path: root/rubbos/app/apache2/error/HTTP_NOT_FOUND.html.var
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'rubbos/app/apache2/error/HTTP_NOT_FOUND.html.var')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 435 deletions
diff --git a/rubbos/app/apache2/error/HTTP_NOT_FOUND.html.var b/rubbos/app/apache2/error/HTTP_NOT_FOUND.html.var
deleted file mode 100644
index 58149171..00000000
--- a/rubbos/app/apache2/error/HTTP_NOT_FOUND.html.var
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,435 +0,0 @@
-Content-language: cs
-Content-type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-2
-<!--#set var="CONTENT_LANGUAGE" value="cs"
---><!--#set var="CHARACTER_ENCODING" value="ISO-8859-2"
---><!--#set var="TITLE" value="Objekt nenalezen!"
---><!--#include virtual="include/top.html" -->
- Po¾adované URL nebylo na tomto serveru nalezeno.
- <!--#if expr="$HTTP_REFERER" -->
- Zdá se, ¾e odkaz na
- <a href="<!--#echo encoding="url" var="HTTP_REFERER" -->">odkazující
- stránce</a> je chybný nebo zastaralý. Informujte, prosím, autora
- <a href="<!--#echo encoding="url" var="HTTP_REFERER" -->">této stránky</a>
- o&nbsp;chybì.
- <!--#else -->
- Pokud jste zadal(a) URL ruènì, zkontrolujte, prosím,
- zda jste zadal(a) URL správnì, a zkuste to znovu.
- <!--#endif -->
-<!--#include virtual="include/bottom.html" -->
-Content-language: de
-Content-type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
-<!--#set var="CONTENT_LANGUAGE" value="de"
---><!--#set var="TITLE" value="Objekt nicht gefunden!"
---><!--#include virtual="include/top.html" -->
- Der angeforderte URL konnte auf dem Server nicht gefunden werden.
- <!--#if expr="$HTTP_REFERER" -->
- Der Link auf der
- <a href="<!--#echo encoding="url" var="HTTP_REFERER" -->">verweisenden
- Seite</a> scheint falsch oder nicht mehr aktuell zu sein.
- Bitte informieren Sie den Autor
- <a href="<!--#echo encoding="url" var="HTTP_REFERER" -->">dieser Seite</a>
- &uuml;ber den Fehler.
- <!--#else -->
- Sofern Sie den URL manuell eingegeben haben,
- &uuml;berpr&uuml;fen Sie bitte die Schreibweise und versuchen Sie es erneut.
- <!--#endif -->
-<!--#include virtual="include/bottom.html" -->
-Content-language: en
-Content-type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
-<!--#set var="TITLE" value="Object not found!"
---><!--#include virtual="include/top.html" -->
- The requested URL was not found on this server.
- <!--#if expr="$HTTP_REFERER" -->
- The link on the
- <a href="<!--#echo encoding="url" var="HTTP_REFERER" -->">referring
- page</a> seems to be wrong or outdated. Please inform the author of
- <a href="<!--#echo encoding="url" var="HTTP_REFERER" -->">that page</a>
- about the error.
- <!--#else -->
- If you entered the URL manually please check your
- spelling and try again.
- <!--#endif -->
-<!--#include virtual="include/bottom.html" -->
-Content-language: es
-Content-type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
-<!--#set var="CONTENT_LANGUAGE" value="es"
---><!--#set var="TITLE" value="&iexcl;Objeto no encontrado!"
---><!--#include virtual="include/top.html" -->
- El enlace requerido no ha sido localizado en
- este servidor.
- <!--#if expr="$HTTP_REFERER" -->
- El enlace en la
- <a href="<!--#echo encoding="url" var="HTTP_REFERER" -->">p&aacute;gina
- referente</a> parece tener algun error o ha expirado. Por favor
- comunique al autor de
- <a href="<!--#echo encoding="url" var="HTTP_REFERER" -->">la
- p&aacute;gina</a> el error.
- <!--#else -->
- Si usted proporcion&oacute; el enlace de manera manual le solicitamos
- que por favor revise los datos e intentelo de nuevo.
