path: root/tools/hdv/redfish/docs
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diff --git a/tools/hdv/redfish/docs/readme.md b/tools/hdv/redfish/docs/readme.md
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--- a/tools/hdv/redfish/docs/readme.md
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-# Copyright (c) 2020 China Mobile Co.,Ltd and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-This is a prototype of hardware validation implementation in redfish interface for a certain hardware vendor.
-which originally is contributed by China Mobile.
->>> Usage:
-usage: hdv.py [-h] [--version] [--config CONFIG] [--file_type FILE_TYPE]
- [--case_yaml CASE_YAML] [--depends_yaml DEPENDS_YAML]
- [--case_excel CASE_EXCEL]
-hdv tool by redfish, it works in two mode
-optional arguments:
- -h, --help show this help message and exit
- --version show tool version
- --config CONFIG given global config.yaml file
- --file_type FILE_TYPE
- config file type, [yaml|excel]
- --case_yaml CASE_YAML
- case yaml file, uesd if file_type = yaml
- --depends_yaml DEPENDS_YAML
- depends yaml file,uesd if file_type = yaml
- --case_excel CASE_EXCEL
- excel case file used if file_type = excel
-#default case
-1>python .\hdv.py
-following config used
- - ./conf/config.yaml
- - file_type=excel
- - ./conf/cases.xlsx
-# use file_type=yaml
-2>python .\hdv.py --file_type=yaml
-example1. default conf/config.yaml, file_type=excel, cases.xlsx used
-python .\hdv.py
-example2. use yaml file type config, default conf/cases.yaml conf/depends.yaml used
-python .\hdv.py --file_type=yaml
-example3. user input config file
-python .\hdv.py --file_type=yaml --case_yaml=./conf-new/cases.yaml --depends_yaml=./conf-new/depends.yaml
->>> tools directory:
-├─conf # config directory
-├─docs # readme
-├─logs # hdv.log would be generated here.
-$ ls -lR .
-$ ls redfish/*.py
-redfish/excel_2_yaml.py #tool script to convert excel cases.xlsx sheets content to yaml format cases.yaml and depends.yaml
-redfish/hdv_redfish.py #the code implementation by parsing config.yaml and cases.xlsx or cases.yaml and depends.yaml
-redfish/log_utils.py #log utils
-redfish/errors.py #error code definition for the tool during parse.
-redfish/hdv.py #hdv portal
-redfish/http_handler.py #http_handler
-redfish/yaml_utils.py #yaml utils for test.
-$ ls redfish/conf
-config.yaml #global config yaml where define BMC settings, static value, and some position definition in the cases.xlsx excel
-cases.xlsx #two sheet defined (cases and depend_id), input case file if file_type=excel, default way.
- #sheet cases - define all test case redfish url, expected value, etc
- #sheet dependent_id - define all dependent_id url which is used to get parent resource id for the url in the cases.
-cases.yaml #test cases yaml file,where the same set test case with cases.xlsx, it is used if file_type=yaml
-depends.yaml #depends.yaml where the same content with sheet dependent_id, it is used if file_type=yaml
-report.yaml #final test report, it is used if file_type=yaml
-$ ls redfish/docs
-readme.md #readme
-$ ls redfish/logs
-hdv.log # test log file
->>> Principle
-The hdv tool gets the global config from conf/config.yaml, e.g bmc settings, and
-global variable definitions, and some excel column position used in case file_type=excel
-User can select eiter file_type yaml or excel as the configure file type,
-default type is excel at present. However the principle is similar.
-If file_type is excel, it will parse two sheets of excel workbook, cases and dependent_id.
-The dependent_id sheet is used to define how to get the parents before checking a final redfish url,
-thinking about checking a port should get the adapter at first.
-The cases sheet is the test cases template, where the variable will be replaced
-by global static value from config yaml or dependent_id
-By running a final redfish url request, it will get response result from the test server.
-Then tool will compare the response value with expected value defined in <expected_result> column of cases sheet to decide if the case status.
-test report of each case <details,case_status> will write back to the same excel in the last two columns.
-Meanwhile, yaml file_type is supported also, it processes similarly as excel, except
-- reading depends.yaml to get the dependent_id
-- reading cases.yaml to run the test case
-- report.yaml will be created as the final report.
-cases.xlsx will not be used anymore in yaml case.
-Besides, excel_2_yaml.py script can be used to convert the cases.xlsx to yaml file accordingly.
-If you want to update the cases content, you can update the excel at first, then convert by the script.
->>> FAQ:
-1. how to customize expected result?
-you need put a json format value in it, the hierachy should be exactly the same with actual returned value,
-as the comparing implementation relies on it.
- => a simple example: '{"AssetTag": "CM_cc@1234"}'
- => a complex example:
-'{ "count": 2, "Manufacturer": "Intel(R) Corporation", "MaxSpeedMHz":
- 2300, "Model": "Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 5218N CPU @ 2.30GHz", "ProcessorArchitecture":
- ["x86", "IA-64", "ARM", "MIPS", "OEM"], "Socket": [1, 2], "Status": { "Health":
- "OK", "State": "Enabled" }, "TotalCores": 16, "TotalThreads":
- 32}'
-in the above data, a specific "count" attribute defined to check components quantity returned, e.g How many cpus expected.
-generally it can be a subset attributes definition, comparing with actual return value
-also it can support list of all expected value for list of objects.
-example: "Socket:[1,2]", expecting return "Socket:1" and "Socket:2" from returned response
-- there are differences between vendors's implementation, or even versions for the same vendor.
-- define more test case or update existing case in the cases.yaml and depends.yaml or cases.xlsx file to support much more checks.
-- more implementation could be contributed from community so that it can grow bigger to support more types and checkpoints test case.