path: root/docs/release
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diff --git a/docs/release/configguide/clovisor_config_guide.rst b/docs/release/configguide/clovisor_config_guide.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b5f4a3
--- /dev/null
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+.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
+.. SPDX-License-Identifier CC-BY-4.0
+.. (c) Authors of Clover
+.. _clovisor_config_guide:
+Clovisor Configuration Guide
+Clovisor requires minimal to no configurations to function as a network tracer.
+It expects configurations to be set at a redis sever running at clover-system
+No Configuration
+If redis server isn't running as service name **redis** in namespace
+**clover-system** or there isn't any configuration related to Clovisor in that
+redis service, then Clovisor would monitor all pods under the **default**
+namespace. The traces would be sent to **jaeger-collector** service under the
+**clover-system** namespace
+Using redis-cli
+Install ``redis-cli`` on the client machine, and look up redis IP address:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ kubectl get services -n clover-system
+which one may get something like the following:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $
+ redis ClusterIP <none> 6379/TCP 16s
+if (like above), the external IP isn't visible, one may be able to get the pod
+IP address directly via the pod (for example, it works with Flannel as CNI
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ kubectl get pods -n clover-system -o=wide
+ redis 2/2 Running 0 34m clover1804
+and one can connect to redis via::
+ redis-cli -h -p 6379
+Jaeger Collector Configuration
+Clovisor allows user to specify the Jaeger service for which Clovisor would send
+the network traces to. This is configured via setting the values for
+keys **clovisor_jaeger_collector** and **clovisor_jaeger_agent**::
+ redis> SET clovisor_jaeger_collector "jaeger-collector.istio-system:14268"
+ "OK"
+ redis> SET clovisor_jaeger_agent "jaeger-agent.istio-system:6831"
+ "OK"
+Configure Monitoring Namespace and Labels
+Configruation Value String Format:
+ <namespace>[:label-key:label-value]
+User can configure namespace(s) for Clovisor to tap into via adding namespace
+configuration in redis list **clovisor_labels**::
+ redis> LPUSH clovisor_labels "my-namespace"
+ (integer) 1
+the above command will cause Clovisor to **NOT** monitor the pods in **default**
+namespace, and only monitor the pods under **my-namespace**.
+If user wants to monitor both 'default' and 'my-namespace', she needs to
+explicitly add 'default' namespace back to the list::
+ redis> LPUSH clovisor_labels "default"
+ (integer) 2
+ redis> LRANGE clovisor_labels 0 -1
+ 1.) "default"
+ 2.) "my-namespace"
+Clovisor allows user to optionally specify which label match on pods to further
+filter the pods to monitor::
+ redis> LPUSH clovisor_labels "my-2nd-ns:app:database"
+ (integer) 1
+the above configuration would result in Clovisor only monitoring pods in
+my-2nd-ns namespace which matches the label "app:database"
+User can specify multiple labels to filter via adding more configuration
+ redis> LPUSH clovisor_labels "my-2nd-ns:app:web"
+ (integer) 2
+ redis> LRANGE clovisor_labels 0 -1
+ 1.) "my-2nd-ns:app:web"
+ 2.) "my-2nd-ns:app:database"
+the result is that Clovisor would monitor pods under namespace my-2nd-ns which
+match **EITHER** app:database **OR** app:web
+Currently Clovisor does **NOT** support filtering of more than one label per
+filter, i.e., no configuration option to specify a case where a pod in a
+namespace needs to be matched with TWO or more labels to be monitored
+Configure Egress Match IP address, Port Number, and Matching Pods
+Configruation Value String Format:
+ <IP Address>:<TCP Port Number>[:<Pod Name Prefix>]
+By default, Clovisor only traces packets that goes to a pod via its service
+port, and the response packets, i.e., from pod back to client. User can
+configure tracing packet going **OUT** of the pod to the next microservice, or
+an external service also via the **clovior_egress_match** list::
+ redis> LPUSH clovior_egress_match ""
+ (integer) 1
+the command above will cause Clovisor to trace packet going out of ALL pods
+under monitoring to match IP address and destination TCP port 3456 on
+the **EGRESS** side --- that is, packets going out of the pod.
