diff options
authorMaryam Tahhan <maryam.tahhan@intel.com>2017-02-17 23:41:44 +0000
committerGerrit Code Review <gerrit@opnfv.org>2017-02-17 23:41:44 +0000
commit5649793d2037d6f26211be4035e28842ebb3e737 (patch)
parent0eb85225a26e7eb5da3f7bf351274ccb257163d2 (diff)
parentb24f1488aa8969df6fdf3c96d76b75c6714d2957 (diff)
Merge "Initial Barometer Functest Scripts"
4 files changed, 1223 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/baro_tests/collectd.py b/baro_tests/collectd.py
index 5631cf55..3f2067af 100644
--- a/baro_tests/collectd.py
+++ b/baro_tests/collectd.py
@@ -1,15 +1,516 @@
+"""Executing test of plugins"""
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-import sys
+#Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import requests
+from keystoneclient.v3 import client
+import os
+import time
+import logging
+from config_server import *
+from tests import *
-def main(logger):
- logger.info("Running Baromtercollectd test suite...")
- #
- # TODO: implementation
- #
- logger.info("Test suite successfully completed.")
+CEILOMETER_NAME = 'ceilometer'
+class KeystoneException(Exception):
+ """Keystone exception class"""
+ def __init__(self, message, exc=None, response=None):
+ """
+ Keyword arguments:
+ message -- error message
+ exc -- exception
+ response -- response
+ """
+ if exc:
+ message += "\nReason: %s" % exc
+ super(KeystoneException, self).__init__(message)
+ self.response = response
+ self.exception = exc
+class InvalidResponse(KeystoneException):
+ """Invalid Keystone exception class"""
+ def __init__(self, exc, response):
+ """
+ Keyword arguments:
+ exc -- exception
+ response -- response
+ """
+ super(InvalidResponse, self).__init__(
+ "Invalid response", exc, response)
+class CeilometerClient(object):
+ """Ceilometer Client to authenticate and request meters"""
+ def __init__(self, bc_logger):
+ """
+ Keyword arguments:
+ bc_logger - logger instance
+ """
+ self._auth_token = None
+ self._ceilometer_url = None
+ self._meter_list = None
+ self._logger = bc_logger
+ def auth_token(self):
+ """Get auth token"""
+ self._auth_server()
+ return self._auth_token
+ def get_ceilometer_url(self):
+ """Get Ceilometer URL"""
+ return self._ceilometer_url
+ def get_ceil_metrics(self, criteria=None):
+ """Get Ceilometer metrics for given criteria
+ Keyword arguments:
+ criteria -- criteria for ceilometer meter list
+ """
+ self._request_meters(criteria)
+ return self._meter_list
+ def _auth_server(self):
+ """Request token in authentication server"""
+ self._logger.debug('Connecting to the auth server {}'.format(os.environ['OS_AUTH_URL']))
+ keystone = client.Client(username=os.environ['OS_USERNAME'],
+ password=os.environ['OS_PASSWORD'],
+ tenant_name=os.environ['OS_TENANT_NAME'],
+ auth_url=os.environ['OS_AUTH_URL'])
+ self._auth_token = keystone.auth_token
+ for service in keystone.service_catalog.get_data():
+ if service['name'] == CEILOMETER_NAME:
+ for service_type in service['endpoints']:
+ if service_type['interface'] == 'internal':
+ self._ceilometer_url = service_type['url']
+ break
+ if self._ceilometer_url is None:
+ self._logger.warning('Ceilometer is not registered in service catalog')
+ def _request_meters(self, criteria):
+ """Request meter list values from ceilometer
+ Keyword arguments:
+ criteria -- criteria for ceilometer meter list
+ """
+ if criteria is None:
+ url = self._ceilometer_url + ('/v2/samples?limit=400')
+ else:
+ url = self._ceilometer_url + ('/v2/meters/%s?q.field=resource_id&limit=400' % criteria)
+ headers = {'X-Auth-Token': self._auth_token}
+ resp = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
+ try:
+ resp.raise_for_status()
+ self._meter_list = resp.json()
+ except (KeyError, ValueError, requests.exceptions.HTTPError) as err:
+ raise InvalidResponse(err, resp)
+class CSVClient(object):
+ """Client to request CSV meters"""
+ def __init__(self, bc_logger, conf):
+ """
+ Keyword arguments:
+ bc_logger - logger instance
+ conf -- ConfigServer instance
+ """
+ self._logger = bc_logger
+ self.conf = conf
+ def get_csv_metrics(self, compute_node, plugin_subdirectories, meter_categories):
+ """Get CSV metrics.
+ Keyword arguments:
+ compute_node -- compute node instance
+ plugin_subdirectories -- list of subdirectories of plug-in
+ meter_categories -- categories which will be tested
+ Return list of metrics.
+ """
+ stdout = self.conf.execute_command("date '+%Y-%m-%d'", compute_node.get_ip())
+ date = stdout[0].strip()
+ metrics = []
+ for plugin_subdir in plugin_subdirectories:
+ for meter_category in meter_categories:
+ stdout = self.conf.execute_command(
+ "tail -2 /var/lib/collectd/csv/node-"
+ + "{0}.domain.tld/{1}/{2}-{3}".format(
+ compute_node.get_id(), plugin_subdir, meter_category, date),
+ compute_node.get_ip())
+ #Storing last two values
+ values = stdout
+ if len(values) < 2:
+ self._logger.error(
+ 'Getting last two CSV entries of meter category '
+ + '{0} in {1} subdir failed'.format(meter_category, plugin_subdir))
+ else:
+ old_value = int(values[0][0:values[0].index('.')])
+ new_value = int(values[1][0:values[1].index('.')])
+ metrics.append((plugin_subdir, meter_category, old_value, new_value))
+ return metrics
+def _check_logger():
+ """Check whether there is global logger available and if not, define one."""
