path: root/testsuites/rubbos/rubbos_scripts/1-1-1/rubbos_conf
diff options
authorliyin <>2017-05-08 09:04:32 +0000
committerliyin <>2017-05-10 11:16:02 +0000
commit6a8257127b3dce1f18a650afe6921a34b6c6f5b8 (patch)
treebfb2d60c1ce3f6688b92e5787818f222d620f52e /testsuites/rubbos/rubbos_scripts/1-1-1/rubbos_conf
parent2d9642a33a6a58f53aceba4ff3d6242f191f25f0 (diff)
Delete testcase of rubbos and vstf.
JIRA:BOTTLENECK-167 This patch will delete vstf and rubbos testcase code. Include some testcase config file, if there will be someone who want to use this testcase maybe B or C version code will contain those testcase. if you use the D version code to run this two testcase we will info you that: Rubbos testsuite is not updating anymore. This entrance for running Rubbos within Bottlenecks is no longer supported. Change-Id: I04e4042ff3998b3696df2ed47a9ffab6f1620ec3 Signed-off-by: liyin <>
Diffstat (limited to 'testsuites/rubbos/rubbos_scripts/1-1-1/rubbos_conf')
8 files changed, 0 insertions, 542 deletions
diff --git a/testsuites/rubbos/rubbos_scripts/1-1-1/rubbos_conf/Makefile b/testsuites/rubbos/rubbos_scripts/1-1-1/rubbos_conf/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 565b22be..00000000
--- a/testsuites/rubbos/rubbos_scripts/1-1-1/rubbos_conf/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-# RUBBoS Makefile #
-# Environment variables #
-JAVA = $(JAVA_HOME)/bin/java
-JAVAC = $(JAVA_HOME)/bin/javac
-JAVACOPTS = -deprecation
-RMIC = $(JAVA_HOME)/bin/rmic
-RMIREGISTRY= $(JAVA_HOME)/bin/rmiregistry
-#CLASSPATH = .:$(J2EE_HOME)/lib/j2ee.jar:$(JAVA_HOME)/jre/lib/rt.jar:$TOMCATservlet.jar
-CLASSPATH = .:$(J2EE_HOME)/lib/j2ee.jar:$(JAVA_HOME)/jre/lib/rt.jar
-JAVADOC = $(JAVA_HOME)/javadoc
-# Servlets version #
-Servlets = Config TimeManagement BrowseCategories Auth RegisterUser RubbosHttpServlet BrowseRegions SearchItemsByCategory SearchItemsByRegion ViewItem ViewBidHistory ViewUserInfo SellItemForm RegisterItem PutCommentAuth PutComment StoreComment BuyNowAuth BuyNow StoreBuyNow PutBidAuth PutBid StoreBid AboutMe
-all_servlets_sources = $(addprefix edu/rice/rubbos/servlets/, $(addsuffix .java, $(Servlets)))
-all_servlets_obj = $(addprefix edu/rice/rubbos/servlets/, $(addsuffix .class, $(Servlets)))
-servlets: $(all_servlets_obj)
- rm -f edu/rice/rubbos/servlets/*.class
-# Client #
-ClientFiles = URLGenerator URLGeneratorPHP RUBBoSProperties Stats \
- TransitionTable ClientEmulator UserSession
-all_client_sources = $(addprefix edu/rice/rubbos/client/, $(addsuffix .java, $(ClientFiles)))
-all_client_obj = $(addprefix edu/rice/rubbos/client/, $(addsuffix .class, $(ClientFiles))) edu/rice/rubbos/beans/TimeManagement.class
-client: $(all_client_obj)
- ${JAVA} -classpath .:./database edu.rice.rubbos.client.InitDB ${PARAM}
- ${JAVA} -classpath Client:Client/rubbos_client.jar:. -Xmx1300m -Dhttp.keepAlive=true -Dhttp.maxConnections=1000000 edu.rice.rubbos.client.ClientEmulator
- ${JAVA} -classpath Client:Client/rubbos_client.jar:. -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8000,server=y,suspend=n -Xmx1300m -Dhttp.keepAlive=true -Dhttp.maxConnections=1000000 edu.rice.rubbos.client.ClientEmulator
-# Global rules #
-all: beans ejb_servlets client javadoc flush_cache
-world: all servlets
-javadoc :
- ${JAVADOC} -d ./doc/api -bootclasspath ${CLASSPATH} -version -author -windowtitle "RUBBoS API" -header "<b>RUBBoS (C)2001 Rice University/INRIA</b><br>" edu.rice.rubbos.beans edu.rice.rubbos.beans.servlets edu.rice.rubbos.client
- rm -f core edu/rice/rubbos/beans/*.class edu/rice/rubbos/beans/JOnAS* edu/rice/rubbos/beans/servlets/*.class edu/rice/rubbos/client/*.class edu/rice/rubbos/servlets/*.class
- ${JAVACC} -classpath ${CLASSPATH} $<
-flush_cache: bench/flush_cache.c
- gcc bench/flush_cache.c -o bench/flush_cache
diff --git a/testsuites/rubbos/rubbos_scripts/1-1-1/rubbos_conf/ b/testsuites/rubbos/rubbos_scripts/1-1-1/rubbos_conf/
deleted file mode 100644
index dc3fbaaa..00000000
--- a/testsuites/rubbos/rubbos_scripts/1-1-1/rubbos_conf/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-src = .
