path: root/docs/release/monitoring-guide.rst
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authorKoren Lev <>2017-09-26 20:41:34 +0300
committerYaron Yogev <>2017-10-03 09:45:52 +0000
commitfbbaf20912c79bd99a5c3696850d70c11965f56b (patch)
tree91a55c3b911a137dbd5835a65bd0090cd0d17e5d /docs/release/monitoring-guide.rst
parentee2bdf83ae1f31933c7cde2ce2eef1a9b23d64e3 (diff)
new rst format for docs
Change-Id: Ic0e74f3099db56e49bde55aa060a13e9588284d5 Signed-off-by: Koren Lev <> (cherry picked from commit 0c5426cd309d720db1e30641e43d311ee0b751b0)
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/release/monitoring-guide.rst')
1 files changed, 663 insertions, 0 deletions
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+# Copyright (c) 2017 Koren Lev (Cisco Systems), Yaron Yogev (Cisco Systems) #
+# and others #
+# #
+# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials #
+# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 #
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at #
+# #
+| Monitoring Guide
+Project “Calipso” tries to illuminate complex virtual networking with
+real time operational state visibility for large and highly distributed
+Virtual Infrastructure Management (VIM).
+We believe that Stability is driven by accurate Visibility.
+Calipso provides visible insights using smart discovery and virtual
+topological representation in graphs, with monitoring per object in the
+graph inventory to reduce error vectors and troubleshooting, maintenance
+cycles for VIM operators and administrators.
+Table of Contents
+ Monitoring Guide 1
+1 Monitoring deployment options 3
+1.1 Calipso monitoring provisioning 3
+1.2 Calipso-sensu container 5
+2 Monitoring configurations 5
+2.1 Calipso monitoring configuration templates 6
+2.2 Calipso Apex monitoring integration 11
+Monitoring deployment options
+ Calipso uses sensu framework that includes a customized calipso
+ sensu server and a set of customized clients, for details on the
+ framework see:
+ Calipso uses this framework but further configure and customizes the
+ install, per:
+ Server and clients are deployed with rabbitmq over SSL as the
+ client-server transport:
+ Calipso then deploys customized checks and handlers as new types of
+ plugins:
+ In order to monitor all virtual components as described in
+ Calipso-model document, Calipso offers two major functions:
+1. Calipso scan module: customizes and automatically deploys sensu,
+ config files and all needed plugins and scripts on all clients and
+ the central server.
+2. Calipso sensu module: listens for the results of the customized
+ events and updates the inventories with state and statuses, while
+ generating all related messages.
+Calipso monitoring provisioning
+ Calipso administrator should instruct the main scanning engine
+ whether or not to deploy monitoring across the VIM environment
+ hosts. This is done first by the Calipso scan container that uses a
+ set of “environment\_config” parameters (see calipso-model guide for
+ details).
+ A full scan of an environment is a mandatory pre-requisite for
+ monitoring, because calipso monitoring provisioning uses inventory
+ discovered data as values of several configuration items to be
+ deployed onto the sensu framework.
+ Here are the important parts of an “environment\_config” document
+ that needs to be defined either through UI or API as a pre-requisite
+ for monitoring provisioning:
+ {
+ **"enable\_monitoring": true**, // this must be “true” for any
+ monitoring result
+ **"name"** **: "my-env-with-monitoring",** // name is needed as
+ usual
+ **"distribution" :** // other details removed ….