+ if 'logger' not in globals():
+ global logger
+ logger = logger.Logger("barometercollectd").getLogger()
+def _process_result(compute_node, test, result, results_list):
+ """Print test result and append it to results list.
+ Keyword arguments:
+ test -- testcase name
+ result -- boolean test result
+ results_list -- results list
+ """
+ if result:
+ logger.info('Compute node {0} test case {1} PASSED.'.format(compute_node, test))
+ else:
+ logger.error('Compute node {0} test case {1} FAILED.'.format(compute_node, test))
+ results_list.append((compute_node, test, result))
+def _print_label(label):
+ """Print label on the screen
+ Keyword arguments:
+ label -- label string
+ """
+ label = label.strip()
+ length = 70
+ if label != '':
+ label = ' ' + label + ' '
+ length_label = len(label)
+ length1 = (length - length_label) / 2
+ length2 = length - length_label - length1
+ length1 = max(3, length1)
+ length2 = max(3, length2)
+ logger.info(('=' * length1) + label + ('=' * length2))
+def _print_plugin_label(plugin, node_id):
+ """Print plug-in label.
+ Keyword arguments:
+ plugin -- plug-in name
+ node_id -- node ID
+ """
+ _print_label('Node {0}: Plug-in {1} Test case execution'.format(node_id, plugin))
+def _print_final_result_of_plugin(plugin, compute_ids, results, out_plugins, out_plugin):
+ """Print final results of plug-in.
+ Keyword arguments:
+ plugin -- plug-in name
+ compute_ids -- list of compute node IDs
+ results -- results list
+ out_plugins -- list of out plug-ins
+ out_plugin -- used out plug-in
+ """
+ print_line = ''
+ for id in compute_ids:
+ if out_plugins[id] == out_plugin:
+ if (id, plugin, True) in results:
+ print_line += ' PASS |'
+ elif (id, plugin, False) in results and out_plugins[id] == out_plugin:
+ print_line += ' FAIL |'
+ else:
+ print_line += ' NOT EX |'
+ elif out_plugin == 'Ceilometer':
+ print_line += ' NOT EX |'
+ else:
+ print_line += ' SKIP |'
+ return print_line
+def print_overall_summary(compute_ids, tested_plugins, results, out_plugins):
+ """Print overall summary table.
+ Keyword arguments:
+ compute_ids -- list of compute IDs
+ tested_plugins -- list of plug-ins
+ results -- results list
+ out_plugins -- list of used out plug-ins
+ """
+ compute_node_names = ['Node-{}'.format(id) for id in compute_ids]
+ all_computes_in_line = ''
+ for compute in compute_node_names:
+ all_computes_in_line = all_computes_in_line + '| ' + compute + (' ' * (7 - len(compute)))
+ line_of_nodes = '| Test ' + all_computes_in_line + '|'
+ logger.info('=' * 70)
+ logger.info('+' + ('-' * ((9 * len(compute_node_names))+16)) + '+')
+ logger.info(
+ '|' + ' ' * ((9*len(compute_node_names))/2) + ' OVERALL SUMMARY'
+ + ' ' * (9*len(compute_node_names) - (9*len(compute_node_names))/2) + '|')
+ logger.info('+' + ('-' * 16) + '+' + (('-' * 8) + '+') * len(compute_node_names))
+ logger.info(line_of_nodes)
+ logger.info('+' + ('-' * 16) + '+' + (('-' * 8) + '+') * len(compute_node_names))
+ out_plugins_print = ['Ceilometer']
+ if 'CSV' in out_plugins.values():
+ out_plugins_print.append('CSV')
+ for out_plugin in out_plugins_print:
+ output_plugins_line = ''
+ for id in compute_ids:
+ out_plugin_result = '----'
+ if out_plugin == 'Ceilometer':
+ out_plugin_result = 'PASS' if out_plugins[id] == out_plugin else 'FAIL'
+ if out_plugin == 'CSV':
+ if out_plugins[id] == out_plugin:
+ out_plugin_result = \
+ 'PASS' if [
+ plugin for comp_id, plugin,
+ res in results if comp_id == id and res] else 'FAIL'
+ else:
+ out_plugin_result = 'SKIP'
+ output_plugins_line += '| ' + out_plugin_result + ' '
+ logger.info(
+ '| OUT:{}'.format(out_plugin) + (' ' * (11 - len(out_plugin)))
+ + output_plugins_line + '|')
+ for plugin in sorted(tested_plugins.values()):
+ line_plugin = _print_final_result_of_plugin(
+ plugin, compute_ids, results, out_plugins, out_plugin)
+ logger.info('| IN:{}'.format(plugin) + (' ' * (11-len(plugin))) + '|' + line_plugin)
+ logger.info('+' + ('-' * 16) + '+' + (('-' * 8) + '+') * len(compute_node_names))
+ logger.info('=' * 70)
+def _exec_testcase(
+ test_labels, name, ceilometer_running, compute_node,
+ conf, results, error_plugins):
+ """Execute the testcase.
