path: root/rubbos/app/tomcat-connectors-1.2.32-src/docs/webserver_howto/iis.html
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-<html><head><META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"><title>The Apache Tomcat Connector - Webserver HowTo - IIS HowTo</title><meta name="author" value="Henri Gomez"><meta name="email" value=""><meta name="author" value="Gal Shachor"><meta name="email" value=""><meta name="author" value="Yoav Shapira"><meta name="email" value=""><link href="../style.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"></head><body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000" link="#525D76" alink="#525D76" vlink="#525D76"><table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="4"><!--PAGE HEADER--><tr><td colspan="2"><!--TOMCAT LOGO--><a href=""><img src="../images/tomcat.gif" align="left" alt="Apache Tomcat" border="0"></a><!--APACHE LOGO--><a href=""><img src="" align="right" alt="Apache Logo" border="0"></a></td></tr><!--HEADER SEPARATOR--><tr><td colspan="2"><hr noshade size="1"></td></tr><tr><!--LEFT SIDE NAVIGATION--><td width="20%" valign="top" nowrap="true"><p><strong>Links</strong></p><ul><li><a href="../index.html">Docs Home</a></li></ul><p><strong>Reference Guide</strong></p><ul><li><a href="../reference/workers.html"></a></li><li><a href="../reference/uriworkermap.html"></a></li><li><a href="../reference/status.html">Status Worker</a></li><li><a href="../reference/apache.html">Apache HTTP Server</a></li><li><a href="../reference/iis.html">IIS</a></li></ul><p><strong>Generic HowTo</strong></p><ul><li><a href="../generic_howto/quick.html">For the impatient</a></li><li><a href="../generic_howto/workers.html">All about workers</a></li><li><a href="../generic_howto/timeouts.html">Timeouts</a></li><li><a href="../generic_howto/loadbalancers.html">Load Balancing</a></li><li><a href="../generic_howto/proxy.html">Reverse Proxy</a></li></ul><p><strong>Webserver HowTo</strong></p><ul><li><a href="../webserver_howto/apache.html">Apache HTTP Server</a></li><li><a href="../webserver_howto/iis.html">IIS</a></li><li><a href="../webserver_howto/nes.html">Netscape/SunOne/Sun</a></li></ul><p><strong>AJP Protocol Reference</strong></p><ul><li><a href="../ajp/ajpv13a.html">AJPv13</a></li><li><a href="../ajp/ajpv13ext.html">AJPv13 Extension Proposal</a></li></ul><p><strong>Miscellaneous Documentation</strong></p><ul><li><a href="../miscellaneous/faq.html">Frequently asked questions</a></li><li><a href="../miscellaneous/changelog.html">Changelog</a></li><li><a href=";short_desc_type=allwordssubstr&amp;short_desc=&amp;product=Tomcat+Connectors&amp;long_desc_type=substring&amp;long_desc=&amp;bug_file_loc_type=allwordssubstr&amp;bug_file_loc=&amp;keywords_type=allwords&amp;keywords=&amp;bug_status=NEW&amp;bug_status=ASSIGNED&amp;bug_status=REOPENED&amp;emailassigned_to1=1&amp;emailtype1=substring&amp;email1=&amp;emailassigned_to2=1&amp;emailreporter2=1&amp;emailcc2=1&amp;emailtype2=substring&amp;email2=&amp;bugidtype=include&amp;bug_id=&amp;votes=&amp;chfieldfrom=&amp;chfieldto=Now&amp;chfieldvalue=&amp;cmdtype=doit&amp;order=Reuse+same+sort+as+last+time&amp;field0-0-0=noop&amp;type0-0-0=noop&amp;value0-0-0=">Current Tomcat Connectors bugs</a></li><li><a href="../miscellaneous/doccontrib.html">Contribute documentation</a></li><li><a href="../miscellaneous/jkstatustasks.html">JK Status Ant Tasks</a></li><li><a href="../miscellaneous/reporttools.html">Reporting Tools</a></li><li><a href="">Old JK/JK2 documentation</a></li></ul><p><strong>News</strong></p><ul><li><a href="../news/20110701.html">2011</a></li><li><a href="../news/20100101.html">2010</a></li><li><a href="../news/20090301.html">2009</a></li><li><a href="../news/20081001.html">2008</a></li><li><a href="../news/20070301.html">2007</a></li><li><a href="../news/20060101.html">2006</a></li><li><a href="../news/20050101.html">2005</a></li><li><a href="../news/20041100.html">2004</a></li></ul></td><!