+ **"configuration" : [** // in configuration: a monitoring section is
+ defined
+ **{**
+ **"name" : "Monitoring",** // name of this configuration section
+ **"type" : "Sensu",** // instruct to use a sensu type of monitoring
+ framework
+ **"rabbitmq\_port" : 5671,** // the SSL port used by sensu clients
+ to server
+ **"rabbitmq\_pass" : "dummy\_pwd",** // clients-to-server rabbitmq
+ password
+ **"rabbitmq\_user" : "sensu",** // clients-to-server rabbitmq
+ username
+ **"server\_ip" : "",** // the calipso sensu container ip
+ address
+ **"ssh\_user": "root",** // user used inside the sensu server
+ (container)
+ **"ssh\_password": "dummy\_pwd",** // root pwd used inside the sensu
+ server
+ **"ssh\_port" : 20022, //** ssh port where sensu container offers
+ ssh access
+ **"server\_name”: "sensu\_server", /**/ name to use for the sensu
+ server api
+ **"env\_type" : "production",** // a type of environment to setup
+ (sensu’s ‘type’)
+ **"config\_folder" : "/local\_dir/sensu\_config",** // location to
+ place config files
+ **"api\_port" : 4567** // sensu server api port to connect to
+ **"provision" : "None" // \*\* see provision options described next
+ ! \*\***
+ **}, **
+ **]**
+ \*\* **Provision** options are:
+1. **“None”:** does not deploy any monitoring configurations
+2. **“DB”:** creates all necessary configuration files in the mongoDB,
+ placed in “monitoring\_config” collection.
+3. **“Files”:** creates all necessary configuration files in the
+ mongoDB, placed in “monitoring\_config” collection and also in
+ ‘config\_folder’ location on the server.
+4. **“Deploy”:** Does what “Files” is doing, but also goes and deploys
+ all configuration files and scripts on all servers on the
+ environment.
+ *This is a high level representation of the calipso monitoring
+ provisioning logic:*
+ |image1|
+Calipso-sensu container
+ Once sensu clients and all needed configurations and plugins are
+ deployed properly, the sensu server should start receiving results
+ and update the relevant inventory objects with their states and
+ statuses.
+ The calipso-sensu container is a pre-built sensu server customized
+ for calipso design.
+ The following services are exposed on the calipso-sensu container:
+1. Calipso monitoring handling app running in:
+ /home/scan/calipso\_prod/app/monitoring/handlers/
+2. Sensu-api service accessible on port 4567.
+3. Calipso container bash access through ssh on port 20022 (see
+ quickstart-guide).
+4. Sensu-server service listening as rabbitmq over ssl on port 5671.
+5. Rabbitmq management server on port 15672 (http://server-ip:15672/ to
+ access).
+6. Sensu uchiwa UI listening on port 3000 (http://server-ip:3000 to
+ access).
+ All the above services are maintained by calipso and customized for
+ calipso’s virtual inventory monitoring design.
+Monitoring configurations
+ You can access calipso-sensus container by ssh, using:
+ **ssh scan@localhost -p 20022** with a default password “scan”.
+ Inside the calipso-sensu container the calipso monitoring
+ application is maintained at:
+ **/home/scan/calipso\_prod/app/monitoring**
+ SSL keys are shipped with the calipso-sensu container and maintained
+ at:
+ **/etc/sensu/ssl **
+ Check scripts used to run a health check against monitored objects
+ are maintained at:
+ **/home/scan/calipso\_prod/app/monitoring/checks**
+ Handling scripts to grab and handle checks results from clients are
+ maintained at:
+ **/home/scan/calipso\_prod/app/monitoring/handlers**
+ Configuration deployment setup scripts are maintained at:
+ **/home/scan/calipso\_prod/app/monitoring/setup**
+Calipso monitoring configuration templates
+ Calipso application maintained a customizable model for all the
+ configuration files deployed onto the sensu server and clients at
+ provisioning stage of its main scanning engine.
+ The following configuration files are customizable:
+ *Server side:*
+ **redis.json**
+ **transport,json**
+ **rabbitmq.json**
+ **api.json**
+ **client.json**
+ **filters.json**
+ **handlers.json**
+ *Clients side:*
+ **transport,json**
+ **rabbitmq.json**
+ **client.json**
+ **customized checks to integrate into client.json **
+ We have defined a default set of configuration parameters in those
+ files per our knowledge and best practices, so a typical user would
+ not need to edit any of the above set of configuration files and
+ their options. In case any of these needs customizations we offer a
+ very granular model maintained in Calipso mongoDB under the
+ **“monitoring\_config\_templates”** collection.