+ Keyword arguments:
+ test_labels -- dictionary of plug-in IDs and their display names
+ name -- plug-in ID, key of test_labels dictionary
+ ceilometer_running -- boolean indicating whether Ceilometer is running
+ compute_node -- compute node ID
+ conf -- ConfigServer instance
+ results -- results list
+ error_plugins -- list of tuples with plug-in errors (plugin, error_description, is_critical):
+ plugin -- plug-in ID, key of test_labels dictionary
+ error_decription -- description of the error
+ is_critical -- boolean value indicating whether error is critical
+ """
+ ovs_interfaces = conf.get_ovs_interfaces(compute_node)
+ ovs_configured_interfaces = conf.get_plugin_config_values(
+ compute_node, 'ovs_events', 'Interfaces')
+ ovs_existing_configured_int = [
+ interface for interface in ovs_interfaces
+ if interface in ovs_configured_interfaces]
+ plugin_prerequisites = {
+ 'mcelog': [(conf.is_installed(compute_node, 'mcelog'), 'mcelog must be installed.')],
+ 'ovs_events': [(
+ len(ovs_existing_configured_int) > 0 or len(ovs_interfaces) > 0,
+ 'Interfaces must be configured.')]}
+ ceilometer_criteria_lists = {
+ 'hugepages': ['hugepages.vmpage_number'],
+ 'mcelog': ['mcelog.errors'],
+ 'ovs_events': ['ovs_events.gauge']}
+ ceilometer_substr_lists = {
+ 'ovs_events': ovs_existing_configured_int if len(ovs_existing_configured_int) > 0 else ovs_interfaces}
+ csv_subdirs = {
+ 'hugepages': [
+ 'hugepages-mm-2048Kb', 'hugepages-node0-2048Kb', 'hugepages-node1-2048Kb',
+ 'hugepages-mm-1048576Kb', 'hugepages-node0-1048576Kb', 'hugepages-node1-1048576Kb'],
+ 'mcelog': ['mcelog-SOCKET_0_CHANNEL_0_DIMM_any', 'mcelog-SOCKET_0_CHANNEL_any_DIMM_any'],
+ 'ovs_events': [
+ 'ovs_events-{}'.format(interface)
+ for interface in (ovs_existing_configured_int if len(ovs_existing_configured_int) > 0 else ovs_interfaces)]}
+ csv_meter_categories = {
+ 'hugepages': ['vmpage_number-free', 'vmpage_number-used'],
+ 'mcelog': [
+ 'errors-corrected_memory_errors', 'errors-uncorrected_memory_errors',
+ 'errors-corrected_memory_errors_in_24h', 'errors-uncorrected_memory_errors_in_24h'],
+ 'ovs_events': ['gauge-link_status']}
+ _print_plugin_label(test_labels[name] if name in test_labels else name, compute_node.get_id())
+ plugin_critical_errors = [
+ error for plugin, error, critical in error_plugins if plugin == name and critical]
+ if plugin_critical_errors:
+ logger.error('Following critical errors occurred:'.format(name))
+ for error in plugin_critical_errors:
+ logger.error(' * ' + error)
+ _process_result(compute_node.get_id(), test_labels[name], False, results)
+ else:
+ plugin_errors = [
+ error for plugin, error, critical in error_plugins if plugin == name and not critical]
+ if plugin_errors:
+ logger.warning('Following non-critical errors occured:')
+ for error in plugin_errors:
+ logger.warning(' * ' + error)
+ failed_prerequisites = []
+ if name in plugin_prerequisites:
+ failed_prerequisites = [
+ prerequisite_name for prerequisite_passed,
+ prerequisite_name in plugin_prerequisites[name] if not prerequisite_passed]
+ if failed_prerequisites:
+ logger.error(
+ '{} test will not be executed, '.format(name)
+ + 'following prerequisites failed:')
+ for prerequisite in failed_prerequisites:
+ logger.error(' * {}'.format(prerequisite))
+ else:
+ if ceilometer_running:
+ res = test_ceilometer_node_sends_data(
+ compute_node.get_id(), conf.get_plugin_interval(compute_node, name),
+ logger=logger, client=CeilometerClient(logger),
+ criteria_list=ceilometer_criteria_lists[name],
+ resource_id_substrings = (ceilometer_substr_lists[name]
+ if name in ceilometer_substr_lists else ['']))
+ else:
+ res = test_csv_handles_plugin_data(
+ compute_node, conf.get_plugin_interval(compute_node, name), name,
+ csv_subdirs[name], csv_meter_categories[name], logger,
+ CSVClient(logger, conf))
+ if res and plugin_errors:
+ logger.info(
+ 'Test works, but will be reported as failure,'
+ + 'because of non-critical errors.')
+ res = False
+ _process_result(compute_node.get_id(), test_labels[name], res, results)
+def main(bt_logger=None):
+ """Check each compute node sends ceilometer metrics.
+ Keyword arguments:
+ bt_logger -- logger instance
+ """
+ logging.getLogger("paramiko").setLevel(logging.WARNING)
+ logging.getLogger("stevedore").setLevel(logging.WARNING)
+ if bt_logger is None:
+ _check_logger()
+ else:
+ global logger
+ logger = bt_logger
+ conf = ConfigServer('', 'root', logger)
+ controllers = conf.get_controllers()
+ if len(controllers) == 0:
+ logger.error('No controller nodes found!')
+ return 1
+ computes = conf.get_computes()
+ if len(computes) == 0:
+ logger.error('No compute nodes found!')
+ return 1
+ _print_label('Display of Control and Compute nodes available in the set up')
+ logger.info('controllers: {}'.format([('{0}: {1} ({2})'.format(
+ node.get_id(), node.get_name(), node.get_ip())) for node in controllers]))
+ logger.info('computes: {}'.format([('{0}: {1} ({2})'.format(
+ node.get_id(), node.get_name(), node.get_ip())) for node in computes]))
+ ceilometer_running_on_con = False
+ _print_label('Test Ceilometer on control nodes')
+ for controller in controllers:
+ ceil_client = CeilometerClient(logger)
+ ceil_client.auth_token()
+ ceilometer_running_on_con = (
+ ceilometer_running_on_con or conf.is_ceilometer_running(controller))
+ if ceilometer_running_on_con:
+ logger.info("Ceilometer is running on control node.")
+ else:
+ logger.error("Ceilometer is not running on control node.")
+ logger.info("CSV will be enabled on compute nodes.")
+ compute_ids = []
+ results = []
+ plugin_labels = {
+ 'hugepages': 'Hugepages',
+ 'mcelog': 'Mcelog',
+ 'ovs_events': 'OVS events'}
+ out_plugins = {}
+ for compute_node in computes:
+ node_id = compute_node.get_id()
+ out_plugins[node_id] = 'CSV'
+ compute_ids.append(node_id)
+ #plugins_to_enable = plugin_labels.keys()
+ plugins_to_enable = []
+ _print_label('NODE {}: Test Ceilometer Plug-in'.format(node_id))
+ logger.info('Checking if ceilometer plug-in is included.')
