files in upload folder - Fixed issue with 426 Upgrade Required error message when upload module sends upload metadata to clover-controller - Added server name to metadata sent to clover-controller Change-Id: Ib4cf6240f92360b82f378c062675f4fdaa19ca93 Signed-off-by: Eddie Arrage <>
2018-04-03Fix Nginx lb in k8s/istioEddie Arrage2-1/+20
- Provide workaround to make nginx lb work properly - nginx_client sample can modify default load balancing from three to two servers at runtime - Ensure port 9180 is used for default deploy for lb and servers - Modify render_yaml to specify deploy_name so that clover-server1, 2, 3 can be used for default lb config - Ensure proxy template is aligned to lb to allow the source IP from originating host to be propagated to final destination - Fix default nginx proxy server_name to 'proxy-access-control' and change default proxy destination to 'http-lb' - Split lb service_type to 'lbv1' and 'lbv2' to provide an example of how to modify the run-time configuration of the load balancer after deployment - modify http-lb-v2 to use clover-server4/5 instead of the defualt clover-server1/2/3 - modify http-lb-v1 to use clover-server1/2 instead of 1/2/3 - Aligned pod IP retrival method with Change-Id: I73fa60a69c93ae1e82a477ef6283c00f67a21360 Signed-off-by: Eddie Arrage <>
2018-03-30Added initial nginx servicesEddie Arrage3-0/+238
- Proxy allows ingress traffic to be sent to another element in service mesh - Mirroring is also in the default configuration - Default configuration is to proxy to a clover-server and mirror to snort-ids - A location_path (URI in HTTP requests) can be reconfigured to restrict proxing; default to '/' - A proxy_path can be reconfigured to specify an alternate destination - A mirror path can be reconfigured to specify where traffic will be spanned - The default server_port (listen port) for the proxy is 9180 but can be reconfigured - The default server_name is http-proxy but can be reconfigured - Reconfiguration is done over GRPC with jinja2 template for nginx - Currently snort ids sends alerts to proxy with stub code in GRPC - Refactored the code to have a nginx base with subservices - Proxy, Load Balancer (lb), and Server can share code - mainly GRPC server - Nginx subservices have separate docker builds - Improved build scripts for CI - Render yaml manifests dynamically - Improve nginx_client for runtime modifications (but not really useful yet) Change-Id: Icbff6890021bcc8a8da4690c9261205d6e1ca43a Signed-off-by: Eddie Arrage <>