- <!--#endif -->
-<!--#include virtual="include/bottom.html" -->
-Content-language: fr
-Content-type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
-<!--#set var="CONTENT_LANGUAGE" value="fr"
---><!--#set var="TITLE" value="Objet non trouv&eacute;!"
---><!--#include virtual="include/top.html" -->
- L'URL requise n'a pu etre trouv&eacute;e sur ce serveur.
- <!--#if expr="$HTTP_REFERER" -->
- La r&eacute;f&eacute;rence sur
- <a href="<!--#echo encoding="url" var="HTTP_REFERER" -->">la page
- cit&eacute;e</a>
- semble &ecirc;tre erron&eacute;e ou perim&eacute;e. Nous vous prions
- d'informer l'auteur de
- <a href="<!--#echo encoding="url" var="HTTP_REFERER" -->">cette page</a>
- de cette erreur.
- <!--#else -->
- Si vous avez tap&eacute; l'URL &agrave; la main, veuillez v&eacute;rifier
- l'orthographe et r&eacute;essayer.
- <!--#endif -->
-<!--#include virtual="include/bottom.html" -->
-Content-language: ga
-Content-type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
-<!--#set var="TITLE" value="Aidhm ar iarraidh!"
---><!--#include virtual="include/top.html" -->
- N&iacute;or aimsigh an URL iarraithe ar an fhreastala&iacute; seo.
- <!--#if expr="$HTTP_REFERER" -->
- Is cos&uacute;il go bhfuil an nasc ar an
- <a href="<!--#echo encoding="url" var="HTTP_REFERER" -->">leathanach
- thagarthach</a> m&iacute;cheart n&oacute; as d&aacute;ta.
- Cur in i&uacute;l d'&uacute;adar
- <a href="<!--#echo encoding="url" var="HTTP_REFERER" -->"
- >an leathanach sin</a> go bhfuil earr&aacute;id ann, le do thoil.
- <!--#else -->
- M&aacute; chuir t&uacute; isteach an URL t&uacute; f&eacute;in, deimhnigh
- go bhfuil s&eacute; litrithe i gceart agat, agus d&eacute;an iarracht eile
- le do thoil.
- <!--#endif -->
-<!--#include virtual="include/bottom.html" -->
-Content-language: it
-Content-type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
-<!--#set var="CONTENT_LANGUAGE" value="it"
---><!--#set var="TITLE" value="Oggetto non trovato!"
---><!--#include virtual="include/top.html" -->
- L'URL richiesto non esiste su questo server.
- <!--#if expr="$HTTP_REFERER" -->
- Il link della
- <a href="<!--#echo encoding="url" var="HTTP_REFERER" -->">pagina da cui
- sei arrivato</a> potrebbe essere errato o non essere pi&ugrave; valido.
- Per favore, informa dell'errore l'autore della
- <a href="<!--#echo encoding="url" var="HTTP_REFERER" -->">pagina</a>.
- <!--#else -->
- Se hai scritto l'URL a mano, per favore controlla che
- non ci siano errori.
- <!--#endif -->
-<!--#include virtual="include/bottom.html" -->
-Content-language: ja
-Content-type: text/html; charset=ISO-2022-JP
-<!--#set var="CONTENT_LANGUAGE" value="ja"
---><!--#set var="CHARACTER_ENCODING" value="iso-2022-jp"
---><!--#set var="TITLE" value="Object not found!"
---><!--#include virtual="include/top.html" -->
- $BMW5a$5$l$?(B URL $B$OK\%5!<%P$G$O8+$D$+$j$^$;$s$G$7$?!#(B
- <!--#if expr="$HTTP_REFERER" -->
- <a href="<!--#echo encoding="url" var="HTTP_REFERER"-->">
- $B;2>H85%Z!<%8(B</a>$B$N%j%s%/$,4V0c$C$F$$$k$+!"8E$/$J$C$F$7$^$C$F$$$k$h$&$G$9!#(B
- <a href="<!--#echo encoding="url" var="HTTP_REFERER"-->"
- >$B%Z!<%8(B</a>$B$NCx<T$K$3$N%(%i!<$r$*CN$i$;2<$5$$!#(B
- <!--#else -->
- $B$b$7<jF~NO$G(B URL $B$rF~NO$7$?>l9g$O!"DV$j$r3NG'$7$F:FEY$*;n$72<$5$$!#(B
- <!--#endif -->
-<!--#include virtual="include/bottom.html" -->
-Content-language: ko
-Content-type: text/html; charset=EUC-KR
-<!--#set var="CONTENT_LANGUAGE" value="ko"
---><!--#set var="TITLE" value="°´Ã¼ ¾øÀ½!"
