path: root/hdv/redfish/hdv_redfish.py
diff options
authorShubham Mishra <shivam828787@gmail.com>2020-06-22 23:59:35 +0530
committerShubham Mishra <shivam828787@gmail.com>2020-06-28 21:01:43 +0530
commit5ea4ca492b80712a822774cf50ee9864cbbb37ea (patch)
treefe3359ceff3938b5a24a4d38d3b4f9bb77b1088c /hdv/redfish/hdv_redfish.py
parentb5609493e9a3366a64bcf5931322bda96d965854 (diff)
Code Refraction
- Removed Excel support completely, new command to start engine is "python hdv.py" - add enbaled flag for every case in cases.yml - converted keys "expected_result" and "key_flag_dict" to yaml from JSON Change-Id: Idaf57c4a15cd7a42bfcdd99164cbb0bddf982026 Signed-off-by: Shubham Mishra <shivam828787@gmail.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'hdv/redfish/hdv_redfish.py')
1 files changed, 11 insertions, 130 deletions
diff --git a/hdv/redfish/hdv_redfish.py b/hdv/redfish/hdv_redfish.py
index db819da..b965f9f 100644
--- a/hdv/redfish/hdv_redfish.py
+++ b/hdv/redfish/hdv_redfish.py
@@ -167,31 +167,6 @@ def get_component_ids_yaml(file):
return None
return yaml.load(open(file, "r"))
-def get_component_ids_excel(excel_file):
- '''
- get the component_id settings from the excel sheet2
- the componnet_id is the parent id of the hardware resource of sheet1
- '''
- input_file = load_workbook(excel_file)
- input_ws = input_file[input_file.sheetnames[1]]
- cell_key = []
- id_info_list = []
- for i in range(1, 5):
- cell_key.append(input_ws.cell(row=1, column=i).value)
- row = 2
- while input_ws.cell(row=row, column=1).value:
- cell_value = []
- for i in range(1, 5):
- cell_value.append(input_ws.cell(row=row, column=i).value.
- encode("utf8").decode("utf8").replace('\n', ''))
- cell_dict = dict(zip(cell_key, cell_value))
- row += 1
- id_info_list.append(cell_dict)
- return id_info_list
def create_real_url(url_value, id_dict, config_file, key_flag_dict, http_handler, bmc_ip):
create the real url
@@ -223,6 +198,7 @@ def create_real_url(url_value, id_dict, config_file, key_flag_dict, http_handler
url_list[index] = url_list[index] + parent_url
response_list = handle_depend_url("GET", url_list, http_handler, bmc_ip)
url_list = create_obj_id_list(key_flag_dict[value['var']], response_list)
if url_list is None or url_list.__len__() == 0:
@@ -322,32 +298,6 @@ def create_obj_id_list(key_flags, response_list):
LOGGER.error("%s %s", ERROR_CODE['E400003'], key_flags)
return end_id_list
-def read_row(input_ws, row, config_file):
- '''
- read a row value
- '''
- pro_value = input_ws.cell(row=row, column=config_file["pro_seq"]).value
- url_value = input_ws.cell(row=row, column=config_file["url_seq"]).value
- req_body_value = input_ws.cell(
- row=row, column=config_file["req_body_seq"]).value
- expect_return_code = \
- input_ws.cell(
- row=row, column=config_file["expect_return_code_seq"]).value
- expect_return_value = \
- input_ws.cell(
- row=row, column=config_file["expect_return_value_seq"]).value
- attr_name = input_ws.cell(row=row, column=config_file["attr_name"]).value
- if req_body_value is not None:
- req_body_value = literal_eval(req_body_value)
- if expect_return_code is not None:
- expect_return_code = int(expect_return_code)
- if expect_return_value is not None:
- expect_return_value = literal_eval(expect_return_value)
- return pro_value, url_value, req_body_value, expect_return_code,\
- expect_return_value, attr_name
def execute_post_url(body, handler, url):
execute post url
@@ -484,25 +434,6 @@ def parse_test_result(expect_return_value, expect_return_code,
return return_value_list, return_code_list, final_result, flag
-def write_result_2_excel(config_file, input_ws, row, flag, result):
- '''
- write the result back to excel
- '''
- if not result:
- input_ws.cell(row=row, column=config_file["detail_result"],
- value=str('N/A'))
- else:
- input_ws.cell(row=row, column=config_file["detail_result"],
