path: root/patches/opnfv-fuel/0006-virtual_fuel-initial-support-for-remote-libvirt.patch
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Diffstat (limited to 'patches/opnfv-fuel/0006-virtual_fuel-initial-support-for-remote-libvirt.patch')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 233 deletions
diff --git a/patches/opnfv-fuel/0006-virtual_fuel-initial-support-for-remote-libvirt.patch b/patches/opnfv-fuel/0006-virtual_fuel-initial-support-for-remote-libvirt.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index f6a0f859..00000000
--- a/patches/opnfv-fuel/0006-virtual_fuel-initial-support-for-remote-libvirt.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,233 +0,0 @@
-From: Josep Puigdemont <josep.puigdemont@enea.com>
-Date: Wed, 4 May 2016 14:27:23 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH] virtual_fuel: initial support for remote libvirt
-With this patch it should be possible to create a fuel VM on a remote
-libvirt server by properly defining the LIBVIRT_DEFAULT_URI [1]
-environment variable. If the variable is not defined, then there should
-be no percievable change in behaviour for the script.
-This patch introduces the ability to create volumes (images) on a
-remote libvirt host where the Fuel VM is to be deployed. For now
-the volumes are created by default in a pool named jenkins, but
-the idea is to allow this to be configured, probably in the POD's
-DHA file.
-Since all virsh commands honor LIBVIRT_DEFAULT_URI, we use this
-environment variable to detect wheter we should create a volume or not.
-The rationale being that the variable will only be set if the user wants
-to to do the VM deployment on a remote libvirt host.
-We need to create a volume because we can not rely on being able to
-access the remote server's file system directly.
-The images are then transferred to the libvirt host using virsh
-commands. All this could also be done using scp and a user directory
-on the host machine, but using pools allows us to take advantage of
-libvirt's policies and file permissions.
-CHANGE: when LIBVIRT_DEFAULT_URI is defined, the script will not check
-for the presence of the required PXE bridge. This will still be checked
-when the Fuel VM is started and the bridge not found, but this happens
-at a later point than it does today.
-CHANGE: before this patch, the file system image was named like the VM:
-vm_name.raw. This patch introduces a change and adds a timestamp suffix
-to the image: vm_name-timestamp.raw. This is so to avoid collisions with
-an image with the same name on the remote pool (two PODs may be using
-the same pool). It may also be useful to keep around old file system
-FIXME: This patch requires a pool named "jenkins" in the remote libvirt
-server, and it will fail if it is not present. This should be
-Notice though that we can still define LIBVIRT_DEFAULT_URI as
-"qemu:///system" to create the Fuel VM on the local host.
-[1] https://libvirt.org/remote.html#Remote_URI_reference
-Change-Id: I40925ed31337d3ad9cf505f284f5c3d14e9129a0
-Signed-off-by: Josep Puigdemont <josep.puigdemont@enea.com>
- deploy/deploy.py | 5 +++
- deploy/dha_adapters/libvirt_adapter.py | 31 +++++++++++++++++++
- deploy/environments/virtual_fuel.py | 56 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
- deploy/install_fuel_master.py | 8 +++--
- 4 files changed, 95 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/deploy/deploy.py b/deploy/deploy.py
-index 742e76b..179ee7b 100755
---- a/deploy/deploy.py
-+++ b/deploy/deploy.py
-@@ -245,6 +245,11 @@ class AutoDeploy(object):
- def check_bridge(pxe_bridge, dha_path):
-+ # Assume that bridges on remote nodes exists, we could ssh but
-+ # the remote user might not have a login shell.