+User can also choose to ignore the outbound IP address, and only specify the
+port to trace via setting IP address to zero::
+ redis> LPUSH clovior_egress_match "0:3456"
+ (integer) 1
+the command above will cause Clovisor to trace packets going out of all the pods
+under monitoring that match destination TCP port 3456.
+User can further specify a specific pod prefix for such egress rule to be
+ redis> LPUSH clovior_egress_match "0:3456:proxy"
+ (integer) 1
+the command above will cause Clovisor to trace packets going out of pods under
+monitoring which have name starting with the string "proxy" that match destination
+TCP port 3456
diff --git a/docs/release/configguide/controller_services_config_guide.rst b/docs/release/configguide/controller_services_config_guide.rst
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index 0000000..6671458
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+.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
+.. SPDX-License-Identifier CC-BY-4.0
+.. (c) Authors of Clover
+.. _controller_services_config_guide:
+Clover Controller Services Configuration Guide
+This document provides a guide to use the Clover controller services, which are introduced in
+the Clover Gambia release.
+Clover controller services allow users to control and access information about Clover
+microservices. Two new components are added to Clover to facilitate an ephemeral, cloud native
+workflow. A CLI interface with the name **cloverctl** interfaces to the Kubernetes (k8s)
+API and also to **clover-controller**, a microservice deployed within the k8s cluster to
+instrument other Clover k8s services including sample network services, visibility/validation
+services and supporting datastores (redis, cassandra). The **clover-controller** service
+provides message routing communicating REST with cloverctl or other API/UI interfaces and
+gRPC to internal k8s cluster microservices. It acts as an internal agent and reduces the need
+to expose multiple Clover services outside of a k8s cluster.
+The **clover-controller** is packaged as a docker container with manifests to deploy
+in a Kubernetes (k8s) cluster. The **cloverctl** CLI is packaged as a binary (Golang) within a
+tarball with associated yaml files that can be used to configure and control other Clover
+microservices within the k8s cluster via **clover-controller**. The **cloverctl** CLI can also
+deploy/delete other Clover services within the k8s cluster for convenience.
+The **clover-controller** service provides the following functions:
+ * **REST API:** interface allows CI scripts/automation to control sample network sample services,
+ visibility and validation services. Analyzed visibility data can be consumed by other
+ services with REST messaging.
+ * **CLI Endpoint:** acts as an endpoint for many **cloverctl** CLI commands using the
+ **clover-controller** REST API and relays messages to other services via gRPC.
+ * **UI Dashboard:** provides a web interface exposing visibility views to interact with
+ Clover visibility services. It presents analyzed visibility data and provides basic controls
+ such as selecting which user services visibility will track.
+.. image:: imgs/controller_services.png
+ :align: center
+ :scale: 100%
+The **cloverctl** CLI command syntax is similar to k8s kubectl or istio istioctl CLI tools, using
+a <verb> <noun> convention.
+Help can be accessed using the ``--help`` option, as shown below::
+ $ cloverctl --help
+Deploying Clover system services
+The following assumptions must be met before continuing on to deployment:
+ * Installation of Docker has already been performed. It's preferable to install Docker CE.
+ * Installation of k8s in a single-node or multi-node cluster.
+.. _controller_services_cli:
+Download Clover CLI
+Download the cloverctl binary from the location below::
+ $ curl -L | tar xz
+ $ cd cloverctl
+ $ export PATH=$PWD:$PATH
+To begin deploying Clover services, ensure the correct k8s context is enabled. Validate that
+the CLI can interact with the k8s API with the command::
+ $ cloverctl get services
+The command above must return a listing of the current k8s services similar to the output of
+'kubectl get svc --all-namespaces'.
+.. _controller_services_controller:
+Deploying clover-controller
+To deploy the **clover-controller** service, use the command below:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ cloverctl create system controller
+The k8s pod listing below must include the **clover-controller** pod in the **clover-system**
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ kubectl get pods --all-namespaces | grep clover-controller
+ clover-system clover-controller-74d8596bb5-jczqz 1/1 Running
+Exposing clover-controller
+To expose the **clover-controller** deployment outside of the k8s cluster, a k8s NodePort
+or LoadBalancer service must be employed.
