path: root/rubbos/app/apache2/manual/mod/mod_headers.html.en
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authorhongbotian <>2015-11-30 03:10:21 -0500
committerhongbotian <>2015-11-30 03:10:21 -0500
commitc0b7206652b2852bc574694e7ba07ba1c2acdc00 (patch)
tree5cb95cb0e19e03610525903df46279df2c3b7eb1 /rubbos/app/apache2/manual/mod/mod_headers.html.en
parentb6d3d6e668b793220f2d3af1bc3e828553dc3fe6 (diff)
delete app
Change-Id: Id4c572809969ebe89e946e88063eaed262cff3f2 Signed-off-by: hongbotian <>
Diffstat (limited to 'rubbos/app/apache2/manual/mod/mod_headers.html.en')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 323 deletions
diff --git a/rubbos/app/apache2/manual/mod/mod_headers.html.en b/rubbos/app/apache2/manual/mod/mod_headers.html.en
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index 625f3aa7..00000000
--- a/rubbos/app/apache2/manual/mod/mod_headers.html.en
+++ /dev/null
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-<p class="apache">Apache HTTP Server Version 2.0</p>
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-<a href="">Apache</a> &gt; <a href="">HTTP Server</a> &gt; <a href="">Documentation</a> &gt; <a href="../">Version 2.0</a> &gt; <a href="./">Modules</a></div>
-<div id="page-content">
-<div id="preamble"><h1>Apache Module mod_headers</h1>
-<div class="toplang">
-<p><span>Available Languages: </span><a href="../en/mod/mod_headers.html" title="English">&nbsp;en&nbsp;</a> |
-<a href="../ko/mod/mod_headers.html" hreflang="ko" rel="alternate" title="Korean">&nbsp;ko&nbsp;</a></p>
-<table class="module"><tr><th><a href="module-dict.html#Description">Description:</a></th><td>Customization of HTTP request and response
-<tr><th><a href="module-dict.html#Status">Status:</a></th><td>Extension</td></tr>
-<tr><th><a href="module-dict.html#ModuleIdentifier">Module Identifier:</a></th><td>headers_module</td></tr>
-<tr><th><a href="module-dict.html#SourceFile">Source File:</a></th><td>mod_headers.c</td></tr></table>
- <p>This module provides directives to control and modify HTTP
- request and response headers. Headers can be merged, replaced
- or removed.</p>
-<div id="quickview"><h3 class="directives">Directives</h3>
-<ul id="toc">
-<li><img alt="" src="../images/down.gif" /> <a href="#header">Header</a></li>
-<li><img alt="" src="../images/down.gif" /> <a href="#requestheader">RequestHeader</a></li>
-<ul id="topics">
-<li><img alt="" src="../images/down.gif" /> <a href="#order">Order of Processing</a></li>
-<li><img alt="" src="../images/down.gif" /> <a href="#examples">Examples</a></li>
-<div class="top"><a href="#page-header"><img alt="top" src="../images/up.gif" /></a></div>
-<div class="section">
-<h2><a name="order" id="order">Order of Processing</a></h2>
- <p>The directives provided by <code class="module"><a href="../mod/mod_headers.html">mod_headers</a></code> can occur
- almost anywhere within the server configuration. They are valid in the
- main server config and virtual host sections, inside
- <code class="directive"><a href="../mod/core.html#directory">&lt;Directory&gt;</a></code>,
- <code class="directive"><a href="../mod/core.html#location">&lt;Location&gt;</a></code> and
- <code class="directive"><a href="../mod/core.html#files">&lt;Files&gt;</a></code> sections,
- and within <code>.htaccess</code> files.</p>
- <p>The directives are processed in the following order:</p>
- <ol>
- <li>main server</li>
- <li>virtual host</li>
- <li><code class="directive">&lt;Directory&gt;</code> sections and
- <code>.htaccess</code></li>
- <li><code class="directive">&lt;Files&gt;</code></li>
- <li><code class="directive">&lt;Location&gt;</code></li>
- </ol>
- <p>Order is important. These two headers have a different
- effect if reversed:</p>
- <div class="example"><p><code>
- RequestHeader append MirrorID "mirror 12"<br />
- RequestHeader unset MirrorID
- </code></p></div>
- <p>This way round, the <code>MirrorID</code> header is not set. If
- reversed, the MirrorID header is set to "mirror 12".</p>
-</div><div class="top"><a href="#page-header"><img alt="top" src="../images/up.gif" /></a></div>
-<div class="section">
-<h2><a name="examples" id="examples">Examples</a></h2>
- <ol>
- <li>
- Copy all request headers that begin with "TS" to the
- response headers:
- <div class="example"><p><code>
- Header echo ^TS
- </code></p></div>
- </li>
- <li>
- Add a header, <code>MyHeader</code>, to the response including a
- timestamp for when the request was received and how long it
- took to begin serving the request. This header can be used by
- the client to intuit load on the server or in isolating
- bottlenecks between the client and the server.
