path: root/rubbos/app/httpd-2.0.64/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'rubbos/app/httpd-2.0.64/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 691 deletions
diff --git a/rubbos/app/httpd-2.0.64/ b/rubbos/app/httpd-2.0.64/
deleted file mode 100644
index 92d40bc4..00000000
--- a/rubbos/app/httpd-2.0.64/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,691 +0,0 @@
-# Makefile for Windows NT and Windows 95/98/2000
-# Targets are:
-# _apacher - build Apache in Release mode
-# _apached - build Apache in Debug mode
-# installr - build and install a Release build
-# installd - build and install a Debug build
-# clean - remove (most) generated files
-# _cleanr - remove (most) files generated by a Release build
-# _cleand - remove (most) files generated by a Debug build
-# _browse - build the browse info file
-# The following install defaults may be customized;
-# Option Default
-# INSTDIR \Apache2
-# PORT 80
-# SSLPORT 443
-# SERVERNAME localhost
-# For example;
-# nmake -f PORT=80 INSTDIR="d:\Program Files\Apache" installr
-# Be aware that certain awk's will not accept backslahed names,
-# so the server root should be given in forward slashes (quoted),
-# preferably with the drive designation!
-default: _apacher
-!IF ("$(CTARGET)" == "") && EXIST("Apache.sln")
-!IF !EXIST("srclib\apr") || !EXIST("srclib\apr-util") || !EXIST("srclib\apr-iconv")
-!MESSAGE Please check out or download and unpack the Apache Portability Runtime
-!MESSAGE sources (apr, apr-iconv and apr-util) into your srclib dir.
-!MESSAGE Apache cannot build without these libraries!
-!ERROR Need srclib\ apr, apr-iconv and apr-util
-# Note; _tryssl: is only used by the msvc developer studio environment to 'fix up'
-# the build, since conditional dependencies aren't supported.
-!IF EXIST("srclib\openssl")
-!IF "$(LONG)" == "Debug"
-!IF EXIST("modules\ssl\mod_ssl.mak")
- cd modules\ssl
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_ssl.mak CFG="mod_ssl - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 .\$(LONG)\
- cd ..\..
- cd support
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f abs.mak CFG="abs - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 .\$(LONG)\abs.exe
- cd ..
-!ELSEIF EXIST("Apache.sln")
- devenv Apache.sln /useenv $(CTARGET) $(LONG) /project mod_ssl
- devenv Apache.sln /useenv $(CTARGET) $(LONG) /project abs
- @msdev Apache.dsw /USEENV /MAKE \
- "mod_ssl - Win32 $(LONG)" \
- "abs - Win32 $(LONG)" /NORECURSE $(CTARGET)
-# NOT EXIST("srclib\openssl")
- @echo -----
- @echo mod_ssl and ab/ssl will not build unless openssl is installed
- @echo in srclib\openssl. They must be precompiled using the
- @echo ms/ntdll.mak file, see srclib\openssl\INSTALL.W32. The most
- @echo recent version confirmed to build with mod_ssl and ab is 0.9.8d.
- @echo Available from
-!IF EXIST("srclib\zlib")
-!IF EXIST("modules\filters\mod_deflate.mak")
- cd modules\filters
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_deflate.mak CFG="mod_deflate - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 .\$(LONG)\
- cd ..\..
-!ELSEIF EXIST("Apache.sln")
- devenv Apache.sln /useenv $(CTARGET) $(LONG) /project mod_deflate
- @msdev Apache.dsw /USEENV /MAKE \
- "mod_deflate - Win32 $(LONG)" /NORECURSE $(CTARGET)
-# NOT EXIST("srclib\zlib")
- @echo -----
- @echo mod_deflate will not build unless zlib is installed in srclib\zlib.
- @echo Version 1.2.1 and later available from
- @echo built w/ nmake -f win32/Makefile.msc will satisfy this requirement.
-!IF "$(INSTDIR)" == ""
-!IF "$(SERVERNAME)" == ""
-!IF "$(PORT)" == ""
-!IF "$(SSLPORT)" == ""
-!IF "$(LONG)" == ""
-!IF EXIST("srclib\openssl")
-!MESSAGE To change these options use 'nmake -f [option=value]'
-!MESSAGE Example: nmake -f PORT=8080
-# Only default the behavior if MAKEOPT= is omitted
-# Microsoft NMake options
-!ELSEIF "$(MAKE)" == "make"
-# Borland make options? Not really supported (yet)
- cd Browse
- bscmake.exe -nologo -Iu -o Apache.bsc *.sbr
- cd ..