--RIGHT SIDE MAIN BODY--><td width="80%" valign="top" align="left"><table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="4"><tr><td align="left" valign="top"><h1>The Apache Tomcat Connector - Webserver HowTo</h1><h2>IIS HowTo</h2></td><td align="right" valign="top" nowrap="true"><small><a href="printer/iis.html"><img src="../images/printer.gif" border="0" alt="Printer Friendly Version"><br>print-friendly<br>version
- </a></small></td></tr></table><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%"><tr><td bgcolor="#525D76"><font color="#ffffff" face="arial,helvetica.sanserif"><a name="Introduction"><strong>Introduction</strong></a></font></td></tr><tr><td><blockquote>
-This document explains how to set up IIS to cooperate with Tomcat.
-Normally IIS can not execute Servlets and Java Server Pages (JSPs),
-configuring IIS to use the JK ISAPI redirector plugin will let IIS send servlet and
-JSP requests to Tomcat (and this way, serve them to clients).
-It is recommended that you also read the
-<a href="../generic_howto/workers.html">Workers HowTo</a> document
-to learn how to setup the working entities between your web server and Tomcat Engines.
-For more detailed configuration information consult the Reference Guide for
-<a href="../reference/workers.html"></a>,
-<a href="../reference/uriworkermap.html">uriworkermap</a>
-and <a href="../reference/iis.html">IIS</a>.
-<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%"><tr><td bgcolor="#828DA6"><font color="#ffffff" face="arial,helvetica.sanserif"><a name="Document Conventions and Assumptions"><strong>Document Conventions and Assumptions</strong></a></font></td></tr><tr><td><blockquote>
-${tomcat_home} is the root directory of tomcat.
-Your Tomcat installation should have the following subdirectories:
-${tomcat_home}\conf - Where you can place various configuration files
-${tomcat_home}\webapps - Containing example applications
-${tomcat_home}\bin - Where you place web server plugins
-In all the examples in this document ${tomcat_home} will be <b>c:\tomcat</b>.
-A worker is defined to be a tomcat process that accepts work from the IIS server.
-<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%"><tr><td bgcolor="#828DA6"><font color="#ffffff" face="arial,helvetica.sanserif"><a name="Supported Configuration"><strong>Supported Configuration</strong></a></font></td></tr><tr><td><blockquote>
-The IIS-Tomcat redirector was developed and tested on:
-WinNT4.0-i386 SP4/SP5/SP6a (should be able to work with other service packs), Win2K and WinXP and Win98
-IIS4.0 and PWS4.0 (numerous people have working IIS 5 and IIS 6 configurations)
-Tomcat 3.2 and later, Tomcat 4.x, Tomcat 5 and 5.5 and Tomcat 6
-The redirector uses <b>ajp12</b> and <b>ajp13</b> to send requests to the Tomcat containers. There is also an option to use Tomcat in process,
-more about the in-process mode can be found in the in process howto.
-<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%"><tr><td bgcolor="#828DA6"><font color="#ffffff" face="arial,helvetica.sanserif"><a name="IIS 5 and 6 Notes"><strong>IIS 5 and 6 Notes</strong></a></font></td></tr><tr><td><blockquote>
-There are extra steps you need to take for configuring Tomcat with IIS 5 and 6. Please see the appropriate links from
-<a href="">Tomcat Useful Links</a>.