---><!--#set var="CHARACTER_ENCODING" value="EUC-KR"
---><!--#include virtual="include/top.html" -->
- ¿äûÇÑ URLÀ» ÀÌ ¼­¹ö¿¡¼­ ãÀ» ¼ö ¾ø½À´Ï´Ù.
- <!--#if expr="$HTTP_REFERER" -->
- <a href="<!--#echo encoding="url" var="HTTP_REFERER"-->">ÀÌÀü
- ÆäÀÌÁö</a>¿¡ ÀÖ´Â ¸µÅ©°¡ À߸øµÇ¾ú°Å³ª ¿À·¡µÇ¾î ¾ø¾îÁø °Í °°½À´Ï´Ù.
- <a href="<!--#echo encoding="url" var="HTTP_REFERER"-->">±× ÆäÀÌÁö</a>¸¦
- ¸¸µçÀÌ¿¡°Ô ÀÌ »ç½ÇÀ» ¾Ë·ÁÁֽñ⠹ٶø´Ï´Ù.
- <!--#else -->
- URLÀ» Á÷Á¢ ÀÔ·ÂÇÏ¼Ì´Ù¸é ¹Ù¸£°Ô ÀÔ·ÂÇϼ̴ÂÁö È®ÀÎÇÏ½Ã°í ´Ù½Ã ½ÃµµÇϽñâ
- ¹Ù¶ø´Ï´Ù.
- <!--#endif -->
-<!--#include virtual="include/bottom.html" -->
-Content-language: nl
-Content-type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
-<!--#set var="CONTENT_LANGUAGE" value="nl"
---><!--#set var="TITLE" value="Object niet gevonden!"
---><!--#include virtual="include/top.html" -->
- De gevraagde URL was niet gevonden op deze server.
- <!--#if expr="$HTTP_REFERER" -->
- De link op
- <a href="<!--#echo encoding="url" var="HTTP_REFERER" -->">deze pagina
- pagina</a> is verkeerd of achterhaald. Gelieve de auteur van
- <a href="<!--#echo encoding="url" var="HTTP_REFERER" -->">die pagina</a>
- in te lichten over deze fout.
- <!--#else -->
- Indien u de URL manueel hebt ingevuld, gelieve uw
- spelling te controleren en probeer opnieuw.
- <!--#endif -->
-<!--#include virtual="include/bottom.html" -->
-Content-language: pl
-Content-type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-2
-<!--#set var="CONTENT_LANGUAGE" value="pl"
---><!--#set var="TITLE" value="Nie znaleziono obiektu!"
---><!--#set var="CHARACTER_ENCODING" value="ISO-8859-2"
---><!--#include virtual="include/top.html" -->
- Nie znaleziono ¿±danego URLa na tym serwerze.
- <!--#if expr="$HTTP_REFERER" -->
- Odno¶nik na
- <a href="<!--#echo encoding="url" var="HTTP_REFERER" -->">referuj±cej stronie
- </a> wydaje siê byæ nieprawid³owy lub nieaktualny. Poinformuj autora
- <a href="<!--#echo encoding="url" var="HTTP_REFERER" -->">tej strony</a>
- o problemie.
- <!--#else -->
- Je¶li wpisa³e¶ URLa rêcznie, sprawd¼, czy nie siê nie pomyli³e¶.
- <!--#endif -->
-<!--#include virtual="include/bottom.html" -->
-Content-language: pt-br
-Content-type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
-<!--#set var="CONTENT_LANGUAGE" value="pt-br"
---><!--#set var="TITLE" value="Objeto n&atilde;o encontrado!"
---><!--#include virtual="include/top.html" -->
- A URL requisitada n&atilde;o foi encontrada neste servidor.