+ if not conf.check_ceil_plugin_included(compute_node):
+ logger.error('Ceilometer plug-in is not included.')
+ logger.info('Testcases on node {} will not be executed'.format(node_id))
+ else:
+ collectd_restarted, collectd_warnings = conf.restart_collectd(compute_node)
+ sleep_time = 30
+ logger.info('Sleeping for {} seconds after collectd restart...'.format(sleep_time))
+ time.sleep(sleep_time)
+ if not collectd_restarted:
+ for warning in collectd_warnings:
+ logger.warning(warning)
+ logger.error('Restart of collectd on node {} failed'.format(node_id))
+ logger.info('Testcases on node {} will not be executed'.format(node_id))
+ else:
+ for warning in collectd_warnings:
+ logger.warning(warning)
+ ceilometer_running = (
+ ceilometer_running_on_con and test_ceilometer_node_sends_data(
+ node_id, 10, logger=logger, client=CeilometerClient(logger)))
+ if ceilometer_running:
+ out_plugins[node_id] = 'Ceilometer'
+ logger.info("Ceilometer is running.")
+ else:
+ plugins_to_enable.append('csv')
+ out_plugins[node_id] = 'CSV'
+ logger.error("Ceilometer is not running.")
+ logger.info("CSV will be enabled for verification of test plugins.")
+ if plugins_to_enable:
+ _print_label(
+ 'NODE {}: Enabling Test Plug-in '.format(node_id)
+ + 'and Test case execution')
+ error_plugins = []
+ if plugins_to_enable and not conf.enable_plugins(
+ compute_node, plugins_to_enable, error_plugins, create_backup=False):
+ logger.error('Failed to test plugins on node {}.'.format(node_id))
+ logger.info('Testcases on node {} will not be executed'.format(node_id))
+ else:
+ if plugins_to_enable:
+ collectd_restarted, collectd_warnings = conf.restart_collectd(compute_node)
+ sleep_time = 30
+ logger.info(
+ 'Sleeping for {} seconds after collectd restart...'.format(sleep_time))
+ time.sleep(sleep_time)
+ if plugins_to_enable and not collectd_restarted:
+ for warning in collectd_warnings:
+ logger.warning(warning)
+ logger.error('Restart of collectd on node {} failed'.format(node_id))
+ logger.info('Testcases on node {} will not be executed'.format(node_id))
+ else:
+ if collectd_warnings:
+ for warning in collectd_warnings:
+ logger.warning(warning)
+ for plugin_name in sorted(plugin_labels.keys()):
+ _exec_testcase(
+ plugin_labels, plugin_name, ceilometer_running,
+ compute_node, conf, results, error_plugins)
+ _print_label('NODE {}: Restoring config file'.format(node_id))
+ conf.restore_config(compute_node)
+ print_overall_summary(compute_ids, plugin_labels, results, out_plugins)
+ if ((len([res for res in results if not res[2]]) > 0)
+ or (len(results) < len(computes) * len(plugin_labels))):
+ logger.error('Some tests have failed or have not been executed')
+ return 1
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
- sys.exit(main())
+ sys.exit(main())
diff --git a/baro_tests/config_server.py b/baro_tests/config_server.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4d649269
--- /dev/null
+++ b/baro_tests/config_server.py
@@ -0,0 +1,503 @@
+"""Classes used by client.py"""
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+#Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import paramiko
+import time
+import string
+import os.path
+ID_RSA_PATH = '/home/opnfv/.ssh/id_rsa'
+SSH_KEYS_SCRIPT = '/home/opnfv/barometer/baro_utils/get_ssh_keys.sh'
+COLLECTD_CONF = '/etc/collectd/collectd.conf'
+COLLECTD_CONF_DIR = '/etc/collectd/collectd.conf.d'
+class Node(object):
+ """Node configuration class"""
+ def __init__(self, attrs):
+ self.__id = int(attrs[0])
+ self.__status = attrs[1]
+ self.__name = attrs[2]
+ self.__cluster = int(attrs[3]) if attrs[3] else None
+ self.__ip = attrs[4]
+ self.__mac = attrs[5]
+ self.__roles = [x.strip(' ') for x in attrs[6].split(',')]
+ self.__pending_roles = attrs[7]
+ self.__online = int(attrs[8]) if attrs[3] and attrs[8]else None
+ self.__group_id = int(attrs[9]) if attrs[3] else None
+ def get_name(self):
+ """Get node name"""
+ return self.__name
+ def get_id(self):
+ """Get node ID"""
+ return self.__id
+ def get_ip(self):
+ """Get node IP address"""
+ return self.__ip
+ def get_roles(self):
+ """Get node roles"""
+ return self.__roles
+class ConfigServer(object):
+ """Class to get env configuration"""
+ def __init__(self, host, user, logger, passwd=None):
+ self.__host = host
+ self.__user = user
+ self.__passwd = passwd
+ self.__priv_key = None
+ self.__nodes = list()
+ self.__logger = logger
+ self.__private_key_file = ID_RSA_PATH
+ if not os.path.isfile(self.__private_key_file):
+ self.__logger.error(
+ "Private key file '{}'".format(self.__private_key_file)
+ + " not found. Please try to run {} script.".format(SSH_KEYS_SCRIPT))
+ raise IOError("Private key file '{}' not found.".format(self.__private_key_file))
+ # get list of available nodes
+ ssh, sftp = self.__open_sftp_session(self.__host, self.__user, self.__passwd)
+ attempt = 1
+ fuel_node_passed = False
+ while (attempt <= 10) and not fuel_node_passed:
+ stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command("fuel node")
+ stderr_lines = stderr.readlines()
+ if stderr_lines:
+ self.__logger.warning("'fuel node' command failed (try {}):".format(attempt))
+ for line in stderr_lines:
+ self.__logger.debug(line.strip())
+ else:
+ fuel_node_passed = True
+ if attempt > 1:
+ self.__logger.info("'fuel node' command passed (try {})".format(attempt))
+ attempt += 1
+ if not fuel_node_passed:
+ self.__logger.error("'fuel node' command failed. This was the last try.")
