path: root/clover
diff options
authorStephen Wong <>2018-03-30 06:22:48 +0000
committerGerrit Code Review <>2018-03-30 06:22:48 +0000
commit41be5e066a37eb44d7f64372901f8d2760ab4e13 (patch)
tree62c55005c95c67a22adb807e1e3e112a1929b95d /clover
parent9423f2e5911a9933744e827c9b09e2e9025b4aee (diff)
parent45ff7042f3909c32d6282e3bc31be650ba1a41c7 (diff)
Merge "Initial commit for tracing"
Diffstat (limited to 'clover')
3 files changed, 314 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/clover/tracing/ b/clover/tracing/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..16b952c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clover/tracing/
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+# Copyright (c) Authors of Clover
+# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+import requests
+import time
+import redis
+TRACING_IP = "localhost"
+TRACING_PORT = "30888"
+class Tracing:
+ def __init__(
+ self, tracing_ip, tracing_port, redis_ip='localhost', use_redis=True):
+ self.tracing_ip = tracing_ip
+ self.tracing_port = tracing_port
+ self.testid = '0'
+ self.test_start_time = 0
+ self.use_redis = use_redis
+ if use_redis:
+ try:
+ self.r = redis.StrictRedis(host=redis_ip, port=6379, db=0)
+ except Exception:
+ print("Failed to connect to redis")
+ def setRedisSet(self, rkey, rvalue):
+ if self.use_redis:
+ self.r.sadd(rkey, rvalue)
+ def setRedisList(self, rkey, rvalue):
+ if self.use_redis:
+ self.r.lpush(rkey, rvalue)
+ def setRedisHash(self, rkey, rvalue):
+ if self.use_redis:
+ self.r.hmset(rkey, rvalue)
+ def getRedisTestid(self, index):
+ testid = self.r.lrange("testids", index, index)
+ return testid[0]
+ def getRedisTraceids(self, testid):
+ rkey = "traceids:" + str(testid)
+ traceids = self.r.smembers(rkey)
+ return traceids
+ def getRedisSpanids(self, traceid):
+ rkey = "spanids:" + str(traceid)
+ spanids = self.r.smembers(rkey)
+ return spanids
+ def getRedisSpan(self, spanid, traceid):
+ rkey = "spans:" + str(traceid) + ':' + str(spanid)
+ span = self.r.hgetall(rkey)
+ return span
+ def getRedisSpanValue(self, spanid, traceid, span_key):
+ rkey = "spans:" + str(traceid) + ':' + str(spanid)
+ span_value = self.r.hget(rkey, span_key)
+ return span_value
+ def getRedisTags(self, spanid, traceid):
+ rkey = "tags:" + str(spanid) + ':' + str(traceid)
+ tags = self.r.hgetall(rkey)
+ return tags
+ def getRedisTagsValue(self, spanid, traceid, tag_key):
+ rkey = "tags:" + str(spanid) + ':' + str(traceid)
+ tag_value = self.r.hget(rkey, tag_key)
+ return tag_value
+ def getRedisTestAll(self, testid):
+ traceids = self.getRedisTraceids(testid)
+ for trace in traceids:
+ spanids = self.getRedisSpanids(trace)
+ for span in spanids:
+ # print(self.getRedisSpan(span, trace))
+ print(self.getRedisSpanValue(span, trace, 'duration'))
+ # print(self.getRedisTags(span, trace))
+ print(self.getRedisTagsValue(span, trace, 'node_id'))
+ def setTest(self, testid):
+ self.testid = testid
+ self.setRedisList("testids", testid)
+ self.test_start_time = int(time.time())
+ def getServices(self):
+ req_url = 'http://' + self.tracing_ip + ':' + self.tracing_port + \
+ '/api/services'
+ try:
+ response = requests.get(req_url)
+ if response.status_code != 200:
+ print("ERROR: Cannot connect to tracing: {}".format(
+ response.status_code))
+ return False
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("ERROR: Cannot connect to tracing")
+ print(e)
+ return False
+ data = response.json()
+ services = data['data']
+ return services
+ def getTraces(self, service, time_back=3600, limit='1000'):
+ ref_time = int(time.time())
+ pad_time = '757000'
+ end_time = 'end=' + str(ref_time) + pad_time + '&'
+ if time_back == 0:
+ delta = self.test_start_time
+ else:
+ delta = ref_time - time_back
+ start_time = 'start=' + str(delta) + pad_time
+ limit = 'limit=' + limit + '&'
+ loopback = 'loopback=1h&'
+ max_dur = 'maxDuration&'
+ min_dur = 'minDuration&'
+ service = 'service=' + service + '&'
+ url_prefix = 'http://' + self.tracing_ip + ':' + self.tracing_port + \
+ '/api/traces?'