-+ if os.environ.get('LIBVIRT_DEFAULT_URI'):
-+ return
- with io.open(dha_path) as yaml_file:
- dha_struct = yaml.load(yaml_file)
- if dha_struct['adapter'] != 'libvirt':
-diff --git a/deploy/dha_adapters/libvirt_adapter.py b/deploy/dha_adapters/libvirt_adapter.py
-index 85913ac..466f134 100644
---- a/deploy/dha_adapters/libvirt_adapter.py
-+++ b/deploy/dha_adapters/libvirt_adapter.py
-@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
- from lxml import etree
- from hardware_adapter import HardwareAdapter
- import tempfile
-+import os
- from common import (
- log,
-@@ -23,6 +24,15 @@ DEV = {'pxe': 'network',
- 'disk': 'hd',
- 'iso': 'cdrom'}
-+VOL_XML_TEMPLATE = '''<volume type='file'>
-+ <name>{name}</name>
-+ <capacity unit='{unit}'>{size!s}</capacity>
-+ <target>
-+ <format type='{format_type}'/>
-+ </target>
-+DEFAULT_POOL = 'jenkins'
- class LibvirtAdapter(HardwareAdapter):
-@@ -140,3 +150,24 @@ class LibvirtAdapter(HardwareAdapter):
- def get_virt_net_conf_dir(self):
- return self.dha_struct['virtNetConfDir']
-+ def upload_iso(self, iso_file):
-+ size = os.path.getsize(iso_file)
-+ vol_name = os.path.basename(iso_file)
-+ vol_xml = VOL_XML_TEMPLATE.format(name=vol_name, unit='bytes',
-+ size=size, format_type='raw')
-+ fd, fname = tempfile.mkstemp(text=True, suffix='deploy')
-+ os.write(fd, vol_xml)
-+ os.close(fd)
-+ log(vol_xml)
-+ exec_cmd('virsh vol-create --pool %s %s' % (pool, fname))
-+ vol_path = exec_cmd('virsh vol-path --pool %s %s' % (pool, vol_name))
-+ exec_cmd('virsh vol-upload %s %s' % (vol_path, iso_file),
-+ attempts=5, delay=10, verbose=True)
-+ delete(fname)
-+ return vol_path
-diff --git a/deploy/environments/virtual_fuel.py b/deploy/environments/virtual_fuel.py
-index ac5fc53..f9f9f7a 100644
---- a/deploy/environments/virtual_fuel.py
-+++ b/deploy/environments/virtual_fuel.py
-@@ -11,14 +11,36 @@
- from lxml import etree
- from execution_environment import ExecutionEnvironment
- import tempfile
-+import os
-+import re
-+import time
- from common import (
- exec_cmd,
- check_file_exists,
- check_if_root,
- delete,
-+ log,
- )
-+VOL_XML_TEMPLATE = '''<volume type='file'>
-+ <name>{name}</name>
-+ <capacity unit='{unit}'>{size!s}</capacity>
-+ <target>
-+ <format type='{format_type}'/>
-+ </target>
-+DEFAULT_POOL = 'jenkins'
-+def get_size_and_unit(s):
-+ p = re.compile('^(\d+)\s*(\D+)')
-+ m = p.match(s)
-+ if m == None:
-+ return None, None
-+ size = m.groups()[0]
-+ unit = m.groups()[1]
-+ return size, unit
- class VirtualFuel(ExecutionEnvironment):
-@@ -55,14 +77,42 @@ class VirtualFuel(ExecutionEnvironment):
- with open(temp_vm_file, 'w') as f:
- vm_xml.write(f, pretty_print=True, xml_declaration=True)
-+ def create_volume(self, pool, name, su, img_type='qcow2'):
-+ log('Creating image using Libvirt volumes in pool %s, name: %s' %
-+ (pool, name))
-+ size, unit = get_size_and_unit(su)
-+ if size == None:
-+ err('Could not determine size and unit of %s' % s)
-+ vol_xml = VOL_XML_TEMPLATE.format(name=name, unit=unit, size=size,
-+ format_type=img_type)
-+ fname = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, '%s_vol.xml' % name)
-+ with file(fname, 'w') as f:
-+ f.write(vol_xml)
-+ exec_cmd('virsh vol-create --pool %s %s' % (pool, fname))
-+ vol_path = exec_cmd('virsh vol-path --pool %s %s' % (pool, name))
-+ delete(fname)
-+ return vol_path
- def create_image(self, disk_path, disk_size):
-- exec_cmd('qemu-img create -f qcow2 %s %s' % (disk_path, disk_size))
-+ if os.environ.get('LIBVIRT_DEFAULT_URI') == None:
-+ exec_cmd('qemu-img create -f qcow2 %s %s' % (disk_path, disk_size))
-+ else:
-+ name = os.path.basename(disk_path)
-+ disk_path = self.create_volume(pool, name, disk_size)
-+ return disk_path
- def create_vm(self):
-- disk_path = '%s/%s.raw' % (self.storage_dir, self.vm_name)
-+ stamp = time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
-+ disk_path = '%s/%s-%s.raw' % (self.storage_dir, self.vm_name, stamp)
- disk_sizes = self.dha.get_disks()
- disk_size = disk_sizes['fuel']
-- self.create_image(disk_path, disk_size)
-+ disk_path = self.create_image(disk_path, disk_size)
- temp_vm_file = '%s/%s' % (self.temp_dir, self.vm_name)
- exec_cmd('cp %s %s' % (self.vm_template, temp_vm_file))
-diff --git a/deploy/install_fuel_master.py b/deploy/install_fuel_master.py
-index 631bf99..5adccef 100644
---- a/deploy/install_fuel_master.py
-+++ b/deploy/install_fuel_master.py
-@@ -54,8 +54,12 @@ class InstallFuelMaster(object):
- self.dha.node_power_off(self.fuel_node_id)
-- log('Zero the MBR')
-- self.dha.node_zero_mbr(self.fuel_node_id)
-+ if os.environ.get('LIBVIRT_DEFAULT_URI'):
-+ log('Upload ISO to pool')
-+ self.iso_file = self.dha.upload_iso(self.iso_file)
-+ else:
-+ log('Zero the MBR')
-+ self.dha.node_zero_mbr(self.fuel_node_id)
- self.dha.node_set_boot_order(self.fuel_node_id, ['disk', 'iso'])