path: root/puppet/hieradata/volume.yaml
blob: f4cd78a91aa2c993eea372d66c9ecf60efa291e4 (plain)
# Hiera data here applies to all volume storage nodes

# cinder
cinder::scheduler::scheduler_driver: cinder.scheduler.filter_scheduler.FilterScheduler

    value: 'compute:Compute Service:internalURL'
    value: 'object-store:swift:internalURL'

volume_classes: []
{ color: #336699 } /* Name.Variable.Magic */ .highlight .il { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Integer.Long */ }
#                                              Date: <22/08/2016> Version: <1.1>                                           #

Feature:  Attach Procedure With IP Address Allocation Via NAS Signalling Indication in PCO

@attach-procedure @TS_24_301 @24_301_5_5 @24_301_5_5_1_2_2 @TS_24_368 @24_368_4 @24_368-5_4 @Series-0000
@TS_36_523_9_2_1_1_3 @Attach_Procedure_IP_Address_Allocation_Via_NAS_Signalling @PCO

Scenario: Attach Procedure indicating IP address allocation via NAS signalling in the protocol configuration options

Given all configured endpoints for SSH are connected successfully

Given the steps below will be executed at the end
When I stop S1AP simulator on node ABOT
When I run the SSH command "sudo service mme_gw restart" on node MME
Given the execution is paused for {abotprop.WAIT_10_SEC} seconds
Then the ending steps are complete

# Set ABOT configuration
Given that I setup S1AP Simulator with default parameters specified in {abotprop.ABOT.EPC.Defaults} on node ABOT
Given that I setup S1AP Simulator with USIM parameter "ABOT.UE.USIM.AttachWithImsi=true" on node ABOT

Given that I setup S1AP Simulator with UE parameter "ABOT.UE.CONFIG.PCO.IP_ADDR_NAS_SIGNALING=true" on node ABOT

# Execute ABOT S1AP Simulator
When I run S1AP simulator on node ABOT with 1 UE

# Wait for execution to complete before checking results
Given the execution is paused for {abotprop.WAIT_10_SEC} seconds

# Validate Test Case Execution at Simulator
Then I receive S1AP response on node ABOT and verify the presence of all the following values:
| responseResult                                                                                 | existence               |
| Send Attach Request message with IMSI                                                          | {string:nocase:present} |
| Send PDN Connectivity Request message with IP address allocation via NAS signalling            | {string:nocase:present} |
| Received Authentication Request message                                                        | {string:nocase:present} |
| Send Authentication Response message                                                           | {string:nocase:present} |
| Received Authentication Request message                                                        | {string:nocase:present} |
| Send Authentication Response message                                                           | {string:nocase:present} |
| Received Security Mode Command message                                                         | {string:nocase:present} |
| Send Security Mode Complete message                                                            | {string:nocase:present} |
| Received Attach Accept message                                                                 | {string:nocase:present} |
| Received Activate Default EPS Bearer Context Request message with PCO contain Protocol ID 000A | {string:nocase:present} |
CbMNoz SJDxDUSM/HFVs6atF1M3DY9oN65hSVnu4uy5Tu6asf6k4rhAyk0z4+pRcPBCu2vq mnGi3COM/+9PShrEKeVOx5W2vRJywUFuq8EDvQnRoJ0GvM28JiJIanw17YwIPxhg BKZVpZjan5X+ihVMXwA2h/G/FS5Omhd50RqV6LWSYs94VJJgYqHx8UMm7izcxI+P ct3IcbD195bPbJ+SbuiFe45ZLsdY1MyGiU2BABEBAAG0K0VuZWEgQXJtYmFuZCBE ZXZvcHMgVGVhbSA8YXJtYmFuZEBlbmVhLmNvbT6JATgEEwECACICGwMGCwkIBwMC BhUIAgkKCwQWAgMBAh4BAheABQJaY3bYAAoJEN6rkLp5irHRoQMH/0PYl0A/6eWw nQ/szhEFrr76Ln6wA4vEO+PiuWj9kTkZM2NaCnkisrIuHSPIVvOLfFmztbE6sKGe t+a2b7Jqw48DZ/gq508aZE4Q307ookxdCOrzIu/796hFO34yXg3sqZoJh3VmKIjY 4DL8yG1iAiQ5vOw3IFWQnATwIZUgaCcjmE7HGap+9ePuJfFuQ8mIG5cy28t8qocx AB/B2tucfBMwomYxKqgbLI5AG7iSt58ajvrrNa9f8IX7Ihj/jiuXhUwX+geEp98K IWVI1ftEthZvfBpZW4BS98J4z//dEPi31L4jb9RQXq3afF2RpXchDeUN85bW45nu W/9PMAlgE/U= =m+zE -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- {%- endif %} machines: {%- set pxe_interface = conf.idf.net_config.admin.interface %} {#- We only support exactly 5 nodes for now, hardcoded order #} {%- set node_roles = ['kvm01', 'kvm02', 'kvm03', 'cmp001', 'cmp002'] %} {%- for node in conf.nodes %} {%- if node.node.type == 'baremetal' %} {{ node_roles[loop.index0] }}: interface: mac: {{ node.interfaces[pxe_interface].mac_address }} power_parameters: power_address: {{ node.remote_management.address.rsplit('/')[0] }} power_password: {{ node.remote_management.pass }} power_type: {{ node.remote_management.type }} power_user: {{ node.remote_management.user }} architecture: {{ node.node.arch | dpkg_arch }}/generic distro_series: xenial hwe_kernel: ${_param:hwe_kernel} {%- if loop.index0 >= node_roles.index('cmp001') %} disk_layout: type: lvm root_device: sda volume_group: vgroot volume_name: lvroot volume_size: 100 {%- endif %} {%- endif %} {%- endfor %} salt_master_ip: ${_param:reclass_config_master} domain: ${_param:cluster_domain} maas_config: commissioning_distro_series: 'xenial' default_distro_series: 'xenial' default_osystem: 'ubuntu' default_storage_layout: 'lvm' enable_http_proxy: true disk_erase_with_secure_erase: false dnssec_validation: 'no' enable_third_party_drivers: true network_discovery: 'enabled' default_min_hwe_kernel: ${_param:hwe_kernel} cluster: saltstack_repo_xenial: "http://repo.saltstack.com/apt/ubuntu/16.04/amd64/2016.11/ xenial main" linux: network: interface: mcpcontrol_interface: enabled: true name: ${_param:mcpcontrol_interface} type: eth proto: dhcp primary_interface: enabled: true name: ${_param:primary_interface} mtu: ${_param:interface_mtu} proto: static address: ${_param:infra_maas_node01_address} netmask: ${_param:opnfv_net_mgmt_mask} type: eth pxe_admin_interface: enabled: true name: ${_param:pxe_admin_interface} mtu: ${_param:pxe_admin_interface_mtu} proto: static address: ${_param:single_address} netmask: ${_param:opnfv_net_admin_mask} type: eth