-<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%"><tr><td bgcolor="#828DA6"><font color="#ffffff" face="arial,helvetica.sanserif"><a name="IIS 7 notes"><strong>IIS 7 notes</strong></a></font></td></tr><tr><td><blockquote>
-There is a known bug in IIS that may result in incomplete log messages. See <a href="">bug 45769</a>
-for further details.
-<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%"><tr><td bgcolor="#828DA6"><font color="#ffffff" face="arial,helvetica.sanserif"><a name="Who support ajp protocols ?"><strong>Who support ajp protocols ?</strong></a></font></td></tr><tr><td><blockquote>
-The ajp12 protocol is only available in Tomcat 3.2.x and 3.3.x.
-The <b>ajp12</b> has been <b>deprecated</b> with Tomcat 3.3.x and you should use instead
-<b>ajp13</b> which is the only ajp protocol known by Tomcat 4.x, 5 and 5.5 and Tomcat 6.
-Of course Tomcat 3.2.x and 3.3.x also support ajp13 protocol.
-Others servlet engines such as <b>jetty</b> have support for ajp13 protocol
-<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%"><tr><td bgcolor="#828DA6"><font color="#ffffff" face="arial,helvetica.sanserif"><a name="How does it work ?"><strong>How does it work ?</strong></a></font></td></tr><tr><td><blockquote>
-The IIS-Tomcat redirector is an IIS plugin (filter + extension), IIS load the redirector plugin and calls its
-filter function for each in-coming request.
-The filter then tests the request URL against a list of URI-paths held inside,
-If the current request matches one of the entries in the list of URI-paths,
-the filter transfers the request to the extension.
-The extension collects the request parameters and forwards them to the appropriate worker using the defined
-protocol like <b>ajp13</b>.
-The extension collects the response from the worker and returns it to the browser.
-</blockquote></td></tr></table><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%"><tr><td bgcolor="#525D76"><font color="#ffffff" face="arial,helvetica.sanserif"><a name="Installation"><strong>Installation</strong></a></font></td></tr><tr><td><blockquote>
-A pre-built version of the ISAPI redirector server plugin, isapi_redirect.dll, is available under
-the win32/i386 directory of tomcat-connectors distribution.
-For those using Netscape as your browser, try downloading a zip version of the file, if available.
-There can be problems using Netscape to download DLL files.
-You can also build a copy locally from the source present in tomcat-connectors distribution.
-The Tomcat redirector requires three entities:
-<b>isapi_redirect.dll</b> - The IIS server plugin, either obtain a pre-built DLL or build it yourself (see the build section).
-<b><a href="../reference/workers.html"></a></b> - A file that describes the host(s) and port(s) used by the workers (Tomcat processes).
-A sample can be found under the conf directory.
-<b><a href="../reference/uriworkermap.html"></a></b> - A file that maps URL-Path patterns to workers.
-A sample can be found under the conf directory as well.
-The installation includes the following parts:
-Configuring the ISAPI redirector with a default /examples context and checking that you can serve servlets with IIS.
-Adding more contexts to the configuration.
-</blockquote></td></tr></table><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%"><tr><td bgcolor="#525D76"><font color="#ffffff" face="arial,helvetica.sanserif"><a name="Configuring the ISAPI Redirector"><strong>Configuring the ISAPI Redirector</strong></a></font></td></tr><tr><td><blockquote>
-In this document I will assume that isapi_redirect.dll is placed in
-<b>c:\tomcat\bin\win32\i386\isapi_redirect.dll</b> and
-that the properties files which you created are in <b>c:\tomcat\conf</b>.
-In the registry, create a new registry key named
-<b>"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Apache Software Foundation\Jakarta Isapi Redirector\1.0"</b>
-Add a string value with the name <b>extension_uri</b> and a value of <b>/jakarta/isapi_redirect.dll</b>
-Add a string value with the name <b>log_file</b> and a value pointing to where you want your
-log file to be (for example <b>c:\tomcat\logs\isapi.log</b>).
-Add a string value with the name <b>log_level</b> and a value for your log level
-(can be debug, info, error or emerg).