- <!--#if expr="$HTTP_REFERER" -->
- O link na
- <a href="<!--#echo encoding="url" var="HTTP_REFERER" -->">p&aacute;gina
- referida</a> parece estar com algum erro ou desatualizado. Por favor informe o
- autor <a href="<!--#echo encoding="url" var="HTTP_REFERER" -->">desta
- p&aacute;gina</a> sobre o erro.
- <!--#else -->
- Se voc&ecirc; digitou o endere&ccedil;o (URL) manualmente,
- por favor verifique novamente a sintaxe do endere&ccedil;o.
- <!--#endif -->
-<!--#include virtual="include/bottom.html" -->
-Content-language: ro
-Content-type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
-<!--#set var="CONTENT_LANGUAGE" value="ro"
---><!--#set var="TITLE" value="Obiectul nu a fost gasit!"
---><!--#include virtual="include/top.html" -->
- URL-ul cerut nu a fost gasit pe acest server.
- <!--#if expr="$HTTP_REFERER" -->
- Link-ul de pe
- <a href="<!--#echo encoding="url" var="HTTP_REFERER" -->">pagina
- de unde ati venit</a> pare a fi gresit sau invechit. Va rugam informati autorul
- <a href="<!--#echo encoding="url" var="HTTP_REFERER" -->">acestei pagini</a>
- despre eroare.
- <!--#else -->
- Daca ati introdus URL-ul manual, va rugam verificati
- corectitudinea si incercati din nou.
- <!--#endif -->
-<!--#include virtual="include/bottom.html" -->
-Content-language: sr
-Content-type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-5
-<!--#set var="CONTENT_LANGUAGE" value="sr"
---><!--#set var="CHARACTER_ENCODING" value="ISO-8859-5"
---><!--#set var="TITLE" value="¾ÑøÕÚÐâ ÝØøÕ ßàÞÝÐòÕÝ!"
---><!--#include virtual="include/top.html" -->
- <!--#if expr="$HTTP_REFERER" -->
- <a href="<!--#echo encoding="url" var="HTTP_REFERER" -->">ØáåÞÔØèÝÞø
- <a href="<!--#echo encoding="url" var="HTTP_REFERER" -->">âÕ áâàÐÝØæÕ</a>
- Þ ÓàÕèæØ.
- <!--#else -->
- <!--#endif -->
-<!--#include virtual="include/bottom.html" -->
-Content-language: sv
-Content-type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
-<!--#set var="CONTENT_LANGUAGE" value="sv"
---><!--#set var="TITLE" value="Objektet hittas ej!"
---><!--#include virtual="include/top.html" -->
- Den efterfr&aring;gade adressen hittades inte p&aring; denna server.
- <!--#if expr="$HTTP_REFERER" -->
- L&auml;nken p&aring; den
- <a href="<!--#echo encoding="url" var="HTTP_REFERER" -->">tidigare sidan</a>
- verkar vara felaktig eller inaktuell. V&auml;nligen informera f&ouml;rfattaren av
- <a href="<!--#echo encoding="url" var="HTTP_REFERER" -->">sidan</a>
- om felet.
- <!--#else -->
- Om du skrev in adressen manuellt s&aring; kontrollera din stavning och
- f&ouml;rs&ouml;k igen.
- <!--#endif -->
-<!--#include virtual="include/bottom.html" -->
-Content-language: tr
-Content-type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-9
-<!--#set var="CONTENT_LANGUAGE" value="tr"
---><!--#set var="CHARACTER_ENCODING" value="ISO-8859-9"
---><!--#set var="TITLE" value="Object not found!"
---><!--#include virtual="include/top.html" -->
- Talep etti&#287;iniz URL, sunucu üzerinde bulunmuyor.
- <!--#if expr="$HTTP_REFERER" -->
- <a href="<!--#echo encoding="url" var="HTTP_REFERER" -->">Referans sayfa</a>
- üzerindeki ba&#287;lant&#305; güncel de&#287;il.
- Lütfen <a href="<!--#echo encoding="url" var="HTTP_REFERER" -->">referans sayfa</a>'n&#305;n
- yazar&#305;n&#305; konuyla ilgili bilgilendirin.
- <!--#else -->
- URL'i kendiniz elle girdiyseniz, yaz&#305;m&#305;n&#305;z&#305; denetleyip tekrar deneyin.
- <!--#endif -->
-<!--#include virtual="include/bottom.html" -->