path: root/lib
diff options
authorTim Rozet <>2015-12-17 16:59:05 -0500
committerDan Radez <>2016-01-06 13:22:07 -0500
commit37dffdb77dc1424b45fa1fac8a8eebda846b107e (patch)
tree5d37ab2270ebc3e13a0cd5e79fdf72c4ac3caeeb /lib
parentd71330a6abf114050893d52497a5de05c19d70e1 (diff)
Adds some network parsing for baremetal deployments and other fixes
Changes include: - Fixes Intel Pod 2 inventory file - Check for DHCP server on the host and disable - Adds realistic+common network-settings file - Modifies baremetal deployments to bridge to correct interface - Adds private/storage network OVS bridges - Parses network-settings into valid network-environment variables - If certain network-settings are missing they will be auto-detected Note: The actual settings set forth for deployment only include admin/external networks at the moment. Private/storage networks will be handled in an upcoming patch. JIRA: APEX-50 Change-Id: I0a1a86f37c08702a93fe167688c3149ba5573db4 Signed-off-by: Tim Rozet <>
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
1 files changed, 314 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9aa97e87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Common Functions used by OPNFV Apex
+# author: Tim Rozet (
+##find ip of interface
+##params: interface name
+function find_ip {
+ ip addr show $1 | grep -Eo '^\s+inet\s+[\.0-9]+' | awk '{print $2}'
+##finds subnet of ip and netmask
+##params: ip, netmask
+function find_subnet {
+ IFS=. read -r i1 i2 i3 i4 <<< "$1"
+ IFS=. read -r m1 m2 m3 m4 <<< "$2"
+ printf "%d.%d.%d.%d\n" "$((i1 & m1))" "$((i2 & m2))" "$((i3 & m3))" "$((i4 & m4))"
+##verify subnet has at least n IPs
+##params: subnet mask, n IPs
+function verify_subnet_size {
+ IFS=. read -r i1 i2 i3 i4 <<< "$1"
+ num_ips_required=$2
+ ##this function assumes you would never need more than 254
+ ##we check here to make sure
+ if [ "$num_ips_required" -ge 254 ]; then
+ echo -e "\n\n${red}ERROR: allocating more than 254 IPs is unsupported...Exiting${reset}\n\n"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ ##we just return if 3rd octet is not 255
+ ##because we know the subnet is big enough
+ if [ "$i3" -ne 255 ]; then
+ return 0
+ elif [ $((254-$i4)) -ge "$num_ips_required" ]; then
+ return 0
+ else
+ echo -e "\n\n${red}ERROR: Subnet is too small${reset}\n\n"
+ return 1
+ fi
+##finds last usable ip (broadcast minus 1) of a subnet from an IP and netmask
+## Warning: This function only works for IPv4 at the moment.
+##params: ip, netmask
+function find_last_ip_subnet {
+ IFS=. read -r i1 i2 i3 i4 <<< "$1"
+ IFS=. read -r m1 m2 m3 m4 <<< "$2"
+ IFS=. read -r s1 s2 s3 s4 <<< "$((i1 & m1)).$((i2 & m2)).$((i3 & m3)).$((i4 & m4))"
+ printf "%d.%d.%d.%d\n" "$((255 - $m1 + $s1))" "$((255 - $m2 + $s2))" "$((255 - $m3 + $s3))" "$((255 - $m4 + $s4 - 1))"
+##increments subnet by a value
+##params: ip, value
+##assumes low value
+function increment_subnet {
+ IFS=. read -r i1 i2 i3 i4 <<< "$1"
+ printf "%d.%d.%d.%d\n" "$i1" "$i2" "$i3" "$((i4 | $2))"
+##finds netmask of interface
+##params: interface
+##returns long format 255.255.x.x
+function find_netmask {
+ ifconfig $1 | grep -Eo 'netmask\s+[\.0-9]+' | awk '{print $2}'
+##finds short netmask of interface
+##params: interface
+##returns short format, ex: /21
+function find_short_netmask {
+ echo "/$(ip addr show $1 | grep -Eo '^\s+inet\s+[\/\.0-9]+' | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d / -f2)"
+##increments next IP
+##params: ip
+##assumes a /24 subnet
+function next_ip {