+ Here is an example of such template, and its options:
+ **"type" : "client.json",** // this will be used for building
+ client.json files
+ **"order" : "1",** // if several of these templates are configured,
+ take a priority to use
+ **"side" : "client", //**\ client.json file deployed onto the client
+ side (env hosts)
+ **"config" : {** // the actual configuration txt follows …
+ **"client" : {**
+ **"address" : "{client\_name}",** // take the name of host from scan
+ inventory
+ **"subscriptions" : [** //a future option
+ **], **
+ **"environment" : "{env\_name}",** // name of the VIM environment
+ for logs
+ **"name" : "{client\_name}" //** take the name of host from scan
+ inventory
+ **}, **
+ **"api" : {**
+ **"host" : "{server\_ip}", //** take the server\_ip of
+ environment\_config
+ **"port" : NumberInt(4567)** // use this port for interfacing with
+ the server
+ **}**
+ **}, **
+ **"monitoring\_system" : "sensu"**
+ **}**
+ The above is just a simple example, login to mongoDB and check
+ “monitoring\_config\_templates” collection for recent information on
+ deployment files and their configuration options.
+ The results of the monitoring provisioning are placed, by default,
+ in mongoDB at the collection – “\ **monitoring\_config**\ ”, locally
+ on the calipso-scan container at **/local\_dir/sensu\_config** and
+ finally on the server (calipso-sensu container) and on all the hosts
+ (clients). Here is an example of the resulted client.json file on
+ one of the environment hosts (example deployment from real VIM
+ environment):
+ **{**
+ **"api": {**
+ **"host": "",**
+ **"port": 4567**
+ **},**
+ **"checks": {**
+ **"host\_pnic\_eno16777728-00---..58..---50---..58..---56---..58..---ac---..58..---e8---..58..---97":
+ {**
+ **"command": "check\_pnic\ eno16777728",**
+ **"handlers": [**
+ **"file",**
+ **"osdna-monitor"**
+ **],**
+ **"interval": 15,**
+ **"standalone": true,**
+ **"subscribers": [**
+ **"base"**
+ **],**
+ **"type": "metric"**
+ **},**
+ **"host\_pnic\_eno33554952-00---..58..---50---..58..---56---..58..---ac---..58..---c9---..58..---a2":
+ {**
+ **"command": "check\_pnic\ eno33554952",**
+ **"handlers": [**
+ **"file",**
+ **"osdna-monitor"**
+ **],**
+ **"interval": 15,**
+ **"standalone": true,**
+ **"subscribers": [**
+ **"base"**
+ **],**
+ **"type": "metric"**
+ **},**
+ **"otep\\_vxlan-c0a80201": {**
+ **"command": "check\ -c 10 -i 0.5 -p 4f532d444e41 -w 10 -s
+ 256 -f -t -W 1%/301.11/600 -C
+ 10%/1020.12/2000",**
+ **"handlers": [**
+ **"default",**
+ **"file",**
+ **"osdna-monitor"**
+ **],**
+ **"interval": 15,**
+ **"standalone": true,**
+ **"subscribers": [**
+ **"base"**
+ **],**
+ **"type": "metric"**
+ **},**
+ **"otep\\_vxlan-c0a80203": {**
+ **"command": "check\ -c 10 -i 0.5 -p 4f532d444e41 -w 10 -s
+ 256 -f -t -W 1%/301.11/600 -C
+ 10%/1020.12/2000",**
+ **"handlers": [**
+ **"default",**
+ **"file",**
+ **"osdna-monitor"**
+ **],**
+ **"interval": 15,**
+ **"standalone": true,**
+ **"subscribers": [**
+ **"base"**
+ **],**
+ **"type": "metric"**
+ **},**
+ **"vedge\_bc865c43-3dc5-4940-af1d-b4be59df1bd0": {**
+ **"command": "check\_vedge\",**
+ **"handlers": [**
+ **"default",**
+ **"file",**
+ **"osdna-monitor"**
+ **],**
+ **"interval": 15,**
+ **"standalone": true,**
+ **"subscribers": [**