- value=str(result))
- if flag == 0:
- input_ws.cell(row=row, column=config_file["final_result"],
- value=str("Success"))
- else:
- input_ws.cell(row=row, column=config_file["final_result"],
- value=str("Failure"))
- return row
def execute_final_url(config_file, depends_id, http_handler,
method, url, req_body, key_flag_dict, bmc_ip):
@@ -520,11 +451,14 @@ def run_test_case_yaml(config_file, case_file, depends_id, http_handler, bmc_ip)
cases_result = []
cases = read_yaml(case_file)
for case in cases:
+ if(case['enabled'] is False):
+ LOGGER.debug("skipping case: %s", case["case_name"])
+ continue
+ LOGGER.debug("running case: %s", case["case_name"])
method, url, req_body, expected_code, expected_value, tc_name, key_flag_dict \
= case['method'], case['url'], case['request_body'], \
case['expected_code'], case['expected_result'], case['case_name'], case['key_flag_dict']
- expected_value = literal_eval(expected_value)
flag = 0
final_rst = {}
@@ -545,7 +479,6 @@ def run_test_case_yaml(config_file, case_file, depends_id, http_handler, bmc_ip)
str(final_rst) if len(final_rst) > 0 else "N/A"
LOGGER.info("writing test final_rst for case %s", tc_name)
LOGGER.info("############### end perform test case ###################")
@@ -569,56 +502,10 @@ def write_result_2_yaml(result):
-def run_test_case_excel(config_file, case_file, depends_id, http_handler):
- '''
- perform the test case one by one,
- and write test final_result back to the excel.
- '''
- LOGGER.info("############### start perform test case #################")
- input_file = load_workbook(case_file)
- input_ws = input_file[input_file.sheetnames[0]]
- row = 2
- while input_ws.cell(row=row, column=1).value:
- method, url, req_body, expected_code, expected_value, tc_name \
- = read_row(input_ws, row, config_file)
- LOGGER.info("run test case ##%s##", tc_name)
- if tc_name == "configure BMC ip in static, ipv4":
- LOGGER.debug("debug")
- flag = 0
- final_result = {}
- rsp_list = []
- rsp_list = execute_final_url(config_file, depends_id, http_handler,
- method, url, req_body)
- if rsp_list is not None and len(rsp_list) > 0:
- return_value_list, return_code_list, final_result, flag = \
- parse_test_result(expected_value, expected_code,
- rsp_list, final_result)
- final_result.update({'info': return_value_list})
- LOGGER.debug("return_code_list:%s", return_code_list)
- input_ws.cell(row=row, column=config_file["return_code_seq"],
- value=str(return_code_list))
- else:
- LOGGER.error("%s", ERROR_CODE['E600001'])
- flag += 1
- LOGGER.info("writing test final_result for row %s", row)
- row = write_result_2_excel(
- config_file, input_ws, row, flag, final_result)
- row += 1
- input_file.save(case_file)
- LOGGER.info("############### end perform test case ###################")
-def run(conf_file, case_excel_file=None, depend_yaml_file=None,
- case_yaml_file=None, file_mode=None):
+def run(conf_file, case_file=None):
@param conf_file: config.yaml
- @param case_excel_file: excel case file
- @param depend_yaml_file: depends yaml file used if file_mode=yaml
- @param case_yaml_file: case yaml file, used if file_mode=yaml
- @param file_mode: "excel" or "yaml"
+ @param case_file: case yaml file
access function
# parse config.yaml
@@ -646,15 +533,9 @@ def run(conf_file, case_excel_file=None, depend_yaml_file=None,
depends_id = {}
# read the test case sheet and perform test
- if file_mode == "excel":
- run_test_case_excel(config_file,
- case_excel_file, depends_id, http_handler)
- elif file_mode == "yaml":
- run_test_case_yaml(config_file,
- case_yaml_file, depends_id, http_handler, bmc_ip)
- else:
- LOGGER.error("%s,%s", ERROR_CODE['E200001'], file_mode)
- return None
+ run_test_case_yaml(config_file,
+ case_file, depends_id, http_handler, bmc_ip)
LOGGER.info("done,checking the log %s", LOG_FILE)