+Using NodePort
+To use a NodePort for the **clover-controller** service, use the following command::
+ $ cloverctl create system controller nodeport
+The NodePort default is to use port 32044. To modify this, edit the yaml relative
+to the **cloverctl** path at ``yaml/controller/service_nodeport.yaml`` before invoking
+the command above. Delete the ``nodePort:`` key in the yaml to let k8s select an
+available port within the the range 30000-32767.
+Using LoadBalancer
+For k8s clusters that support a LoadBalancer service, such as GKE, one can be created for
+**clover-controller** with the following command::
+ $ cloverctl create system controller lb
+Setup with cloverctl CLI
+The **cloverctl** CLI will communicate with **clover-controller** on the service exposed above
+and requires the IP address of either the load balancer or a cluster node IP address, if a
+NodePort service is used. For a LoadBalancer service, **cloverctl** will automatically find
+the IP address to use and no further action is required.
+However, if a NodePort service is used, an additional step is required to configure the IP
+address for **cloverctl** to target. This may be the CNI (ex. flannel/weave) IP address or the IP
+address of an k8s node interface. The **cloverctl** CLI will automatically determine the
+NodePort port number configured. To configure the IP address, create a file named
+``.cloverctl.yaml`` and add a single line to the yaml file with the following::
+ ControllerIP: <IP addresss>
+This file must be located in your ``HOME`` directory or in the same directory as the **cloverctl**
+Uninstall from Kubernetes environment
+Delete with Clover CLI
+When you're finished working with Clover system services, you can uninstall it with the
+following command:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ cloverctl delete system controller
+ $ cloverctl delete system controller nodeport # for NodePort
+ $ cloverctl delete system controller lb # for LoadBalancer
+The commands above will remove the clover-controller deployment and service resources
+created from the current k8s context.
+Uninstall from Docker environment
+The OPNFV docker image for the **clover-controller** can be removed with the following commands
+from nodes in the k8s cluster.
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ docker rmi opnfv/clover-controller
diff --git a/docs/release/configguide/index.rst b/docs/release/configguide/index.rst
index daf8986..41c1eca 100644
--- a/docs/release/configguide/index.rst
+++ b/docs/release/configguide/index.rst
@@ -3,14 +3,20 @@
.. (c) OPNFV, Authors of Clover
-.. _clover_config_guides:
+.. _clover_configguide:
-OPNFV Clover Configuration Guides
+Clover Configuration Guide
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
+ controller_services_config_guide.rst
+ jmeter_config_guide.rst
+ visibility_config_guide.rst
+ modsecurity_config_guide.rst
+ spinnaker_config_guide.rst
+ clovisor_config_guide.rst
diff --git a/docs/release/configguide/jmeter_config_guide.rst b/docs/release/configguide/jmeter_config_guide.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de1d2f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/release/configguide/jmeter_config_guide.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
+.. SPDX-License-Identifier CC-BY-4.0
+.. (c) Authors of Clover
+.. _jmeter_config_guide:
+JMeter Validation Configuration Guide
+This document provides a guide to use the JMeter validation service, which is introduced in
+the Clover Gambia release.
+Apache JMeter is a mature, open source application that supports web client emulation. Its
+functionality has been integrated into the Clover project to allow various CI validations
+and performance tests to be performed. The system under test can either be REST services/APIs
+directly or a set of L7 network services. In the latter scenario, Clover nginx servers may
+be employed as an endpoint to allow traffic to be sent end-to-end across a service chain.
+The Clover JMeter integration is packaged as docker containers with manifests to deploy
+in a Kubernetes (k8s) cluster. The Clover CLI (**cloverctl**) can be used to configure and
+control the JMeter service within the k8s cluster via **clover-controller**.
+The Clover JMeter integration has the following attributes:
+ * **Master/Slave Architecture:** uses the native master/slave implementation of JMeter. The master
+ and slaves have distinct OPNFV docker containers for rapid deployment and usage. Slaves allow
+ the scale of the emulation to be increased linearly for performance testing. However, for
+ functional validations and modest scale, the master may be employed without any slaves.