+ raise OSError("'fuel node' command failed. This was the last try.")
+ node_table = stdout.readlines()\
+ # skip table title and parse table values
+ for entry in node_table[2:]:
+ self.__nodes.append(Node([str(x.strip(' \n')) for x in entry.split('|')]))
+ def get_controllers(self):
+ """Get list of controllers"""
+ return [node for node in self.__nodes if 'controller' in node.get_roles()]
+ def get_computes(self):
+ """Get list of computes"""
+ return [node for node in self.__nodes if 'compute' in node.get_roles()]
+ def get_nodes(self):
+ """Get list of nodes"""
+ return self.__nodes
+ def __open_sftp_session(self, host, user, passwd=None):
+ """Connect to given host.
+ Keyword arguments:
+ host -- host to connect
+ user -- user to use
+ passwd -- password to use
+ Return tuple of SSH and SFTP client instances.
+ """
+ # create SSH client
+ ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
+ ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy())
+ # try a direct access using password or private key
+ if not passwd and not self.__priv_key:
+ # get private key
+ self.__priv_key = paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key_file(self.__private_key_file)
+ # connect to the server
+ ssh.connect(host, username=user, password=passwd, pkey=self.__priv_key)
+ sftp = ssh.open_sftp()
+ # return SFTP client instance
+ return ssh, sftp
+ def get_plugin_interval(self, compute, plugin):
+ """Find the plugin interval in collectd configuration.
+ Keyword arguments:
+ compute -- compute node instance
+ plugin -- plug-in name
+ If found, return interval value, otherwise the default value"""
+ ssh, sftp = self.__open_sftp_session(compute.get_ip(), 'root')
+ in_plugin = False
+ plugin_name = ''
+ default_interval = DEF_PLUGIN_INTERVAL
+ config_files = [COLLECTD_CONF] \
+ + [COLLECTD_CONF_DIR + '/' + conf_file for conf_file in sftp.listdir(COLLECTD_CONF_DIR)]
+ for config_file in config_files:
+ try:
+ with sftp.open(config_file) as config:
+ for line in config.readlines():
+ words = line.split()
+ if len(words) > 1 and words[0] == '<LoadPlugin':
+ in_plugin = True
+ plugin_name = words[1].strip('">')
+ if words and words[0] == '</LoadPlugin>':
+ in_plugin = False
+ if words and words[0] == 'Interval':
+ if in_plugin and plugin_name == plugin:
+ return int(words[1])
+ if not in_plugin:
+ default_interval = int(words[1])
+ except IOError:
+ self.__logger.error("Could not open collectd.conf file.")
+ return default_interval
+ def get_plugin_config_values(self, compute, plugin, parameter):
+ """Get parameter values from collectd config file.
+ Keyword arguments:
+ compute -- compute node instance
+ plugin -- plug-in name
+ parameter -- plug-in parameter
+ Return list of found values."""
+ ssh, sftp = self.__open_sftp_session(compute.get_ip(), 'root')
+ # find the plugin value
+ in_plugin = False
+ plugin_name = ''
+ default_values = []
+ config_files = [COLLECTD_CONF] \
+ + [COLLECTD_CONF_DIR + '/' + conf_file for conf_file in sftp.listdir(COLLECTD_CONF_DIR)]
+ for config_file in config_files:
+ try:
+ with sftp.open(config_file) as config:
+ for line in config.readlines():
+ words = line.split()
+ if len(words) > 1 and words[0] == '<Plugin':
+ in_plugin = True
+ plugin_name = words[1].strip('">')
+ if len(words) > 0 and words[0] == '</Plugin>':
+ in_plugin = False
+ if len(words) > 0 and words[0] == parameter:
+ if in_plugin and plugin_name == plugin:
+ return [word.strip('"') for word in words[1:]]
+ except IOError:
+ self.__logger.error("Could not open collectd.conf file.")
+ return default_values
+ def execute_command(self, command, host_ip=None, ssh=None):
+ """Execute command on node and return list of lines of standard output.
+ Keyword arguments:
+ command -- command
+ host_ip -- IP of the node
+ ssh -- existing open SSH session to use
+ One of host_ip or ssh must not be None. If both are not None, existing ssh session is used.
+ """
+ if host_ip is None and ssh is None:
+ raise ValueError('One of host_ip or ssh must not be None.')
+ if ssh is None:
+ ssh, sftp = self.__open_sftp_session(host_ip, 'root')
+ stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(command)
+ return stdout.readlines()
+ def get_ovs_interfaces(self, compute):
+ """Get list of configured OVS interfaces
+ Keyword arguments:
+ compute -- compute node instance
+ """
+ stdout = self.execute_command("ovs-vsctl list-br", compute.get_ip())
+ return [interface.strip() for interface in stdout]
+ def is_ceilometer_running(self, controller):
+ """Check whether Ceilometer is running on controller.
+ Keyword arguments:
+ controller -- controller node instance
+ Return boolean value whether Ceilometer is running.
+ """
+ lines = self.execute_command('service --status-all | grep ceilometer', controller.get_ip())
+ agent = False
+ collector = False
+ for line in lines:
+ if '[ + ] ceilometer-agent-notification' in line:
+ agent = True
+ if '[ + ] ceilometer-collector' in line:
+ collector = True
+ return agent and collector
+ def is_installed(self, compute, package):
+ """Check whether package exists on compute node.
+ Keyword arguments:
+ compute -- compute node instance
+ package -- Linux package to search for
+ Return boolean value whether package is installed.
+ """
+ stdout = self.execute_command('dpkg -l | grep {}'.format(package), compute.get_ip())
+ return len(stdout) > 0
+ def check_ceil_plugin_included(self, compute):
+ """Check if ceilometer plugin is included in collectd.conf file If not,
+ try to enable it.