-Add a string value with the name <b>worker_file</b> and a value which is the full path
-to your file (for example <b>c:\tomcat\conf\</b>)
-Add a string value with the name <b>worker_mount_file</b> and a value which is the full path
-to your file (for example <b>c:\tomcat\conf\</b>)
-Using the IIS management console, add a new virtual directory to your IIS/PWS web site.
-The name of the virtual directory must be jakarta.
-Its physical path should be the directory where you placed isapi_redirect.dll
-(in our example it is c:\tomcat\bin\win32\i386).
-While creating this new virtual directory assign it with execute access.
-Using the IIS management console, add isapi_redirect.dll as a filter in your IIS/PWS web site.
-The name of the filter should reflect its task (I use the name tomcat),
-its executable must be our c:\tomcat\bin\win32\i386\isapi_redirect.dll.
-For PWS, you'll need to use regedit and add/edit the <b>"Filter DLLs"</b> key under
-This key contains a "," separated list of dlls (full paths) -
-you need to insert the full path to isapi_redirect.dll.
-If you're using IIS 6.0 you must also do the following:
-Using the IIS management console, add the Jakarta Isapi Redirector to the Web
-Service Extensions.
-<li>Right-click on Web Service Extensions and choose Add a new Web Service
-<li>Enter tomcat for the Extension Name.</li>
-<li>Add the isapi_redirect.dll to the required files.</li>
-<li>Check the Set extension status to Allowed.</li>
-<li>Click on OK.</li>
-Restart IIS (stop + start the IIS service), make sure that the tomcat filter is marked with a green up-pointing arrow.
-Under Win98 you may need to <b>cd WINDOWS\SYSTEM\inetsrv</b> and type PWS /stop
-( the DLL and log files are locked - even if you click the stop button,
-PWS will still keep the DLLs in memory. ). Type pws to start it again.
-That's all, you should now start Tomcat and ask IIS to serve you the /examples context.
-Try <a href="http://localhost/examples/jsp/index.html">http://localhost/examples/jsp/index.html</a> for example and
-execute some of the JSP examples.
-If this does not work successfully, refer to the Troubleshooting section below for help on correcting the problem.
-<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%"><tr><td bgcolor="#828DA6"><font color="#ffffff" face="arial,helvetica.sanserif"><a name="Adding additional Contexts"><strong>Adding additional Contexts</strong></a></font></td></tr><tr><td><blockquote>
-The examples context is useful for verifying your installation,
-but you will also need to add your own contexts. Adding a new context requires two operations:
-Adding the context to Tomcat (I am not going to talk about this).
-Adding the context to the ISAPI redirector.
-Adding a context to the ISAPI redirector is simple, all you need to do is to edit
-your and to add a line that looks like:
-<div class="example"><pre>
- /context/*=worker_name
-Workers and their name are defined in, by default comes
-with a single pre-configured worker named <b>"defworker"</b> so you can use it.
-As an example, if you want to add a context named "shop", the line that you should add to will be:
-<div class="example"><pre>
- /shop/*=defworker
-After saving restart IIS and it will serve the new context.
-The above should be all you need for IIS to pass through to Tomcat any request for any URI which corresponds
-to a Tomcat context (webapp).
-<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%"><tr><td bgcolor="#828DA6"><font color="#ffffff" face="arial,helvetica.sanserif"><a name="Advanced Context Configuration"><strong>Advanced Context Configuration</strong></a></font></td></tr><tr><td><blockquote>
-If your webiste is very busy (more than 100 requests/second, or more than 100 simultaneous client connections),
-it might sometimes be desirable to have IIS serve static content (html, gif, jpeg etc.) directly,
-even if these files are part of a context served by Tomcat. Allowing IIS to serve such files directly may
- avoid the small overhead consisting of passing the request to Tomcat via the redirector, and may free up
- Tomcat somewhat, by using it only to process requests that only Tomcat can handle (e.g. requests to JSP pages and java servlets).
-For example, consider the html and gif files in the examples context : you could serve these files directly
-with IIS; there is no need to serve them from the Tomcat process.