-dist =.
-classes.dir = ./build
-web.dir = ../Servlet_HTML
-j2ee = /bottlenecks/rubbos/app/j2sdkee1.3.1
-mysql_connector = ./mysql-connector-java-5.1.7-bin.jar
diff --git a/testsuites/rubbos/rubbos_scripts/1-1-1/rubbos_conf/ b/testsuites/rubbos/rubbos_scripts/1-1-1/rubbos_conf/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9182da4d..00000000
--- a/testsuites/rubbos/rubbos_scripts/1-1-1/rubbos_conf/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-# Environment variables #
-JAVA = $(JAVA_HOME)/bin/java
-JAVAC = $(JAVA_HOME)/bin/javac
-JAVACOPTS = -deprecation
-RMIC = $(JAVA_HOME)/bin/rmic
-RMIREGISTRY= $(JAVA_HOME)/bin/rmiregistry
-CLASSPATH = .:$(J2EE_HOME)/lib/j2ee.jar:$(JAVA_HOME)/jre/lib/rt.jar:$(SERVLET_API_PATH)
-JAVADOC = $(JAVA_HOME)/bin/javadoc
-JAR = $(JAVA_HOME)/bin/jar
-GENIC = ${JONAS_ROOT}/bin/unix/GenIC
-MAKE = gmake
-CP = /bin/cp
-RM = /bin/rm
-MKDIR = /bin/mkdir
-# EJB server: supported values are jonas or jboss
-EJB_SERVER = jonas
-# DB server: supported values are MySQL or PostgreSQL
- ${JAVACC} -classpath ${CLASSPATH} $<
diff --git a/testsuites/rubbos/rubbos_scripts/1-1-1/rubbos_conf/ b/testsuites/rubbos/rubbos_scripts/1-1-1/rubbos_conf/
deleted file mode 100644
index 069cf079..00000000
--- a/testsuites/rubbos/rubbos_scripts/1-1-1/rubbos_conf/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2015 Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-cd /bottlenecks/rubbos/rubbos_scripts/1-1-1
-cd -
-# delay inbetween snapshots
-# central host to send results to
-# monitoring start/end time in format YYYYmmddHHMMSS (20050920152059)
-# data filename suffix
-# sar filename
-# iostat filename
-# ps filename
-# date command in predefined format
-date_cmd="date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S"
-# TEST MODE: start_time will be 2 seconds from launch, end time 5 seconds
-#start_time=`expr $date \+ 2`
-#end_time=`expr $date \+ 5`
-#echo Current timestamp: $date
-#echo Start timestamp: $start_time
-#echo End timestamp: $end_time
-# make sure they have all arguments
-if [ "$end_time" = "" ]; then
- echo usage: $0 \<delay\> \<analysis host\> \<start time\> \<end time\>
- echo start_time and end_time are in YYYYmmddHHMMSS format
- echo ie: 9/30/2005, 2:31:54pm = 20050930143154
- echo
- exit
-# wait until start time
-#echo -n Waiting until start time \(${start_time}\)..
-while [ $date -lt $start_time ]; do
- sleep 1
- date=`$date_cmd`
-# launch iostat
-sudo nice -n -1 $SYSSTAT_HOME/bin/iostat -dxtk $delay > ${iostat_filename} &
-# run test until end time
-#echo -n Running test until end time \(${end_time}\)..
-while [ $date -lt $end_time ]; do
- sleep $delay
- date=`$date_cmd`
-# kill iostat
-sudo kill -9 $iostat_pid
-# chmod
-sudo chmod g+w ${iostat_filename}
-sudo chmod o+r ${iostat_filename}
-# send data to analysis host
-#echo Sending data to analysis host..
