path: root/docs/release/quickstart-guide.rst
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authorKoren Lev <>2017-09-26 20:41:34 +0300
committerYaron Yogev <>2017-10-03 09:45:52 +0000
commitfbbaf20912c79bd99a5c3696850d70c11965f56b (patch)
tree91a55c3b911a137dbd5835a65bd0090cd0d17e5d /docs/release/quickstart-guide.rst
parentee2bdf83ae1f31933c7cde2ce2eef1a9b23d64e3 (diff)
new rst format for docs
Change-Id: Ic0e74f3099db56e49bde55aa060a13e9588284d5 Signed-off-by: Koren Lev <> (cherry picked from commit 0c5426cd309d720db1e30641e43d311ee0b751b0)
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/release/quickstart-guide.rst')
1 files changed, 574 insertions, 0 deletions
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+# Copyright (c) 2017 Koren Lev (Cisco Systems), Yaron Yogev (Cisco Systems) #
+# and others #
+# #
+# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials #
+# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 #
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at #
+# #
+| Quick Start Guide
+Project “Calipso” tries to illuminate complex virtual networking with
+real time operational state visibility for large and highly distributed
+Virtual Infrastructure Management (VIM).
+We believe that Stability is driven by accurate Visibility.
+Calipso provides visible insights using smart discovery and virtual
+topological representation in graphs, with monitoring per object in the
+graph inventory to reduce error vectors and troubleshooting, maintenance
+cycles for VIM operators and administrators.
+Table of Contents
+ Quick Start Guide 1
+1 Getting started 3
+1.1 Post installation tools 3
+1.2 Calipso containers details 3
+1.3 Calipso containers access 5
+2 Validating Calipso app 5
+2.1 Validating calipso-mongo module 5
+2.2 Validating calipso-scan module 7
+2.3 Validating calipso-listen module 8
+2.4 Validating calipso-api module 9
+2.5 Validating calipso-sensu module 9
+2.6 Validating calipso-ui module 10
+2.7 Validating calipso-ldap module 10
+Getting started
+Post installation tools
+ Calipso administrator should first complete installation as per
+ install-guide document.
+ After all calipso containers are running she can start examining the
+ application using the following suggested tools:
+1. MongoChef : as a useful GUI client to
+ interact with calipso mongoDB module.
+2. Web Browser to access calipso-UI at the default localtion:
+ http://server-IP
+3. SSH client to access other calipso containers as needed.
+4. Python3 toolsets for debugging and development as needed.
+Calipso containers details
+ Calipso is currently made of the following 7 containers:
+1. Mongo: holds and maintains calipso’s data inventories.
+2. LDAP: holds and maintains calipso’s user directories.
+3. Scan: deals with automatic discovery of virtual networking from VIMs.
+4. Listen: deals with automatic updating of virtual networking into
+ inventories.
+5. API: runs calipso’s RESTful API server.
+6. UI: runs calipso’s GUI/web server.
+7. Sensu: runs calipso’s monitoring server.
+ After successful installation Calipso containers should have been
+ downloaded, registered and started, here are the images used:
+ **sudo docker images**
+ Expected results (as of Aug 2017):
+ **korenlev/calipso listen 12086aaedbc3 6 hours ago 1.05GB**
+ **korenlev/calipso api 34c4c6c1b03e 6 hours ago 992MB**
+ **korenlev/calipso scan 1ee60c4e61d5 6 hours ago 1.1GB**
+ **korenlev/calipso sensu a8a17168197a 6 hours ago 1.65GB**
+ **korenlev/calipso mongo 17f2d62f4445 22 hours ago 1.31GB**
+ **korenlev/calipso ui ab37b366e812 11 days ago 270MB**
+ **korenlev/calipso ldap 316bc94b25ad 2 months ago 269MB**
+ Typically Calipso application is fully operational at this stage and
+ you can jump to ‘Using Calipso’ section to learn how to use it, the
+ following explains how the containers are deployed by
+ for general reference.
+ Checking the running containers status and ports in use:
+ **sudo docker ps**
+ Expected results and details (as of Aug 2017):
+ The above listed TCP ports are used by default on the hosts to map
+ to each calipso container, you should be familiar with these
+ mappings of ports per container.
+ Checking running containers entry-points (The commands used inside
+ the container):
+ **sudo docker inspect [container-ID]**
+ Expected results (as of Aug 2017):
+ Calipso containers configuration can be listed with **docker
+ inspect**, summarized in the table above. In a none-containerized
+ deployment (see ‘Monolithic app install option in the install-guide)
+ these are the individual commands that are needed to run calipso
+ manually for special development needs.