+ Keyword arguments:
+ compute -- compute node instance
+ Return boolean value whether ceilometer plugin is included or it's enabling was successful.
+ """
+ ssh, sftp = self.__open_sftp_session(compute.get_ip(), 'root')
+ try:
+ config = sftp.open(COLLECTD_CONF, mode='r')
+ except IOError:
+ self.__logger.error(
+ 'Cannot open {} on node {}'.format(COLLECTD_CONF, compute.get_id()))
+ return False
+ in_lines = config.readlines()
+ out_lines = in_lines[:]
+ include_section_indexes = [
+ (start, end) for start in range(len(in_lines)) for end in range(len(in_lines))
+ if (start < end)
+ and '<Include' in in_lines[start]
+ and COLLECTD_CONF_DIR in in_lines[start]
+ and '#' not in in_lines[start]
+ and '</Include>' in in_lines[end]
+ and '#' not in in_lines[end]
+ and len([i for i in in_lines[start + 1: end]
+ if 'Filter' in i and '*.conf' in i and '#' not in i]) > 0]
+ if len(include_section_indexes) == 0:
+ out_lines.append('<Include "{}">\n'.format(COLLECTD_CONF_DIR))
+ out_lines.append(' Filter "*.conf"\n')
+ out_lines.append('</Include>\n')
+ config.close()
+ config = sftp.open(COLLECTD_CONF, mode='w')
+ config.writelines(out_lines)
+ config.close()
+ self.__logger.info('Creating backup of collectd.conf...')
+ config = sftp.open(COLLECTD_CONF + '.backup', mode='w')
+ config.writelines(in_lines)
+ config.close()
+ return True
+ def enable_plugins(self, compute, plugins, error_plugins, create_backup=True):
+ """Enable plugins on compute node
+ Keyword arguments:
+ compute -- compute node instance
+ plugins -- list of plugins to be enabled
+ error_plugins -- list of tuples with found errors, new entries may be added there
+ (plugin, error_description, is_critical):
+ plugin -- plug-in name
+ error_decription -- description of the error
+ is_critical -- boolean value indicating whether error is critical
+ create_backup -- boolean value indicating whether backup shall be created
+ Return boolean value indicating whether function was successful.
+ """
+ plugins = sorted(plugins)
+ ssh, sftp = self.__open_sftp_session(compute.get_ip(), 'root')
+ plugins_to_enable = plugins[:]
+ for plugin in plugins:
+ plugin_file = '/usr/lib/collectd/{}.so'.format(plugin)
+ try:
+ sftp.stat(plugin_file)
+ except IOError:
+ self.__logger.debug(
+ 'Plugin file {0} not found on node {1}, plugin {2} will not be enabled'.format(
+ plugin_file, compute.get_id(), plugin))
+ error_plugins.append((plugin, 'plugin file {} not found'.format(plugin_file), True))
+ plugins_to_enable.remove(plugin)
+ self.__logger.debug('Following plugins will be enabled on node {}: {}'.format(
+ compute.get_id(), ', '.join(plugins_to_enable)))
+ try:
+ config = sftp.open(COLLECTD_CONF, mode='r')
+ except IOError:
+ self.__logger.warning(
+ 'Cannot open {} on node {}'.format(COLLECTD_CONF, compute.get_id()))
+ return False
+ in_lines = config.readlines()
+ out_lines = []
+ enabled_plugins = []
+ enabled_sections = []
+ in_section = 0
+ comment_section = False
+ uncomment_section = False
+ for line in in_lines:
+ if 'LoadPlugin' in line:
+ for plugin in plugins_to_enable:
+ if plugin in line:
+ commented = '#' in line
+ #list of uncommented lines which contain LoadPlugin for this plugin
+ loadlines = [
+ ll for ll in in_lines if 'LoadPlugin' in ll
+ and plugin in ll and '#' not in ll]
+ if len(loadlines) == 0:
+ if plugin not in enabled_plugins:
+ line = line.lstrip(string.whitespace + '#')
+ enabled_plugins.append(plugin)
+ error_plugins.append((
+ plugin, 'plugin not enabled in '
+ + '{}, trying to enable it'.format(COLLECTD_CONF), False))
+ elif not commented:
+ if plugin not in enabled_plugins:
+ enabled_plugins.append(plugin)
+ else:
+ line = '#' + line
+ error_plugins.append((
+ plugin, 'plugin enabled more than once '
+ + '(additional occurrence of LoadPlugin found in '
+ + '{}), trying to comment it out.'.format(
+ elif line.lstrip(string.whitespace + '#').find('<Plugin') == 0:
+ in_section += 1
+ for plugin in plugins_to_enable:
+ if plugin in line:
+ commented = '#' in line
+ #list of uncommented lines which contain Plugin for this plugin
+ pluginlines = [
+ pl for pl in in_lines if '<Plugin' in pl
+ and plugin in pl and '#' not in pl]
+ if len(pluginlines) == 0:
+ if plugin not in enabled_sections:
+ line = line[line.rfind('#') + 1:]
+ uncomment_section = True
+ enabled_sections.append(plugin)
+ error_plugins.append((
+ plugin, 'plugin section found in '
+ + '{}, but commented out, trying to uncomment it.'.format(
+ elif not commented:
+ if plugin not in enabled_sections:
+ enabled_sections.append(plugin)
+ else:
+ line = '#' + line
+ comment_section = True
+ error_plugins.append((
+ plugin,
+ 'additional occurrence of plugin section found in '
+ + '{}, trying to comment it out.'.format(COLLECTD_CONF),
+ False))
+ elif in_section > 0:
+ if comment_section and '#' not in line:
+ line = '#' + line
+ if uncomment_section and '#' in line:
+ line = line[line.rfind('#') + 1:]
+ if '</Plugin>' in line:
+ in_section -= 1
+ if in_section == 0:
+ comment_section = False
+ uncomment_section = False
+ elif '</Plugin>' in line:
+ self.__logger.error(
+ 'Unexpected closure os plugin section on line'
+ + ' {} in collectd.conf, matching section start not found.'.format(
+ len(out_lines) + 1))
+ return False
+ out_lines.append(line)
+ if in_section > 0:
+ self.__logger.error(
+ 'Unexpected end of file collectd.conf, '
+ + 'closure of last plugin section not found.')