-<p><font color="#ff0000">However, you should be very careful when you implement the following configuration style, because by doing so you are
-in fact providing a "back-door" to IIS, and allowing it to serve files out of a Tomcat context without Tomcat's knowledge,
-thus bypassing any security
-restrictions which Tomcat itself and the Tomcat context (webapp) may place on those files.</font></p>
-Making IIS serve static files that are part of the Tomcat contexts requires the following:
-Configuring IIS to know about the Tomcat contexts
-Configuring the redirector to leave the static files for IIS
-Adding a Tomcat context to IIS requires the addition of a new IIS virtual directory that covers the Tomcat context.
-For example adding a /example IIS virtual directory that covers the c:\tomcat\webapps\examples directory.
-Configuring the redirector is somewhat harder, you will need to specify the exact
-URL-Path pattern(s) which you want Tomcat to handle (usually only JSP files and servlets).
-This requires a change to the :
-<div class="example"><pre>
- For the examples context it requires to replace the following line
- /examples/*=defworker
- with the following two lines
- /examples/*.jsp=defworker
- /examples/servlet/*=defworker
-As you can see the second configuration is more explicit, it actually instruct the redirector
-to redirect only requests to resources under /examples/servlet/ and resources under /examples/
-whose name ends with .jsp.
-You can even be more explicit and provide lines such as:
-<div class="example"><pre>
- /example/servletname=defworker
-that instructs the redirector to redirect all requests whose URL-path matches the leading string "/example/servletname"
-to the worker named defworker.
-<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%"><tr><td bgcolor="#828DA6"><font color="#ffffff" face="arial,helvetica.sanserif"><a name="Protecting the content of your Tomcat contexts"><strong>Protecting the content of your Tomcat contexts</strong></a></font></td></tr><tr><td><blockquote>
-<p>Once again, be aware that by allowing IIS to access the content of your Tomcat context directly, you are
-potentially bypassing Tomcat's protection of that content. You should thus make sure to protect this content
-at the IIS level if needed, by using the corresponding IIS management console functions.
-In particular, each servlet application (context) has a special directory named WEB-INF,
-which contains sensitive configuration data and Java classes, and which should always be kept hidden from web users.
-Using the IIS management console it is possible to protect the WEB-INF directory from user access, but considering that
-this is a general requirement, and considering that it is easy to forget to implement this protection
-at the IIS level, the redirector plugin does it automatically for you, and it will reject any request
-which contains WEB-INF in its URL-path.
-<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%"><tr><td bgcolor="#828DA6"><font color="#ffffff" face="arial,helvetica.sanserif"><a name="Advanced Worker Configuration"><strong>Advanced Worker Configuration</strong></a></font></td></tr><tr><td><blockquote>
-Sometimes you may want to serve different contexts with different Tomcat processes
-(for example to spread the load among different machines).
-To achieve such a goal you will need to define several workers and assign each context to its own worker.
-Defining additional workers is done in the file. This file includes two types of entries:
-<div class="example"><pre>
- # An entry that lists all the workers defined
- worker.list=worker1, worker2
- # Entries that define the host and port associated with each of these workers
- worker.worker1.port=8009
- worker.worker1.type=ajp13
- worker.worker2.port=8009
- worker.worker2.type=ajp13
-The above example defined two workers, now we can use these workers to serve two different contexts
-each with its own worker:
-<div class="example"><pre>
- example fragment
- /examples/*=worker1
- /webpages/*=worker2
-As you can see the <b>examples</b> context is served by <b>worker1</b> while the
-<b>webpages</b> context is served by <b>worker2</b>.
-More information on using and configuring workers in the <a href="../generic_howto/workers.html">Workers HowTo</a>
-and in the <a href="../reference/workers.html"> configuration reference</a>.
-</blockquote></td></tr></table><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%"><tr><td bgcolor="#525D76"><font color="#ffffff" face="arial,helvetica.sanserif"><a name="Building ISAPI redirector"><strong>Building ISAPI redirector</strong></a></font></td></tr><tr><td><blockquote>
-The redirector was developed using Visual C++ Ver.6.0, so having this environment is a prerequisite if you want
-to perform a custom build. You should also have the IIS developer SDK.