+ The ‘calipso-sensu’ is built using sensu framework customized for
+ calipso monitoring design, ‘calipso-ui’ is built using meteor
+ framework, ‘calipso-ldap’ is built using pre-defined open-ldap
+ container, and as such those three are only supported as pre-built
+ containers.
+ Administrator should be aware of the following details deployed in
+ the containers:
+1. calipso-api, calipso-sensu, calipso-scan and calipso-listen maps host
+ directory **/home/calipso as volume /local\_dir** inside the
+ container.
+ They use **calipso\_mongo\_access.conf** and **ldap.conf** files for
+ configuration.
+ They use **/home/scan/calipso\_prod/app** as the main PYTHONPATH
+ needed to run the different python modules per container.
+2. Calipso-sensu is using the ‘supervisord’ process to control all sensu
+ server processes needed for calipso and the calipso event handler on
+ this container.
+3. Calipso-ldap can be used as standalone, but is a pre-requisite for
+ calipso-api.
+4. Calipso-ui needs calipso-mongo with latest scheme, to run and offer
+ UI services.
+Calipso containers access
+ The different Calipso containers are also accessible using SSH and
+ pre-defined default credentials, here is the access details:
+ Calipso-listen: ssh scan@localhost –p 50022 , password = scan
+ Calipso-scan: ssh scan@localhost –p 30022 , password = scan
+ Calipso-api: ssh scan@localhost –p 40022 , password = scan
+ Calipso-sensu: ssh scan@localhost –p 20022 , password = scan
+ Calipso-ui: only accessible through web browser
+ Calipso-ldap: only accessible through ldap tools.
+ Calipso-mongo: only accessible through mongo clients like MongoChef.
+Validating Calipso app
+Validating calipso-mongo module
+ Using MongoChef client, create a new connection pointing to the
+ server where calipso-mongo container is running, using port 27017
+ and the following default credentials:
+ Host IP=server\_IP and TCP port=27017
+ Username : calipso
+ Password : calipso\_default
+ Auto-DB: calipso
+ Defaults are also configured into
+ /home/calipso/calipso\_mongo\_access.conf.
+ The following is a screenshot of a correct connection setup in
+ MongoChef:
+ |image4|
+ When clicking on the new defined connection the calipso DB should be
+ listed:
+ |image5|
+ At this stage you can checkout calipso-mongo collections data and
+ validate as needed.
+Validating calipso-scan module
+ Scan container is running the main calipso scanning engine that
+ receives requests to scan a specific VIM environment, this command
+ will validate that the main scan\ process is running and
+ waiting for scan requests:
+ **sudo docker ps** **# grab the containerID of calipso-scan**
+ **sudo docker logs bf5f2020028a #containerID for example**
+ Expected results:
+ **2017-08-28 06:11:39,231 INFO: Using inventory collection:
+ inventory**
+ **2017-08-28 06:11:39,231 INFO: Using links collection: links**
+ **2017-08-28 06:11:39,231 INFO: Using link\_types collection:
+ link\_types**
+ **2017-08-28 06:11:39,231 INFO: Using clique\_types collection:
+ clique\_types**
+ **2017-08-28 06:11:39,231 INFO: Using clique\_constraints
+ collection: clique\_constraints**
+ **2017-08-28 06:11:39,231 INFO: Using cliques collection: cliques**
+ **2017-08-28 06:11:39,232 INFO: Using monitoring\_config collection:
+ monitoring\_config**
+ **2017-08-28 06:11:39,232 INFO: Using constants collection:
+ constants**
+ **2017-08-28 06:11:39,232 INFO: Using scans collection: scans**
+ **2017-08-28 06:11:39,232 INFO: Using messages collection:
+ messages**
+ **2017-08-28 06:11:39,232 INFO: Using monitoring\_config\_templates
+ collection: monitoring\_config\_templates**
+ **2017-08-28 06:11:39,232 INFO: Using environments\_config
+ collection: environments\_config**
+ **2017-08-28 06:11:39,232 INFO: Using supported\_environments
+ collection: supported\_environments**
+ **2017-08-28 06:11:39,233 INFO: Started ScanManager with following
+ configuration:**
+ **Mongo config file path: /local\_dir/calipso\_mongo\_access.conf**
+ **Scans collection: scans**
+ **Environments collection: environments\_config**
+ **Polling interval: 1 second(s)**
+ The above logs basically shows that scan\ is running and
+ listening to scan requests (should they come in through into ‘scans’
+ collection for specific environment listed in ‘environments\_config’
+ collection, refer to use-guide for details).