+ return False
+ out_lines = [
+ 'LoadPlugin {}\n'.format(plugin) for plugin in plugins_to_enable
+ if plugin not in enabled_plugins] + out_lines
+ for plugin in plugins_to_enable:
+ if plugin not in enabled_plugins:
+ error_plugins.append((
+ plugin,
+ 'plugin not enabled in {}, trying to enable it.'.format(COLLECTD_CONF),
+ False))
+ unenabled_sections = [
+ plugin for plugin in plugins_to_enable if plugin not in enabled_sections]
+ if unenabled_sections:
+ self.__logger.error('Plugin sections for following plugins not found: {}'.format(
+ ', '.join(unenabled_sections)))
+ return False
+ config.close()
+ if create_backup:
+ self.__logger.info('Creating backup of collectd.conf...')
+ config = sftp.open(COLLECTD_CONF + '.backup', mode='w')
+ config.writelines(in_lines)
+ config.close()
+ self.__logger.info('Updating collectd.conf...')
+ config = sftp.open(COLLECTD_CONF, mode='w')
+ config.writelines(out_lines)
+ config.close()
+ diff_command = "diff {} {}.backup".format(COLLECTD_CONF, COLLECTD_CONF)
+ stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(diff_command)
+ self.__logger.debug(diff_command)
+ for line in stdout.readlines():
+ self.__logger.debug(line.strip())
+ return True
+ def restore_config(self, compute):
+ """Restore collectd config file from backup on compute node.
+ Keyword arguments:
+ compute -- compute node instance
+ """
+ ssh, sftp = self.__open_sftp_session(compute.get_ip(), 'root')
+ self.__logger.info('Restoring config file from backup...')
+ ssh.exec_command("cp {0} {0}.used".format(COLLECTD_CONF))
+ ssh.exec_command("cp {0}.backup {0}".format(COLLECTD_CONF))
+ def restart_collectd(self, compute):
+ """Restart collectd on compute node.
+ Keyword arguments:
+ compute -- compute node instance
+ Retrun tuple with boolean indicating success and list of warnings received
+ during collectd start.
+ """
+ def get_collectd_processes(ssh_session):
+ """Get number of running collectd processes.
+ Keyword arguments:
+ ssh_session -- instance of SSH session in which to check for processes
+ """
+ stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh_session.exec_command("pgrep collectd")
+ return len(stdout.readlines())
+ ssh, sftp = self.__open_sftp_session(compute.get_ip(), 'root')
+ self.__logger.info('Stopping collectd service...')
+ stdout = self.execute_command("service collectd stop", ssh=ssh)
+ time.sleep(10)
+ if get_collectd_processes(ssh):
+ self.__logger.error('Collectd is still running...')
+ return False, []
+ self.__logger.info('Starting collectd service...')
+ stdout = self.execute_command("service collectd start", ssh=ssh)
+ time.sleep(10)
+ warning = [output.strip() for output in stdout if 'WARN: ' in output]
+ if get_collectd_processes(ssh) == 0:
+ self.__logger.error('Collectd is still not running...')
+ return False, warning
+ return True, warning
diff --git a/baro_tests/tests.py b/baro_tests/tests.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..80335ad9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/baro_tests/tests.py
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+"""Function for testing collectd plug-ins with different oup plug-ins"""
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+#Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import time
+def test_ceilometer_node_sends_data(
+ node_id, interval, logger, client, criteria_list=[],
+ resource_id_substrings=['']):
+ """ Test that data reported by Ceilometer are updated in the given interval.
+ Keyword arguments:
+ node_id -- node ID
+ interval -- interval to check
+ logger -- logger instance
+ client -- CeilometerClient instance
+ criteria_list -- list of criteria used in ceilometer calls
+ resource_id_substrings -- list of substrings to search for in resource ID
+ Return boolean value indicating success or failure.
+ """
+ def _search_meterlist_latest_entry(meterlist, node_str, substr=''):
+ """Search for latest entry in meter list
+ Keyword arguments:
+ meterlist -- list of metrics
+ node_str -- name of node, which will be found in meter list
+ substr -- substring which will be found in meter list
+ Return latest entry from meter list which contains given node string
+ and (if defined) subsrting.