-The steps that you need to take are:
-Change directory to the isapi plugins source directory.
-Make the source with MSDEV
-<p class="screen"><div align="left"><table width="80%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" bgcolor="#000000"><tr><td bgcolor="#000000" align="left"><div class="screen">Change directory to the isapi plugins source directory</div><code><nobr><em class="screen">c:\&gt;</em><b class="screen">cd c:\home\apache\jk\iis</b></nobr></code><br><div class="screen">Build the sources using MSDEV</div><code><nobr><em class="screen">c:\&gt;</em><b class="screen">MSDEV isapi.dsp /MAKE ALL</b></nobr></code><br></td></tr></table></div></p>
-If msdev is not in your path, enter the full path to msdev.exe.
-This will build both release and debug versions of the redirector plugin.
-An alternative will be to open the isapi workspace file (isapi.dsw) in msdev and
-build it using the build menu.
-</blockquote></td></tr></table><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%"><tr><td bgcolor="#525D76"><font color="#ffffff" face="arial,helvetica.sanserif"><a name="Troubleshooting"><strong>Troubleshooting</strong></a></font></td></tr><tr><td><blockquote>
-It is easy to have the ISAPI redirector not work the first time you try to install it.
-If this happens to you, here are some steps to follow to try to correct the problem.
-These steps aren't guaranteed to cover all possible problems,
-but they should help find the typical mistakes.
-If you make any corrections during these steps, restart the IIS service as described above in the last step
-of the installation, then retry the step.
-<p>To enable error tracking, make sure web site activity is being logged.
-For PWS 4.0 make sure "Save Web Site Activity Log" is checked in the Advanced Options of the Personal Web Manager.
-Note: These steps assume your <b>worker_mount_file</b> setting points to an unmodified copy of the
-<b></b> file.<br>
-Results may be misleading if <b>worker_mount_file</b> points to a modified <b></b>
-or the <b></b> file.<br>
-It is also assumed that the <b>"/examples" context</b> works correctly if you access Tomcat directly.
-<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%"><tr><td bgcolor="#828DA6"><font color="#ffffff" face="arial,helvetica.sanserif"><a name="Win98"><strong>Win98</strong></a></font></td></tr><tr><td><blockquote>
-Start the IIS service and Tomcat.
-Check for the presence of the ISAPI redirector log file you specified in the log_file setting.
-If not found, verify the following:
-Check the "Filter DLLs" setting in the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\W3SVC\Parameters"
-key and make sure the path is correct.
-Check the spelling of the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Apache Software Foundation\Jakarta Isapi Redirector\1.0" key.
-Case isn't important, but an incorrect letter will prevent the isapi_redirect.dll from finding its registry settings.
-Check the log_file setting for typos, name and data. Also insure the directory in which the log file will appear already exists.
-If the above are set correctly, the ISAPI redirector should be able to create the log file.
-Invoke the URL <a href="http://localhost/examples/jsp/index.html">http://localhost/examples/jsp/index.html</a>
-in your browser.
-Case is important in Tomcat. The characters following "localhost" in the URL must be lower case.
-If the page fails to appear, stop the IIS service (required to view the IIS log file).
-Then examine the last line in the IIS log file in found in SYSTEM/LogFiles/W3SVC1 :
-If the last line contains:
-<div class="example"><pre>
- GET "/examples/jsp/index.html HTTP/1.1" 404
-then the ISAPI redirector is not recognising that it should be handling requests for the "/examples" context.
-Check the following:
-Check the extension_uri name for typos.
-Check the worker_file setting for typos, name and data.
-Check the worker_mount_file setting typos, name and data.
-If these are set correctly, the ISAPI redirector should recognise that it should handle requests for the "/examples" context.
-<p>If the last line contains something like:
-<div class="example"><pre>
- GET "/jakarta/isapi_redirect.dll HTTP1.1"
-then the ISAPI redirector is recognising that it should handle the request,
-but is not successful at getting Tomcat to service the request.
