path: root/vstf/vstf/agent/equalizer/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vstf/vstf/agent/equalizer/')
1 files changed, 162 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vstf/vstf/agent/equalizer/ b/vstf/vstf/agent/equalizer/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..873f0caf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vstf/vstf/agent/equalizer/
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+import commands
+ import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET
+except ImportError:
+ import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
+class GetPhyInfo(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ pass
+ def _get_range(self, temp):
+ topo = {}
+ phy_core_flag = True
+ for sub in temp.split(','):
+ r_list = []
+ _start = sub.split('-')[0]
+ _end = sub.split('-')[1]
+ r_list.extend(range(int(_start), int(_end) + 1))
+ if phy_core_flag:
+ topo['phy_cores'] = r_list
+ else:
+ topo['virt_cores'] = r_list
+ phy_core_flag = False
+ return topo
+ def _get_numa_num(self):
+ flag, num = commands.getstatusoutput('lscpu | grep "NUMA node(s):"')
+ try:
+ num = num.split(':')[1]
+ except:
+ print('get numa %s value failed.' % (num))
+ return num
+ def get_numa_core(self):
+ numa = {}
+ num = self._get_numa_num()
+ for numa_id in range(0, int(num)):
+ flag, temp = commands.getstatusoutput('lscpu | grep "NUMA node%s"' % (str(numa_id)))
+ try:
+ temp = temp.split(':')[1].split()[0]
+ except:
+ print('get numa %s range %s failed.' % (str(numa_id), range))
+ topo = self._get_range(temp)
+ numa['node' + str(numa_id)] = topo
+ return str(numa)
+ def get_nic_numa(self, nic):
+ result = {}
+ try:
+ flag, id = commands.getstatusoutput('cat /sys/class/net/%s/device/numa_node' % (nic))
+ except:
+ print('get nic numa id failed.')
+ return id
+ def _get_main_pid(self, xml_file):
+ try:
+ tree = ET.ElementTree(file=xml_file)
+ root = tree.getroot()
+ _main_pid = root.attrib['pid']
+ except:
+ print('[ERROR]Parse xml file failed, could not get qemu main pid')
+ return _main_pid
+ def _get_qemu_threads(self, xml_file):
+ # import pdb
+ # pdb.set_trace()
+ _qemu_threads = []
+ try:
+ tree = ET.ElementTree(file=xml_file)
+ root = tree.getroot()
+ for element in tree.iterfind('vcpus/vcpu'):
+ _qemu_threads.append(element.attrib['pid'])
+ except:
+ print('[ERROR]Parse xml file failed, could not get qemu threads.')
+ return _qemu_threads
+ def _get_mem_numa(self, xml_file):
+ try:
+ _mem_numa = None
+ tree = ET.ElementTree(file=xml_file)
+ root = tree.getroot()
+ for element in tree.iterfind('domain/numatune/memory'):
+ _mem_numa = element.attrib['nodeset']
+ finally:
+ return _mem_numa
+ def _get_vhost_threads(self, xml_file):
+ _vhost = []
+ _main_pid = self._get_main_pid(xml_file)
+ # get vhost info
+ proc_name = 'vhost-' + _main_pid
+ flag, temp = commands.getstatusoutput('ps -ef | grep %s | grep -v grep' % (proc_name))
+ for line in temp.split('\n'):
+ try:
+ vhost = line.split()[1]
+ _vhost.append(vhost)
+ except:
+ print('get vhost %s proc id failed' % (line))
+ return _vhost
+ def get_vm_info(self, vm_name):
+ vm = {}
+ src_path = '/var/run/libvirt/qemu/'
+ xml_file = src_path + vm_name + '.xml'
+ # get vm main pid from file
+ _main_pid = self._get_main_pid(xml_file)
+ # get vm vcpu thread from the libvirt file
+ _qemu_threads = self._get_qemu_threads(xml_file)
+ # get vm bind mem numa id
+ _mem_numa = self._get_mem_numa(xml_file)
+ # get vhost thread
+ _vhosts = self._get_vhost_threads(xml_file)
+ vm['main_pid'] = _main_pid
+ vm['qemu_thread'] = _qemu_threads
+ vm['mem_numa'] = _mem_numa
+ vm['vhost_thread'] = _vhosts
+ return vm
+ def _get_proc_by_irq(self, irq):
+ try:
+ flag, info = commands.getstatusoutput('ps -ef | grep irq/%s | grep -v grep ' % (irq))
+ proc_id = info.split('\n')[0].split()[1]
+ except:
+ print("[ERROR]grep process id failed.")
+ return proc_id
+ def get_nic_interrupt_proc(self, nic):
+ _phy_nic_thread = []
+ flag, info = commands.getstatusoutput('cat /proc/interrupts | grep %s' % (nic))
+ for line in info.split('\n'):
+ try:
+ irq_num = line.split(':')[0].split()[0]
+ proc_id = self._get_proc_by_irq(irq_num)
+ _phy_nic_thread.append([irq_num, proc_id])
+ except:
+ print("[ERROR]get irq num failed.")
+ return _phy_nic_thread
+ def get_libvirt_vms(self):
+ vm_list = []
+ flag, info = commands.getstatusoutput('virsh list')
+ list = info.split('\n')
+ if list[-1] == '':
+ list.pop()
+ del list[0]
+ del list[0]
+ for line in list:
+ try:
+ vm_temp = line.split()[1]
+ vm_list.append(vm_temp)
+ except:
+ print("Get vm name failed from %s" % (line))
+ return vm_list