path: root/sdv/docker/sdvstate/internal/validator/kuberef/security_check.py
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authorParth Inamdar <parth.inamdar1@gmail.com>2021-11-29 22:01:38 -0500
committerParth Inamdar <parth.inamdar1@gmail.com>2021-11-30 05:25:24 +0000
commit52ba79c07aa517160698ee7e04797447448ebf3c (patch)
tree5a27ed50d5f75d21eaf789ae027ac7e899cb254d /sdv/docker/sdvstate/internal/validator/kuberef/security_check.py
parentbfd37762bdf91a7f89d4ebc259454ddb2f5e7b3d (diff)
Added Security, Policy, Observability & Plugin Checks
Security Checks: Checking for security config on the cluster, consisting of capability, privilege, host network, host path and connectivity checks Policy Checks: Validating CPU Manager and Topology Manager policies against the settings from PDF Observability Checks Checking existence and health of prometheus, node-exporter and collectd pods Plugin checks Checking for the existence of multi-interface pod (multus) and validating the list of CNI against the PDF Also added usage information and pdf field information to userguide.rst file in the docs section. For reference, I have added a PDF.json in sdv/docker/sdvstate/settings section file to look at necessary configuration required for the kuberef validation. Signed-off-by: Parth V Inamdar <parth.inamdar1@gmail.com> Change-Id: I28dc8e687c14cba099230f2226b4add79a55a7ad
Diffstat (limited to 'sdv/docker/sdvstate/internal/validator/kuberef/security_check.py')
1 files changed, 272 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sdv/docker/sdvstate/internal/validator/kuberef/security_check.py b/sdv/docker/sdvstate/internal/validator/kuberef/security_check.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f49048c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sdv/docker/sdvstate/internal/validator/kuberef/security_check.py
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+Security Checks
+import time
+import logging
+from tools.kube_utils import kube_api, kube_curl
+from tools.kube_utils import kube_exec
+from internal.store_result import store_result
+# capability check
+def capability_check():
+ """
+ Checks if creation of pods with particular capabilties is possible
+ """
+ kube = kube_api()
+ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ pod_manifest = {
+ 'apiVersion': 'v1',
+ 'kind': 'Pod',
+ 'metadata': {
+ 'name': 'security-capability-demo',
+ },
+ 'spec': {
+ 'containers': [{
+ 'image': 'alpine:3.2',
+ 'name': 'security-capability-demo',
+ 'command': ["/bin/sh", "-c", "sleep 60m"],
+ 'securityContext': {
+ 'capabilities': {
+ 'drop': [
+ "ALL"
+ ],
+ 'add': [
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }]
+ }
+ }
+ result = {'category': 'platform',
+ 'case_name': 'capability_check',
+ 'criteria': 'pass',
+ 'details': []
+ }
+ status = []
+ try:
+ pod_cap = kube.create_namespaced_pod(body=pod_manifest, namespace='default')
+ time.sleep(6)
+ cmd = ['cat', '/proc/1/status']
+ response = kube_exec(pod_cap, cmd)
+ if "0000000000003000" in response:
+ result['criteria'] = 'fail'
+ status.append(pod_cap)
+ kube.delete_namespaced_pod(name=pod_cap.metadata.name, namespace='default')
+ except KeyError as error:
+ status.append(error)
+ except RuntimeError as error:
+ status.append(error)
+ result['details'].append(status)
+ store_result(logger, result)
+ return result
+# privileges check
+def privilege_check():
+ """
+ Checks if privileged pods are possible to created
+ """
+ kube = kube_api()
+ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ pod_manifest = {
+ 'apiVersion': 'v1',
+ 'kind': 'Pod',
+ 'metadata': {
+ 'name': 'security-privileges-demo',
+ },
+ 'spec': {
+ 'containers': [{
+ 'image': 'alpine:3.2',
+ 'name': 'security-privileges-demo',
+ 'command': ["/bin/sh", "-c", "sleep 60m"],
+ 'securityContext': {
+ 'privileged': True