+ req_url = url_prefix + end_time + limit + loopback + max_dur + \
+ min_dur + service + start_time
+ try:
+ response = requests.get(req_url)
+ if response.status_code != 200:
+ print("ERROR: Cannot connect to tracing: {}".format(
+ response.status_code))
+ return False
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("ERROR: Cannot connect to tracing")
+ print(e)
+ return False
+ traces = response.json()
+ return traces
+ def numTraces(self, trace):
+ num_traces = len(trace['data'])
+ return str(num_traces)
+ def outProcesses(self, trace):
+ processes = []
+ if trace['data']:
+ first_trace = trace['data'][0]
+ for process in first_trace['processes']:
+ processes.append(process)
+ print(processes)
+ return processes
+ def outTraces(self, trace):
+ for traces in trace['data']:
+ print("TraceID: {}".format(traces['traceID']))
+ self.setRedisSet(
+ "traceids:{}".format(str(self.testid)), traces['traceID'])
+ for spans in traces['spans']:
+ print("SpanID: {}".format(spans['spanID']))
+ self.setRedisSet(
+ "spanids:{}".format(traces['traceID']), spans['spanID'])
+ print("Duration: {} usec".format(spans['duration']))
+ span = {}
+ span['spanID'] = spans['spanID']
+ span['duration'] = spans['duration']
+ span['startTime'] = spans['startTime']
+ span['operationName'] = spans['operationName']
+ # print("Tags:\n {} \n".format(spans['tags']))
+ self.setRedisHash(
+ "spans:{}:{}".format(
+ traces['traceID'], spans['spanID']), span)
+ tag = {}
+ for tags in spans['tags']:
+ print("Tag key: {}, value: {}".format(
+ tags['key'], tags['value']))
+ tag[tags['key']] = tags['value']
+ self.setRedisHash("tags:{}:{}".format(
+ spans['spanID'], traces['traceID']), tag)
+ def monitorTraces(self, sample_interval, service='istio-ingress'):
+ loop = True
+ while loop:
+ try:
+ t = self.getTraces(service, 10)
+ num_traces = self.numTraces(t)
+ print("Number of traces: " + num_traces)
+ self.outTraces(t)
+ time.sleep(sample_interval)
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ print("Test Start: {}".format(self.test_start_time))
+ loop = False
+ def main(self):
+ self.monitorTraces(1)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ Tracing(TRACING_IP, TRACING_PORT).main()
diff --git a/clover/tracing/ b/clover/tracing/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0234bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clover/tracing/
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# Copyright (c) Authors of Clover
+# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+import uuid
+import time
+from tracing import Tracing
+t = Tracing('localhost', '30888')
+# Get toplevel services stored in tracing
+services = t.getServices()
+# Get traces from the last hour for istio-ingress service
+service = 'istio-ingress'
+traces = t.getTraces(service, 3600)
+# Get process names for first trace service
+# Turn off redis tracing store and output basic trace info
+t.use_redis = False
+# Setup basic test and store in redis
+t.use_redis = True
+# Get all traces from test start time when time_back=0
+traces = t.getTraces(service, 0)
+# Store traces in redis
+# Get test id for some number of tests back
+testid = t.getRedisTestid('0')
+traceids = t.getRedisTraceids(testid)
+# Print out span and tag info for all traces in test
+# Will continue to consider what to extract from hashes for e2e validation
+# t.monitorTraces(1)
diff --git a/clover/tracing/ b/clover/tracing/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eed6f9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clover/tracing/
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# Copyright (c) Authors of Clover
+# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+from tracing import Tracing
+from kubernetes import client, config
+JAEGER_IP = "localhost"
+# JAEGER_IP = ""
+JAEGER_PORT = "30888"
+JAEGER_DEPLOYMENT = "jaeger-deployment"
+ISTIO_NAMESPACE = "istio-system"
+ISTIO_SERVICES = ["istio-ingress", "istio-mixer"]
+def validateDeploy():
+ config.load_kube_config()
+ v1 = client.AppsV1Api()
+ deployments = []
+ namespaces = []
+ validate = False
+ ret = v1.list_deployment_for_all_namespaces(watch=False)
+ for i in ret.items:
+ deployments.append(
+ namespaces.append(i.metadata.namespace)
+ if JAEGER_DEPLOYMENT in deployments:
+ d_index = deployments.index(JAEGER_DEPLOYMENT)
+ if ISTIO_NAMESPACE in namespaces[d_index]:
+ print("Deployment: {} present in {} namespace".format(
+ validate = True
+ return validate
+# Services in Jaeger will only be present when traffic passes through Istio
+# Requires a deployment in Istio service mesh with some traffic targeting nodes
+def validateServices():
+ services = t.getServices()
+ validate = True
+ if services:
+ for s in ISTIO_SERVICES:
+ if s in services:
+ print("Service in tracing: {} present".format(s))
+ else:
+ validate = False
+ else:
+ validate = False
+ return validate
+def main():
+ if validateDeploy() and validateServices():
+ print"Jaeger tracing validation has passed"
+ return True
+ else:
+ print"Jaeger tracing validation has failed"
+ return False
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()