path: root/docs/release/userguide
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2017-08-25docs: updated userguide for E release.Jain, Shobhi1-123/+130
* Updated fuel reference with Apex. * Updated instructions for Centos 7. * Updated configuration to match sample configuration. * Fixed typos. Change-Id: I40fc3eb423589e4643eefb31259937f8a6f96a15 Signed-off-by: Jain, Shobhi <>
2017-08-21docs: add PMU plugin configuration guidePshyk, SerhiyX1-0/+69
Change-Id: Id26dcc68c35b474b80e646a24275b94b5e7f3d9d Signed-off-by: Serhiy Pshyk <>
2017-07-26docs: Cleanup userguide typos and update statusMaryam Tahhan1-33/+59
Change-Id: Id92fe1753c22598781830222deebde01ceddf82e Signed-off-by: Maryam Tahhan <>
2017-07-26Updates OVS PMD stats informationShobhi1-5/+47
Change-Id: I8d1ba578bdb3023ebe20893a818c596b9839c203 Signed-off-by: Shobhi <>
2017-07-14Updates OpenStack plugins informationEmma Foley1-9/+17
* Adds Aodh plugin description * Adds Gnocchi plugin description * Removes Ceilometer plugin * Makes reference to Ceilometer in a demo generic * Adds link to collectd-ceiloemter plugin GSG for configuration instructions Change-Id: I87a68f943c6e30a9fbabd6e3742978ca064e0c7a Signed-off-by: Emma Foley <>
2017-05-31VES userguide: Updated documentation.Mytnyk, Volodymyr1-47/+27
Updated VES documentation to reflect latest changes in the VES plugin and VES schema. Change-Id: I618d7e181a1c6de698e44b7be74d4358513d2441 Signed-off-by: Mytnyk, Volodymyr <>
2017-05-23installation: update scripts to actually installMaryam Tahhan1-1/+1
Update the scripts to actually install collectd. Change-Id: I467e4fddbdd7c7b067586ddf24af8c5ec32b72a2 Signed-off-by: Maryam Tahhan <>
2017-05-23src: build and install collectd on centos/rhelMaryam Tahhan1-1/+1
Modify build and dependency scripts for centos/rhel builds. Change-Id: I1fafaf3392d9f22837ce4ed3fa0f84c13ead0698 Signed-off-by: Maryam Tahhan <>
2017-05-19Merge "userguide: update barometer build and install"Maryam Tahhan1-7/+1
2017-05-18VES plugin: update to latest VES event schemaMytnyk, VolodymyrX1-15/+26
- Updated the plugin to lates VES schema - Migrated VES plugin to python3 (with backward compatibility) - Fixed issue with CPU total calculation - Fixed VES documentation Change-Id: Ic8b0419146a9c75a48907f39adda1351f3b3bc73 Signed-off-by: Mytnyk, VolodymyrX <>
2017-05-18userguide: update barometer build and installMaryam Tahhan1-7/+1
Update the userguide and the build scripts to only build on supported OSes and to check if collectd is already installed on the system. Change-Id: I87cab22a06f8c1104aae25027aedfa3e534c06b3 Signed-off-by: Maryam Tahhan <>
2017-04-24docs: update userguide with SNMP Agent plugin known limitations section.Roman Korynkevych1-0/+8
Change-Id: Ie60f23b3f67fbc0c63c07e6f91644089d09d97de Signed-off-by: Roman Korynkevych <>
2017-04-19dpdk stats: add known issues/limitationsMytnyk, VolodymyrX1-0/+29
Change-Id: I8dbd43002f50e65df40cc8bfb516c40f995b9679 Signed-off-by: Mytnyk, Volodymyr <>
2017-03-29docs: update userguide for DPDK pluginsPrzemyslaw Szczerbik1-49/+42
Change-Id: I275d1760b59a994c3c8cfd04bbb3c4d8adb67301 Signed-off-by: Przemyslaw Szczerbik <>
2017-03-29docs: userguide virt plugin instructionsPrzemyslaw Szczerbik1-0/+139
Change-Id: Ide5acbcccbdf2a151499810d16205f76816601b7 Signed-off-by: Przemyslaw Szczerbik <>
2017-03-28docs: update ovs plugins userguideTaras Chornyi1-14/+4
Change-Id: I7aa286bb8e3d38e3255b896351cf41e4c7d03a37 Signed-off-by: Taras Chornyi <>
2017-03-26Merge "ipmi doc: build OpenIPMI lib from sources"Maryam Tahhan1-2/+51
2017-03-26Merge "dpdkstat: userguide updated with dpdkstat init notice"Maryam Tahhan1-0/+6
2017-03-23dpdkevents: add example config and update makefilePrzemyslaw Szczerbik1-5/+5
Change-Id: I85edcbbf52dc3bd4d0e53c5076267b9f3f6c2284 Signed-off-by: Przemyslaw Szczerbik <>
2017-03-23dpdkstat: userguide updated with dpdkstat init noticeKrzysztof Matczak1-0/+6
Change-Id: I408e16d20f9fa2cc9eae7dcfcfa35e1ce3320de6 Signed-off-by: Krzysztof Matczak <>
2017-03-22docs: finalize userguide for DanubeMaryam Tahhan1-37/+46
Change-Id: Ie6ee71f079898eeb938db43b6542431cfda05875 Signed-off-by: Maryam Tahhan <>
2017-03-21ipmi doc: build OpenIPMI lib from sourcesMytnyk, VolodymyrX1-2/+51
Add instatruction on how to build/install OpenIPMI library from sources. Change-Id: I04efc09e85829b23941e28e0e85b567c9a3cbdd7 Signed-off-by: Mytnyk, Volodymyr <>
2017-03-14docs: update dpdk plugins userguideTaras Chornyi1-13/+70
Change-Id: I1b70864588f5fbace0d4eeb2098cbf00b1f63442 Signed-off-by: Taras Chornyi <>
2017-03-09config guide: Add MIBs location for OVS events pluginMytnyk, VolodymyrX1-1/+5
Change-Id: I14638386cdf7aee3f3e344a2c0e27a6edceaf874 Signed-off-by: Mytnyk, VolodymyrX <>
2017-02-17docs: moving to new doc structureMaryam Tahhan4-0/+1075
Change-Id: I91188deec2bd4e8aa405a9e023acde42b3fb31f7 Signed-off-by: Maryam Tahhan <>
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