+ * **Test Creation & Control:** JMeter makes use of a rich XML-based test plan. While this offers
+ a plethora of configurable options, it can be daunting for a beginner user to edit directly.
+ Clover provides an abstracted yaml syntax exposing a subset of the available configuration
+ parameters. JMeter test plans are generated on the master and tests can be started from
+ **cloverctl** CLI.
+ * **Result Collection:** summary log results and detailed per-request results can be retrieved
+ from the JMeter master during and after tests from the **cloverctl** or from a REST API exposed
+ via **clover-controller**.
+.. image:: imgs/jmeter_overview.png
+ :align: center
+ :scale: 100%
+Deploying Clover JMeter service
+The following assumptions must be met before continuing on to deployment:
+ * Installation of Docker has already been performed. It's preferable to install Docker CE.
+ * Installation of k8s in a single-node or multi-node cluster.
+ * Clover CLI (**cloverctl**) has been downloaded and setup. Instructions to deploy can be found
+ at :ref:`controller_services_controller`
+ * The **clover-controller** service is deployed in the k8s cluster the validation services will
+ be deployed in. Instructions to deploy can be found at :ref:`controller_services_controller`.
+Deploy with Clover CLI
+The easiest way to deploy Clover JMeter validation services into your k8s cluster is to use the
+**cloverctl** CLI using the following command:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ cloverctl create system validation
+Container images with the Gambia release tag will pulled if the tag is unspecified. The release
+tag is **opnfv-7.0.0** for the Gambia release. To deploy the latest containers from master, use
+the command shown below::
+ $ cloverctl create system validation -t latest
+The Clover CLI will add master/slave pods to the k8s cluster in the default namespace.
+The JMeter master/slave docker images will automatically be pulled from the OPNFV public
+Dockerhub registry. Deployments and respective services will be created with three slave
+replica pods added with the **clover-jmeter-slave** prefix. A single master pod will be
+created with the **clover-jmeter-master** prefix.
+Deploy from source
+To continue to deploy from the source code, clone the Clover git repository and navigate
+within to the directory, as shown below:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ git clone
+ $ cd clover/clover/tools/jmeter/yaml
+ $ git checkout stable/gambia
+To deploy the master use the following two commands, which will create a manifest with
+the Gambia release tags and creates the deployment in the k8s cluster::
+ $ python --image_tag=opnfv-7.0.0 --image_path=opnfv
+ $ kubectl create -f clover-jmeter-master.yaml
+JMeter can be injected into an Istio service mesh. To deploy in the default
+namespace within the service mesh, use the following command for manual
+sidecar injection::
+ $ istioctl kube-inject -f clover-jmeter-master.yaml | kubectl apply -f -
+**Note, when injecting JMeter into the service mesh, only the master will function for
+the Clover integration, as master-slave communication is known not to function with the Java
+RMI API. Ensure 'istioctl' is in your path for the above command.**
+To deploy slave replicas, render the manifest yaml and create in k8s adjusting the
+``--replica_count`` value for the number of slave pods desired::
+ $ python --image_tag=opnfv-7.0.0 --image_path=opnfv --replica_count=3
+ $ kubectl create -f clover-jmeter-slave.yaml
+Verifying the deployment
+To verify the validation services are deployed, ensure the following pods are present
+with the command below:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ kubectl get pod --all-namespaces
+The listing below must include the following pods assuming deployment in the default
+.. code-block:: bash
+ default clover-jmeter-master-688677c96f-8nnnr 1/1 Running
+ default clover-jmeter-slave-7f9695d56-8xh67 1/1 Running
+ default clover-jmeter-slave-7f9695d56-fmpz5 1/1 Running
+ default clover-jmeter-slave-7f9695d56-kg76s 1/1 Running
+ default clover-jmeter-slave-7f9695d56-qfgqj 1/1 Running
+Using JMeter Validation
+Creating a test plan
+To employ a test plan that can be used against the :ref:`sdc_config_guide` sample, navigate to
+ cloverctl yaml directory and use the sample named 'jmeter_testplan.yaml', which is shown below.