- @$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f SHORT=R LONG=Release _build
- @$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f SHORT=D LONG=Debug _build
- @$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f SHORT=R LONG=Release _build _install
- @$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f SHORT=D LONG=Debug _build _install
-clean: _cleanr _cleand
- -if exist Browse\. rd /s Browse < << > nul
-!IF EXIST("Apache.mak")
- echo Building Win32 $(LONG) targets ($(SHORT) suffixes)
- cd srclib\apr
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f apr.mak CFG="apr - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f libapr.mak CFG="libapr - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- cd ..\..
- cd srclib\apr-iconv
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f apriconv.mak CFG="apriconv - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f libapriconv.mak CFG="libapriconv - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
-!IF "$(CTARGET)" == "CLEAN"
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f build\ clean \
- cd ccs
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f all \
- cd ..\ces
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f all \
- cd ..
- cd ..\..
- cd srclib\apr-util\uri
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f gen_uri_delims.mak CFG="gen_uri_delims - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- cd ..\..\..
- cd srclib\apr-util\xml\expat\lib
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f xml.mak CFG="xml - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- cd ..\..\..
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f aprutil.mak CFG="aprutil - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f libaprutil.mak CFG="libaprutil - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- cd ..\..
- cd srclib\pcre
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f dftables.mak CFG="dftables - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f pcre.mak CFG="pcre - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f pcreposix.mak CFG="pcreposix - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- cd ..\..
- cd server
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f gen_test_char.mak CFG="gen_test_char - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- cd ..
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f libhttpd.mak CFG="libhttpd - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f Apache.mak CFG="Apache - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- cd modules\aaa
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_access.mak CFG="mod_access - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_auth.mak CFG="mod_auth - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_auth_anon.mak CFG="mod_auth_anon - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_auth_dbm.mak CFG="mod_auth_dbm - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_auth_digest.mak CFG="mod_auth_digest - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- cd ..\..
- cd modules\arch\win32
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_isapi.mak CFG="mod_isapi - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- cd ..\..\..
- cd modules\cache
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_file_cache.mak CFG="mod_file_cache - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- cd ..\..
- cd modules\dav\main
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_dav.mak CFG="mod_dav - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- cd ..\..\..
- cd modules\dav\fs
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_dav_fs.mak CFG="mod_dav_fs - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- cd ..\..\..
- cd modules\experimental
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_cache.mak CFG="mod_cache - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_disk_cache.mak CFG="mod_disk_cache - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_mem_cache.mak CFG="mod_mem_cache - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_dumpio.mak CFG="mod_dumpio - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_charset_lite.mak CFG="mod_charset_lite - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f util_ldap.mak CFG="util_ldap - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_auth_ldap.mak CFG="mod_auth_ldap - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- cd ..\..
- cd modules\filters
-!IF EXIST("srclib\zlib")
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_deflate.mak CFG="mod_deflate - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_ext_filter.mak CFG="mod_ext_filter - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_include.mak CFG="mod_include - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- cd ..\..
- cd modules\generators
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_asis.mak CFG="mod_asis - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_autoindex.mak CFG="mod_autoindex - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_cgi.mak CFG="mod_cgi - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_info.mak CFG="mod_info - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_status.mak CFG="mod_status - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- cd ..\..
- cd modules\http
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_mime.mak CFG="mod_mime - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- cd ..\..
- cd modules\loggers
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_log_config.mak CFG="mod_log_config - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_log_forensic.mak CFG="mod_log_forensic - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_logio.mak CFG="mod_logio - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- cd ..\..
- cd modules\mappers
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_actions.mak CFG="mod_actions - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_alias.mak CFG="mod_alias - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_dir.mak CFG="mod_dir - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_imap.mak CFG="mod_imap - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_negotiation.mak CFG="mod_negotiation - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_rewrite.mak CFG="mod_rewrite - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_speling.mak CFG="mod_speling - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_userdir.mak CFG="mod_userdir - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_vhost_alias.mak CFG="mod_vhost_alias - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- cd ..\..
