path: root/rubbos/app/httpd-2.0.64/srclib/apr/docs/APRDesign.html
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-<HEAD><TITLE>APR Design Document</TITLE></HEAD>
-<h1>Design of APR</h1>
-<p>The Apache Portable Run-time libraries have been designed to provide a common
-interface to low level routines across any platform. The original goal of APR
-was to combine all code in Apache to one common code base. This is not the
-correct approach however, so the goal of APR has changed. There are places
-where common code is not a good thing. For example, how to map requests
-to either threads or processes should be platform specific. APR's place
-is now to combine any code that can be safely combined without sacrificing
-<p>To this end we have created a set of operations that are required for cross
-platform development. There may be other types that are desired and those
-will be implemented in the future.</p>
-<p>This document will discuss the structure of APR, and how best to contribute
-code to the effort.</p>
-<h2>APR On Windows and Netware</h2>
-<p>APR on Windows and Netware is different from APR on all other systems,
-because those platforms don't use autoconf. On Unix, apr_private.h (private to
-APR) and apr.h (public, used by applications that use APR) are generated by
-autoconf from acconfig.h and respectively. On Windows (and Netware),
-apr_private.h and apr.h are created from apr_private.hw (apr_private.hwn)
-and apr.hw (apr.hwn) respectively.</p>
-<p> <strong>
- If you add code to acconfig.h or tests to or aclocal.m4,
- please give some thought to whether or not Windows and Netware need
- these additions as well. A general rule of thumb, is that if it is
- a feature macro, such as APR_HAS_THREADS, Windows and Netware need it.
- In other words, if the definition is going to be used in a public APR
- header file, such as apr_general.h, Windows needs it.
- The only time it is safe to add a macro or test without also adding
- the macro to apr*.h[n]w, is if the macro tells APR how to build. For
- example, a test for a header file does not need to be added to Windows.
-<h2>APR Features</h2>
-<p>One of the goals of APR is to provide a common set of features across all
-platforms. This is an admirable goal, it is also not realistic. We cannot
-expect to be able to implement ALL features on ALL platforms. So we are
-going to do the next best thing. Provide a common interface to ALL APR
-features on MOST platforms.</p>
-<p>APR developers should create FEATURE MACROS for any feature that is not
-available on ALL platforms. This should be a simple definition which has
-the form:</p>
-<p>This macro should evaluate to true if APR has this feature on this platform.
-For example, Linux and Windows have mmap'ed files, and APR is providing an
-interface for mmapp'ing a file. On both Linux and Windows, APR_HAS_MMAP
-should evaluate to one, and the ap_mmap_* functions should map files into
-memory and return the appropriate status codes.</p>
-<p>If your OS of choice does not have mmap'ed files, APR_HAS_MMAP should
-evaluate to zero, and all ap_mmap_* functions should not be defined. The
-second step is a precaution that will allow us to break at compile time if a
-programmer tries to use unsupported functions.</p>
-<h2>APR types</h2>
-<p>The base types in APR</p>
- Shared library routines
- Memory-mapped files
- Polling I/O
- Time
- Users and groups
- Process and thread locks (critical sections)
- Shared memory
- File I/O, including pipes
- Atomic integer operations
- String handling routines
- Pool-based memory allocation
- Reading passwords from the terminal
- Tables and hashes
- Network I/O
- Threads and processes
- Any APR type which doesn't have any other place to belong. This
- should be used sparingly.
- Functions meant to be used across multiple APR types. This area
- is for internal functions only. If a function is exposed, it should
- not be put here.
-<h2>Directory Structure</h2>
-<p>Each type has a base directory. Inside this base directory, are
-subdirectories, which contain the actual code. These subdirectories are named
-after the platforms the are compiled on. Unix is also used as a common
-directory. If the code you are writing is POSIX based, you should look at the
-code in the unix directory. A good rule of thumb, is that if more than half
-your code needs to be ifdef'ed out, and the structures required for your code
-are substantively different from the POSIX code, you should create a new
-<p>Currently, the APR code is written for Unix, BeOS, Windows, and OS/2. An
-example of the directory structure is the file I/O directory:</p>
- |
- -> file_io
- |
- -> unix The Unix and common base code
- |
- -> win32 The Windows code
- |
- -> os2 The OS/2 code
-<p>Obviously, BeOS does not have a directory. This is because BeOS is currently
-using the Unix directory for it's file_io.</p>
-<p>There are a few special top level directories. These are test and include.