+.. code-block:: bash
+ load_spec:
+ num_threads: 5
+ loops: 2
+ ramp_time: 60
+ duration: 80
+ url_list:
+ - name: url1
+ url: http://proxy-access-control.default:9180
+ method: GET
+ user-agent: chrome
+ - name: url2
+ url: http://proxy-access-control.default:9180
+ method: GET
+ user-agent: safari
+The composition of the yaml file breaks down as follows:
+ * ``load_spec`` section of the yaml defines the load profile of the test.
+ * `num_threads`` parameter defines the maximum number of clients/users the test will emulate.
+ * ``ramp_time`` determines the rate at which threads/users will be setup.
+ * ``loop`` parameter reruns the same test and can be set to 0 to loop forever.
+ * ``duration`` parameter is used to limit the test run time and be used as a hard cutoff when
+ using loop forever.
+ * ``url_list`` section of the yaml defines a set of HTTP requests that each user will perform.
+ It includes the request URL that is given a name (used as reference in detailed per-request
+ results) and the HTTP method to use (ex. GET, POST). The ``user-agent`` parameter allows this
+ HTTP header to be specified per request and can be used to emulate browsers and devices.
+The ``url`` syntax is <domain or IP>:<port #>. The colon port number may be omitted if port 80
+is intended.
+The test plan yaml is an abstraction of the JMeter XML syntax (uses .jmx extension) and can be
+pushed to the master using the **cloverctl** CLI with the following command:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ cloverctl create testplan –f jmeter_testplan.yaml
+The test plan can now be executed and will automatically be distributed to available JMeter slaves.
+Starting the test
+Once a test plan has been created on the JMeter master, a test can be started for the test plan
+with the following command:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ cloverctl start testplan
+The test will be executed from the **clover-jmeter-master** pod, whereby HTTP requests will
+originate directly from the master. The number of aggregate threads/users and request rates
+can be scaled by increasing the thread count or decreasing the ramp time respectively in the
+test plan yaml. However, the scale of the test can also be controlled by adding slaves to the
+test. When slaves are employed, the master will only be used to control slaves and will not be
+a source of traffic. Each slave pod will execute the test plan in its entirety.
+To execute tests using slaves, add the flag '-s' to the start command from the Clover CLI as shown
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ cloverctl start testplan –s <slave count>
+The **clover-jmeter-slave** pods must be deployed in advance before executing the above command. If
+the steps outlined in section `Deploy with Clover CLI`_ have been followed, three slaves will
+have already been deployed.
+Retrieving Results
+Results for the test can be obtained by executing the following command:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ cloverctl get testresult
+ $ cloverctl get testresult log
+The bottom of the log will display a summary of the test results, as shown below::
+ 3 in 00:00:00 = 111.1/s Avg: 7 Min: 6 Max: 8 Err: 0 (0.00%)
+ 20 in 00:00:48 = 0.4/s Avg: 10 Min: 6 Max: 31 Err: 0 (0.00%)
+Each row of the summary table is a snapshot in time with the final numbers in the last row.
+In this example, 20 requests (5 users/threads x 2 URLs) x loops) were sent successfully
+with no HTTP responses with invalid/error (4xx/5xx) status codes. Longer tests will produce
+a larger number of snapshot rows. Minimum, maximum and average response times are output per
+To obtain detailed, per-request results use the ``detail`` option, as shown below::
+ $ cloverctl get testresult detail
+ 1541567388622,14,url1,200,OK,ThreadGroup 1-4,text,true,,843,0,1,1,14,0,0
+ 1541567388637,8,url2,200,OK,ThreadGroup 1-4,text,true,,843,0,1,1,8,0,0
+ 1541567388646,6,url1,200,OK,ThreadGroup 1-4,text,true,,843,0,1,1,6,0,0
+ 1541567388653,7,url2,200,OK,ThreadGroup 1-4,text,true,,843,0,1,1,7,0,0
+ 1541567400622,12,url1,200,OK,ThreadGroup 1-5,text,true,,843,0,1,1,12,0,0
+ 1541567400637,8,url2,200,OK,ThreadGroup 1-5,text,true,,843,0,1,1,8,0,0
+ 1541567400645,7,url1,200,OK,ThreadGroup 1-5,text,true,,843,0,1,1,7,0,0
+ 1541567400653,6,url2,200,OK,ThreadGroup 1-5,text,true,,843,0,1,1,6,0,0
+Columns are broken down on the following fields:
+ * timeStamp, elapsed, label, responseCode, responseMessage, threadName, dataType, success
+ * failureMessage bytes, sentBytes, grpThreads, allThreads, Latency, IdleTime, Connect
+``elapsed`` or ``Latency`` values are in milliseconds.