- cd modules\metadata
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_cern_meta.mak CFG="mod_cern_meta - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_env.mak CFG="mod_env - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_expires.mak CFG="mod_expires - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_headers.mak CFG="mod_headers - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_mime_magic.mak CFG="mod_mime_magic - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_setenvif.mak CFG="mod_setenvif - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_unique_id.mak CFG="mod_unique_id - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_usertrack.mak CFG="mod_usertrack - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_version.mak CFG="mod_version - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- cd ..\..
- cd modules\proxy
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_proxy.mak CFG="mod_proxy - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_proxy_connect.mak CFG="mod_proxy_connect - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_proxy_ftp.mak CFG="mod_proxy_ftp - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_proxy_http.mak CFG="mod_proxy_http - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- cd ..\..
-!IF EXIST("srclib\openssl")
- cd modules\ssl
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_ssl.mak CFG="mod_ssl - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET) .\$(LONG)\
- cd ..\..
- cd support
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f abs.mak CFG="abs - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- cd ..
- cd support
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f ab.mak CFG="ab - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f htdbm.mak CFG="htdbm - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f htdigest.mak CFG="htdigest - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f htpasswd.mak CFG="htpasswd - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f httxt2dbm.mak CFG="httxt2dbm - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f logresolve.mak CFG="logresolve - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f rotatelogs.mak CFG="rotatelogs - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- cd ..
- cd support\win32
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f ApacheMonitor.mak CFG="ApacheMonitor - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f wintty.mak CFG="wintty - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
- cd ..\..
-!ELSEIF EXIST("Apache.sln")
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f SHORT=R LONG=Release CTARGET="/clean" _build
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f SHORT=D LONG=Debug CTARGET="/clean" _build
- echo Building Win32 $(LONG) targets ($(SHORT) suffixes)
- devenv Apache.sln /useenv $(CTARGET) $(LONG) /project BuildBin
-!IF EXIST("srclib\openssl")
- devenv Apache.sln /useenv $(CTARGET) $(LONG) /project mod_ssl
- devenv Apache.sln /useenv $(CTARGET) $(LONG) /project abs
-!IF EXIST("srclib\zlib")
- devenv Apache.sln /useenv $(CTARGET) $(LONG) /project mod_deflate
- @$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f SHORT=R LONG=Release CTARGET="/CLEAN" _build
- @echo Building Win32 $(LONG) targets ($(SHORT) suffixes)
- @msdev Apache.dsw /USEENV /MAKE \
- "BuildBin - Win32 $(LONG)" $(CTARGET)
-!IF "$(CTARGET)" == "/CLEAN"
- @cd srclib\apr-iconv
- @$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f build\ clean \
- @cd ..\..
-!IF EXIST("srclib\openssl")
- @msdev Apache.dsw /USEENV /MAKE \
- "mod_ssl - Win32 $(LONG)" \
- "abs - Win32 $(LONG)" /NORECURSE $(CTARGET)
-!IF EXIST("srclib\zlib")
- @msdev Apache.dsw /USEENV /MAKE \
- "mod_deflate - Win32 $(LONG)" /NORECURSE $(CTARGET)
- copy $(LONG)\Apache.$(src_exe) "$(inst_exe)" <.y
- copy $(LONG)\libhttpd.$(src_dll) "$(inst_dll)" <.y
- copy srclib\apr\$(LONG)\libapr.$(src_dll) "$(inst_dll)" <.y
- copy srclib\apr-iconv\$(LONG)\libapriconv.$(src_dll) "$(inst_dll)" <.y
- copy srclib\apr-util\$(LONG)\libaprutil.$(src_dll) "$(inst_dll)" <.y
- copy modules\aaa\$(LONG)\mod_access.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
- copy modules\aaa\$(LONG)\mod_auth.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
- copy modules\aaa\$(LONG)\mod_auth_anon.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
- copy modules\aaa\$(LONG)\mod_auth_dbm.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
- copy modules\aaa\$(LONG)\mod_auth_digest.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
- copy modules\arch\win32\$(LONG)\mod_isapi.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
- copy modules\cache\$(LONG)\mod_file_cache.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
- copy modules\dav\fs\$(LONG)\mod_dav_fs.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
- copy modules\dav\main\$(LONG)\mod_dav.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
- copy modules\experimental\$(LONG)\mod_cache.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
- copy modules\experimental\$(LONG)\mod_disk_cache.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