- <div class="example"><p><code>
- Header add MyHeader "%D %t"
- </code></p></div>
- <p>results in this header being added to the response:</p>
- <div class="example"><p><code>
- MyHeader: D=3775428 t=991424704447256
- </code></p></div>
- </li>
- <li>
- Say hello to Joe
- <div class="example"><p><code>
- Header add MyHeader "Hello Joe. It took %D microseconds \<br />
- for Apache to serve this request."
- </code></p></div>
- <p>results in this header being added to the response:</p>
- <div class="example"><p><code>
- MyHeader: Hello Joe. It took D=3775428 microseconds for Apache
- to serve this request.
- </code></p></div>
- </li>
- <li>
- Conditionally send <code>MyHeader</code> on the response if and
- only if header "MyRequestHeader" is present on the request. This
- is useful for constructing headers in response to some client
- stimulus. Note that this example requires the services of the
- <code class="module"><a href="../mod/mod_setenvif.html">mod_setenvif</a></code> module.
- <div class="example"><p><code>
- SetEnvIf MyRequestHeader value HAVE_MyRequestHeader<br />
- Header add MyHeader "%D %t mytext" env=HAVE_MyRequestHeader<br />
- </code></p></div>
- <p>If the header <code>MyRequestHeader: value</code> is present on
- the HTTP request, the response will contain the following header:</p>
- <div class="example"><p><code>
- MyHeader: D=3775428 t=991424704447256 mytext
- </code></p></div>
- </li>
- </ol>
-<div class="top"><a href="#page-header"><img alt="top" src="../images/up.gif" /></a></div>
-<div class="directive-section"><h2><a name="Header" id="Header">Header</a> <a name="header" id="header">Directive</a></h2>
-<table class="directive">
-<tr><th><a href="directive-dict.html#Description">Description:</a></th><td>Configure HTTP response headers</td></tr>
-<tr><th><a href="directive-dict.html#Syntax">Syntax:</a></th><td><code>Header [<var>condition</var>] set|append|add|unset|echo
-<var>header</var> [<var>value</var>] [env=[!]<var>variable</var>]</code></td></tr>
-<tr><th><a href="directive-dict.html#Context">Context:</a></th><td>server config, virtual host, directory, .htaccess</td></tr>
-<tr><th><a href="directive-dict.html#Override">Override:</a></th><td>FileInfo</td></tr>
-<tr><th><a href="directive-dict.html#Status">Status:</a></th><td>Extension</td></tr>
-<tr><th><a href="directive-dict.html#Module">Module:</a></th><td>mod_headers</td></tr>
-<tr><th><a href="directive-dict.html#Compatibility">Compatibility:</a></th><td><var>Condition</var> is available in version 2.0.51 and
- <p>This directive can replace, merge or remove HTTP response
- headers. The header is modified just after the content handler
- and output filters are run, allowing outgoing headers to be
- modified.</p>
- <p>The optional <var>condition</var> can be either <code>onsuccess</code>
- or <code>always</code>. It determines, which internal header table should be
- operated on. <code>onsuccess</code> stands for <code>2<var>xx</var></code>
- status codes and <code>always</code> for all status codes (including
- <code>2<var>xx</var></code>). Especially if you want to unset headers
- set by certain modules, you should try out, which table is affected.</p>
- <p>The action it performs is determined by the second
- argument. This can be one of the following values:</p>
- <dl>
- <dt><code>set</code></dt>
- <dd>The response header is set, replacing any previous header
- with this name. The <var>value</var> may be a format string.</dd>
- <dt><code>append</code></dt>
- <dd>The response header is appended to any existing header of
- the same name. When a new value is merged onto an existing
- header it is separated from the existing header with a comma.
- This is the HTTP standard way of giving a header multiple values.</dd>
- <dt><code>add</code></dt>
- <dd>The response header is added to the existing set of headers,
- even if this header already exists. This can result in two
- (or more) headers having the same name. This can lead to
- unforeseen consequences, and in general "append" should be
- used instead.</dd>
- <dt><code>unset</code></dt>
- <dd>The response header of this name is removed, if it exists.
- If there are multiple headers of the same name, all will be
- removed.</dd>
- <dt><code>echo</code></dt>
- <dd>Request headers with this name are echoed back in the
- response headers. <var>header</var> may be a regular expression.</dd>
- </dl>
- <p>This argument is followed by a <var>header</var> name, which
- can include the final colon, but it is not required. Case is
- ignored for <code>set</code>, <code>append</code>, <code>add</code>
- and <code>unset</code>. The <var>header</var> name for <code>echo</code>
- is case sensitive and may be a regular expression.</p>
- <p>For <code>add</code>, <code>append</code> and <code>set</code> a
- <var>value</var> is specified as the third argument. If <var>value</var>
- contains spaces, it should be surrounded by doublequotes.