+Uninstall from Kubernetes environment
+Delete with Clover CLI
+When you're finished working with JMeter validation services, you can uninstall it with the
+following command:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ cloverctl delete system validation
+The command above will remove the clover-jmeter-master and clover-jmeter-slave deployment
+and service resources from the current k8s context.
+Delete from source
+The JMeter validation services can be uninstalled from the source code using the commands below:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ cd clover/samples/scenarios
+ $ kubectl delete -f clover-jmeter-master.yaml
+ $ kubectl delete -f clover-jmeter-slave.yaml
+Uninstall from Docker environment
+The OPNFV docker images can be removed with the following commands from nodes
+in the k8s cluster.
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ docker rmi opnfv/clover-jmeter-master
+ $ docker rmi opnfv/clover-jmeter-slave
+ $ docker rmi opnfv/clover-controller
diff --git a/docs/release/release-notes/release-notes.rst b/docs/release/release-notes/release-notes.rst
index f345f61..9dd15b5 100644
--- a/docs/release/release-notes/release-notes.rst
+++ b/docs/release/release-notes/release-notes.rst
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
.. (c) Authors of Clover
-This document provides Clover project's release notes for the OPNFV Fraser release.
+This document provides Clover project's release notes for the OPNFV Gambia release.
.. contents::
:depth: 3
@@ -18,24 +18,37 @@ Version history
| **Date** | **Ver.** | **Author** | **Comment** |
| | | | |
-| 2018-03-14 | Fraser 1.0 | Stephen Wong | First draft |
+| 2018-03-14 | Gambia 1.0 | Stephen Wong | First draft |
| | | | |
Important notes
-The Clover project for OPNFV Fraser can ONLY be run on Kubernetes version 1.9 or
+The Clover project for OPNFV Gambia is tested on Kubernetes version 1.9 and
+1.11. It is only tested on Istio 1.0.
-Clover Fraser release provides tools for installation and validation of various
-upstream cloud native projects including Istio, fluentd, Jaegar, and Prometheus.
-In addition, the Fraser release also includes a sample VNF, its Kubernetes
-manifest, simple tools to validate route rules from Istio, as well as an
-example A-B testing framework.
+Clover Gambia release further enhances the Fraser release by providing various
+tools to help operators deploy cloud native network functions. These tools
+#. Collector: gathers and collects metrics and traces from Prometheus and
+ Jaeger, respectively, and provides a single access point for such data
+#. Visibility: utilizes an analytic engine to correlate and organize data
+ gathered by the collector
+#. CLI: comprehensive Clover CLI called cloverctl, offering a single management
+ tool for operating Clover toolset
+#. Network Tracing: CNI plugin agnostic network tracing tool
+#. Extended HTTP Security: integrate modsecurity (Web Application Firewall) and
+ Snort with Istio gateway via Istio newly added mechanisms to redirect and
+ mirror traffic to the network functions
+#. HTTP Test Client: bundle JMeter as test client for testing
+#. UI: developmental / sample UI to offer single pane view of Clover system
+#. Spinnaker Integration: provides automated / programmable cloud provider
+ add/update/delete; sample pipeline and installation scripts
Release Data
@@ -47,13 +60,13 @@ Release Data
| **Repo/commit-ID** | |
| | |
-| **Release designation** | Fraser |
+| **Release designation** | Gambia |
| | |
-| **Release date** | 2018-04-27
+| **Release date** | 2018-11-09
| | |
-| **Purpose of the delivery** | OPNFV Fraser release |
+| **Purpose of the delivery** | OPNFV Gambia release |
| | |
@@ -62,18 +75,20 @@ Version change
Module version changes
-OPNFV Fraser marks the first release for Clover
+Clover Gambia release will no longer support Istio 0.6, the version of Istio
+supported by Clover Gambia release
Document version changes
-OPNFV Fraser marks the first release for Clover
+Clover Gambia has updated the config guide and user guide accordingly, including