- copy modules\experimental\$(LONG)\mod_mem_cache.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
- copy modules\experimental\$(LONG)\mod_charset_lite.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
- copy modules\experimental\$(LONG)\mod_dumpio.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
- copy modules\experimental\$(LONG)\util_ldap.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
- copy modules\experimental\$(LONG)\mod_auth_ldap.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
-!IF EXIST("srclib\zlib")
- copy modules\filters\$(LONG)\mod_deflate.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
-!IF EXIST("srclib\zlib\zlib1.$(src_dll)")
- copy srclib\zlib\zlib1.$(src_dll) "$(inst_dll)" <.y
- copy modules\filters\$(LONG)\mod_ext_filter.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
- copy modules\filters\$(LONG)\mod_include.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
- copy modules\generators\$(LONG)\mod_asis.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
- copy modules\generators\$(LONG)\mod_autoindex.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
- copy modules\generators\$(LONG)\mod_cgi.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
- copy modules\generators\$(LONG)\mod_info.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
- copy modules\generators\$(LONG)\mod_status.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
- copy modules\http\$(LONG)\mod_mime.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
- copy modules\loggers\$(LONG)\mod_log_config.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
- copy modules\loggers\$(LONG)\mod_log_forensic.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
- copy modules\loggers\$(LONG)\mod_logio.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
- copy modules\mappers\$(LONG)\mod_actions.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
- copy modules\mappers\$(LONG)\mod_alias.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
- copy modules\mappers\$(LONG)\mod_dir.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
- copy modules\mappers\$(LONG)\mod_imap.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
- copy modules\mappers\$(LONG)\mod_negotiation.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
- copy modules\mappers\$(LONG)\mod_rewrite.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
- copy modules\mappers\$(LONG)\mod_speling.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
- copy modules\mappers\$(LONG)\mod_userdir.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
- copy modules\mappers\$(LONG)\mod_vhost_alias.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
- copy modules\metadata\$(LONG)\mod_cern_meta.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
- copy modules\metadata\$(LONG)\mod_env.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
- copy modules\metadata\$(LONG)\mod_expires.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
- copy modules\metadata\$(LONG)\mod_headers.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
- copy modules\metadata\$(LONG)\mod_mime_magic.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
- copy modules\metadata\$(LONG)\mod_setenvif.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
- copy modules\metadata\$(LONG)\mod_unique_id.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
- copy modules\metadata\$(LONG)\mod_usertrack.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
- copy modules\metadata\$(LONG)\mod_version.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
- copy modules\proxy\$(LONG)\mod_proxy.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
- copy modules\proxy\$(LONG)\mod_proxy_connect.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
- copy modules\proxy\$(LONG)\mod_proxy_ftp.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
- copy modules\proxy\$(LONG)\mod_proxy_http.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
-!IF EXIST("srclib\openssl")
- copy modules\ssl\$(LONG)\mod_ssl.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
- $(quiet)copy srclib\openssl\$(SSLBIN)\openssl.$(src_exe) "$(inst_exe)" <.y
- $(quiet)copy srclib\openssl\$(SSLBIN)\libeay32.$(src_dll) "$(inst_dll)" <.y
- $(quiet)copy srclib\openssl\$(SSLBIN)\ssleay32.$(src_dll) "$(inst_dll)" <.y
- copy support\$(LONG)\abs.$(src_exe) "$(inst_exe)\ab.$(src_exe)" <.y
- copy support\$(LONG)\ab.$(src_exe) "$(inst_exe)" <.y
- copy support\$(LONG)\htdbm.$(src_exe) "$(inst_exe)" <.y
- copy support\$(LONG)\htdigest.$(src_exe) "$(inst_exe)" <.y
- copy support\$(LONG)\htpasswd.$(src_exe) "$(inst_exe)" <.y
- copy support\$(LONG)\httxt2dbm.$(src_exe) "$(inst_exe)" <.y
- copy support\$(LONG)\logresolve.$(src_exe) "$(inst_exe)" <.y
- copy support\$(LONG)\rotatelogs.$(src_exe) "$(inst_exe)" <.y
- copy support\win32\$(LONG)\ApacheMonitor.$(src_exe) "$(inst_exe)" <.y
- copy support\win32\$(LONG)\wintty.$(src_exe) "$(inst_exe)" <.y
-# First we create the tree and populate the README so that
-# whatever happens, all licensing has already propagated.