+ """
+ res = [entry for entry in meterlist if node_str in entry['resource_id']
+ and substr in entry['resource_id']]
+ if res:
+ return res[0]
+ else:
+ return []
+ client.auth_token()
+ timestamps = {}
+ node_str = 'node-{}'.format(node_id) if node_id else ''
+ logger.info('Searching for timestamps of latest entries{0}{1}{2}...'.format(
+ '' if node_str == '' else ' for {}'.format(node_str),
+ '' if len(criteria_list) == 0 else (' for criteria ' + ', '.join(criteria_list)),
+ '' if resource_id_substrings == [''] else ' and resource ID substrings "{}"'.format(
+ '", "'.join(resource_id_substrings))))
+ for criterion in criteria_list if len(criteria_list) > 0 else [None]:
+ meter_list = client.get_ceil_metrics(criterion)
+ for resource_id_substring in resource_id_substrings:
+ last_entry = _search_meterlist_latest_entry(meter_list, node_str, resource_id_substring)
+ if len(last_entry) == 0:
+ logger.error('Entry{0}{1}{2} not found'.format(
+ '' if node_str == '' else ' for {}'.format(node_str),
+ '' if criterion is None else 'for criterion {}'.format(criterion),
+ '' if resource_id_substring == ''
+ else 'and resource ID substring "{}"'.format(resource_id_substring)))
+ return False
+ timestamp = last_entry['timestamp']
+ logger.debug('Last entry found: {0} {1}'.format(timestamp, last_entry['resource_id']))
+ timestamps[(criterion, resource_id_substring)] = timestamp
+ attempt = 1
+ is_passed = False
+ while (attempt <= 10) and not is_passed:
+ is_passed = True
+ # wait Interval time + 2 sec for db update
+ sleep_time = interval + 2
+ if attempt > 1:
+ logger.info('Starting attempt {}'.format(attempt))
+ logger.info(
+ 'Sleeping for {} seconds to get updated entries '.format(sleep_time)
+ + '(interval is {} sec)...'.format(interval))
+ time.sleep(sleep_time)
+ logger.info('Searching for timestamps of latest entries{}{}{}...'.format(
+ '' if node_str == '' else ' for {}'.format(node_str),
+ '' if len(criteria_list) == 0 else (' for criteria ' + ', '.join(criteria_list)),
+ '' if resource_id_substrings == ['']
+ else ' and resource ID substrings "{}"'.format('", "'.join(resource_id_substrings))))
+ for criterion in criteria_list if len(criteria_list) > 0 else [None]:
+ meter_list = client.get_ceil_metrics(criterion)
+ for resource_id_substring in resource_id_substrings:
+ last_entry = _search_meterlist_latest_entry(
+ meter_list, node_str, resource_id_substring)
+ if len(last_entry) == 0:
+ logger.error('Entry{0}{1}{2} not found'.format(
+ '' if node_str == '' else ' for {}'.format(node_str),
+ '' if criterion is None else 'for criterion {}'.format(criterion),
+ '' if resource_id_substring == ''
+ else ' and resource ID substring "{}"'.format(resource_id_substring)))
+ return False
+ timestamp = last_entry['timestamp']
+ logger.debug('Last entry found: {} {}'.format(timestamp, last_entry['resource_id']))
+ if timestamp == timestamps[(criterion, resource_id_substring)]:
+ logger.warning(
+ 'Last entry{0}{1}{2} has the same timestamp as before the sleep'.format(
+ '' if node_str == '' else ' for {}'.format(node_str),
+ '' if resource_id_substring == ''
+ else ', substring "{}"'.format(resource_id_substring),
+ '' if criterion is None else ' for criterion {}'.format(criterion)))
+ is_passed = False
+ attempt += 1
+ if not is_passed:
+ logger.warning('After sleep new entries were not found.')
+ if not is_passed:
+ logger.error('This was the last attempt.')
+ return False
+ logger.info('All latest entries found.')
+ return True
+def test_csv_handles_plugin_data(
+ compute, interval, plugin, plugin_subdirs, meter_categories,
+ logger, client):
+ """Check that CSV data are updated by the plugin.
+ Keyword arguments:
+ compute -- object compute node
+ interval -- interval to check
+ plugin -- plugin which will be tested
+ plugin_subdirs -- list subdirectories in csv folder
+ meter_categories -- list of meter categories which will be tested
+ logger -- logger instance
+ client -- CSVClient instance
+ Return boolean value indicating success or failure.
+ """
+ logger.info('Getting CSV metrics of plugin {} on compute node {}...'.format(
+ plugin, compute.get_id()))
+ logger.debug('Interval: {}'.format(interval))
+ logger.debug('Plugin subdirs: {}'.format(plugin_subdirs))
+ logger.debug('Plugin meter categories: {}'.format(meter_categories))
+ plugin_metrics = client.get_csv_metrics(compute, plugin_subdirs, meter_categories)
+ if len(plugin_metrics) < len(plugin_subdirs) * len(meter_categories):
+ logger.error('Some plugin metrics not found')
+ return False
+ logger.info('Checking that last two entries in metrics are corresponding to interval...')
+ for metric in plugin_metrics:
+ logger.debug('{0} {1} {2} ... '.format(metric[0], metric[1], metric[2]))
+ if metric[3] - metric[2] != interval:
+ logger.error('Time of last two entries differ by {}, but interval is {}'.format(
+ metric[3] - metric[2], interval))
+ return False
+ else:
+ logger.debug('OK')
+ logger.info('OK')
+ # wait Interval time + 2 sec
+ sleep_time = interval + 2
+ logger.info(
+ 'Sleeping for {} seconds to get updated entries '.format(sleep_time)
+ + '(interval is {} sec)...'.format(interval))
+ time.sleep(sleep_time)
+ logger.info('Getting new metrics of compute node {}...'.format(compute.get_id()))
+ plugin_metrics2 = client.get_csv_metrics(compute, plugin_subdirs, meter_categories)
+ if len(plugin_metrics2) < len(plugin_subdirs) * len(meter_categories):
+ logger.error('Some plugin metrics not found')
+ return False
+ logger.info('Comparing old and new metrics...')
+ logger.debug(plugin_metrics)
+ logger.debug(plugin_metrics2)
+ if len(plugin_metrics) != len(plugin_metrics2):
+ logger.error('Plugin metrics length before and after sleep differ')
+ return False
+ for i in range(len(plugin_metrics2)):
+ logger.debug('{0} {1} {2} - {3} {4} {5} ... '.format(
+ plugin_metrics[i][0], plugin_metrics[i][1], plugin_metrics[i][2], plugin_metrics2[i][0],
+ plugin_metrics2[i][1], plugin_metrics2[i][2]))
+ if plugin_metrics[i] == plugin_metrics2[i]:
+ logger.error('FAIL')
+ return False
+ else:
+ logger.debug('OK')
+ logger.info('OK')
+ return True
diff --git a/baro_utils/get_ssh_keys.sh b/baro_utils/get_ssh_keys.sh
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..f90c32c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/baro_utils/get_ssh_keys.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+#Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+mkdir -p /home/opnfv/.ssh/
+scp root@"$INSTALLER_IP":/root/.ssh/* /home/opnfv/.ssh/