-#scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o BatchMode=yes ${sar_filename} ${analysis_host}:/tmp/elba/rubbos
-#scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o BatchMode=yes ${ps_filename} ${analysis_host}:/tmp/elba/rubbos
diff --git a/testsuites/rubbos/rubbos_scripts/1-1-1/rubbos_conf/mysql.properties_template b/testsuites/rubbos/rubbos_scripts/1-1-1/rubbos_conf/mysql.properties_template
deleted file mode 100644
index 87a5fd8b..00000000
--- a/testsuites/rubbos/rubbos_scripts/1-1-1/rubbos_conf/mysql.properties_template
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-###################### PostgreSQL DataSource configuration example
-# DataSource configuration
-# mysql
-datasource.url jdbc:mysql://REPLACE_MYSQL1_HOST:3306/rubbos
-datasource.classname com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
-datasource.username rubbos
-datasource.password rubbos
-# ConnectionManager configuration
-# JDBC connection checking level.
-# 0 = no special checking
-# 1 = check physical connection is still open before reusing it
-# 2 = try every connection before reusing it
-jdbc.connchecklevel 1
-# Max age for jdbc connections
-# nb of minutes a connection can be kept in the pool
-jdbc.connmaxage 30
-# Max concurrent threads on same tx/connection
-# (not used with a customized jdbc datasource)
-jdbc.connmaxthreads 4
-# Max wait time if more than connmaxthreads threads request conn
-# value is in seconds
-# (not used with a customized jdbc datasource)
-jdbc.connexcltimeout 30
-# Test statement
-jdbc.connteststmt select 1
-# Customizing JDBC DataSource configuration
-# Name of the class implementing the XADataSource
-#datasource.factory org.objectweb.jonas.dbm.JonasStandardXADataSource
-# JNDI name use to bind the XADataSource
-#datasource.xadataname postgre1_xa
-# Minimum number of physical connection used by the XADataSource
-#datasource.mincon 5
-# Maximum number of physical connection used by the XADataSource
-#datasource.maxcon 10
-# Minimum number of XAConnection used by the pool
-#jdbc.minconpool 10
-# Maximum number of XAConnection used by the pool
-#jdbc.maxconpool 20
-# Time between two clean-up of old unused connection
-# (value is in millisecond)
-#jdbc.sleeptimepool 300000
-# Force the gc to be launched when cleaning up
-#jdbc.gcpool false
-# In case of no connection in the pool,
-# deadlockpool is the global time to re-try before throwing an exception
-# (value is in millisecond)
-#jdbc.deadlockpool 300000
-# In case of no connection in the pool,
-# loopwaitpool is the unit time to re-try
-# (value is in millisecond)
-#jdbc.loopwaitpool 10000
diff --git a/testsuites/rubbos/rubbos_scripts/1-1-1/rubbos_conf/ b/testsuites/rubbos/rubbos_scripts/1-1-1/rubbos_conf/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e9258bc..00000000
--- a/testsuites/rubbos/rubbos_scripts/1-1-1/rubbos_conf/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2015 Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-# This script runs first the RUBBoS browsing mix, then the read/write mix
-# for each rubbos.properties_XX specified where XX is the number of emulated
-# clients. Note that the rubbos.properties_XX files must be configured
-# with the corresponding number of clients.
-# In particular set the following variables in rubis.properties_XX:
-# httpd_use_version = Servlets
-# workload_number_of_clients_per_node = XX/number of client machines
-# workload_transition_table = yourPath/RUBBoS/workload/transitions.txt
-# This script should be run from the RUBBoS/bench directory on the local
-# client machine.
-# Results will be generated in the RUBBoS/bench directory.
-set -x
-# Go back to RUBBoS root directory
-cd ..