+ }
+ }]
+ }
+ }
+ result = {'category': 'platform',
+ 'case_name': 'privilege_check',
+ 'criteria': 'pass',
+ 'details': []
+ }
+ status = []
+ try:
+ pod_priv = kube.create_namespaced_pod(body=pod_manifest, namespace='default')
+ time.sleep(5)
+ cmd = ['ps', 'aux']
+ response = kube_exec(pod_priv, cmd)
+ if "root" in response:
+ result['criteria'] = 'fail'
+ status.append(response)
+ kube.delete_namespaced_pod(name=pod_priv.metadata.name, namespace='default')
+ except KeyError as error:
+ status.append(error)
+ except RuntimeError as error:
+ status.append(error)
+ result['details'].append(status)
+ store_result(logger, result)
+ return result
+# host network check
+def host_network_check():
+ """
+ Checks if the pods can share the network with their host
+ """
+ kube = kube_api()
+ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ pod_manifest = {
+ 'apiVersion': 'v1',
+ 'kind': 'Pod',
+ 'metadata': {
+ 'name': 'security-host-network-demo',
+ },
+ 'spec': {
+ 'hostNetwork': True,
+ 'containers': [{
+ 'image': 'k8s.gcr.io/pause',
+ 'name': 'security-host-network-demo',
+ 'command': ["/bin/sh", "-c", "sleep 60m"],
+ }],
+ 'restartPolicy': 'Always'
+ }
+ }
+ result = {'category': 'platform',
+ 'case_name': 'host_network_check',
+ 'criteria': 'pass',
+ 'details': []
+ }
+ status = []
+ try:
+ pod_nw = kube.create_namespaced_pod(body=pod_manifest, namespace='default')
+ time.sleep(5)
+ kube.delete_namespaced_pod(name=pod_nw.metadata.name, namespace='default')
+ result['criteria'] = 'fail'
+ except KeyError as error:
+ status.append(error)
+ except RuntimeError as error:
+ status.append(error)
+ result['details'].append(status)
+ store_result(logger, result)
+ return result
+# host directory as a volume check
+def host_path_vol_check():
+ """
+ Checks if pods can be mounted to a host directory
+ """
+ kube = kube_api()
+ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ pod_manifest = {
+ 'apiVersion': 'v1',
+ 'kind': 'Pod',
+ 'metadata': {
+ 'name': 'security-host-path-volume-demo',
+ },
+ 'spec': {
+ 'hostNetwork': True,
+ 'containers': [{
+ 'image': 'k8s.gcr.io/pause',
+ 'name': 'security-host-path-volume-demo',
+ 'command': ["/bin/sh", "-c", "sleep 60m"],
+ }],
+ 'volumes': [
+ {
+ 'name': 'test-vol',
+ 'hostpath': {
+ 'path': 'home',
+ 'type': 'Directory'
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ result = {'category': 'platform',
+ 'case_name': 'host_path_dir_vol_check',
+ 'criteria': 'pass',
+ 'details': []
+ }
+ status = []
+ try:
+ pod_vol = kube.create_namespaced_pod(body=pod_manifest, namespace='default')
+ time.sleep(5)
+ kube.delete_namespaced_pod(name=pod_vol.metadata.name, namespace='default')
+ result['criteria'] = 'fail'
+ except KeyError as error:
+ status.append(error)
+ except RuntimeError as error:
+ status.append(error)
+ result['details'].append(status)
+ store_result(logger, result)
+ return result
+# kubernetes api connectivity check
+def k8s_api_conn_check():
+ """
+ Checks for connectivity from within the pod
+ """
+ result = {'category': 'platform',
+ 'case_name': 'connectivity_check',
+ 'criteria': 'pass',
+ 'details': []
+ }
+ status = []
+ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ try:
+ ca_crt = '/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/ca.crt'
+ auth_tkn = '"Authorization: Bearer $(cat /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token)"'
+ url = 'https://kubernetes.default.svc'
+ response = kube_curl('-v', '--cacert', ca_crt, '-H', auth_tkn, url)
+ if "Connected to kubernetes" in response:
+ result['criteria'] = 'pass'
+ else:
+ result['criteria'] = 'fail'
+ status.append(response)
+ except ConnectionError as error:
+ status.append(error)
+ except RuntimeError as error:
+ status.append(error)
+ result['details'].append(status)
+ store_result(logger, result)
+ return result