-# Then repeatedly invoke the _copybin build to copy the
-# real binaries, then pdb symbols, anf finally dbg syms.
-# Then hit docs of various sorts, then includes and libs,
-# and finally do the .conf magic.
- echo Y >.y
- echo A >.A
- -mkdir "$(INSTDIR)"
- -mkdir "$(INSTDIR)\bin"
- -mkdir "$(INSTDIR)\bin\iconv"
- -mkdir "$(INSTDIR)\cgi-bin"
- -mkdir "$(INSTDIR)\conf"
- -mkdir "$(INSTDIR)\error"
- -mkdir "$(INSTDIR)\htdocs"
- -mkdir "$(INSTDIR)\manual"
- -mkdir "$(INSTDIR)\icons"
- -mkdir "$(INSTDIR)\include"
- -mkdir "$(INSTDIR)\lib"
- -mkdir "$(INSTDIR)\logs"
- -mkdir "$(INSTDIR)\modules"
- -mkdir "$(INSTDIR)\proxy"
- -mkdir "$(INSTDIR)\symbols"
- -mkdir "$(INSTDIR)\symbols\exe"
- -mkdir "$(INSTDIR)\symbols\dll"
- -mkdir "$(INSTDIR)\symbols\so"
- copy CHANGES "$(INSTDIR)\CHANGES.txt" <.y
- copy INSTALL "$(INSTDIR)\INSTALL.txt" <.y
- copy LICENSE "$(INSTDIR)\LICENSE.txt" <.y
- copy NOTICE "$(INSTDIR)\NOTICE.txt" <.y
- copy README "$(INSTDIR)\README.txt" <.y
-!IF EXIST("srclib\openssl")
- copy srclib\openssl\apps\openssl.cnf "$(INSTDIR)\conf\openssl.cnf" <.y
- type << >> "$(INSTDIR)\NOTICE.txt"
- This binary distribution includes cryptographic software written by
- Eric Young (, software written by Tim Hudson
- (, and software developed by the OpenSSL Project
- for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit <>.
- -awk -f <<script.awk < "srclib\openssl\LICENSE" >> "$(INSTDIR)\LICENSE.txt"
- print "";
- print "For the libeay32.dll, ssleay32.dll and openssl.exe components:";
- print "";
- while ( getline > 0 ) {
- print $$0;
- }
- copy << + srclib\openssl\NEWS "$(INSTDIR)\OPENSSL-NEWS.txt" <.y
- Apache HTTP Server 2.0 Limited OpenSSL Distribution
- This binary distribution includes the minimal components of OpenSSL required
- to support mod_ssl for Apache HTTP Server version 2.0 (details are listed
- in OPENSSL-README.txt.) For the complete list of CHANGES to this and later
- versions of OpenSSL, please refer to the definative source,
- <>, or see the CHANGES file in the
- full binary or source distribution package from <>.
- These OpenSSL binaries were built for distribution from the U.S. without
- support for the patented encryption methods IDEA, MDC-2 or RC5.
- copy << + srclib\openssl\README "$(INSTDIR)\OPENSSL-README.txt" <.y
- Apache HTTP Server 2.0 Limited OpenSSL Distribution
- This binary installation of OpenSSL is a limited distribution of the
- files derived from the OpenSSL project:
- LICENSE.txt (includes openssl LICENSE)
- conf\openssl.cnf
- bin\libeay32.dll
- bin\ssleay32.dll
- bin\openssl.exe
- These are the minimal libraries and tools required to use mod_ssl as
- distributed with Apache HTTP Server version 2.0. No library link files,
- headers or sources are distributed with this binary distribution. Please
- refer to the <> site for complete source or binary
- distributions.