+ baseaddr="$(echo $1 | cut -d. -f1-3)"
+ lsv="$(echo $1 | cut -d. -f4)"
+ if [ "$lsv" -ge 254 ]; then
+ return 1
+ fi
+ ((lsv++))
+ echo $baseaddr.$lsv
+##subtracts a value from an IP address
+##params: last ip, ip_count
+##assumes ip_count is less than the last octect of the address
+subtract_ip() {
+ IFS=. read -r i1 i2 i3 i4 <<< "$1"
+ ip_count=$2
+ if [ $i4 -lt $ip_count ]; then
+ echo -e "\n\n${red}ERROR: Can't subtract $ip_count from IP address $1 Exiting${reset}\n\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ printf "%d.%d.%d.%d\n" "$i1" "$i2" "$i3" "$((i4 - $ip_count ))"
+##check if IP is in use
+##params: ip
+##ping ip to get arp entry, then check arp
+function is_ip_used {
+ ping -c 5 $1 > /dev/null 2>&1
+ arp -n | grep "$1 " | grep -iv incomplete > /dev/null 2>&1
+##find next usable IP
+##params: ip
+function next_usable_ip {
+ new_ip=$(next_ip $1)
+ while [ "$new_ip" ]; do
+ if ! is_ip_used $new_ip; then
+ echo $new_ip
+ return 0
+ fi
+ new_ip=$(next_ip $new_ip)
+ done
+ return 1
+##increment ip by value
+##params: ip, amount to increment by
+##increment_ip $next_private_ip 10
+function increment_ip {
+ baseaddr="$(echo $1 | cut -d. -f1-3)"
+ lsv="$(echo $1 | cut -d. -f4)"
+ incrval=$2
+ lsv=$((lsv+incrval))
+ if [ "$lsv" -ge 254 ]; then
+ return 1
+ fi
+ echo $baseaddr.$lsv
+##finds gateway on system
+##params: interface to validate gateway on (optional)
+##find_gateway em1
+function find_gateway {
+ local gw gw_interface
+ gw=$(ip route | grep default | awk '{print $3}')
+ gw_interface=$(ip route get $gw | awk '{print $3}')
+ if [ -n "$1" ]; then
+ if [ "$gw_interface" == "$1" ]; then
+ echo ${gw}
+ fi
+ fi
+##finds subnet in CIDR notation for interface
+##params: interface to find CIDR
+function find_cidr {
+ local cidr network ip netmask short_mask
+ ip=$(find_ip $1)
+ netmask=$(find_netmask $1)
+ if [[ -z "$ip" || -z "$netmask" ]]; then
+ return 1
+ fi
+ network=$(find_subnet ${ip} ${netamsk})
+ short_mask=$(find_short_netmask $1)
+ if [[ -z "$network" || -z "$short_mask" ]]; then
+ return 1
+ fi
+ cidr="${subnet}'\'${short_mask}"
+ echo ${cidr}
+##finds block of usable IP addresses for an interface
+##simply returns at the moment the correct format
+##after first 20 IPs, and leave 20 IPs at end of subnet (for floating ips, etc)
+##params: interface to find IP
+function find_usable_ip_range {
+ local interface_ip subnet_mask first_block_ip last_block_ip
+ interface_ip=$(find_ip $1)
+ subnet_mask=$(find_netmask $1)
+ if [[ -z "$interface_ip" || -z "$subnet_mask" ]]; then
+ return 1
+ fi
+ interface_ip=$(increment_ip ${interface_ip} 20)
+ first_block_ip=$(next_usable_ip ${interface_ip})
+ if [ -z "$first_block_ip" ]; then
+ return 1
+ fi
+ last_block_ip=$(find_last_ip_subnet ${interface_ip} ${subnet_mask})
+ if [ -z "$last_block_ip" ]; then
+ return 1
+ else
+ last_block_ip=$(subtract_ip ${last_block_ip} 20)
+ echo "${first_block_ip},${last_block_ip}"
+ fi
+##generates usable IP range in correct format based on CIDR
+##assumes the first 20 IPs are used (by instack or otherwise)
+##params: cidr
+function generate_usable_ip_range {
+ local first_ip first_block_ip last_block_ip
+ first_ip=$(ipcalc -nb $1 | grep HostMin: | grep -Eo "[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+")
+ first_block_ip=$(increment_ip ${first_ip} 20)
+ last_block_ip=$(ipcalc -nb $1 | grep HostMax: | grep -Eo "[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+")
+ if [[ -z "$first_block_ip" || -z "$last_block_ip" ]]; then