-export scp_options='-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o BatchMode=yes'
-# Browse only
-cp -fin ./workload/browse_only_transitions.txt ./workload/user_transitions.txt
-cp -fin ./workload/browse_only_transitions.txt ./workload/author_transitions.txt
- scp ${scp_options} ./workload/browse_only_transitions.txt ${host}:${RUBBOS_HOME}/workload/user_transitions.txt
- scp ${scp_options} ./workload/browse_only_transitions.txt ${host}:${RUBBOS_HOME}/workload/author_transitions.txt
- scp ${scp_options} Client/ ${host}:${RUBBOS_HOME}/Client/
-#bench/flush_cache 490000
-#ssh $HTTPD_HOST "$RUBBOS_HOME/bench/flush_cache 880000" # web server
-#ssh $MYSQL1_HOST "$RUBBOS_HOME/bench/flush_cache 880000" # database server
-#ssh $TOMCAT1_HOST "$RUBBOS_HOME/bench/flush_cache 780000" # servlet server
-#ssh $CLIENT1_HOST "$RUBBOS_HOME/bench/flush_cache 490000" # remote client
-#ssh $CLIENT2_HOST "$RUBBOS_HOME/bench/flush_cache 490000" # remote client
-#ssh $CLIENT3_HOST "$RUBBOS_HOME/bench/flush_cache 490000" # remote client
-#ssh $CLIENT4_HOST "$RUBBOS_HOME/bench/flush_cache 490000" # remote client
-current_seconds=`date +%s`
-start_seconds=`echo \( $RAMPUP / 1000 \) + $current_seconds - 60 | bc`
-SMI=`date -d "1970-01-01 $start_seconds secs UTC" +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`
-end_seconds=`echo \( $RAMPUP / 1000 + $MI / 1000 + 30 \) + $current_seconds | bc`
-EMI=`date -d "1970-01-01 $end_seconds secs UTC" +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`
- ssh $scp_options $host "sudo nice -n -1 $RUBBOS_APP/ $SMI $EMI" &
-echo "Rubbos emulator start $(date)"
-make emulator
-echo "Rubbos emulator end $(date)"
-set -x
diff --git a/testsuites/rubbos/rubbos_scripts/1-1-1/rubbos_conf/ b/testsuites/rubbos/rubbos_scripts/1-1-1/rubbos_conf/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2dbd9788..00000000
--- a/testsuites/rubbos/rubbos_scripts/1-1-1/rubbos_conf/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2015 Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-# This script runs first the RUBBoS browsing mix, then the read/write mix
-# for each rubbos.properties_XX specified where XX is the number of emulated
-# clients. Note that the rubbos.properties_XX files must be configured
-# with the corresponding number of clients.
-# In particular set the following variables in rubis.properties_XX:
-# httpd_use_version = Servlets
-# workload_number_of_clients_per_node = XX/number of client machines
-# workload_transition_table = yourPath/RUBBoS/workload/transitions.txt
-# This script should be run from the RUBBoS/bench directory on the local
-# client machine.
-# Results will be generated in the RUBBoS/bench directory.
-# Go back to RUBBoS root directory
-cd ..
-# Read/write mix
-cp --fi ./workload/user_default_transitions.txt ./workload/user_transitions.txt
-cp --fi ./workload/author_default_transitions.txt ./workload/author_transitions.txt
-scp ./workload/user_default_transitions.txt ${CLIENT1_HOST}:${RUBBOS_HOME}/workload/user_transitions.txt
-scp ./workload/author_default_transitions.txt ${CLIENT1_HOST}:${RUBBOS_HOME}/workload/author_transitions.txt
-scp ./workload/user_default_transitions.txt ${CLIENT2_HOST}:${RUBBOS_HOME}/workload/user_transitions.txt
-scp ./workload/author_default_transitions.txt ${CLIENT2_HOST}:${RUBBOS_HOME}/workload/author_transitions.txt
-scp ./workload/user_default_transitions.txt ${CLIENT3_HOST}:${RUBBOS_HOME}/workload/user_transitions.txt
-scp ./workload/author_default_transitions.txt ${CLIENT3_HOST}:${RUBBOS_HOME}/workload/author_transitions.txt
-scp ./workload/user_default_transitions.txt ${CLIENT4_HOST}:${RUBBOS_HOME}/workload/user_transitions.txt
-scp ./workload/author_default_transitions.txt ${CLIENT4_HOST}:${RUBBOS_HOME}/workload/author_transitions.txt
-scp Client/ ${CLIENT1_HOST}:${RUBBOS_HOME}/Client/
-scp Client/ ${CLIENT2_HOST}:${RUBBOS_HOME}/Client/
-scp Client/ ${CLIENT3_HOST}:${RUBBOS_HOME}/Client/
-scp Client/ ${CLIENT4_HOST}:${RUBBOS_HOME}/Client/
-bench/flush_cache 490000
-ssh $HTTPD_HOST "$RUBBOS_HOME/bench/flush_cache 880000" # web server