+Validating calipso-listen module
+ Listen container is running the main calipso event\_manager engine
+ that listens for events on a specific VIM BUS environment, this
+ command will validate that the main event\ process is
+ running and waiting for events from the BUS:
+ **2017-08-28 06:11:35,572 INFO: Using inventory collection:
+ inventory**
+ **2017-08-28 06:11:35,572 INFO: Using links collection: links**
+ **2017-08-28 06:11:35,572 INFO: Using link\_types collection:
+ link\_types**
+ **2017-08-28 06:11:35,572 INFO: Using clique\_types collection:
+ clique\_types**
+ **2017-08-28 06:11:35,572 INFO: Using clique\_constraints
+ collection: clique\_constraints**
+ **2017-08-28 06:11:35,573 INFO: Using cliques collection: cliques**
+ **2017-08-28 06:11:35,573 INFO: Using monitoring\_config collection:
+ monitoring\_config**
+ **2017-08-28 06:11:35,573 INFO: Using constants collection:
+ constants**
+ **2017-08-28 06:11:35,573 INFO: Using scans collection: scans**
+ **2017-08-28 06:11:35,573 INFO: Using messages collection:
+ messages**
+ **2017-08-28 06:11:35,573 INFO: Using monitoring\_config\_templates
+ collection: monitoring\_config\_templates**
+ **2017-08-28 06:11:35,573 INFO: Using environments\_config
+ collection: environments\_config**
+ **2017-08-28 06:11:35,574 INFO: Using supported\_environments
+ collection: supported\_environments**
+ **2017-08-28 06:11:35,574 INFO: Started EventManager with following
+ configuration:**
+ **Mongo config file path: /local\_dir/calipso\_mongo\_access.conf**
+ **Collection: environments\_config**
+ **Polling interval: 5 second(s)**
+ The above logs basically shows that event\ is running and
+ listening to event (should they come in through from VIM BUS) and
+ listed in ‘environments\_config’ collection, refer to use-guide for
+ details).
+Validating calipso-api module
+ Scan container is running the main calipso API that allows
+ applications to integrate with calipso inventory and functions, this
+ command will validate it is operational:
+ **sudo docker ps** **# grab the containerID of calipso-scan**
+ **sudo docker logs bf5f2020028c #containerID for example**
+ Expected results:
+ **2017-08-28 06:11:38,118 INFO: Using inventory collection:
+ inventory**
+ **2017-08-28 06:11:38,119 INFO: Using links collection: links**
+ **2017-08-28 06:11:38,119 INFO: Using link\_types collection:
+ link\_types**
+ **2017-08-28 06:11:38,119 INFO: Using clique\_types collection:
+ clique\_types**
+ **2017-08-28 06:11:38,120 INFO: Using clique\_constraints
+ collection: clique\_constraints**
+ **2017-08-28 06:11:38,120 INFO: Using cliques collection: cliques**
+ **2017-08-28 06:11:38,121 INFO: Using monitoring\_config collection:
+ monitoring\_config**
+ **2017-08-28 06:11:38,121 INFO: Using constants collection:
+ constants**
+ **2017-08-28 06:11:38,121 INFO: Using scans collection: scans**
+ **2017-08-28 06:11:38,121 INFO: Using messages collection:
+ messages**
+ **2017-08-28 06:11:38,121 INFO: Using monitoring\_config\_templates
+ collection: monitoring\_config\_templates**
+ **2017-08-28 06:11:38,122 INFO: Using environments\_config
+ collection: environments\_config**
+ **2017-08-28 06:11:38,122 INFO: Using supported\_environments
+ collection: supported\_environments**
+ **[2017-08-28 06:11:38 +0000] [6] [INFO] Starting gunicorn 19.4.5**
+ **[2017-08-28 06:11:38 +0000] [6] [INFO] Listening at:
+ (6)**
+ **[2017-08-28 06:11:38 +0000] [6] [INFO] Using worker: sync**
+ **[2017-08-28 06:11:38 +0000] [12] [INFO] Booting worker with pid:
+ 12**
+ The above logs basically shows that the calipso api is running and
+ listening on port 8000 for requests.