-Test is a directory which stores all test programs. It is expected
-that if a new type is developed, there will also be a new test program, to
-help people port this new type to different platforms. A small document
-describing how to create new tests that integrate with the test suite can be
-found in the test/ directory. Include is a directory which stores all
-required APR header files for external use.</p>
-<h2>Creating an APR Type</h2>
-<p>The current design of APR requires that most APR types be incomplete.
-It is not possible to write flexible portable code if programs can access
-the internals of APR types. This is because different platforms are
-likely to define different native types. There are only two execptions to
-this rule:</p>
-<li>The first exception to this rule is if the type can only reasonably be
-implemented one way. For example, time is a complete type because there
-is only one reasonable time implementation.
-<li>The second exception to the incomplete type rule can be found in
-apr_portable.h. This file defines the native types for each platform.
-Using these types, it is possible to extract native types for any APR type.</p>
-<p>For this reason, each platform defines a structure in their own directories.
-Those structures are then typedef'ed in an external header file. For example
-in file_io/unix/fileio.h:</p>
- struct ap_file_t {
- apr_pool_t *cntxt;
- int filedes;
- FILE *filehand;
- ...
- }
-<p>In include/apr_file_io.h:</p>
- </pre>
- typedef struct ap_file_t ap_file_t;
- </pre>
-<p> This will cause a compiler error if somebody tries to access the filedes
-field in this structure. Windows does not have a filedes field, so obviously,
-it is important that programs not be able to access these.</p>
-<p>You may notice the apr_pool_t field. Most APR types have this field. This
-type is used to allocate memory within APR. Because every APR type has a pool,
-any APR function can allocate memory if it needs to. This is very important
-and it is one of the reasons that APR works. If you create a new type, you
-must add a pool to it. If you do not, then all functions that operate on that
-type will need a pool argument.</p>
-<h2>New Function</h2>
-<p>When creating a new function, please try to adhere to these rules.</p>
-<li> Result arguments should be the first arguments.
-<li> If a function needs a pool, it should be the last argument.
-<li> These rules are flexible, especially if it makes the code easier
- to understand because it mimics a standard function.
-<p>Whenever a new function is added to APR, it MUST be documented. New
-functions will not be committed unless there are docs to go along with them.
-The documentation should be a comment block above the function in the header
-<p>The format for the comment block is:</p>
- /**
- * Brief description of the function
- * @param parma_1_name explanation
- * @param parma_2_name explanation
- * @param parma_n_name explanation
- * @tip Any extra information people should know.
- * @deffunc function prototype if required
- */
-<p>For an actual example, look at any file in the include directory. The
-reason the docs are in the header files is to ensure that the docs always
-reflect the current code. If you change paramters or return values for a
-function, please be sure to update the documentation.</p>
-<h2>APR Error reporting</h2>
-<p>Most APR functions should return an ap_status_t type. The only time an
-APR function does not return an ap_status_t is if it absolutely CAN NOT
-fail. Examples of this would be filling out an array when you know you are
-not beyond the array's range. If it cannot fail on your platform, but it
-could conceivably fail on another platform, it should return an ap_status_t.
-Unless you are sure, return an ap_status_t.</p>
- This includes functions that return TRUE/FALSE values. How that
- is handled is discussed below
-<p>All platforms return errno values unchanged. Each platform can also have
-one system error type, which can be returned after an offset is added.
-There are five types of error values in APR, each with it's own offset.</p>
-<!-- This should be turned into a table, but I am lazy today -->
- Name Purpose
-0) This is 0 for all platforms and isn't really defined
- anywhere, but it is the offset for errno values.
- (This has no name because it isn't actually defined,
- but for completeness we are discussing it here).
-1) APR_OS_START_ERROR This is platform dependent, and is the offset at which
- APR errors start to be defined. Error values are
- defined as anything which caused the APR function to
- fail. APR errors in this range should be named
-2) APR_OS_START_STATUS This is platform dependent, and is the offset at which
- APR status values start. Status values do not indicate
- success or failure, and should be returned if
- APR_SUCCESS does not make sense. APR status codes in
- this range should be name APR_* (i.e. APR_DETACH)
-4) APR_OS_START_USEERR This is platform dependent, and is the offset at which
- APR apps can begin to add their own error codes.