-ssh $MYSQL1_HOST "$RUBBOS_HOME/bench/flush_cache 880000" # database server
-ssh $TOMCAT1_HOST "$RUBBOS_HOME/bench/flush_cache 780000" # servlet server
-ssh $CLIENT1_HOST "$RUBBOS_HOME/bench/flush_cache 490000" # remote client
-ssh $CLIENT2_HOST "$RUBBOS_HOME/bench/flush_cache 490000" # remote client
-ssh $CLIENT3_HOST "$RUBBOS_HOME/bench/flush_cache 490000" # remote client
-ssh $CLIENT4_HOST "$RUBBOS_HOME/bench/flush_cache 490000" # remote client
-current_seconds=`date +%s`
-start_seconds=`echo \( $RAMPUP / 1000 \) + $current_seconds - 60 | bc`
-SMI=`date -d "1970-01-01 $start_seconds secs UTC" +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`
-end_seconds=`echo \( $RAMPUP / 1000 + $MI / 1000 + 30 \) + $current_seconds | bc`
-EMI=`date -d "1970-01-01 $end_seconds secs UTC" +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`
-ssh $BENCHMARK_HOST "sudo nice -n -1 $RUBBOS_APP/ $SMI $EMI" &
-ssh $CLIENT1_HOST "sudo nice -n -1 $RUBBOS_APP/ $SMI $EMI" &
-ssh $CLIENT2_HOST "sudo nice -n -1 $RUBBOS_APP/ $SMI $EMI" &
-ssh $CLIENT3_HOST "sudo nice -n -1 $RUBBOS_APP/ $SMI $EMI" &
-ssh $CLIENT4_HOST "sudo nice -n -1 $RUBBOS_APP/ $SMI $EMI" &
-ssh $HTTPD_HOST "sudo nice -n -1 $RUBBOS_APP/ $SMI $EMI" &
-ssh $TOMCAT1_HOST "sudo nice -n -1 $RUBBOS_APP/ $SMI $EMI" &
-ssh $MYSQL1_HOST "sudo nice -n -1 $RUBBOS_APP/ $SMI $EMI" &
-make emulator
diff --git a/testsuites/rubbos/rubbos_scripts/1-1-1/rubbos_conf/rubbos.properties_template b/testsuites/rubbos/rubbos_scripts/1-1-1/rubbos_conf/rubbos.properties_template
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e8a4b43..00000000
--- a/testsuites/rubbos/rubbos_scripts/1-1-1/rubbos_conf/rubbos.properties_template
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-#n HTTP server information
-httpd_hostname = REPLACE_HTTPD_HOST
-httpd_port = 8000
-# C/JDBC server to monitor (if any)
-cjdbc_hostname =
-# Precise which version to use. Valid options are : PHP, Servlets, EJB
-httpd_use_version = Servlets
-# EJB server information
-ejb_server =
-ejb_html_path =
-ejb_script_path =
-# Servlets server information
-servlets_server = REPLACE_TOMCAT1_HOST
-servlets_html_path = /rubbos
-servlets_script_path = /rubbos/servlet
-# PHP information
-php_html_path = /PHP
-php_script_path = /PHP
-#Database information
-database_master_server = REPLACE_MYSQL1_HOST
-database_slave_servers =
-workload_remote_client_command = /bottlenecks/rubbos/app/jdk1.6.0_27/bin/java -classpath .:/bottlenecks/rubbos/app/RUBBoS/Client/:/bottlenecks/rubbos/app/RUBBoS/Client/rubbos_client.jar -Xmx1300m -Dhttp.keepAlive=true -Dhttp.maxConnections=1000000 edu.rice.rubbos.client.ClientEmulator
-workload_number_of_clients_per_node = REPLACE_NUMBER_OF_CLIENTS_PER_NODE
-# Workload: precise which transition table to use
-workload_user_transition_table = /bottlenecks/rubbos/app/RUBBoS/workload/user_transitions.txt
-workload_author_transition_table = /bottlenecks/rubbos/app/RUBBoS/workload/author_transitions.txt
-workload_number_of_columns = 24
-workload_number_of_rows = 26
-workload_maximum_number_of_transitions = 1000
-workload_use_tpcw_think_time = yes
-workload_number_of_stories_per_page = 20
-workload_up_ramp_time_in_ms = 48000
-workload_up_ramp_slowdown_factor = 2
-workload_session_run_time_in_ms = 72000
-workload_down_ramp_time_in_ms = 3000
-workload_down_ramp_slowdown_factor = 3
-workload_percentage_of_author = 10
-# Users policy
-database_number_of_authors = 50
-database_number_of_users = 500000
-# Stories policy
-database_story_dictionnary = /bottlenecks/rubbos/app/RUBBoS/database/dictionary
-database_story_maximum_length = 1024
-database_oldest_story_year = 1998
-database_oldest_story_month = 1
-# Comments policy
-database_comment_max_length = 1024
-# Connection timedout settings
-connection_time_out_interval = 300
-# Monitoring Information
-monitoring_debug_level = 1
-monitoring_program = /bottlenecks/rubbos/app/sysstat-9.0.6/bin/sar
-monitoring_options = -u ALL -I SUM
-monitoring_sampling_in_seconds = 1
-monitoring_rsh = /usr/bin/ssh
-monitoring_scp = /usr/bin/scp
-monitoring_gnuplot_terminal = png