- These OpenSSL binaries were built for distribution from the U.S. without
- support for the patented encryption methods IDEA, MDC-2 or RC5.
- The Apache HTTP Project only supports the binary distribution of these files
- and development of the mod_ssl module. We cannot provide support assistance
- for using or configuring the OpenSSL package or these modules. Please refer
- all installation and configuration questions to the appropriate forum,
- such as the user supported lists, <>
- the Apache HTTP Server user's list or <> the
- OpenSSL support page.
-!IF EXIST("srclib\zlib")
- type << >> "$(INSTDIR)\NOTICE.txt"
- This binary distribution of includes zlib compression code
- <> written by Jean-loup Gailly (
- and Mark Adler ( .
- -awk -f <<script.awk < "srclib\zlib\README" >> "$(INSTDIR)\LICENSE.txt"
- while ( getline > 0 ) {
- if ( $$0 ~ /Copyright notice:/ ) {
- print "";
- print "For the mod_deflate zlib compression component:";
- while ( getline > 0 && $$0 !~ /^[^ ]/ ) {
- print $$0;
- }
- exit 0;
- }
- }
- exit 1;
- _copybin src_exe=exe src_dll=dll src_so=so \
- inst_exe="$(INSTDIR)\bin" \
- inst_dll="$(INSTDIR)\bin" \
- inst_so="$(INSTDIR)\modules"
- _copybin src_exe=pdb src_dll=pdb src_so=pdb quiet="-" \
- inst_exe="$(INSTDIR)\bin" \
- inst_dll="$(INSTDIR)\bin" \
- inst_so="$(INSTDIR)\modules"
- cd srclib\apr-iconv
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f build\ install \
- INSTALL_DIR="$(INSTDIR)\bin\iconv"
- cd ..\..
- copy docs\cgi-examples\printenv "$(INSTDIR)\cgi-bin\" <.y
- -awk -f <<script.awk "docs/cgi-examples/printenv" > "$(INSTDIR)\cgi-bin\"
- if ( "perl -e \"print $$^X;\"" | getline perlroot ) {
- gsub( /\\/, "/", perlroot );
- print "#!" perlroot;
- }
- }
- {
- if ( $$0 !~ /^#!/ ) {
- print $$0;
- }
- }
- xcopy docs\error "$(INSTDIR)\error" /s /d < .a
- xcopy docs\docroot "$(INSTDIR)\htdocs" /d < .a
- xcopy docs\icons "$(INSTDIR)\icons" /s /d < .a
- xcopy docs\manual "$(INSTDIR)\manual" /s /d < .a
- xcopy srclib\pcre\pcre*.h "$(INSTDIR)\include" /d < .a
- xcopy srclib\apr-util\xml\expat\lib\expat.h "$(INSTDIR)\include" /d < .a
- xcopy srclib\apr\include\*.h "$(INSTDIR)\include" /d < .a
- xcopy srclib\apr-util\include\*.h "$(INSTDIR)\include" /d < .a
- xcopy include\*.h "$(INSTDIR)\include" /d < .a
- copy srclib\apr\Lib$(SHORT)\apr.lib "$(INSTDIR)\lib" <.y
- copy srclib\apr\Lib$(SHORT)\apr_src.pdb "$(INSTDIR)\lib" <.y
- copy srclib\apr-util\Lib$(SHORT)\aprutil.lib "$(INSTDIR)\lib" <.y
- copy srclib\apr-util\Lib$(SHORT)\aprutil_src.pdb "$(INSTDIR)\lib" <.y
- copy srclib\pcre\Lib$(SHORT)\pcre.lib "$(INSTDIR)\lib" <.y
- copy srclib\pcre\Lib$(SHORT)\pcre_src.pdb "$(INSTDIR)\lib" <.y
- copy srclib\pcre\Lib$(SHORT)\pcreposix.lib "$(INSTDIR)\lib" <.y
- copy srclib\pcre\Lib$(SHORT)\pcreposix_src.pdb "$(INSTDIR)\lib" <.y