-3) APR_OS_START_SYSERR This is platform dependent, and is the offset at which
- system error values begin.
-<strong>The difference in naming between APR_OS_START_ERROR and
-APR_OS_START_STATUS mentioned above allows programmers to easily determine if
-the error code indicates an error condition or a status codition.</strong>
-<p>If your function has multiple return codes that all indicate success, but
-with different results, or if your function can only return PASS/FAIL, you
-should still return an apr_status_t. In the first case, define one
-APR status code for each return value, an example of this is
-<code>apr_proc_wait</code>, which can only return APR_CHILDDONE,
-APR_CHILDNOTDONE, or an error code. In the second case, please return
-APR_SUCCESS for PASS, and define a new APR status code for failure, an
-example of this is <code>apr_compare_users</code>, which can only return
-APR_SUCCESS, APR_EMISMATCH, or an error code.</p>
-<p>All of these definitions can be found in apr_errno.h for all platforms. When
-an error occurs in an APR function, the function must return an error code.
-If the error occurred in a system call and that system call uses errno to
-report an error, then the code is returned unchanged. For example: </p>
- if (open(fname, oflags, 0777) < 0)
- return errno;
-<p>The next place an error can occur is a system call that uses some error value
-other than the primary error value on a platform. This can also be handled
-by APR applications. For example:</p>
- if (CreateFile(fname, oflags, sharemod, NULL,
- createflags, attributes, 0) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE
- return (GetLAstError() + APR_OS_START_SYSERR);
-<p>These two examples implement the same function for two different platforms.
-Obviously even if the underlying problem is the same on both platforms, this
-will result in two different error codes being returned. This is OKAY, and
-is correct for APR. APR relies on the fact that most of the time an error
-occurs, the program logs the error and continues, it does not try to
-programatically solve the problem. This does not mean we have not provided
-support for programmatically solving the problem, it just isn't the default
-case. We'll get to how this problem is solved in a little while.</p>
-<p>If the error occurs in an APR function but it is not due to a system call,
-but it is actually an APR error or just a status code from APR, then the
-appropriate code should be returned. These codes are defined in apr_errno.h
-and should be self explanatory.</p>
-<p>No APR code should ever return a code between APR_OS_START_USEERR and
-APR_OS_START_SYSERR, those codes are reserved for APR applications.</p>
-<p>To programmatically correct an error in a running application, the error
-codes need to be consistent across platforms. This should make sense. APR
-has provided macros to test for status code equivalency. For example, to
-determine if the code that you received from the APR function means EOF, you
-would use the macro APR_STATUS_IS_EOF().</p>
-<p>Why did APR take this approach? There are two ways to deal with error
-codes portably.</p>
-<ol type=1>
-<li> Return the same error code across all platforms.
-<li> Return platform specific error codes and convert them when necessary.
-<p>The problem with option number one is that it takes time to convert error
-codes to a common code, and most of the time programs want to just output
-an error string. If we convert all errors to a common subset, we have four
-steps to output an error string:</p>
-<p>The seocnd problem with option 1, is that it is a lossy conversion. For
-example, Windows and OS/2 have a couple hundred error codes, but POSIX errno
-only defines about 50 errno values. This means that if we convert to a
-canonical error value immediately, there is no way for the programmer to
-get the actual system error.</p>
- make syscall that fails
- convert to common error code step 1
- return common error code
- check for success
- call error output function step 2
- convert back to system error step 3
- output error string step 4
-<p>By keeping the errors platform specific, we can output error strings in two
- make syscall that fails
- return error code
- check for success
- call error output function step 1
- output error string step 2
-<p>Less often, programs change their execution based on what error was returned.
-This is no more expensive using option 2 than it is using option 1, but we
-put the onus of converting the error code on the programmer themselves.
-For example, using option 1:</p>
- make syscall that fails
- convert to common error code
- return common error code
- decide execution based on common error code
-<p>Using option 2:</p>
- make syscall that fails
- return error code
- convert to common error code (using ap_canonical_error)
- decide execution based on common error code
-<p>Finally, there is one more operation on error codes. You can get a string
-that explains in human readable form what has happened. To do this using
-APR, call ap_strerror().</p>