+ **"base"**
+ **],**
+ **"type": "metric"**
+ **},**
+ **"vservice\_qdhcp-6c5ddc76-fcd7-4bdd-bff4-1d08b88b96ca": {**
+ **"command": "PYTHONPATH=/etc/sensu/plugins check\ dhcp
+ qdhcp-6c5ddc76-fcd7-4bdd-bff4-1d08b88b96ca",**
+ **"handlers": [**
+ **"default",**
+ **"file",**
+ **"osdna-monitor"**
+ **],**
+ **"interval": 15,**
+ **"standalone": true,**
+ **"subscribers": [**
+ **"base"**
+ **],**
+ **"type": "metric"**
+ **},**
+ **"vservice\_qdhcp-721f9c95-3042-4840-b8a4-83968c1e92b6": {**
+ **"command": "PYTHONPATH=/etc/sensu/plugins check\ dhcp
+ qdhcp-721f9c95-3042-4840-b8a4-83968c1e92b6",**
+ **"handlers": [**
+ **"default",**
+ **"file",**
+ **"osdna-monitor"**
+ **],**
+ **"interval": 15,**
+ **"standalone": true,**
+ **"subscribers": [**
+ **"base"**
+ **],**
+ **"type": "metric"**
+ **},**
+ **"vservice\_qdhcp-cc7ea40b-bb11-4b51-8e51-1a3b7abd283d": {**
+ **"command": "PYTHONPATH=/etc/sensu/plugins check\ dhcp
+ qdhcp-cc7ea40b-bb11-4b51-8e51-1a3b7abd283d",**
+ **"handlers": [**
+ **"default",**
+ **"file",**
+ **"osdna-monitor"**
+ **],**
+ **"interval": 15,**
+ **"standalone": true,**
+ **"subscribers": [**
+ **"base"**
+ **],**
+ **"type": "metric"**
+ **},**
+ **"vservice\_qrouter-1833846f-573e-45ef-8c87-3f7df530cdbd": {**
+ **"command": "PYTHONPATH=/etc/sensu/plugins check\
+ router qrouter-1833846f-573e-45ef-8c87-3f7df530cdbd",**
+ **"handlers": [**
+ **"default",**
+ **"file",**
+ **"osdna-monitor"**
+ **],**
+ **"interval": 15,**
+ **"standalone": true,**
+ **"subscribers": [**
+ **"base"**
+ **],**
+ **"type": "metric"**
+ **}**
+ **},**
+ **"client": {**
+ **"address": "",**
+ **"environment": "Mirantis-Liberty",**
+ **"name": "",**
+ **"subscriptions": []**
+ **}**
+ **}**
+ All sensu configuration files, keys and scripts are eventually
+ deployed, both on clients and on server side at the following
+ locations:
+ *SSL keys:* **/etc/sensu/ssl**
+ *Calipso monitoring checks*: **/etc/sensu/plugins **
+ *Configuration files:* **/etc/sensu/conf.d **
+ The calipso-scan container is in-charge of the actual deployment (in
+ case environment\_config is configured with needed details and
+ “provision” = “Deploy.
+ Calipso-scan then uses the calipso-sensu as the target “sensu
+ server” to deploy and all the environment pre-discovered hosts as
+ “sensu clients” to deploy, all pointing their monitoring results
+ back to the calipso-sensu container.
+ Calipso-scan uses ssh to access all hosts (through the master-host,
+ see admin-guide) and also to access calipso-sensu container on port
+ 20022 to upload all customized files and places them in the above
+ locations.
+Calipso Apex monitoring integration
+ For OPNFV version ‘P’ of the calipso application, farther automation
+ has been developed for ‘zero touch’ automation. Calipso has a
+ built-in ‘apex-configurator’ that runs at apex install phase
+ (current scenario: os-nosdn-calipso-noha) and deploys the sensu
+ clients themselves with all needed configurations, per apex install
+ parameters and customizes the calipso-sensu container accordingly…no
+ manual UI or API steps are needed for end-to-end functionality.
+.. |image0| image:: media/image1.png
+ :width: 6.50000in
+ :height: 4.27153in
+.. |image1| image:: media/image10.png
+ :width: 6.50000in
+ :height: 3.62708in