+new documents for the new features
Reason for version
Feature additions
-<None> (no backlog)
+See Summary above
Bug corrections
diff --git a/docs/release/userguide/index.rst b/docs/release/userguide/index.rst
index 5be100f..d09a9d7 100644
--- a/docs/release/userguide/index.rst
+++ b/docs/release/userguide/index.rst
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.. (c) OPNFV, Authors of Clover
-OPNFV Clover User Guide
+.. _clover_userguide:
+Clover User Guide
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
diff --git a/docs/release/userguide/userguide.rst b/docs/release/userguide/userguide.rst
index d99359b..942c8f3 100644
--- a/docs/release/userguide/userguide.rst
+++ b/docs/release/userguide/userguide.rst
@@ -5,56 +5,49 @@
-Clover User Guide (Fraser Release)
+Clover User Guide (Gambia Release)
-This document provides the Clover user guide for the OPNFV Fraser release.
+This document provides the Clover user guide for the OPNFV Gambia release.
-As project Clover's first release, the Fraser release includes installation and simple
-validation of foundational upstream projects including Istio, fluentd, Jaeger, and
-Prometheus. The Clover Fraser release also provides a sample set of web-oriented network
-services, which follow a micro-service design pattern, its Kubernetes manifest, and an
-automated script to demonstrate a sample A-B testing use-case. The A-B sample script
-validates performance criteria using Istio request routing functionality leveraging
-the sample services deployed within Istio and the tracing data available within Jaeger.
+Clover Gambia builds on previous release to further enhance the toolset for
+cloud native network functions operations. The two emphasis on the release are:
-What is in Fraser?
+#. Integration of Spinnaker to support continuous delivery
+#. Centralizing Operational Data for Visibility
+What is in Gambia?
* Sample micro-service composed VNF named Service Delivery Controller (SDC)
- * Logging module: fluentd and elasticsearch Kubernetes manifests,
- and fluentd installation validation
+ * Istio 1.0 support
- * Tracing module: Jaeger Kubernetes manifest, installation validation,
- Jaegar tracing query tools, and module for trace data output to datastore
+ * clover-collector: gathers and collects metrics and traces from Prometheus and
+ Jaeger, and provides a single access point for such data
- * Monitoring module: Prometheus Kubernetes manifest, installation
- validation, and sample Prometheous query of Istio related metrics
+ * Visibility: utilizes an analytic engine to correlate and organize data
+ collected by clover-collector
- * Istio route-rules sample yaml and validation tools
+ * cloverctl: Clover's new CLI
- * Test scripts
+ * Clovisor: Clover's cloud native, CNI-plugin agnostic network tracing tool
- * Sample code for an A-B testing demo shown during ONS North America 2018
+ * Integration of HTTP Security Modules with Istio 1.0
+ * JMeter: integrating jmeter as test client
- * Python modules to validate installation of fluentd logging, Jaeger tracing, and
- Prometheus monitoring. Deployment and validation instructions can be found at:
- :ref:`logging`, :ref:`tracing`, and :ref:`monitoring` respectively.
+ * Clover UI: sample UI to offer single pane view / configuration point of the
+ Clover system
- * Deployment and usage of SDC sample
- - Services designed and implemented with micro-service design pattern
- - Tested and validated via Istio service mesh tools
- Detailed usage instructions for the sample can be found at :ref:`sdc_config_guide`
+ * Spinnaker Integration: add ability to add/update/delete cloud provider via
+ cloverctl, and sample pipeline utilized by Clover project to deploy SDC
- * An example use-case for A-B testing. Detailed usage instructions for this sample A-B
- validation can be found at: :ref:`a_b_config_guide`
- * Sample tool to validate Istio route rules:
- tools/python -s <service name> -t <test id>
+ * Please refer to configguildes for usage detail on various modules