- copy srclib\apr-util\xml\expat\lib\Lib$(SHORT)\xml.lib "$(INSTDIR)\lib" <.y
- copy srclib\apr-util\xml\expat\lib\Lib$(SHORT)\xml_src.pdb "$(INSTDIR)\lib" <.y
- copy srclib\apr\$(LONG)\libapr.lib "$(INSTDIR)\lib" <.y
- copy srclib\apr\$(LONG)\libapr.exp "$(INSTDIR)\lib" <.y
- copy srclib\apr-iconv\$(LONG)\libapriconv.lib "$(INSTDIR)\lib" <.y
- copy srclib\apr-iconv\$(LONG)\libapriconv.exp "$(INSTDIR)\lib" <.y
- copy srclib\apr-util\$(LONG)\libaprutil.lib "$(INSTDIR)\lib" <.y
- copy srclib\apr-util\$(LONG)\libaprutil.exp "$(INSTDIR)\lib" <.y
- copy $(LONG)\libhttpd.exp "$(INSTDIR)\lib" <.y
- copy $(LONG)\libhttpd.lib "$(INSTDIR)\lib" <.y
- copy modules\dav\main\$(LONG)\mod_dav.exp "$(INSTDIR)\lib" <.y
- copy modules\dav\main\$(LONG)\mod_dav.lib "$(INSTDIR)\lib" <.y
- copy docs\conf\magic "$(INSTDIR)\conf\magic.default" <.y
- if not exist "$(INSTDIR)\conf\magic" \
- copy "$(INSTDIR)\conf\magic.default" "$(INSTDIR)\conf\magic"
- copy docs\conf\mime.types "$(INSTDIR)\conf\mime.types.default" <.y
- if not exist "$(INSTDIR)\conf\mime.types" \
- copy "$(INSTDIR)\conf\mime.types.default" "$(INSTDIR)\conf\mime.types"
- copy docs\conf\httpd-win.conf "$(INSTDIR)\conf\httpd.default.conf" <.y
- -awk -f <<script.awk "docs/conf/httpd-win.conf" "$(INSTDIR)" > "$(INSTDIR)\conf\httpd.default.conf"
- serverroot = ARGV[2];
- delete ARGV[2];
- gsub( /\\/, "/", serverroot );
- "cd" | getline root;
- gsub( /^\//, substr( root, 1, 2 ) "/", serverroot );
- }
- {
- gsub( /@@ServerRoot@@/, serverroot );
- gsub( /@@ServerName@@/, "$(SERVERNAME)" );
- gsub( /@@Port@@/, "$(PORT)" );
- print $$0;
- }
- if not exist "$(INSTDIR)\conf\httpd.conf" \
- copy "$(INSTDIR)\conf\httpd.default.conf" "$(INSTDIR)\conf\httpd.conf"
-!IF EXIST("srclib\openssl")
- copy docs\conf\ "$(INSTDIR)\conf\ssl.default.conf" <.y
- -awk -f <<script.awk "docs/conf/" "$(INSTDIR)" > "$(INSTDIR)\conf\ssl.default.conf"
- serverroot = ARGV[2];
- delete ARGV[2];
- gsub( /\\/, "/", serverroot );
- "cd" | getline root;
- gsub( /^\//, substr( root, 1, 2 ) "/", serverroot );
- }
- {
- gsub( /@@ServerRoot@@/, serverroot );
- gsub( /443/, "$(SSLPORT)" );
- gsub( /SSLMutex file:@exp_runtimedir@\/ssl_mutex/, "SSLMutex default" );
- gsub( /@exp_runtimedir@/, "logs" );
- gsub( /@exp_htdocsdir@/, serverroot "/htdocs" );
- gsub( /@exp_logfiledir@/, "logs" );
- gsub( /@exp_sysconfdir@/, "conf" );
- gsub( /@exp_cgidir@/, serverroot "/cgi" );
- print $$0;
- }
- if not exist "$(INSTDIR)\conf\ssl.conf" \
- copy "$(INSTDIR)\conf\ssl.default.conf" "$(INSTDIR)\conf\ssl.conf"
- -awk -f <<script.awk "support/" >"$(INSTDIR)\bin\"
- { if ( $$0 ~ /^BEGIN \{ @AnyDBM_File::/ ) {
- sub( /ISA = qw\(.*\)/, "ISA = qw(SDBM_File)" );
- }
- if ( $$0 !~ /^#!@perlbin@/ )
- print $$0;
- }
- del .y
- del .a