-You should check the HTTP error code following GET "/..." :
-<div class="example"><pre>
- Error 404
- GET "/..." 404
-Make sure you entered the URL correctly.
-Make sure the virtual directory created was called "jakarta".
-It should display in Personal Web Manager as "/jakarta" (without the quotes).
-Make sure the extension_uri data begins with "/jakarta/" (without the quotes).
-<div class="example"><pre>
- Error 500
- GET "/..." 500
-Make sure that "isapi_redirect.dll" follows "/jakarta/" in the extension_uri setting.
-Check the file and make sure the port setting for worker.ajp12.port is the same as the port specified in the server.xml for the "Apache AJP12 support".
-<div class="example"><pre>
- Error 200 or 403
- GET "/..." 200
- GET "/..." 403
-Make sure you have checked Execute Access
-for the jakarta virtual directory in the Advanced Options of the Personal Web Manager.
-If the above settings are correct, the index.html page should appear in your browser.
-You should also be able to click the Execute links to execute the JSP examples.
-<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%"><tr><td bgcolor="#828DA6"><font color="#ffffff" face="arial,helvetica.sanserif"><a name="WinNT/Win2K/WinXP"><strong>WinNT/Win2K/WinXP</strong></a></font></td></tr><tr><td><blockquote>
-Start the World Wide Web Publishing Service and Tomcat.
-Check for the presence of the ISAPI redirector log file you specified in the log_file setting.
-If not found, check the following:
-Check the "executable" you set for the filter in the IIS Management Console and make sure the path is correct.
-<li>Check the spelling of the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Apache Software Foundation\Jakarta Isapi Redirector\1.0" key.
-Case isn't important, but an incorrect letter will prevent the isapi_redirect.dll from finding its registry settings.
-Check the log_file setting for typos, name and data. Also insure the directory in which the log file will appear already exists.
-If the above are set correctly, the ISAPI redirector should be able to create the log file.
-Check the tomcat filter you added and make sure its status shows a green upward-pointing arrow.
-If not, check the following:
-Check the worker_file setting for typos, name and data.
-Check the worker_mount_file setting typos, name and data.
-If the above are set correctly, the green upward-pointing arrow should appear, even if the other settings are wrong.
-Invoke the URL <a href="http://localhost/examples/jsp/index.html">http://localhost/examples/jsp/index.html</a>
-in your browser. Case is important in Tomcat. The characters following "localhost" in the URL must be lower case.
-If the page fails to appear, examine the last line in the IIS server log file in found in SYSTEM32/LogFiles/W3SVC1.
-The last line should contain something like: GET "/jakarta/isapi_redirect.dll HTTP1.1",
-which indicates the ISAPI redirector is recognising that it should handle the request.
-You should check the HTTP error code following GET "/..." :
-<div class="example"><pre>
- Error 404
- GET "/..." 404
-Make sure you entered the URL correctly.
-<div class="example"><pre>
- Error 500
- GET "/..." 500
-Make sure the virtual directory created was called "jakarta".
-Make sure that the extension_uri setting is correct.
-Check the file and make sure the port setting for worker.ajp12.port is the same as the port specified in the server.xml for the "Apache AJP12 support".
-<div class="example"><pre>
- Error 200 or 403
- GET "/..." 200
- GET "/..." 403
-Make sure you have checked Execute Access for the jakarta virtual directory in the
-Advanced Options of the Personal Web Manager.
-If the above settings are correct, the index.html page should appear in your browser.
-You should also be able to click the Execute links to execute the JSP examples.
-</blockquote></td></tr></table></td></tr><!--FOOTER SEPARATOR--><tr><td colspan="2"><hr noshade size="1"></td></tr><!--PAGE FOOTER--><tr><td colspan="2"><div align="center"><font color="#525D76" size="-1"><em>
- Copyright &copy; 1999-2011, Apache Software Foundation
- </em></font></div></td></tr></table></body></html> \ No newline at end of file