- <var>value</var> may be a character string, a string containing format
- specifiers or a combination of both. The following format specifiers
- are supported in <var>value</var>:</p>
- <table class="bordered">
- <tr><td><code>%t</code></td>
- <td>The time the request was received in Universal Coordinated Time
- since the epoch (Jan. 1, 1970) measured in microseconds. The value
- is preceded by <code>t=</code>.</td></tr>
- <tr><td><code>%D</code></td>
- <td>The time from when the request was received to the time the
- headers are sent on the wire. This is a measure of the duration
- of the request. The value is preceded by <code>D=</code>.</td></tr>
- <tr><td><code>%{FOOBAR}e</code></td>
- <td>The contents of the <a href="../env.html">environment
- variable</a> <code>FOOBAR</code>.</td></tr>
- </table>
- <p>When the <code class="directive">Header</code> directive is used with the
- <code>add</code>, <code>append</code>, or <code>set</code>
- argument, a fourth argument may be used to specify conditions
- under which the action will be taken. If the <a href="../env.html">environment variable</a> specified in the
- <code>env=...</code> argument exists (or if the environment
- variable does not exist and <code>env=!...</code> is specified)
- then the action specified by the <code class="directive">Header</code> directive
- will take effect. Otherwise, the directive will have no effect
- on the request.</p>
- <p>The <code class="directive">Header</code> directives are processed just
- before the response is sent to the network. These means that it is
- possible to set and/or override most headers, except for those headers
- added by the header filter.</p>
-<div class="top"><a href="#page-header"><img alt="top" src="../images/up.gif" /></a></div>
-<div class="directive-section"><h2><a name="RequestHeader" id="RequestHeader">RequestHeader</a> <a name="requestheader" id="requestheader">Directive</a></h2>
-<table class="directive">
-<tr><th><a href="directive-dict.html#Description">Description:</a></th><td>Configure HTTP request headers</td></tr>
-<tr><th><a href="directive-dict.html#Syntax">Syntax:</a></th><td><code>RequestHeader set|append|add|unset <var>header</var>
-[<var>value</var> [env=[!]<var>variable</var>]]</code></td></tr>
-<tr><th><a href="directive-dict.html#Context">Context:</a></th><td>server config, virtual host, directory, .htaccess</td></tr>
-<tr><th><a href="directive-dict.html#Override">Override:</a></th><td>FileInfo</td></tr>
-<tr><th><a href="directive-dict.html#Status">Status:</a></th><td>Extension</td></tr>
-<tr><th><a href="directive-dict.html#Module">Module:</a></th><td>mod_headers</td></tr>
- <p>This directive can replace, merge or remove HTTP request
- headers. The header is modified just before the content handler
- is run, allowing incoming headers to be modified. The action it
- performs is determined by the first argument. This can be one
- of the following values:</p>
- <dl>
- <dt><code>set</code></dt>
- <dd>The request header is set, replacing any previous header
- with this name</dd>
- <dt><code>append</code></dt>
- <dd>The request header is appended to any existing header of the
- same name. When a new value is merged onto an existing header
- it is separated from the existing header with a comma. This
- is the HTTP standard way of giving a header multiple
- values.</dd>
- <dt><code>add</code></dt>
- <dd>The request header is added to the existing set of headers,
- even if this header already exists. This can result in two
- (or more) headers having the same name. This can lead to
- unforeseen consequences, and in general <code>append</code> should be
- used instead.</dd>
- <dt><code>unset</code></dt>
- <dd>The request header of this name is removed, if it exists. If
- there are multiple headers of the same name, all will be removed.</dd>
- </dl>
- <p>This argument is followed by a header name, which can
- include the final colon, but it is not required. Case is
- ignored. For <code>add</code>, <code>append</code> and
- <code>set</code> a <var>value</var> is given as the third argument. If
- <var>value</var> contains spaces, it should be surrounded by double
- quotes. For unset, no <var>value</var> should be given.</p>
- <p>When the <code class="directive">RequestHeader</code> directive is used with the
- <code>add</code>, <code>append</code>, or <code>set</code>
- argument, a fourth argument may be used to specify conditions
- under which the action will be taken. If the <a href="../env.html">environment variable</a> specified in the
- <code>env=...</code> argument exists (or if the environment
- variable does not exist and <code>env=!...</code> is specified)
- then the action specified by the <code class="directive">RequestHeader</code> directive
- will take effect. Otherwise, the directive will have no effect
- on the request.</p>
- <p>The <code class="directive">RequestHeader</code> directive is processed
- just before the request is run by its handler in the fixup phase.
- This should allow headers generated by the browser, or by Apache
- input filters to be overridden or modified.</p>
-<div class="bottomlang">
-<p><span>Available Languages: </span><a href="../en/mod/mod_headers.html" title="English">&nbsp;en&nbsp;</a> |
-<a href="../ko/mod/mod_headers.html" hreflang="ko" rel="alternate" title="Korean">&nbsp;ko&nbsp;</a></p>
-</div><div id="footer">
-<p class="apache">Copyright 2009 The Apache Software Foundation.<br />Licensed under the <a href="">Apache License, Version 2.0</a>.</p>
-<p class="menu"><a href="../mod/">Modules</a> | <a href="../mod/directives.html">Directives</a> | <a href="../faq/">FAQ</a> | <a href="../glossary.html">Glossary</a> | <a href="../sitemap.html">Sitemap</a></p></div>
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