+ return 1
+ else
+ last_block_ip=$(subtract_ip ${last_block_ip} 20)
+ echo "${first_block_ip},${last_block_ip}"
+ fi
+##find the instack IP address
+##finds first usable IP on subnet
+##params: interface
+function find_provisioner_ip {
+ local interface_ip
+ interface_ip=$(find_ip $1)
+ if [ -z "$interface_ip" ]; then
+ return 1
+ fi
+ echo $(increment_ip ${interface_ip} 1)
+##generates instack IP address based on CIDR
+##params: cidr
+function generate_provisioner_ip {
+ local provisioner_ip
+ provisioner_ip=$(ipcalc -nb $1 | grep HostMin: | grep -Eo "[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+")
+##finds the dhcp range available via interface
+##uses first 8 IPs, after 2nd IP
+##params: interface
+function find_dhcp_range {
+ local dhcp_range_start dhcp_range_end interface_ip
+ interface_ip=$(find_ip $1)
+ if [ -z "$interface_ip" ]; then
+ return 1
+ fi
+ dhcp_range_start=$(increment_ip ${interface_ip} 2)
+ dhcp_range_end=$(increment_ip ${dhcp_range_start} 8)
+ echo "${dhcp_range_start},${dhcp_range_end}"
+##generates the dhcp range available via CIDR
+##uses first 8 IPs, after 1st IP
+##params: cidr
+function generate_dhcp_range {
+ local dhcp_range_start dhcp_range_end first_ip
+ first_ip=$(ipcalc -nb $1 | grep HostMin: | grep -Eo "[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+")
+ if [ -z "$first_ip" ]; then
+ return 1
+ fi
+ dhcp_range_start=$(increment_ip ${first_ip} 1)
+ dhcp_range_end=$(increment_ip ${dhcp_range_start} 8)
+ echo "${dhcp_range_start},${dhcp_range_end}"
+##finds the introspection range available via interface
+##uses 8 IPs, after the first 10 IPs
+##params: interface
+function find_introspection_range {
+ local inspect_range_start inspect_range_end interface_ip
+ interface_ip=$(find_ip $1)
+ if [ -z "$interface_ip" ]; then
+ return 1
+ fi
+ inspect_range_start=$(increment_ip ${interface_ip} 10)
+ inspect_range_end=$(increment_ip ${inspect_range_start} 8)
+ echo "${inspect_range_start},${inspect_range_end}"
+##generate the introspection range available via CIDR
+##uses 8 IPs, after the first 10 IPs
+##params: cidr
+function generate_introspection_range {
+ local inspect_range_start inspect_range_end first_ip
+ first_ip=$(ipcalc -nb $1 | grep HostMin: | grep -Eo "[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+")
+ if [ -z "$first_ip" ]; then
+ return 1
+ fi
+ inspect_range_start=$(increment_ip ${first_ip} 10)
+ inspect_range_end=$(increment_ip ${inspect_range_start} 8)
+ echo "${inspect_range_start},${inspect_range_end}"
+##finds the floating ip range available via interface
+##uses last 20 IPs of a subnet
+##params: interface
+function find_floating_ip_range {
+ local float_range_start float_range_end interface_ip subnet_mask
+ interface_ip=$(find_ip $1)
+ subnet_mask=$(find_netmask $1)
+ if [[ -z "$interface_ip" || -z "$subnet_mask" ]]; then
+ return 1
+ fi
+ float_range_end=$(find_last_ip_subnet ${interface_ip} ${subnet_mask})
+ float_range_start=$(subtract_ip ${float_range_end} 19)
+ echo "${float_range_start},${float_range_end}"
+##generate the floating range available via CIDR
+##uses last 20 IPs of subnet
+##params: cidr
+function generate_floating_ip_range {
+ local float_range_start float_range_end last_ip
+ last_ip=$(ipcalc -nb $1 | grep HostMax: | grep -Eo "[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+")
+ if [ -z "$last_ip" ]; then
+ return 1
+ fi
+ float_range_start=$(subtract_ip ${last_ip} 19)
+ float_range_end=${last_ip}
+ echo "${float_range_start},${float_range_end}"