+Validating calipso-sensu module
+ Sensu container is running several servers (currently unified into
+ one for simplicity) and the calipso event handler (refer to
+ use-guide for details), here is how to validate it is operational:
+ **ssh scan@localhost -p 20022 # default password = scan**
+ **sudo /etc/init.d/sensu-client status**
+ **sudo /etc/init.d/sensu-server status**
+ **sudo /etc/init.d/sensu-api status**
+ **sudo /etc/init.d/uchiwa status**
+ **sudo /etc/init.d/rabbitmq-server status**
+ Expected results:
+ **Each of the above should return a pid and a ‘running’ state +**
+ **ls /home/scan/calipso\_prod/app/monitoring/handlers # should list
+ module.**
+ The above logs basically shows that calipso-sensu is running and
+ listening to monitoring events from sensu-clients on VIM hosts,
+ refer to use-guide for details).
+Validating calipso-ui module
+ UI container is running several JS process with the back-end
+ mongoDB, it needs data to run and it will not run if any connection
+ with DB is lost, this is per design. To validate operational state
+ of the UI simply point a Web Browser to : http://server-IP:80 and
+ expect a login page. Use admin/123456 as default credentials to
+ login:
+ |image6|
+Validating calipso-ldap module
+ LDAP container is running a common user directory for integration
+ with UI and API modules, it is placed with calipso to validate
+ interaction with LDAP. The main configuration needed for
+ communication with it is stored by calipso installer in
+ /home/calipso/ldap.conf and accessed by the API module. We assume in
+ production use-cases a corporate LDAP server might be used instead,
+ in that case ldap.conf needs to be changed and point to the
+ corporate server.
+ To validate LDAP container, you will need to install
+ openldap-clients, using:
+ **yum -y install openldap-clients / apt-get install
+ openldap-clients**
+ Search all LDAP users inside that ldap server:
+ **ldapsearch -H ldap://localhost -LL -b ou=Users,dc=openstack,dc=org
+ x**
+ Admin user details on this container (user=admin, pass=password):
+ **LDAP username : cn=admin,dc=openstack,dc=org**
+ **cn=admin,dc=openstack,dc=org's password : password**
+ **Account BaseDN [DC=168,DC=56,DC=153:49154]:
+ ou=Users,dc=openstack,dc=org**
+ **Group BaseDN [ou=Users,dc=openstack,dc=org]:**
+ Add a new user (admin credentials needed to bind to ldap and add
+ users):
+ Create a **/tmp/adduser.ldif** file, use this example:
+ **dn: cn=Myname,ou=Users,dc=openstack,dc=org // which org, which ou
+ etc ...**
+ **objectclass: inetOrgPerson**
+ **cn: Myname // match the dn details !**
+ **sn: Koren**
+ **uid: korlev**
+ **userpassword: mypassword // the password**
+ **carlicense: MYCAR123**
+ **homephone: 555-111-2222**
+ **mail:**
+ **description: koren guy**
+ **ou: calipso Department**
+ Run this command to add the above user attributes into the ldap
+ server:
+ **ldapadd -x -D cn=admin,dc=openstack,dc=org -w password -c -f
+ /tmp/adduser.ldif** // for example, the above file is used and the
+ admin bind credentials who is, by default, authorized to add users.
+ You should see **"user added"** message if successful
+ Validate users against this LDAP container:
+ Wrong credentials:
+ **ldapwhoami -x -D cn=Koren,ou=Users,dc=openstack,dc=org -w
+ korlevwrong**
+ **Response: ldap\_bind: Invalid credentials (49)**
+ Correct credentials:
+ **ldapwhoami -x -D cn=Koren,ou=Users,dc=openstack,dc=org -w korlev**
+ **Response: dn:cn=Koren,ou=Users,dc=openstack,dc=org**
+ The reply ou/dc details can be used by any application (UI and API
+ etc) for mapping users to some application specific group…
+- If all the above validations passed, Calipso is now fully functional,
+ refer to admin-guide for more details.
+.. |image0| image:: media/image1.png
+ :width: 6.50000in
+ :height: 4.27153in
+.. |image1| image:: media/image2.png
+ :width: 7.34814in
+ :height: 2.09375in
+.. |image2| image:: media/image3.png
+ :width: 7.13920in
+ :height: 3.94792in
+.. |image3| image:: media/image4.png
+ :width: 6.21875in
+ :height: 3.50203in
+.. |image4| image:: media/image5.png
+ :width: 4.60359in
+ :height: 4.32238in
+.. |image5| image:: media/image6.png
+ :width: 6.50000in
+ :height: 1.55903in
+.. |image6| image:: media/image7.png
+ :width: 6.50000in
+ :height: 1.55903in